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Task 1. Grammar Read The Sentences Below and Choose The Best Answer To Complete Each Sentence

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Variation D English


Task 1. Grammar
Read the sentences below and choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. My …………… very dry at the moment.

A. hairs are B. a hair is C. hair was D. hair has E. hair is

2. Helen is in ……… bed with ……… temperature, so ……… trip has been postponed.
A. -/the/a B. -/a/the C. a/the/the D. -/the/the E. a/-/a

3. A boy of sixteen is often ……… his father.

A. tall than C. as tall than
B. the tallest D. as tall as E. as taller as

4. By the time we ………to the cinema, the film ……….

A. got/had already started D. was getting/already started
B. had got/already started E. had got/was already starting
C. got/already started

5. I am your best friend, ………?

A. am I B. amn’t I C. aren’t I D. don’t I E. do I

6. Jane Austen, ……… novels feature many clergymen, had two brothers.
A. who B. whose C. which D. whom E. that

7. The rubbish ………on Tuesday this week.

A. is collected C. collects
B. was collected D. is being collected E. has collected

8. “I will not lend my car to just anyone” Andy said.

Andy said that ………
A. he wouldn’t lend his car to just anyone
B. he wouldn’t lend my car to just anyone
C. he will not lend his car to just anyone
D. he is not going to lend his car to just anyone
E. he would lend his car to anyone

9. If I ……… you, I should work very hard so that I could earn more money.
A. was B. am C. have been D. had E. were

10. The trip was very ……… but we enjoyed it a lot.

A. tire B. tires C. tiring D. tired E. tiredly

11. The hotel was excellent in spite of ………. .

A. the good service C. the food was boring
B. the boring food D. it was expensive E. it was too noisy

12. I wish my family ……… more money when I was small.

A. have B. had C. was having D. had had E. have had

Variation D English

Task 2. Vocabulary /15x2=30 points/

Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

13. A young goat is called a ………

A. foal B. lamb C. kid D. calf E. cub

14. The new drug prevents the bacteria ………growing.

A. of B. from C. to D. about E. for

15. Brokers ……… stocks and shares.

A. treat B. repair C. build D. design E. buy and sell

16. We made a big ………. on the sale.

A. bill B. invoice C. price D. profit E. cost

17. To ……… money means to use money badly.

A. standard B. waste C. cost D. currency E. coins

18. Good ………! I hope you get the job.

A. chance B. fortune C. luck D. wish E. hope

19. Don’t leave that meat there too long – it’ll ………
A. take off B. go over C. pass away D. go off E. take out
20. I can’t ……… to understand why anyone would want to be cruel to animals.
A. begin B. starts C. begins D. start E. began
21. Replace the underlined idiom with the phrase that has the same meaning.
You remember I told you about that car that cost me an arm and a leg?
A. a fair amount of money D. a huge amount of money
B. a small amount of money E. a short amount of money
C. a good amount of money

22. Look at the picture and choose the best phrase to complete the sentence.

Anna is ……… from Diana.

A. quite alike B. quite unlike C. very different D. similar E. except that

23. Replace the underlined word in the newspaper headline with the word that has the same meaning.

A. key B. talks C. quit D. row E. bid

Variation D English

24. What is the girl doing?

A. She is shaking her head

B. She is yawning
C. She is crying
D. She is nodding her head
E. She is waving her hand

25. Choose the best sentence that fits the picture.

A. I spilt some coffee on Paula’s skirt.

B. I dropped the cup on the floor
C. I tripped over the cup.
D. I am afraid it was broken.
E. There is a horrible stain on her skirt.

Choose the word that doesn’t fit in the list.

26. We can say ……….
A. dry wine B. wet wine C. sweet wine D. red wine E. white wine

27. You can ……… a product.

A. sell B. launch C. compete D. advertise E. buy

Task 3. Social expressions /5x2=10 points/

Choose the best answer.

28. Woman: The X-rays show you have no cavities.

Man: Thank goodness. I hate to have my teeth drilled.
What is the woman’s occupation?
A. She is a dentist. C. She is an engineer.
B. She is a carpenter. D. She is a computer operator. E. She is an architect.

29. Man: I think something must be wrong because Tom wasn’t at home when I called.
Woman: Oh, you are always jumping to conclusions.
What is the woman implying about the man?
A. He is thoughtful about things.
B. He arrives at opinions too quickly.
C. He’s always jumping around.
D. He doesn’t know how to make a decision.
E. He believes Tom should be at home when he calls.

30. Man: Good morning. The Sheraton Hotel. How may I help you?
Woman: Yes, I’d like to speak to the manager.
Man: Oh, I am very sorry, ma’am. Her line is ……… at the moment.
A. responded B. given no answer C. rested D. engaged E. given

Variation D English

31. Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sign.

A. Take away
B. Give up
C. Slow down
D. Check out
E. Closing down

32. Look at the note. What does it say? Choose the correct statement.

Ruth is apologizing for

A. not lending Annie her camera because she needs it
Hi Annie
Although I’d like to lend you my
B. promising to lend Annie her camera and then changing
camera for your holiday, I won’t be her mind.
able to because I’ve promised to C. not being able to take photos at Peter’s wedding.
take photos at Peter’s wedding.
D. lending her camera to Annie.
Sorry. Love Ruth.
E. not being able to take her photos during her holiday

Task 4. Reading /6x3=18 points/

Read the text and choose the best answer to the questions below.

People’s sleeping habits have changed over the last 500 years. [1] Before electric lights were invented,
most people went to bed soon after it got dark. [2] Most people choose to sleep between six and eight
hours per night during the week and up to ten hours per night at weekends. The problem is that if we
delay getting up at the weekend, then we don’t want to get up on Monday morning either! [3] Many of us
feel like sleeping after lunch and in some hot countries people do sleep in the afternoon. In other
countries however, people have to keep working all day with only a short break. [4] We all have dreams
but most of us fail to remember them. [5] Some people find it difficult to fall asleep. The advice for them
is to try taking more exercise and remember not to drink coffee in the evening.

33. It can be inferred from the passage that:

A. Before electric lights people used to light candles at dark.
B. People tend to sleep more
C. People have altered their sleeping habits since XVI century.
D. People got used to getting up early at weekends.
E. People didn’t use to sleep in the afternoon in some countries.

34. Look at the five squares [[f6] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the
passage and choose the correct answer.
Today, we can sleep whenever we want to.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

Variation D English

35. Which of the following statement is NOT true about today’s sleeping habits?
A. People’s sleeping habits have changed a lot.
B. Today, we can sleep whenever we want to.
C. Many people choose to sleep more than 10 hours per night on weekdays.
D. Most people don’t want to get up on Monday mornings.
E. Many of us feel like sleeping after lunch for a while.

36. The word delay in line 4 is closest in meaning to:

A. put in advance B. put away C. post aside D. deny E. postpone

37. The phrase have changed in line 1 could best be replaced by ………
A. changed B. altered C. have chosen D. have altered E. completely changed

38. What is stated about dreams?

A. Many of us dream during short naps after lunch.
B. Most of us fail to remember our dreams.
C. Some people find it difficult to dream.
D. In hot countries people do not have dreams.
E. Dreams can be short and colorful.

Task 5. Error recognition /4x3=12 points/

Identify and circle one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected.

39. I deleted your email by mistake; I didn’t do it with purpose.


40. Many colleges and training centers now offer flexibility open-learning courses, where you can
study at your own pace.

41. Some people believe that television can be harmful to children, saying that it influence
behavior in a negative way.

42. Modern technology such as internet allows us to send and receive messages and informations
in seconds.
2.1 Match the sentences with the correct word forms. /4x1=4 points/
a. I'm not a very……… person. 1. impatient

b. We waited ……… for a bus. 2. patient

c. I'm losing my ……… with her silly behavior. 3. patiently

d. Flights were delayed and passengers were becoming ………. 4. patience

Variation D English

2.2 Read the text and choose the correct word for each space. /6x1=6 points/
A lot of fast food contains ingredients that ……(a)…. genetically modified. The tomatoes in the tomato
sauce, the flour in bread maybe even the cow that the beef comes ……(b)…. – all these can be
changed by scientists to be very different. How is it possible that you can buy a bright red tomato in
London, that comes from Cyprus, that is ……(c)…. fresh after four weeks? Dutch scientists have grown
blue roses. Scientists can also make blue potatoes. Some of the ideas are strange but the changes are
not always ……(d)…. . Some plants can be ……(e)…. to provide more vitamin C, for example. The
question is: do you want to eat ……(f)…. that has been genetically modified?

a. 1. have 2. have been 3. has 4. is

b. 1. from 2. by 3. on 4. to
c. 1. yet 2. already 3. still 4. just
d. 1. badly 2. bad 3. badder 4. well
e. 1. needed 2. sustained 3. provided 4. modified
f. 1. some 2. none 3. something 4. whole

2.3 Look at the chart below and choose the correct answer. /4x2=8 points/
Percentage of population using English as a first or second language.

85% 85%
40 30% English as a first
30 22% language
14% 15%
20 9% English as a second
10 0% 3% 3%

a. What percentage of the population of South Africa uses English as a second language?
1 the lowest percentage 3. just under a quarter
2. approximately two thirds 4. almost half

b. The chart demonstrates that four countries in the chart have ………who speak English as a first
1. a majority of people 3. approximate number
2. a minority of people 4. half of the people

c. Only one country in the chart has a population that uses English entirely as a first language. Which
1. The UK 2. The USA 3. Australia 4. Barbados

d. Find the average percentage of speakers of English as a second language in one country?
1.14% 2. 21% 3. 28% 4. 17%

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