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ee ae Sper eeteeere aires settee settee testtte teetet tee TYPE I: FACTUAL PASSAGE = (Carrying 12 Marks) PASSAGE 1 |. Maharana Pratap ruled over Mewar only for 25 years. However, he accomplished so much geandeur durin. along with his kingdom became a synonym for valour, sacrifice and patriotism. Mewar had been a leading Ray the lag ofthe kingdom seemed sling down, Teirlag once again heaved high inthe sk, thanks tothe gals Se er een Sie ace aoa ames ene eevee the capitals are standing side by side and reveal the proximity between the king and the subjects of Mewar [Deli 2016 derstanding of the above passage answer each of the questions given below with the (1 4=4 Marks) A. On the basis of your help of options that follow: 1. Maharana Pratap became immortal beceuse: (a) he ruled Mewar for 25 years (2) be added a lot of grandeur to Mewar. (6) of his valour, sacrifice and patriotism, (@ both (6) and (e) 2. Difficulties in the way of Mewar were: (@) lack of cooperation of the nobility. (®) ancient traditions of the kingdom, (6) its small area and small population. (A) the poverty of the subjects 3. During thorny occasions (a) the flag of Mewar seen (c) the people of Mewar s! Mewar was lucky because (a) all of its rulers were competent, (©) most of its rulers were competent med to be lowered. (8) the flag of Mewar was hoisted high. showed gallantry. (d) most of the rulers heaved a sigh of relief. (b) most of its people were competent. (d) only a few of its people were incompetent. B. Answer the following que: ions briefly: (1 * 6 = 6 Marks) 1, Who was the earliest king of Mewar as mentioned in the passage? 2, What was Rana Kumbha’s contribution to the glory of Mewar? 3. What does the writer find worth admiration in the people of Mewar? 4. How could art and literature flourish in Mewar? 5. How did the rulers show that they cared for their subjects? 6. What does the erection of Vijaya Stambha an¢ Kirti Stambha in the same fort signify” ano: x 2 =2 Marks) C. Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following: a 1. surprising (para 4) 2. evidence (para 4) ~~ PASSAGE 2 ~~ Read the following passage carefully: (12 Marks) |. Suspense was over when my high school results finally came out. But I was upset. I hadn’t done as well as I had expected. My father tried to console me. “Why are you worried? You have done very well my dear.” “No, Ihaven’t, Baba.” I protested, controlling my tears, and wondering if I had disappointed him. “It doesn’t really matter,” he ired me. “Do you know what I got when I finished high school?” I looked into Baba’s face and waited for the answer to his own question. “You know,” he told me. “I've never told you this. I got just a third division. But, look at me, I've done quite well.” Baba got a third division! I was almost in shock, but the thought of my having done a lot better than that made me realize that I had no reason to complain. I certainly felt better! “Everything under control!” said Baba, smiling, That was his favourite phrase. Posted in Kolkata, my father was then a senior official in the Indian Railway Service, and an expert in goods traffic operations. He was soon to become a director with the Railway Board, By the time he retired in 1981, he was general manager of the Central Railways. By the - On the basis of y time Baba passed away in November 2000, his name had found place in to know; and full of life. We were extremely close, but I had so | came to know after his death several hearts as well. He much more to learn about him fr = In September 2000, he was in hospital for treatment of cancer and given j found out, his reaction was an extremely rational one, He asked me to fetch files from his cupboard could explain the details of my mother’s pension. He also dictated his will from his hospital bed. “pea. 3s under control!” After Baba's death, Satish, our old family retainer, was inconsolable. We tried toc {P. Your Baba had scolded me only once in all these yeas!” he cred, Satish pointed 1 the watch on 9, hand. “I had been coming late for work and everyone in the family was complaining about it “Then, one day. your Baba gave me this watch and told me, ‘now that you have a atch, you cant he That was the scolding Satish received. On the fouth day after Baba’s death, my sister and I had to pr a ceremony. Since several relatives were expected, we decided to order lunch from a caterer in our loay reputed for his home cooked food. But, when we went to pay the owner, we got a SUrptSe. He refuses” accept any money! “When | wanted to start my catering business, it was your father who lent me money”, told us. It seems Buba never asked for it back. Now, afte four or five years, the caterer wanted 10 repy n. debt, OF course, we made him accept the fll payment forthe fine food and service. “It was Baba’s gift, it ought to remain so,” I told him ust WO Months 0 live, Wy th le sald Sa ‘Some days later, there was yet another piece of information as we were preparing for the main ceremony: Vika ty brother drove me to the local market. On recognizing our ea, the parking assistant, in his twenties, cam Tunning towards us and asked why he had not seen its owner for long. We had to break the news to him and ‘our utter surprise, he stared erying. We were really surprised by this reaction from a stranger ~ unt the mes told us that Baba used to pay his daughter's school fes and buy her books. It seems, it was on my father’s adv that he'd even started sending the child to school. More than tree years after Babs's death, as wwe wer loans ‘into Baba’s personal things, we came across an old fle with Baba’s certificates and I found among them, his ig school diploma from 1937, the one he'd told me about 30 years earlier, about the third division that had made no difference in his life or career It had made me see beyond mere marks and fist classes asthe main road. success, But there was one more fact. Baba had actully go a frst division, a rare achievement in his day. Tad Yeats after his passing, when I think of Baba, I see aman who was able to sympathise with others so easily and touch their lives in such a special way. (Sample Paper 2016) understanding of the above passage answer ench of the questions given below with t help of options that follow: a $ Maris 1. Why was the narrator in tears when her school results came out? (@) She did better than she expected, (6) She did not do as expected, (©) Her Baba had not done well, (@) Her Baba had done better than her 2. On knowing the result, how di the narrator’ father reaet? (a) He scolded her (8) He beat her. (@) He consoled her. (@) He made fun of her. ‘3. Why did the narrator say that she had nothing to complain? (a) She had done better than her father. {c) She had topped in her schoo! 4. Choose the option that is not correct, (a) Baba was a senior official in the Indian Railway Service (») Baba was to become a director with the Railway Board (c) Baba was the general manager of the Central Railways, (4) Baba had got a third division in high school. (6) She had done as well as her father, (2) She had not worked hard at all ES TL TS A B. Answer the follow (1 * 6 = 6 Marks) 1, Why did the narrator’s sick father want her to fetch files from his cupboard? 2. Why did Baba buy Satish a watch? 3. Why did the caterer not want to take money from the narrator? 4. Why were the narrator and her brother surprised on meeting the parking assistant? 5. Today years after his passing away what has the narrator realized about her Baba? 6. What was the story that Baba had invented on the day the narrator’s results were published? (1 x 2=2 Marks) 1g questions briefly: C. Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following: 1, tension/anxiety (para 1) 2. servant (para 2)

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