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Year 3 English Year Scheme

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No Topic Skills / Language Resourse JANUARY

/ Theme Specification contents
1. Home Sweet Home LISTENING Grammar Text book
( World of Knowledge/ Family 1.1.1 Listen and repeat: 1.2 Singular &
and friends) a) short and long vowels Plural ( s. Activity book
• Types of house 1.1.3 Listen to group words according to the same sound. es.ves)
• Parts of house 1.3.1 Listen to and understand key words in the stories. Teacher CD
• Things in the rooms 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers 21-25. Sound system:
• Animals and their 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures 5.2 ea/c/ My CD
homes. and the spoken words. 5.3 ee/c/ Printables
• Cardinal Numbers 1.3.4 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers 5.5 i /c/
(21- 40) • 26-39 Questions bank.
• Ordinal numbers (1st • Up to 40
– 10th) 1.3.5 Listen to and understand ordinal numbers 4th – 10th

2.1.1 Pronouns words with the following sounds – short
and long vowels.
2.2.2 Ask question pertaining to numbers 21- 25
2.3.2 Give replies pertaining to numbers 26- 39, numbers
in ten up to 40
2.3.4 Give replies pertaining to numbers 4th – 10th
No Topic Skills / Language Resourse JANUARY
/ Theme Specification contents
3.1.2 Read aloud words with – long and short vowels
3.1.4 Compare words – similar and different sound
3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words
3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each
topic caught.
3.2.3 Recognise and read aloud cardinal numbers 21 – 25
in numerals and word forms.
3.2.4 Recognise and read aloud
• 26-29 (numerals and forms)
• Numbers in lens up to 40 (numerals and forms)
3.2.6 Read and learn ordinal numbers 4th – 10 th
3.6.1 Read and label parts
3.6.2 Read and group words according to categories
3.6.3 Recognise and make words from other words

4.1.1 Write words,phrases and sentences in clear, legible
4.1.2 Write clearly & legibly cardinal and ordinal in both
numbers and word forms
4.1.2 Labeling parts
4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple text, direction,
description, stories, rhymes and other( with guidance
in form of words andpictures
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences indepently.
No Topic Skills / Language Resourse FEBRUARY
/ Theme Specification contents
2. My Neighbourhood LISTENING Grammar : Text book
( World of Knowledge) 1.1.1 Listen and repeat (a) initial blends ‘fl’ and ‘fr’ Preposition Activity book
• Building and Places 1.1.2 Listen and identify different types of letter sound. (location and My CD
• Location and e.g initial blends ‘fl’ /fr/ and ‘fr’ /fr/ direction) Teacher CD
Directions 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expression. Printables
• Signs 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes,songs and tongue Sound system Question bank
Twisters – focus pronounciation and intonations 1.5 initial blends
1..3.4 Listen to and match the meaning of words to ‘fl’ /fl/
pictures and the spoken words. 1.6 initial bends
1.4.1 Listen to and learn the vocabulary of instructions to ‘fr’ /fr/
do or make something or directions.
1.4.2 Listen to and follow instructions to do something or Vocabulary
make something.
1.4.3 Listen to and follow simple directions
1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s song and rhymes.

2.1.1 Pronouns words with the following sound
2.1.3 Initial blends ‘fl’ /fl/ and ‘fr’ /fr/
2.1.4 repeat the exclamation with the correct intonation
and stress.
2.1.5 Ask question with the correct intonation.
2.2.1 Chant rhymes and sing songs. Pronouncing words
2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh” questions.
2.3.1 Responding to ‘Wh’ questions.

3.1.2 Read aloud words with initial blends ‘fl’ and ‘fr’
3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words.
3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each
topic caught.
3.2.5 Read and understand simple sentences.
3.4.2 Read aloud correctly notice and announcements,
messages, letters, stories and fables.
3.7.1 Look at the pictures and captions (labels) and talks
about them.
3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual text by identify
main ideas.
No Topic Skills / Language Resourse FEBRUARY
/ Theme Specification contents

4.1.1 Write words, phrases,and sentences in illegible prints

4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
4.2.2 Labeling parts.
4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple text with guidance
in the form of words and pictures.
4.3.3 Complete missing words in simple text ( with
4.4.1 Contruct simple sentences independently
4.2.3 Write simple direction ( with guidance)

No Topic Skills / Language Resourse MARCH

/ Theme Specification contents
3 Sea World LISTENING Grammar: Text books
( World of Knowledge ) 1.1.1 Listen and repeat: initial blends ‘sh’ /u/ Comparative Activity book
• Fish and non fish 1.1.2 Listen and identify different types of letter sounds. ‘….er than’ MyCD
• Fishing 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same Teacher’s CD
• Seafood dishes sound. 7.0 Adjective Printables
• Sea/ Ocean 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expression. Colour , shape and Questions bank
1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes,songs and tongue size.
Twisters – focus pronounciation and intonations
1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s song and rhymes. Sentence patterns.

SPEAKING Sound system

2.1.1 Pronouns words with initial and final digraph ‘sh’ 3.1 initial diagraph
sound. ‘sh’/u/
2.1.4 Ask question with the correct intonation.
2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing songs. Pronouncing words
2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh” questions.
2.3.1 Responding to ‘Wh’ questions.

3.1.2 Read aloud words using the initial and final digraphs
3.1.3 Read group words according to words families. The
‘sh’ family.
3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words.
3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each
topic caught.
3.3.1 Read and understand phrases
3.6.1 Read and label parts
3.6.2 Read and group word according to categories e.g
seafood dishes.
No Topic Skills / Language Resourse MARCH
/ Theme Specification contents
3.6.3 Recognise and make words from other words
3.6.4 Pick out words that show comparison.
3.7.1 Look at pictures captions(labels) and talk about them
3.7.2 read and understand simple factual by identifying
3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual by identifying
main details.

4.1.1 Write words, phrases and sentences in clear,legible
4.2.2 Labeling parts- Parts of fish.
4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts( with
guidance in the form of words and pictures).
4.3.3 Complete missing words in simple text ( with no
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.5.1 Use capitals letters
No Topic Skills / Language Resourse APRIL
/ Theme Specification Contents
4. Animals and Pets Listening Grammar: Text book
(World os personal details) 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat initial blends ‘st and sk’. 8.0 subject – verb Activity book
1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same agreement MyCD
sounds. Teachers’ CD
1.5.1 Listen to and understand simple announcements. Punctuation: Printables
1.5.2 Listen to and understand simple messages; class Capital letter Question mark
reports. Full stop
1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts on Question mark
animals and pets. Comma
1.7.2 Listen to simple stories and fables and recall the Exclamation mark
names of people and animals in the stories “ Animals
Farm” Sound System
1.7.3 Listen to simple stories and fables and tell what the 1.11 initial blends
people& animal did in the story. ‘s’/st/
1.7.4 Listen to simple stories and fables and recall the 2.2 initial blends
story. ‘sk’/sk/

SPEAKING vocabulary
2.1.1 Pronounce word with initial blend sounds ‘st and sk’
2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation.
2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing songs. E.g ‘My Little Wild
2.3.1 Respond to ‘Wh’ questions.
2.4.2 Complete parts of a story head or read before.
2.4.3 Recite simple poems and sing songs with expression
and appropriate gestures.
2.4.4 Retell stories read before ‘ Animal Farm’

3.1.2 Read aloud words with the letters with initial blends
3.1.4 Compare words similar and different sounds.
3.2.1 Recognize and read out whole words.
3.2.2 read and learn the meaning of key words for each
topic taught.
3.3.1 read and understand phrases.
3.3.2 read and understand simple sentences.
3.5.1 understand the meaning of words by looking at the
pictures clues.
3.7.2 read and understand simple factual texts by
identifying details.
3.7.3 read and understand simple factual texts by
identifying main ideas.
No Topic Skills / Language Resources APRIL
/ Theme Specification Contents
4.1.1 Write words, phrases and sentences in clear,legible
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts( with
4.3.4 Complete missing words in simple texts( with little
or no guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.6.1 Use capital letters.
4.6.2 use full stop at the of the sentence.
4.6.3 use question mark.
4.6.4 use comma for list.
4.6.5 use exclamation mark
No Topic Skills / Language Resources MAY
/ Theme Specification Contents
5. Once Upon A Time LISTENING
(World of stories) 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat long and short vowel ‘oo’/u:/ and Grammar: Text book
/u/. 3.2 Personal
1.1.2 Listen and group words according to the sound. pronouns Activity book
1.3.5 Listen and match the meaning of the words to e.g I, you, she, he,
pictures and the spoken words. it, we, they MyCD
1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s song and rhymes.
1.7.2 Listen to simple stories and fables and recall the 3.3 Possessive Teacher’s CD
names of people and animals in the story. adjective
1.7.3 Listen to simple stories and fables and tell what the Eg : my ,his, her, Printables
people& animal did in the story. their, our
1.7.4 Listen to simple stories and fables and recall the Questions bank
story. Sound system
5.1 long vowel
SPEAKING ‘oo’/uc/

2.1.1 Pronounce the words with long and short vowel: 5.4 short vowel
/uc/ , /u/. ‘oo’/u/
2.1.4 Chant and rhymes and sing songs. Pronouncing
words clearly. vocabulary
2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh” questions.
2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh ‘ questions.
2.5.1 Give details about the people and animals of a story
heard or read.
2.5.2 Talk about actions of the people and the animals in a
story read.
2.5.3 Name the good and bad characters and talk about
2.6.1 Give non-verbal response to the story heard or read.
2.6.2 State whether one like or does not likes the story
heard or read.
2.6.3 Give reason why one likes or does not likes the story.
No Topic Skills / Language Resources MAY
/ Theme Specification Contents
3.1.1 Look at the letters and say aloud long and short
vowels /uc/ , /u//.
3.1.2 Read aloud words with the letters long and short
3.3.1 Read and understand phrases.
3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
3.7.2 read and understand simple factual texts by
identifying details.
3.8.2 Locate the words in the dictionary.
3.9.1 Read and understand simple poems, stories and
3.9.2 Read and given details about the people and the
animals in the story.
3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of the peopleand the
animals in the story.
3.9.4 Tell why a person or animal in the story is good or
3.10 Read according to one’s interest.

4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
4.2.2 Labeling parts.
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts( with
guidance: form of words and pictures)
4.3.3 Complete missing words in simple text ( with no
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.6.1 Spell seen words.
No Topic Skills / Language Resources JUNE
/ Theme Specification Contents
6 Fun Times
( World of Relationship and LISTENING Grammar:
Knowledge) 6.0 Verbs Text book
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat final blends‘sk’/sk/ as in ask * Regular verbs
and ‘st’/st/ as in rest. ending with –d , ed Activity book
1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same
sounds. * Regular words MyCD
1.5.2 Listen to and understand simple messages. change of one
1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual text. vowel sit – sat, run Teacher CD
– ran
SPEAKING Printables
10.0 Simple Past
2.1.1 Pronounce words with final blends ‘sk’/sk/ and Tense Question bank
2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. • Regular
2.1.4 Ask questions with correct intonation. • Irregular
2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing songsPronouncing words
clearly. Sound system
2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. 2.1. final blends
READING 2.2 final blends ‘st’

3.1.2 Read aloud words with the final blends ‘sk’ and ‘st’ vocabulary
3.2.1 Recognize and read out whole words.
3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each
topic taught.
3.3.1 Read and understand phrases.
3.3.2 Read and understand sentences.
3.4.1 Read aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them
3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the
picture clues.
3.6.2 Read and group words according to categories.

4.1.1 Write words and sentences in clear legible print.
4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts( with
guidance: form of words and pictures)
4.3.3 Complete missing words in simple text ( with little or
no guidance).
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.5.1 Spell seen words.
No Topic Skills / Language Resources JULY
/ Theme Specification Contents
7 Working People LISTENING
( World of knowledge) Grammar:
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat initial diagraphs ‘ch’ /t/ 13. Positive Text book
1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same questions and
sounds. responses. Activity book
1.2.3 Listen to and match the meaning of the words to
pictures and the spoken words. 2. Articles ‘a’ ‘an’ MyCD
1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual text. ‘the’
Teacher CD
SPEAKING Sound System
2.1.1 Pronounce words – initial and finaldiagraphs ‘ch’ /t/ 3.2 initial diagraphs Printables
2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. ‘ch’ /t/
2.1.4 Ask questions with correct intonation. Question bank
2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing songsPronouncing words 4.2 Final diagraphs
clearly. ‘ch’ /t/
2.2.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions.

READING vocabulary
3.1.3 Read aloud words with initial and final diagraphs
‘ch’ /t/
3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds.
3.2.1 Recognize and read out whole words.
3.2.2 read and learn the meaning of key words for each
topic taught.
3.3.1 read and understand phrases.
3.3.2 read and understand simple sentences.
3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the
picture clues.
3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by
identifying details.

4.1.1 Write words and sentences in clear legible print.
4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts( with
guidance: form of words and pictures)
4.4.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.5.1 Spell seen words.
No Topic Skills / Language Resources AUGUST
/ Theme Specification Contents
8 Before and Now
(World of Knowledge) LISTENING Grammar: Text book
• Transport 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat initial blends 3.2 Demonstrative
• Telecommunications ‘pi’/pl/ asin plane pronouns Activity book
• Inventions ‘pr’/pr/ as in price
‘cl’/cl/ as in cloud • This, that MyCD
‘cr’/cr/ as in crane • These ,
1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same those Teacher CD
1.5.2 Listen to and understand simple messages. Sound system Printables
1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple fatual texts 1.3 ‘cl’ /cl/
1.4 ‘cr’ /cr/ Question bank
SPEAKING 1.9 ‘pr’ /pr/
2.1.1 Pronounce words with the initial blends 1.10 ‘pl’ /pl/
‘pl’/pl/ and ‘pr’/pr/
‘cl’/k/ and ‘cr’/kr/
2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation
2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song.
Pronouncing words clearly.
2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’question.
2.3.2 Responding to ‘Wh’ question.

3.1.2 Read aloud words with initial blends ‘cl’ and ‘cr’ ‘pl’
and ‘pr’.
3.2.1 Recognize and read out whole words.
3.2.2 read and learn the meaning of key words for each
topic taught.
3.3.1 read and understand phrases.
3.3.2 read and understand simple sentences.
3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the
picture clues.
3.6.1 Read and label parts.
3.6.2 Read and group words according to categories.
3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by
identifying details.
3.10 Read according to one ‘s interest.
No Topic Skills / Language Resources AUGUST
/ Theme Specification Contents


4.1.1 Write words,phrases and sentences in clear, legible

4.2.1 Match phrases to picture.
4.2.2 Lebeling parts.
4.3.2 Complet missing words in simple texts (with
guidance in form of words or pictures).
4.3.3 Complete missing words in simple texts (with little
or no guidance).
4.4.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.5.1 Spell seen words.
4.7.1 Write simple short messages, instructions, directions
with guidance.
4.7.2 Write short messages, intructions, directions,
And descritions with little or no guidance.

No Topic Skills / Language Resources SEPTEMBER

/ Theme Specification Contents
Flora and Fauna LISTENING Grammar: Text book
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat initial blends ‘gr’ /gr/ and 8.0 Verb agreement
• Plants ‘gl’ /gl/ Activity book
• Animals 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same Punctuation:
sounds. Capital letter MyCD
1.3.3 Listen to and match the meaning of the words to Full stop
pictures and the spoken words. Question mark Teacher CD
1.4.1 Listen to and learn the instruction to do or make Comma
something and directions Exclamation mark Printables
1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple instrictions to do or make
something Question bank
1.5.1 Listen to and understand simple announcements.
1.5.2 Listen to and understand simple messages.
1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple fatual texts
No Topic Skills / Language Resources SEPTEMBER
/ Theme Specification Contents
2.1,1 Pronounce words with the following sounds initial
blends ‘gr’ /gr/ and ‘gl’ /gl/. Sound System
2.1.2 Pronounce 2-syllable words correctly.
2.1.3 Repeat the exclamations with the correct intonation 1.11 initial blends
and stress. ‘s’ /st/
2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation. 2.2. Initial blends
2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing songs.Pronounce words ‘sk’ /sk/
2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’question. Vocabulary
2.3.1 Responding to ‘Wh’ question.

3.1.2 Read aloud words with letters initial blends ‘gl’ ,
3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words.
3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each
topic taught.
3.2.5 Use key words in sentences of their own to show
3.3.1 Read and understand phrases.
3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentenses.
3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words : using picture
3.6.3 Read and group words according to categories.
3.8.1 Read & group words according: alphabetical order.
3.8.2 Locate the words in the dictionary.
3.8.3 Choose the correct word according to the meaning in

4.1.1 Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legible
4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple text (with
guidance in the form of words picture).
4.4.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.6.1 Spell seen words.
No Topic Skills / Language Resources OCTOBER
/ Theme Specification Contents
Beautiful Malaysia LISTENING Grammar: Text book
(World of Relationship and 1.1.1 Listen and repeat diftongs ‘ou’ and ‘ow’. “and or but
Knowledge) 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same Activity book
• Citizen / races sound. Sound System
• Customs 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and Diphthongs MyCD
• Cultures expressions. 6.1 ‘ou’
• Ce;lebrations 1.3.3 Listen to and match the meaning of the words to 6.2 ‘ow’ Teacher CD
• Traditional dances pictures and the spoken words.
1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes. Vocabulary Printables
• Foods
SPEAKING Question bank
2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds
diphthongs ‘ou’ and ‘ow’.
2.1.2 Pronounce 2-syllable words correctly
2.1.4 Ask questions with correct intonation.
2.2.1 Ask simple ‘wh’ question.
2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions.
2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song. Pronounce words

3.1.2 Read aloud words with diphtongs ‘ou’ and ‘ow’
3.2.1 Recognize and read out whole words.
3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of words for each topic
3.3.1 Read and understand phrases.
3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
3.6.2 Read and group words according to categories.

4.1.1 Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legible
4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
4.4.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.5.1 Spell seen words.
4.6.4 Use comma for list.
4.6.5 Use exclamation mark.
4.7.3 Write short messages, instructions, directions and
descriptions with little or no guidance.

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