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UCSP cross-cultural differences in social

Chapter 1 institutions, cultural beliefs, and

●Sociology focuses on the ubiquity or the communication styles.
“everythere-ness” of social forces in
unlikely forces. Social diversity is an ever-present and
●Social Forces are considered remote and enduring feature of all known cultures
impersonal because most people have no around the world.
hand in creating them, nor do they know
anyone who do or did. Theoretical musing: Sociologists attributed
●Sociological imagination allows s o c i a l the persistence and omnipresence of social
a c t o r s t o d i s c e r n opportunities where inequality to the beneficial functions it
there is none by converting their personal provides for the overall operation of society.
troubles into public issues -Anthropologists take account of the “equal
History of sociology but different ways” or how people live in the
● Born in Europe (Germany, England, & world.
France) during Industrial Revolution. It
was a period that witnessed the rapid Anthropology has been pejoratively called
development of industry that occured in “a child of colonization” because
Britain in the late 18th and 19th century. discoverers of new territories were always
accompanied by missionary documenters.
August Comte - Credited to be the father of
the discipline for having coined the term Ethnography either a research design or a
sociology. specific research method where people are
observed in their natural environment rather
Emily Durkheim- A French social thinker, than in a formal research setting
was exceptionally instrument in the
fomalization and later recognition of The phrase “ cultural diversity ” means a
sociology as the new science of the study of range of different societies or people of
society. people of different origins, religions, and
tradtions, all living and interacting together.
Karl Marx- He produced the most scathing
critique of capitalist exploitation of the labor Political science is the systematic study of
class for profit. government and politics. It makes
generalizations and analyses abut political
American Anthropological Association systems and political behavior and uses
describes Anthropology as a science seekng these results to predict future behavior.
to “uncover principles of behavior that apply -is fascinated by the variety of their
to all human community” . manisfestations and map the constellations of
power relations within the different layers.
Anthropology focuses on human diversity
around the world. Anthropologist look at Social change is used to indicatenthe
changes that take place in human
interactions and interrelations.

Social activism consists of the efforts to

promote, inhibit, or ( r e ) direct social,
political, economic, or environmental issues
with the desire to make improvements in
society and correct social injustice/

Chapter 2
The term 'society ' was coined by social
scientists to facilitate their exploration of
social phenomena.It is a tool grasp to
complexity of the phenomenon it represents
and a means to explore its many other
dimensions hidden by its normative use.

Society is formally defined as constituting a

fairly large number of people who are living
in a same territory, are relatively indepedent
of people outside their area, and participate
in a common culture.

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