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Report - Responses PDF

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✓ 1. This Constitutional Amendment amended Articles 13 and 368. It also provided the Parliament with the power to amend any part
of the constitution including Fundamental Rights.
1/1 25th
24th ✓

✓ 2. Which of the following infamous case deals primarily with the article 18 of the Indian Constitution?

Points: Champak Dorairajan v. State of Madras 1951

1/1 Madhav Jiwaji Rao Scindia v. Union of India 1970 ✓
Rajagopal v. State of TamilNadu 1994
Subramanian Swamy v. Union of India 2016

✓ 3. What is the tenure of Chief Election Commissioner/ Election Commissioners?

Points: 5 years
1/1 4 years
6 years ✓
10 years

✓ 4. Which of the following amendment Act makes the right to education as the fundamental right to all the children under the age of
6-14 years by inserting Article 21A to the constitution.
1/1 87th
86th ✓

✓ 5. Which among the following is the latest addition in the preamble of the Constitution of India?

Points: Sovereign democratic republic

1/1 Unity of the nation
Justice, Liberty and Equality
None of the above ✓

✘ 6. As per the Indian Penal Code, which of the following option is related to the offense of causing miscarriage?

Points: Section 312 ✘

0/1 Section 313
Section 314
All of the above ✓
✓ 7. A family had a kid after many years. Once during pregnancy the wife went to the Doctor for Sex Determination test and the sex
was determined to be a female. The child is born, today. The family was delighted and they celebrated. However, in 2025, the
Points: police came to arrest the wife. The child killed the policemen. What offence has the child committed?
Wife should be arrested for sex determination as it is an offence
Child has committed the offence of Murder
Child has committed culpable homicide not amounting to Murder
No offence has been committed by the child ✓

✓ 8. The ruling laid down various guidelines for state and central investigation agencies regarding arrests and detention inter alia.
Further it held that torture or inhumane behaviour leads to violation of Article 21. Which case is being discussed?
1/1 D.K. Basu v. State of West Bengal ✓
PUCL v. Union of India
Centre for Civil Society v. Union of India
Suresh Kaushal v. NCT of Delhi

✓ 9. In calculating fractions of terms of punishment, [imprisonment] for life shall be reckoned as equivalent to [imprisonment] for
_____ years.
1/1 17
20 ✓

✘ 10. Which of the following provision of IPC 1880 deals with Dowry Death?

Points: 304B ✘
0/1 304A
None ✓

✓ 11. In case where silence is fraudulent but the other party can discover the truth by ordinary diligence, then in that case the
contract is
1/1 Void
Valid ✓
None of the above

✓ 12. In India the doctrine of impossibility of performance of a contract being void, is based on

Points: The theory of implied term

1/1 The theory of just and reasonable solution
The principle of unjust enrichment
Section 56 of the Indian Contract act ✓

✓ 13. Which of the following feature is not essential for a contract?

Points: It should be in writing only ✓

1/1 Free consent of parties competent to contract
Lawful consideration necessarily and with a Lawful object
It should not be declared void expressly
✘ 14. X transfers possession or custody of the farmland to his son, S. S shall pay rent or a lease fee in return. S only receives
custody and control of the property, but X still owns it. X is thus responsible for paying the property taxes and is liable for what
Points: happens on the land. This kind of contract or arrangement is called:
Pledge ✘
Bailment ✓
Set off

✓ 15. A minor having ample supply of clothes according to his position, bought number of new dresses including eleven fancy waist-
coasts. In which of the following case, these were held not to be necessaries?
1/1 Nash v. Inman ✓
Chappel v. Cooper
Balfour v. Balfour
Cooper v. Harbinger

✘ 16. Even if the harm to the plaintiff has been caused maliciously no action can lie for the same unless the plaintiff can prove that he
has suffered legal injuries. The fact that the defendant possibly acted with an ill motive had no bearing on the case. In which one of
Points: the following cases was thisprinciple enunciated?
Christie v. Davey
Re Polemis Case ✘
Bradford Corporation v. Pickles ✓
Balfour v. Nightingale

✓ 17. Which of the following is an example of Trespass?

1/1 A walks into B’s dining hall, who has invited him over a dinner
Ram walks in front of Shyam’s house, staying on the sidewalk
A borrows B’s car after A asks B to go to the store to pick up some milk
None of the above ✓

✓ 18. Which of the following cases is related to the exception to the application of volenti non fit injuria based on rescue cases

Points: Haynes v. Harwood ✓

1/1 Ashby v. White
Gloucester Grammar School Case
All of the above

✘ 19. Defendant in a civil case must take full responsibility for all the damages that they caused to the victim, regardless of the fact
that the particular Plaintiff was more susceptible than a normal person may have been and thus the result was not foreseeable.
0/1 Eggshell theory ✓
Compensatory damages theory
Full responsibility Doctrine
No excuse breach concept ✘
✘ 20. The plaintiff, a lady, visits a restaurant, was injured by ceiling fan which fell on her. The reason for falling of the fan was latent
defect In the metal of rod of the fan. In an action against the defendant, he is
0/1 Not liable because injury was not foreseeable ✓
Liable because the doctrine of ‘res ipsa loquitur’ ✘
Liable because of the last opportunity rule
Liable because the injury was foreseeable

✘ 21. The Court’s seal is inspired from the Sarnath Lion capital of Ashoka with 24 Spokes. What is the motto of the Apex Court of
0/1 Satyamev Jayate ✘
Satya Vijayi Vijaya
Yato Dharmastato Jayah ✓
Nyaya Rakshati Rakshata

✘ 22. The present premises of the Supreme Court became the official premises of the Supreme Court in which of the following year?

Points: 1950 ✘
0/1 1954
1958 ✓

✘ 23. As according to the recent Amendment to the Supreme Court Rules 2013, the strength of the Apex Court is all set to increase
to how much from December 2020?
0/1 39
43 ✘
None of the above ✓

✘ 24. Who is the longest serving Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India?

Points: Justice Y.V. Chandrachud ✓

0/1 Justice D.Y. Chandrachud
Justice H.J. Kania
Justice P.N. Bhagwati ✘

✓ 25. Which of the following is/are known as a Court of Record?

Points: High Courts

1/1 Supreme Court
All Courts in India established under the authority of the Supreme Court
The High Courts and the Supreme Court ✓

✘ 26. Which kind of talaq is irrevocable in nature?

Points: Talaq-ul-Biddat ✓
0/1 Talaq Ahsan
Talaq Hasan ✘
✓ 27. The Dayabhaga school of Hindu law fundamentally differs from ‘Mitakshara’ school of law in the matter of

Points: Inheritence and Partition ✓

1/1 Guardianship

✓ 28. After the Hindu Succession (Amendment )Act, 2005, how many new heirs have been added under the Schedule of the Act?

Points: 2
1/1 4 ✓

✘ 29. Mark the correct chronological arrangement. Under the Hindi Succession act, 1956, The property of a female Hindu dying
intestate shall devolve to
0/1 1- Upon the sons and daughters and husband
2- Upon the mother and father
3- Upon the heirs of the father
4- Upon the heirs of the husband.
1-4-2-3 ✓
1-2-4-3 ✘

✓ 30. Which of the following is not ‘dependants’ under section 21 of the Hindu adoption and maintenance act, 1956?

Points: Mother
1/1 Father
Remarried Widow ✓
Widow Daughter

✓ 31. Which amongst the following is an example of extinction of statehood by consent and is internationally accepted?

Points: Merging of North Yemen and South Yemen into Republic of Yemen
1/1 Dissolution of Czechoslovakia and establishment of Czech Republic and Slovakia
Both A and B ✓
None of the above

✘ 32. International convention on Civil and Political rights, 1952 grants certain specific substantive civil and political rights, which are

Points: Prohibition of imprisonment merely on the ground of inability to fulfill a contractual obligation
0/1 Right to be recognized everywhere as a person ✘
Non-retrospective application of criminal laws
None of the above ✓
✓ 33. Which one of the following is not the feature of private international law?

Points: It is Universal ✓
1/1 It is a municipal law
International convention is one of the sources of private international law
It's subject matter always includes foreign elements

✘ 34. In which of the following cases private international law cannot be applied

Points: Divorce petition by an Indian domiciled in India but married to an English woman in England ✘
0/1 Petition by an English domiciled parent for the custody of his child who came to India with his mother as a tourist
To determine a claim of a Pakistani domiciled plaintiff against an Indian domiciled defendant for a tort committed by the
latter during a short visit to Pakistan
None of the above ✓

✘ 35. Which of the following nuclear state is a signatory to the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty 1968

Points: India ✘
0/1 Pakistan
China ✓

✓ 36. Under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, which of the following is not a ground for terminating the mandate of the arbitrator
and substituting him by another arbitrator
1/1 Becomes de facto unable to perform his functions
Fails to act without undue delay
Unable to perform his functions by the operation of any law
Accusation of biasness by one side ✓

✓ 37. A and B is in a property dispute and currently have a case pending. A (Petitioner) requested for that dispute to be referred to
arbitration and it was done so. In the given situation, the arbitral proceedings in respect of a particular dispute commence on which
Points: date?
Date on which request was made by A
Date on which request for that dispute to be referred to arbitration is received by the B ✓
Date on which court issues the notice
Date on which the suit was first instituted

✓ 38. Under part III of the Arbitration and Conciliiation Act 1996, The party initiating conciliation shall send invitation to the other party
_________ to conciliate. Conciliation proceedings shall commence when the other party accepts _______ the invitation to
Points: conciliate.
In Written form, Orally
Either in written form or orally, either orally or in writing
In Written form, in writing ✓
All of the above
✓ 39. The doctrine of _______________ indicates that an arbitral tribunal is empowered and has the competence to rule on its own
jurisdiction, including determining all jurisdictional issues, and the existence or validity of an arbitration agreement.
1/1 De-limitation
Actus novus interveniens
Kompetenz-kompetenz ✓
Nulla poena sine lege

✘ 40. Which of the following section deals with the ‘confidentiality’ in Conciliation proceedings?

Points: Section 65
0/1 Section 75 ✓
Section 85 ✘
Section 95

✓ 41. This document is concerned with the happenings of the internal management of a company.

Points: Articles of Association ✓

1/1 Memorandum of Association
Statement in lieu of prospectus

✓ 42. The share capital of a company can be reduced by

Points: Obtaining permission from CLB

1/1 Special Resolution ✓
Resolution by the Board of Directors
Ordinary Resolution

✘ 43. A company 'Trade India Private Ltd' is incorporated in 2018, with a fully paid up share capital of 1,00,000. 2 years later in 2020,
while filing the returns of the company it was found that it has 5 Acres land and 4 vehicles. Who is the real owner of the 5 Acre land
Points: and 4 vehicles?
Shareholders of Trade India Private Ltd. ✘
Promoters of Trade India Private Ltd.
Trade India Private Ltd. ✓
Directors of Trade India Private Ltd.

✘ 44. Invitation to public offering shares or debentures in case of private company is

Points: Prohibited ✓
0/1 Restricted
Depends on the amount of the shares/debentures

✘ 45. This provision of Companies Act 2013 is mostly cited in cases of concealments of facts, abuse of position, gain undue
advantage, injure the company's interests, fraud etc.
0/1 Section 243
Section 447 ✓
Section 25
Section 235
✘ 46. Which of the following is not an Intellectual Property Law?

Points: Copyright Act 1957

0/1 Trademark Act 1989 ✓
Patent Act 1970
Designs Act 2000

✘ 47. The following can be patented

Points: Machine
0/1 Process
Both A and B ✓

✘ 48. India is not a signatory to which of the following Convention/Treaty

Points: Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

0/1 Paris Convention for the protection of Industrial Property
Vienna Agreement
Hague Agreement ✓

✘ 49. Which of the following is a Geographical Indication?

Points: BMW
0/1 Champagne ✓
Play Station
World Wide Web

✘ 50. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Points: Indigenous and traditional signs and symbols can be protected as trademarks.
0/1 The style and technique used to create a work can be protected by copyright. ✓
Certification marks can be used to safeguard the authenticity and quality of authentic indigenous arts.
Unfair competition and trade practices laws can prevent false or misleading claims that a product is authentic.

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