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Verse To Memorize
“And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea,I will bless her, and she shall be a
mother of nations;kings of people shall be of her.”
Genesis 17:16
Submission is not an easy thing to do. A child must submit to his parents; a student to his
teacher; an employee to his manager; and a wife to her husband. Ephesians 5:22
declares that wives should submit themselves to their husbands, unto the Lord. They
should be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands (Titus
2:5). Throughout Sarah’s life, she practiced and practically lived on this principle.
Because of her beauty, there were times she was not introduced by Abraham as his wife,
yet, she never opened her mouth to contradict him.

A. Sarah, the Barren
Genesis 16 gives us an account of Sarah’s barren estate. Unlike Hannah who resorted to
God for her barren womb (1 Samuel 1:9-11), Sarah losing all hope that she would bear
Abraham a child, asked him to take her maid Hagar. When Hagar conceived, Sarah was
despised in her eyes. Sarah realized her greatest mistake.

B. Sarah, the Doubtful

The promise of a seed was given to Abraham and Sarah when they were old and stricken
in age (Gen. 18:10-12). Upon hearing what the Lord said, Sarah laughed within herself
and the Lord rebuked her on the spot (Gen. 18:12-15). Nothing is impossible with God.
Believers have to learn this truth early to prevent so much pains and heartaches in life.

C. Sarah, the Blessed

1. Her name was changed. The Lord made a covenant with Abraham that He will make
him the father of many nations (Gen. 17:4). This promise was given to him when he was
99 years old (Gen. 17:1). Together with this was the blessing given to Sarah, his wife—
that she shall be a mother of nations and kings of people shall be of her. Sarai’s name
was changed to Sarah (Gen. 17:15).
2. She was given a promise. Mary was given the promise that she shall conceive and
bring forth the Son of the Highest (Luke 1:30-32). Likewise, Sarah was also given a
promise to be a mother of nations and bear Abraham a son, Isaac, with whom the Lord
will establish His everlasting covenant (Gen. 17:19).
3. She was called a free woman. In Galatians 4:22-23, we can see an allegory of Sarah
and Hagar.
An allegory is a figure of speech which extends a metaphor (implicit comparison) through
an entire narrative so that objects, persons and actions in the text are equated with
meanings that lie outside the text. In these verses, the bond woman refers to Hagar and
the free woman to Sarah.
D. Sarah, the Faithful
Aside from Rahab, the other woman mentioned in Hebrew’s Hall of Faith was Sarah
(Heb. 11:11). By faith, she was able to conceive and deliver Isaac despite her age.

The blessing given to Sarah was the result of her choice to follow Abraham
wholeheartedly. She even called him, “my Lord” (Gen. 18:12) showing her full respect
and submission to him. Christian wives should follow Sarah’s example. If they obey their
husbands as unto the Lord, God would surely bless their obedience and give them the
desires of their hearts in accordance to His will.

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