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Bezafibrate 400
sustained release tablets


Bezafibrate 400 sustained release tablets

1 film-coated tablet contains 400 mg bezafibrate

For the list of excipients, see paragraph 6.1.


Bezafibrate 400 sustained release tablets

Film-coated tablets


4.1 Therapeutic indications

Hyperlipidemia of types IIa, IIb, III, IV, V in patients where diet alone is insufficient.

4.2 Posology and method of administration

Bezafibrate 400 retard film-coated tablets:

1 film-coated tablet to be taken once daily (morning or evening).

Patients with renal insufficiency (serum creatinine values > 1.5 mg/dl or creatinine clearance < 60 ml/min)
must not use Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-coated tablets.

The coated tablets must not be chewed and must be taken with sufficient water either at mealtimes or after

Dosage table

Serum creatinine Creatinine clearance Bezafibrate400 mg retard tablets

up to 1.5 mg/dl
over 60 ml/min 1 film-coated tablet/day
up to 135 µmol/l
1.6 - 2.5 mg/dl
60 - 40 ml/min contraindicated
136 - 225 µmol/l
2.6 - 6 mg/dl
40 - 15 ml/min contraindicated
226 - 530 µmol/l
over 6 mg/dl
less than 15 ml/min contraindicated
over 530 µmol/l

Elderly patients:
In order to establish the right dosage, creatinine clearance should be determined, particularly in elderly

In adults creatinine clearance is calculated using the following equation (Cockroft and Gault) by taking
serum creatinine, body weight and age into account:

Creatinine clearance (ml/min) = (140 – age [years] x body weight [kg]

72 x serum creatinine [mg/dl]

To calculate creatinine clearance in women, the value obtained using the Cockroft and Gault formula
is multiplied by a factor of 0.85.

In patients with manifest hypalbuminaemia (as in patients with nephrotic syndrome), the dose should be
further reduced. To prevent overdosing and overdose-induced rhabdomyolysis, bezafibrate plasma level
determination is recommended to establish the correct dosage. Due to its high active substance
content, Bezafibrate 400 mg retard film-coated tablets are contraindicated in these patients.

Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-coated tablets are contraindicated in dialysis patients.

Patients with liver diseases:

Except for fatty liver, which is the most common concomitant symptom in patients with
hypertriglyceridaemia, Bezafibrate 400 mg retard film-coated tablets are contraindicated in all
cases of liver diseases.

Bezafibrate dosage has not been adequately investigated in children.

4.3 Contra-indications

- Liver diseases (except for fatty liver, which is the most common concomitant symptom in
- gallbladder diseases with or without cholelithiasis (since liver involvement cannot be ruled out);
- known hypersensitivity to any components of the drug;
- known photoallergic or phototoxic reactions while on fibrate treatment;
- patients on dialysis.

Bezafibrate400 retard film-coated tablets:

- reduced kidney function with serum creatinine values exceeding 1.5 mg/dl or creatinine
clearance below 60 ml/min.

4.4 Special warnings and special precautions for use

Besides hypertension and nicotine abuse, raised lipid blood levels are considered one of the most
significant risk factors for incipient and progressive arteriosclerosis and its sequellae (coronary heart
disease, impaired cerebral and peripheral blood circulation).

Before starting treatment for hyperlipidaemia, patients should always be given dietary recommendations
and have their risk factors identified and corrected. In many cases, disorders of fat metabolism can be
improved by a change in diet, weight reduction, increased physical activity, and the adequate
treatment of other concurrent metabolic disorders. Such measures, if instituted before drug therapy,
should be kept up during treatment with Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-coated tablets.

When establishing the diagnosis, it should be taken into account that blood lipid levels depend on
different factors such as the time of day, the hour and nature of the last meal, alcohol intake, and stress.

Since oestrogens can lead to increased lipid levels, Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-coated tablets should
be prescribed on an individual basis and only after careful consideration to patients on oestrogen or
oestrogen-containing contraceptives.

In patients with hypalbuminaemia, e.g. nephrotic syndrome, and those with renal insufficiency,
Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-coated tablets should be replaced with lower-dose bezafibrate and
kidney function monitored on a regular basis. Patients with pre-existing kidney insufficiency may suffer
acute kidney failure if they do not strictly follow the prescribed dosage regimens based on
determinations of their serum creatinine levels or their creatinine clearance.
Since drug treatment for hyperlipidaemia signifies long-term treatment in most cases, careful individual
consideration should be given before instituting such a treatment in these patients.

Myotoxic effects and very rarely cases of rhabdomyolysis have been reported with the use of fibrates
and other lipid-lowering agents. The incidence of myotoxicity is increased in patients with
hypalbuminaemia and renal insufficiency in their medical history. Diffuse myalgia, myositis, muscle
spasms, muscular weakness and/or significant increases in creatine phosphokinase (CPK) (more than a
ten-fold increase above the norm) point to myotoxicity, in which case treatment with the drug must be
The risk of myotoxicity is increased if the drug is combined with another fibrate or a HMG-CoA
reductase inhibitor (statin). This applies particularly if myopathy is already present. For this reason, the
combination of bezafibrate with a statin should be limited to patients with severe
combined hyperlipidaemia and increased cardiovascular risk who have not yet suffered from
myopathy. This combination treatment should be instituted with care, and patients should be closely
monitored for myotoxicity (see 4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of

As with other lipid-lowering drugs, elevated transaminase levels have been reported in some patients
treated with bezafibrate. In the majority of cases observed the elevations were transient, slight
and asymptomatic. It is recommended that patients' transaminase levels be checked every 3 months
during the first year of treatment.
Patients who have been diagnosed with raised transaminase blood levels should be carefully monitored.
Treatment should be ceased if SGOT and SGPT levels increase by more than three-
fold the upper limit of the norm.

Cases of pancreatitis have been reported during treatment with bezafibrate. In patients with severe
hypertriglyceridaemia, this may be due to the lack of efficacy, direct side effect or cholelithiasis-mediated
secondary effect of the drug with obstruction of the common bile duct.

Children should only be treated with bezafibrate following accurate diagnosis, since little is known
regarding long-term tolerability in children.

Prescription of the drug during lactation is not recommended (see paragraph 4.6 Pregnancy and

Patients with a rare hereditary intolerance to galactose, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose

malabsorption must not take Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-coated tablets.

4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

As with other fibrates, bezafibrate must not be combined with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors due to
the risk of rhabdomyolysis.

The product should not be administered together with perhexiline hydrogenmaleate or MAO- inhibitors.

Patients taking cholestyramine and Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-coated tablets concurrently should
wait for at least 2 hours between taking both drugs, since cholestyramine affects the absorption of

A significant but reversible reduction of kidney function (with a corresponding increase in serum
creatinine) following the concurrent use of fibrate-containing drugs has been reported in some patients
who had undergone an organ transplant and had been on immunosuppressant treatment. For this
reason, kidney function should be carefully monitored in these patients and treatment with
Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-coated tablets should be ceased where appropriate in case of significant
changes in laboratory findings.

Bezafibrate can potentiate the action of coumarin-type anticoagulants. For this reason, the anticoagulant
dose should be reduced by 30 - 50% at the beginning of treatment with bezafibrate and re-
adjusted once blood coagulation is under control. Re-adjustment of the anticoagulant dose is also
required following cessation of bezafibrate treatment.

Bezafibrate can potentiate the action of oral blood sugar-lowering drugs (e.g. sulphonyl ureas)
and insulin.

Bezafibrate influences the effects of phenytoin.

4.6 Pregnancy and lactation

No data are available on Bezafibrate 400 mg retard film-coated tablets in exposed pregnant
women. For this reason, the drug should only be prescribed during pregnancy following a
careful benefit/risk assessment, for example to female patients exposed to the risk of acute pancreatitis
because of severe hypertriglyceridaemia (> 10 g/l).

Animal experiment studies have given no indications of any teratogenic effect for Bezafibrate400 mg
retard film-coated tablets.

No information is available on the excretion of Bezafibrate 400 mg retard film-coated tablets in
maternal milk. In principle, it is not recommended that the drug be prescribed during lactation
(see 4.4 Special warnings and special precautions for use).

4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines

Not applicable.

4.8 Undesirable effects

The following undesirable effects may occur during treatment with Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-
coated tablets:

Skin and skin appendages

Occasionally, allergic skin reactions such as pruritus, urticaria and other skin manifestations may
occur. In isolated cases, generally reversible photoallergic or phototoxic reactions may
occur, even after several months of complication-free treatment, in association with erythema,
pruritus, blister formation and lichenoid changes. Very rarely, erythema multiforme, Stevens- Johnson
syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis may occur. In this case, treatment with Bezafibrate400 mg
retard film-coated tablets must be stopped immediately and appropriate treatment measures instituted.

Gastrointestinal tract
Occasionally, gastrointestinal disorders, such as sensation of fullness, nausea and loss of appetite,
can occur.

Nervous system
Occasionally, headaches and dizziness may occur.
The above side effects are generally transient and do not require cessation of treatment.

In isolated cases, impaired liver function (e.g. increase in transaminases, cholestasis) has been observed.

In isolated cases a slight drop in haemoglobin and leukocyte count has been observed. A drop in
platelet count with haemorrhage in some cases (e.g. purpura) has also been observed in isolated cases.
Isolated cases have also been reported of a simultaneous drop in all three blood-cell elements

In rare cases, hair loss, and in isolated cases, impaired potency have occurred.

Most of the above-mentioned side effects generally rapidly subsided following cessation of
treatment with Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-coated tablets.

In isolated cases, generalised hypersensitivity reactions associated with tightness in the chest, dyspnoea,
tachycardia, skin manifestations, hypotension, oedema, cardiovascular collapse, shivering and syncope
have been observed. These allergic reactions require appropriate emergency treatment measures as well
as the immediate cessation of treatment.

Long-term treatment frequently leads to slight elevations of serum creatinine.

An important but rare side effect is myotoxicity associated with muscular pains, muscle
weakness and muscle spasms. Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) must be determined in such
cases. Rarely, significant CPK elevations can occur along with clinical symptoms of drug-related
rhabdomyolysis. This is often due to excessively high doses, due for example to accumulation of the
drug in patients with renal insufficiency (see paragraph 4.2. Posology and method of
administration). In case of suspected rhabdomyolysis, treatment with bezafibrate should be
suspended immediately and kidney function monitored carefully.

Bezafibrate alters the composition of bile. Whether, as has been observed with other drugs with similar
action, long-term treatment with bezafibrate leads to an increase in gallstones, or whether the
gallstones present during treatment with bezafibrate increase in size, is disputed. Gallstone formation
has been reported in isolated cases.

Abnormal laboratory findings

The following abnormal laboratory findings have been reported during clinical studies and in the post-
marketing phase:
Elevation of transaminase levels (occasionally).

4.9 Overdose

There are no known symptoms of poisoning. Where appropriate, symptomatic treatment should be
There is no known specific antidote.

In case of suspected overdosing and rhabdomyolysis, treatment must be stopped. In patients with
healthy kidneys, accelerated elimination may be attempted through forced diuresis. In case of
rhabdomyolysis, patients should be given adequate liquids to prevent the development of a crush

It is not possible to dialyse bezafibrate.


5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties

Pharmakotherapeutic group: lipid-lowering agent, ATC Code: C10A B02

Bezafibrate lowers elevated blood fat levels (triglycerides and cholesterol). It lowers elevated VLDL
and LDL concentrations and increases HDL levels. The activity of the triglyceride lipases involved in the
breakdown of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipoprotein lipase) is increased
by the action of bezafibrate. HDL precursors develop during the accelerated breakdown of triglyceride-
rich lipoproteins (chylomicrons, VLDL), which explains the increase in HDL levels. Bezafibrate also reduces
cholesterol biosynthesis, in parallel to which, it stimulates the LDL receptor-mediated lipoprotein

Bezafibrate also acts on thrombogenic factors: besides a decrease in platelet aggregation, it also
achieves a significant lowering of elevated fibrinogen levels and blood viscosity.

The consensus conference of the European Atherosclerosis Society in Naples in June 1986 undertook to
establish limits for disorders of fat metabolism that are to be used as guidelines for diagnosis and

In all adults, cholesterol and triglyceride levels warrant medical attention if they exceed
200 mg/dl.

The overall risk for coronary heart disease, taking into account family history, smoking habits,
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, male sex, younger age and lower HDL cholesterol levels below
35 mg/dl, is estimated to be with cholesterol levels of between 200 and 300 mg/dl. (HDL =
higher density lipoproteins, half of which consist of protein [apolipoprotein]. They play a role in the
breakdown of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins [chylomicrons and VLDL] and in the removal of cholesterol
from the arteries' endothelial cells.)

The following is recommended in patients with HDL cholesterol levels below 35 mg/dl and/or with
other risk factors present:

For most people with cholesterol levels between 200 and 250 mg/dl, dietary advice and the treatment of
the other risk factors present are recommended. For people with severe hypercholesterolaemia (250 -
300 mg/dl) intensive dietary treatment and, where necessary, drug therapy with regular monitoring
of effects are recommended.

In isolated cases exhibiting increased triglyceride levels (200 - 500 mg/dl) the cause of the
hypertriglyceridaemia should be investigated.

Cases of extreme hyperlipidaemia (cholesterol exceeding 300 mg/dl, triglycerides exceeding

500 mg/dl) require a secondary diagnosis from specialists in fat metabolism.

Drug therapy is only indicated if hyperlipoproteinaemia cannot be rectified despite adopting consistent
non-drug measures, or by treating an existing primary disease such as diabetes mellitus, gout or other

In diabetics, decreased glucose blood levels as a result of improved glucose tolerance have been
reported. In these patients, both fasting and postprandial free fatty acid concentrations were

5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties

Absorption and distribution

Following the administration of the non-sustained-release formulation of bezafibrate, absorption of the
active substance is rapid and almost complete. Following a single dose of 200 mg in healthy subjects,
peak plasma levels are approx. 8 mg/l after 1 - 2 hours.

Following the administration of 400 mg bezafibrate in sustained-release formulation, peak plasma

concentrations are approx. 6 mg/l after 3 - 4 hours.

In human serum, bezafibrate is 94 - 96% protein-bound. The apparent distribution volume is approx. 17 l.

Metabolism and elimination

Bezafibrate is rapidly and almost entirely eliminated via the kidneys, some of it in metabolised form. A
study in volunteers showed that following oral administration, 95% of active 14C-labelled bezafibrate is
excreted in the urine and 3% in the faeces within 48 hours. 50% of the administered dose appears in
urine as unchanged bezafibrate, 20% in the form of glucuronides. Renal clearance is 3.4 to 6.0 l/hr. The
average elimination half-life is 1 to 2 hours. The half-life of bezafibrate using the sustained-release
formulation is approx. 2 to 4 hours.

The elimination of bezafibrate is slowed down in patients with renal insufficiency. To prevent the
accumulation of bezafibrate and its toxic effects, the dosage should be adjusted in patients with impaired
kidney function (see paragraph 4.2. Posology and method of administration). The elimination half-life of
bezafibrate is prolonged in patients with reduced creatinine clearance.

Pharmacokinetic studies show that the elimination of bezafibrate can be slowed down in elderly subjects
with impaired liver function. The use of bezafibrate is contraindicated in patients with liver diseases
(except for fatty liver).

Bezafibrate cannot be dialysed (cuprophan filter).

Following oral administration, bezafibrate is almost entirely absorbed. The relative bioavailability of the
sustained-release compared to the non-sustained-release formulation is approx. 70%.

5.3 Pre-clinical safety data

Chronic toxicity tests have given no relevant indications of any specific toxicity for bezafibrate.

Bezafibrate mutagenicity tests turned out negative.

Rats and mice on high doses were found to have liver tumours caused by peroxisome proliferation.
These changes are specific to small rodents and were not observed in other animal species. They
have no relevance for the therapeutic use of bezafibrate in man. Tests in rats and rabbits have given no
indications of any teratogenic effects. Embryotoxic effects have been observed at doses lying within the
maternal toxic range.


6.1 List of excipients

Bezafibrate 400 mg retard film-coated tablets:

Lactose monohydrate, maize starch, macrogol 6000, talc, titanium dioxide E 171, magnesium stearate,
polysorbate 80, hypromellose, sodium starch glycollate type A, polyacrylate dispersion 30%

6.2 Incompatibilities

None known

6.3 Shelf life

The shelf life of Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-coated tablets is 5 years. This

medicinal product must not be used after the expiry date.

6.4 Special precautions for storage

Below 25 º C

6.5 Nature and contents of container

Bezafibrate400 mg retard film-coated tablets:

30 film-coated tablets

6.6 Instructions for use/handling



Hennig Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG

Liebigstr. 1-2
65439 Flörsheim


Medison Pharma Ltd. POB 7090 Petach Tikva


April 2013

31.40 ‫פורמט עלון זה נקבע ע"י משרד הבריאות ותוכנו נבדק ואושר‬

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