The Hershey Company
The Hershey Company
The Hershey Company
Abdullah, Esnaira A.
Pantia, Patrik Oliver E.
Pasaol, Devvie Mae A.
The Hershey Company is the “largest manufacturer of quality chocolate in North
America and a global leader in chocolate and sugar confectionery”. The company’s
major products include “chocolate and sugar confectionery products; pantry items, such
as baking ingredients, toppings and beverages; and gum and mint refreshment
The Hershey Company lives by their mission statement: “Undisputed Marketplace
Leadership” .They strives to maintain a superior standing by having continual creation of
value, developing a diverse portfolio of brands, and by successfully transforming
consumer and customer desires into reality.
Founded in 1894 in rural Pennsylvania by Milton Hershey, the Hershey Company’s
popularity has only grown over the course of the last century. And during that time
frame, the Hershey Company’s brand has evolved, their marketing features have
changed, and they have shaped and have been shaped by their customers.
They own many famous brands, including but not limited to, Reese’s, Kit Kat, Hershey’s
Kisses, and York Peppermint patties.
Problem of the case
Hershey has a settled business technique. The business level technique for The
Hershey Company centers around a joined ease procedure and separation. All things
considered Hershey’s has a great deal to stay aware of. To remain a cost pioneer and
in addition making a separated product offering they should adjust rapidly to change
and new innovations. In addition, there could be an indication of market immersion
inside the chocolate business since the income development has been extremely stale
for the main chocolate maker (Hershey, 2017).
The Hershey Company’s leadership in the confectionery market and its strong
reputation have given Hershey the competitive advantage in the United States and
Canada. However, Hershey’s over-dependence on the U.S. market and a small number
of distributors as sources of revenue are what limit the company from growing in
international markets. Revenues from Hershey’s international operations represent less
than 10 percent of the company’s total revenue.
United Sates is a mature market, a market that no longer promises significant business
growth, for Hershey. In order to expand its business and generate more revenues,
Hershey should shift more of its focus to emerging markets such as India and China,
countries with the world’s the two largest populations.
If Hershey continues to depend on the U.S. Market for sales, it will eventually lose
market share to its rivals and new entrants in the confectionery market.
Area of Considerations
Competitive Profile Matrix
Financial Statements
SWOT Analysis
Promotional Activities
Vision, Mission & Objectives
Hershey company’s’ corporate vision statement reads, “Driven by an attention on our
clients, representatives, retail accomplices and investors, we’re driving endeavors that
assemble the organization’s productivity, as well as more vitally expand on our profound
history of giving back..”(Hershey, 2017, pg.4).
Hershey company’s corporate mission statement states, “Proceeding with Milton
Hershey’s heritage of responsibility regarding shoppers, group and youngsters, we give
high caliber HERSHEY’S items while directing our business in a socially mindful and
earth practical way.” (Hershey, 2017, pg.4).