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Book Class-X Natural Vegetation Ch-6

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Natural Vegetation SYLLABUS AND. SCOPE Natural Vegetation Importance of forests. i St, i Types of Vegetation (Tropical evergreen, tropical deciduous, tropical desert, littoral ond oun distribution ond correlation with their environment. Forest conservation. I OUTLINE OF THE CHAPTER 1. Introduction 2. tEkormentl fects afectng the types of forest and thelr dstrbuion, 3 Tynes of Natural Vegetaion 4, Ned for forettConeraton 7. robles ofan Forestry Bo Sesto arenas rata eee Tee nae NATURAL VEGETATION OF INDIA 2. THE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AFFECTING NATURAL VEGETATION 1. INTRODUCTION The natural vegetation of India de Among the most valuable resources of India, its rain and relief. The type of vegetatie ‘magnificent forests play a very important role in its climate he amount of rainfall received. There as well as economic development. Forests are our renewable resources and help in raintaining ecological balance, reduce pollution, maintain hhumidity, purify air and are a source of timber, ris, flowers lation in and fuel. The forests prevent soil erosion and Provide habitat Gi) Variation in relief {0 a variety of wild animals, birds and insects 3. MAIN TYPES OF NATURAL VEGETATION © According to state of forest Report 2013, the total . i forest cover of the county is 69.00 million hactare The Natural Vegetation of India can be clase (22%), of the total geographic area of the country. into following categories: © The national forest policy has laid down a target of (0 Forests based on variation of rainfll raising the area covered by forests in India to he 33.3%. (a) Tropical Evergreen Forests ‘¢ As per the experts’ opinion, the minimum area of forests (©) Deciduous Monsoon Forests necessary for a tropical country like India should be () Desert and semi-desert vegetation about one-third of the total area. Unfortunately due to (@ Thom and Serub Forests unprecedented growih in the population rate, much pends mainly g, Corresponds re two facts og which the type of natural vegetation and its cistibase depend upon (Variation in the amount of rainfall of our own natural vegetation cover has been removed _") Forests based on variation of relief because of intense need to bring more and more land (©) Mountain forests or Mixed Forests “ (ainda calli (f) The Mangrove or Tidal or Littoral For AS such onl abut 21.02% of tal geoph , area or Jand is under forest area. We fall short of — (q tr Fig 6. ad th minimum duo eshes restos ha ag) Beal Evergreen Forests (So Fis been going on now for decades. imate ; ( Forests based on variation of rainfall — Tro) feo! “Tropical” rain forests as the name indicates 9 + The destruction of forests has led to the whee the annual ecnpeeiate is 25° C to. 27? ? extermination of wildlife in our country, ‘occur where rainfall is more than 200 ems. 140 Scanned with CamSc Z) nrountan forests Desert and semidesert vegetation Monsoon forests ‘Serub and thom forests t= “Tropical rainforests Mangrove forests (Sunderbans) Fig. 62: Tropical Evergreen Forests tom oF MOF Vor Serub + 141 + ‘Open Forest with canopy density Between 10-40%. Moderate Dense Forest with canopy density between 40-70%. + Nory Dense Forest with canopy densty more than 70%. Which is degraded forestland with canopy density less than 10%, 1s not considered a part of forest cover. Fg 6.3: Incka— Forest Cover Scanned with CamSc © Areaitates ‘Tropical Evergreen Forests are found on western Darts of Western Ghats, (parts of Maharashtra), Karnataka and Kerala, the eastern Himalayas (Terai region) and Novth-Fast Indin — Lushai, Khasi, Jayantia and Garo nov as Asean hills and! Andaman and Nicobar Islands Generally they refed en the ait ranging frm $00 1800 on the windward or western sie of Western Ghats, + Characteristics (As they ate found in the areas of heavy rainfall, they are also known as “rain forests”. The thick ground cover of forests is characterized by climbers and epiphytes. Bamboo and ferns are alse common, AAs they do not shed their leaves at the same time, ‘they remain evergreen and are called “Tropical evergreen forests.” Evergreen forests have not been properly exploited due to dense undergrowth and lack of transport facilities. species 1. Rosewood trees (a) These are hard, fine grained and durable, (b) They are used for making expensive furniture, (©) They are found in parts of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Kamataka (westem side of Westem Ghats) Sisam (2) Itis hard wood, (b) It is used for making expensive furniture, Gurjan (2) Itis used for house buildi and furniture, (©) It is found in West Bengal, Andaman and Nicober and Himalayan region, Other species are toon, bamboo, jamun and canes ete. (b) Deciduous Monsoon Fore: Deciduous Forests © Climate The deciduous forests sre found in the areas of average temperature of about 24°C t0 27°C. These forests occrg in the areas of average rainfall between 150 10 200 ome # Area/states Gi) (iii) ing, railway sleepers sts or Tropical running along the Western Ghats, surrounding the belt of Evergrees forests, both on eastern and western slopes, Second belt of deciduous forests run slong the Shivali range and Chotunagpur plateau. These forests are found in the following states — Bihar, UF, Odish, MP, Manipur, Trpurs Mizoram, Assam and parts of Andaman and Nicobst Islands. (See Fig. 6.6) 12 # Characteristics (i) These forests shed hele leaves fo 9, during the spring and carly summer my, Apel when sufficient moisture gy “tng available lee # The subsoil water is not en retain their Teaves, # By April/May the deciduous # Forests of north temperate z in autumn, (ii) These are most important ec yield valuable timber and products Gili) They occupy much larger area t forests. iv) Deciduous monsoon forests hha pure stands, © Species The main species of Deciduous fore Maha, Kheir, Palas, Mango, Neem, Jacl Myrobalan, 1. Teak ty ny ‘ O°Rh foe, oa Adraog tet sorely Several Othe 9 TERS lo me shed, an he Ere Ne U8 foun sts are Sal, uit, Seal * Teakwood is universally used for furniture, construction of windows etc.) and + Scasoned teakwood can resist white ants, + Teakwood does not erode or rust iron naih * Teakwood is found in the forests. ‘of Mabarasha, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Odisha, Bihar xi Tamil Nadu. Sal * Sal wood is very hard and resistible to white ants, It occurs in large pure stands. Itis used for making railway sleepers and bout building Itis found in the forests of the Nonh, Cm! and N.E. India, It occurs in the states of Bihar, UP, O58 Madhya Pradesh, Tripura and Assam. Sandalwood * Sandalwood is very usefiul economically It provides sandalwood for carving J Sandalwood oil is used in perfume? “ cosmetics eis mainly found in Karnataks. Making (oon, ao Scanned with CamSc a sernul aehis is very soft and white * itis used For making matehboxes, toys and packing eases. Myrobalan mies fit is used for tanning leather and for dyeing purposes. 4 [1 is found im Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Karnetaka. Palas Mahua_ Tendu Eucalyptus is another important tree of the Karnataka forests. « It is known for its lofty status. «Its wood is raw material for the paper industry. 4 Eucalyptus oil is used for medicinal purposes. ther tees found in this type of forests are Badam, mie, Laurel and Chikori ete, These forests are casily accessible. Large areas bave been cleared for cultivation. (¢) Desert and Semi-desort Vegetation (Sec Fig 6.7) «Climate Desert and semi-desert vegetation is found in the area ofaverage temperature of 25°C to 27°C and with a rainfall of less than 25 cm. « Areas/states Desert and semi-desert type of vegetation is found in Kutch, Saurashtra, south-west Punjab, Rajasthan and dry gat of the Deccan (map). Characteristics (0 The plants that grow in this type of vegetation are called xerophytes, ie., they either have very thin leaves or no leaves. (i) Their stems and leaves are often covered by sharp spines (thorns). (ii), They have long roots to draw is very scarce and thick fleshy stems ‘water during drought. © Species This type of vegetation mainly consists o| (eacia-arabiea), Date Palm, Khair and Ber. (i) Babul (acacia-arabica) is the most important tree of this region. Khair tee yields strong, tough and hard wood, __., Used as fuel for the local area. (ii) Khair tree also yields gum and the b: ‘water as the rainfall to store f Babut arc provides 18 material for tanning hides and skins. Other species found here are Cacti which are of litle usc. Scrub and Thorn Forests (See Fig 6.8) © Climate These forests are found in the areas of average ‘temperature of 25° C to 30° C and rainfall of less than 100cm. © Areasistates ‘These types of trees are found in the N.W. part of the ccouniry, Rajasthan, western Haryana, Kutch and western Punjab. @ Characteristics The vegetation found here is Jow-serub and stunted trees, shrubs with long roots and thorns. Fig. 6.4: Troplal Desert (Thom & Senso) @ species—It has long tapering roots, thorny branches and small fleshy leaves. Khair Uses (a) It is useful as timber. (b) It provides material for making dyes for tanning. (©) Wild dates are also common. {e) Mountain forests (mixed forests — based on relief) (See Fig. 6.10) © Climate ‘These forests are found in the areas of average temperature less tba 20°C or cool areas at an altitude of 1500m to 3300m. @ They occur in the areas getting rainfall between 150 10 250 cm. © Areas/states Tin the north, they occur in the temperate zone of the Himalayas, ftom Kashmir to Assam at varying altitude. In the south, they are found in Nilgiri and Annumalai Hills at an elevation between 1000 m to 1500 m. ‘© Characteristics ()) Mountain forests consist of mixed deciduous and coniferous forests. Scanned with CamSc Scanned with CamSc y they ose in the ansiton zone oF mixed frst and Ci) iferous forests. cies ee and Cedar in the north and Eucalyptus are Gp the Nilgis. They form high but faiely open fou ih shrubby undergrowth, inchuding Oaks, Laurel feet, Poplar bh, Walnts, Elm and Cinetona ° 1. chirpine ) Ie is used for extraction of resin and turpentine, {iy Asit provides softwood its also used for making packing cases for tea, Gi) Iris found in Panjab, UP and Kashaix, 2. Silver Fir () Itis typical coniferous tree. (i Its used for paper, pulp, matches, planking and packing cases. (ii) Ie is found in N.W, and eastern Himalayas 3, Dendar () Its wood is oily, durable and scented. (i) It is used for railway sleepers and house construction (ii) It is found in Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir. { Tidal or Mangrove or Littoral forests (littoral meaning on-shore) (Sce Fig 6.11) # Climate ‘The tidal foresis occur in and around deltas with average temperature of about 26°C to 29°C and very heavy rainfall (more than 200 cm). * Location “The tidal forests occur in and around the delia regions, estuaries and creeks and are prone to tidal influence. Found in areas flooded by tides, these types of trees can survive in fresh and brackish water. * Areasistates (i) Tidal forests occupy a large area, about 21000 sq km. in the Sunderban delta and along the eastem coast, Mabanadi 145 ycurona mt] Yorett ‘REFERENCE Fig. 6.11 : Tidal and Mangrove Forests, OCAIINEU WILT UdIHOL delta, Godavari, Krishna and in Andaman Islands, Gi) They are also found in the westem region, Characteristics (9 Mangrove vegetation is characterized by breathing Toots or phenmatophores which act as respiratory organs, GF) Us StIC Tike roots remain submerged under water but can be seen at low tide. This tangled mass of root helps the plant to survive in the shifting mud of coastal region. (ii) These forests are very dense, © Species () ‘Sundart is very important in this area. Sunderban delta has been named after it Gi) Its wood is very hard, strong and durable Gii)_It is used for boat buitding Some important species are Gorjan and Hintal which Provide fuel for household. Others include Keora, agar and Rhizophora, © The casuarina trees are used for fuel. The relationship between relief and climate, Particularly rain, in determining natural vegetation; modification by man — * Distribution of natural vegetation is closely related to relief and rainfall as seen from various examples, ‘+ Dense evergreen forests are found in the areas of very high rainfall, and thoy desert vegetation in the areas of very scanty rainfall. If we sce relief, rainfall and vegetation maps together, the relation between the three is striking. ‘Since they are interrelated, itis evident that the cutting down or depletion of forests will have direct impact on the environment of the country. Natural vegetation anc products play a very important role in a nation’s economy, Importance of Forest resources — our natural wealth © The term natural resources means “the collective wealth of a country”. Forests are one of the most important natural resources of our country. ‘© Unfortunately, although it is said that the land under forest in our country is 21%, the effective forests cover as revealed by all kinds of survey is hardly between 12% — 14%, ‘+ This is a consequence of indiscriminate cutting down of the trees due to Jhooming (or Stash and Burn) practices to clear the forests for cultivation and construction purposes. ‘+ There is also uncontrolled and at times unauthorized cutting down of trees by unscrupulous ti fe is pepe of mi. uns titer ‘© This depletion of forest cover is termed as ioe Wongiy bau comp ae deterring fauna of which our county bas been sy 05 centuries. ore + This has also affected our countries physi, climatic conditions and drastically dere general environment of rural 3s well urban ye Preventive measures “To revitalize our forest cover, systematic yyy, measures should be taken. These measures i in maintaining the most essential ecological pee? tie et or re roe et endangered wildlife. Government of India set up a Central Rotel op Forestry, afer Independence under the fiveses Many policies were evolved to be implement se conservation of forests. hang ang the + Van Mahotsava programme. ‘The most important of the policies is “Van Mabotsaa Programme” which started in 1950. Under the programme, all goverment organizations are s to plant tees in the months of July and August, + Afforestation. Another scheme which has been adopted is “Afforestation”, Under this scheme a programme his been proposed to plant trees in Rajasthan, west Utar Pradesh and Kutch desert to prevent soil erosion + Reafforestation, Although Slash and Bum or “Shooming” practice has been banned in N.E. India, indiscriminate cuting of {tees without bothering about the depletion of forest cover is still very common. This has resulted in severe problems connected with soll erosion. To resolve this problem Government of India has started a programme under which two seplings are planted for every felled tree. This is known 3 Reafforestation, A classic NGO approach to save the trees is the Bahuguna’s Chipeo Movement of 1974 by the wom of Reni in north India, where they rescued the weet the cost of their own life. This is a living example ¢ Seneral public awareness which has become a widespT™ Movement in the country and is a commendable proees 10 conserve trees, 4. FOREST CONSERVATION ial foe The conservation of forest resources is essential? the survival of human beings, wildlife and other ‘P= 146 Scanned with CamSc y so ae a ~ pti ws «A oes song the road, rallway line, river and cans} banks - Viopment of Green belts in the urban areas, Proesaton for the sake of agriculture should be in 1974, the women of Reni protested against taming of tees. They threatened to hug the trees iihey were cut GOW. tadustries should adopt anti-pollution devices and pint tres around them. Spiting cultivation or ‘slash and urn’ type of agrculre should be gradually banned. Saienific methods sbould be adopted to check and stop forest fires. people should be encouraged to participate in Yan Mahotsav. ‘There is a need to change our outlock towards forests. ‘A forest should not be treated as a perennial resource. Hence the planning and conservation of forests is not cay the duty of the government, but also that of all the citizens of the country 5, CONSERVATION OF FORESTS ‘The latest reports of the National Remote Sensing Ageacy (NRSA) indicate that the country is losing shout 1.3 million hectares of forest cover every year. ‘This will be detrimental to our national interest. Hence the urgent need is for conservation of forests. Forest resources of India are facing a serious threat by her own people. The Government of India has taken serious view of this problem and as such has introduced a programme to protect, conserve and develop the forest area. This is called “Programme of Forest Conservation”. The measures ‘taken under this programme are ~ + Preventive act on destruction of forests. + Various research programmes to prevent various diseases of trees and make the forests more productive and useful. * Prevention of wildlife as many species have become ‘extinct and many are on the verge of extinction. This is being done by promoting Biosphere reserved forests. * To protect both trees and species, several forest regions have been declared “Reserved forests” in Rajasthan, Nilgiti, Cochin and Meghalaya. Under Biosphere "eserved forests, “Reserved forests” cover about 400 lakh hectares, whereas protected forest arca covers 200 lakh hectares. 1 seps that have been taken to sustain forest war Planting more trees for development of environmental forestry to maintain ecological balance. In various States and Union Territories, Forest Development Corporation has been established for taking care of forest products and developing new forest resources. ‘To protect the forests from fire, a strip of land between the two sections of forest is cleared to prevent the spread of fire. This is called fire line. Owing to uncontrolled poaching of the forest reserves, especially the flora and fauna are under severe threat of extinction and to prevent this practice itis very important ‘that the public at large should be properly educated 10 realize the significance of forests in their own interest. To get sustained yield of timber, Silviculture is being practised. Silviculture means timber farming i.c. the Preparation of the soil to grow trees at the same time so that all the trees mature together and make clear cutting possible, Foresters use latest genetic information to have improved growth rate and greater resistance to pests and diseases. This would stop the indiscriminate cutting of the trees for timber trade, ‘Apart from these measures the forest research institute of Dehradun conducts research in “forests and forest products” FOREST PRODUCTS AND THEIR USES They are the storchouse of timber for house-making. re, fue, fruits, herbs, honey, bamboo, canes employment to thousands of people. ‘They are a source of income to the government. ‘They provide raw material to many industries, ¢g. paper. Many other products like bees wax, materials for dycing and tanning, oil and lac are gifts of forests. They provide shelter for wildlife and a sanctuary to birds. Forests help in maintaining ecological balance. Forests prevent soil erosion as the roots of the trees hold the soil together. They also prevent floods. Forests provide clean environment. Hence, it is advisable to have forests around the industries as the trees take in the carbon dioxide and provide the surroundings with oxygen. Forests help to absorb much of the sun’s insolation also couse rain, The forests play an important role in the development of soils and entich their fertility by supplying humus. Forests help in conserving water in the subsoil. Forests help in conserving top layer of the soil, Forests help in checking the wind erosion. Scanned with CamSc 7. PROBLEMS OF INDIAN FORESTRY (9) Low forest cover ~ the forest cover in India is only 21.02 per cent as against the world average of about 35 per cent (©) Overgrazing — overgrazing by cattle, sheep and goals, in hilly and mountainous areas damages the forest cover, (©) Shifting cultivation shooming or shifting cultivation by tribals in hilly areas causes extensive damage. (2) Growing demand for agricultural land ~ with growing epulation, demand for food products and agricultural Taw materials has increased significantly, This has caused considerable shrinkage in forest area. (©) Urbanisation and industrialisation — inereasing ‘urbanization and industrialisation is also an important ‘cause of degradation in forest area (® Construction of hydroelectric projects like Narmada Project has caused displacement and submergence of forest area (g) Human activities like mining, quarrying and building has resulted in deforestation at a large scale. 8. THE NATIONAL FOREST POLICY * India is one of the few countries where forest policy is in operation since 1894. + Amendments have been made in the policy by the government periodically to protect, conserve and develop the forest resources. + Under the scheme of forest conservation programme, the following steps have been taken — ~“ (2) Afforestation : The scheme gp new forest is called ators MG "an Nabotsa’ movement have been planted along the roa oS and hill slopes, Fly, "YTkg (©) Reafforestation : The restoration wherever they have been india fy is called reafforestation. ty tie = ve me, saplings are planted t0 replace gna nt 1, The National Policy of 1988, cmphsiseg (@) Conservation of forests a nation > with vast varieties of fora and ay! Mig (b) Control of soil erosion and catchment areas of rivers, lakes (©) Check on the extension of sand regions of Rajasthan, denuday and reseqn in, bane indy IL. Steps to create massive movement of peop forest management. ML Soctal forestry programme with te cj to create awareness regarding conser, forests and to meet the needs of the ny regarding fuel and timber. IV. Agroforesty — It is an integrated approx of using the interactive benefits from combining iy and shrubs with crops. It combines agricul) and forestry technologies to create more dives, Productive and profitable land use system, 4 narrow definition of agroforestry is ‘trees ca farms.” ation of al pepe CONTENT ANALYSIS — NATURAL VEGETATION OF INDIA SN. | Forest | Climate Distribution Forest & Trees | Species and Special Features their uses I. _| Tropical | Rainfall : Windward side of the | Forests : Dense, —| 1. Rosewood, | 1 Dans Os Everaren |200-200em | Westen Gia Garo. ick wndegrowin, | ronene mixed stands tick Forests | High humidity. | Khasi, Janta Hills, Temperature | Lower slopes of 25°C to 27°C | Easter Himalayas & Nicobar Islands, States : West Bengal, | growth Tal tees in layer | Shisham used for Jeanopy, dense wake arrangement making high | growth, also called Climbers, creepers, | quality fumiture. rain forest. (et parts). Andaman | fems, bamboo | 3°ay'¥ fumitue 2. Gurjan used in |2. Evergreen foes Spiphytes, luxuriant | making railway | are called a sed thet oe Fae toeeeaved, | 3, Toon ronwood | times ant wef tra. fine grained, and’ | and bamboo are. | hus appeat 2 Wood. the other trees | always found here. 18 Scanned with CamSc ————————————— % | Topiet_ | Rainill: | Extent fom shiva] Foretes Dense, | 1. Sal Resinantio] 1, DecKuoum forests Deciduous | 150-200 cms in the Nowth to easton] undergrowth, shed | termites (West | commercially themost Forests | Temperature | edge of Wester Ghat leaves for 6-8 Bengal) used for | useful forests. (Monsoon | 20° C NEE, Decean Plateau, | weeks in summer | railway sleepers. | 2. Trees shed their Forests) Lower slopes of the | during conditionsof | 2. Teak : Iris | leaves for 6 to & Hirsatayas, drought (March to | termite-resistant | weeks in the hot States : Odisha, M.P,] May) ‘and iron nails do | weather, Bihar, .N., Karnataka, not rust in teak, | 3. The deciduous Tripura, Assam, UP. Used for furniture! forests are Found in Uttarakhand ant shipbuilding and | purestands.hencethey | Andhra Pradesh? construction of | areideal forlumbering, Telangana, houses (door & | and easy to transpor. windows). 3, Sandalwood Ik is used for oils handicras, perfumes and soaps (Karnataka), 4, Myrobalan = ft | is used for tanning of hides, dyeingof| cotton, wood and silk 3 [Thorn | Rainfall Drier parts of Northe | Trees arc widely | 1. Khajurt fruit is Forests | 25-100 cms. | Western India, Rain | scattered within | cable. Temperature | shadow region of the | the forest. They | 2. Khair yield 20°C+ Western Ghat are stunted, with | timber and dye. States + Rajasthan, | long roots, glossy | 3. Khair and Punjab, Western Uttar] leavesandspines. | Babool yield Pradesh and Gujarat gum for tanning eater. 4 | Tidat | Rainfall : Over | Foundinareaslooded | Dense forests. Trees | Sundariishardand| Alsocalledlittoraland Forests | 200 em. by sea water, eg, | have stilt roots and | durable, therefore,| mangrove forests. Temperature : | delta of Ganga — | phenmatophores. | used for boats, | Popularly known as Over 20°C Brohamaputa, boxes and Sunderbans in West Mahanadi, Krishna, telephone posts. | Bengal due to the Godavari. Casuaina checks | occurrence of the States : West Bengal, transgressionofthe| Sundari tee. Odisha and Andhra sca and erosion Pradesh Telangana along the coast, 5, | Mountain | Varies withheight| Eastern Himalayas, | Tropical Deciduous | Soft wood of | Suitable for wildlife Forests | altiude from | Western Himalayas | forests in the conifers used for | sanctuaries. Due to deciduous to | ie, Kumaon Hills and] Shiwaliks: Sal, | making paper, | less rain, low coniferous. High TemperateDeciduous} matehes, packing | temperature, and altitude have Jammu & | forests at higher | cases and planks. | snowfall, Thetreesare pushes, shrubs | Kashmir, Himachal | altitudes: Chi, pine, | Deodar used for} mainly evergreen with and thickets of | Pradesh,UttarPradesh,| and coniferous railway steepers. | ncedle-shaped leaves, Rhododendrons. | Uttarakhand, Kerala | forests : Pine, Cedar] Pine used for its | more wood and less Rainfall and Tomil Nada, | Fir and Spruce, | resin, tuppentine, | leaves. 150-250 cm varnishes and ‘Temperature medicines, less than 20°C cr even cooler 149 Scanned with CamSc _, SJ Desert] Rein: Less vier patsosoutem | Xropyte frets, [id bers, Veretation | than 28 cm, | Punjab, Rajasthan and | hom bushes, || Cacti, (Acac ‘Temperature the Decean Platcau | scaticred trees, deep mar ao ee foots. thick fleshy |yieds eum used ° Tt Stems, few and waxy |for tanning hides leaves. and skins. KEY WORDS ‘and using trees, forests and their ass Forestry ~ The scien 124 resources, and practice of man: 2+ Reforestation — Reestabishing 3 forest by planting or seeding an area from which forest vegotaion has removed, “ 3. Pure Stand ~ A timbor stand in which at least 75% of the treas are of a single species. 4 Natural Vegetation — Natural vegetation are plants that have not been grown by humans. It does not i {rom human and gets whatever t needs from ts nalural envrenment 2.9. forests, tundra, rainforests sic Mmm EXERCISE a , 4. What do you mean by the term ‘Natural Vege 2. State the relation between climate and natural vegetation of a place. 3. How important are trees to man? 4. What is the percentage of forest cover on land in India? S. Why is there shrinkage of forest cover in India? What precautions can be taken to reduce this shrinkage? 8. Name a few important forest products. 7. What are the factors that influence the natural vegetation of a place? What are the characteristics of Tropical Evergreen forest? Name some important trees of these forests, 8. Name the economically most important vegetation belt of India. Justify your answer, 72, Mntion one area where Deciduous Mansoon forests are found, Give one reason stating why they are found here 11. Name the most important trees of Monsoon forests. Give one use of each 12 What are the main features of the Mountain forests? In which parts of india are these forests found? 13: Under what climatic conditions do the desert and semidesert vegetation grow? 14, What are the characteristics of the Mangrove forests? 15. By what other names do you associate Mangrove forests? 16. What do you mean by the torms ‘afforestation’ and ‘deforestation’? Tz Gine two characteristic features of Topical Evergreen forest that make it dificult to exploit. 18, Why are the Deciduous Monsoon forests found on the eastern part of South india? associated wih the above type of vegetation 21. Wha characteristics of Sunded tree mako it sutable for boat bulding? 22. Why are forests grown in and around steel cities? 23. Name two states where Dsodar trees are grown. How i this wood useful? 24, Name the tye of vegetation found along the coastal strip ofthe Garca fla 25. State the folal forest cover of the total geographic aroa ef indie 26. Give geographical reasons ~ {6) Tropical Eversreen forests cre cafed Evergreen. (8) Topical Evergreen forest are oaled renforeste (6) The tidal forests occur in and around deltas. 27. Answor in one word ~ (@) The tidal forasts that occur in and around the deltas, (0) its fruit is used for tanning leather and for dyeing purposes, (©) These foress shed their loaves for 6-8 woeks dunn sonny 28. Differentiate between social foresty and agroforestry. 150 Scanned with CamSc SELF-STUDY ON ICSE BOARD EXAMINATION QUESTIONS (SOLVED) uta) What aro Tidal forests’? Name two Es Goren and hintal are two typical examples of tidal bi Wm hen he an We Dour rocncrassasectier Be cra, orem rs et (c) Name the type of forests found in the tomas te eo tents fond nthe water aay fo ey ores esas meee ee es ancien RO son iis Se ee = ta cnet se — Shifting cultivation needs to be controlled. (any three) Q.2.(a) Mention two reasons why Tropical Evergreen Forests are difficult to exploit for commercial ae oa Bini Ti re a ae inde eum on () Name any three trees found in monsoon eae ‘Ans. (a) Evergreen forests are difficult to exploit because ()) They are very dense hence: impenetrable, pope re Te en pond see” (ji) have aerial, stilt like roots. They can be seen peels typical trees, 011) leaves ans. Ans, 151 (i) Tidal forests are characterised by breathing routes which act as respiratory organs. {e) The conservation of forests is very necessary because (i) Trees help to control pollution. (ii) Provide timber for domestic and commercial Gil) Natural habitat for wildlife, (@) Tree found in monsoon decidous forest are — (i) Teak — furniture, raitways carriages. (ii) Sal — Railway sleepers, door and windows. (li) Myrobotan—tanning leather, dyeing cotton ete. Q.3.(a) Mention two main characteristics of Tropical Rain Forests. (e013 Two main characteristics of Tropical Rain Forests: (D They are found in the areas of heavy rainfall (i) Trees are evergreen and do not shed their leaves. {b) Name the tree, the timber of which could be used for the following : ()) A soft and white timber used for making toys. ‘and mateh boxes. Ans. (li) A hard durable timber used for shipbuilding and furniture making. (ii) A sweet smelting timber which yields an cil, used for making handicrafts. teo13) Ans. (i) Silver fir (i) Sal (ii). Sandalwood (€) (0) Name one region in India for each of the following : (1) Tidal forests. (2) Thorn and Scrub (i) Explain why Thorn and Scrub forests are found in the above mentioned region. [2013] (0) (1) Tidal forests — Sunderban Delta (2) Thorn and Scrub — Rajasthan, Western Himalayas. (i) Because these forests are found in the areas of average temperature of 25°C to 30°C and rainfall of less than 100 cms, (4) Briefly explain two reasons for forests being an important natural resource. e013} ‘Ans. Forests are an important naturel resource because : (a) Forests are the storehouse of timber for house ‘making and furniture, fuel, fruits, bamboo ete. (b) Forests provont soll erosion as the roots of the trees hold the soil together and help in preventing foods. Q3.(a) Write two reasons why monsoon deciduous forests are commercially more valuable than other types of forests. p01) Ans. (i) Provide valuable timber and other forests products. (i) These forests are not as dense as tropical Ans. Scanned with CamSc evergreen forests (iy ate. Wood of the trees is not so heavy as to be fel 0 rane (0) Those trees grow in pure-stands and are therefore exer te expo Yor commercial purposes. (0) Ferorts ave accosevie, () Yekd hard woourcurable wood accept ony pros (b) How do forests — () have a favourable effect on te climate ofthe region? (1) act as food control measure? Ans () Forests contol hum, ower the temperature and can be responsiie for ran All points effectively climate, global warming, Greenhouse gases, ai elomenis of weathor and climate. (8) The roots of tno wees check th speed of runing water which thon does not overtow is banks ard iso bocause the roots tren some of tho wale Adcom or increase percolation or radice. 87300 tun of (©) Give one important use of each of the following typos of trees : 014] () Sundari (ii) Sandalwood, (ti) Rosewood, Ans. () Sundarl ~ Fite wood/boat ulcing / best making or construction (i) Sanda! wood - Extraction of sandal wood oi which is used fn soaps and cosmetesmandirat) perlurmes/mediinal purposesinconse sticks (i) Rose wood —Furnture expensive frnture Floor Boards! Venesr / Wagon parts ! Decorative wood carving / omamertal oly. woods. (4) Name the natural vegetation largely found In the following regions 14) (i) The delta of the Ganga river. (i) The windward side of the Westorn Ghats (ii) The Deccan Plateau, ‘Ans. (i) The delta of the Ganga River ~ Mangrove forests | inderbansitcal forest tora! frets. | (@) The wind ward side ofthe west ghots: Tropical | evergreen foosts / tropical ran forestsrin foes, (ii) The Deccan plateau — Monsoon Deciduous forests! Tropical Deciduous forests / Deciduous forests / Thorn and scrub forests, Q.4.(a) State two characteristics of Tropical Deciduous forests. 2015] ‘Ans. Any two of the following ‘» Tropical Deciduous forests have trees found in pure stands, «Trees shed their leaves in a particular season provide valuable timber and other forest. products, « Commercially most exploited, like Teak, Saiwood, 1+ Forasis cover large area compared to Tropical 152 Evergreen forts (t) State Wo reasons why forests a diet ig eee fon) =e Een «Heavy loss make it diteyt ge, Trees are found in Mixed gu” Say + Dense undergrowth Het Lack of transport, a, Heewy rain, Climbers and eoiphytes oreo Rich in repiles id animaig = (Bay 2 points) (6) Kdemtity the tree as per i mentioned below : . character () Ht ylelds wood that is hard ang ga. Pit is usually found in high ahigSe*8 {Wis generally found in det ts used to make boat, The furniture made from th treo is gonarally the meat estat Ans. (6) (9 Deodar (Sunda Ree, (@) Diereniate between afforestation an ton State disadvantage of seta Ans. (d) y, "26 resin ip ‘forestation Panting of tees overa large area grow more tees Disncvantage DeForesation (any one pon «Leads to sol erosion 2 tods, 2 increases severity of drought 5 hips mainiain the ecolglea! blac, + checks global warming 2 Loss of tit! 7 wi, * Scarcty of tmbor or forest produ 5.) fh Name the forest which is commer most important in Indi. eI (8) Name two trees which grow ints (@ Tropical Deciduous forestiropicel moe forest Gi) Teak, Sal, Shisham, Sandatwoos, 23 mango, badem, husum, wate, lock Tamales, palas, Brel, neem, pene: Dams cane, mahva, tendu, mulberry. 7% shemul, Khel, banyan = (®) (Name tho forest which grow 08 Mf ward slope of the Wester Gh: (@) Wy do such forests growin te @ Tropical Deciduous forestier! forest. . (@) Due to heavy rainfall above 200 6 Deforestation Cutting of tees ore large area, Ans. Ans. Scanned with CamSc (@) To which type of forest do tho 4 ‘belong? (0 Hintal and Sundari (il) Rosewood and Ebony (ii) Deodar and Chir Pine jy, MangrovelSittoralTidal forest/Delta 1) Manarore/ston ic/Marshy and {i Tropical evergreen forest Tropical rain torost, Mountain forest/Temperate Coniferous forest. (d) Give three reasons for rapid dey resources in India In the past. (e019) pas. Land was cleared for cultivation, Industrialization Urbanization, shifting agriculture was practiced, forest was cut recklessly for raw material, population, forest fire, need for fuel, cutting the trees, deforestation, a6.(e) How do trees in the Tropical desert forests adapt themselves to the dry climate? {2017] Ans, Tee in the tropical desert forests adopt themselves as they have long roots, small loaves hard thoms/sharp spines xerophytic in nature, They have waxy leaves fleshy stems, radial roots and leaves modified into spines. following trees ote) ws forest/Alplines pletion of forest (b) Name the tree as per its characteristics given below: eo17) (i) The wood is hard and suitable for ship building. (i) The stilt roots are underwater during high tide. ‘dns. ()) Teak / Chaplas / Sal i) Sundari / Hintal | Gorjen Keora (©) Explain why the forest cover in India shrinking? (e017) ‘ns. The forest cover in India is shrinking-reasons are : () Increased demand for forest products. (i) Deforestation (il) Urbanization / Industralization (w) Over grazing by cattle. () Faulty agricultural practices eg. Jhumming or shifting agriculture, (¥) Large multipurpose projects or river valley projects (vil) Increasing population. (vit) Forest fre (&) Conservation of forest land to agricultural tand. (®) Demand for agricultural land. (4) Name the natural vegetation found In the following regions. pow] (i) The western slopes of the Western Ghats. (i) The Nilgits. (ii) Western Rajasthan 153 Ans, az, Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. — + Natural Vegetation found on (D) Western slopes of the west fester ghats ~ Tropical Evergreen forests Rain forests, i (i) The Nilgiris ~ Mountain forests/Deciduous forests mixed forests/coniferous forests. (li) Western Rajasthan — Dry forestsyThorn and Scrub, z 4 (2) (I) Namo an area in India where Tropical Monsoon forest Is found. 013} tis found in northern states along foot hills of Himalayas, eastern slopes of waster ghals, western Slopes of eastern ghals, Central Karnataka, Deccan Plateau, Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu but Norther and North Eastern states are not accepted. (li) How is this forest of great commercial value to India? This forest has commercially valueable trees, i.e. ‘Teak, Sal, Shisham, Sandalwood which yield valuable timber. It is easily accessible-grow in pure stand. (b) With reference to Littoral forest, answe following questions. () Why do the trees roots? Aerial root help the tree to survive in marshes, creeks ‘and submerged areas, pneumatophoresibreathing rools, can survive shifting muds. Gi) Name one area in India where this forest is found. Along deltas of large rivers of east Coast, Sundarbans, Coastal areas of West BengallAP/Odisha. Deltas of large rivers such as Godavari, Krishna, Mahanadi and ‘Andaman and Nicobar islands. (c) (i) Name a state in India where thorn and scrub forest is found, 2018), S.W. Punjab, UP, Central 2 Eastern Rajasthan, MP, Gujarat, Western UP, Haryana, (li) Give two ways by which the trees that aro found here have adapted to climate, Trees have adapted by developing long root leaves: turing to spines, thick fleshy stems to store water, waxy leaves, xerophytes. the (2018) this forest grow aerial (4) ()) Give two ways in which forests are Important. (20g Forests are moderates of climate, play important tole in catbon cycle, control scil erosion, help water percolation, ad humus to soll and is habits for animals ‘and birds, Ecological balance brings rain, (i) Mention one forest conservation method followed in India, . Atforestation re-afforestation/van-mahotsav/social forestry farm forestry/agro forestry, Joint forest management, silviculture. Scanned with CamSc 2 (2) Give two reasons to explain as to why we need to conserve our forest resources. (2019) ‘Ans. We need to conserve our forest resources because — © They provide shelter to wildife and sanctuary for the birds. © They provide raw materials to many industries, ©.9. paper, (©) () Mention two conditions required for the Srowth of Littoral forest. (1) State one characteristic feature of the forest found in the Nilgiti Hills. ( © The tidal or littoral forests occur in and around deltas, '* They grow inareas with average temperature Of about 26°C to 28°C and very heavy rainfall (more than 200 em.) (W Forests found in the Nig hlls occur in the transition zone of mixed forest and coniferous forests. (6) (Give two reasons to explain as to why the Tropical Evergreen forests are difficult to exploit for commercial purpose. (t1) Name any two trees found in Tropical Evergreon forests. ‘Ans. ()) The Tropical Evergreen forests are ditfeut to ‘exploit for commercial purpose because of the thick ground cover of forests, characterised Ans, toe 154 ~ climbers and epipt grown eS ond gen (i) @ Rosewood trees @ Sesam ain each ofthe fo (4) Brit exp following, (The tons nthe Tropes pont stunted growth, 8th ) There Is 9 gradual increase cover In India in recent times” era, (ii) The trees in Monsoon Deis shed thelr leaves for about ie fey during March and Aprit, Weel Ans. €) Topical Desert forests have sh to lack of rutin ane get Oo, desert. nite (1 Thae orca in80 nh ny as te Goverment of naa hae at moran Jct cneene ays the forest cover This is catego forest conservation’, Sora (i) © The t008 in @ Monsoon frst ua Ink eaves rng ey samen suet Ap. during summer and coat Bt th sat of he rainy sous te) # During March-April cubsot nas a nough to retain their leaves tes Monsoon Deciduous forest ergot leaves, Wy shed Scanned with CamSc

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