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Words Start With - E - Power Words

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Words Start With "E"

Word Type Meaning

Earnest adjective Very serious, sincere intent
Eavesdrop verb Secretly listening to a conversation
Ebb verb Gradually lessen, at a low ebb- in a poor or unhappy state of mind

Ebullient adjective Cheerful and full of energy, enthusiastic, vivacious

Eccentric adjective Unconventional and strange
Eclectic adjective Deriving ideas or style from a wide range of sources
Edgy adjective Tense, irritable
Efface verb Make oneself appear inconspicuous, to wipe out
Effrontery noun Insolence or impertinence
Effusive adjective Expressing pleasure or approval in an unrestrained way
Egocentric adjective Self centered, selfish
Elan noun Energy and flair, spirited self assurance
Elated adjective Very happy and excited
Ellipsis noun The omission of words in speech or writing, a set of dots indicating this

Eloquence noun Fluent or persuasive speaking or writing

Elucidate verb To make something clear; explain,
Elude verb Cleverly escape from or avoid, fail to be understood by, be unattainable by

Emanate verb Issue from a source, to come forth

Embattled adjective Beset by problems or difficulties
Embittered adjective Bitter or resentful
Eminence noun The quality of being distinguished and respected, an important person

Emolument noun Salary or fee

Empirical adjective Based on observation or experience rather than theory
Emulate verb Try to equal or better than, surpass
Encapsulate verb Enclose in or as if in a capsule, summarize
Endeavour verb Try hard to achieve something, an attempt to achieve something, hard work

Endorse verb Declare approval of sign a cheque on the back

Enervate verb Cause to feel drained of energy
Enigma noun A riddle, a mysterious person or thing
Ennui noun Boredom, a feeling of weariness
Enrapture verb Delight greatly
Ensemble noun A group of performers a group of items viewed as a whole
Enumerate verb mention item one by one
Enunciate verb Pronounce clearly, state fluently
Envisage verb See as a possibility, imagine
Epitome noun A perfect example,
Equivocal adjective Ambiguous, uncertain, doubtful
Ergonomics noun The study of people's efficiency in their working environment

Errant adjective Doing something wrong

Erratic adjective Uneven, irregular
Erstwhile adjective former
Erudite adjective Very learned, scholarly
Espouse verb Support or adopt a cause or way of life
Estimable adjective Worthy of great respect
Estranged adjective No longer close to or friendly with someone
Et-al abbreviation And others
Ethical adjective Of moral principles, morally correct,
Etiquette noun The code of polite behavior in a society
Euphemism noun A less direct word used instead of an offensive or unpleasant one

Euphoria noun Excited happiness, a feeling of well being

Evasive adjective Seeking to evade or avoid something
Evince verb Show or indicate
Exaggerate verb Make something seem greater than in reality
Exasperate verb Greatly irritate
Excerpt noun A short extract from a film, book or a piece of music
Exemplary adjective Representing the best of its kind, serving as a warning, serving as a model or example

Exhort verb Strongly urge to do something, to urge earnestly

Exigency noun A situation calling for immediate action, a pressing need or demand

Exonerate verb Declare free from blame, to prove guiltless

Exorbitant adjective Going beyond what is reasonable or just, unreasonably high,

Expedite verb Help or hasten the progress of

Expend verb Spend or use up of resources
Expletive noun A swear word, a rude word expressing anger
Extol verb Praise enthusiastically, laud
Extrinsic adjective Coming from outside
Exuberant adjective Lively and cheerful
Excision noun Cut out, pruning
Excoriate verb To criticize severely, to denounce harshly
Esoteric adjective Intended for or understood by only a few people with specialized knowledge, hard to
Eschew verb Deliberately avoid doing

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