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Concepts and Mechanisms

of Heat Flow 1
1.1. What is Heat Transfer ? 1.2. Modes of Heat Transfer. 1.3. Physical Mechanism of Modes of Heat Transfer—Conduction
—Convection—Radiation. 1.4. Laws of Heat Transfer—Law of conservation of mass : Continuity equation—Newton’s second
law of motion—Laws of thermodynamics—Fourier law of heat conduction—Newton’s law of cooling—The Stefan Boltzmann
law of thermal radiation. 1.5. Combined Convective and Radiation Heat Transfer—Equation of state. 1.6. Thermal
Conductivity—Variation in thermal conductivity—Determination of thermal conductivity—Variable thermal conductivity.
1.7. Isotropic Material and Anisotropic Material. 1.8. Insulation Materials—Superinsulators—Selection of insulating
materials—The R-Value of insulation—Economic thickness of insulation. 1.9. Thermal Diffusivity. 1.10. Heat Transfer in
Boiling and Condensation. 1.11. Mass Transfer. 1.12. Summary—Review Questions—Problems—Multiple Choice Questions.

Objective of this chapter is to: 1.1. WHAT IS HEAT TRANSFER ?

• give an introduction to heat transfer rate, heat
flux, Its simple answer is the definition of heat or heat energy.
• elaborate three modes of heat transfer—conduct- Heat is a form of energy in transit due to
ion, convection and thermal radiation, temperature difference. Heat transfer is transmission
• offer an introduction of physical laws of heat of energy from one region to another region as a result
transfer, of temperature difference between them. Whenever
there exists a temperature difference in mediums or
• enlighten thermal conductivity, R value, thermal
within a media, heat transfer must occur.
conductors and insulators.
The amount of heat transferred per unit time is
The science of Thermodynamics deals with the
called heat transfer rate and is denoted by Q. The
amount of heat transfer as system undergoes a process
heat transfer rate has unit J/s which is equivalent to
from one equilibrium state to another, without any
information concerning the nature of interaction or the
time rate at which it occurs. Heat Transfer is a branch When the rate of heat transfer Q is available, then
of thermal science which deals with analysis of rate of total amount of heat energy transferred ∆U during a
heat transfer and temperature distribution taking place time interval ∆t can be obtained from
in a system as well as the nature of heat transfer. The ∆t
design of boilers, condensers, evaporators, heaters, ∆U = ∫0 Qdt = Q∆t (joule) …(1.1)
refrigerators, and heat exchangers, requires considerat- The rate of heat transfer per unit area normal to
ions of the amount of heat to be transmitted as well as direction of heat flow is called heat flux and is expressed
the rate at which heat is to be transferred. The successful as;
operation of equipment component such as turbine
blades, walls of combustion chambers, etc. depends on Q
q= (W/m2) …(1.2)
the cooling rate, in order to avoid their metallurgical A
failure. A heat transfer analysis must also be accounted Steady and Unsteady State Heat Transfer
in the design of electronic components, electric machines,
transformers, and bearings to avoid the overheating and For analysis of heat transfer problems, two types of heat
damage of equipment. transfer are considered—steady state and unsteady


state. In case of steady state heat transfer, the moving molecules from a region of lower temperature,
temperature at any location on the system does not vary the heat energy transfer takes place between them. The
with time. The temperature is function of space low energy molecules absorb energy and thus their
coordinates only, but it is independent of time. temperature is increased and the temperature of high
Mathematically, for rectangular coordinate system ; energy molecules is lowered.
T = f(x, y, z) ...(1.3) The conduction heat transfer in liquids and gases
During steady state conditions, the heat transfer occurs due to collisions and diffusion of molecules during
rate is constant and there is no change of internal energy their random motion. However, the nature is much more
of the system. For example, the heat transfer in coolers, complex.
heat exchangers, heat transfer from large furnaces, etc. The temperature gradient is the potential for heat
In unsteady state heat transfer, the temperature conduction. If a body in any phase exists a temperature
varies with time as well as position. The temperature is gradient, will definitely have the conduction heat
a function of time and space coordinates. transfer.
Mathematically, for rectangular coordinates ; 1.3.2. Convection
T = f(x, y, z, t) ...(1.4)
The convection is a mode of heat transfer in which the
During unsteady state or transient heat transfer,
energy is transported by moving fluid particles. The
rate of heat transfer varies with time due to change in
convection heat transfer comprises two mechanisms.
internal energy of the system. Most of the actual heat
First is transfer of energy due to random molecular
transfer processes are unsteady in nature , but some of
motion (diffusion) and second is the energy transfer by
them are considered in steady state to simplify them.
bulk or macroscopic motion of the fluid (advection). The
For example, heat transfer from hot coffee left in a room,
molecules of fluid are moving collectively or as aggre-
cooling and heating process, etc. are transient processes.
gates thus carry energy from high temperature region
The heat transfer may be one, two or three to low temperature region. Therefore, the faster the fluid
directional, depends upon the configuration of the motion, the greater the convection heat transfer.
system considered.
Convection heat transfer may be classified
according to nature of fluid flow.
1.2. MODES OF HEAT TRANSFER If the fluid motion is artifically induced by a
pump, fan or a blower, that forces the fluid over a surface
When the temperature gradient exists in a medium,
to flow as shown in Fig. 1.1(a), the heat transfer is said
which may be solid, liquid, or gas, heat transfer occurred
to be by the forced convection.
is called conduction. In contrast, the convection refers
to heat transfer that will occur between a surface and a
moving medium, when they are at different tempera-
tures. The third mode of heat transfer is thermal
radiation. All surfaces at finite temperature emit energy
in the form of electromagnetic waves. The thermal
radiation can also occur in absence of any medium. plate Tw

Q Fan

1.3.1. Conduction Fig. 1.1. (a) Forced convection of air (Tw > T∞)
The conduction occurs usually in the stationary If the fluid motion is set-up by buoyancy effects,
mediums. It is the mode of heat transfer in which energy resulting from density difference caused by temperature
exchange takes place from a region of high temperature difference in the fluid as shown in Fig. 1.1(b), the heat
to that of low temperature by direct molecular transfer is said to be by the free or natural convection.
interactions and by the drift of electrons. The heat For example, a hot plate vertically suspended in stag-
conduction may be viewed as the transfer of energy from nant cool air, causes a motion in air layer adjacent to
more energetic molecules to adjacent less energetic the plate surface because of temperature difference in
molecules of a substance. When a fast moving molecules air gives rise to density gradient which in turn sets-up
from a region of high temperature collide with slower the air motion.

It is the conservation of mass equation for steady

state incompressible fluid flow. In general, the mass flow
Q  ) is expressed as ;
rate ( m
 = ρuAc
m ...(1.5)
Tw 2
Heated T¥ where, Ac = cross-sectional area of flow (m ),
ρ = fluid density (kg/m3),
u = fluid velocity (m/s).
The volume of a fluid flowing through a pipe or
duct per unit time is called volume flow rate or
Fig. 1.1. (b) Natural or free convection of air (Tw > T∞ ) discharge rate, denoted by V  and is expressed as ;

 =uA = m
1.3.3. Radiation V c …(1.6)
Thermal radiation is the energy emitted by a substance
because of its temperature. The radiation energy emitted 1.4.2. Newton’s Second Law of Motion
by a body is transmitted in the space in the form of It states that the rate of change of momentum in any
electromagnetic waves according to Maxwell wave direction is always equal to sum of all external forces
theory or in the form of discrete photons according to acting on the body in such direction.
Max Plank’s theory. Both concepts have been used in The momentum = mass flow in particular
analysis of radiation heat transfer. Regardless of the direction × directional velocity
form of substance (solid, liquid or gas) the emission of d(mv)
The rate of change of momentum =
energy is due to change in electron configuration of the dt
constituent molecules. While the transfer of energy by Newton’s second law of motion :
conduction or convection requires the presence of d(mv)
ΣFx = ...(1.7)
material medium, radiation does not. In fact, the dt
radiation heat transfer is more efficient in vacuum.
1.4.3. Laws of Thermodynamics
Thermal radiation occurs in the region of wavelengths
0.1 µm to 100 µm on electromagnetic spectrum. In heat transfer analysis, the first and second laws of
thermodynamics are useful. The first law of
thermodynamics states that the energy can neither be
1.4. LAWS OF HEAT TRANSFER created nor be destroyed, only its form can be changed.
In fact its quantity remains constant in either form.
Like all subjects in physical science, some fundamental
The second law of thermodynamics states that
and subsidiary laws are also used in heat transfer
the energy cannot be upgraded, or heat energy cannot
flow from a body at lower temperature to a body at
The fundamental laws, which are used in broad higher temperature. In other words, the second law of
area of applications are : thermodynamics talks about the quality of energy, not
1. The law of conservation of mass, of quantity like first law of thermodynamics.
2. Newton’s second law of motion,
1.4.4. Fourier Law of Heat Conduction
3. First and second laws of thermodynamics.
Whenever, a temperature gradient exists in a body, there
The subsidiary laws, which are based on
is an energy transfer from the high temperature region
experimental facts are :
to low temperature region by conduction. The Fourier
4. Fourier law of heat conduction, law states that the rate of heat conduction per unit area
5. Newton’s law of cooling, (heat flux) is directly proportional to the temperature gra-
6. Stefan Boltzmann law for thermal radiation, dient.
7. Equation of state. Q dT

1.4.1. Law of Conservation of Mass : Continuity Equation A dx
It states that the mass of an incompressible fluid system Q dT dT
or =−k or Q = −kA ...(1.8)
is constant in absence of nuclear reaction. A dx dx

where, Q = rate of heat transfer in W, dT (T1 − T2 )

=– ...(1.10)
A = heat transfer area in m2 ; normal to dx L
direction of heat flow, Example 1.1. The wall of a furnace is constructed from
dT 15 cm thick fire brick having constant thermal
= temperature gradient in °C/m ; slope of conductivity of 1.6 W/m.K. The two sides of the wall
temperature curve on T–x diagram, are maintained at 1400 K and 1100 K, respectively.
k = constant of proportionality, called the What is the rate of heat loss through the wall which is
thermal conductivity of material in W/m.°C 50 cm × 3 m on a side?
or W/m.K. Solution
The minus sign is inserted to make the natural Given : A furnace wall with
heat flow, a positive quantity. According to the second T1 = 1400 K, T2 = 1100 K
law of thermodynamics, the heat energy always flows A = 50 cm × 3 m = 0.5 × 3 = 1.5 m2
in the direction of decreasing temperature, thus the tem- k = 1.6 W/m.K
perature gradient dT/dx becomes negative. L = 15 cm = 0.15 m.
A simple case of one dimensional steady state
heat flow through a plane wall is shown in Fig. 1.2. For
constant thermal conductivity k and heat transfer area W
k = 1.6 ——
A, equation (1.8) can be written as ; T1 = 1400 K

dx = – kdT
T2 = 1100 K
L = 15 cm

Fig. 1.3. Schematic of furnace wall

To find : Heat loss through the wall.
T(x) dT Assumptions :
1. Steady state conditions.
A 2. One dimensional heat conduction through the
T2 wall.
3. Constant properties.
0 x
Analysis : According to Fourier law of heat con-
dx duction, equation (1.9)
L (T1 − T2 )
Q = kA
Fig. 1.2. One dimensional steady state Using numerical values
conduction through a plane wall
(1.6 W/m.K) × (1.5 m 2 ) × (1400 K − 1100 K)
Integrating above equation within the limits as ; Q=
(0.15 m)
A z
dx = – k zT1
= 4800 W. Ans.
Example 1.2. To determine thermal conductivity of
Q hydrogen, a hollow tube with a heating wire concentric
or L = – k(T2 – T1) to the tube is often used. Essentially the gas between the
wire and the wall is a hollow cylinder and an electric
(T1 − T2 ) current passing through the wire acts as a heat source.
or Q=kA ...(1.9) Determine thermal conductivity of the gas, using follow-
ing data :
Comparing with equation (1.8), the temperature
gradient is linear and is given by T1 = wire temperature = 200°C,

T2 = tube wall temperature = 150°C, Q

I = current in the wire = 0.5 A, or = h(Ts – T∞)
V = voltage drop over 0.3 m section of wire or Q = hA(Ts – T∞) ...(1.11)
= 3.6 V, where, Ts = surface temperature, °C,
r2 = tube radius = 0.125 cm, T∞ = fluid temperature, °C,
r1 = wire radius = 0.0025 cm, A = surface area for convection heat transfer,
L = length of the wire = 0.3 m.
h = constant of proportionality, is called
Solution the heat transfer coefficient. It is measured in W/(m2.K)
Given : Hollow cylinder of hydrogen gas with or W/(m2.°C).
T1 = 200°C, T2 = 150°C, I = 0.5 A, y
V = 3.6 V r2 = 0.125 cm,
r1 = 0.0025 cm, L = 0.3 m. Fluid
Fluid temperature
0.125 cm L = 0.3 m profile

Heater wire

Fig. 1.4. Hydrogen filled tube with concentric heating wire

To find : Thermal conductivity of hydrogen gas. Plate at Ts
Assumptions :
Fig. 1.5. Temperature profile in convection heat transfer
1. Steady state heat conduction.
2. Heat conduction in radial direction only. The value of heat transfer coefficient depends on
3. Constant properties. the properties of fluid as well as fluid flow conditions.
Fig. 1.5 shows a temperature profile in convection heat
Analysis : The Fourier law of heat conduction for
transfer. Table 1.1 shows typical values of heat transfer
radial system is given as ;
coefficient for some fluid flow conditions.
Q dT
=–k TABLE 1.1. Typical values of heat transfer
A dr
where, A = 2πrL coefficient h
and Q = VI = (3.6 V) × (0.5 A) = 1.8 W

z z
Fluid flow condition h (W/m2.K)
Q r2 dr T2
Air (1 bar, free convection) 6 – 30
Hence =–k dT
2πL r1 r T1
Air (1 bar, forced convection) 10 – 200
Q FG IJ = – k(T
ln 2
Water (free convection) 500 – 1000
2 πL H K
r1 2 – T1) Water (forced convection)
Vapourisation of water

Q ln(r2 /r1 )
or k= Condensation of steam 4000 – 25,000
2πL (T1 − T2 )
Substituting numerical values, Example 1.3. Hot air at 150°C flows over a flat plate
maintained at 50°C. The forced convection heat transfer
(1.8 W) × ln(0.125/0.0025)
k= coefficient is 75 W/m2.K. Calculate the heat gain rate by
2π × (0.3 m) × (200°C – 150°C) the plate through an area of 2 m2.
= 0.075 W/m.K. Ans. Solution
1.4.5. Newton’s Law of Cooling Given : Flow of hot air over a flat plate
It is the fundamental law for heat convection and it T∞ = 150°C, Ts = 50°C
states that the rate of heat transfer is directly h = 75 W/m2.K, A = 2 m2.
proportional to the temperature difference between a To find : Heat transfer rate by air to plate.
surface and a fluid, or mathematically Assumptions :
Q (i) Steady state conditions,
∝ (Ts – T∞) (ii) Constant properties,

(iii) Heat is transferred by forced convection only. (ii) It is also the net heat flux conducted through
Analysis : According to Newton’s law of cooling the wall, therefore for plane wall
T¥ = 150°C Q k(Ts, o − Ts, i )
q= =
h = 75 W/m .K
2 A L
Ts = 50°C (0.10 W/m.K ) × (16° C − Ts , i )
or (50 W/m2) =
(0.03 m )
Fig. 1.6. Flow over a flat plate
Q = hAs(T∞ – Ts) (50 W/m 2 ) × (0.03 m )
or Ts, i = 16°C –
= (75 W/m2.K) × (2 m2) × (150 – 50) (°C or K) (0.10 W/m.K )
= 15 × 103 W = 15 kW. Ans. = 1°C. Ans.

Example 1.4. A refrigerator stands in a room, where Example 1.5. A hot plate is exposed to an environment
air temperature is 21°C. The surface temperature on the at 100°C. The temperature profile of the environment
outside of the refrigerator is 16°C. The sides are 30 mm fluid is given as T(°C) = 60 + 40 y + 0.1 y2. The thermal
thick and has an equivalent thermal conductivity of conductivity of the plate material is 40 W/m.K. Calculate
0.10 W/m.K. The heat transfer coefficient on the outside the heat transfer coefficient.
is 10 W/m2.K. Assume one dimensional conduction Solution
through the sides, calculate the net heat flow rate and
the inside surface temperature of the refrigerator. Given : A hot plate exposed to an environment
T = (60 + 40 y + 0.1 y2)°C
k = 40 W/m.K
Given : Heat transfer from a refrigerator wall.
T∞ = 100°C
T∞ = 21°C, Ts, o = 16°C,
L = 30 mm = 0.03 m,
k = 0.10 W/m.K, h = 10 W/m2.K. Q conv.

To find : (i) Net heat flow rate, and T¥ = 100°C

(ii) Inside surface temperature of refrigerator. TS
Assumptions :
1. Steady state conditions.
2. 1 m2 surface area normal to heat transfer.
3. Constant properties.
Fig. 1.8. Schematic for example 1.5
L = 30 mm
To find : Heat transfer coefficient.
Analysis : Assuming steady state conditions, the
k= energy balance for the plate.
0.10 W/m.K
T¥= 21°C Heat conduction through plate = Heat convection
Outside from the plate
2 or Qcond = Qconv
h = 10 W/m .K
i.e., – kA = hA (Ts – T∞) ...(i)
dy y=0
Ts, i Ts, o = 16°C
where, Ts = temperature of the plate surface,
(a) Refrigerator (b) Cross-section of wall i.e., at y = 0,
Fig. 1.7 Ts = 60 + 40 × 0 + 0.1 × (0)2 = 60°C
Analysis : (i) The convective heat flux is given as; dT LM OP
= 40 + 0.1 × 2 y
= h(T∞ – Ts, o)
and dy y=0 N Q y=0
= 40°C/m
A Using numerical values in eqn. (i)
= (10 W/m2.K) × (21°C – 16°C) Then
= 50 W/m2. Ans. (– 40 W/m.K) × (40°C/m) = h(60°C – 100°C)

Consider a surface of emissivity ε is maintained

( − 40 W/m.K ) × (40° C/m)
or h= at temperature Ts and exchanges energy by convection
− 40° C and radiation with its surroundings at temperature T∞
= 40 W/m2.K. Ans. as shown in Fig. 1.9. The rate of heat loss from the
surface by combined mechanisms of convection and
1.4.6. The Stefan Boltzmann Law of Thermal Radiation
radiation can be expressed as :
It states that the rate of the radiation heat transfer per
unit area from a black surface is directly proportional Q = hc A(Ts – T∞) + ε σ A(Ts4 – T∞4)
to fourth power of the absolute temperature of the ...(1.15)
surface and is given by Introducing the radiation or surface heat transfer
Q Q coefficient (hr) in very similar to convection heat transfer
∝ Ts4 or = σTs4 ...(1.12) coefficient :
Q = hr A(Ts – T∞) …(1.16)
where, Ts = absolute temperature of the surface, K
σ = constant of proportionality, is called the Equating with equation (1.14),
Stefan Boltzmann constant and has a A σ ε (Ts4 – T∞4) = hr A(Ts – T∞)
value of 5.67 × 10–8 W/m2.K4.
The heat flux emitted by a real surface is less ε σ (Ts4 − T∞4 )
we get hr =
than that of black surface and is given by (Ts − Τ∞ )
Q = ε σ (Ts2 – T2∞ ) (Ts + T∞) …(1.17)
= σ ε (Ts4) (W/m2) ...(1.13)
If T∞ << Ts, the result is linearised as ;
where, ε = a radiative property of the surfaces and is
called the emissivity. hr = ε σ Ts3 …(1.18)
The net rate of radiation heat exchange between Using the radiation heat transfer coefficient, the
a real surface and its surroundings is expression can be written as ;
Q Q = hc A(Ts – T∞) + hr A(Ts – T∞) ...(1.19)
= σ ε (Ts4 – T∞4) ...(1.14)
A or Q = (hc + hr) A (Ts – T∞) ...(1.20)
where, T∞ = surrounding temperature, K where hc and hr are the convection and radiation heat
Ts = surface temperature, K transfer coefficients, respectively.
The three other radiation laws, Plank’s law, Example 1.6. A black surface is positioned in a vacuum
Wein’s displacement law and Kirchhoff ’s law are also container so that it absorbs incident solar radiant energy
used in radiation heat transfer. at the rate of 950 W/m2. If the surface conducts no heat
to its surroundings, determine its equilibrium
Given : A black surface absorbs solar energy in
In many engineering applications, if the surface
temperature is high enough then the heat transfer from
q = 950 W/m2.
a surface may take place simultaneously by convection
and radiation to the surroundings. To find : The equilibrium temperature of the
Qconv Assumptions :
T¥ 1. The surface is perfectly black.
Q 2. No heat loss by conduction and convection.
Qrad 3. Stefan Boltzmann’s constant,
T¥ σ = 5.67 × 10–8 W/m2.K4.
Rrad Analysis : The radiant heat flux for a black surface
can be expressed as ;
Fig. 1.9. Schematic for convection and radiation
resistances at the surface q = σ Ts4

1/4 1.5.1. Equation of State
or Ts =
H σK It is the relation between the properties of an ideal gas.
The perfect gas law is used in convection heat transfer,

= M
L 950 W/m 2 OP 1/ 4
which is :
N 5.67 × 10 W/m .K Q
–8 2 4 p
= RT ...(1.21)
= 359.78 K
where, p = gas pressure in kN/m2,
The equilibrium temperature of black surface will
ρ = gas density in kg/m3,
R = specific gas constant in kJ/kg.K,
Ts = 86.78°C. Ans.
(= 0.287 kJ/kg.K for air)
Example 1.7. A black body at 30°C is heated to 100°C. T = absolute temperature of gas in K.
Calculate the increase in its emissive power.
Given : A black body emission The thermal conductivity is the property of materials
T1 = 30 + 273 = 303 K, and is defined as the ability of the materials to conduct
the heat through it. By inspection of equation (1.9),
T2 = 100 + 273 = 373 K.
thermal conductivity can be interpreted as the rate of
To find : The increase in emissive power.
heat transfer through a unit thickness of material per
Assumptions : unit area per unit temperature difference. The thermal
1. Stefan Boltzmann’s constant, conductivity of a material is a measure of how fast heat
σ = 5.67 × 10–8 W/m2.K4. will flow in that material. The large value of thermal
2. No heat loss by conduction and convection. conductivity indicates that the material is a good heat
Analysis : The radiant heat flux or emissive power conductor and low value indicates that the material is a
for a black surface can be expressed as ; poor heat conductor or an insulator.
Eb = σTs4 The thermal conductivity is measured in watts per
Hence the increase in emissive power of a black metre per degree Celsius or Watt per metre per kelvin,
body can be calculated as ; when heat flow rate is expressed in watts. The thermal
Eb2 – Eb1 = σ(T24 – T14) conductivity of a substance is highest in solid phase and
lowest in gaseous phase. Fig. 1.10 shows typical range of
or Eb2 – Eb1 = (5.67 × 10–8 W/m2.K4)
thermal conductivity of various materials at 20°C.
× [(373 K)4 – (303 K)4]
2 The value of thermal conductivity depends upon
= 619.62 W/m . Ans. the manner in which energy is transferred. The pure
Example 1.8. The surface temperature of a central metals allow faster transmission of heat energy through
heating radiator is 60°C. What is the net black body the vibrations of the crystal lattices. Therefore, a metal
radiation heat transfer unit surface area between the in pure state has the maximum thermal conductivity
radiator and its surroundings at 20° ? and is a good conductor of heat. The thermal conductivity
Take σ = 5.67 × 10–8 W/m2.K4 decreases with increasing amount of impurities in the
metals. Most non-metals are poor conductor of heat
transfer, therefore, have low values of thermal
Given : Central heating radiator as black body conductivity and are called the thermal insulators.
with In gases, the faster the molecules move, the faster,
Ts = 60°C = 333 K, T∞ = 20°C = 293 K. they will transport energy. Therefore, the thermal
To find : Radiation heat transfer conductivity of gases depends on the square root of
Analysis : The black body radiation heat transfer absolute temperature. The thermal conductivities of
rate per unit area between radiator surface and its some typical gases are given in Table 1.2.
surroundings is expressed as ; The physical mechanism of heat conduction in
Q liquids is also same as in gases, however, the mechanism
q= = σ (Ts4 – T∞4) is slightly complex due to close spacing of molecules and
= (5.67 × 10–8 W/m2.K4) molecular attraction force exerts a strong influence on
× [(333 K)4 – (293 K)4] energy exchange in collision process. The thermal con-
ductivity of liquids usually lies between those of solids
= 5.67 × 10 × 4.9263 × 109
and gases. The value of thermal conductivity for some
= 279.32 W/m2. Ans. standard liquids is also given in Table 1.2.
1000 Pure
Graphite metals
Silver Metal
Silicon Copper
Carbide alloys
100 Aluminium
alloys Non-
Iron metals
Thermal conductivity, k (W/m. K)

Bronze Oxides
10 Manganese
Nichrome Liquids

1 Water Insulators
Oils Gases
0.1 H2
Foams Air

Fig. 1.10. Typical range of thermal conductivity of various materials at room temperature
TABLE 1.2. Typical values of thermal conductivities at 20°C
Material Thermal conductivity, k (W/m.K)
Metals :
Diamond 2300
Silver 429
Copper (pure) 401
Gold 317
Aluminium (pure) 237
Iron (pure) 73
Carbon steel, 1% C 43
Non-metallic solids :
Window glass 0.780
Brick 0.720
Asbestos 0.149
Cork 0.045
Glass wool 0.038
Liquids :
Water 0.556
Ethylene glycol 0.249
Ammonia 0.54
Gases :
Helium 0.152
Air 0.024
Steam 0.0206
Carbon dioxide 0.0146

1.6.1. Variation in Thermal Conductivity The thermal conductivity of alloys generally

The temperature is a measure of kinetic energies of increases as temperature increases. Fig. 1.11 also shows
molecules of a substance. Thus the thermal conductivity the variation of thermal conductivity of stainless steel
of materials varies with the temperature. It may also with temperature.
change with pressure in fluids. (ii) Non-metals. Due to absence of free electrons
in non-metals, the heat conduction is only due to lattice
Effect of Temperature vibration. As temperature increases, the number of
Solids. The solids are classified into two groups : collisions per unit time increases ; hence, the rate of
(i) Metals and (ii) Non-metals. heat flow increases in non-metals. Thus the thermal
(i) Metals. The heat energy may be conducted in conductivity of non-metals increases with increase in
the metals by two mechanisms : migration of free electrons the temperature.
and lattice vibrations. These two effects are additive. In Liquids. For most of the liquids, the thermal
general, the presence of the electron gas (large free conductivity decreases with increase in the temperature.
electrons) in metals, makes it a good conductor of heat, But water and glycerine are the exceptional cases. The
but the conduction also takes place due to vibrational thermal conductivity of liquids is independent of
energy in lattice structure. The flow of free electrons in pressure. As a general rule, the thermal conductivity of
metal results in an increase in value of thermal liquids decreases with increasing molecular weight. The
conductivity several times. But at the same time, due to value of thermal conductivity of liquids are taken from
increase in temperature, the vibration of the molecules Table 1.2 as function of temperature in saturated state
in the metals becomes violent and they obstruct the flow and plotted in Fig. 1.12.
of free electrons and contribution to the heat conduction 0.8
by free electrons decreases. Thus it may result in net

Thermal conductivity, k (W/m.K)

decrease in the heat flow. Hence, for most of metals, the
value of thermal conductivity decreases as temperature 0.6
increases. Fig. 1.11 shows the variaton of thermal
conductivity with temperature for few solids.
400 Silver
300 Copper Engine
200 Aluminium Gold Freon-12
200 300 400 500
Thermal conductivity (W/m.K)

Tungsten Temperature (K)

Platinum Fig. 1.12. Effect of temperature on thermal
50 conductivity of selected

20 Stainless steel, 0.3

AISI 304 H2
Thermal conductivity, k (W/m. K)

10 Me
5 0.2
2 quartz
100 300 500 1000 2000 4000 0.1 )
Steam (1atm
Temperature (K)
Fig. 1.11. Effect of temperature on thermal Air
conductivity of selected solids
0 200 400 600 800 1000
The thermal conductivity of mercury increases Temperature (K)
with increase in temperature is an exceptional case of Fig. 1.13. Effect of temperature on thermal conductivity of
metals. selected gases at normal pressure

Gases. For the gases, the molecules are in α may be negative or positive as shown in Fig. 1.15,
continuous random motion. As temperature increases, depending upon whether thermal conductivity increases
velocities of molecules become higher than in some lower or decreases with rise in temperature. The constant α
temperature region. The molecules move from high is usually positive for non-metals and insulating
temperature region to a region of low temperature and materials and negative for most of the metals.
give up its energy through collisions to lower energy
molecules. Thus the thermal conductivity of gases
increases with increase in temperature and it is pro- T1
portional to square root of the absolute temperature. It
is also affected by change in pressure and humidity. Q
1.6.2. Determination of Thermal Conductivity
The thermal conductivity, k can be defined by Fourier T2
law, equation (1.8)
(Q/A) x
k=– ...(1.22)
(dT/dx) L

This equation is used for determination of thermal Fig. 1.15. Variation of thermal conductivity
with temperature
conductivity of a material. A layer of solid material of
thickness L and area A is heated from one side by an With a variable thermal conductivity, Fourier law
electric resistance heater as shown in Fig. 1.14. If the of heat conduction through a plane wall can be expressed
outer surface of heater is perfectly insulated, then all the as ;
heat generated by resistance heater will be transferred
Q dT dT
through the exposed layer of material. When steady state =–k = – k0(1 + αT) ...(1.25)
condition is reached, the temperature of two surfaces of A dx dx
material T1 and T2 are measured and thermal Q
conductivity of material is determined by relation or dx = – k0(1 + αT) dT
Integrating both sides within the boundary
Insulation conditions :

z z
Q L T2
dx = – k0 (1 + αT) dT
Resistance T2 A 0 T1
(L – 0) = – k0 T + α

A 2 N Q T1

A k0 A LM(T − T1 ) + α
(T2 2 − T12 ) OP
or Q=–
L 2
Fig. 1.14. Experimental set-up for determination of thermal
conductivity k0 A(T1 − T2 ) α LM OP
1 + (T1 + T2 )
2 N Q
A (T1 − T2 )
km A(T1 − T2 )
1.6.3. Variable Thermal Conductivity or Q=
For many materials, the thermal conductivity can be
where, km = k0 1 + LM α OP ...(1.26)
approximated as a linear function of temperature over
limited range and it is expressed as ; N 2
(T1 + T2 )
The quantity km represents the mean value of
k = k0(1 + αT) ...(1.24)
thermal conductivity evaluated at arithmetic mean
where, k0 is the value of thermal conductivity at some
reference temperature and α is an empirical constant, T1 + T2 FG IJ
whose value depends on material. The value of constant
2 H
. The term
dxK in eqn. (1.25)

represents the slope of the temperature profile for the Analysis : According to Fourier law of heat
conducting medium. Mathematically, the slope is : conduction

= −
LM Q OP ...(1.27)
dx N
k0 (1 + αT)A Q A dx
(i) When constant α = 0, the equation (1.24) or q = – k0(1 + bT + cT2)
reduces to k = k0 and thermal conductivity does not or qdx = – k0(1 + bT + cT2) dT
change with temperature. The slope of curve is constant
and the temperature profile is linear.
(ii) When constant α > 0, the slope or temperature
profile follows a positive curved line along the material
thickness. Therefore, the thermal conductivity increases T1
with increase in temperature and vise versa. k = k0(1 + bT + cT )

(iii) When constant α < 0, the slope or temperature

profile follows a negative curved line along the material
thickness. Therefore, the thermal conductivity T2
decreases with increase in temperature and vise versa.


MATERIAL Fig. 1.16. Schematic for example 1.9
If the thermal conductivity of a material does not vary Integrating both sides,
with change in direction or its value is same in all
directions then material is called the isotropic material.
If the thermal conductivity of the material depends on
q z
dx = – k0 z T2

(1 + bT + cT2) dT

the direction of the heat flow, the material is called

anisotropic material. There are some materials in which or q(L – 0) = – k0 T + b
T3 OP T2

thermal conductivity depends upon directions. For N 2 3 Q T1

example, the thermal conductivity of wood in the
direction of grains is different from that in the transverse k0 RS b c
(T2 − T1 ) + (T22 − T12 ) + (T23 − T13 )
direction. So wood is an anisotropic material.
or q = –
L T 2 3 W
Example 1.9. The thermal conductivity of a plane wall
varies as : k0 (T1 − T2 ) b RS c
1 + [T1 + T2 ] + [T12 + T1T2 + T22 ] .
k = k0(1 + bT + cT2)
L 2 T 3 W
If the wall thickness is L and surface temperatures Proved.
are maintained at T1 and T2 , show that the heat flux q Example 1.10. A plane wall of fireclay brick, 25 cm thick
through the wall is given by : is having temperatures 1350°C and 50°C on two sides.
k0 (T1 − T2 ) b c
1 + [T1 + T2 ] + [T12 + T1T2 + T22 ]
UV The thermal conductivity of fireclay varies as ;
L T 2 3 W k = 0.838 (1 + 0.0007 T),
where T is in degree celcius.
Solution Calculate the heat loss per square metre through
Given : The relation for variable thermal conduc- the wall.
tivity as ;
k = k0(1 + bT + cT2).
Given : A plane wall with variable thermal
Assumptions :
1. k0 is constant.
L = 25 cm = 0.25 m, T1 = 1350°C,
2. Steady state conditions. T2 = 50°C
3. One dimensional heat conduction. k = 0.838(1 + 0.0007 T).

To find : Heat loss per sq m through the wall. T2

ro = 10 cm
T1 = 1350°C T1

k(T) p/2 cm
Q = 50
Sector of circle L

T2 = 50°C Fig. 1.18. Schematic for example 1.11

L = 25 cm
Given : A metal piece in the form of a sector of a
Fig. 1.17. Schematic of plane wall of example 1.10 circle
Assumptions : L = 50 cm = 0.5 m, ro = 10 cm = 0.1 m,
1. Steady state heat conduction. θ = π/2 = 90°, k = 111.63 (1 – 1 × 10–4 T)
2. One dimensional heat conduction.
T1 = 100°C = 373 K, T2 = 20°C = 293 K.
Analysis : According to Fourier law of heat
conduction To find : Heat loss from the cylindrical sector in
axial direction.
Q dT
=–k Assumptions :
A dx
Q 1. Steady state heat conduction.
or dx = – 0.838 × (1 + 0.0007 T) dT 2. Heat transfer in axial direction only.
Integrating both sides within the boundary 3. In expression of thermal conductivity, the
conditions : scale of temperature is not mentioned thus assuming
A z
dx = – 0.838 × z T2

(1 + 0.0007 T) dT
kelvin scale for temperature.
Analysis : The area of cylindrical piece :

T2 F I OP T2 πro2 π(0.1 m) 2
(L – 0) = – 0.838 × T + 0.0007
= 7.854 × 10–3 m2
Fourier law,
Q 0.838 RS
× (T2 − T1 ) +
× (T2 2 − T12 )
L T 2 W A
Using numerical values or Q dx = – 111.63 × 7.854 × 10–3
Q 0.838 × (1 – 10–4 T) dT
=– × [(50 – 1350) + 0.00035
A 0.25 Integrating both sides within boundary conditions

z z
× (502 – 13502)]
L T2
= 6492.82 W. Ans. Q dx = – 0.8767 × (1 – 1 × 10–4 T) dT
0 T1
Example 1.11. A metal piece, 50 cm long is in the form
of a sector of a circle of radius 10 cm and includes an
Q L = – 0.8767 × MT − 1 × 10 G
F T I OP 2

angle of π/2. The thermal conductivity of the metal piece or
varies as ; MN T1
k = k0(1 + αT)
where, k0 = 111.63 W/m.K and α = – 1 × 10–4 W/m.K2.
= – 0.8767 × M(T − T ) − 1 × 10

Calculate the heat transfer rate, when the two ends

MN 2 1

of the metal piece are maintained at temperatures of FT −T

2 2
100°C and 20°C. Assume heat flow takes place in axial H 2
2 1
direction only.

Using numerical values : Integrating and rearranging, we get

Q × 0.5 = – 0.8767
Q LMα OP (T1 − T2 )
LM F 293 2
− 373 2 I OP A
= k0 × 1 + × (T1 + T2 )
N2 Q L
× (293 − 373) – 1 × 10–4 ×
= 0.28 × 1 +
LM 0.035
× 200 + 50 gOPQ
or Q=–
0.8767 × ( − 80 + 2.664) N 2
0.5 (200 − 50)
= 135.6 W. Ans. 1.2
Example 1.12. A pipe carrying pressurised water is = 188.125 W/m2.
located in a 1.2 m thick brick wall, whose surfaces are Further, if x is the distance from the hot surface
held at constant temperatures of 200°C and 50°C, in the wall, where temperature, T3 = 125°C, then heat
flow rate can be expressed by replacing T2 by T3 and L
respectively. It is required to locate the pipe in the wall
by x ;
where temperature should not exceed 125°C. Find how
far from the hot surface the pipe should be imbeded ? Q
= 188.125
The thermal conductivity of wall material (brick) varies A
with temperature as ;
= 0.28 × 1 +
LM 0.035
× (200 + 125 )
k = 0.28 (1 + 0.035 T) W/m.K, where T is in °C.
k = k0(1 + αT).
N 2 Q
(200 − 125)
Solution ×
Given : A pressurised water pipe is located in a
140.44 140.44
brick wall as shown in Fig. 1.19 = or x =
x 188.125
Thickness of wall,
= 0.75 m from left. Ans.
L = 1.2 m
Temperature of wall surfaces, 1.8. INSULATION MATERIALS
T1 = 200°C, T2 = 50°C
There are many situations in engineering applications,
Allowed pipe temperature, when the heat flow rate from a system has to be reduced.
T3 = 125°C Such cases include lagging on heat pipes, a thermos
Thermal conductivity, bottle, ruberisation on electrical cables, etc. An
k = 0.28 (1 + 0.035 T) W/m.K. industrial furnace is provided with innermost layer with
refractory bricks, one or two layers of insulating bricks,
and outer layer with ordinary bricks. All these layers
form a thermal insulation to the furnace. Thus a thermal
T1 k = f(T) insulation is a material or combination of materials,
200°C which is mainly used to minimise the heat flow to or
Q from a system.
Q Q Thermal insulations are put on the surfaces
50°C T2 exposed to certain environment. They offer a strong
thermal resistance in the path of heat flow. An insulation
reduces the total heat transfer rate from a system. It
L = 1.2 m does not only minimise conduction rate, but also
minimises convection and radiation heat transfer rates.
Fig. 1.19. Schematic for example 1.12 Thermal insulation material must have a very
To find : The location of pipe in the wall. low value of thermal conductivity. It should also be
Analysis : The steady state heat transfer rate per chemically inert, dimensionally stable, and easily
unit area, through wall. available in form, suitable for application on the
surfaces. It should also be cheap and light. In most of
Q dT dT the cases, the thermal insulators are manufactured by
=−k = − k0 (1 + αT)
A dx dx mixing fibre, powders or flakes of insulating materials

with air. The air is trapped inside small cavities of contents. Fig. 1.21 shows the ranges of effective thermal
solids. The same effect can also be produced by filling conductivity for evacuated and non evacuated insulat-
the space across which heat flow is to be minimised with ions.
small solid particles and trapping the air between them.
A gas has very poor thermal conductivity. Commercial Conduction
insulators are ceramics (e.g., insulating bricks), rock- Convection Radiation
wool, gypsum and polymeric (expanded polyurethane,
expanded polystyrene etc.) materials. These materials
are highly porous, or have a high void volume filled with
an inert gas.
The heat transfer through an insulation is by
conduction through the solid material, and by
conduction and convection through the air space as well
as by radiation as shown in Fig. 1.20. Such insulation
materials are characterised by an apparent thermal
conductivity keff.. It is an effective value that accounts
for all mechanisms of heat transfer and it should not
change with temperature, pressure and moisture Fig. 1.20. Heat transfer through an insulating material

Evacuated Non-evacuated
Powders, fibres,
foams, cork, etc.

Powders, fibres,
and foams

Opacified powders
and fibres


–5 –4 –3 –2 –1
10 10 10 10 10 1.0
Effective thermal conductivity keff (W/m.K)

Fig. 1.21. Range of thermal conductivities of thermal insulations

Insulating materials are classified into three cellular materials are polyurethane, expanded polysty-
categories : rene, cellular glass, and cellular silica, etc.
1. Fibrous. The fibrous insulations are obtained 3. Granular. Granular insulations consist of
by mixing small particles or flakes of low density small flakes or particles of inorganic materials, bonded
materials with air. The material is poured into small into some common shapes or used as powders. For
gaps as loose fill or formed into boards or blankets. example, asbestos, perlite powder, diatomaceous silica
Fibrous materials have very high porosity. Mineral wool and vermiculite.
is a common fibrous material for application at
1.8.1. Superinsulators
temperature below 700°C and fibrous glass is used for
temperature below 200°C. For temperature range 700°C The insulators with extremely low apparent thermal
to 1700°C, the refractory fibre, such as alumina or silica conductivity (about one thousand of that of air), called
is used. superinsulators and are obtained by using layers of
2. Cellular. Cellular insulations are closed or highly reflective sheets separated by glass fibres in an
open cell materials that are usually in the form of evacuated space. Like a thermos bottle in which the
extended flexible or rigid boards. These can easily be space between the two surfaces is evacuated to
formed or sprayed in the place to achieve desired suppress conduction and convection and inner surface
geometrical shapes. These materials have low density, is coated with reflective layer to prevent the radiation
low heat capacity, and good compressive strength. Some heat transfer, the heat transfer between two surfaces

can also be reduced by placing highly reflective sheets. superinsulators are used in space applications and
The radiation heat transfer is inversely proportional to cryogenics.
the number of such reflective sheets placed between the
1.8.2. Selection of Insulating Materials
surfaces. Very effective insulations are obtained by
using closely packed layers of highly reflective thin The selection and design of a suitable insulation depends
metal sheets such as aluminium foils separated by upon following factors :
fibres made of insulating materials like glass. Further, 1. Thermal conductivity,
the space between the layers is evacuated to form 2. Density of material,
a very strong vacuum to eliminate the conduction 3. Upperlimit of operating temperature,
and convection heat transfer through the air space. 4. Structural rigidity,
The resulting materials have an apparent thermal 5. Degradation rate,
conductivity below 2 × 10–5 W/m.K, which is one 6. Chemical stability,
thousand times less than the conductivity of air or 7. Cost, i.e., economic thickness of insulation.
any common insulating material. These specially The range of thermal conductivities for common
built insulators are called superinsulators. The temperature insulating materials is given in Table 1.3.
TABLE 1.3. Some insulating materials with their range
of operating temperatures
Insulating materials Max. operating Density Thermal conductivity
temperature (K) (kg/m3) (W/m.K)
Asbestos fibre 420 190–300 0.078–0.098
Cellular glass 700 145 0.046–0.079
Diatomaceous 1145 345 0.92–0.104
Alumina silica fibre 1530 48 0.071–0.15
Magnesia 85% 590 185 0.051–0.061
Polystyrene 350 16–56 0.023–0.040
Mineral fibres 922–1255 430–560 0.071–0.137

1.8.3. The R-Value of Insulation new and more effective materials are developed and use
For building materials, the effectiveness of insulation of insulation is considerably increased. The walls and
is characterised by a term called R-value. The R-value roofs of our house are also applied with some insulation
is the thermal resistance of material for a unit area and like plaster of paris, etc., to minimise the heat transfer
it is the ratio of thickness and effective thermal rate with its surroundings.
conductivity of the material. That is : When an insulation layer is put on a heating
system, the heat loss from the system reduces. The cost
Thickness L of insulation material adds the system cost, while cost
R-value = =
Effective thermal conductivity k eff of reduction in heat loss reduces the operating cost.
...(1.28) Therefore, the cost of insulation material is subsidised
by saving in energy cost. Insulation pays for itself from
The R-value is generally given in English unit
the energy it saves.
h.ft2. °F/Btu.
The insulating material has certain period of
For example, R-value of 6″ thick glass fibre service. Over the service life of the insulation material,
insulation (keff = 0.025 Btu/h.ft2.°F) is designated as R-20 the thickness of insulation at which the sum of cost of
insulation by builders, i.e., insulation and cost of heat loss is minimum as shown in
6″ × (1/12) ft Fig. 1.22, is referred to as economic thickness of
R-value = = insulation. If the thickness of insulation is more than
keff 0.025 Btu/h.ft 2 . ° F
the economic thickness, the cost of insulation will not
= 20 h.ft2. °F/Btu. compensate the energy it saves. Thickness of insulation
is controlled by density of material. As density of
1.8.4. Economic Thickness of Insulation material increases, the required thickness of insulation
The energy crisis of 1970s had a tremendous impact on decreases for same thermal effect. If the layer after layer
energy awareness and energy conservation. Since then, of insulation is applied over a surface, the heat transfer

reduces gradually. The inner layer saves more heat than Solution
outer one. A limiting thickness of insulation balances Given : A furnace wall exposed to convection
the cost of energy saved and cost of insulation itself. environment on one side.
This particular critical layer is called optimum
insulation thickness. k = 1.35 W/m.K
The optimum thickness of insulation can be L = 200 mm = 0.2 m
obtained by plotting a graph of value of heat loss and T1 = 1400°C
cost of insulation against the thickness of insulation.
T∞ = 40°C
h = 7.85 + 0.08 (∆T) (W/m2.K)

Combined cost


st o Ins
ea h = f(T)
t lo
ss Q

Economic thickness
Insulation thickness L
Fig. 1.22. Economic thickness of insulation
Fig. 1.23. Schematic of a furnace wall
To find : Heat flux.
Analysis : Steady state heat transfer rate per unit
Thermal diffusivity is an important thermophysical area
property. It is the ratio of thermal conductivity k of the k(T1 − T2 )
medium to heat capacity ρC. It is denoted by α, and q= = h(T2 – T∞)
measured in m2/s. L

k 1.35 × (1400 − T2 )
α= ...(1.29) or = [7.85 + 0.08 (T2 – 40)] × (T2 – 40)
ρC 0.2
The thermal conductivity k indicates how well a or 9450 – 6.75 T2 = 7.85 T2 – 314 + 0.08 (T2 – 40)2
material can conduct heat and the heat capacity ρC
= 7.85 T2 – 314 + 0.08
represents how much energy a material can store per
unit volume. Therefore, the thermal diffusivity of a × (T22 – 80 T2 + 1600)
material is viewed as the ratio of the heat conducted
= 7.85 T2 – 314 + 0.08 T22
through the material to the heat stored per unit volume.
In other words, the thermal diffusivity of a material is – 6.4 T2 + 128
associated with the propagation of heat energy into the Rearranging, 0.08 T22 + 8.2 T2 – 9636 = 0
medium during the change of temperature with time.
The higher the thermal diffusivity, faster the propaga- − 8.2 + (8.2) 2 + 4 × 0.08 × 9636
tion of heat into the medium. or T2 =
2 × 0.08
Example 1.13. The inside temperature of a furnace wall
(k = 1.35 W/m.K), 200 mm thick, is 1400°C. The heat = 299.57°C
transfer coefficient at the outside surface is a function of The heat flow rate per unit area
temperature difference and is given by k
h = 7.85 + 0.08 ∆T (W/m2.K) q= (T1 – T2)
where ∆T is the temperature difference between outside 1.35
wall surface and surroundings. Determine the rate of = × (1400 – 299.57)
heat transfer per unit area, if the surrounding tempera-
= 7427.88 W. Ans.
ture is 40°C.

Example 1.14. An uninsulated steam pipe is passed Example 1.15. A horizontal plate (k = 30 W/m.K)
through a room in which air and walls are at 25°C. The 600 mm × 900 mm × 30 mm is maintained at 300°C.
outer diameter of the pipe is 50 mm and surface The air at 30°C flows over the plate. If the convection
temperature and emissivity are 500 K and 0.8, coefficient of air over the plate is 22 W/m2.K and 250 W
respectively. If the free convection heat transfer heat is lost from the plate by radiation. Calculate the
coefficient is 15 W/m2.K, what is the rate of heat loss bottom surface temperature of the plate. (P.U., Dec. 2008)
from the surface per unit length of pipe ? Solution
Solution Given : A horizontal plate as shown in Fig. 1.25.
Given : An uninsulated pipe exposed to room air k = 30 W/m.K, A = 600 mm × 900 mm
T∞ = Tw = 25°C = 298 K Ts = 300°C, T∞ = 30°C
Ts = 500 K, D = 50 mm = 0.05 m h = 22 W/m2.K, L = 30 mm = 0.03 m
ε = 0.8, h = 15 W/m2.K. Qrad = 250 W.
0.05 m L
Qrad = 250 W
T¥ = 30°C
h = 22 W/m .K
h = 15 W/m .K e = 0.8
T¥ = 25°C
Ts = 300°C
Fig. 1.24. Schematic of example 1.14
L = 30 mm k = 30 W/m·K
To find : Heat loss per unit length of pipe.
Assumptions : Qcond
1. Steady state conditions.
Fig. 1.25. Schematic of horizontal plate, conducting,
2. Heat loss by radiation and convection only. convecting and radiating heat
3. Stefan Boltzmann constant, σ = 5.67 × 10–8 To find : Temperature of bottom surface of the plate.
W/m .K4.
Assumptions :
4. Constant properties. 1. Steady state conditions.
Analysis : 2. One dimensional heat conduction in the plate.
(i) Heat loss from the pipe by convection is given 3. Constant properties.
Analysis : The surface area of the plate
Qconv = hAs(Ts – T∞) = h(πDL)(Ts – T∞)
A = 600 mm × 900 mm
Q conv
or = 15 × (π × 0.05) × (500 – 298) = 5.40 × 105 mm2 = 0.54 m2
= 476 W/m Making the energy balance for the plate :
(ii) Heat loss per unit length of pipe by radiation Rate of heat conduction = Rate of heat convec-
is given by tion + Rate of heat radiation
Q rad or Qcond = Qconv + Qrad
= σε(πD)(Ts4 – T∞4) kA (Ti − Ts )
L or = hA(Ts – T∞) + 250
= 5.67 × 10–8 × 0.8 × (π × 0.05) L
× (5004 – 2984) Using numerical values :
= 389.13 W/m 30 × 0.54 × (Ti − 300)
= 22 × 0.54
Total heat loss from pipe surface per unit length : 0.03
× (300 – 30) + 250
Q Q conv Q rad
= + 0.03
L L L or Ti – 300 = × (3207.6 + 250)
30 × 0.54
= 476 + 389.13
or Ti = 300 + 6.40 = 306.4°C. Ans.
= 865.13 W/m. Ans.

Example 1.16. A black metal plate (k = 25 W/m.K) at at 30°C. The heat transfer coefficient between plate
300°C is exposed to surrounding air at 30°C. It convects surface and air is 20 W/m2.K. The emissivity of the plate
and radiates heat to surroundings. If the convection surface is 0.8. Calculate.
coefficient is 25 W/m2.K, what is the temperature gradient (i) Rate of heat loss by convection.
in the plate ? (ii) Rate of heat loss by radiation.
Solution (iii) Combined convection and radiation heat
Given : An iron plate convects and radiates heat transfer coefficient. (P.U., May 2009)
to surroundings. Solution
k = 25 W/m.K Given : A thin metal plate surface exposed to
Ts = 300°C = 573 K convection and radiation environment.
T∞ = 30°C = 303 K A = 5 m × 3 m = 15 m3
h = 25 W/m2.K. Ts = 300°C = 573 K
Air h = 20 W/m2 . K,
T∞ = 30°C = 303 K ε = 0.8
h = 25 W/m .K Qconv
To find :
T¥ = 30°C (i) Rate of heat transfer by convection.
Ts = 300°C (ii) Radiation heat transfer rate.

k = 25 W/m.K
(iii) Combined heat transfer coefficient.
Assumption : The Stefan Boltzmann’s constant
Fig. 1.26. Schematic of iron plate
σ = 5.67 × 10–8 W/m2.K4.
To find : Temperature gradient in the plate.
Analysis :
Assumptions :
1. Steady state conditions. (i) Convection heat transfer rate from the plate
2. Black metal plate is black body for radiation.
Qconv = hA(Ts – T∞)
3. Stefan Boltzmann constant, σ = 5.67 × 10–8
W/m .K4.
2 = 20 × 15 × (300 – 30)
Analysis : The energy balance for the metal plate = 81,000 W. Ans.
is given as ; (ii) Radiation heat transfer rate from the plate
Heat conducted through the plate Qrad = εσA(Ts4 – T4∞ )
= Heat convection from the surface
= 0.8 × 5.67 × 10–8 × 15
+ Heat radiated from the surface
× (5734 – 3034)
i.e., Qcond = Qconv + Qrad
= 67,612 W. Ans.
or – kA = hA(Ts – T∞) + σA(Ts4 – T∞4) (iii) Combined convection and radiation heat
transfer coefficient
Using numerical values
Total heat transfer rate by convection and
dT radiation
– 25 × = 25 × (573 – 303) + 5.67 × 10–8
Q = Qconv + Qrad
× (5734 – 3034)
= 81,000 + 67,612
= 25 × 270 + 5.67 × 10 × 9.937 × 1010

= 6750 + 5634.34 = 12384.34 = 148, 612 W

dT 12384.34 It can be expressed as :
or =– = – 495.37°C/m. Ans.
dx 25 Q = hcomb A(Ts – T∞ )
Example 1.17. A metal plate with dimension 5 m× 3 m or 148,612 = hcomb × 15 × (300 – 30)
with negligible thickness has a surface temperature of
or hcomb = 36,694 W/m2. Ans.
300°C. One side of it looses heat to the surroundings air


CONDENSATION Mass transfer is defined as movement of mass due to
concentration difference in a mixture. The concentration
The boiling and condensation are the phase change
difference is the driving potential for the mass transfer.
phenomena with heat transfer. During boiling,
Mass transfer occurs in many processes, such as
evaporation and vaporization, the liquid absorbs latent
absorption, evaporation, adsorption, desorption, solvent
heat, gets converted to vapour. Reverse process occurs
extraction, humidification and drying. In many practical
in condensation, where the vapour gets converted into
applications, heat transfer processes occur simulta-
liquid by rejecting its latent heat to some cooling
neously with mass transfer processes and the principles
medium. In all these cases of heat transfer with phase
of mass transfer are very similar to those of heat
change, the temperature remains constant during the
transfer, therefore, the analogy between heat and mass
process. Heat transfer in boiling and condensation is
transfer can easily be established.
characterized by very high values of heat transfer
coefficient at constant temperature and therefore, these
processes of heat transfer are preferred in actual 1.12. SUMMARY
practices. Boiling process takes place in steam
generators, distillation columns and evaporators, while Heat is a form of energy, which transfers due to
the condensation process occurs in the condensers, temperature difference. The heat transfer is a branch
during formation of dew, etc. of thermodynamics, which deals with analysis of rate of
heat transfer, temperature distribution and the nature
The mathematical treatment to actual
of heat transfer taking place in a system.
mechanism of boiling and condensation is very
complicated; therefore, empirical relations are used to During steady state conditions, the rate of heat
calculate the heat transfer coefficient and heat flux. transfer is always constant and the temperature at any
Many useful empirical relations are presented in location does not change with time. In unsteady state,
chapter 11 for estimation of various parameters during the temperature changes with time and position, thus
boiling and condensation processes. the rate of heat transfer varies with time.

TABLE 1.4. Summary of heat transfer rate processes

Mode Mechanism Governing equation Transport property

Conduction Exchange of energy due to q(W/m2) = – k Thermal conductivity
direct molecular interactions dx k(W/m.K)
Convection Diffusion of energy due to q(W/m2) = h(Ts – T∞) Heat transfer coefficient
random molecular motion h(W/m2.K)
plus energy due to bulk
motion (advection)
Radiation Energy transfer by q(W/m2) = ε σ(Ts4 – Tsur4 ) Emissivity ε, or radiation
electromagnetic waves or Q(W) = hr A(Ts – Tsur) heat transfer coeff. hr

TABLE 1.5. Glossary of heat transfer terms

Terms Interpretation
Heat energy A form of energy in transit.
Conduction Energy transfer into the medium due to existence of temperature gradient.
Convection Energy transportation by moving fluid particles from hot region to cold region.
Radiation Emission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves by the surface.
Emissivity A property of the radiating surface.
Thermal conductivity Ability of the materials, which allows the heat conduction through them.
Heat transfer coefficient A property of the fluid environment associated with heat convection.
Mass transfer Movement of mass due to concentration difference in a mixture.

The thermal insulation is a material or 17. What is the R-value of an insulation ? How is it
combination of materials, which is mainly used to determined ?
minimise the heat flow to or from a system. 18. How does the R-value of an insulation differ from
Thermal diffusivity is the ratio of thermal its thermal resistance ?
conductivity k of the medium and heat capacity ρC. It
19. What is the physical significance of thermal
is denoted by α, and measured in m2/s, i.e., diffusivity ?

1. Determine the heat flow across a plane wall of 10 cm

REVIEW QUESTIONS thickness with a thermal conductivity of 8.5 W/m.K.
When the surface temperatures are steady and at
1. How does the heat transfer differ from the 200°C and 50°C, the wall area is 2 m2. Also find the
thermodynamics ? temperature gradient in flow direction.
2. How does transient heat transfer differ from steady [Ans. 25500 W, 1500°C/m]
state conduction ? 2. Consider a plane wall 20 cm thick. The inner surface
is kept 400°C, and the outer surface is exposed to an
3. What is heat flux ? How it relates heat transfer rate ?
environment at 800°C with a heat transfer coefficient
4. What are different modes of heat transfer ? Explain of 12 W/(m 2.K). If the temperature of the outer
their potential for occurrence. surface is 685°C, calculate the thermal conductivity
5. How does the heat conduction differ from convection ? of the wall. [Ans. 0.968 W/m.K]
3. A glass window 60 cm × 60 cm is 16 mm thick. If its
6. Prove that convection is not fundamentally different
inside and outside surface temperatures are 20°C
mode of heat transfer. It consists of conduction from
and – 20°C respectively, determine the conduction
the surface to the adjacent layer + energy transfer
heat transfer rate through the window. Take thermal
due to mass transfer + conduction to the adjacent
conductivity of glass as 0.78 W/m.K. [Ans. 702 W]
fluid layer.
4. The wall of a house 7 m wide, 6 m high is made from
7. What are the laws of heat transfer ? 0.3 m thick brick (k = 0.6 W/m.K). The surface
8. State Fourier law of heat conduction and by using it temperature on inside of wall is 26°C and that on
derive an expression for steady state heat conduction outside is 16°C. Find the heat flux and total heat
through a plane wall of thickness L maintains its loss through the wall. [Ans. 20.0 W/m2, 840 W]
two surfaces at temperatures T1 and T2, respectively. 5. Determine steady state heat transfer rate per unit
area through a 3.8 cm thick homogeneous wall with
9. Identify the mode(s) of heat transfer in the following
its two faces maintained at uniform temperature of
cases : 35°C and 25°C. Thermal conductivity of wall
(i) Heat transfer from a room heater, material is 0.19 W/m.K. [Ans. 50 W/m2]
(ii) Hot plate exposed to atmosphere, 6. Calculate rate of heat flow for a red brick wall 5 m
long × 4 m high × 0.25 m thick. Temperature of inner
(iii) Heat loss from thermos flask,
surface is 110°C and that of outer surface is 40°C.
(iv) Cooling of a scooter engine, Thermal conductivity of red brick is 0.7 W/m.K. Also
(v) Heat loss from automobile radiator, calculate the temperature at 20 cm away from the
inner surface of the wall. [Ans. 3920 W, 54°C]
(vi) Heat transfer from sun to a living room.
7. A brass condenser tube [k = 115 W/(m.K)] with an
10. Define thermal conductivity and explain its outside diameter of 2 cm and a thickness of 0.2 cm is
significance in heat transfer. used to condense steam on its outer surface at 50°C
with a heat transfer coefficient of 2000 W/(m2.K).
11. How does the thermal conductivity of liquids and
Cooling water at 20°C with a heat transfer coefficient
gases vary with temperature ?
of 5000 W/(m2.K) flow inside.
12. What are the thermal insulators ? (a) Determine the heat flow rate from the steam to
13. How is the thermal conductivity of plane wall the cooling water per meter of length of the tube.
determined experimentally ? Explain. (b) What would be the heat transfer rate per metre
14. Define isotropic and anisotropic materials. of length of the tube if the outer and the inner
surfaces of the tube were at 50°C and 20°C,
15. Define apparent thermal conductivity. respectively ? Compare this result with (a) and
16. Explain superinsulators. How do they differ from explain the reason for the difference between the
ordinary insulations ? two results. [Ans. (a) 2450 W/m, (b) 97.4 kW/m]

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