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Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285

An experimental investigation of application of radiant cooling

in hot humid climate
Prapapong Vangtook, Surapong Chirarattananon *
Energy Field of Study, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology,
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Received 31 March 2005; received in revised form 18 May 2005; accepted 10 June 2005

This paper reports an experimental and simulation study of application of radiant cooling using natural air for ventilation under hot and humid
climate of Thailand. To avoid condensation of moisture on the cooling panel, the temperature of water supplied to the panel was limited to 24 8C.
This led to the expectation that the low heat reception capacity of the panel would limit its use only to situations when loads were low. Experiments
were conducted in an experimental room over the hot and dry period of March, the humid period of May, and the cool period of December. The
results generally confirm the good potential for application of radiant cooling. However, the room was served by radiant panels with a total area of
7.5 m2. Its capacity was grossly inadequate during the hot period, even for night time application only. A special configuration was devised to
achieve thermal comfort for the area served by the panel. The well-known TRNSYS program was used to simulate the use of cooling panels and
conventional air-conditioning in the experimental room. Simulation results match experimental results very well. Using comfort criterion adopted
by ASHRAE and International Standards Organization, results from experiments and simulation show that thermal comfort could be obtained with
application of radiant cooling.
# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thermal comfort; Radiant cooling; Energy conservation; Air-conditioning; Building energy simulation

1. Introduction and a level of energy efficiency superior to those of

conventional air-conditioning system, [1,2].
Thailand is located in a tropical region and is subject to hot When radiant cooling is used with unconditioned (humid)
and humid climate. Air-conditioning has reached saturation in ventilation air in hot and humid climate, it is perceived to be a
large commercial buildings. For residential buildings in urban challenge to use radiant cooling to achieve thermal comfort.
and suburban areas, air-conditioning is also widely used. This is The attempt to avoid condensation of moisture from air limits
a cause for concern because air-conditioning is highly energy cooling capacity of a radiant cooling panel and incapacitates the
intensive. If each the 15 million families in Thailand use a small system against latent load.
air-conditioner (rated at 1 kWe), the total power required is This paper reports an experimental study on application of
15,000 MWe. This is about two-third of the existing generating radiant cooling panels under the climate of the central region of
capacity in the country. Thailand that is hot and humid. Cooling panels are installed on
The present air-conditioning system is based on circulation the ceiling and a wall in an experimental room in the Energy
of cooled dry air throughout the (enclosed) air-conditioned Park, an outdoor experimental area, in the Asian Institute of
zone or space to remove sensible (and some latent) heat from Technology (AIT). The Institute campus is located 40 km
human body and from other bodies in the space. north of Bangkok. A well-known simulation program called
In radiant cooling system, the cool panels receive thermal TRNSYS is used to simulate application of radiant cooling and
radiation load and some heat convected to it from ventilation conventional air-conditioning. Experimental results obtained
air. This configuration has been suggested to offer quiet comfort under different weather conditions and under different confi-
gurations of experiment agree well with simulation results.
In conventional air-conditioning, cooled airflow by forced
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +66 2 524 5420; fax: +66 2 524 6589. circulation over a person to convect heat and removes moisture
E-mail address: (S. Chirarattananon). from the body and the surrounding surfaces directly. It was
0378-7788/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
274 P. Vangtook, S. Chirarattananon / Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285

perceived that radiant cooling would not be able to remove heat

Nomenclature from the body of person and his surrounding at the speed
achievable by conventional air-conditioning. Also, due to the
Ai area of surface i of the rectangular box (m2) need to limit the temperature of supply cooling water to avoid
F i–j view factor from surface i of the rectangular box condensation on the panel, the cooling capacity (in unit of
to surface j in a room W m2) of the panel would be limited and the system would not
Fj view factor between the person in a room and a function sufficiently well in heavy load situation. From these
given surface j rationales, the present study aims to concentrate on application
PMV predicted mean vote of radiant cooling in the night or for the whole day.
PMVm predicted mean vote calculated from measured
values of physical variables 2. A brief review of radiant cooling
PMVT1 predicted mean vote calculated from TRNSYS
simulated values of physical variables Radiant cooling system has been employed in northern
PMVT2 predicted mean vote obtained directly from Europe for more than 20 years, [3]. The system comprises
TRNSYS panels installed on the ceiling of a room, or in some cases hung
Ta ambient air temperature outside of the room from a high ceiling. Cooling water is supplied to the panels at
(8C) temperature above dew-point temperature of air in the room to
T1 air temperature from sensor located on the wall in avoid condensation of moisture in the air on the panels. Heat is
the room for controlling the air-conditioning transferred between the space and the cooling panels through a
system (8C) temperature differential. The cool ceiling panels absorb heat
T2 air temperature from sensor located in the middle through a combination of radiation and convection. Radiative
of the room for controlling water flow through heat transfer occurs through a net emission of electromagnetic
radiant (8C) waves from the warm occupants and their surroundings to the
Trm mean radiant temperature (K) cool ceiling. On the other hand, the room air convects heat to
Tj absolute temperature of surface j (K) the cool panels and creates convection currents within the
Trmi mean radiant temperature corresponding to sur- space.
face i of the rectangular box (K) Radiant cooling panels are normally used with displacement
Tsccm temperature of the surface of ceiling panel from ventilation where ventilation air is introduced into a room at
measurement (8C) low level and flows by natural means to replace existing air. In a
TsccT temperature of the surface of ceiling panel from typical radiantly cooled office building, two to three air
TRNSYS simulation (8C) exchanges per hour is required. The ventilation air drawn from
Tscwm temperature of the surface of wall panel from outdoor should be dehumidified in order to reduce latent load
measurement (8C) since the cooling panels remove sensible load only.
TscwT temperature of the surface of wall panel from Performance of a radiant cooling system depends on its
TRNSYS simulation (8C) ability to receive heat convected to the panels by air and to
Tsem temperature of the surface of east wall from receive heat radiated to the panels by surfaces in the room.
measurement (8C) The quantity of radiant energy transfer involves mainly the
TseT temperature of the surface of east wall from continuous exchanges of radiation between all bodies in a built
TRNSYS simulation (8C) environment. The rate at which radiant energy is transferred
Tarm measured room air temperature (8C) depends on the following factors: temperature (of the emitting
TarT room air temperature calculated from TRNSYS surfaces and the receivers), emittance (of the radiating
simulation (8C) surfaces), reflectance, absorptance and transmittance (of the
Trmm mean radiant temperature calculated from mea- receivers) and view factors between the emitting surfaces and
sured surface temperatures (8C) the receivers (viewing angle of the occupant to the radiant
TrmT mean radiant temperature calculated by sources). Any hindrance in the panel to heat transfer tp or from
TRNSYS simulation (8C) its surface (and eventually the cooling water) will reduce the
Tamm air temperature within the space enclosed by the performance of the system. Also, the lower the panel’s inlet
mosquito net from measurement (8C) temperature, the higher the potential heat-transfer of the
TamT air temperature within the space enclosed by the cooling system. Therefore, the inlet temperature should be
mosquito net obtained calculated by TRNSYS controlled to be as close as possible to the room’s dew point
(8C) temperature. Consequently, the cooling capacity of a radiant
Tsmm temperature of the surface of mosquito net from cooling system is generally limited by the minimum allowable
measurement (8C) temperature of the inlet water relative to the dew point
TsmT temperature of the surface of mosquito net from temperature of the room air and the size (area) of the panel.
TRNSYS simulation (8C) There are many advantages of radiant cooling system, [4].
Comfort levels can be better than those of other conditioning
systems because radiant loads are treated directly and air
P. Vangtook, S. Chirarattananon / Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285 275

motion in the space is at normal ventilation levels. Supply air the electrical energy used to cool buildings by conventional
quantities do not exceed those required for ventilation and systems is consumed by fans, which are used to transport cool
dehumidification. This provides a draft-free environment. air through the ducts. Part of this electricity used to move the air
Noise associated with fan coil or induction units is eliminated. also heats the conditioned air and, therefore, is part of the
Draperies and curtains can be installed at the inside wall internal thermal cooling load. If the tasks of ventilation and
without interfering with the heating and cooling system. thermal conditioning of buildings are separated, the amount of
Operational costs are reduced for the mechanical chilling air transported through buildings can be significantly reduced.
system since cooled ceilings operate at relatively high In this case the cooling is provided by radiation using water as
temperatures (average surface temperature of 15 8C or above). the transport medium and the ventilation by outside air systems
Chillers can operate at higher temperatures resulting in an without the need for recirculation and cooling of air. Although
increase in efficiency and reduction in energy costs. the supply air necessary for ventilation purposes is still
In terms of thermal comfort, Imanari et al. [2], reported that distributed through ducts, the electrical energy for fans and
the radiant ceiling panel system was capable of creating smaller pumps can be reduced to approximately 25% of that of
vertical variation of air temperature and a more comfortable conventional air-conditioning system. Brunk [12], reported
environment than conventional systems. Nagano and Mochida using cooling ceiling with ceiling-mounted air outlets and
[5], reportedly used a rectangular box to represent a reclining mechanical as well as free cooling and additional ice storage
person in the calculation of mean radiant temperature sensed by plant, the total energy costs can be reduced by 50% compared
the subjects and found that the resulting temperature was about with a variable-volume system. A study based on TRNSYS
1 8C lower than the mean radiant temperature obtained from simulation compared energy costs of operation of radiant
globe thermometer method. The reclining position is common cooling system with a number of configurations of conventional
for human subjects in hospitals and in bedrooms. Miriel et al. air-conditioning system concludes that radiant cooling system
[6], reportedly used materials of good thermal conductivity and saves much fan energy. Energy consumed by chillers is also
fast thermal response for radiant cooling panels to achieve lower for radiant cooling system because chilled water is
thermal comfort. They also developed a mathematical model of produced at higher temperature, Niu et al. [13].
the operation of the panel and used the model with the TRNSYS Carli and Olesen [8], reported that in 2001 more than 60
simulation program. Kitagawa et al. [7], reported a study on buildings equipped with active thermal slab for radiant cooling
thermal sensation for subjects under temperature asymmetry were in operation in Germany. These were mainly office
and different levels of relative air humidity in climate chamber. buildings but museums, hospitals and schools were also
They reported that small air movement at 0.1–0.3 ms1 under included. Simmonds [10] reported that radiant cooling system
radiant cooling system could improve thermal comfort for was installed in the three floors of the podium section of a 49-
occupants. Carli and Olesen [8], reported field assessment of floor office building in Shanghai, China. Meierhans [14],
thermal comfort under a radiant cooling system where pipes reported the operation of radiant cooling system in an office
were embedded in the building structure. Measurements taken building in Horgen, Switzerland. The New Bangkok Interna-
for one office in Austria and two offices in Germany led to the tional Airport nearing completion will be equipped with
conclusion that acceptable indoor thermal environments were extensive embedded pipes that carry cooling water for radiant
attained during summer. Kulpmann [9], reported an investiga- cooling. It is designed to intercept load from solar radiation
tion of thermal comfort in a test room equipped with a smooth transmitted through transparent fenestration.
and cooled ceiling surface and supplied with upward
displacement ventilation air. The results showed that high- 3. Experimental room and measurement setup
level thermal comfort was attained and that the temperature of
the room surfaces (not only the cool ceiling) was lower or at 3.1. The experimental room
least equal to the air temperature in the room, which was
different from the situation in an air-conditioned room. This room has been constructed for physical experiment on
Simmonds [10] reported that the traditional design criteria energy conservation in buildings. It is a single story building
such as dry-bulb temperature and operative temperature were that measures 4 m wide, 4 m long and 3 m high with a flat roof.
not always sufficient. Mean radiant temperature had a large The height of the ceiling is 2.5 m, so the height of the ceiling
influence on the comfort results. Radiant cooling was a superior plenum is 0.5 m. Fiberglass insulation and radiant barrier have
means to bring condition in a space to comfort limits been placed above the ceiling to reduce heat gain from roof.
(PMV  0.5). Meierhans [11], reported the use of a water- Moisture blocking membranes were placed on the interior
carrying pipe system installed in the core of the concrete layer of opaque walls during construction to reduce moisture
ceilings to actively control the thermal mass of an office entry and air leakage. The wall on the east facade comprised six
building in Horgen, Switzerland successfully over three different opaque sections installed for demonstration of
summers. Comfort measurements under actual and simulated dynamic heat gain through sections of wall of different
conditions confirmed the suitability of the system for small and thermal resistances and thermal capacitances. Four different
medium loads. glazing types cover the window on the western façade that takes
In terms of energy consumption, radiant cooling system has up 55% of area of the façade. The north and south facades
an advantage over conventional system. A significant amount of comprise 8 cm brick walls plastered with cement mortar on
276 P. Vangtook, S. Chirarattananon / Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285

Fig. 1. A photograph and a diagram of the experimental room.

both surfaces. Fiber glass insulation and gypsum board form (CFM) or 0.189 m3 s1. Ventilation air is drawn into the room
additional interior layers for these two walls. Most of the wall by a fan rated at 0.016 m3 s1 through a duct into an inlet
sections on the east façade do not have insulation so this wall airport measuring 0.2 m  0.2 m. Fresh ventilation air flows
possesses inferior average thermal resistance in comparison to from the port at a linear speed of 0.4 m s1. A separate exhaust
opaque walls in other facades. port of the same size is also provided. A study on air flow in this
Because of excessive heat gain from solar radiation on the room using computational fluid dynamics showed that the flow
western façade, an exterior board was placed at 10 cm from the was not laminar and the speed of flow varied from 0 to about
window glazing that allowed air to flow through but totally 0.3 m s1. For this reason, the speeds of airflow in calculations
blocked sun and sky radiation from entering the window for all to be described are taken as 0.15 m s1. The ventilation system
experiments described in this paper. Even for the experiments is also equipped with another cooling coil of capacity of
carried out during night time only, heat gained from solar 0.5 kWth to pre-cool the ventilation air if this is required. Fig. 2
radiation entering on the western façade during afternoon shows a diagram of the air-conditioning system. An air
accumulated in the building masses and persisted until late in temperature sensor T1 is located in the room. This thermostat
the night. This was severe during the hot and dry period and controls the flow of chilled water through the coil through
prompted us to use the shading board. turning the solenoid valve on or off.

3.1.1. Radiant cooling panels 3.1.3. Cooling water supply and its control system
A 5.75-m2 radiant cooling panel constructed from copper Cooling water that flows to the cooling panels is supplied
coil bonded to copper sheet has been installed on the ceiling. from a tank and is circulated by a pump. Fig. 3 shows a diagram
Another 1.75 m2 of radiant cooling panel was installed on the of the cooling water supply and control system. Chilled water
opaque section beneath the window on the western façade. from AIT central chilled water plant is supplied into a mixing
These two panels were installed prior to the present rounds of tank through a solenoid valve. A controller turns the solenoid
experiments. Fig. 1 shows a photograph and a diagram of the valve on or off based on signal from a temperature sensor
experimental room. The diagram illustrates the position of the placed in the cooling water loop. A pump in the cooling water
cooling panels, one on the ceiling and one on the opaque wall loop drives cooling water through the mixing tank into the
below the glazed window. The diagram also illustrates the cooling panels.
position of the boards placed to shade solar radiation. The pump and the solenoid valve are operated simulta-
neously by a controller using signal from an air temperature
3.1.2. Air-conditioning system sensor T2 located in the room. When temperature of the air in
This experimental room is equipped with a fan coil unit that the room rises above a set value, the pump and the solenoid
uses chilled water supplied from central chilled water plant of valve in the cooling water loop operates. If there is sufficient
AIT. The fan coil is rated at one refrigeration ton or 3.5 kWth. load on the cooling panels, the temperature in the cooling water
The air is re-circulated at a rate of 400 cubic feet per minute loop will rise beyond the water temperature set point. If this

Fig. 2. Configuration of the conventional air-conditioning system used in the

experimental room. Fig. 3. Cooling water supply and control system for radiant cooling.
P. Vangtook, S. Chirarattananon / Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285 277

happens, the chilled water controller will open the solenoid

valve to allow chilled water from the AIT central chilled water
supply system, which is at a higher pressure, to flow into the
mixing tank. This will reduce the temperature of the water in
the cooling water supply loop.

3.2. Measurement setup

Fig. 4. Information flow among computation modules used with the multi-zone
3.2.1. Temperature of surfaces
building module.
The temperature of each of the 22 distinct surfaces in the
room was measured by a thermocouple, type T. Each of the six
wall sections on the east façade constitutes a distinct surface, 4.1. TRNSYS program
for example, four thermocouples are placed on the surface of
the cooling panel on the ceiling and two are placed on the wall This is an energy system simulation program introduced
cooling panel. over 25 years ago, [15]. Module 56 of TRNSYS for simulation
of multi-zone building is employed extensively in this study.
3.2.2. Air temperatures and relative humidities Fig. 4 illustrates information flows between other program
The temperature and relative humidity of the room air, of the modules and the multi-zone building module configured for
air at the inlet and outlet of the cooling coil of the fan coil unit, simulation of operation of a room with radiant cooling panels.
and of the ventilation air (at the inlet port in the room) were Input weather file is processed by a radiation processor module
measured by electronic sensors. In addition, three thermo- to produce appropriate solar radiation inputs for the multi-zone
couple sensors were hung beneath the ceiling cooling panel at building module. Another module, not shown in the figure,
distances of 0.2, 1.25 and 1.75 m from the floor to measure air processes building description into dimension and geometric
temperature beneath the panel. information. It also calculates response factors for calculation
of heat gain through walls for use by the multi-zone building
3.2.3. Heat flows module.
The heat flows through all opaque walls and cooling panels The multi-zone building module computes heat gain through
were measured by heat flux sensors attached to the surfaces of walls and through fenestration via energy balance, using given
the wall sections and the cooling panels. input weather data and solar radiation. It defines an air node and
computes convective heat exchanges. Radiative heat exchanges
3.2.4. Water flows between surfaces in the zone and contribution from loads in the
The rate of water flows (m3 s1) at the inlet of each cooling zone are accounted. The operative temperature, that is the
panel and at the cooling coil of the fan coil unit were measured weighted temperature of the mean radiant temperature of the
by three rotameters equipped with signal transmitters. surfaces in a zone and dry-bulb temperature of air, is also
calculated. This operative temperature forms a part of comfort
3.2.5. Data recording index that this module also outputs.
The data from the sensors were transmitted to the respective Release 15 of TRNSYS is capable of modeling an ‘‘active
signal conversion panels and stored in a personal computer. The wall’’, a wall with embedded pipes that carry hot or cool fluid for
data were recorded at every minute. A software was used to radiant heating or radiant cooling, [15,16]. In our case, this
process the data that allowed graphs of data values to be viewed module is used to model active walls each comprising a thermally
in real time. conductive material for the layer that faces the interior of the
room, and an insulation layer that comes into contact with other
3.2.6. Airflow interior surfaces. The ‘‘active walls’’ model the cooling panels at
The rate of airflow of the ventilation air at the inlet port and the ceiling and at the opaque wall beneath the glazed windows.
of the circulation air at the inlet and outlet of the cooling coil of An active wall must possess certain minimum thickness and
the fan-coil unit were measured manually by hot-wire mass. Computed temperature and heat responses are expected to
anemometer and were recorded manually. be retarded by the finite time constant corresponding to the effect
of thermal mass of the ‘‘active wall’’.
4. TRNSYS program and computation of comfort Fig. 4 also shows a thermostat module that accepts value of
indices air temperature in the room computed by the multi-zone
building module as input and produces an on-off signal to
The TRNSYS program was employed to simulate operation control the pump that supplies cooling water to the cooling
of the cooling panels and the fan coil under the conditions of the panels. In automated simulation of the operation of the cooling
experiments and under other condition in this study. Release 15 panel, air temperature computed by the multi-zone building
of this program, so-called TRNSYS 15, now incorporates an module is used to turn the pump on or off at the same duration
‘‘active wall’’ component that allows simulation of operation of as the size of time step specified in the input file. Instead of
cooling panel. It also performs computation of comfort indices. using thermostat control of the operation of the cooling water
278 P. Vangtook, S. Chirarattananon / Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285

pump, a user can also input a sequence of on-off controls together with values of other physical variables and given
directly. values of personal variables to calculate PMV using a computer
code distributed by ASHRAE [19]. Mean radiant temperature
4.2. Computation of comfort indices obtained this way reflects the configuration of a human being
exposed to radiant panel more effectively. The experiments in
TRNSYS adopts International Standards Organization’s this study utilize the rectangular box to represent a reclining
procedure for computation of predicted mean vote or PMV for human body in two configurations. In the first configuration, the
moderate thermal environment as given in standards document whole volume of the experimental room was utilized. In the
EN ISO 7730-1995 [17]. This standard in turn adopts Fanger’s second configuration, a reduced volume of the room was
recommended equations for calculation of PMV based on four utilized. The dimensions of the rectangular box were: length
given physical variables of dry-bulb temperature, relative 1.8 m, width 0.4 m and thickness 0.2 m.
humidity, mean radiant temperature and air speed. Two
personal variables of clothing insulation value and metabolic 4.2.1. Configuration 1
rate are also required for PMV evaluation. The rectangular box was placed on a platform that was
The multi-zone building module calculates values of three raised 0.75 m from the floor as in Fig. 5(a). The platform was
physical variables in a simulation run. The air speed, the fourth placed in the middle of the room. Values of view factor from
variable, was entered as 0.15 m s1 for TRNSYS simulation as each side of the rectangular box to the 22 distinct surfaces in the
well as for manual calculation of PMV of a condition using room, F i–j, were calculated. Because the upper surface of the
measured values. With user-input values of the two personal rectangular box representing a reclining subject faced the
variables, the module produces a value of PMV for the ceiling cooling panel directly, the value of the views of the
environment in the zone at each time step. factor from this upper surface to the cooling panel was
Mean radiant temperature (Trm), this is one of the four calculated as 0.40. Since all relevant surfaces are flat and have
physical variables required for PMV evaluation. It is defined as rectangular shapes and are either geometrically parallel or
the uniform temperature of a black enclosure that would lose or perpendicular to each other, closed form relationships for
receive heat from the surrounding through thermal radiation as calculation of view factors are available [18]. We use a
would a person [18], and can be approximately calculated from computer for program for numerical calculation of view factor
X for the cases reported here.
Trm ¼ F j T 4j (1)
j 4.2.2. Configuration 2
This configuration was devised to reduce the load on the
where F j is the view factor between the person and a given cooling panel. A mosquito net was hung from the ceiling to
surface j in the given environment and Tj is the absolute tem- enclose the cooling panel and the platform that supported the
perature, K, of the surface j. The view factor F j is dependent on rectangular box as shown in Fig. 5(b). There were four surfaces
the position of a person. We generally distinguish three positions, on the sides and one on top of the rectangular box. The view
standing, sitting and lying down. The multi-zone building mod- factor from the upper surface of the rectangular box to the
ule of TRNSYS also gives values of temperature of each surface cooling panel remains the same at 0.40.
in the model room. In our study, we use a rectangular box to With the use of rectangular box to represent a human body in
represent a person in the lying position. For night time applica- the reclining position, value of mean radiant temperature
tion of radiant cooling, resting and sleeping are the main activity calculated using Eqs. (2a) and (2b) were slightly lower than
for the occupant. So the occupant is assumed in the reclining those that would result from other configuration. This result is
position. We adopt a procedure used in reference [5] to calculate also noted in reference [5].
the mean radiant temperature appropriate for such an object.
First, the mean radiant temperature corresponding to a surface i 4.3. Weather data for TRNSYS
of the rectangular box is calculated from
X A weather station has been maintained on the flat roof (of
Trmi ¼ Fi j T 4j (2a) height 10 m) of the Energy Building close to the Energy Park.

where F i–j is the view factor from surface i of the rectangular box
to surface j of the surrounding. The mean radiant temperature for
the rectangular box is then taken as the area weighted average of
the mean radiant temperature of each surface,
i Ai Trmi
Trm ¼ P (2b)
i Ai

where Ai is the area of surface i of the rectangular box. Mean Fig. 5. Configuration of the rectangular box on a platform and the ceiling panel:
radiant temperature obtained using this representation was used (a) in the room and (b) enclosed by a mosquito net.
P. Vangtook, S. Chirarattananon / Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285 279

The station measures and records global, beam and diffuse solar keeps it simmered. It has a certain level of insulation. In the
radiation, infrared radiation from sky, air temperature and nights, 0.283 and 0.265 kg of water evaporated during each
relative humidity and wind speed. A complete set of daylight 10 h period of the experiment. The average power taken by the
measuring equipment is also maintained, that enables the device was 200 We.
station to be classified as a research station for daylight Because the room was closed and solar radiation was not
measurement. The data are recorded from the sensors at interval allowed to enter, temperatures of air and of surfaces in the room
of 1 min, then averaged and archived as 5-min data. Weather were uniform, with differences of less than 1 8C prior to the
data used as inputs for TRNSYS were taken from the archived start of each experiment. Even though the experiment was
data and averaged to form 15-min data. Simulations reported in carried out during the night, heat gain accumulated in the
this paper utilize this data and the time step used is 15 min. masses of walls and floor during the day constituted substantial
external load to the cooling panels.
5. Results of experiment and TRNSYS simulation
5.1.1. TRNSYS simulation
Experiments on radiant cooling have been conducted for Exterior environmental data from the meteorological station
sometime, but the results to be reported here are selected to from 20:00 h were inputted to TRNSYS for simulation. Table 1
represent those conducted during hot and relatively dry period, summarizes relevant data of the room and of the operation of
hot and humid period, and cool and dry period. These the cooling panel.
experiments were undertaken when the air-conditioning Note that the temperature of water at inlet to the panels on
system, the cooling water supply and control system and the the first day was chosen to avoid condensation, but that for the
measurement system described in Section 3 were completed second day was set to increase cooling capacity of the panel
and operational. The primary aim has been to show that thermal and to decrease air temperature in the room to enhance
comfort could be achieved in the enclosed space even when comfort. On the second day, there was some condensation
natural air without dehumidification is used for ventilation. In of moisture on the cooling panel because the temperature of
all cases, TRNSYS was run to produce results for comparison. water was set below dew-point temperature of the air in the
5.1. Night time application using the cooling panels for the
whole room 5.1.2. Results of experiments and of simulation
Computer code TRNSYS uses energy balance calculation of
The set of experiments reported here was conducted for two heat gain through walls, of radiation heat transfer between
consecutive nights of 25–26 and 26–27 of March 2004 using surfaces and of heat gain by air in a zone. Therefore, the code is
radiant cooling and unconditioned ventilation air in the able to produces values of surface temperatures of walls, of
configuration of Fig. 5(a). This period of the year is hot and surface temperatures of radiant panels, of air, and of
dry. Mean daily minimum temperature is 24.8 8C, mean is temperatures of outlet water from the panels. The values of
29.4 8C and mean daily maximum is 36.1 8C. The results these variables change with time. In order to ascertain accuracy
obtained from the experiment are described in the following. of calculation, we calculate the mean bias deviation, MBD, or
Apart from a personal computer and the signal conditioning the mean difference between experimentally measured value
panels used for data acquisition, an electric kettle-thermos rated and TRNSYS computed value, and root mean square
at 700 We was used as internal load in the room. The device difference, RMSD, each for a number of chosen variables.
contains an electric heating element that boils the water and These two quantities are mathematically expressed as

Table 1
Data of the room and the cooling panels for TRNSYS simulation, 20:00–6:00 h
Quantity Values for
25–26 March 2004 26–27 March 2004
Initial temperature of air and surfaces in the room 32.0 31.0
Flow rate of cooling water at ceiling panel (kg h1) 315 320
Flow rate of cooling water at wall panel (kg h1) 70 70
Set temperature of cooling water at inlet to panels (8C) 24 22.5
Electric kettle-thermos load
Moisture generated (kg h1) 0.0283 0.0265
Latent load from moisture generated (Wth) 17.7 16.6
Radiative heat rate (Wth) 140 140
Convective heat rate (Wth) 60 60
Values of personal variables for evaluation of PMV
Metabolic rate, Met 0.7 0.7
Clothing insulation, clo. 0.5 0.5
280 P. Vangtook, S. Chirarattananon / Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285

Table 2 good agreement between calculated results from TRNSYS

Values of MBD and RMSD for some chosen variables
simulation and experimental measurement.
Variable MBD (8C) RMSD (8C) Table 2 also serves to define some variables that appear in
Interior surface temperature the text that follows. We use additional suffix m to the subscript
Ceiling panel, Tscc 0.058 0.652 to indicate that a given variable represent measured value and
Wall panel, Tscw 0.612 0.821 suffix T to indicate a TRNSYS calculated value. For example,
East wall, Tse 0.243 0.355 Tsccm represents measured surface temperature of ceiling panel
North wall 0.159 0.294
and TsccT represents its TRNSYS calculated value.
South wall 0.505 0.525
Window 0.401 0.490 Fig. 6(a—1) shows graphs of mean radiant temperatures,
Ceiling 1.097 1.173 temperature of the interior surface of the east wall and
Floor 0.279 0.422 temperatures of the surfaces of the cooling panels of first night.
Room air temperature, Tar 0.046 0.093 Fig. 6(a—2) shows air temperatures at exterior and interior of
Mean radiant temperature, Trm 0.098 0.171 the room, respectively, of first night. Fig. 6(b—1 and 2) and
Relative humidity 2.140 2.633 show similar graphs for the second night.
The mean radiant temperature calculated from measure-
follows:mean bias difference, MBD, between measured value ments, Trmm, in each graph is derived from measured surface
Mi and computed value Ci temperatures and calculated according to Eqs. (2a) and (2b) for
the rectangular box representing a reclining person. The mean
radiant temperature from TRNSYS simulation, TrmT, in each
¼ ðCi  Mi Þ; and (3)
N 1 graph is derived from surface temperatures obtained from
TRNSYS simulation and calculated according to Eqs. (2a) and
root mean square difference, RMSD, between measured value (2b). The values of mean radiant temperatures for both nights
Mi and computed value Ci were less than the surface temperature of the east wall but were
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi higher than the temperatures of the cooling panels from 20:00
u N
u1 X to 02:00 h. This results from the presence of the cooling panels
¼t ðCi  Mi Þ2 (4) and would lead to lower PMVs. However, the east wall lost heat
N 1
to the ambient faster than other walls and from 2:00 h its
Table 2 shows the values of mean bias difference (MBD) and surface temperature became lower than mean radiant tempera-
root mean square difference (RMSD) between measured values ture.
and calculated values of some variables for the night between In Fig. 6 (a—2 and b—2), temperatures of air in the room
26 and 27 March 2004. These values are all small indicating dropped noticeably during the first half of an hour, probably due

Fig. 6. Surface temperatures, mean radiant temperatures and air temperatures from measurement and from TRNSYS simulation for the nights of 25–27 March 2004.
(a1) Surfaces temperatures and mean radiant temperatures, first night. (a2) Air temperatures, first night. (b1) Surfaces temperatures and mean radiant temperatures,
second night. (b2) Air temperatures, second night.
P. Vangtook, S. Chirarattananon / Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285 281

Fig. 7. Graphs of total heat fluxes and radiation heat fluxes received by the panels: (a) ceiling panel, (b) wall panel.

to introduction of cooler ambient air for ventilation. These temperatures of 16–19 8C, [3,20]. Fig. 7(b) shows similar
temperatures then reached balanced values, probably after results for the wall panel for the same day.
the air mixture received heat convected to it from wall Fig. 8(a) exhibits cooling loads on the ceiling and wall
surfaces. cooling panels, calculated as products of the difference in
On both days, the external ambient temperature, Ta, fell from entering and leaving temperatures of cooling water, at 1.1 and
over 30 8C at the beginning to 24 8C at the end of the 1.4 8C, respectively, with values of mass flow rates of water
experiment as seen from Fig. 6(a—2 and b—2). This implies a through the panels given in Table 1, for first night. The loads
steady loss of heat from the room through the walls. Mean exhibit decreasing trends with time and are in the same
radiant temperatures, both from measurements and from magnitudes of heat gains arrived at from measured heat fluxes,
TRNSYS simulation, and surface temperatures of both panels, which is in the range of (40 W m2) (5.25 m2) equaling
fell during the course of the night. The steady decreases in the 230 Wth for the ceiling panel. The cumulative loads from
wall temperatures were due to heat loss from the walls through measurements were obtained as 4.59 and 5.88 kWhth for the
the exterior surfaces as the temperatures of ambient air and of sum of loads at ceiling and wall panels for the first night and the
the sky decreased. second night, respectively. Calculated values differed from
Fig. 7(a) shows graphs of measured and calculated heat measured values by 0.33 kWhth for both nights. These are 7 and
fluxes entering the surface of the ceiling panel for the 6%, respectively, of measured values. Similar results for the
experiment on the first night. Total flux at 22:00 h is seen to be second night are shown in Fig. 8(b).
approximately 40 W m2 and fall to 30 W m2 towards 6:00 h Fig. 9(a and b) exhibit graphs of values of predicted mean
of the next morning. A graph of thermal radiation flux received votes for both nights. In all PMV calculations, air speeds were
by the ceiling panel calculated from radiosity equations using assumed 0.15 m s1. The value PMVm was calculated from
measured values of surface temperatures is also shown in measured values of physical variables with values of personal
Fig. 7(a). The value of this thermal radiation at 22:00 h is variables as given in Table 1. Mean radiant temperature used
30 W m2. From these results we see that the share of thermal was calculated as in Eqs. (2a) and (2b). The value PMVT1 was
radiation load on the panel is 75% against convection load of manually calculated in the same way as that in obtaining
25%. The share of thermal radiation found here is slightly PMVm, but with values of physical variables from TRNSYS
higher than that reported in reference [6], which is at two third. simulation. The value PMVT2 was obtained from TRNSYS
Also due to the relatively high temperature of cooling water in directly.
our case, the total heat flux received by the panel at 40 W m2 is It is seen that the values PMVm and PMVT1 are close to each
similar to the results obtained in reference [6], but is lower than other, but differ from PMVT2. Similar pattern is observed in the
values of 100 W m2 or more expected from use of cooling at graphs in Fig. 9(b).

Fig. 8. Cooling load calculated from measurement and from TRNSYS simulation, both night: (a) first night, (b) second night.
282 P. Vangtook, S. Chirarattananon / Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285

Fig. 9. Calculated PMV from measured values and from TRNSYS simulation, both nights: (a) first night, (b) second night.

The graphs in Fig. 9(a) show that the temperatures in the Because there was no latent load in the room, and because of
experimental room were too high. The predicted mean votes the dryer weather, there was no condensation of moisture on the
PMVm and PMVT1 exceed 0.5, the acceptable level, from panel.
20:00 h until about 1:00 h. Then these start to fall below 0.5.
For the next day, the graphs of PMVm and PMVT1 in Fig. 9(b) 5.2.2. Results of experiments and of simulation
show that the values fall to 0.5 from 22:00 h, because the initial Fig. 10(a and b) show graphs of air temperature within the
temperatures of the wall at 20:00 were lower, as implied by the confined space enclosed by the mosquito net, Tam, air
lower value of Trmm at 20:00 from Fig. 6(b) in comparison to temperature in the room, Tar, temperature of ambient air, Ta,
that in Fig. 6(a). and temperature of the surface of the panel, Tscc. Ambient air
From the results of the experiments described, it becomes temperature fell from 32 and 33 8C to 27.5 and 28.5 8C from
clear that radiant cooling panel supplied with water at 20:00 to 06:00 on the first and second day, respectively.
temperature below air temperature can compensate for the Because of the persistently high temperature of the external
effect of high air temperature to bring PMV to acceptable environment, temperature of the air in the room varied a little
level. It becomes clear by this point also that with the from 32 to 30.5 8C for the first night and similarly for the
constraint on the upper limit of cooling water temperature second night. Similar pattern is observed for the air temperature
(due to avoidance of condensation), the combined area of the in the confined space from the figures, but this temperature is at
cooling panels in the room was too small so that the capacity a level of 1 to 1.5 8C lower than the room air temperature for
of the panels was not sufficient to meet load during some both nights. This difference results from the use of the mosquito
periods of the year. net. Although air could flow through the net, but in the absence
of wind pressure, air exchange between the exterior and interior
5.2. Night time application using the cooling panels to was limited.
limited space Fig. 11 shows graphs of surface temperatures, both from
measurement and from simulation for both nights. Tempera-
Experiments were conducted during two consecutive nights tures on the surfaces of the mosquito net were measured by
between 19 and 21 April 2004 using the ceiling radiant panel of thermocouples. These are seen to be lower than surface
area of 5.75 m2 only in the configuration of Fig. 5(b). The temperature of the east wall in the room. TRNSYS simulation
volume of air within the mosquito net was 10 m3. The days
were also in the hot and dry period, but were even warmer. This
configuration simulates the existing configuration of the use of Table 3
Data of the room, cooling panels, and load during 20:00–06:00 of 19–21 April
mosquito net to prevent insect entry into the confined space 2004
around the bed while resting and sleeping practiced in
traditional houses and are still used. Quantity Values for
Apart from the data acquisition equipment in the room, two 19–20 20–21
40 W electric lamps were employed in the mosquito net to April 2004 April 2004
represent human load. The room had been closed and solar Initial temperature 32.0 31.0
radiation was shaded in the same way as in previously presented Flow rate of cooling 551 398
experiments. water into ceiling panel (kg h1)
Set temperature of cooling water 24.0 23.0

5.2.1. TRNSYS simulation Load within the mosquito net

External environmental data from 20:00 h from the Radiative (W) 56.1 56.1
Convective (W) 23.9 23.9
meteorological station were used. Other relevant data are
summarized in Table 3. The space in the mosquito net was Values of personal variables
Metabolic rate (Met) 0.7 0.7
modeled as another zone within the room. The zone exchanges
Clothing insulation (clo.) 0.5 0.5
air with the room at a rate of 0.0023 m3 s1.
P. Vangtook, S. Chirarattananon / Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285 283

Fig. 10. Air temperatures and temperature of the surface of the ceiling panel, both nights: (a) first night, (b) second night.

Fig. 11. Temperatures on the surfaces of the mosquito net and on east wall, both night: (a) first night, (b) second night.

gives similar pattern. The use of mosquito net improves mean 34.4 8C. No additional load, apart from the data acquisition
radiant temperature as well. equipment, was added to the room. Both the ceiling panel and
As a result of shielding by the net, PMVm and PMVT1 are all the wall panel were used.
below 0.5 for both nights as seen from the graphs in Fig. 12. Fig. 13(a) shows 48-h plots of ambient air temperature and
Despite the fact that air temperatures are in the range 29–31 8C, measured and TRNSYS simulated room air temperatures.
the use of the cool ceiling panel in the mosquito net are effective Fig. 13(b) shows PMVT2 falls within 0.6 during the whole
in reducing air temperature and mean radiant temperature that period despite the fact that temperature during daytime reached
results in acceptable PMV, especially for a reclining person. 35 8C. In this case, values of personal variables were: Met 1.2,
clo. 0.5, suitable for office condition.
5.3. Whole day application using the cooling panels for the
whole room 5.4. Night time application of air-conditioning for the
whole room
This experiment was conducted during 2–4 of December
2003, in the cool and dry period. Daily minimum temperature This experiment was carried out during 20:00–6:00 of 15–16
for the period is 22.2 8C, mean 27.5 8C, and daily maximum May 2004. This is a transitional period between hot and dry

Fig. 12. Predicted mean votes derived from measurement and from TRNSYS simulation, both nights: (a) first night, (b) second night.
284 P. Vangtook, S. Chirarattananon / Energy and Buildings 38 (2006) 273–285

Fig. 13. Air temperatures and predicted mean vote, cool period. (a) Temperature of ambient air and temperatures of interior air from measurement and from TRNSYS
simulation. (b) Predicted mean votes derived from TRNSYS simulation.

period and the hot and wet period. Mean daily minimum meant for direct comparison. The conclusion intended to be
temperature for the hot and wet period is 25.2 8C, its mean is drawn here is that TRNSYS program provides credible
29.1 8C, and its mean daily maximum is 35.1 8C. simulation results in this case of application of conventional
Apart from the data acquisition equipment, two 40-W lamps air-conditioning.
formed the internal load. The initial temperature for TRNSYS
simulation used was 33.5 8C. Values of personal variables were
identical to those in Table 3. 6. Conclusion
The objective of this experiment was to obtain results of
cooling coil load and to test performance of TRNSYS program The results reported in this paper confirm that radiant
in simulating an operation of a conventional air-conditioning cooling can be used to achieve thermal comfort in hot and
system. Here, ventilation air was not pre-cooled. humid climate. In cases where cooling panels cannot influence
air temperature sufficiently, it helps reduce radiant temperature.
In situations where cooling panels could affect air temperature,
5.4.1. Results of experiment and simulation its use could lead to quiet quality comfort. Due to the need to
Fig. 14 shows graphs of measured ambient air temperature, avoid condensation of air moisture on the panel and the
measured room air temperature, and TRNSYS simulated room consequential limit on the temperature of supply cooling water
air temperature. In this case, supply chilled water were turned to 24–25 8C, cooling capacity per area is limited to about
off almost periodically, each time for a duration of 1.5 h. 40 W m2. But this also offers good opportunity for energy
The same sequence of operation of the thermostat from conservation as very low energy means can probably be used to
experiment was used in the operation of the controller for reduce temperature of supply water to the required level. The
supply of chilled water in the TRNSYS program. The same study also demonstrates that TRNSYS is a very viable tool to
temperature limits were also used. The graph of temperature use both with application of radiant cooling and conventional-
values from simulation is seen in the figure to match that from air-conditioning.
experiment well. The graphs of cooling output from
experiment and simulation also match well. The cumulative
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