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Operating Systems

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1. Before reading the text answer the questions about the operating system
you use. Which one do you use? Are you happy with it? Why? Why not?
2. Read the text and answer the questions.
1. What is an operating system?
2. What are the core functions of the OS?
3. What does the choice between computer platforms depend on?
4. Is Mac OS a proprietary or an open-source OS?
5. Why is Windows the most popular OS platform?
6. What are the benefits and drawbacks of Linux?
7. How many application types do you know? What is the major difference
between them?
An operating system (OS) is the most important software run on a computer. It
manages all the software and hardware on the computer. There are lots of
different computer programs running at the same time, and they all need to
access your computer’s central processing unit (CPU), memory, and storage.
The operating system coordinates all these processes to make sure each program
gets what it needs.
Therefore, the core functions of operating systems are the following: starting
and shutting down a computer, providing a user interface, program management,
memory management, utilities provision, task coordination, devices configuration
and many more.
Operating systems usually come preloaded on any computer you buy. Most
people use the operating system that comes with their computer, but it is possible
to upgrade or even change operating systems.
The OS that computer runs is sometimes called the platform. There are three most
common platforms for personal computers, such as Microsoft Windows, Apple
Mac and Linux. Actually, the choice between an Apple and Windows system is
usually a matter of personal preference and trend. Both of the operating systems
have developed enhanced software being regularly upgraded.
As far as Windows operating system is concerned, it was created by Microsoft
in the mid-1980s. Over the years, there have been different versions of Windows,
but the most recent one is Windows 10 (released in 2015). It is considered as the
most popular operating system in the world as it is easy to use, offers a wide
variety of programs, updated drivers and games. Although Microsoft Windows
has made great improvements in reliability, it still cannot match the security of
Linux and continues to be the most vulnerable to viruses and other attacks.
If we look into Mac OS it is a line of operating systems created by Apple. It
comes preloaded on all new Macintosh computers, or Macs. Ac- cording to the
statistics as of 2014, Mac OS X users account for 9.5% of the operating systems
market whereas the percentage of Windows users is almost 90%. Apple computers
tend to be a lot more expensive and do not run the software incompatible with
Mac OS. Still, many people prefer the look and feel of Mac OS X, because it is
less prone to viruses, has a more appealing and simple interface than Windows.
Linux, created in 1991, is the only open-source operating system. So, any user
may modify and distribute it. The advantages of Linux are that it is free, more
secure and reliable than Windows and can be easily co-in- stalled and switched to
in any computer any time. Besides, there are many different versions you can
choose from such as Ubuntu, Mint, and Fedora. Linux users account for less than
2%, because Windows has a wider se- lection of software utilities.
Thus, an operating system plays a crucial role in coordinating and con- trolling
every application in a computer system. All the applications a computer runs are of
two types: embedded and loaded ones. In fact, the former come automatically with
the loaded OS like Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, Firewall (security-
edge gateway), whereas the latter are added to a computer by the user as optional
for specific needs. Various Internet browsers, anti-virus programs, and many other
applications are installed by users themselves.

3.Translate the following sentences into English using your active vocabulary.
1. Операционная система организует работу как программного, так и
аппаратного обеспечения ПК: одновременный запуск нескольких
приложений, обработку и выполнение команд центральным процессором,
сохранение файлов на ПК или внешнем жестком диске, управление памятью
компьютера и другие функции.
2. Таким образом, набор ключевых функций ОС включает в себя
установку программных утилит для настройки работы приложений и
устройств компьютера.
3. Операционная система выполняет ключевую роль в обеспечении работы
как встроенных, так и загружаемых приложений.
4. По статистике 2014 года, пользователи операционной системы Windows
составляют около 90%, в то время как Мак пользуется только около 10%. На
самом деле, первая является более доступной и дешевой для пользователей
ПК, а последняя более дорогой.
5. Многие программисты пользуются операционной системой, Linux, главное
преимущество которой, – ее открытый доступ, позволяющий пользователю
редактировать системные утилиты. Данная ОС является более надежной,
защищенной от шпионских расширений и менее подверженной вирусным
6. – Какая операционная система установлена на твоем смартфоне?
– Это Андроид. Она поддерживает различные приложения и регулярно
1. Teamwork
Choose an operating system and speak about its usability.
Use the prompts below:
usability, interface, advantages and disadvantages, most common applications,
ease of use and prospects of developing.
Share your opinion with the groupmates.

2. Microsoft Windows

This description of the Mac OS X is drawn from the table below.

Complete the table due to description of Microsoft Windows 10.

Mac OS X is a Unix-based operating system designed for use on

Apple Mac computers. It includes memory-protection, pre-
emptive multitasking and symmetric multiprocessing support.
Graphics are provided by a graphics engine known as Quarts. It
has advanced-PDF standards support, OpenGL and Quicktime
integrated into the OS. The operating system features are accessed
through a graphical user interface called Aqua.
Далее наше дз!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mac OS X Windows OS 10
type Unix-based
computer Apple Mac
features memory-protection,
pre-emptive multitasking,
multiprocessing support
graphics engine Quarts
standard support Advanced-PDF,
OpenGL, Quicktime
user interface type GUI
user interface Aqua
source code availability not available

Microsoft Windows was developed by Microsoft Corporation. Featuring the first

graphical user interface (GUI) for IBM-compatible PCs, the Windows OS soon
dominated the PC market.
The first version of Windows, released in 1985, was simply a GUI offered as an
extension of Microsoft’s existing disk operating system, or MS-DOS. Microsoft
Windows includes a wide array of features, tools, and applications to help get
the most out of Windows and your computer. Windows is an operating system
that supports preemptive multitasking. Subsequent versions introduced greater

For organizations and their employees, Windows 10 may very well be

Microsoft’s greatest platform ever made. Windows 10 is not only more familiar
from a user experience standpoint, but it also includes so much of what
businesses need—including enterprise-grade security, identity and information
protection features.

Windows 10 brings Microsoft’s voice-controlled digital assistant Cortana to

desktop computers, to make it easier for you to interact with your device without
lifting a finger. You are able to search your hard drive for specific files, pull up
photos from specific dates, or launch PowerPoint presentations just by telling
your PC to do so. You can even get Cortana to send an email while you’re
working on a spreadsheet, making multi-tasking much easier. Windows 10 is
designed for today’s modern IT environment with new features to help IT pros
more easily manage and better protect the devices and data in their
organizations. It also provides individuals with the ability to be more
productive, thanks to enhancements to Windows Ink and Cortana, including
better battery life, improved accessibility, and more control over privacy

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