Prediction of Welding Residual Stress Profile in Dissimilar Metal Nozzle Butt Weld of Nuclear Power Plant
Prediction of Welding Residual Stress Profile in Dissimilar Metal Nozzle Butt Weld of Nuclear Power Plant
Prediction of Welding Residual Stress Profile in Dissimilar Metal Nozzle Butt Weld of Nuclear Power Plant
Procedia Materials Science 3 (2014) 784 – 789
This paper provides the through-thickness welding residual stress profile in dissimilar metal nozzle butt welds of pressurized
water reactors. There have been incidents recently where cracking has been observed in the dissimilar metal weld. Weld-induced
residual stress is main factor for crack growth, and thus, exact estimation of welding residual stress is important. For
investigations of welding residual stress profile, the effects of geometric variables, i.e. the thickness and the radius of the nozzle
and the length of the safe end, on welding residual stresses, are systematically considered and elastic-plastic thermo-mechanical
finite element analyses are conducted. Through-wall welding residual stress profiles for dissimilar metal nozzle butt welds are
proposed, which take a modified form of existing welding residual stress profiles developed for austenitic pipe butt weld in R6
© 2014
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1. Introduction
There have been many studies completed for the welding residual stress in austenitic stainless steel pipe butt weld
[Yaghi et al., Brickstad el al., Dong el al., Bouchard et al.]. However, a few problems arise when the welding
residual stress profile for the pipe butt weld is employed in the problem of dissimilar metal nozzle butt weld. First,
2211-8128 © 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Structural Engineering
Tae-Kwang Song et al. / Procedia Materials Science 3 (2014) 784 – 789 785
the nozzle component consists of two welds, dissimilar metal weld connecting the nozzle to the safe end and similar
metal weld joining the safe end to the pipe. Recent work reveals that the similar metal weld affects the welding
residual stress distribution in the dissimilar metal weld depending on the length of the safe end [Song et al., Rudland
et al.]. In addition, the length of the safe end varies with manufacturer. Second, the outer diameter of the nozzle
component is tapered. Moreover, the shape of the nozzle component is slightly different from one to another
manufactures. Lastly, the nozzle component consists of several materials, i.e. low alloy steel, Ni-based alloy and
stainless steel, which means that there is a possible effect of strength mis-match. For these reasons, it appears that all
the studies on the residual stress in dissimilar metal nozzle butt weld have been focused on specific nozzle
considered in their work.
The present work attempts to provide a generally applicable through-thickness welding residual stress profile in
dissimilar metal nozzle butt welds regardless of specific nozzle geometry. Based on examinations of dissimilar metal
nozzles used in Korean nuclear power plants, the idealized nozzle shape is proposed to cover various nozzle shapes.
Parametric studies on the effects of geometric variables, i.e. the thickness and the radius-to-thickness ratio of the
nozzle and the length of the safe end, on welding residual stress are performed. As a result, the through-thickness
welding residual stress profile for a dissimilar metal nozzle butt weld is proposed.
Fig. 1 shows the various shapes of nozzles used in Korean nuclear power plants. These nozzles include inlet and
outlet nozzle to the reactor vessel; spray, safety, relief and surge nozzle on the pressurizer. Although all the nozzles
show a similar configuration, the specific shape is different with respect to each manufacturer and nozzle type. To
quantify nozzle dimensions, some symbols are employed as denoted in Fig. 2(a). Table 1 summarizes some relevant
dimensions of nozzles. As shown in Table 1, the radius-to-thickness ratio (ri/tSE) of these nozzles is less than 5 due
to the fact that the primary loop system is relatively thick. And the thickness of the safe end, which is between that
of the nozzle and the pipe, is more than 20 mm. Values of wSE/tSE, on the other hand, range from 0.4 to 7.0.
Although a number of materials are involved, common features can be found as follows. The nozzle is made of
low alloy steel SA508. Both the buttering and DMWs are made of Ni-based alloys, Alloy 82/182. The pipe and
SMWs are made of austenitic stainless steels, F316 or TP304.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of a nozzle component considered in the present work: (a) detailed shape of a surge nozzle in pressurized water
reactors and (b) idealized geometry and materials.
Welding residual stress analysis was conducted using the commercial finite element analysis code, ABAQUS.
The un-coupled thermal and stress analysis approach was adopted. Therefore, time dependent temperature histories
from the thermal analysis were used as input data for the stress analysis. To simulate the sequential weld deposit, the
element add/remove technique in ABAQUS was used. In the thermal analysis, the body flux was used as heat input
method. To calculate the body flux, welding efficiency(KK=0.7, and heat input energy per unit length, E, E=1714
J/mmare used based on the welding procedure specification. To comply with the maximum inter-pass temperature
suggested in the welding procedure specification (normally 170 oC) the cooling time is adjusted appropriately. For
cooling conditions, both convection and radiation is considered using the following temperature-dependent heat
transfer coefficient.
For mechanical analysis, a non-linear kinematic hardening model is used to consider the Bauchinger effect. The
annealing effect is considered by taking the liquidus temperature as the annealing temperature. Although phase
transformation during welding occurs at ~750 oC for ferritic steels, it was not considered, as simulation without
phase transformation tends to overestimate tensile residual stresses and thus is conservative for the present purpose
[Bate el al.].
3.2. Welding Simulations for dissimilar metal nozzle butt weld and pipe butt weld
For the nozzle geometries shown in Figs. 1 and 2a, the real nozzle shapes are idealized by a straight pipe with
two welds, one dissimilar and the other similar metal weld (see Fig. 2(b)). The thickness of the idealized nozzle is
assumed to be tSE. To see the effect of thickness, tSE, and the radius-to-thickness ratio, ri/tSE, on residual stresses,
three values of tSE, tSE=20, 40, 80 mm, and two values of ri/tSE, ri/tSE=1, 5, are considered, respectively. To see the
effect of the length of the safe-end on residual stresses, four different values of wSE/tSE are considered, wSE/tSE=0.5,
1.0, 2.0 and 4.0. Note that the effect of the length of the safe-end on residual stresses tends to saturate for wSE/tSE̱
Tae-Kwang Song et al. / Procedia Materials Science 3 (2014) 784 – 789 787
4.0. The length of the pipe, L, was chosen to be five times the thickness, L=5tSE, which is regarded as sufficiently
long to exclude the end effect. And the validity check for the proposed idealized nozzle could be found in Ref.
[Song et al.], which shows overall identical results between the actual nozzle and the idealized nozzle.
4.1. FE Results for Through-Thickness Residual Stress in Austenitic Pipe Butt Weld
In this section, the present FE welding residual stresses for austenitic stainless steel pipe butt welds are compared
with existing results. Such a comparison could provide confidence in the present FE welding simulations, as the
existing residual stress profiles are based on numerous numerical analyses and experimental measurements.
Furthermore, as the mechanisms controlling welding residual stresses for butt welds are similar between pipe butt
welds and dissimilar metal nozzle butt welds, existing welding residual stress profiles for pipe butt welds could be
the basis for constructing residual stress profiles for dissimilar metal nozzle butt welds.
Figure 3 compares FE through-wall residual stress distributions in stainless pipe butt welds with the three
existing profiles described above. Results are obtained for ri/tP = 5 with tP = 20, 40 and 80 mm. In the figures, the
existing profiles are shown in solid lines and the present FE results by symbols. Residual stresses are reported along
the center line of the butt weld. The axial residual stress, σa , is normalized with respect to the 1.0% proof strength of
the parent material, σ1.0p, and the hoop residual stress, Əh , with respect to the 1.0% proof strength of the weld
material, σ1.0w. For the present work, room temperature properties are used, that is σ1.0p = 328.9 MPa and σ1.0w =
460.5 MPa.
Comparing FE results with existing profiles in the codes, R6 level 2 provides overall conservative results due to
its intrinsic characteristics of upper bound. The recommended profile of ASME Sec. XI is too simple to represent
the gradient of hoop residual stress. On the other hand, the API 579 and R6 level 3 predict significantly lower
profiles than that of R6 level 2. This is because API 579 and R6 level 3 is derived from recent measurement data of
high quality [Bouchard]. However, R6 level 3 is adopted as an appropriate profile for the pipe butt weld in this paper
for two reasons : First, API 579 is overall more conservative than R6 level 3 for both axial and hoop residual stress.
In the API 579 code, welding residual stress is normalized with “actual yield strength of material”, which is assumed
to be 0.2% proof stress but can’t be assured. Hence, the profile of API 579 in Fig. 3 is expressed with the original
form due to its vague definition. Second, R6 level 3 is easy to manipulate because it is composed of physically
meaningful terms, i.e. bending, membrane and sine terms.
(a) (b)
Fig. 3 Comparison of FE results with existing residual stress profiles for austenitic pipe butt weld with ri/tP=5 and tp=40 mm. (a) axial and (b)
hoop stress.
4.2. FE Results for Through-Thickness Residual Stress in Dissimilar Metal Nozzle Butt Weld
All the residual stresses for the dissimilar metal nozzle butt weld are provided in normalized form. For the
normalizing stresses, 1.0% proof stress of parent material, V1.0p, and 1.0 % proof stress of weld material, σ1.0w, are
788 Tae-Kwang Song et al. / Procedia Materials Science 3 (2014) 784 – 789
employed as recommended in R6. In this work, V1.0p =328.9 MPa of F316L and σ1.0w =488.5 MPa of Alloy 600 at
room temperature are used, respectively.
Before the similar metal weld, the R6 level 3 profile predicts similar tendencies and gives overall good
agreements with FE results for the nozzle with ri/tSE=5, though some conservatism or non-conservatism is observed
in a partial region. On the other hand, for the nozzle with ri/tSE=1, it gives conservative predictions at the inner
surface comparing FE results. After similar metal welding, R6 level 3 becomes more conservative at the inner
surface due to the effect of similar metal welding, as shown in Fig. 4 and 5. Two difficulties arise in applying R6
level 3 as a through-wall residual stress profile for dissimilar metal nozzle butt weld : First, the nozzle with ri/tSE=1
(r/tSE=1.5) is out of the applicable range of R6 level 3. R6 level 3 was developed to cover the mean radius-to-
thickness ratio, r/tSE, ranging 1.8≤r/tSE≤25. However, ri/tSE less than 5 is the ratio of interest for the nozzle problem.
Second, in the nozzle problem, the bending mechanism induced by the interaction between two welds alters the
existing residual stress distribution, thus R6 level 3 becomes conservative even for the nozzle with ri/tSE =5.
To modify the R6 level 3 profile, the following points should be noted. Firstly, the results in Figs 4 and 5 suggest
that both axial and hoop residual stress profiles are affected more by ri/tSE than by tSE. Residual stresses at the
inner surface decrease with decreasing ri/tSE. The second point is that similar metal welding effectively provides
bending stresses on the DMWs, which decrease axial residual stresses at the inner surface. Based on these
observations and by conservatively bounding the present FE results, the following profile is proposed for axial
residual stresses in dissimilar metal nozzle welds:
° § x · ªS § x · º tSE ª 2 IM º °½
V axial V yp ®IM ¨1 2 ¸ T M sin « ¨1 8 ¸ » « TN »¾
°¯ © tSE ¹ ¬4© tSE ¹ ¼ ri ¬ 4S 6 ¼ °¿
§ t ·
IM 0.2 ¨1 SE ¸
© ri ¹
TM 0.45
° ª 3S § 7 x · º ½°
V hoop V yw ® 0.65 G M sin « ¨ ¸ » 0.35 G M ¾ (2)
¯° ¬ 2 © 6 tP ¹¼ ¿°
§ t ·
GM 0.1¨1 2 SE ¸
© ri ¹
The proposed residual stress profile, Eqs (1) and (2), is based on FE results, and thus should be valid for the
ranges of geometric variables and parameters used in the FE analysis. Regarding geometry, the present work
considers realistic geometric variables based on the nozzles in pressurized water reactors within Korea. The
thickness of nozzle, tSE, ranges from 20 to 80 mm, the inner radius to- thickness ratios, ri/tSE, from 1.0 to 5.0 and the
width of the safe-end, wSE/tSE, from 0.5 to 4.0. Finally, the heat input energy, E, was assumed to be E =1714 kJ/mm
based on welding procedure specifications.
(a) (b)
Tae-Kwang Song et al. / Procedia Materials Science 3 (2014) 784 – 789 789
Fig. 4. Residual stress distribution for the nozzle with ri/tSE=5 and tSE=40mm after similar metal welding. (a) axial and (b) hoop stress.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Residual stress distribution for the nozzle with ri/tSE=1 and tSE=40mm after similar metal welding. (a) axial and (b) hoop stress.
5. Conclusions
This paper presents through-wall welding residual stress profiles in the dissimilar metal nozzle butt weld of a
PWR nozzle, via elastic-plastic FE simulations. As the nozzle shows geometric variations on the thickness, the
radius-to-thickness ratio and the length of the safe end, an idealized nozzle shape is proposed based on
investigations of nozzles used in Korean nuclear power plants for the systematic analyses on geometric parameter.
For comparison purposes, FE analysis for the austenitic pipe butt weld was performed, which entails R6 level 3
profile as a possible through-wall residual stress profile for the dissimilar metal nozzle butt weld due to its accurate
prediction and physically reasonable formation. However, comparing FE results for the dissimilar metal nozzle butt
weld with the R6 level 3 profile, R6 level 3 is overall more conservative than FE results. This is because the R6
level 3 profile takes no account of the effect of similar metal welding and doesn’t cover small radius-to-thickness
ratio, i.e. ri/tSE =1. For these reasons, the through-wall residual stress profile for the dissimilar metal nozzle butt weld
is proposed through modifying the coefficients of existing the R6 level 3 profile. The proposed profile shows much
better prediction than R6 level 3 profile for the dissimilar metal nozzle butt weld.
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