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Sep 2018 PDF

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1st September:
Q1) What is the name of the new ranking Q7) Which Tiger Reserve has launched a tollfree
system launched by the Ministry of Human number 1926 to curtail man-animal conflicts?
Resource Development (HRD) to systematically A.Dudhwa Tiger Reserve
rank education institutions and universities B.Bandipur Tiger Reserve
primarily on innovation related indicators? C.Pench Tiger reserve
A.Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation D.Kaziranga Tiger Reserve
Achievements Q8) Which state government has extended
B.Atal Innovation Ranking AFSPA in the state for six more months with
C.Atal New Ranking immediate effect?
D.Atal Institution Innovation Ranking A.Tripura B.Assam
Q2) Which country is going to provide Euro 120 C.Nagaland D.Manipur
million soft loan for Clean Ganga Mission? Q9) Indian Railways has rolled out its first
A.Sweden B.Germany “SMART” coach. The coach has been
C.Mauritius D.Japan manufactured by which company?
Q3) Ganga book project has been piloted in A.Integral Coach Factory Chennai
government schools in which state and it will be B.Rail Coach Factory Punjab
replicated in other states? C.Modern Coach Factory, Raebareli
A.Uttar Pradesh B.Bihar D.None of these
C.West Bengal D.Uttarakhand Q10) YES Bank has got nod from the RBI for
Q4) Which commission has submitted its 'draft' reappointment of whom as its MD & CEO?
report to the Law Ministry recommended A.P S Jayakumar B.Rana Kapoor
holding of simultaneous elections to House of C.Rakesh Sharma D.Mukesh Kumar Jain
the People (Lok Sabha) and the State Legislative Q11) Which Indian Naval Ship has entered the
Assemblies (except the State of Jammu and Port of Darwin, Australia to take part in a
Kashmir)? multilateral maritime exercise – KAKADU?
A.Niti Aayog B.Law Commission A.INS Vikrant B.INS Virat
C.Election Commission D.Supreme Court C.INS Sahyadri D.INS Shivalik
Q5) The Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi Q12) A special home to house around 1,000
and All India Institute of Medical Sciences widows was inaugurated at Vrindavan in Uttar
(AIIMS) has entered into a pact for setting up a Pradesh. What is the name of this house?
Biomedical Research Park in which district of A.Kanha Kutir B.Krishna Kutir
Haryana? C.Gopala Kutir D.Vrindavan Kutir
A.Rohtak B.Gurugram Q13) The five day Vostok-2018 exercises to be
C.Karnal D.Jhajjar held from September 11. Which of the following
Q6) An Indian-American scientist has identified countries will participate in it?
as many as 50 protein biomarkers that can non- A.China B.Russia
invasively detect inflammatory bowel disease C.Mongolia D.All of the above
(IBD)? What’s his name? Q14)India’s e-commerce market to grow
A.Sunil Mahanto B.Kabir Sethi fourfold to $150 billion by which year?
C.Chandar Mohan D.Vikas Sharma A.2023 B.2021 C.2022 D.2025

Q15) The 4th BIMSTEC Summit concluded in Q23) Who among the following was a religious
Kathmandu on August 31, 2018 with the signing teacher of Shivaji?
and adoption of which Declaration? A. Tukaram B. Eknath
A.Nepal Declaration C.Gyaneshwar D. Ramdas
B.Kathmandu Declaration Q24) Which legendary Sufi saint of Chishti order
C.Myanmar Declaration was popularly known as ‘Chirag-e-Dehlavi
D.Bhutan Declaration (Chirag of Delhi)’?
Q16) Indian Railways has signed a MoU with A. Nizamuddin Auliya
which company for the use Of Natural Gas in B. Nasiruddin Mahmud
Railway Workshops? C. Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
A.GAIL B.HPCL C.ONGC D.BPCL D. None of the above
Q17) Who has taken over as Vodafone Idea's Q25) Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently
first Chief Executive Officer? inaugurated which Dharamshala in Nepal?
A.Himanshu Kapania B.Rajesh Mittal A.Shiv Dharamshala
C.Anurag Tiwari D.Balesh Sharma B.Pashupati Dharamshala
Q18) The 6th RCEP Trade Ministers’ Meeting C.Bodh Dharamshala
took place in which country? D.Shaktipeeth Dharamshala
A.Japan B.Australia Q26) A book on Weather Information Portal for
C.New Zealand D.Singapore Indian Power System was launched by whom?
Q19) Inland Waterways Authority of India A.Nitin Gadkari B.Dr. Harsh Vardhan
(IWAI) made public 13 standardised state-of- C.R K Singh D.Arun Jaitley
the-art ship designs suitable for large barge Q27) Which medal was won by Indian Women
haulage on river _____ (National Waterway-1)? Hockey Team at Asian Games 2018?
A.Yamuna B.Godavari A.Gold Medal B.Bronze Medal
C.Krishna D.Ganga C.Silver Medal D.None of these
Q20) Who had organized two-day conference Q28) Which state/ UT has announced doorstep
on Motivating & Attracting Youth in Agriculture delivery of various government services for its
(MAYA)? citizens from September 10?
A.Indian Council of Agricultural Research A.Chandigarh B.Madhya Pradesh
B.University of Agricultural Sciences C.Delhi D.Maharashtra
C.Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Q29) According to government data India’s GDP
D.NITI Aayog has grown by what percent in the first quarter
Q21) With ‘Mobility Week, which commission of 2018-19?
kickstarted the action on MOVE: India’s First A.7.8 % B.7.9% C.8.2% D.8%
Global Mobility Summit 2018? 2nd September:
A.Competition Commission of India Q1) Who has been named for 2018 Dr B.C. Roy
B.NITI AAyog C.Finance Commission National Award as eminent medical person of
D.National Innovation Foundation the year?
Q22) Vindhyashakti was founder of which of the (a) Dr. B. K. Mishra (b) Dr. Anurag Sinha
following dynasties in ancient India? (c) Dr. Aarti Jain (d) Dr. Subodh Verma
A.Chalukya B. Vakataka Q2) India and Nepal have signed MoU to build
C.Kakatiya D.Kalachuri strategic railway line connecting Raxaul city,

India to Kathmandu, capital of Nepal. Raxual Q12) The Indian Banks Association (IBA) has
city belongs to which state? elected whom as its new chairman for 2018-19?
(a) Uttarakhand (b) Uttar Pradesh (a) Rajnish Kumar (b) Shyam Srinivasan
(c) Bihar (d) West Bengal (c) Madhav Nair (d) Sunil Mehta
Q3) According to Index of Eight Core Industries Q13) Pakistan has got its First Woman Chief
released by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Justice of High Court. What’s her name?
eight core sectors have grown by _______% in (a) Tahira Safdar (b) Mahira Safdar
July 2018? (c) Sana Sheikh (d) Huma Saeed
(a) 6 % (b) 6.4% (c) 5 % (d) 6.6 % Q14) Who has become the First Muslim Woman
Q4) India has opened which immigration check- Commercial Pilot from Kashmir?
post in Mizoram along Myanmar border? (a) Sana Mohammad (b) Zarine Mallik
(a) Kawrpuichhuah (b) Zorinpui (c) Iram Habib (d) Tanvi Raina
(c) Zokhawthar (d) None of these Q15) Donald Trump has threatened to withdraw
Q5) Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Yesso from which organization?
Naik has inaugurated the Fourth International (a) G-10
Ayurveda Congress (IAvC) in which country? (b) Nuclear Energy Agency
(a) Mauritius (b) Bhutan (c) North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(c) Netherlands (d) Singapore (d) World Trade Organization
Q6) The Chairmanship of the BIMSTEC was Q16) The World Bank has approved in principle
handed over to which country? a financial assistance of Rs. 929.89crore for
(a) Bhutan b) Sri Lanka c) Thailand d) India which water supply and sewerage project?
Q7) What was the name of the Jain Muni who (a) Shimla water supply project
recently passed away? He was known for his (b) Vidarbha Water Supply Project
lecture series 'Kadve Pravachan? (c) Dwarka Water Supply Project
(a) Tarun Sagar (b) Kanji Swamy (d) Tirunellveli Water Supply Project
(c) Somdev Suri (d) Acharya Vijay Suri Q17) National Mission on Government E-
Q8) Pranab Bardhan and Shibnath Sarkar won Marketplace (GeM) will be launched on which
men's pair event to bag the country's first-ever date?
gold in which sport at the Asian Games? (a) September 3 (b) September 2
(a) Jet ski b) Bridge c) Sambo d) Pancake sillet (c) September 5 (d) September 4
Q9) Who has taken over as Secretary, Ministry Q18) Which movie has become the first
of Steel, Government of India? Bollywood film to release in Saudi Arabia?
(a) Bijoy Singh b) Gagandeep singh (a) Razee (b) Gold
(c) Romi Chawla d) Binoy Kumar (c) Dangal (d) Parmanu
Q10) Which commission in its draft report has Q19) Which bank has announced that it will
said, “Speaking against govt. is not sedition”? adopt 30 villages in flood-hit Kerala?
(a) NITI Aayog (b) Law commission (a) SBI b) PNB c) ICICI d) HDFC
(c) Supreme Court (d) Bombay High Court Q20) Who is going to be India’s flag-bearer in
Q11) Who has clinched gold medal in the men's closing ceremony of Asian Games 2018?
49kg category at the Asian Games 2018? (a) Neeraj Chopra (b) Swapna Barman
(a) Bajrang Punia (b) Amit Panghal (c) Manjeet Singh (d) Rani Rampal
(c) Somaveer (d) Sumit Malik

Q21) Which of the following rivers does not Q5) Who has assumed charge as the Chairman
flow in the Arabian Sea? and Managing Director (CMD) of Hindustan
(a) Godavari (b) Sabarmati Aeronautics Ltd (HAL)?
(c) Mandovi (d) Narmada A.V P Singh
Q22) Which of the following mountain passes B.Sumer Parihar
pass through the disputed tripoint borders of C.K Maheshwari
India, China, and Myanmar? D.R Madhavan
(a) Nathu La (b) Diphu Pass Q6) What is the name of the former India &
(c) Jalep La (d) Bomdi la Tamil Nadu batsman who has announced his
Q23) Helmand Province of Afghanistan is retirement from all formats of cricket?
famous for the cultivation of what? A.Abhinav Mukund B.Murali Vijay
(a) Tobacco (b) Opium C.Subramaniam Badrinath D.Robin Singh
(c) Wheat (d) Cotton Q7) Union Minister of State for Youth Affairs
Q24) Chief Justice of India’s office has and Sports (I/C) Col Rajyavardhan Rathore has
recommended whose name as the next Chief approved the participation of Kho Kho team
Justice of India? from India at the First International Kho Kho
(a) Jasti Chelameswar (b) Ranjan Gogoi Championship from 1st to 4th September,
(c) Madan Lokur (d) Kurian Joseph 2018? The championship is being held in which
3 September:
rd country?
Q1) Which village in Amethi was made fully A.Australia B.England
digital under Digital India Programme of the C.Japan D.Maldives
Union government? Q8) Morna Nielsen has announced her
A.Pindara Thakur B.Bahadur Pur retirement from all forms of cricket. She plays
C.Heerapur D.Sandeela for which country?
Q2) RBI has cancelled the license of which A.England B.Australia
Co-operative Bank? C.South Africa D.New Zealand
A.Akola Urban Co-operative Bank Q9) Virat Kohli became the ________ fastest
B.Saraswat Co-operative Bank Indian to score 6,000 runs in Test cricket?
C.Nagpur Civil Co-operative Bank A.5th B.2nd C.3rd D.4th
D.Bhilwara Mahila Urban Co-operative Bank Q10) National Aeronautics and Space
Q3) The UIDAI has asked banks to ensure that at Administration (NASA) scientists have detected
least what number of enrolments or updations signs of water above which planet’s deepest
should need to be carried out daily in each clouds?
stipulated branch from November 1, 2018? A.Jupiter B.Venus C.Mars D.Saturn
A.12 B.10 C.8 D.5 Q11) Who has been honored with the Bharatiya
Q4) Who has become the first Indian poet Manavata Vikas Puraskar given by Daily India
invited to record his poems at the Library of Media?
Congress in Washington D.C? A.Shabana Azmi B.Nandita Das
A.Nitesh Singh B. Abhay K C.Yuvraj Singh D.All of the above
C.K Sinha D.Vinay Saharan Q12) Luka Modric has been named as the UEFA
Player of the Year 2018. He plays for which

A.France B.Germany Q22) Which Bank has announced that it will
C.Croatia D.Spain close its branch in the global diamond hub of
Q13) Board of Directors of the Asian Antwerp within a year?
Development Bank (ADB) has approved a A.Union Bank of India B.Bank of India
financing package totaling $245 million to three C.Canara Bank D.Punjab National Bank
districts of which state? Q23) Who was crowned the Yamaha Fascino
A.Rajasthan B.West Bengal Miss Diva Miss Universe 2018?
C.Sikkim D.Arunachal Pradesh A.Apoorvi Sharma B.Nehal Chudasama
Q14) Punjab chief minister Amrinder Singh has C.Aditi Hundia D.Roshni Sheoran
launched which module to facilitate online Q24) Census 2021 for the first time will collect
property transactions? data of?
A.PUDA 240 B.PUDA180 A.Scheduled Caste B.Scheduled Tribes
C.PUDA 360 D.PUDA 110 C.Other Backward Classes D.A & B
Q15) Union Government will launch 'One 4th September:
District, One product' scheme in which state? Q1) World coconut day is celebrated on which
A.Karnataka B.West Bengal date?
C.Assam D.Odisha (a) 1 September (b) 2 September
Q16) Rikako Ikee becomes first female Most (c) 31 August (d) 3 September
Valuable Player (MVP) in Asian Games 2018? Q2) A book – “Moving On, Moving Forward – A
She is a swimmer of which country? Year in Office” has been written by whom?
A.China B.Indonesia (a) Ram Nath Kovind (b) Arun Jaitley
C.Japan D.South Korea (c) Venkaiah Naidu (d) Nitin Gadkari
Q17) India won how many medals in Asian Q3)According to a report by the UN World
Games 2018? Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), which country
A.66 B.65 C.69 D.68 has topped in tourism in the South Asian
Q18) Indian Standard Time (IST) was introduced region?
as the official time for the whole country on (a) Sri Lanka (b) Nepal
which date? (c) Maldives (d) India
A.1st September 1947 B.31st August 1948 Q4) 15th India-ASEAN Economic Ministers’
C.1st November 1948 D.2nd October 1947 Meeting (AEM) was held in which country?
Q19) Which of these states doesn’t share its (a) Malaysia (b) India
border with Myanmar? (c) Singapore (d) Laos
A.Arunachal Pradesh B.Nagaland Q5) The bi-annual talks between the Indian and
C.Mizoram D.Tripura which country’s border forces began in New
Q20) What is the another name of table tennis Delhi?
game? (a) Myanmar (b) Nepal
A.Soccer B.Poker (c) Bangladesh (d) Afghanistan
C.Ping pong D.Snooker Q6) Which country has ratified a law granting
Q21) Which country celebrated its authorities the right to monitor social media
Independence Day on September 1? users in the country as part of tightening
A.Russia B.Uzbekistan internet controls?
C.Iran D.Kazakhstan (a) Syria (b) China (c) Israel (d) Egypt

Q7) The US military has decided to cancel _____ (a) Madalena Antas (b) Milka Duno
million dollars aid to Pakistan over its failure to (c) Alisha Abdullah (d) Angela Kopp
take decisive actions against terror groups? Q16) Which English Cricketer has announced
(a) 200 million dollars (b) 300 million dollars retirement from international cricket?
(c) 250 million dollars (d) 350 million dollars (a) Alastair Cook (b) James Anderson
Q8) The United Nations chief, Antonio Guterres (c) Stuart Board (d) Jonny Bairstow
has called for an end to violence in which Q17) In what kind of map one will see the
country in accordance with a UN-brokered countries and the states?
ceasefire agreement? (a) Physical map (b) Distribution map
(a) Syria (b) Afghanistan (c) Political map (d) Contour map
(c) Libya (d) Iraq Q18) A Bird which is known to hibernate
Q9) The Supreme Court has banned throughout the winter?
construction activities in how many states over (a) Penguin (b) Poorwill
failure to frame waste management policy? (c) Pelican (d) Flamingos
(a) Four (b) Three (c) Two (d) Five Q19) Who was the first sultan of Delhi?
Q10) The Seventh meeting of National (a) Qutb al-Din Aibak (b) Aram Shah
Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) was held in? (c) Iltutmish (d) None
(a) Lucknow (b) Bengaluru Q20) Maldives and which country’s Friendship
(c) Bhopal (d) Delhi Bridge was recently opened for traffic. It is first
Q11) Gujarat government has partnered with cross-sea bridge to be built in Maldives?
which country’s advocacy group for Vibrant (a) Thailand (b) Sri Lanka
Gujarat summit? (c) India (d) China
(a) Germany (b) America 5 September:

(c) England (d) Japan Q1) Which country has recently been hit by the
strongest typhoon Jebi?
Q12) The 200-year-old National Museum of
(a) China (b) Japan (c) Sweden (d) Germany
which country was hit by massive fire, the Q2) Arthur Pereira passed away recently. He
museum houses over 2crore items? was associated with which sport?
(a) Sweden (b) Australia (a) Table tennis (b) Lawn tennis
(c) Brazil (d) Mexico (c) Football (d) Cricket
Q13) Which country has remained the top Q3) Which bank has launched its e-facilitation
source of foreign direct investment into India in facility for army veterans in Bengal?
(a) Bank of Baroda (b) State Bank of India
(c) Bank of India (d) Axis Bank
(a) Singapore (b) Japan Q4) Centre has released Rs 399.44 crore for
(c) Mauritius (d) United Kingdom how many states along the international
Q14)Who has been honored by Sony YAY! as borders for developing forward areas as a part
part of their flagship Teachers’ Day initiative of Border Area Development Programme
‘Heroes Behind The Heroes’? (BADP) for 2018-19?
(a) Five (b) Four (c) Ten (d) Eight
(a) Sania Mirza (b) Saina Nehwal
Q5) The Union Minister of State for Atomic
(c) PV Sindhu (d) Mithali Raj Energy, Dr. Jitendra Singh has inaugurated 10
Q15) Nandan Petrochem Limited (NPL), has KW transmitter of All India Radio in which
appointed whom as its brand ambassador for its state?
signature brand VELVEX? (a) J&K (b) Assam (c) Sikkim (d) Manipur

Q6) Union Minister of Health and Family Q15) India along with 23 Other Nations
Welfare Shri J P Nadda has inaugurated the Participated in which of the following Tsunami
__________st Session of the WHO Regional Mock Drill?
Committee for South-East Asia in New Delhi? (a) IOWave18 (b) Iwave18
(a) 51st (b) 61st (c) 71st (d) 81st (c) Ocean18 (d) TUWave18
Q7) As per the civil aviation minister Suresh Q16) When was the postal index number (PIN)
Prabhu, India plans to construct _________ new was introduced in India?
airports with an investment of close to $60 (a) 15 August 1972 (b) 10 September 1971
billion in the next 10-15 years ? (c) 2 October 1979 (d) 26 January 1965
(a) 120 (b) 150 (c) 80 (d) 100 Q17) A member of Rajya Sabha is elected for
Q8) Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu will how many years?
attend a session of the ___________th (a) Four (b) Five
anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s address at (c) Three (d) Six
the parliament of religions in 1893? Q18) The Filmfare awards was started in which
(a) 120th (b) 125th (c) 150th (d) 112th year?
Q9) Which Ministry has told the media to (a) 1965 (b) 1951
“refrain from using the nomenclature Dalit” (c) 1954 (d) 1961
and, instead, use only the Constitutional term, Q19) India and which country has signed the
‘Scheduled Caste’? two Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on
(a) Ministry of Information and Broadcasting combating money laundering and cooperation
(b) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in the field of environment?
(c) Ministry of Home Affairs (a) Sweden (b) Cyprus
(d) Ministry of Minority Affairs (c) Bulgaria (d) Singapore
Q10) Which Country’s Navy has beaten 22 Q20) Reserve Bank of India has bought gold for
Other Teams to Win KAKADU-18 Cup? the first time in _________ years ?
(a) Australia (b) New Zealand (a) Eight (b) Nine
(c) India (d) Russia (c) Ten (d) Twelve
Q11) Uttar Pradesh CM has inaugurated the Q21) After Apple which company has become
first luxury cruise 'Alaknanda' in which city? the second company to cross the 1 trillion dollar
(a) Lucknow (b) Agra business?
(c) Allahabad (d) Varanasi (a) Wall Mart (b) Alibaba
Q12) President Ram Nath Kovind has embarked (c) Amazon (d) Google
on 8 day three-nation tour to Europe. Which of Q22) Who has become the new president of
the following countries wouldn’t be covered by Pakistan?
him? (a) Arif Alvi (b) Mamnoon Hussain
(a) Cyprus (b) Bulgaria (c) Tahira Safdar (d) Yousaf Saleem
(c) France (d) Czech Republic 6th September:
Q13) NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant has said Q1) Conference on E-Mobility in Indian Railways
that India will shortly unveil a one-nation- was held in?
onecard policy for which of the following A.Bengaluru B.Hyderabad
C.Lucknow D.New Delhi
(a) Health (b) Public transport
(c) Industry (d) None of these Q2) Minister for Commerce & Industry and Civil
Q14) Which country has launched a joint Aviation, Suresh Prabhu has launched an India
military exercises with the U.S. and other NATO coffee field force app named what?
countries? A.Coffee Connect B.Coffee Krishi Tharanga
(a) Australia (b) Russia C.Field Connect D.Cash Crop Connect
(c) Ukraine (d) Iran

Q3) Which bank has opened a portal to claim an Q12) International Women Entrepreneurs
education loan interest subsidy for the financial Summit 2018 was held in which country?
year 2017-18? A.India B.Bhutan C.Canada D.Nepal
A.Axis Bank B.Canara Bank Q13) Indo-Kazakhstan Joint Army Exercise
C.Punjab National Bank D.Karur Vysya Bank 'KAZIND' will be conducted 10 to 23 Sep 2018 in
Q4) The Reserve Bank of India has directed all Otar region, Kazakhstan. This is the _________
scheduled commercial banks with more than __ joint military exercise between the two
branches to appoint an internal ombudsman? countries?
A.14 B.15 C.10 D.20 A.Second B.Third C.Fourth D.Fifth
Q5) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Q14) Which Indian Pacer has announced his
Development (NABARD) has sanctioned Rs retirement from International Cricket?
335crore under the Rural Infrastructure A.Irfan Pathan B.RP Singh
Development Fund (RIDF) to which state? C.Ishant Sharma D.Naman Ojha
A.Uttar Pradesh B.Madhya Pradesh Q15) Union textiles minister Smriti Irani has
C.Rajasthan D.West Bengal inaugurated a 'digital village' in which town of
Q6) Which Insurance Company has announced Uttar Pradesh?
the launch of ‘E@Secure’, a Cyber Insurance A.Amethi B.Varanasi
Policy for individuals? C.Lucknow D.Meerut
A.Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Q16) Which company has become only the
B.HDFC Ergo General Insurance second Indian company to cross 8 trillion (Rs 8
C.Birla Sun Life Insurance lakh crore) in market capitalisation after
D.Reliance General Insurance Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries?
Q7) Which company has won 5 awards at the A.Wipro B.Infosys
concluding ceremony of 20th Mines C.Tata Consultancy Services D.Tata Steel
Environment and Mineral Conservation (MEMC) Q17) Which company has decided to make its e-
week? commerce website and mobile application to be
A.NALCO B.SAIL C.BALCO D.GAIL made available in Hindi?
Q8) Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Arif A.Flipkart B.Paytm
Alvi was elected as … President of Pakistan? C.Amazon D.Nyaka
A.10th B.12th C.13th D.11th Q18) Which city to host 1st International cricket
Q9) Who has won Italian Grand Prix 2018? match after 24 years?
A.Valtteri Bottas B.Sebastian Vettel A.Pune B.Lucknow
C.Felipe Massa D.Lewis Hamilton C.Bhopal D.Meerut
Q10) The Union Ministry of Micro, Small and Q19) Which of the following monasteries is also
Medium Enterprises (MSME) has approved a known as Galden Namgey Lhatse?
proposal by the Khadi and Village Industries A.Hemis Monastery B.Tawang Monastery
Commission (KVIC) to increase the wages of C.Bomdila Monastery D.Namdoling Monastery
artisans by over _________%? Q20) A traditional textile cloth Shaphee
A.32% B.36% C.28% D.20% Lanphee is a GI product of which the following
Q11) International Day of Charity observed on? states?
A.September 6 B.September 4 A. Assam B. Manipur
C.September 5 D.September 3 C. Jammu and Kashmir D. Andhra Pradesh

Q21) Raut Nacha is a ceremonial dance Q7) Which Bank has launched its first Trade
performed mainly by the tribal community of Finance Scorecard, a new tool to address
which state? market and boost trade finance?
A.Rajasthan B. Jammu and Kashmir (a) World Bank
C.Assam D.Chhattisgarh (b) International monetary fund
Q22) Which state government has launched the (c) Asian Development Bank
Bhamashah Digital Parivar Yojana? (d) BNP Paribas
A.Madhya Pradesh B.Rajasthan Q8) Which government school has topped the
C.Uttar Pradesh D.Jharkhand list of National Clean School Award 2018 with
7 September:
th 100% marks?
Q1) International Aviation Summit was held in (a) Government Primary School, Kunichampet
which city? (b) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya
(a) Hyderabad (b) New Delhi (c) Government Primary School, Delhi
(c) Bengaluru (d) Pune (d) Kendriya Vidyalaya
Q2) By 2026, India is expected to be the ______ Q9) Who has been appointed as a brand
largest air transport market in the world? ambassador by BSNL for 2 years?
(a) Fourth (b) Fifth (a) Swapana Barman (b) Mithali Raj
(c) Third (d) Sixth (c) Mary Kom (d) Rahi Sarnobat
Q3) Union Ministry of Health and Family Q10) Who has been appointed as the regional
Welfare have released draft Charter of Patients’ director of South-East Asian region of WHO?
Rights for proper health care by medical (a) Dr. Poonam Sarnobat
establishments. The Drafts mentions how many (b) Dr. Mahim Chaudhary
rights? (c) Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh
(a) 14 (b) 15 (c) 10 (d) 17 (d) Dr. Archana Singh
Q4) Which state government in its cabinet Q11) Author and journalist Bhagwati Kumar
meeting has decided to increase the ex-gratia to Sharma passed away recently. He was from
be paid to the kin of deceased journalists? which state?
(a) Rajasthan (b) Uttar Pradesh (a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Delhi (c) Jharkhand (d) Uttarakhand
Q5) Which state has presented the first Q12) Which country’s Naval Ship Somudra Joy
supplementary budget of Rs 12,790 crore for arrived at Visakhapatnam on a goodwill visit?
2018-19 fiscal in the state Assembly? (a) Pakistan (b) Sri Lanka
(a) Karnataka (b) Odisha (c) Bangladesh (d) Bhutan
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Rajasthan Q13) Taranjit Singh recently has resigned from
Q6) Which company has launched S&P BSE the post of director of which company?
Private Banks Index to measure the (a) You tube (b) Twitter
performance of private banks? (c) IBM (d) Intel
(a) Asia Index Pvt Ltd Q14)North and South Korea leaders to hold
(b) Bombay Stock Exchange Limited summit in which city from 18 to 20 September?
(c) Standard and Poors (a) Pyongyang (b) Seoul
(d) None of these (c) Incheon (d) Wonson

Q15) Providing relief to the Lesbian, Gay, 8th September:
Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI), the Q1) The US-India Business Council (USIBC), an
SC has decriminalized a portion of which American business advocacy group held its two-
Section of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)? day conference in which city?
(a) Section 370 (b) Section 377 (a) Delhi (b) Pune
(c) Section 375 (d) Section 372 (c) Mumbai (d) Kolkata
Q16) From which country will India buy 18 Q2) Rail Minister Piyush Goyal along with Chief
bullet trains, which will cost around Rs. 7,000 Minister of UP Yogi Adityanath has launched
crore? the official website and app for Kumbh Mela,
(a) Russia (b) China 2019. It will be held on the banks of Sangam
(c) Israel (d) Japan from which date?
Q17) The Maximum age limit for availing (a) January 12 (b) February 16
overdraft facility under the Pradhan Mantri Jan (c) March 1 (d) January 15
Dhan Yojana has been revised from 60 years to Q3) Rs 80.37 Crores worth developmental
______ years? projects have been sanctioned by Tourism
(a) 62 years (b) 64 years Ministry under Swadesh Darshan in which
(c) 65 years (d) 63 years state?
Q18) India is the Partner Country in the 87th (a) Odisha (b) Jammu and Kashmir
Izmir International tradeshow which begins (c) Kerala (d) Uttarakhand
from September 7, 2018. The show takes place Q4) According to the biennial Nuclear Security
in which country? Index released by US-based Nuclear Threat
(a) Egypt (b) Turkey Initiative (NTI), India ranks ______th in the
(c) Nigeria (d) Morocco ‘Theft Ranking’ for countries with weapons
Q19) SLINEX-2018 is a military exercise between usable nuclear materials?
India and which country? (a) 18th (b) 20th
(a) Bhutan (b) Nepal (c) 15th (d) 19th
(c) Sri Lanka (d) Thailand Q5) Who has been appointed as the acting chief
Q20) West Bengal shares its boundary with how justice of the Guwahati High Court?
many countries? (a) Justice Ajit Singh
(a) Four (b) Two (b) Justice Arup Kumar Goswami
(c) Five (d) Three (c) Justice Somendra Singh
Q21) Which of the following is not present in (d) Justice Vinay Gogoi
animal cells? Q6) Who has been made the first honorary
(a) Cell walls (b) Mitochondria ambassador of Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial
(c) Ribosomes (d) Cytoplasm Foundation?
Q22)Which of the following is the most (a) Akshay Kumar (b) Sushant Singh Rajput
commonly used chemical for ripening of (c) Priyanka Chopra (d) Anushka Sharma
mangoes in India? Q7) Which country will collaborate with India
(a) Potassium Iodide (b) Silver Iodide for ISRO's Human Mission Gaganyaan?
(c) Ammonium Nitrate (d) Calcium Carbide (a) Japan (b) Russia
(c) France (d) Israel

Q8) Indian Air Force for the first time has Q15) What was the name of the Hollywood star,
successfully conducted mid-air refuelling of he starred in films including 'Deliverance' and
which fighter jet? 'Boogie Nights,' who passed away recently?
(a) Tejas MK I (b) Sukhoi Su 30 (a) Burt Reynolds (b) Paul Newman
(c) HAL Dhruv (d) Hal Chetak (c) John Wayne (d) Robert Redford
Q9) Which company has announced the launch Q16) Who has been appointed as the Director
of a new artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to General of Police Jammu and Kashmir?
curb online spreading of contents involving (a) Mohsin Khan (b) Dilbagh Singh
child sexual abuse? (c) Yasir Syed (d) Virendra Bhatia
(a) Facebook (b) Whatsapp Q17) Which Indian shooter has clinched gold
(c) Twitter (d) Google medal in the 10m air rifle junior men's event of
Q10) Which country is going to test mini ‘space the ISSF World Championships?
elevator’? The first trial of it will be on (a) Hriday Hazarika (b) Divyansh Panwar
conducted on 11 September? (c) Saurabh Chaudhary (d) Ronjan Sodhi
(a) Russia (b) America Q18) Which of the following is the official
(c) Japan (d) China language of Argentina?
Q11) A book named “Experiential Learning – (a) Portuguese (b) French (c) Spanish(d) Dutch
Gandhiji’s Nai Talim” was released by Union Q19) Who has defined democracy as:
Minister of Human Resource Development Government of the people, by the people, for
Prakash Javadekar, it was launched in how the people?
many languages? (a) Abraham Lincoln (b) Pluto
(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) Aristotle (d) Chanakya
(c) 10 (d) 7 Q20) The shortest-ever war in recorded history
Q12) 25th Raising Day of Delta Force was took place between the two _____ sovereign
celebrated on which date? powers?
(a) September 6 (b) September 7 (a) Britain and France (b) Denmark and Britain
(c) September 5 (d) September 3 (c) UK and Zanzibar (d) Italy and France
Q13) Which state Assembly has passed the 9th September:
Panchayati Raj (Amendment) Bill, 2018, which Q1) Who has written the book “Shades of Truth
relaxes the ‘two-child’ rule for those aspiring to – A Journey Derailed?”
contest panchayat elections, if one of the (a) Manmohan Singh (b) Kapil Sibal
children is differently abled? (c) Suresh Prabhu (d) Shashi Tharoor
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh Q2) Minister of Railways & Coal, Piyush Goyal
(c) Bihar (d) Rajasthan has launched which mobile app of ‘Indian
Q14) Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh has Railways eprocurement system’ (IREPS)?
inaugurated the three-day Defence and (a) PRATISHTHA (b) AAPOORTI
Homeland Security Expo and Conference in (c) SANYOJAN (d) SUVIDHA
which city? Q3) Which Indian Mountaineer, after Mount
(a) Mumbai (b) Dispur Everest and Kilimanjaro, has conquered Mount
(c) Delhi (d) Imphal Elbrus, the highest mountain range in Europe?
(a) Arunima Sinha (b) Malavath Purna
(c) Shivangi Pathak (d) Premlata Agarwal

Q4) National Green Tribunal (NGT) has formed a (a) Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL)
monitoring committee headed by whom to (b) Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers
prepare a time-bound action plan on (GRSE)
groundwater recharge in Delhi ? (c) Bharat Electronics Limited(d) None of these
(a) Justice S.P Garg Q11) Which Brand has retained its top spot for
(b) Justice P K Singh the 5th consecutive year, in the `WPP and
(c) Justice Vidyut Sharma Kantar Millward Brown’s BrandZ 75 Most
(d) Justice Anita Sharma Valuable Indian Brands’ ranking?
Q5) Hanuma Vihari became the 292nd cricketer (a) Life Insurance Corporation of India
to play Test cricket for India and become the (b) Tata Consultancy Services
second debutante after Rishabh Pant in the (c) Zee TV (d) HDFC bank
ongoing series against England. He plays for Q12) Who has been appointed as the Managing
which state? Director and Chief Executive Officer of SBI
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu Mutual Funds?
(c) Maharashtra (d) Punjab (a) Ashwani Bhatia (b) Anuradha Rao
Q6) The Supreme Court has approved a scheme (c) Deepak Garg (d) Deepika Sharma
that grants a compensation of minimum Rs Q13) Who has been appointed as the Managing
_____ lakh to the survivors of rape and sexual Director of the State Bank Of India?
assault? (a) Vikrant Sodhi (b) Anshula Kant
(a) Rs 7 lakh (b) Rs 5 lakh (c) Anushka Rai (d) Rohit Pandita
(c) Rs 4 Lakh (d) Rs 3 lakh Q14) Kavyanjali Diwas will be observed on?
Q7) The 3rd ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) (a) September 10 (b) September 9
Conference on ‘Global Ageing and Human (c) September 12 (d) September 16
Rights of Older Persons was held in which Q15) Surgical Strike Day will be observed on?
country? (a) October 15 (b) September 28
(a) Canada (b) France (c) November 2 (d) December 3
(c) South Korea (d) Italy Q16) Which team has won the Duleep Trophy
Q8) Which Bank has announced that the users 2018?
can now withdraw cash from ATMs, without (a) India Blue (b) India Red
having the need for a physical debit or credit (c) India Green (d) India Pink
card? Q17) Pakistan has finally agreed to open which
(a) Axis Bank (b) Paytm Bank corridor located in Punjab for the Sikh
(c) HDFC Bank (d) Airtel Payment Bank community living in India?
Q9) Which bank has got RBI’s approval for call (a) Sialkot Corridor (b) Panja Sahib corridor
option on bonds totaling Rs.655 crore? (c) Khadur Sahib Corridor
(a) Oriental Bank of Commerce (d) Kartarpur Sahib corridor
(b) Indian Overseas Bank Q18) Indian Railways have decided to serve only
(c) Federal bank (d) Bank of India vegetarian food on trains on the birthday
Q10) Which company for the first time has anniversary of which person?
bagged an order worth Rs 9,200 crore for (a) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (b) Narendra Modi
supply of 7 Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile (c) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Pandit Deen Dayal
(LRSAM) system?

Q19) Which airport has become the first airport Q28) Which of the following is the highest peak
in Asia to use face recognition as boarding pass? of Satpura Range?
(a) Indira Gandhi International Airport (a) Gurushikhar (b) Dhupgarh
(b) Vijayawada International Airport (c) Pachmarhi (d) Mahendragiri
(c) Kempegowda International Airport Q29) Dibang is the tributary of which river?
(d) Goa International Airport (a) Ganges (b) Yamuna
Q20) Wrestler Rahul Aware, who won the gold (c) Mahanadi (d) Brahmaputra
medal for the country in the Commonwealth Q30) Which square of Lucknow will now be
Games held in the Gold Coast, will be appointed known as Atal Square?
as the Deputy Superintendent of Police. He is (a) Awadh Square (b) Hazratganj Square
from which state? (c) Charbagh Square (d) Aliganj Square
(a) Haryana (b) Punjab 10 September:

(c) Delhi (d) Maharashtra Q1) At the International Court of Justice (ICJ),
Q21) Following no progress, Jharkhand’s first India has supported which country over its
Mega Food Park which was built in Getalsud will claim on Chagos Islands, which are under the
be put up for an auction. Getalsud comes under United Kingdom's control in the Indian Ocean?
which district of Jharkhand? (a) Thailand (b) Indonesia
(a) Bokaro (b) Dhanbad (c) Mauritius (d) Laos
(c) Ranchi (d) Dumka 2) Which state’s Chief Minister has vowed to
Q22) Who has been appointed as the new MD bring down malnutrition rate by 11 percent in
& CEO of Axis Bank? state by 2022 ?
(a) Paresh Sukthankar (b) Amitabh Chaudhary (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Shikha sharma (d) Rajesh Sharma (c) Uttarakhand (d) Rajasthan
Q23) International Literacy Day celebrated on? Q3) Reliance infrastructure has won a Rs
(a) September 7 (b) September 8 _________ crore arbitration award against
(c) September 6 (d) September 9 National Highway Authority of India (NHAI)?
Q24) Which former head of the United Nations (a) Rs100 Crore (b) Rs 300 Crore
visited Delhi’s Mohalla Clinic? (c) Rs 200 Crore (d) Rs 500 Crore
(a) Sadako Ogata (b) Ban-Ki-Moon Q4) Union government has selected how many
(c) Philippo Grandi (d) Wendy Chamberlain government schools of Haryana for Swachh
Q25) Aero India 2019 exhibition will be held in Vidyalaya Puraskar?
which city? (a) Four (b) Five (c)Two (d)Three
(a) Lucknow (b) Delhi Q5) Which country will be Jharkhand's partner
(c) Bengaluru (d) Hyderabad country at the Processing Summit that is to be
Q26) Which famous American singer died held in November?
recently? He got famous for his album Blue (a) Japan (b) China (c) Russia (d) Singapore
Slide Park? Q6) Who has took over as the Commandant of
(a) Jay Sean (b) Mc Miller Air Force Academy, Dundigal?
(c) Wiz Khalifa (d) John Mayer (a) Arvindra Singh Butola
Q27) Who has written the book 'Kalpasutra'? (b) Pradeep Vasant Naik
(a) Simuka (b) Panini (c) Anil Kumar
(c) Bhadrabahu (d) Patanjali (d) Arup Raha

Q7) Which state government has declared the Q15) What is the name of the Noted Odia Poet
Singphan Wildlife Sanctuary as an elephant who will be honoured with the prestigious
reserve making it the 30th reserve for jumbos in 'Sarala Puraskar' for his poetry collection 'Misra
the country? Dhrupad'?
(a) Assam (b) Manipur (a) Somesh Mahapatra (b) Bira Kishore Padhi
(c) Tripura (d) Nagaland (c) Umesh Petri (d) Satrughna Pandav
Q8) The Union government has doubled the Q16) Ayushman Bharat call centre was formally
pecuniary limit to Rs. _____________ lakh for inaugurated in which city recently?
filing loan recovery application in the Debt (a) Pune (b) Lucknow
Recovery Tribunals (DRTs) by banks and (c) Bengaluru (d) Bhopal
financial institutions? Q17) Union Minister for HRD Prakash Javadekar
(a) 10 lakh (b) 20 lakh inaugurated the 4th World Summit on
(c) 30 lakh (d) 15 lakh Accreditation (WOSA-2018) in which city?
Q9) Which country’s police academy has (a) Hyderabad (b) Mumbai
announced that it will ban women from (c) Kolkata (d) Delhi
enrolling into the academy? Q18) Which Indian Athlete has created the
(a) Cambodia (b) Iran history by becoming the first Indian to win a
(c) Thailand (d) Israel medal in the IAAF Continental Cup?
Q10) Which country is going to move its Israel (a) Vijay Singh Chauhan (b) Arpinder Singh
embassy from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv? (c) Mohinder Singh (d) Mehar Chand Dhawan
(a) Paraguay (b) Guatemala Q19) What will be the slogan for 2019 elections
(c) Morocco (d) Bulgaria for PM Modi?
Q11) The Union Government has appointed (a) Ajay Bharat, Atal BJP(b) Atal Bharat , Atal BJP
which former RBI governor as the head of the (c) Atal Bharat (d) Atal evam Ajay Bharat
panel that has been tasked with selecting Q20) Which country has withdrawn from the
India’s next chief economic advisor (CEA)? first BIMSTEC military exercise that is to be held
(a) C Rangarajan (b) Y V Reddy in India?
(c) D Subbarao (d) Bimal Jalan (a) Myanmar (b) Bhutan
Q12) Which India shooter has won gold in the (c) Thailand (d) Nepal
junior 10m air pistol event at the ISSF World Q21) Bobbili veena, also known as Saraswathi
Championship? Veena or the Ekanda Veena, is a large plucked
(a) Arjun Singh Cheema (b) Saurabh Chaudhary string instrument used in Carnatic classical
(c) Vivan Kapoor (d) Abhishek Verma music. It is made from which of the following
Q13) Which player has won the US Open 2018 trees?
by defeating Serena Williams? (a) Sandalwood (b) Jackwood
(a) Simona Halep (b) Angelique Kerber (c) Bamboo (d) Rosewood
(c) Naomi Osaka (d) Caroline Wojeniecki Q22) Ghumura is an ancient folk dance that
Q14)Which Indian shooter has won the men's originated in which of the following states?
double trap Gold medal in the ISSF World (a) Odisha (b) Madhya Pradesh
Championship? (c) Rajasthan (d) Karnataka
(a) Ankur Mittal (b) Mohamed Asab Q23) Which of the following is not a variety of
(c) Shardul Vihan (d) Vijay Kumar mango?

(a) Banganapalle (b) Alphonso Q7) Indian Oil has tied up with which
(c) Sindhoora (d) Red Dacca Government to introduce 50 Hydrogen enriched
11 September:
th CNG buses in 2019?
Q1) According to a new study by Bird Life (a) Chandigarh (b) Delhi
International, how many avian species was (c) Gujarat (d) Maharashtra
declared “extinct” in this decade? Q8) Who is the author of the book
(a) Five (b) Four ‘Constitutionalizing India: an Ideational Project?
(c) Eight (d) Seven It was recently released by M Venkaiah Naidu ?
Q2) Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) (a) Bidyut Chakrabarty (b) Virender Singh
has displayed a space suit developed by the (c) Nitin Gadkari (d) Suresh Prabhu
agency at the launch of the sixth edition of Q9) Google has launched “Dataset Search”, a
Bengaluru Space Expo. What is the color of the new search engine for which community to help
suit? them find the data required for their work?
(a) Green (b) Blue (a) Engineers (b) Teachers
(c) Black (d) Orange (c) Scientist (d) Doctors
Q3) RBI in its official notice has announced to Q10) Which country has successfully launched a
amended Reserve Bank of India (Note Refund) new marine satellite called HY-1C aboard a Long
Rules, ______ . Under the new rule it has March-2C rocket?
directed all branches of banks to exchange (a) India (b) Japan
mutilated / defective notes of various (c) China (d) Israel
denominations. Q11) Temasek – an investment firm, has signed
(a) 2010 (b) 2009 an agreement to invest up to $400 million in the
(c) 2008 (d) 2000 National Investment and Infrastructure Fund
Q4) The government has set up a panel of (NIIF) of India with an option for co-investment
secretaries for the 2nd draft e-commerce policy with NIIF in the future. The company belongs to
to look into e-commerce issues. Who will head which country?
this panel? (a) Mauritius (b) Germany
(a) Amitabh Kant (b) Ramesh Abhishek (c) Argentina (d) Singapore
(c) Arvind Pangariya (d) Devendra Kumar Sikri Q12) India has decided to participate in the
Q5) India and which country have signed an Programme for International Student
implementation agreement on MOBILISE YOUR Assessment (PISA), after a gap of how many
CITY” (MYC) to reduce their Green House Gas years?
(GHG) emissions? (a) Eight (b) Nine
(a) Spain (b) Germany (c) Seven (d) Ten
(c) Japan (d) France Q13) Which state has launched its first data
Q6) MOVE : India’s ever first Global Mobility sharing portal named State Data Sharing and
Summit was organized in New Delhi and it Accessibility Platform (SDSAP)?
focused on ‘Clean Kilometers’ and 7Cs of future (a) Manipur (b) Assam
mobility was declared in it. Which among the (c) Sikkim (d) Tripura
following is not one of the C mentioned? Q14) 4th Annual Sustainable Smart Cities India
(a) Clean (b) Connected Conference was inaugurated in which city?
(c) Convenient (d) Curiosity (a) Gurugram (b) Delhi (c) Mumbai d) Bengaluru

Q15) 2-week combat exercise “Yudh Abhyas” (c) Aishwarya Rai (d) Shabana Azmi
between Indian, US armies will be carried out in Q24) Who has won the US Open Tennis 2018
which state? Men's Singles Title?
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Uttarakhand (a) Juan Martin del Potro (b) Novak Djokovik
(c) Sikkim (d) Tripura (c) Rafael Nadal (d) Roger Federer
Q16) According to a study by Centre for Science Q25) Which country has celebrated its 70th
and Environment (CSE) which city turned out to foundation day recently?
be the best in particulate load from urban (a) South Korea (b) North Korea
commuting? (c) Japan (d) Israel
(a) Chandigarh (b) Vijayawada 12 September:

(c) Jaipur (d) Bhopal Q1) First regional workshop on Real Estate
Q17) The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Regulatory Authority (RERA) was inaugurated in
Singh inaugurated the 6th International which city?
Geriatric Orthopedic Society of India (a) Delhi (b) Mumbai
Conference in which city? (c) Pune (d) Lucknow
(a) Bhopal (b) Mumbai Q2) 1st edition of BIMSTEC Military Exercise
(c) Delhi (d) Gurugram MILEX-18 was inaugurated in which city?
Q18) Which of the following rivers originates (a) Lucknow (b) Pune
near Mahabaleshwar? (c) Delhi (d) Shimla
(a) Godavari (b) Krishna Q3) National Rail and Transportation Institute
(c) Kaveri (d) Tapi (NRTI): India’s first railway varsity starts
Q19) In India, which of the following is the operations in which city?
southernmost hill? (a) Nagpur (b) Bhopal (c) Surat (d) Vadodara
(a) Anamalai Hills (b) Cardamom Hills Q4) Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal
(c) Nilgiri Hills (d) Javadi Hills launched the doorstep delivery of how many
Q20) Which river was formerly called Sorrow of services in Delhi?
Bengal? (a) 30 (b) 40 (c) 20 (d) 35
(a) Hooghly River (b) Teesta River Q5) Sadarmatt Anicut and Pedda Cheruvu
(c) Torsa River (d) Damodar river irrigation tank of which state are the first from
Q21) The children affected from which disease India to secure a place in the register of World
will now be covered under Pradhan Mantri Jan Heritage Irrigation Structures (WHIS)?
Arogya Yojana? (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu
(a) Heart disease (b) Cancer (c) Telangana (d) Karnataka
(c) Mental illness (d) Asthma Q6) National Green Tribunal (NGT) has
Q22) Jack Ma, the co- founder of Alibaba will appointed how many committees to monitor
step down as chairman in 2019. Who will disposal of garbage?
replace him as chairman? (a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 3
(a) Daniel Zhang (b) Michael Evans Q7) Who has been conferred ‘Honoris Causa’ by
(c) Eric Jing (d) Joseph Tsai the University of Engineering & Management
Q23) Which Bollywood Actress has received the (UEM) in Kolkata?
Meryl Steep Award for Excellence ? (a) Bibek Debroy (b) Arvind Pangariya
(a) Alia Bhatt (b) Priyanka Chopra (c) Arvind Subramaniam (d) K.K. Venugopal

Q8) Who has been appointed as the next Q17) Which Formula One Racer will leave
Ambassador of India to the Kyrgyz Republic? Ferrari at the end of the 2018 season and will
(a) Alok Amitabh Dimri (b) Ashwini Kullar join the Sauber team?
(c) Debak Singh Kumar (d) Harish Mittal (a) Valtteri Bottas (b) Sebastian Vettal
Q9) Who has been appointed as the sports (c) Sergio Perez (d) Kimi Raikkonen
ambassador of Assam? Q18) Who Won the Best Female Actor for her
(a) Akshay Kumar (b) Hima Das role in Nude at DC South Asian Film Festival?
(c) Kabita Devi (d) John Abrahim (a) Urmila Kanitkar (b) Kalyanee Mulay
Q10) Who is the author of the book ‘The Rule (c) Pallavi Patil (d) Neha Mahajan
Breakers’? Q19) Which of the following Indian rivers forms
(a) Chetan Bhagat (b) Preeti Shenoy an Estuary?
(c) Sujata Massey (d) Anjali Sachdev (a) Godavari (b) Kaveri
Q11) World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) is (c) Tapi (d) Mahanadi
observed on? Theme ‘Working Together to Q20) Which is the hottest planet in the Solar
Prevent Suicide’ System?
(a) September 10 (b) September 11 (a) Mercury (b) Venus
(c) September 9 (d) September 8 (c) Earth (d) Jupiter
Q12) Who has been appointed as the next Q21) Who is the author of the book Pancha
Ambassador of India to the Republic of Siddhantika?
Azerbaijan? (a) Aryabhatta (b) Brahmagupta
(a) Navadip Suri (b) Satbir singh (c) Kalidas (d) Varahamihira
(c) Jaideep Sarkar (d) B. Vanlalvawna 13th September:
Q13) India inaugurated Akhaura – Agartala Rail Q1) Model International Center for
Link along with which country? Transformative Artificial Intelligence has been
(a) Pakistan (b) Bhutan set up in which city?
(c) Nepal (d) Bangladesh (a) Pune (b) Bengaluru
Q14) The Joint Military exercise Nomadic (c) Lucknow (d) Hyderabad
Elephant-2018 in an exercise between India and Q2) Union Railway Minister Piyush Goyal has
which country? launched which web portal for the corporates
(a) Thailand (b) Mongolia and PSUs to contribute to the creation of
(c) Cambodia (d) Nepal amenities at Railway stations through
Q15) Who has been sworn in as new Chief Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds?
Justice of Nepal? (a) Rail Sahyog (b) Rail Saathi
(a) Om Prakash Mishra (b) Gyanendra Sharma (c) Rail Sahayata (d) Rail Saksham
(c) Pankaj Koli (d) Vinay Bhandari Q3) What was the name of the former secretary
Q16) India’s oldest research reactor, which was of Jammu and Kashmir Academy who passed
shut down permanently in 2009 for repair, was away at Doordarshan Kendra in Srinagar while
recommissioned after 9 years. What’s the name speaking during the live broadcast of DD
of the reactor? Kashmir’s “Good Morning J&K” programme?
(a) Dhruva (b) Kamini (a) Dr Meera Rai (b) Dr Sujata Singh
(c) Purnima (d) Apsara (c) Dr Purnima Sharma (d) Dr Rita Jitendra

Q4) The United States of America observed Q12) Which country has launched its biggest
which anniversary anniversary of 9/11 terrorist military exercise since the Cold War named
attacks that killed almost 3000 people in New "Vostok-2018“?
York, Virginia and Pennsylvania? (a) Serbia (b) China
(a) 17th (b) 16th (c) 18th (d) 19th (c) Japan (d) Russia
Q5) The Women and Child Development Q13) Sportsman Sardar Singh has announced
Ministry has issued an advisory on which deadly his retirement, he is associated with which
online game challenge, asking parents to sport?
monitor social media activity of their children to (a) Wrestling (b) Javelin Throw
ensure that they are not engaging in the (c) Hockey (d) Cricket
dangerous game? Q14) Who has become the first Sikh to have
(a) Momo Game (b) Blue Whale Game been inducted into the security detail of US
(c) Choco Game (d) Chip Game President Donald Trump?
Q6) Recently, Gaura Chandra Mohapatra passed (a) Akashdeep Sehgal
away, he was a/an ______? (b) Gagandeep Sodhi
(a) Journalist (b) Politician (c) Anshdeep Singh Bhatia
(c) Freedom fighter (d) Actor (d) Gurmeet Singh Khurana
Q7) Which state recently got its first Sainik Q15) A super typhoon Mangkhut packing winds
School? of up to 150 miles per hour is heading towards
(a) Assam (b) Tripura which country?
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Sikkim (a) Philippines (b) Japan
Q8) First ever bus services between which (c) Thailand (d) Russia
Indian State and Nepal was flagged off? Q16) What is the name of an Indian-American
(a) West Bengal (b) Uttarakhand scientist and professor who has been awarded
(c) Sikkim (d) Bihar an “Outstanding Investigator Award” by the U.S.
Q9) The Haryana government has signed an National Cancer Institute?
MoU with Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) to set up (a) Padmini Shukla (b) Arul Chinnaiyan
an ethanol plant in which of its city with an (c) Arun Vaibhav (d) Subhrato Muni
outlay of over Rs 900 crore? Q17) Who has become the first woman player
(a) Panchkula (b) Panipat to pick up 300 international wickets?
(c) Gurugram (d) Ambala (a) Cathryn Fitzpatrick (b) Jenny Gunn
Q10) Two Day Regional Conference on Good (c) Karen Rolton (d) Jhulan Goswami
Governance was held in which city? Q18) Which of the following straits connects the
(a) Pune (b) Nagpur Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean?
(c) Indore (d) Bhopal (a) Strait of Hormuz (b) Strait of Gibraltar
Q11) Which state has launched a mobile (c) Bosphorus strait (d) Dover Strait
platform, e-Rythu, which will enable small-scale Q19) Which Indian state shares the longest land
farmers to market their produce at reasonable boundary with Bhutan?
prices? (a) Assam (b) Sikkim
(a) Telangana (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) West Bengal
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Karnataka Q20) Khardung La is a mountain pass located in
which Indian State?

(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Arunachal Pradesh Q6) To mark the 150th birth anniversary of
(c) Jammu and Kashmir (d) Sikkim Mahatma Gandhi, Prime Minister Narendra
Q21) Who has been named as the chairman of Modi has announced the launch of which
the 11-member selection committee to pick this Movement?
year’s Dronacharya and Dhyanchand awardees? (a) Swachhata Hi Seva
(a) Ranjan Gogoi (b) Altamas Kabir (b) Bharat Aur Swachhata
(c) Mukul Mudgal (d) Ashok Bhushan (c) Swachhata Sahayak
Q22) Hurricane Florence which has been (d) Swachhata Ki Nayi Pahel
downgraded to category three with125mph Q7) The Union cabinet has approved a proposal
(205km/h) winds, is heading towards which for the complete electrification of Indian
country? Railways by ____________ ?
(a) USA (b) England (a) 2022-23 (b) 2021-22
(c) Japan (d) Netherlands (c) 2023-24 (d) 2024-25
14th September: Q8) India, Afghanistan and which country held
Q1) Which state has put a ban on sale of e- their first tripartite meeting in Kabul,
cigarettes with immediate effect? Afghanistan?
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh (a) Bangladesh (b) Bhutan
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Telangana (c) Iraq (d) Iran
Q2) China is planning to have a bullet train from Q9) Samsung has Opened World's 'Largest'
which Indian City to its Kunming City? Mobile Experience Centre name Samsung
(a) Itanagar (b) Bomdila Opera House in which city?
(c) Kolkata (d) Dehradun (a) Pune (b) Bengaluru
Q3) As per a UN report on the ‘state of food (c) Mumbai (d) Delhi
security and nutrition in the world’, the number Q10) Renowned agricultural economist and
of undernourished globally increased to former PM's Economic Advisory Committee
_______ million in 2017? member passed away recently, what was his
(a) 900 million (b) 821 million name?
(c) 700 million (d) 789 million (a) Vishwa Singh Parihar (b) Vijay Shankar Vyas
Q4) The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has (c) Amartya Mukherjee (d) Abhilash Kaur
discovered a collection of 254 Copper Coins in Q11) Nepal will take part in a 12-day-long
the premises of Khirki Mosque during the 'Sagarmatha Friendship-2' military exercise with
course of conservation of the monument. The which country?
Mosque is located in? (a) India (b) China
(a) Lucknow (b) Hyderabad (c) Russia (d) Bhutan
(c) Bhopal (d) Delhi Q12) India to supply 160 railway coaches to
Q5) What is the full form of PM – AASHA? which country?
(a) Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan (a) Bangladesh (b) Myanmar
Abhiyan (c) Bhutan (d) Sri Lanka
(b) Pradhan Mantri Ann Aay Suvidha Abhiyan Q13) Which city or state has topped the list of
(c) Pradhan Mantri Antodaya Aay Sanskaar 4G availability in India’s 22 telecom circles, as
Abhiyan per a new analysis by mobile analytic company
(d) None of these Open Signal?

(a) Punjab (b) Kolkata Q21) Second Buddhist Council was held at?
(c) Delhi (d) Bihar (a) Rajgarh (b) Vaishali
Q14) According to the recent report from the (c) Pataliputra (d) Kundalavana
Federation of American which country can Q22) Sangai Festival is organized in which state?
become the 5th largest nuclear weapons state (a) Assam (b) Manipur
in terms of possession of total nuclear (c) Mizoram (d) Nagaland
warheads? Q23) "Ninety East Ridge" is a submarine
(a) India (b) Israel volcanic ridge located in __________?
(c) Iran (d) Pakistan (a) Pacific ocean (b) Atlantic Ocean
Q15) The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (c) Indian ocean (d) Arctic Ocean
has prohibited the manufacture for sale, sale or 15 September:

distribution for human use of how many Fixed Q1) The Union Minister for Minority Affairs Shri
Dose Combinations (FDCs) with immediate Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi has launched the NSP
effect? Mobile App. What is “S” stands for in NSP?
(a) 229 (b) 115 (c) 328 (d) 300 (a) Security (b) Scholarship
Q16) The Union Cabinet has given its approval (c) System (d) Social
for introduction of Bill in Parliament for Q2) Name the India’s oldest female athlete who
amendment of NID Act, 2014 to include the has won a gold medal at the World Masters
how many new National Institutes of Design Athletics Championships in Malaga, Spain?
(NID)? (a) Man Kaur (b) Daljeet Kaur
(a) Three (b) Four (c) Nimrat Kaur (d) Anuradha Chillar
(c) Five (d) Two Q3) Who has been appointed as the chairman
Q17) Who has been nominated as the chairman of Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI)?
of the Ethics Committee of the Lok Sabha by (a) Rohit Gupta (b) Shashidhar Sinha
Speaker Sumitra Mahajan? (c) Subhash Kamath (d) D Shivakumar
(a) Anurag Thakur (b) Varun Gandhi Q4) Name the Renowned scientist who was
(c) Lal Krishna Advani (d) Ram Prasad Sharma conferred the honorary D Sc at the 6th annual
Q18) The Election Commission has announced convocation of Presidency University in
the withdrawal of the provision of None Of The Kolkata?
Above (NOTA) option from ballet papers for (a) Nambi Narayan (b) K Sivan
which elections? (c) C N R Rao (d) A S Kiran Kumar
(a) Rajya Sabha (b) Legislative Council Q5) Hindustan Shipyard Limited has announced
(c) Legislative Assembly (d) A & B that India’s first ocean surveillance and missile
Q19) International Day for South-South tracking ship named what, will undertake its
Cooperation was observed on? first sea trial in the first week of October 2018?
(a) September 11 (b) September 12 (a) VC 11184 (b) VC 11180
(c) September 13 (d) September 10 (c) VS 10189 (d) VS 22219
Q20) Which company has signed a 3-year Q6) India’s first tribal circuit tourism project
partnership with the Australian Open as its under the Swadesh Darshan scheme was
official digital innovation partner? inaugurated in which state?
(a) Wipro (b) Reliance (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Chhattisgarh
(c) Infosys (d) Google (c) West Bengal (d) Uttar Pradesh

Q7) Which state has recently inaugurated the E- Q17) Who has won an individual Gold Medal in
Plant Clinic? Junior Men’s 25-metre pistol event in the ISSF
(a) Assam (b) Tripura World Shooting Championships in South Korea?
(c) Jammu and Kashmir (d) Uttarakhand (a) Saurabh Chaudhary (b) Udayveer Singh
Q8) The Indo-Bhutan Border Centre was (c) Ronjan Sodhi (d) Sanjeev Rajput
inaugurated in which state? Q18) Justice Ranjan Gogoi became the
(a) Sikkim (b) Arunachal Pradesh __________ th Chief Justice of India?
(c) West Bengal (d) Assam (a) 45th (b) 47th
Q9) Which political party of Tamil Nadu has (c) 46 (d) 44th
launched its own channel named 'News J‘? Q19) According to the data released by Central
(a) DMK (b) AIADMK Statistics Office (CSO), Index of Industrial
(c) PMK (d) PTMK production (IIP) grew at _______ % in July?
Q10) EU Parliament has voted against which (a) 7 % (b) 5 %
country to punish it for breaching democratic (c) 6.6 % (d) 7.1%
norms? Q20) G-20 Trade And Investment Ministerial
(a) Cyprus (b) Portugal Meeting was held in which country?
(c) Hungary (d) Poland (a) Mexico (b) Saudi Arab
Q11) Which state government has decided to (c) Argentina (d) Germany
distribute over 1 lakh pump sets to double the Q21) Vice President Venkaiah Naidu embarks
farmers’ income by 2022? on a threenation visit, which of the following
(a) Tripura (b) Mizoram countries he will not travel to?
(c) Nagaland (d) Assam (a) Malta (b) Romania
Q12) Hindi Divas was observed on? (c) Serbia (d) Nigeria
(a) September 14 (b) September 13 Q22) As per the report HIV Estimations 2017 , in
(c) September 12 (d) September 11 2017 India had around ______ lakh people
Q13) India has Approved an MOU on Joint Block living with HIV (PLHIV) ?
chain Research with the members of which (a) 21.40 lakh (b) 22.12 lakh
organization? (c) 23.07 lakh (d) 24.02 lakh
(a) SAARC (b) BRICS (c) G-7 (d) G-20 16th September:
Q14) Which of the following rulers earned the Q1) Whose birthday is celebrated on 15
title of Purvapaschima Samudradhishavara? September as Engineer's Day?
(a) Samudragupta (b) Karikala Chola (a) E Sreedharan (b) M Visvesvaraya
(c) Harihara I (d) Parantaka-I (c) G V Loganathan (d) U B Desai
Q15) Which of the following rulers died in the Q2) Which state celebrated the Nuakhai festival
Kalinjar Fort situated in the Baghelkhand region recently?
of central India? (a) Bihar (b) Karnataka
(a) Mahmud of Ghazni (b) Sher Shah Suri (c) Odisha (d) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Humayun (d) Jahangir Q3) International Day of Democracy is observed
Q16) Mahad Satyagraha was led by: on?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (a) September 14 (b) September 13
(c) Acharya Vinoba Bhave (c) September 16 (d) September 15
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Q4) The Reserve Bank to purchase government prestigious award for her work to help detect
securities (G-secs) worth how many crore on potentially life-threatening health issues using
September 19, a move aimed at inducing smartphones?
liquidity in the system? (a) Rajalakshmi Nandakumar(b) Nandini Mishra
(a) 10,000 crore (b) 9,000 crore (c) Anuradha Singh (d) Priyanshi Seth
(c) 8,000 crore (d) 9,500 crore Q13) What is the rank of India in the United
Q5) Which is the highest award in the Nations Human Development Index 2018?
Handicraft sector in India? (a) 131 (b) 135
(a) National Award (b) Shilp Guru (c) 130 (d) 156
(c) Shilpkaar (d) Shilpi Q14) Which country’s Space Agency is going to
Q6) Russian President Vladimir Putin has send hundreds of microscopic worms to the
suggested that Russia and which country should International Space Station to study spaceflight-
sign a peace treaty in 2018? induced muscle loss?
(a) China (b) America (a) Japan (b) United Kingdom
(c) Japan (d) Estonia (c) China (d) Russia
Q7) Brij Katyal, who recently died, was Q15) US bank Goldman Sachs has appointed
associated with which field? whom as its next President and Chief Operating
(a) Politics (b) Painting Officer (COO)?
(c) Sport (d) Film industry (a) Martin Chavez (b) Stephen Sherrer
Q8) Who is the head of the committee to look (c) John Waldron (d) David Solomon
into the harrowing arrest and alleged torture of Q16) Which company has recently launched an
former space scientist Nambi Narayanan in the indigenously designed and developed India’s
‘ISRO spy scandal’? first 205T Electric Drive Rear Dump Truck
(a) Kurian Joseph (b) Madan Lokur (Model BH205-E) in its Mysuru plant?
(c) D K Jain (d) K K Joshwa (a) GAIL (b) SAIL
Q9) Mehlli Gobhai who passed away recently (c) BHEL (d) BEML
was associated with which field? Q17) Which state government has introduced
(a) Art (b) Journalism electric cars for official use?
(c) Sport (d) Engineering (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Jharkhand
Q10) Union Minister of Agriculture and (c) Bihar (d) Uttar Pradesh
Farmers’ Welfare, Radha Mohan Singh has Q18) According to the culture study survey by
recently launched Dairy Processing & US-based multi-national workforce
Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF) in New management firm Kronos Incorporated, which
Delhi with an outlay of Rs____________crore? country is the World’s most hard working
(a) 11881 crore (b) 10881 crore country?
(c) 12881 crore (d) 13881 crore (a) France (b) Mexico
Q11) Nepal flagged off a direct bus service (c) India (d) Japan
between Kathmandu and which town of Bihar? Q19) The book “The Twice-Born – Life and
(a) Patna (b) Bodh Gaya Death on the Ganges” has been authored by
(c) Raksaul (d) Nalanda whom?
Q12) What is the name of an India-born woman (a) Vikram Seth (b) Amish Tripathi
scholar in the US,who has been chosen for a (c) Ravindra Singh (d) Aatish Taseer

Q20) In 1398, when Timur invaded India, the Q6) Goods and Services Tax Network has
ruler of Delhi Sultanate was? announced that e-way bills worth how many
(a) Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq crores have been generated across India since
(b) Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji its inception in April 2018?
(c) Aram Shah (d) Ghiyas-ud-din Balban (a) 30.3 crore (b) 21.4 crore
Q21) Minakshi-Sundareshwara Temple is (c) 22.5 crore (d) 25.71 crore
located in which state? Q7) Who will be honoured with Meera Puruskar
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Telangana by Rajasthan Sahitya Academy?
(c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu (a) Bharat Vyas (b) Shailesh Lodha
Q22) Who among the following introduced the (c) Chand Bardai (d) Sawai Singh Shekhawat
Zabti system and Dahshala system? Q8) Which company was named as ‘Steel
(a) Raja Todar Mal (b) Firuz Shah Tughlaq Industry Leader’ globally by the Dow Jones
(c) Raja Man Singh (d) Ibrahim Lodi Sustainability Index 2018 (DJSI)?
17th September: (a) Arcelormittal (b) Tata Steel
Q1) Indian Coast Guard observed the (c) Hyundai Steel Company (d) Baosteel
International Coastal Cleanup-2018 day on Q9) Which International Airport has received
which date? the Airports Council International Airport
(a) September 16 (b) September 15 Service Quality World no.1 airport award trophy
(c) September 14 (d) September 13 for the second consecutive year?
Q2) Name the Indian Coast Guard Ship which is (a) GMR Hyderabad International Airport
the second in the series of 98 m offshore patrol (b) Indira Gandhi International Airport
vessels (OPVs) and was commissioned by (c) Kempegowda International Airport
Defence Secretary Sanjay Mitra in Chennai? (d) Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
(a) Dhruv (b) Surya Q10) Which state government has launched the
(c) Vijaya (d) Shourya website to tackle unemployment under Yuva
Q3) Paul Collingwood, has announced that, he Nestam scheme?
will retire from cricket at the end of the ongoing (a) Telangana (b) Tamil Nadu
domestic season. He plays for which country? (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Karnataka
(a) New Zealand (b) South Africa Q11) Which state was ranked best among states
(c) Australia (d) England in constructing maximum number of roads road
Q4) Name the India’s first underwater robotic under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana?
drone which was launched and handed over to (a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Uttarakhand
the Naval Physical and Oceanographic (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Rajasthan
Laboratory (NPOL) of DRDO? Q12) Rajasthan Forest Minister Gajendra Singh
(a) EyeRovTuna (b) SeaTuna Khimsar has inaugurated Rajasthan’s first lion
(c) RiverEyeTuna (d) None of the above safari at which Biological Park?
Q5) Wicket-keeper James Foster has announced (a) Nahargarh Biological park
his retirement from all forms of cricket. He (b) Machia Biological park
plays for which cricket team? (c) Sajjangarh Biological Park
(a) West Indies (b) England (d) Mewar Biological Park
(c) Australia (d) South Africa

Q13) Foreign exchange reserves fell below (a) Australia (b) Japan
$____ billion, for the first time since November (c) India (d) England
11, 2017, in the first week of September? Q2) The Delhi government has signed a
(a) $300 (b) $200 “Friendship and Cooperation Agreement”, with
(c) $400 (d) $500 which city, under which the two cities would
Q14) Which state has flagged off the 'Swachh exchange expertise for betterment in 12 fields?
Dhara' programme? (a) Seoul (b) Berlin
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Telangana (c) Tokyo (d) Kathmandu
(c) Karnataka (d) Andhra Pradesh Q3) Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
Q15) In an attempt to combat human by using PSLV-C42 has successfully launched
trafficking, which state government has rolled two satellites— NovaSAR and S1-4-belonging to
out a scheme, Swayangsiddha? which country?
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Bihar (a) Russia (b) Japan
(c) West Bengal (d) Punjab (c) America (d) United Kingdom
Q16) 23rd Meeting of India-Russia Q4) Which country has developed the man-
Intergovernmental Commission was held in portable anti-tank guided missile (MPATGM)?
which city? (a) Russia (b) Israel
(a) Delhi (b) Moscow (c) America (d) India
(c) Kazan (d) Sochi Q5) Which state’s tourism has bagged two gold
Q17) Which country has replaced Saudi Arabia awards of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
as a top oil supplier to India in August? awards for its innovative ad campaign?
(a) Iran (b) Iraq (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Sikkim
(c) Nigeria (d) Qatar (c) Kerala (d) Assam
Q18) Mahindra & Mahindra to become a carbon Q6) World Ozone Day is observed on which
neutral company by which year? date?
(a) 2030 (b) 2035 (a) September 15 (b) September 14
(c) 2040 (d) 2045 (c) September 16 (d) September 17
Q19) Which of the following words is not Q7) The 15th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD)
included in Preamble? 2019 will be held in which city of Uttar Pradesh?
(a) Equality (b) Liberty (a) Lucknow (b) Varanasi
(c) Dignity (d) Justice (c) Allahabad (d) Meerut
Q20) Which of the following national parks is Q8) Which state has declared itself open
not a UNESCO World Heritage Site? defecation free (ODF) at the launch of
(a) Kaziranga (b) Keoladeo “Swachhata Hi Seva“ campaign?
(c) Sunderban (d) Kanha (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Maharashtra
Q21) Clouded Leopard National Park is situated (c) Tripura (d) Jammu and Kashmir
in which state? Q9) First ever dedicated dog park of India was
(a) Assam (b) Manipur constructed in which city?
(c) Tripura (d) Nagaland (a) Pun (b) Mumbai (c) Hyderabad (d) Delhi
18 September:
th Q10) Jaipur Literature Festival was held in city?
Q1) The first edition of the World Heritage (a) Jaipur (b) Udaipur
Cuisine Summit will be held in which country? (c) Houston (d) London

Q11) According to the ‘Credit Suisse Family (c) Ujjain (d) Amaravati
1000 in 2018’ study, what is the rank of India Q21) Which bank was awarded with “Rajbhasha
globally in terms of number of family-owned Kirti” award on the occasion of Hindi Divas?
companies? (a) State Bank of India (b) Bank of India
(a) First (b) Seventh (c) Punjab National Bank (d) Bank of Baroda
(c) Fourth (d) Third Q22) NABARD has approved Rs 65,634.93 crore
Q12) Who has authored the book Kashi: Secret loan for how many irrigation projects under
of the Black Temple? Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY)?
(a) Vineet Bajpai (b) Gaurav Bhatia (a) 78 (b) 93 (c) 59 (d) 89
(c) Navin Chawla (d) Amish Tripathi Q23) Time magazine was sold to Salesforce CEO
Q13) Who was Satya Prakash Malviya who Marc Benioff and his wife for $_______million.
passed away recently? (a) $ 180 (b) $ 160 (c) $ 200 (d) $ 190
(a) Scientist (b) Politician 19th September:
(c) Journalist (d) Doctor Q1) Which is the Asia's highest volcanic peak ?
Q14) Which country has won the SAFF (South (a) Mount Fuji (b) Mount Damavand
Asian Football Federation) Cup 2018? (c) Mount Bromo (d) Mount Takao
(a) India (b) Bhutan Q2) Who has sworn-in as the new Prime
(c) Maldives (d) Sri Lanka Minister of Sudan?
Q15) India stood at which rank in 52nd ISSF (a) Bakri Hassan Saleh (b) Umar Al-Bashir
World Championship? (c) Moutaz Mousa Abdallah (d) Sadiq Al Mahdi
(a) Fifth (b) Fourth Q3) Former Asian Games champion Ganpatrao
(c) Second (d) Third Andalka passed away recently. He was
Q16) ICESAT-2: satellite was launched by which associated with which sports?
space agency? (a) Badminton (b) Boxing
(a) NASA (b) ISRO (c) Tennis (d) Wrestling
(c) JAXA (d) None of these Q4) World’s first hydrogen-powered train was
Q17) Infosys has acquired Fluido – a company rolled out in which country?
based in which country? (a) Spain (b) Germany
(a) Norway (b) Denmark (c) China (d) Russia
(c) Slovakia (d) Finland Q5) With which country India has signed three
Q18) Mundaka Upanishad, the Mandukya MoUs in Maritime Cooperation, Tourism and
Upanishad and the Prashna Upanishad are Training?
associated with which of the following Vedas? (a) Serbia (b) Malta
(a) Atharva-Veda (b) Rig-Veda (c) Czech Republic (d) France
(c) Sama-Veda (d) Yajur-Veda Q6) Kent RO Systems is planning to set up a
Q19) Acharanga Sutra is associated with which second manufacturing plant in which city?
of the following religions? (a) Lucknow (b) Pune
(a) Jainism (b) Buddhism (c) Noida (d) Surat
(c) Sikhism (d) Christianity Q7) Which state is going to launch first-ever
Q20) Which Indian city was also known as 'dial-FIR' scheme?
Kusumapura during the ancient period? (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Haryana
(a) Allahabad (b) Patna (c) Gujarat (d) Uttar Pradesh

Q8) Which city is going to have India’s first ever Q17) State Bank of India has appointed whom
gender-neutral hostel? as its Chief Financial Officer?
(a) Delhi (b) Mumbai (a) Prashant Kumar (b) Anshula Kant
(c) Bengaluru (d) Gurugram (c) Vikas Bhushan (d) Naveen Mishra
Q9) To which country Bangladesh has given its Q18) Umiam Lake, commonly known as
approval to use the Chittagong and Mongla Barapani Lake, is situated in which state?
seaports? (a) Tripura (b) Uttarakhand
(a) Sri Lanka (b) Myanmar (c) Meghalaya (d) Manipur
(c) India (d) China Q19) Which of the following is the money
Q10) The Fourth edition of Asian Paralympic market instrument?
Games 2022 will be held by which Chinese city? (a) Treasury bills (b) Commercial Paper
(a) Beijing (b) Guangzhou (c) Certificate of Deposit (d) All of the above
(c) Hangzhou (d) Shanghai Q20) Malwa Plateau is not a part of which of
Q11) Which Canadian company is all set to buy the following states?
the East West Pipeline Ltd for Rs 14,000 crore? (a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat
(a) Brookfield (b) Eagle (c) Maharashtra (d) Madhya Pradesh
(c) J. P. Morgan (d) Allianz Q21)Who was Dolagobinda Pradhan who
Q12) Grocery startups BigBasket and which passed away recently?
online grocery service company have revived (a) Sportsman (b) Journalist
talks for a merger? (c) Politician (d) Poet
(a) Reliance Fresh (b) Grofers Q22) Who has won women’s singles title of
(c) Amazon Pantry (d) Bazaar Kart 2018 Japan Open?
Q13) Which e-commerce company held talks to (a) Nozomi Okuhara (b) Yuki Fukushima
buy a stake in Hotstar? (c) Sayaaka Hirota (d) Carolina Marin
(a) Amazon (b) Flipkart Q23) Which of the following series won the
(c) Reliance (d) Airtel award for Best Drama Series at Emmy Award
Q14) Who along with Virat Kohli was 2018?
recommended for this year's Rajiv Gandhi Khel (a) Seven seconds (b) Game of Thrones
Ratna award? (c) The Americans (d) The Crown
(a) PV Sindhu (b) Saina Nehwal Q24) As per the report by the World Economic
(c) Mary Kom (d) Mirabai Chanu Forum (WEF) by which year, machines will take
Q15) The Centre has proposed the merger of over 52% of human works in 12 key industry
stateowned Bank of Baroda, Dena Bank and sectors?
which bank in order to create India’s third- (a) 2040 (b) 2030 (c) 2025 (d) 2035
largest bank? 20th September:
(a) Canara Bank (b) Syndicate Bank Q1) India’s first ‘smart fence’ pilot project was
(c) Vijaya Bank (d) Punjab and Sindh Bank launched at which border?
Q16) What was the name of the First Indian (a) Bangladesh Border (b) China border
woman IAS officer of Independent India who (c) Myanmar border (d) Pakistan Border
passed away recently? Q2) Which Indian personality has been included
(a) Aruna Sundarajan (b) B. Chandrakala on the board of US - India Strategic Partnership
(c) Mughda Sinha (d) Anna Rajam Malhotra Forum (USISPF)?

(a) Rajiv Bajaj (b) Aditya Puri (a) Shekhar basu (b) Kamlesh Nilkanth
(c) S. Jaishankar (d) Bhaskar Bhatt (c) Vijay Kumar (d) Narendra Karmarkar
Q3)Which state government has Launched Q11) The famous Angkor Wat temple is situated
‘Star- Rating’ System For Industries to Cut Air in which country?
Pollution ? (a) Thailand (b) Philippines
(a) Karnataka (b) Bihar (c) Cambodia (d) Vietnam
(c) Rajasthan (d) Odisha Q12) Dasht-e Margo, also known as Desert of
Q4) Where was the first international Maqom Death, is located in which country ?
musical Festival organized? (a) Kazakhstan (b) Saudi Arab
(a) Uzbekistan (b) Tajikistan (c) Afghanistan (d) China
(c) Nepal (d) United Arab Emirates Q13) Lake Winnipeg is located in which of the
Q5) India-Bangladesh Friendship Product following countries?
Pipeline Project will connect which city of West (a) Brazil (b) Canada
Bengal with the Parbatipur of Bangladesh? (c) Russia (d) Japan
(a) Haldia (b) Siliguri Q14) Who won Singapore Grand Prix 2018?
(c) Asansol (d) Darjeeling (a) Max Verstappen (b) Sebastian Vettel
Q6) The Union Home Secretary Shri Rajiv Gauba (c) Lewis Hamilton (d) Valtteri Bottas
has launched which online ‘’ portal for grant of Q15) Which insurance company has become
Security Clearance? the latest Olympic Games sponsorship partner,
(a) e-Sahaj (b) e-Suraksha signing a 10- year deal with the International
(c) e-Kushal (d) e-Raksha Olympic Committee?
Q7) Union government along with UN body (a) Citi Group (b) Allianz
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has (c) Wales Fargo (d) BNP Paribas
launched an agriculture project which will be Q16) Who has taken charge as the Chairman
implemented in how many states? and Managing Director (CMD) of National
(a) Three (b) Four Insurance Company Limited (NIC)?
(c) Seven (d) Five (a) Sanath Kumar (b) Alice Vaidyan
Q8) India has signed a memorandum of (c) VK Sharma (d) Tajinder Mukherjee
agreement (MoA),with which country, to focus Q17) Who has been signed as ambassadors of
on the field of dual vocational education and Skill India Campaign to promote the Skill India
training and skill development? Mission?
(a) Argentina (b) Japan (a) Anushka Sharma (b) Aishwarya Rai
(c) Russia (d) Germany (c) Deepika Padukone (d) Alia Bhatt
Q9) India has signed a financing loan agreement Q18) Who has been conferred with 'Mexican
with the World Bank for USD 74 million for Order of the Aztec Eagle', the highest honour
which state’s Workforce Development Project accorded to non-nationals by the Government
(UKWDP)? of Mexico?
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Jharkhand (a) Raghupati Singhania (b) Anil Manibhai Naik
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Bihar (c) Deepak Parekh (d) None of these
Q10) Who has been appointed as the new Q19) Three day First-ever global India Tourism
Secretary of Department of Atomic Energy, and Mart was held in which city?
Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission? (a) Pune (b) Delhi (c) Jaipur (d) Bhopal

Q20) The Punjab government has signed an (a) Rajasthan (b) Uttarakhand
agreement with which state for Shahpurkandi (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Uttar Pradesh
dam project? Q8)Which Japanese billionaire has become the
(a) Rajasthan (b) Haryana first private passenger on SpaceX’s Lunar Big
(c) Jammu and Kashmir (d) Himachal Pradesh Falcon Rocket Mission?
Q21) India and which country have signed a (a) Tadashi Yanai (b) Masayoshi Son
MoU for construction of a 5000-metric ton (c) Hiroshi Mikitani (d) Yusaku Maezawa
temperature controlled warehouse? Q9) Which country had accidentally shot down
(a) Nepal (b) Bhutan a Russian military plane?
(c) Bangladesh (d) Sri Lanka (a) Israel (b) Syria
21 September:
st (c) Iran (d) North Korea
Q1) Which country has become the first in the Q10) Which country has declared a 'national
world to develop document on Cooling Action disaster' following severe floods that have left
Plan? at least 100 people dead in several states across
(a) Australia (b) Sweden the country?
(c) India (d) England (a) Indonesia (b) Thailand
Q2) ISRO’s first Space Technology Incubation (c) Nigeria (d) Somalia
Centre was inaugurated in which state? Q11) Union Government has released a
(a) Odisha (b) Karnataka National Registry of Sexual Offenders. With the
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Tripura launch, India will become the ______ country to
Q3) 2018 Track Asia Cup cycling tournament will maintain such a thorough database?
be organized by which country? (a) Tenth (b) Ninth
(a) Sri Lanka (b) India (c) Sixth (d) Fifth
(c) China (d) Iran Q12) Who has been appointed as the MD and
Q4) Who was appointed as the Secretary of CEO of Dena Bank?
Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)? (a) Padmaja Chundru (b) Pallav Mohapatra
(a) Jayant Mallya (b) Nitin Patel (c) Atul Kumar Goel (d) Karnam Sekar
(c) Anindo Majumdar (d) Sudhir Mungantiwar Q13) The Employees’ State Insurance
Q5) India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) has signed Corporation (ESIC) has approved a new scheme-
a 5-year Corporate Agency Agreement with ___________ for Insured Persons covered
which Insurance Company to offer life insurance under the Employees’ State Insurance Act?
products to its consumers? (a) Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojna
(a) Birla Sun (b) Bajaj Allianz (b) PM Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojna
(c) Max life insurance (d) Kotak Life Insurance (c) Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojna
Q6) Which state government has announced (d) PM Bima Kalyan Yojana
the proposal of construction of new Cyber Q14) India and which country have agreed to
University? intensify cooperation at the United Nations and
(a) Assam (b) Gujarat other multilateral forum in order to address
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Maharashtra global challenges?
Q7) Which state Assembly has passed the (a) Serbia (b) Romania
Resolution Seeking 'Mother of the Nation' (c) France (d) Russia
Status for the Cow?

Q15) Which country has signed an MoU with Convention and Expo Centre (IICC) in which
India for the implementation of Mahatma city?
Gandhi International Convention Centre (a) Lucknow (b) Dwarka
(MGICC) with the Indian government's grant (c) Mathura (d) Varanasi
assistance? Q2) The Hindu Newspaper celebrated its _____
(a) Nigeria (b) Malta the anniversary?
(c) Niger (d) Serbia (a) 130th (b) 150th
Q16) India has signed the revised Air Services (c) 125th (d) 140th
Agreement with which country? Q3) World Alzheimer’s Day 2018 was celebrated
(a) Malta (b) Morocco on which date?
(c) Czech Republic (d) France (a) September 15 (b) September 21
Q17) Kuchipudi is the classical dance of which (c) September 20 (d) September 19
state? Q4) Tran Dai Quang, who passed away recently,
(a) Odisha (b) Kerala was the President of which country?
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu (a) Indonesia (b) Thailand
Q18) Who was known as 'Frontier Gandhi'? (c) Vietnam (d) Laos
(a) Hasrat Mohan(b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Q5) International Peace Day is observed on?
(c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (d) Iqbal Khan (a) September 21 (b) September 20
Q19) 'Neel Darpan' by the Dinabandhu Mitra (c) September 19 (d) September 18
talks about the plight of? Q6) Sundeep Misra is going to write a book
(a) Bengali artisans (b) Indigo planters titled “Story So Far”, the book is based on the
(c) Labourers (d) All of the above life of which sport person?
Q20) Which Indian movie has won the People’s (a) Neeraj Chopra (b) Bajrang Punia
Choice Midnight Madness Award at the 43rd (c) Swapna Barman (d) Dutee Chand
Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)? Q7) Revolutionary leader, writer and feminist
(a) Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota (b) Fanney Khan Kondapalli Koteswaramma passed away
(c) 102 Not Out (d) Karwaan recently, what is the name of her
Q21) Which Afghanistan government’s autobiography?
Ambassador to India has resigned recently as he (a) Nirjana Varadhi (b) Agni ki Udaan
wants to serve his people and country? (c) Mari Hakikkat (d) Stree
(a) Hamid Abdullah Q8) The first edition of Indo International
(b) Mohammed Abdul Ghani Premier Kabaddi League was recently launched,
(c) Shaida Mohammad Abdali how many teams will be participating in this
(d) None of these event?
Q22) Airports Authority of India (AAI) will (a) Seven (b) Nine
prepare a detailed project report for (c) Ten (d) Eight
development of which airport in Sri Lanka? Q9) Who has been appointed as an
(a) Ampara Airport (b) Colombo Airport independent director on the board of Air India
(c) Hambantota Airport (d) Palaly Airport Ltd?
22nd September: (a) Ashwani Lohani (b) D Purandeswari
Q1) Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the (c) Ajay Singh (d) Aireen Omar
foundation stone of India International

Q10) All-women crew of INSV Tarini has won (a) Kabul (b) Rajasthan
which award for completing the challenging (c) Punjab (d) Baluchistan
task of sailing across the world for 8 months? Q19) Rummindei Pillar Inscription which talks
(a) Tenzing Norgay Award about taxation in Maurya era has been found at
(b) Geeta Chopra Award which of the following places?
(c) Bapu Gaidhani Award (a) Junagarh in Gujarat (b) Ranchi in Jharkhand
(d) President Award (c) Bhabru in Rajasthan (d) Lumbini in Nepal
Q11) 7th UNWTO Global Summit on Urban Q20) Which of the following was denoted by
Tourism was held in which country? the term “Kahapana” or “Karshapan” during
(a) India (b) Australia ancient India?
(c) South Korea (d) Spain (a) A cloth (b) A trader
Q12) Exercise Aviaindra-18 is a joint Air Force (c) A monk (d) A coin
exercise between India and which Country? Q21) Recently which player has refused to
(a) Mongolia (b) Bangladesh accept Doctorate Degree from Jadavpur
(c) Russia (d) Japan University?
Q13) Newly-built Jharsuguda airport of Odisha (a) Mary Kom (b) Virat Kohli
is to be renamed after which freedom fighter? (c) Rahul Dravid (d) Sachin Tendulkar
(a) Veer Savarkar (b) Veer Surendra Sai Q22) Mount Paektu which was in news recently,
(c) Birsa Munda (d) Baji Rout it is the tallest mountain of which country?
Q14) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has (a) South Korea (b) North Korea
launched a new web portal named what, the (c) Canada (d) Argentina
portal will provide information on budget, Q23) Government has hiked Interest on PPF,
expenditure and Bill Payment position? Sukanya Samrudhi Yojana, Kisan Vikas Patra by
(a) Budget Dashboard (b) E – Dashboard ______percent for October-December quarteR?
(c) Finance Dashboard (d) Bill Dashboard (a) 0.2 % (b) 0.3 % (c) 0.4 % (d) 0.5 %
Q15) Which Bollywood actress has been Q24) Which state government is set to launch a
bestowed with the prestigious Smita Patil programme to curb oral cancer in the State?
Memorial Award 2018? (a) Haryana (b) Punjab
(a) Nandita Das (b) Aishwarya Rai Bachchan (c) Delhi (d) Rajasthan
(c) Priyanka Chopra (d) Anushka Sharma 23 September:

Q16) According to Mercom India Research, the Q1) The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has
total installed capacity of solar power signed an MoU with which organization for
generation of India is? setting up of Integrated Control Room for
(a) 22 GW (b) 30 GW Emergency Response (ICR-ER)?
(c) 25 GW (d) 35 GW (a) ISRO (b) DRDO
Q17) Who has been appointed as the chairman (c) NASA (d) NITI Aayog
of the parliamentary Standing Committee on Q2) 62nd General Conference of International
Defence? Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was held in which
(a) Rakesh Singh (b) BC Khanduri city?
(c) Kalraj Mishra (d) None of these (a) Sydney (b) Brussel
Q18) Which of following regions was called (c) Vienna (d) Seoul
‘Gedrosia’ during times of Alexander, the great?

Q3) The country ’s first indigenously developed localization for e-commerce companies in
500- megawatt (mw) prototype fast breeder India?
reactor was set up at which state? (a) Alibaba (b) Amazon
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Best Buy (d) Rakuten
(c) Karnataka (d) Odisha Q12) National Stock Exchange has signed an
Q4) Indian Air Force is planning to set up its agreement with which Stock Exchange Group
drone manufacturing facility in which state? on a dual listing route for masala bonds as well
(a) Maharashtra (b) Uttarakhand as foreign currency bonds of Indian issuers?
(c) Karnataka (d) Andhra Pradesh (a) NASDAQ (b) New York Stock Exchange
Q5) DRDO has successfully test fired the (c) London Stock Exchange (d) Korea Exchange
surface-tosurface short-range tactical ballistic Q13) Fitch Ratings in its Global Economic
missile Prahaar. What is the strike range of it? Outlook report has increased India’s growth
(a) 200 Km (b) 150 Km forecast for the current fiscal to ________ per
(c) 350 Km (d) 250 Km cent from 7.4per cent?
Q6) Health Ministry has signed an MoU with (a) 7.6% (b) 7.8% (c) 7.7% (d) 7.5%
Tata Trust and which company to provide Q14) The Insurance Regulatory and
technology solution for a nationwide healthcare Development Authority (IRDAI) has raised the
program? minimum insurance cover for owner-driver to
(a) Google (b) Sony Rs 15 lakh for a premium of Rs ___ per annum?
(c) Dell (d) Piramal (a) Rs 750 (b) Rs 550 (c) Rs 650 (d) Rs 875
Q7) Which state govt has announced a scheme Q15) India has contributed how much amount
for the protection of the exotic Neela Kurinji for the installation of solar panels on the roof of
plants? the imposing UN building in New York?
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Jammu and Kashmir (a) $ 1 million (b) $ 0.5 million
(c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu (c) $ 2 million (d) $ 1.25 million
Q8) Which state government has doubled the Q16) Which country’s Post and India Post have
insurance coverage compensation for farmers released commemorative stamps on renowned
in the event of accidental death or disability? Physicist and Innovator Nikola Tesla and Swami
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Gujarat Vivekananda?
(c) Rajasthan (d) Bihar (a) Malta (b) Romania
Q9) The first-ever Mizoram International Short (c) Sweden (d) Serbia
Film Festival was held in which city? Q17) Which of the following movies is India’s
(a) Thenzawl (b) Lunglei official entry to Oscars 2019?
(c) Aizawl (d) Serchhip (a) Kadavi Hawa (b) Village Rockstar
Q10) Which state government has announced (c) Ishu (d) Padmavat
the formation of a committee to look into the Q18) Prime Minister Narendra Modi has laid the
complaints of farmers who have not received foundation stone for Talcher ferlitiliser plant in
timely compensation for crop loss? which state?
(a) Maharashtra (b) Rajasthan (a) Delhi (b) Bihar
(c) Jharkhand (d) Gujarat (c) Odisha (d) Karnataka
Q11) Which company has given its consent on Q19) Who among the following had founded
Central Government’s mandate of data Swadesh Bandhab Samiti?

(a) Ashwini Kumar Dutta Q6) Which state government has signed a
(b) Bagha Jatin Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with
(c) Bhavhubhushan Mitra National Insurance Company Ltd for “Ayushman
(d) Narendra Nath Bhattacharya Bharat Yojana”?
Q20) Kalimanta is a part of which country? (a) Bihar (b) Jharkhand
(a) Thailand (b) Malaysia (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Odisha
(c) Indonesia (d) Cambodia Q7) Naropa festival is celebrated at which
Q21) Rajasthan doesn’t share it border with place?
which of the following state? (a) Dispur (b) Gangtok
(a) Chhattisgarh (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Ladakh (d) Kohima
(c) Punjab (d) Uttar Pradesh Q8) The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
Q22) Who has taken charge as chairman of recently has lifted its ban from which country?
stateowned Steel Authority of India Limited (a) Ukraine (b) Syria
(SAIL)? (c) Russia (d) Iran
(a) P K Singh (b) Anil Kumar Chaudhary Q9) Which country is to join as the third
(c) Atul Sobati (d) B. C. Tripathi strategic partner of the $50 billion China-
Q23) India’s largest Cyclotron facility named Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)?
Cyclone-30 has become operational in which (a) Sri Lanka (b) Nepal
city? (c) Myanmar (d) Saudi Arabia
(a) Pune (b) Bengaluru Q10) The inaugural Naval Flight Test Seminar
(c) Delhi (d) Kolkata was held in which state?
24th September: (a) Goa (b) Madhya Pradesh
Q1) World Rhino Day 2018 was observed on? (c) Maharashtra (d) Tripura
(a) September 22 (b) September 21 Q11) First General Assembly of International
(c) September 20 (d) September 23 Solar Alliance will be held in which country?
Q2) World Rose Day 2018 was observed on? (a) Russia (b) France (c) India (d) Australia
(a) September 21 (b) September 20 Q12) Valmiki Wildlife Sanctuary is located in
(c) September 23 (d) September 22 which state?
Q3) Indian won which medal at Asian Team (a) Odisha (b) Assam
Snooker Championship? (c) Jharkhand (d) Bihar
(a) Silver (b) Gold Q13) Maxwell is the unit of?
(c) Bronze (d) None (a) Magnetic flux (b) Energy
Q4) 3rd edition of MahaBiz 2018 will be held in (c) Tension (d) Magnetic susceptibility
which city? Q14) Which country has put a ban on porn sites
(a) Dubai (b) Mumbai to curb rising rape cases?
(c) Doha (d) New Delhi (a) India (b) Pakistan
Q5) Which state has become the first State in (c) Nepal (d) Bangladesh
North East India to introduce Smart e-Public Q15) The coach who mentored the Olympic
Distribution System (e-PDS)? medalist, Sushil Kumar and Yogeshwar Dutt,
(a) Tripura (b) Nagaland passed away recently, what was his name?
(c) Mizoram (d) Arunachal Pradesh (a) Yashvir Singh (b) Uday Chand
(c) Satpal Singh (d) Asit Kumar Saha

Q16) Who has been appointed as the president (a) Nagaur Fair (b) Pushkar Fair
of Odisha Lalit Kala Akademi? (c) Elephant festival (d) Kumbh festival
(a) Nitish Bharti (b) Manas Kumar Sahu Q.27) Which one is not a southern India dance
(c) Sudarshan Patnaik (d) Kaushik Patnaik form?
Q17) Who has become the youngest author (a) Kathak (b) Kuchipudi
ever shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize? (c) Bharatnatyam (d) Lavini
(a) Anna Burns (b) Richard Powers Q.28) Which is the second largest wall in the
(c) Robin Robertson (d) Daisy Johnson world?
Q18) Which company has received Reserve (a) Amer Fort Wall (b) Red Fort wall
Bank of India’s (RBI) approval to operate its own (c) Kumbalgarh Fort Wall (d) Agra Fort Wall
nonbanking financial company (NBFC)? Q.29) Bagara Baingan is a famous dish of –
(a) PayU (b) Green sky (a) Hyderabad (b) Mysore
(c) Credit karma (d) None of these (c) Lucknow (d) Delhi
Q.19) The Panch Amrit given to bride during an Q.30) Where is the first mosque in India located
Assamese wedding is made up of Ghee, sugar, at?
honey, raw milk and_______? (a) Kerala (b) Delhi
(a) Water (b) Turmeric (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu
(c) Curd (d) Salt Q.31) Origin point of the river Kaveri is –
Q.20)Which of the following theatre is from (a) Mahabaleshwar (b) Raja Mahendravarman
Madhya Pradesh? (c) Talakaveri (d) Naski
(a) Maach (b) Tamasha 25th September:
(c) Swang (d) Raslila Q.1 Who has won the FIFA world player of the
Q.21) Sikhs get married through ceremony year award 2018?
called Anand Karaj. It was introduced by- (a) Cristiano Ronaldo (b) Lionel Messi
(a) Guru Amar Das (b) Guru Ram Das (c) Luka Modric (d) Mohammad Salah
(c) Sri Akad Takhat Sahib(d) Guru Govind Sahib Q.2 Which bay of Bengal cyclone has hit the
Q.22) In 2003, which place won the status of eastern coastal states of India like Odisha
cleanest village in Asia? recently?
(a) Mamelgittim (b) Mawlynnong (a) Florence (b) Jeba
(c) Mawiongjadap (d) Mawtyngkong (c) Mangkhut (d) Daye
Q.23) Which is the largest museum in India? Q3) Indian Army commemorates Haifa Day
(a) National Museum (b) Salarjung Museum every year on which date?
(c) Indian Museum (d) Niyan Museum (a) September 22 (b) September 23
Q.24)The living root bridges are located in- (c) September 24 (d) September 25
(a) Assam (b) Tripura Q4) What was the name of the filmmaker who
(c) Mizoram (d) Meghalaya recently passed away and had directed movies
Q.25) Name which one among the following is like Rudaali, Daman?
not in the 10 gurus of Sikhism? (a) Deepa Mehta (b) Mira Nair
(a) Guru Angad (b) Guru Govind Singh (c) Kalpana Lajmi (d) Aparna Sen
(c) Guru Teg Bahadur (d) Guru Santdas Q5) Which country has joined France in number
Q.26) Mirchi Bazaar, one of the biggest chilli one position on the recently released FIFA
market of India is a part of which fair

ranking? This is the first time in the 25-year Q14) Which country is going to become world's
history of FIFA rankings, the first spot is shared. first country to double its tiger population
(a) Brazil (b) Croatia before 2022?
(c) Uruguay (d) Belgium (a) Indonesia (b) India
Q6) International Day of Sign Languages was (c) Nepal (d) Cambodia
observed on which date? Q15) India has successfully conducted the test
(a) September 23 (b) September 22 of which defence vehicle?
(c) September 21 (d) September 24 (a) Arihant Class III (b) Surya III
Q7) AIBA Women’s World Boxing (c) Cruise Defence Vehicle
Championships will be hosted by which (d) Prithvi Defence Vehicle
country? Q16) In which Indian State the 100th airport of
(a) Turkey (b) India the country was inaugurated?
(c) China (d) Russia (a) Tripura (b) Sikkim
Q8) Who will be India’s first female blind chess (c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Nagaland
player at World Chess Olympiad? Q17) Who won the Presidential Election In
(a) Malika Handa (b) Harika Dronavalli Maldives?
(c) Vaishali Narendra Salavkar (d) Tania Sachdev (a) Abdullah Yameen
Q9) Recently the coach of National compound (b) Ibrahim Mohammed Solih
archery coach resigned from its post, what was (c) Mohamed Nasheed (d) Ahmed Adib
his name? Q18) Who won the women's singles title in
(a) Jeevanjot Singh Teja (b) Jata Shankar China Open 2018?
(c) Shiv Singh (d) Vijay Sharma (a) Chen Yufei (b) P.V. Sindhu
Q10) Who has been appointed as the goodwill (c) Saina Nehwal (d) Carolina Marin
ambassador for Nepal tourism? Q19) Name the Former BCCI president who
(a) Rekha (b) Zeent Amaan passed away recently?
(c) Jaya Prada (d) Hema Malini (a) Jagmohan Dalmiya
Q11) Which bank has paid Rs 38 crore in fines (b) Ranbir Singh Mahendra
to the GST department for alleged violations in (c) Biswanath Dutt (d) Shivlal Yadav
domestic remittances? Q20) Which gas is present on Saturn?
(a) Axis Bank (b) Yes Bank (a) Hydrogen (b) Methane
(c) Federal bank (d) HDFC bank (c) Nitrogen (d) Sulphur
Q12) The New Development Bank (NDB) of the Q21) 'Quit India' movement was started from
BRICS announced to grant a $525-million loan which city?
to which state for infrastructure projects? (a) Madras (b) Kolkata
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Rajasthan (c) Bombay (d) Delhi
(c) Jharkhand (d) Madhya Pradesh Q22) Suez Canal connects which two seas?
Q13) Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched (a) Yellow Sea & Red Sea
the flagship scheme 'Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya (b) Red Sea and Black Sea
Yojana‘ from which state? (c) Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea
(a) Chhattisgarh (b) Jharkhand (d) Caspian Sea and Yellow Sea
(c) Maharashtra (d) Rajasthan

26th September: Q10) Who has won FIFA's Best Player Of The
Q1) Antyodaya Diwas is observed every year on Year Award?
which date? (a) Lionel Messi (b) Cristiano Ronaldo
(a) September 23 (b) September 24 (c) Tony Kroos (d) Luca Modric
(c) September 25 (d) September 26 Q11) Which state has topped the charts among
Q2) How many people have been benefited on States in terms of “Ease of Living Index”
the first day after the launch of Pradhan Mantri rankings launched by the Ministry of Housing
Jan Arogya Yojana? and Urban Affairs?
(a) 2000 (b) 1000 (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Odisha
(c) 3000 (d) 5000 (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Maharashtra
Q3) India will sign an internal security Q12) Which country has become the first and
cooperation agreement with which country in only SAARC country to have a quit-line number
October? on tobacco products?
(a) Russia (b) Japan (a) Bangladesh (b) Nepal
(c) Israel (d) China (c) India (d) Maldives
Q4) 'Gandhi March’ will be organized by India in Q13) Facebook India has appointed whom as its
which country? MD & Vice-president?
(a) South Africa (b) England (a) Umang Bedi (b) Ajit Mohan
(c) Netherlands (d) Australia (c) Vikash Sharma (d) Nikesh Bhatia
Q5) The statue of which of the following African Q14) Doob has been chosen as Bangladesh's
leaders was unveiled at the United Nations in official entry for the Oscars 2019. Which Indian
order to honour him? actor has worked in this movie?
(a) Walter Sisulu (b) Nelson Mandela (a) Kabir Bedi (b) Naseeruddin shah
(c) Jacob Zuma (d) Sir Patrick Duncan (c) Irrfan Khan (d) Vicky Kaushal
Q6) Which country will host Interfaith Alliance Q15) Which country’s Football magazine has
Forum in November 2018? launched Ballon d’Or award for women?
(a) UAE (b) India (a) Spain (b) Mexico
(c) Nepal (d) France (c) France (d) Argentina
Q7) The Supreme Court has constituted a Q16) Tata Steel has decided to acquire which
threemember committee to look into the jail company for Rs.4,700 crore?
reforms, the committee will be headed by (a) Bhushan Steel (b) VISA Steel
whom? (c) Usha Martin (d) MESCO Steel
(a) M B Lokur (b) Amitava Roy Q17) First women-only foreign minister
(c) Arun Kumar Mishra (d) Ashok Bhushan conference was held in which country?
Q8) Dr. Harsh Vardhan has Inaugurated Air (a) England (b) Canada
Pollution Control Device ''WAYU'' in which city? (c) India (d) America
(a) Bengaluru (b) Kolkata Q18) Who won the Tour Championship 2018
(c) Hyderabad (d) Delhi Title?
Q9) Google has appointed whom as its Chief (a) Justin Rose (b) Jason Day
Privacy Officer? (c) Tiger Woods (d) Justine Thomas
(a) Keith Enright (b) Ginni Rometi Q19) Which Insurance Company has announced
(c) Reed Hastings (d) Jack Dorsey the launch of a novel service initiative that

allows use of ‘WhatsApp’ messenger for faster (a) Tennis (b) Boxing
and seamless claims processing? (c) Badminton (d) Chess
(a) Bajaj Allianz (b) Bharti AXA Life Insurance Q9) Padma Shri and the Padma Bhushan winner
(c) Kotak Life Insurance (d) Max Life Insurance commentator passed away recently, what was
27th September: his name?
Q1) Rs 100 crore worth Indian Culinary institute (a) Chetan Sharma (b) Jasdev Singh
was inaugurated by Vice President in which (c) Mohinder Amarnath (d) Kiran More
state? Q10) Vice president M Venkaiah Naidu has
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Uttar Pradesh inaugurated Smart City Expo India-2018 in
(c) Karnataka (d) Andhra Pradesh which city?
Q2) Measles-Rubella vaccination campaign was (a) Udaipur (b) Kota
launched in which state? (c) Jaipur (d) Jaisalmer
(a) Assam (b) Jammu Kashmir Q11) The cabinet has approved the National
(c) Tripura (d) Sikkim Digital Communications Policy (NDCP) 2018,
Q3) India ranked _____th among 195 countries which aims to attract USD ______________
for investment in health care and education, billion investment in the sector by 2022?
according to a report published in The Lancet? (a) USD 150 Billion (b) USD 300 Billion
(a) 162nd (b) 131st (c) USD 250 Billion (d) USD 100 Billion
(c) 158th (d) 171st Q12) The Supreme Court has ruled that linking
Q4) ICICI Prudential Life has inked a pact with of the Aadhaar card to which document is
which Bank to offer insurance products? mandatory?
(a) Saraswat Co-operative Bank (a) PAN CARD (b) Bank Account
(b) Mahanagar Co-operative bank (c) Driving license (d) None of the above
(c) Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative Banks Q13) Finance Ministry has launched which
(d) New India Co-operative bank Mobile App, it will act as a guide for the
Q5) According to PHD Chamber of Commerce common people in locating a financial service
and Industry Vice President D K Aggarwal, India touch point at a given location in the country?
is expected to have USD 100 billion FDI inflow (a) Jan Dhan Darshak (b) Jan Dhan Sewa
per annum by which year? (c) Finance Sewa (d) Instant Point
(a) 2023 (b) 2022 Q14) The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) has
(c) 2021 (d) 2025 approved procurement of how many engines
Q6) Which country has become the world’s first for fitment in T-72 tanks of the Army at an
country to land 2 robotic rovers in asteroid approximate cost of over 2,300 crore rupees?
Ryugu? (a) 2000 (b) 1800 (c) 1000 (d) 1200
(a) China (b) Russia Q15) Who has topped Barclays Hurun Rich List
(c) Japan (d) Israel for 2018?
Q7) 13th International Silesian Women’s Boxing (a) S.P. Hinduja (b) L N Mittal
Championships was held in which country? (c) Mukesh Ambani (d) Azeem Premji
(a) Sweden (b) France Q16) India loses "Asia's best stock market" tag
(c) Belgium (d) Poland to which country?
Q8) Parupalli Kashyap is associated with which (a) Japan (b) China
sports? (c) New Zealand (d) Singapore

Q17) Which Metro has become the second Q7) Famous ‘Indra Jatra’ festival has been
largest rail network in the country after Delhi? commenced in which country?
(a) Kolkata metro (b) Mumbai Metro (a) Bhutan (b) Sri Lanka
(c) Jaipur Metro (d) Hyderabad Metro (c) Nepal (d) India
Q18) 21st Central Zonal Council meeting was Q8) 7th National Conference on Excellence in
held in which city? Workplace Safety and Occupational Health was
(a) Bhopal (b) Raipur held in which city?
(c) Bhind (d) Lucknow (a) Lucknow (b) Bengaluru
Q19) Which of these rivers is the tributary of (c) Delhi (d) Hyderabad
River Kaveri? Q9 Arun Jaitley has launched a web portal as a
(a) Kabini (b) Shaker transformative initiative in MSME credit space
(c) Dudhi (d) Tawa in which loans up to how much amount within
Q20) Vindhyashakti was the founder of which 59 minutes will be given?
dynasty? (a) Rs 2 crore (b) Rs 1 crore
(a) Vakatak (b) Kakatiya (c) Rs 1.5 crore (d) Rs 3 crore
(c) Kalachuri (d) Chalukya of Badami Q10) World Tourism Day is observed on?
28 September:
th (a) September 26 (b) September 27
Q1) International Day for the Total Elimination (c) September 25 (d) September 24
of Nuclear Weapons was observed on? Q11) Shamsher Singh Bisht the Noted
(a) September 27 (b) September 26 statehood agitator of which state passed away
(c) September 25 (d) September 24 recently?
Q2) The title of ‘world’s largest bird’ is (a) Jharkhand (b) Uttarakhand
conferred to? (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Assam
(a) Emu (b) Greater Rhea Q12) Which IIT has developed a community
(c) Kori Bustard (d) Vorombe Titan supported supply of purified drinking water
Q3) Who has been appointed as new Vice Chief project in West Bengal
of Air Force? (a) IIT Kanpur (b) IIT Kharagpur
(a) S B Deo (b) R Nambiar (c) IIT Madras (d) IIT Bombay
(c) Sanjeev Chopra (d) Anil Khosla Q13) The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the
Q4) World Contraception Day was observed on? Red Cross have signed an agreement worth $11
(a) September 25 (b) September 20 million to support the humanitarian response
(c) September 26 (d) September 24 plan in which country?
Q5) Who is the only sportsperson to feature in (a) Yemen (b) Myanmar (c) Congo (d) All
the Forbes India’s first ‘tycoons of tomorrow’ Q14) Adultery is no longer a crime as Supreme
list? Court scraps which section of the IPC?
(a) P V Sindhu (b) Saina Nehwal (a) Section 472 (b) Section 471
(c) Mary Kom (d) Hima Das (c) Section 497 (d) Section 498
Q6) According to the Asia Development Bank’s Q15) The Centre has approved Rs 8,606 crore
(ADB) annual economic publication, the Asian for how many projects under the umbrella
Development Outlook (ADO) 2018 the GDP scheme of Border Infrastructure and
forecast for India in 2019 is? Management (BIM)?
(a) 7.3% (b) 7.6% (c) 7.5 % (d) 7.4% (a) 40 (b) 55 (c) 60 (d) 45

Q16) Indian Air Force has successfully test fired B. Cochin Shipyard Limited
Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile C. Goa Shipyard Limited
(BVRAAM) named what? D. Mazagon Dock Limited
(a) Vastra (b) Astra Q9) Asian Development Bank has approved the
(c) Brahma (d) Vajra financing of up to $500 million for which state’s
29th September: water supply, sewerage, drainage infrastructure
Q1) Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu project?
inaugurated a national literary and intellectual A. Andhra Pradesh B.Maharashtra
conference- “Lok Manthan 2018” in which city? C. Tamil Nadu D. Telangana
A. Bhopal B. Ranchi Q10) What is the rank of India in Economic
C. Nagpur D. Indore Freedom Index 2018?
Q2) India and which country have formed an A.98th B.100th
alliance to jointly fight tuberculosis? C. 96th D.112th
A.Bangladesh B.Nepal Q11) How many Union Territories and Northern
C. USA D.Australia states have agreed to fix uniform tax rates on
Q3) An MOU to enhance bilateral cooperation petroleum products?
in the field of defence and security was signed A. 2, 4 B.3, 5
between India and which country? C. 2, 7 D.4, 5
A. Israel B.Japan Q12) On the 150th birth anniversary of
C. Morocco D.Qatar Mahatma Gandhi, which state will launch the
Q4) A joint border conference was held Universal Pension scheme in the state?
between India and Bangladesh in which city? A. Tripura B.Manipur
A. Gangtok B.Dispur C. Nagaland D.Assam
C. Aizawl D.Kohima Q13) The annual "Royal Kathina Festival" is
Q5) Which city will host the first two new- associated with which of the following
format Davis Cup finals in 2019 and 2020? religions?
A. Sochi B.Madrid A. Jainism B.Buddhism
C. New York D.Tokyo C. Parsi D.Sikhism
Q6) Jual Oram, Union Minister for Tribal Affairs Q14) India’s first Food Bank as part of India
has launched “Punch Tantra Diwali collection” Food Banking Network (IFBN) was inaugurated
and announced whom as Brand Ambassador of in?
Tribes India? A.Delhi B.Bangalore
A. Sachin Tendulkar B.Mary Kom C. Hyderabad D.Pune
C. Vinesh Phogat D. Virat Kohli Q15) India’s first University of Cooperative
Q7) Who is the only female winner of this year’s Management was set up in :
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 2018 ? A. Bijapur, Karnataka B. Sibsagar, Assam
A. Nirmala Sinha B.Aditi Sen De C. Karnal, Haryana D. Kottayam, Kerela
C. Archana Kumari Swaroop D.Kavita Sharma Q16) World Heart Day is observed on which
Q8) Indian Navy has signed a contract with date every year?
which company for the construction of two A. September 28 B.September 29
Diving Support Vessels (DSV)? C. September 27 D.September 26
A. Hindustan Shipyard limited

Q17) Prime Minister Narendra Modi (c) Monali Suparekar (d) Daksha Deshmukh
inaugurated the Parakram Parv exhibition at the Q4) 8th Asian Yoga Sports Championship was
military station in which city to mark the second organized by which state?
anniversary of the surgical strikes? (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Kerala
A. Gandhinagar B. Jodhpur (c) Odisha (d) Maharashtra
C. Pune D. Jammu Q5) The world’s first ever human case of the rat
Q18) The government has set up an eight- version of the hepatitis E virus (HEV) has been
member Lokpal Search Committee under the found in which place?
Chairmanship of whom? (a) India (b) Malaysia
A. Arundhati Bhattacharya (c) Hong Kong (d) Thailand
B.A Surya Prakash Q6) Who has been appointed as Director
C. Sukha Ram Singh Yadav General of BSF?
D.Ranjana Prakash Desai (a) K.K. Sharma (b) Vinay Bhosale
Q19) World Rabies Day was observed on? (c) Amardeep Singh (d) Rajni Kant Mishra
A.September 27 B.September 28 Q7) Who will be presented with the ‘Icons of
C.September 29 D.September 26 Indian Cinema’ Award at the closing ceremony
Q20) Which country’s politicians have voted of the 9th edition of Jagran Film Festival?
unanimously to strip Myanmar’s civilian leader (a) Nasiruddin Shah (b) Pankaj Kapur
Aung San Suu Kyi of her honorary citizenship? (c) Anupam Khair (d) Rishi Kapoor
A. United Kingdom B. United States Q8) Which monument was awarded with the
C. Canada D. Australia Differentlyabled friendly monument at National
Q21) The controversial 1750 MW Lower Demwe Tourism Awards 2016-17?
hydroelectric project of which state has got an (a) Red Fort (b) Qutub Minar
all-clear from the government? (c) Taj Mahal (d) Char Minar
A. Sikkim B.Assam Q9) Which bank has tied up with MakeMyTrip
C. Arunachal Pradesh D.Tripura to launch a range of co-branded credit cards?
30th September: (a) ICICI Bank (b) Axis Bank
Q1) Information Technology Minister Ravi (c) State Bank of India (d) Yes Bank
Shankar Prasad has launched Centre of Q10) Asian Development Bank (ADB) has
Excellence for Data Analytics (CEDA) recently in approved a $150 million loan to establish the
which city? first multi-skills park in which state to boost
(a) Bengaluru (b) Hyderabad employment in the state?
(c) Delhi (d) Pune (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Gujarat
Q2) The High Level Advisory Group (HLAG) has (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Jharkhand
been constituted by Commerce Ministry to look Q11) The core philosophy of BIMSTEC is?
into global trade challenges under the (a) Defence cooperation
chairmanship of whom? (b) Economic cooperation
(a) S. Jaishankar (b) Sanjeev Sanyal (c) Cultural cooperation
(c) Vinod Agrawal (d) Surjeet S Bhalla (d) Political cooperation
Q3) Marathi writer, novelist and translator Q12) Which of the following organizations has
passed away recently, what was her name? Latin motto, "fiat panis"?
(a) Smita Patil (b) Kavita Mahajan (a) Food and Agriculture Organization

(b) World Food Program
(c) World Health Organization
(d) World Meteorological Organization
Q13) Boko Haram is a terrorist Islamic sect that
is active in which of the following countries?
(a) Somalia (b) Malawi
(c) Sudan (d) Nigeria
Q14) India's first Corn Festival was commenced
in which state?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) West Bengal
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Odisha
Q15) Who has been Appointed as India's Next
Ambassador to China?
(a) Vikram Misri (b) Vinod Nambhi
(c) Pawan Mishra (d) Suman Seth
Q16) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has barred
which Bank from opening new branches?
(a) Fino Bank (b) Kotak Mahindra Bank
(c) Saraswat Bank (d) Bandhan Bank
Q17) India has won Asia Cup 2018 by defeating
Bangladesh in finals, this was India’s _________
Asia Cup title?
(a) 5th (b) 7th
(c) 6th (d) 8th
Q18) India has set up an 'Ayush Information
Cell' in which country?
(a) Romania (b) Sweden
(c) Bhutan (d) Malta
Q19) NITI Aayog has signed a Statement of
Intent with which company to fight against
counterfeit drugs in India by using block chain
(a) Google (b) Microsoft
(c) Oracle (d) Intel
Q20)The Maharashtra government's 'Lata
Mangeshkar Award for Lifetime Achievement' in
the field of music will be conferred to whom?
(a) Sonu Nigam (b) Vijay Patil
(c) Shreya Ghoshal (d) A R Rahman


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