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Girls and Violence: Is The Gender Gap Closing?: by Meda Chesney-Lind, PH.D

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Fall 2004

The Quarterly Newsletter of the Michigan Resource Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence

Girls and Violence: Is the Gender Gap Closing?

By Meda Chesney-Lind, Ph.D. Michigan Resource
Reprinted with permission from NRCDV/PCADV. Accessed from Center on Domestic
and Sexual Violence

R eading the paper or watching television it’s

hard to avoid the impression that girls’ vio-
lence has increased dramatically over the last dec-
that three trends are likely responsible for the
increase in arrests of girls for violent behavior.
Relabeling of girls’ status offense
3893 Okemos Rd.,
Suite B2
ade. Headlines like “Ruthless Girlz,” “Are Girls behavior into criminal behavior, which
Getting Meaner?,” and “Bad Girls” all warn of the sometimes involves the arrest of girls Okemos, MI 48864
new face of youth violence. This report reviews involved in scuffles with family members for
the objective evidence regarding youthful female assault. Phone (517) 381-4663
violence, makes suggestions about what is occur- Rediscovery of girls’ violence by media TTY (517) 381-8470
ring, and then briefly suggests ways that those and policy makers alike. Self-report data have Fax (517) 347-1060
who work with and care about girls can address consistently shown that girls engaged in more E-Mail
the issue positively. violence than arrest statistics indicated, in past
First, there certainly appears to be evidence decades. We simply did not arrest girls for this
that we are seeing a change in girls’ violence, if behavior, but that has now changed, due to pol-
Visit us on the Web at
one reviews trends in juvenile arrests. Between icy shifts in enforcement.
1992 and 2003, girls’ arrests increased 6.4 Upcriming refers to policies (like “zero
percent while arrests of boys actually decreased tolerance policies”) that have the effect of mrcdsv
by 16.4 percent. While decreases were seen across increasing the severity of criminal penalties
many crimes of violence for both boys and girls, associated with particular offenses. Related to
the period saw a 7 percent increase in girls’ arrests “rediscovery,” this phenomenon also explains
for aggravated assault during a period that showed the racialized patterns of enforcement that are About the Resource
a 29.1 percent decrease in boys’ arrests for this observed in the official juvenile justice data. Center
offense. Likewise, arrests of girls for assault Specifically, when you examine the
climbed an astonishing 40.9 percent when boys’ consequences of labeling girls violent (increased The Michigan Resource
arrests climbed by only 4.3 percent (Federal Bu- detentions and referrals to court), it appears that Center on Domestic and
reau of Investigation, 2003). certain communities, notably communities of Sexual Violence
This report reveals, though, that other sources color are being differentially impacted by this enhances the capacity of
of data on youthful misbehavior, most specifically new concern about violence among girls. individuals and
data collected by the CDC on “self-reported” de- Careful analysis of trends in girls’ violence organizations to prevent
linquency, paint an entirely different picture of then fails to confirm that we face a dramatic violence against women
girls’ behavior over the last decade. A quick look increase in this troubling behavior. Research and strengthen service
at their data reveals that while 34.4 percent of does suggest, though, that when confronting delivery for survivors.
girls surveyed in 1991 said that they had been in a girls’ violence, we need to foreground gender This unique collection of
physical fight in the last year, by 2001 that figure (particularly the role played by relational books, videos, journals
had dropped to 23.9 percent or a 30.5 percent de- aggression in girls’ outbursts with other girls). and other media
crease in girls’ fighting; boys’ violence also de- We also need to look for prevention and promotes awareness and
creased during the same period but less dramati- intervention programs that give girls ways to be increases accessibility of
cally—from 50.2 to 43.1 percent or a 14.1 percent angry appropriately while also empowering educational information
drop (Centers for Disease Control, 1992-2002). them in settings like schools which often tend to and resources for the
How is this possible? This report suggests ignore, silence, and marginalize them. state of Michigan. These
In Brief: Girls and Violence: Is the Gender materials are useful for
The Michigan Resource Center on Domestic and Gap Closing? is part of a longer document training, counseling,
Sexual Violence is a collaboration of the authored by Meda Chesney-Lind for the education, research,
Michigan Domestic Violence National Resource Center on Domestic nonprofit business
Prevention and Treatment Board
Violence, PCADV, and VAWnet. This management, program
document and references are available online at development and
and the Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and
Sexual Violence. activism.

Fall 2004 Page ‹ 1

Cultural National Criminal Justice Creating Safer Communities for
Considerations Reference Service Releases Older Adults and Companion
and Violence Protocol for Sexual Assault Medi- Animals
Against Women cal Forensic Examinations

S exual violence continues to plague our C reating Safer Communities for Older Adults
and Companion Animals is a new resource
manual for professionals who work in the fields of
Multicultural nation and destroy lives. All members of so-
ciety are vulnerable to this crime, regardless of animal protection, adult protective services, and
Counseling elder abuse prevention. The manual expands
Competencies: race, age, gender, or social standing. When
sexual assault does occur, victims deserve knowledge of the role of companion animals in
Assessment, patterns of elder abuse, exploitation, and
competent and compassionate care. This first
Education, self-neglect. This resource is intended to foster
National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical
Training and collaboration among animal protection and adult
Forensic Examinations provides detailed
Supervision guidelines for criminal justice and health care protective services agencies. This comprehensive
practitioners in responding to the immediate needs manual includes articles that introduce the
Working With of sexual assault victims. We know that effective complexities of animal hoarding and animal
Battered collection of evidence is of paramount importance cruelty as an indicator of family violence.
Immigrant to successfully prosecuting sex offenders. Just as Contact the Resource Center at
Women: A critical is performing sexual assault forensic (517) 381-4663, ext. 17 to borrow Creating Safer
Guidebook For exams in a sensitive, dignified, and victim- Communities for Older Adults and Companion
Prosecutors centered manner. For individuals who experience Animals.
this horrendous crime, having a positive
To Have & To Hit: experience with the criminal justice and health National Organizations Working
Cultural care systems can contribute greatly to their overall to End Violence Against
Perspectives On healing.
Wife Beating As we have learned in the 10 years since the
Immigrant Women

Latina Outreach
implementation of the 1994 Violence Against
Women Act, coordinated community efforts are
the best way to stop violence against women and
N ational Network to End Violence Against
Immigrant Women
hold offenders accountable for their crimes. That index.htm
Chain Chain is why this protocol was designed as a guide for National Network for Immigration and Refu-
Change: For Black criminal justice and health care practitioners who gee Rights
Women in Abusive respond to victims of sexual assault.
Relationships Combining cutting edge response techniques
with collaboration among service providers will National Immigration Law Center
Working With greatly enhance our ability to treat and support
Battered victims as well as identify and punish the sex of- National Immigration Forum
Immigrant fenders. We hope that this protocol lays the foun-
Women: A dation for these efforts.
Download the National Protocol for Sexual National Immigration Project of the
Handbook To National Lawyers Guild
Make Services Assault Medical Forensic Examinations at
Legal Momentum – Advancing Women’s
Introductory Alianza Latina en contra la
Manual To Agresion Sexual (ALAS) Releases index.shtml
Domestic Violence
Position Statement
In Indian Country For more information on immigration and do-

Speaking The
A lianza Latina en Contra la Agresión Sexual
(ALAS) released a position statement, Elimi-
nating Barriers to Services for Latina
mestic violence, contact the Resource Center at
(517) 381-4663, ext. 17 or visit us on the Web at to download Immigrant
Marital Violence Survivors of Sexual and Intimate Partner Victims of Domestic Violence, a new bibliogra-
Among South Violence. Initiated in February 2004, ALAS is a phy compiled by the Resource Center.
Asian Immigrants national Latina online workgroup united in a
In The United major goal: to help make risk-reduction and
States victim service information more accessible to National Domestic Violence Hotline
Spanish-speaking Latin@s. Linea Nacional sobre la Violencia Domestica
For more information about the position 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
statement as well as how to become of a member TTY 1-800-787-3224
of this dynamic new group, please visit Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Fall 2004 Page ‹ 2
Elder Physical and Sexual Abuse: New Resources Help Domestic Dating
The Medical Piece Violence Service Providers Violence Internet
Navigate Child Welfare System Resources
E lder Physical and Sexual Abuse: The
Medical Piece is a two-hour video formatted
training program produced to provide training on
Reprinted from the Family Violence Prevention Fund
See It and Stop It
forensic wound identification and links to
successful criminal investigation and prosecution.
The training is designed to foster a
F amilies experiencing domestic violence often
have trouble navigating the child protection
system, which frequently takes children away
Includes statistics, fact
sheets, brochures and
from non-abusive mothers who have enormous pamphlets on dating
multidisciplinary approach to meet the critical and
currently unmet need for recognizing, difficulty reuniting with their children. Two new violence for teens.
investigating and protecting against elder abuse by resources from the Family Violence Prevention www.seeitandstopit
targeting law enforcement, adult protective Fund (FVPF) show domestic violence service .org
services and prosecution agencies. The training providers how to do more to help battered mothers
will enable investigators and those mandated and their children in these circumstances. National Youth
reporters to recognize evidence of abuse and Advocacy Matters: Helping Mothers and Prevention
educate prosecutors to gather, analyze and present Their Children Involved with the Child Protection Resource Center
this evidence in a compelling manner. By System and Confidentiality & Information Sharing Resources for
understanding what is needed to prosecute an Issues give domestic violence experts the professionals,
elder abuse case, mandated reporters, healthcare information they need to deal successfully with parents and youth
professionals and law enforcement can provide child protection systems and to help battered working to prevent
prosecutors with better information to build the mothers whose children have been removed from violence committed by
case. their care. It includes information and tips that and against young
Contact the Resource Center at help advocates better address the needs of battered people.
mothers and their children.
(517) 381-4663, ext. 17 to borrow Elder Physical
and Sexual Abuse: The Medical Piece. Confidentiality & Information Sharing Issues
addresses legal and confidentiality issues advo-
Teen Victim Project
New Dating Violence Resources cates face when working with the child protection
The Teen Victim
Available system and juvenile courts. It encourages advo-
Project is a youth
cacy and focuses on information issues advocates
Dating Violence Information Packet face when they counsel battered mothers whose leadership initiative
designed to get
T een Dating Violence: Information and
Resources, an information packet developed
by the National Resource Center on Domestic
children have been placed in the child protection
system. Each section offers tips and suggestions
for advocates, questions for consideration, and
adolescent victims the
help they need to
Violence (NRCDV) in June 2004, introduces examples of effective practices. The appendix reduce the incidence
readers to the dynamics, prevalence and features worksheets that expand upon the topics of repeat victimization
consequences of teen dating violence. The packet addressed in each section. and to develop youth
includes an overview, and review of key issues Download Advocacy Matters and leadership. This site
and extensive resource lists. Teen Dating Confidentiality & Information Sharing Issues at is available in
Violence: Information and Resources is available English and
at Spanish.
Dating Violence Resource Center Stalking Resource Center
The Dating Violence Resource Center, a
program of the National Center for Victims of
Releases New Brochure for
Victims of Stalking Out Proud
Crime, provides communities and programs train-
ing, resources, and information to increase aware- The National
ness of dating violence. Practical overviews on
dating violence-related topics for teens, parents,
T he new brochure from the Stalking Resource Coalition for Gay,
Center (SRC), Are You Being Stalked?, Lesbian, Bisexual and
defines and describes stalking, identifies common Transgender Youth,
victim service providers, and school administra- emotional reactions of victims, and provides
tors are available including resource reviews, fact serves the needs of
information on safety planning and community
sheets, research and outreach materials. young men and
resources for victims of stalking.
Visit the Teen Dating Violence Resource Center Download the brochure from women by providing
at To print the brochure with advocacy, research,
Date Rape/Abusive Relationships: The Teen your organization’s contact information, call the information and
Files Flipped SRC at (202) 467-8704. SRC staff will add your Support.
In this popular MTV program 17-year-old contact information to the PDF and e-mail the file
Mario, who takes pride in seducing as many girls to you.
as possible, and 15-year-old Debbie, who is drawn For more information on stalking including
to a possessive, potentially abusive boyfriend are research, educational tools and model protocols
given an unsettling look at the nature of unhealthy visit the Stalking Resource Center’s extensive
dating relationships. To borrow The Teen Files online information clearinghouse at
Flipped contact the Resource Center at Fall 2004 Page ‹ 3
(517) 381-4663, ext. 17.
The Michigan New Nonprofit Management The Family Violence Prevention
Resource Center on Resources Available Fund Offers Resources for
Domestic and Immigrant Women
Sexual Violence is a
collaboration of the
T he BoardSource Committee Series is a
compilation of six booklets that introduce
new thinking and proven strategies for committee R esources for Immigrant and Refugee women
are available through the Family
Michigan Domestic structure. Collectively, the series provides an Violence Prevention Fund. These materials were
Violence Prevention in-depth approach on how to determine what an developed to empower and educate immigrant
and Treatment appropriate committee structure is, and provides women about their rights and to help develop
Board and the new details on the responsibilities of key leadership so they can become involved in
Michigan Coalition committees. This series is now available to changing policies that affect them.
borrow from the Resource Center: Building The Rhythm of Change: Developing
Against Domestic • Transforming Board Structure: Strategies for Leadership and Improving Services within the
and Sexual Committees and Task Forces by Marla J. Battered Rural Immigrant manual provides
Violence. Bobowick, Sandra R. Hughes and Berit M. Lakey, suggestions and guidance on how to organize
takes a look at committees and how your board projects, based on a Family Violence Prevention
The Michigan can use them and other work groups to streamline Fund pilot project in Iowa and Texas and the
Domestic Violence the work of the full board. experiences of grassroots immigrant women’s
Prevention and • Governance Committee by Lakey, Hughes organizations, aimed at improving services and
Treatment Board is and Outi Flynn prove why governance committees eliminating barriers to safety for battered
the primary funder are essential to every board. They illustrate how a immigrant women by empowering the women.
and owner of the governance committee can not only recruit new Geared primarily for domestic violence service
members, but also transform those recruits into
collection. Additional providers focusing on advancing the rights of
productive and capable board members. It outlines battered immigrant women and improving their
funding is provided by duties of the governance committee and provides access to services, the manual may also be useful
the U.S. Department helpful hints and guidelines on selecting the right for other organizations or individuals advocating
of Health and Human members to serve on this committee, how the for immigrants’ legal rights.
Services and other committee can help determine the scope of your Raising Our Voices: Queer Asian Women’s
generous supporters board’s diversity, where to find the suitable Response to Relationship Violence is a booklet
individuals, and how to orient and continuously
of the Michigan based on the results of focus groups with Queer
educate your members. Asian immigrant women of different backgrounds
Coalition Against • Executive Committee by Mark Light tells a with the goal of integrating the communities’
Domestic and Sexual cautionary tale of executive committees known needs and the barriers to accessing services. A
Violence. for taking on too much power, often resulting in joint project of Queer Asian Women’s Services
confusion among the rest of the board members. (QAWS) of Asian Women’s Shelter and Family
Resource Center Find out in which situations executive committees Violence Prevention Fund
Staff may be beneficial, and in what circumstances they Unheard Voices: Domestic Violence in the
may be a hindrance. Asian American Community is a booklet based on
Jenefer O’Dell,
• Financial Committees by Thomas A. the results of focus groups with Asian immigrant
Resource Center McLaughlin discusses the importance of
Coordinator women and Asian American women from
accountability and how it is increasingly different backgrounds. The booklet identifies
Melissa Limon, important to nonprofits and how every board must needs in the Asian community and discusses
Resource Center be engaged in understanding its fiduciary duties. barriers confronting Asian battered women.
Furthermore, you’ll learn about the core Building the Rhythm of Change, Raising Our
responsibilities of the finance, audit, and Voices and Unheard Voices are available for
investment committees. download at or by calling the
• Development Committee by Eugene R. Resource Center at (517) 381-4663, ext. 17.
Tempel, introduces the concept of
organizational development committees.
• Advisory Councils by Nancy R. Axelrod Visit us on the Web!
expands on the traditional way of looking at the
concept of advisory councils and explores ways in
which they can help the board to keep its own
significance without losing impact. It explains
how these groups have more functions than
usually assigned and also explains the role an
advisory council can play in helping your board to Access the entire
expand outreach efforts, find new supporters, Resource Center collection and order
distribute tasks and incorporate new perspectives. materials online at
Contact the Resource Center at
(517) 381-4663, ext. 17 to borrow the Board-
Fall 2004 Page ‹ 4 Source Committee Series.

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