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Week 1 Quarter 1
October 5-9, 2020
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Task Mode
6:00-7:00 AM Wake up, make your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day!
7:00-7:30 AM Have a Meditation /bonding with family
TIME A. Module Distribution and Module Utilization DISCUSSIO
• Students are not allowed to go to school until further notice. THROUGH
• Observe proper health safety protocols in claiming and FACEBOO
returning the modules. K
• Do not crumple or write anything on the modules. MESSENG
• Return modules only to the assigned personnel and only ER
during the assigned schedule.
• Worksheets will be counted as attendance. Learners must
submit promptly.
• Always adhere to the WATCH Program.
• Always observe honesty in answering the modules. No
cheating and copying.
• Group meetings are not allowed.
B. Live Kamustahan, and Facebook Groups and Pages

• Be polite during live consultations.

• Contact teachers only during office hours and class schedule.
• Teachers’ contact numbers are strictly confidential.
• Wear proper attire. No sleeveless, shorts, and plunging
• Always do proper grooming. No facial earrings for males.
• Find a place conducive for live consultation with proper
framing and clutter-free background.
• Respect teachers at all times and avoid changing numbers
without notification.
• Posts that include pornographic materials, curse words, and
sarcasm will not be tolerated.
• Posts that are harming the image of the school will not be
• Avoid posting and sharing irrelevant contents in the group
pages, group chats, and other school related pages.
• Always preserve and protect the school’s reputation at all

C. Disciplinary Actions

• Two (2) weeks non-submission of worksheets would be

subject to parent consultation.
• One (1) month non-submission would be subject to home
• 1st Offense – verbal warning, written reprimand, and case
• 2nd Offense – verbal warning, written reprimand, case
conference, written apology letter, and promissory letter.
• 3rd Offense – refer to Guidance Advocate via virtual platform.
• 4th Offense – refer to Principal.

D. Important Note

• Students must submit a letter of explanation for the action

manifested, signed by the parents. This will be required for every case
WEDNESDAY VALIDATING By the end of the Activity of the Day Send
& session, the students You are going to write a letter. Pause and Think. Then write, My Dear output by
NORMALIZIN must be able to: Friend. Write to a friend about the following: answering
G FEELINGS  Identify During the months of lockdown, what were the 5 routines or reactions the
feelings/reacti you did at home? An example would be; “I slept most of the time.” Or, module
ons related to “I watch television/GMA7/Abs Cbn.” Others may say,” Nothing. I help provided
the in the household chores.” Number them from 1-5, and write them by the
pandemic/any down on the front part of your letter. On the back page of your letter, teacher or
form of write to your friend about your feelings towards your reactions or any other
disaster; routines. An example of feeling would be; “I felt bored.” Or, “I felt platform
 Accept that all afraid.” Others may say, “I experienced anxiety.” You can repeat your
feelings and feelings, but, you may not repeat the routines or reactions. You can
reactions are explain why you felt that way or why you reacted that way. You do not
normal and need to write a long letter. A short one will do.
Today you learned that our reactions to the stressful events of
Pandemic or any other form of disaster were normal and valid. How
does this new learning that my reactions and feelings toward Covid-
19/disaster were normal after all help me?
_____________ How can you apply this learning to your life especially
after experiencing such a pandemic?
Closure Read your letter again. Compare how you feel now that you
know that those feelings were normal and valid? Say to yourself: my
feelings are valid. My reactions are normal. My feelings and reactions
are valid and normal.
THURSDAY CALMING By the end of this Activity of the Day Send
DOWN and session, students Do breathing exercises that you know or you may search for, like yoga output by
MANAGING should be able to: poses, tai-chi with humor injected into it, engaging in sports but in a answering
ONE’S non-competitive manner, or dance moves using both slow and fast the
EMOTIONS • Identify positive beats. After doing or watching those, answer the following: module
and ways to manage one’s ANALYSIS provided
THOUGHTS emotions What do you feel? What do you think was the point of Catching, by the
Checking and Changing your feelings? teacher or
_________________________________________________________ any other
________________ platform
What was the reason why you had to reframe your thoughts?
Can you compare how you feel right now with how you felt before we
started with the activity? Do you see some changes? Are the feelings
positive? What are these new changes in the way you feel at the
moment? Use the columns below labeled with the words “Before” on
one side and “After” on the other side. Under the word Before, write
your feelings during the pandemic/disaster. Under the word After,
write your feelings at this very moment, after going through the
Catch, Check and Change Exercise.
BEFORE (my feelings during the pandemic/disaster) AFTER (my
feelings right now) APPLICATION How can you apply your newfound
knowledge to your daily life? After going through the activity, I learned
that the feelings that I CAUGHT could be…
________________ After a while, I CHECKED the feelings and realized
that I could…
________________ And so I CHANGED my feelings into the following:
________________ Tell yourself: The next time when I experience
intense feelings, I would take a deep breath 5X to calm down, and
then check, change the feelings by reframing my thoughts. CLOSURE
As a way to close the session, repeat this line to yourself: “Emotions
can be caught (like in a ball), checked (on helpfulness or usefulness
and accuracy) and changed.”
FRIDAY IDENTIFYING By the end of this Activity of the Day Send
and session, students After reading and analyzing the list of common needs of people after output by
ADDRESSING should be able to: they have experienced a disaster, look at the Needs Form (SEE THE answering
NEEDS  Identify one’s GIVEN MODULE). the
current needs On the first column, list down all the members of the family whom module
and those of you live with. On the second column, identify the immediate needs of provided
one’s family this person that your family cannot address as of this moment. On the by the
 Become aware third column, identify where you can refer this 51 The 2020 O/SG PFA teacher or
of the various Modules Supplemental to the SEES Manual person to or who you can any other
institutions, approach in order to ask for help regarding the needs of this person. If platform
departments you do not know anyone who can help that person, just leave it blank
and centers first. Needs Form Family/Relative/Friend Current Immediate Need .
present within
the school Can we talk about what you think your own needs are? Who can you
environment approach in order to address your own needs?
immediate Why do you think it is important for all of you to learn about whom
community you can go to for your own needs and the needs of your family?
Why do you think it is important for you to learn about whom you can
go to for your own needs and the needs of your family?

Think about news reports that showed how at times, even these
linkages could not do their responsibilities efficiently. Why do you
think these groups had a hard time? Can you also recall some great or
good stories about how other groups were able to help you very well?

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