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FINAL M2 Answer Sheets - Arceo John Paul - EP33

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Republic of the Philippines

Leyte Normal University

College of Education
P. Paterno St. Tacloban City

PEd 119: Philippine Traditional Dances

MODULE 2: Introduction to Philippine Traditional Dances

Submitted by:
Arceo, John Paul N.
MTh 1:00PM- 2:30 PM

Submitted to:
Miguel Lemuel Emmanuel T. Dumas, LPT
Instructor, PEd 119
MODULE Introduction to Philippine
2 Traditional Dances

What I Know

Directions: Look at the images carefully and identify from which region does the
folk dance originated. Underline your answer.
What’s New
In this module, you will be introduced to traditional dances of our country.
We hope that this module will help you learn more about our culture and appreciate it
more than you used to. This module contains various Philippine folk and ethnic dances
and characteristics and classifications of Philippine dances. Watch a compilation of
folk dances by clicking on this YouTube link
UT5mfe_nE). After watching go back here and answer the following questions.
Have you performed any of the dances in the videos?
Did it make you feel proud to be a Filipino?

 I was not able to perform any kind of Philippine traditional dance on the
videos that I watched. But I am interested in learning those traditional dances
because it is the pride of our country and it is the reason why the Philippines
is very known in the field of dancing.
What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Encircle the choice of your answer.

1. All of the following are classifications of PH folk dances, except?

a. Nature b. Religion c. Geography

2. As a rule, dances begin and end with __________________.

a. Saludo b. Pugay c. Mano

3. Valse is categorized into which classification?

a. Old Ballroom b. Classical c. Modern

4. One of the following is a Tausug dance. Which is it?

a. Maglanka b. Asik c. Janggay

5. From which suite does Dugso belongs to?

a. Muslim Dance b. Ethnic Dance c. Cordillera Dance

What’s More

Directions: Below is an incomplete table. Your task to fill in the blanks of

what is being asked. Write your answers on the space provided.

Group / Title
Suite Type of of Dance Description
Dance Dance
Dances of the Maranao Singkil A Maranao dance derived from
Muslim Groups the sounds of the bell ankles
worn by the Princess as she
leaps in & out of the criss-
crossed bamboo poles.
Dances with (1) Jota Jota de Manila Manila’s version of the famous
Western Influence Jota with its typical Spanish
stampas, cobradas and clicking
of bamboo castanets, bearing
Hispanic culture.
Dances of the Manobo Kinugsik Kugsik (2) A dance imitating the
Ethnic or Lesser- movements of the squirrel.
known Groups

Dances of the - (3) Binasuan a dance which requires a skill in

Countryside balancing glasses of wine on top
of the head and one on each
(4) Dances of the Kalinga Ragragsakan A work dance of Kalinga women
Cordillera Groups where they carry basket on their
Dances of Muslim Maguindanao Asik (5) A doll dance for girls.
Dances of Muslim (6) Tausug Janggay A Tausug female dance using
Groups extended fingernails.
Dances of the - (7) Oasiwas A dance using lighted glasses
Countryside wrapped in scarves and swayed
like beacons for the
homecoming of the fishermen.
What Have I Learned

I. Directions: Below are the characteristics of a PH folk dance. Fill in the

blanks with the correct words to make the statement acceptable. Write your answers on
the space provided.

1. As rule, dances begin and end with a saludo. It is a three- step-turn in place and a
bow to either partner or audience.

2. In general, dancers are far apart. A distance of about 6- 8 feet from each other is

3. There is very little, if any, body contact although holding hands is common.

4. Most of the dances are done in pairs. Hand movements play a very important role.

5. Most of our dances are done in long formation.

6. Our dances are performed by both young and old and by both sexes .

II. Directions: In each item there is a title of a dance. Your task is to

identify from which suite they belong. Write C for Cordillera Dances, E for Ethnic
Dances, M for Muslim Group, W for Western-influenced Dances, and CS for
Countryside Dances. Write your answer on the space provided.

W 1. Jota de Manila C 6. Bumbuwak

M 2. Singkil C 7. Palok
C 3. Tadjok E 8. Dugso
M 4. Tauti CS 9. Katsuta
C 5. Karatong CS 10. Oasiwas

III. Directions: Identify whether the statement is true or false. Write T if

the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the underlined word/s that makes
the statement false and write the word/s to make the statement correct. Write your
answers on the space provided.

Far apart 1. In general, dancers are short in distance. A distance of about 6-8 feet
from each other is normal.
T 2. Ceremonial dances are performed in connection with religious vows.
Hele- hele and
Daling daling 3. Hele-hele, Daling-daling and Lubi-lubi are examples of Courtship
Festival Dances 4. Wedding dances can also be performed in any special occasion or
any social gathering.
Long 5. Most of our dances are in quadrille formation.
T 6. Most of our dances are done in pairs.
Saludo 7. A pagpugay, as a rule, is down to begin and end a dance.
T 8. In our dances, holding hands is common.
National Dances 9.Examples of Local Dances are Kuratsa, Pandanggo, Surtido, and
Leyte 10. Alcamfor is a dance found in Abra.

I. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your chosen letter
on a separate sheet of paper. 5pts

1. One of the following is a Tausug dance. Which is it?

a. Asik b. Janggay c. Maglanka

2. As a rule, dances begin and end with __________________.

a. Mano b. Pugay c. Saludo

3. All of the following are classifications of PH folk dances, except?

a. Religion b. Geography c. Nature

4. From which suite does Dugso belongs to?

a. Muslim Dance b. Ethnic Dance c. Cordillera Dance

5. Valse is categorized into which classification?

a. Classical b. Modern c. Old Ballroom

II. Directions: Enumerate the five major suites of PH Folk Dances.
Afterwards, name at least eight (8) dances from each suite. 25pts

Dances of the Ethnic

Dances of the Muslim or Lesser-known
Dances with Western
Groups Groups

 Dugso
 Kinakulangan  La Jota  Hinaklaran
 Singkil Moncadeña  Binabua-bua
 Karatong  Jota and Pangaliyag
 Sagayan Gumaqueña  Binanog
 Pig-apir  Jota Cabangan  Kinugsik
 Kappa Malong  Jota Cagayana Kugsik
Malong  Jota de Manila  Todak
 Paunjalay  Jota de Paragua  Baliti
 Kapiil sa  Jota Bicolana  Kadal Tajo
Munsala  Jota Rizal

Dances of the The Dances of the

Countryside Cordillera Groups

 Bininganbigat  Pattong
 Binislakan  Balangbang
 Bulaklakan  Takik/Dongado
 Gayong- ng
gayong  Palakis
 Inalisan  Talip
 Kalapati  Intaneg
 Karatong  Bumayah
 Katsuta  Monghimong
III. Directions: In a short paragraph, discuss the characteristics of PH folk
dances. Minimum of 100 words. Write your answer on the space provided. 15pts

The Philippine traditional dances have made its name not just on the
local and national scene but on the international arena because of its
undeniable beauty and quality as it depicts the rich culture and heritage of the
Philippine archipelago. These Philippine traditional dances, in the present
day, are not only performed during usual or common days and local events by
untrained dancers. Because of its stature in the global arena, the dances are
now usually performed at large stadiums and hall within and outside the
country with well- trained and educated dancers. The traditional dances have
gone through series of colonization, changes and development before it
reached its current distinction and its set of qualities and attributes as the
“Philippine traditional dances”. These set of characteristics has set our
dances apart from the other traditional dances of the world.

The Philippine folk dances have been known to begin and end in a
saludo. A saludo is a three-step- turn in place and a bow to either partner or
audience. The enactment of saludo in each of the performance of the dances
is a mark of respect of the dancers to each other and marks that the dance
will formally begin and has ended. The second distinct attribute of the
Philippine traditional dances is the distance kept between the performers
during performance. Dancers usually stand 6-8 meters from each other. This
distance allows the dancers to move or execute the movements freely and
better and to make the movement more emphasized. On the point of view of
the viewers, this distance allows them to enjoy the performance and the
aesthetics set by the dancers on stage as it also creates a clean performance
as seen by the viewers. As a reflection of the Philippine culture of
conservativeness and sophistication, one notable characteristic of the
traditional dances in the country is the limited or very little body contact
between the performers. The most noticeable and used body contact during
performances is the hand holding of the performers. During performances,
the performers follow through the long formation as one of the distinct feature.
In addition to this is that, dancers are usually in pairs. As we have mentioned
earlier, hand holding is one of the most used bodily contact of the performers
which can be of vis-a-vis to the pairing of dancers in number of presentations.
Moreover, a number of our traditional dances are portraiture of the Filipino
culture of wedding and courtship thus involving male and female pairs. Hand
movement plays a significant role to the magnificence of each performance.
In some dances like those dances in the Muslim region, hand movements are
one of the ways of the performers to express the utmost emotion of the
dance. Lastly, the Philippine traditional dances see to it that it never
discriminates. Rooted in its earliest origin, the performance of the dances
never chooses age or gender and so, the young and old, men and women
can partake in the dance performance.

Our long standing and tested history has been one of the biggest
reasons why we have such characteristics of our dances as mentioned above
and as to why our dances ranges from the original, influenced to mixed or
combined. Needless to say, the historical journey of the country painted the
country’s culture more vibrantly in terms of our art forms as we discovered to
better express ourselves as Filipinos and our cultures through other art forms
and especially, through dance.
IV. Directions: Come up with a short essay on the classification of PH
traditional dances. With a minimum of 250 words. Write your answer on the
space provided. 25pts

As known, our history has enabled our traditional art forms to grow
massively in number with prominent notability from each of the different
dances coming from the different region in the country. As mentioned in the
earlier reading material, the Philippine traditional dances are divided into five
suites known as the dances from the Cordillera groups, dances with Western
Influence, dances of the ethnic or lesser- known groups, dances of the
Muslim groups and finally, the dances of the countryside. As mentioned,
these different dances were classified into their respective suites because of
their origin. But, more than these five suites, we have learned that our
traditional dances are much more complex, as our history and communities in
the country, compared to how we originally see it. The two types of
classification of the Philippine traditional dances are known as the basic
classification and the special classification. These two types of
classification are also subdivided into groups according to the nature and
characteristics of the dance.

The basic classifications are subdivided into groups. Top of these

subgroups under the basic classification is the geography. Under this is the
national dance/s which is characterized as the dances throughout the
country with common basic patterns and light variations. Given example of
this is that Carinosa. The second type under the basic classification is the
local or regional dances which, from the name itself, are characterized as
those dances found in specific localities around the archipelago.

The second type under the basic classification is the nature. As the
name can depict, nature dances are the type of dances which portrays the
daily living of the Filipino, the culture and traditions and livelihood of a certain
community or groups of people. Under the nature dances are the
occupational dances which display dances of occupation, livelihood or
labor. Next is the ceremonial or religious dance which is performed during
religious ceremonies, followed by comic dances or dances depicting funny
movements, game dances incorporated with play elements, courtship
dances, wedding dances which depict romantic Filipino culture, festival
dances for social gatherings and war dances which provide a picture of
combat or war.

Third under the basic classification of dances is the movement.

Movement is divided into four namely, fast or active which consist of the
energetic movements. Moderate, slow and slow and fast are the three other
groups which can be defined according to their names.

Lastly under the basic classification is the formation. Formation is

divided into three which includes the square or quadrille, the long
formation defined as two or more parallel lines, and the set characterized by
the pairs standing face-to-face or side-by-side each other.

Second type of the classification of the Philippine traditional dances is

termed as the special classification. The special classification is divided
simpler into four groups (compared to those of the basic classification). These
four groups under special classification are named as dances with songs
such as Lawiswis Kawayan and Manang Biday. Second is the Old ballroom
dances such as polka and mazurka, dances with implements such as
maglalatik which uses oil lamps as implement and salakot which uses the
salakot or hat as an implement. And lastly are the dances with combined
and mixed rhythm such as the Los Bailes de Aler.

As an end note, although our dances might be divided into groups,

they are nurtured and continuously performed and taught because of the
reason that it is one of the heritages that binds us, Filipinos, together. These
traditional dances where the result of the Philippines’ character as the melting
pot of rich culture of its own in combination to those countries who came to
the country and soon went. The flourishing and the complexity of the
Philippine traditional dances are displayed in these wide- ranging
classifications. This just goes to show how much we should try to preserve
and appreciate our local art forms amid the dawn of globalization and the
undying effect of neocolonialism in the country. In this complexity we can see
the need of today, more than ever, to study and understand our culture and
heritage through our history and art forms such as dance and our dire need to
educate ourselves more in these dances - to delve into the study of our own
dances is also to immerse ourselves into the study of our heritage which can
pave way to the establishment of our stronger sense of nationalism and
patriotism as Filipinos.

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