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Learning Activity Sheets

Teacher: LEVEN MART B. LACUNA Subject : UCSP Grade Level: 12

School: MABOG NATIONAL HIGH S.Y.: 2020-2021 Quarter/Module: Q1/Week 6



Introduction In this Learning Activity Sheets, we will look back and explore the
significance of human material remains and artefactual evidence in
interpreting cultural and social, including political and economic,
An exploration of the significance of human material remains and
artefactual evidence in interpreting cultural, social, economic, and
political processes for some remain complex that is why it is a sought-
after topic among evolutionist even to ordinary people whom to the extent
wanted to capture the essence of the studying human material remains
and artefactual shreds of evidence.
The evidence of change in cultural, social, political economic aspect
have resulted in the transformation of man’s way of life.Early societies
started to emerge as a result to man’s interaction with his environment.
Every society is organized in such a way that there will be rules of
conduct, customs, traditions, folkways and mores andexpectations that
ensure appropriate behavior among members. Sociologically and
anthropologically,society possesses different characteristics that show the
interdependence of people with one another.

*Analyze the significance of cultural, social, political and economic

symbols and practices UCSP 11 Q1 Week 4

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Explore the significance of human material remains and

artefactual evidence in interpreting cultural, social, economic, and
political processes.

2. Create and produce a video log (vlog)/song poster/collage/spoken

poetry/ that would trace the significance of human material remains
and artefactual evidences
Activity 1: TRUE or FALSE
Direction: Multiple choice: Read and analyse carefully the following
questions. Write the letter of your best answer for each question in
your UCSP activity notebook.

1. A place where people lived and/or worked and where the physical
evidence of their existence can be or has been recovered is:
A. A feature.
B. An ecofact.
C. An artefact.
D. A site.

2. When the author refers to the 'detritus of past people' he is writing

about their:
A. debris.
B. written records.
C. gravestones.
D. all the above.

3. Jose grew up in a society that was not completely settled and that
relied primarily on the resources readily available from their animals.
He grew up in which of the following types of societies?
A. Pastoral society
B. Horticultural society
C. Agricultural society
D. Hunters society

4. Which of these is an artefact?

A. A story
B. A newspaper
C. A necklace
D. A painting

5. Archaeology is a branch of
A. anthropology.
B. cultural anthropology.
C. biological anthropology.
D. paleoanthropology.

6. _________ is the set of strategies for survival that are NOT genetically
A. Evolution
B. Adaptation
C. Culture
D. Social life

7. Which field of anthropology concentrates on the human past?

A. paleoanthropology
B. archaeology
C. primatology
D. both A and B
8. Artifacts _________; ecofacts __________
A. are valuable and rare; are easy to come by.
B. are made by humans; exhibit traces of human activity.
C. decay rapidly; last for a long time.
D. are facts about art; are facts about nature.
9. A site's spatial arrangement is:

A. not as important as the recovered artifacts

B. more important than the recovered artefacts
C. ruined once digging begins
D. none of the above

10. The idea of sociocultural evolution describes _____.

A. how society is like a living organism
B. the process a society is forced to undergo because of
advancement of cultural beliefs
C. the process of change involving a society's level of innovation,
transmission and technological advances the animals and humans of a society evolve and change

Directions: Your task now is to work with in this particular

activity, and you have to pay attention to the details presented
and answer the following questions below. You may use your
UCSP activity notebook to accomplish this pre-assessment

What does the picture tell?

Write a short description/statement about what you learned from the




An exploration of the significance of human material remains

and artefactual evidence in interpreting cultural, social, economic,
and political processes for some remain complex that is why it is a
sought-after topic among evolutionist even to ordinary people whom
to the extent wanted to capture the essence of the studying human
material remains and artefactual shreds of evidence.


Study of human material remains still active even

understanding it a contemporary way for some reasons also
evolutionist and scientist now used scientific methods in order to
have a clearer and wider perspective underlying their study as to how
significant the ideas are. In some features of study we commonly hear
about material remains characterizes humans apart from other
species which objects can be seen as to its used whether they are
presented or discarded.

The significance of the study about human material remains

not just only focused about tools, jewelry, stone walls, technology,
buildings, and structures but also the landscape architecture
nowadays as to whether it is attributed from the past through its
natural way or attributed as to the contemporary perspective of
looking at its use like in human life and activities.

For instance according to Kottak (2016), there is abundant

evidence for expressive culture, including art and music, in Europe
by 35,000 years ago. At this point, humans were decorating
themselves with paints and jewelry and making flutes and figurines.
It’s likely that linguistic ability was part of this expressive package.
Linguist Merritt Ruhlen speculates that all the world’s languages
descend from a common one spoken 40,000 to 50,000 years ago by
anatomically modern humans who originated in Africa. Did a
―creative‖ gene emerge in Africa and fuel human colonization of the
rest of the world? Although anthropologists don’t have a definitive
answer to this question, we do agree about the key role that
expressive culture plays in human life.

The focus of human material remains, however, not just on

the ideas mentioned earlier or on artifacts, but rather the
importance and meaning of such to contemporary views of modern
humans in which if we are going to take advantage of its usefulness
can be considered as a byproduct of learned and shared significant
We have heard so many ideas that are rooted from the past
and that these ideas became the cornerstone in every pigment of our
imagination as to how it became a part of our reality today and how
it is being used in everyday life at present. Like for example the
artefactual pieces of evidences even dating back to the beginning of
human evolution became the basis of so many scientific study
making its way to having discoveries to what is life from the past.

The beginnings of Filipino culture and society will never be

fully known. For while human remains and artifacts, recovered from
burial and habitation sites all over the Philippines, will reveal a part
of what happened in the past, they cannot tell us the whole story.
Nonetheless, archaeological activity has increased in the Philippines
in recent years, and we now know much more than we did even five
years ago. One of the most important breakthroughs was the
recoveryof fossil human bones in Tabon Cave, Palawan, in 1962.
This discovery had a two-fold significance. First, it marked the
beginning of a more systematic investigation of early man in the
Philippines. For although the tools of Pleistocene man and the bones
of animals he probably hunted had been recovered before, this was
the first fossil human encountered in this country. Second, the
recovery of this frontal bone and the artifacts tentatively associated
with it was another significant event in man’s search for traces of
his origin in east and southeast Asia. It is interesting to note that
before the recovery of the African fossil hominids by Dart (1925),
Broom (1949), and Leakey (1959), the area of east and southeast
Asia was thought to be the ―cradle of mankind.‖ The present
favoring of Africa as man’s place of origin resulted from a series of
notable discoveries of fossilized creatures resembling modern man
in some respects and differing from him in many others (Jocano
Artefactual discoveries mentioned earlier is the reason why
there is a need for us to study and learn the basics of our history in
order to know what happened in the earlier civilization and what is
their connection to the present.
The term ―artifacts today maybe for some of you might
probably consider such a common term used in education parlance
but still, it has its vital part in history and other scientific inventions
nowadays. The very fact of artifact’s existence played its significant
contribution in order for us to interpret social, cultural, economic,
and political issues and processes that transpired from the past, and
the discoveries of these lead to the contemporary
Artefactual remains for the record help shaped various
facets of our daily life today, for without these, there can be no
foundation of our recent discoveries that is significant in
shaping the future of our next generation. Now, let us take a
look at the commonly known attributes perceived in every
phase of civilization from the past to present.



Early The discovery of The discovery The discovery of the

Humans tools, jewelry, of ancient Code of
stone walls and cuneiform Hammurabi, way
other human writings back 3000 BCE
remains that contain 282
Modern The The creation The creation and
Humans development of of Shopping implementation of
several fashion Malls, online the Philippine
brands, real stores and Constitution
estate and stock
other high-rise exchange
enterprise and investments
adaptation of
system in
and education
across the globe

Directions: You have come this far in your journey in

understanding culture, society, and politics. Now you are going to
identify the major social and political developments of the early
civilization up to the present time. You only have read and discern
on the words given then you are going to fill in the stages being
presented in the chart below. (Individual Work)


1. Hunting and
Gathering (Foraging)
2. Horticultural Society
3. Pastoral Society
4. Agricultural Society
5. Industrial Society
6. Post-industrial
Activity 2: KWL CHART
Directions: Find out what is the 9 letter word word from this
combination and try to answer the KWL Chart. Leave the 3rd column
What I know What I want to know What I have

Activity 3: THE NAMEGAME

Directions: Your task now is to work with pairs or groups in this

particular activity, and you have to pay attention to the details
presented below. An example is provided for you indicated in the
first stage. All you need to do is to analyze and identify the stage
of sociocultural evolution of the pictures being presented and fill
up the chart as to the identity of the picture according to the letter
of choice. (Pair/Group Work)
B Pastoral Society
Horticultural Society
Agricultural Society
Hunting and Gathering (Foraging) Society
Industrial Society
Post-industrial Society

Activity 4
Answer the following process questions and write it down on the space
1. How do you find the relevance of knowing the the significance of
human material remains and artefactual evidence in interpreting
cultural, social, economic, and political processes.

2. How to you find it relevant to your case as a student?

3. How does society change overtime? How does it affect the society
of today?

4. How do you find it important to know the developments of the

early civilization?

5. What are the major sociocultural and political development of

the early civilization and how does it differ to the development
in the present time?
Activity 5: OLD AND NEW

Identify the important artefactual evidences according to their type of

civilization by completing the table below.





Directions: You will make a vlog/song/collage/spoken poetry/poster
that would clearly show the significance of culture, society, economic,
and political side of story based on artefactual evidences. Use your
imagination and anything on hand as your materials.

Option A: Vlog

Option B:Song

Category 4 3 2 1
Lyrics The song lyrics The song The song The song
are lyrics are lyrics are lyrics are
outstanding. good. The some what not
The words words coherent. coherent.
memorable. The memorable. The song The words
song lyrics are The song lyrics are not
enthusiastically lyrics are well memorabl
received by the enthusiastica received by e.
audience. lly received the
by the audience.
Creativity The student The student The song The song
composed an composed an composed composed
original song original song is not very is not
with a clear but there are original, very
theme. some but there original.
elements are some The
that are not elements message
excellent. that are is not
not conveyed.
Category 4 3 2 1
Communicatio Excellent Good Communicatio Communicati
n communicatio communicatio n skills and on skills are
n skills. n skills. interaction poor.
Student Student with camera
speaks speaks are weak.
clearly, and is somewhat
pleasant to clearly.
listen to and
Visual Footage is Most footage Some footage Recording is
Content consistently of is above is of high of low quality
high average in quality
quality. quality. and some is
Format The post The post The post is The post does
includes the includes missing either not include
URL address either the URL the URL the URL
and title of the address or address or title address and
Vlog. Post is title of the of the Vlog. the title. The
formatted and Vlog, but not Format or format of the
labled both. Post is label is not reflection was
correctly. formatted but included. not followed.
not labled.
Outline Outline is Outline is Outline is fair, Outline is
organized and somewhat with needed poor and in
easy to read. organized. improvement. need of great
Each of the Most of the Some of the improvement.
ideas/reflectio ideas/reflectio ideas/reflectio
ns/events are ns/events are ns/events are
included in included in included in the
the Vlog. the Vlog. Vlog.
Organization The writer The writer The writer The song
clearly lacked one of lacked two was
organized the following: of the unorganiz
information, clearly following: ed and
used mostly organized <BR> difficult to
correct information, clearly follow.
grammar and correct organized
spelling and grammar informatio
used legible and spelling n, correct
handwriting. usage, grammar
and/or and
legible spelling
handwriting. usage,
Relevance to The themes are The theme The theme The
the Theme clearly from the from the theme
explained and composition compositio from the
relevant is explained n is not compositi
but specific clearly on is
details as explained totally not
evidence that and explained
support this specific and
theme are evidence specific
not provided. that evidence
supports that
this claim supports
this claim
is not is not
provided. provided

Option C:Collage

Category 4 3 2 1
Organization The pictures The pictures The pictures & The pictures were
& words & words words were extremely well
were not were well organized organized/
organized/ generally and included balanced and
balanced organized/b several included several
and did not alanced, but different types different types of
cover the may not of media pictures , words,
5x7 area. have photos or art drawings (All pics
Student did covered the required for must be obtained
not include 5x7 area. this from a common
several types Student may assignment. free site such as
of pictures, not have Pixabay.) required
words, art included for this
required for various assignment
this types of
assignment. pictures
required for
Content The picture The picture The picture The picture
Knowledge collage did collage collage clearly collage sincerely
not generally demonstrated demonstrated
demonstrate demonstrate student's student's
student's d student's understanding understanding of
understandi understandi of gratitude the gratitude
ng of ng of and/or assignment.
gratitude gratitude assignment. Student added
and/or the and/or the extra information
assignment. assignment, above what was
but a few needed or
things were discussed in
lacking. class.
Format Student did Student Student Student followed
not follow generally followed format format given for
format given followed given for this this assignment
for this format given assignment and included all
assignment. for this and included required
(All pics assignment; all required information.
must be (All pics information.(All Student may
obtained must be pics must be have also
from a obtained obtained from included
common free from a a common free something
site such as common free site such as extra.(All pics
Pixabay.) site such as Pixabay.) There must be obtained
Pixabay.) was none of the from a common
however, students own free site such as
there were writing or Pixabay.) There
still a few drawings. was no writing or
things drawings by the
missing. . student.
There was
some own
writing or

Creativity Not much Some effort The student The student

effort put was given to demonstrated demonstrated
into making make the creative creative methods
the collage collage methods for for designing a
colorful, interesting. designing a collage. Various
unique, or collage. materials were
eye- Various utilized and
catching. materials were colors were
utilized and distributed. It
colors were was very neat
distributed. and appealing.

Option D: Spoken Poetry

Category 4 3 2 1
Enthusias Facial Facial Facial Very little use
m expressions expressions expressions of facila
and body and body and body expression
language language language amd body
generate a sometimes are used to language. Did
strong generate a try to not generate
interest and strong generate much interest
enthusiasm interest and enthusiasm in topic being
about the enthusiasm but presented
topic in about the somewhat
others topic in faked
Content- Dialogue, Dialogue, Dialogue, Little or no
Accuracy description or description or description dialogue,
interpretation interpreations or description or
s convey clear have only one interpretati interpretation
understandin minor ons have s are present.
g about the accuracy two major The purpose
topic concern accuracy of the story is
concerns not
Speaks Speaks clearly Speaks clealy Speaks Often
Cleary and distinctly and distinctly clearly and mumbles or
all the time all the time distinctly cannot be
and but most of the understood or
mispronounce mispronounc time mispronounce
s no word e one word mispronou s no more tah
nces no one word.
more than
one word
Option E: Poster-Slogan Making
Direction: On a piece of clean 1/8 clean illustration board.
Category 4 3 2 1
Graphic All graphics All graphics All graphics Graphics do
Relevance are related are related relate to the not relate to
to the topic to the topic topic. One or the topic or
and make it and most two several
easier to make it borrowed borrowed
understand. easier to graphics graphics do
All borrowed understand. have a not have a
graphics Some source of source
have a borrowed citation situation
source graphics
citation have a
Attractivenes The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
s exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of attractive messy or
terms of design, though it very poorly
design, layout and may be a bit designed. It
layout and neatness messy is not
neatness attractive.
Grammar There are no There are 1- There are 3- There are
grammatical 2 4 more than 4
/ grammatical grammatical grammatical/
mechanical / /mechanical mechanical
mistakes on
mistakes on mechanical mistakes on
the poster
the poster mistakes on the poster.
the poster

ACTIVITY 7 Engagement Activity:

Fill in what is being asked in the graphic organizer. Copy the diagram
and write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.

of culture,
economic, and
political side
of story based
on artefactual
Fill in what is being asked in the graph. Copy the diagram and write
your answers on a clean sheet of paper. Explain the following
question below:

Do you have artifacts at


How did your family

secure them?

Name those artifacts

What are its significance

to the development of

ACTIVITY 9: Reflect!
Share your insights gained by writing a reflection and realized as to the
importance of the lesson.

Lesson Learned

Activity 10: KWL CHART
After all the concepts that you have learned. Please complete the KWL
What I know What I want to What I have
know learned


You are going to create a short storyline in the space provided below –
showing the significance of "clean and green environment" not just for
you but also to your fellow students and to your whole community as
well. This is best done if you are going to use your experiences in life and
other perceived events in your surroundings or community
Multiple choice: Read and analyse carefully the following questions.
Write the letter of your best answer for each question in your UCSP
activity notebook.

1. This concept of evolution discusses about how cultures and societies

change over a period.
A. Socio-political evolution C. Cultural evolution
B. Political evolution D. Socio-cultural evolution
2. What do you call that time of evolution where evolution of mankind
has gone through numerous phases of change over time?
A. Political evolution B. Cultural evolution
C. Cultural and socio-political D. Socio-political evolution evolution
3. ___________and still remains complex in terms of exploration of its
A. Human material remains B. Artefactual evidences
C. Socio-cultural development D. letter a & b
4._________agreed to the concept that the creative gene among humans
emerges in Africa and fuel the human colonization of the rest of the
A. Anthropologist B. Evolutionist
C. Sociologist D. None of the above
5.__________ this particular place was considered one very important
breakthrough in the recovery of fossil human bones in way back in the
year 1962.
A. Philippines B. Tabon Cave, Palawan
C. Europe D. Africa
6. What do you call that concept where its focus is the foundation of our
recent discoveries that is significant in the future generation?
A. Artefactual remains B. Fossil remains
C. Cultural attributes D. None of the above
7. The following are part of the socio-cultural artefactual attributes
of early humans except for one.
A. Jewelry B. working tools
C. stone walls D. fashion brands
8. The following concepts are part of the waste management
principles expect for one.
A. reduction B. segregation
C. recycling D. maximization
9. Adaptation of bilingual language system in communication is a
perceived development of what stage of civilization?
A. Socio-cultural civilization B. Early human civilization
C. Political civilization D. Modern civilization

10. What do you call this particular concept that is mostly associated
in the discussion of tangible objects from the past but was recently
discovered which includes bones, fossils, tools, and a lot more?
A. Civilization B. Developments
C. Artefacts D. Discoveries
Answer Key
Pre Test Assessment
1. D 6. C 2. C
2. D 7. D 3. D
3. D 8. B 4. A
9. D 5. B
4. D
10. C 6. A
5. A 7. D
8. D
9. D
10. C

Activity 1-11: Answers may vary

References BOOKS:

Hunt, C.L., Espiritu, S.C., Quisumbing, L.R. and Green, J.J. (1998). Sociology in the Philippine
Setting. SIBS Publishing House, Inc.

P.,Contreras Antonio, et al. “Aspects of Culture.” Essay. In Understanding Culture, Society, and
Politics: a Global Perspective, 47–55. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House INC., 2016.

Electronic resources February 7, 2014.
implementing- guidelines-on-the-integration-of-gulayan-sa-paaralan-solid-waste-management-
and-tree-planting- under-the-national-greening-program-ngp/ (accessed May 29, 2020).
Free Creative Common Images. n.d.;_ylt=Awr9IlBPgtBeSDsAjw1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oD
%2Fcliparts%2F4c9%2FrGy% (accessed May 29, 2020).
Jocano, F. Landa. DepEd Learning Portal. 2016.
High% 20Files/UCSP%20Reader%20SHS%20v.1.pdf (accessed May 29, 2020).
Kottak, Conrad. 2016.
High% 20Files/UCSP%20Reader%20SHS%20v.1.pdf (accessed May 28, 2020).

—. DepEd Learning Portal. 2016. (accessed May

27, 2020). 1828. https://www.merriam- (accessed May 29, 2020). Wikipedia. n.d. (accessed May 28, 2020).
wikipedia. n.d. (accessed May 29,
2020). Illustration by Iden Jennyfe E. Galgo

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