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Unaudited Financial Results Half-Year Ended September 30, 2016

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Unaudited Financial Results

Half-year Ended
September 30, 2016

November 4, 2016 sharp increase in demand for transportation fuels and favourable
middle distillate cracks helped us realize healthy refining margins.
My dear shareowners, RIL’s Gross Refining Margins (GRM) for the first-half was at $ 10.8/
bbl as compared to $ 10.5/bbl in the corresponding period of the
I am pleased to share with you the results of Reliance Industries previous year. RIL’s premium over regional benchmark (Singapore
Limited (RIL) for the half-year ended September 30, 2016. margin) widened to $ 5.7/bbl during the same period, which is
nearly 2x the five year average of our premium over benchmark
RIL’s consolidated financial performance continues to break
previous records and stands as an affirmation of our robust margin. The strong performance is a tribute to various initiatives
business model with presence in the energy and materials taken by RIL, which include increasing the number of crudes
businesses and consumer businesses. Our refining business that can be processed as well as having the flexibility to take
achieved the highest ever half-yearly earnings in a volatile margin advantage of the highest net back products. In addition, robust
environment, underscoring our ability to optimize our assets risk management coupled with opportunistic crude sourcing and
across the value chain in response to market conditions.  Our lower energy costs have also helped realize margins. The robust
Petrochemicals segment also delivered record half-yearly profits, operating performance was supported by continued growth
reflecting strong volume growth and product mix improvement in global oil demand, which is expected to grow at 1.3mb/d in
on the back of robust domestic demand. Reliance Jio reached its 2016. RIL processed 34.8 MMT of crude in first-half of FY 2016-
first milestone of 16 million subscribers within the first month of 17, achieving an operating rate of nearly 112%. We continue to
operations, making it the fastest growing telecom company in the enhance value for our refining business by expanding our retail
world. network in India. As of September 30, 2016, Reliance operated
1,100 outlets across the country and is achieving industry leading
Highlights of the half-year’s performance (consolidated) are as throughput per outlet.
During the first-half of FY 2016-17, revenue from the Petrochemicals
• Revenue (turnover) decreased by 2.5% to ` 153,102 crore segment increased by 2.5% Y-o-Y to ` 43,140 crore ($ 6.5 billion).
($ 23.0 billion) EBIT for the period was at ` 6,223 crore, an increase of 28.3% on
a Y-o-Y basis. The EBIT margin for the segment stood at 14.4%,
• PBDIT increased by 20.6% to ` 27,140 crore ($ 4.1 billion)
an increase of 290 bps compared with the corresponding period
• Cash Profit (excl. exceptional items) increased by 20.2% to of the previous year. A strong domestic demand growth for our
` 20,454 crore ($ 3.1 billion) products, pre-emptive inventory management and cost discipline
helped realize high petrochemicals margins. The domestic polymer
• Net Profit (excl. exceptional items) increased by 29.5% to demand grew sharply by 11% during the first-half of FY 2016-17.
` 14,319 crore ($ 2.1 billion) Among all polymers, PVC witnessed the highest growth of 20% on
a Y-o-Y basis, while PP and PE demand growth remained firm at
• Gross Refining Margins (GRM) of $ 10.8/bbl for the half-year
7% and 8% respectively. All three polymer deltas held firm during
ended September 30, 2016
the first-half of FY 2016-17 and were significantly above five year
Now, I would like to share with you several key developments averages.
during the period.
In the polyester segment, integrated chain margins remained
For the half-year ended September 30, 2016, RIL achieved a stable during the first-half of FY 2016-17. Improving demand
turnover of ` 153,102 crore ($ 23.0 billion), a decrease of 2.5% on a environment helped RIL in successfully placing new PET and
Y-o-Y basis. The decline in revenue was a result of the fall of 22.2% PTA output from its Dahej facility. Domestic polyester demand
in benchmark (Dubai) crude oil prices, which was however largely in the same period increased 6% Y-o-Y with signs of further
offset by higher volumes in the refining and petrochemicals improvement. In fact, during the second quarter of FY 2016-17
business and robust growth in retail business. PBDIT registered domestic polyester demand increased by 14% Y-o-Y with PET and
a growth of 20.6%, and was at ` 27,140 crore ($ 4.1 billion) for PFY demand increasing by 28% and 14% respectively. Polyester
the half-year period. RIL achieved net profit of ` 14,319 crore demand is expected to improve in the coming quarters with
($ 2.1 billion) during the first-half of FY 2016-17, an increase of festive demand and the onset of winter.
29.5% on Y-o-Y basis (excluding exceptional items).
The oil and gas business achieved a turnover of ` 2,667 crore and
For the first-half of FY 2016-17, our Refining and Marketing an EBIT of ` -803 crore, registering sharp decline as compared with
segment revenues decreased by 9.6% Y-o-Y to ` 117,095 crore the previous year. Weak commodity prices, lower volumes in US
($ 17.6 billion), while EBIT was up by 17.7% Y-o-Y at ` 12,568 crore. Shale business and continuing natural decline in gas production
The EBIT margin for the segment increased by 250 bps to 10.7%. The from the KG-D6 block led to this drop in revenues and profitability.

Average production in the KG-D6 block was at 8.3 MMSCMD of confirmation from Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
gas and 3,364 BOPD of oil/condensate during the period. We are (TRAI) that the tariff plans offered by it are non-predatory, non-
developing unconventional coal bed methane blocks (CBM) in discriminatory, and fully compliant with regulatory norms of IUC
Madhya Pradesh along with 300 kms. of pipeline to transport this compliance.
gas to customers. Test gas production from Phase I activities of
Sohagpur West Block are being carried out and Shahdol-Phulpur Our telecom customers of India are facing severe service
pipeline testing and commissioning activities are also underway. quality issues owing to the inadequate release of points of
interconnection (POI) by incumbent mobile operators to Jio.
Revenues from our US shale business decreased by 32.5% to While Jio has rolled out a state-of-the-art network, the benefits of
` 1,182 crore. Continuing weakness in realizations and widening superior voice technology have been denied to the public at large
of gas benchmark differentials resulted in EBIT of ` -866 crore due to POI congestion. The Company hopes that the incumbent
during the first-half of the current year 2016 (January -June operators will soon enhance the POI’s sufficiently to meet their
2016). Overall production volumes remained subdued during license obligation of Quality of Service (QoS) and maintain these
the period and decreased by 14% to 85.9 BCFe. The overall macro parameters on an ongoing basis.
environment remained volatile and challenging for the shale gas
business. However, near term outlook for natural gas is improving Moving forward, we have a full array of actions in place to
with stronger power-burn with the retirement of coal plants, accelerate our earnings growth path. Our commitment to our
growing exports to Mexico, and greater LNG exports from the US. growth trajectory is unwavering and I am confident we have the
right people in place and the right strategy to deliver. Our projects
Reliance Retail continued its growth momentum and strong in the hydrocarbon chain are at advanced stages of mechanical
profitability in the first-half of the current financial year. As on completion and pre-commissioning activities. These projects
September 30, 2016, Reliance Retail operated 3,442 stores across will further strengthen our position as a leading operator in the
679 cities in India. Revenue for the first-half of FY 2016-17 grew energy and materials businesses.
by 54.8% Y-o-Y to ` 14,745 crore. EBIT for the retail business
increased by 36.6% Y-o-Y to ` 310 crore. The increase in turnover Outstanding debt as on September 30, 2016, was
was led by growth in digital, fashion and lifestyle, and petroleum ` 189,132 crore ($ 28.4 billion), while cash and cash equivalents
products. Reliance Retail’s 4G LTE smart phones under the ‘LYF’ were at ` 82,533 crore ($ 12.4 billion). The capital expenditure
brand received an overwhelming response in the market with for the half-year ended September 30, 2016, was `43,900 crore
over 3 million smart phones sold in the second quarter, acquiring ($ 6.6 billion). Capital expenditure was principally on account of
a market share of 7% in a short period of time. Reliance Retail ongoing expansions projects in the petrochemicals and refining
has the distinction of operating the largest chain of consumer business at Jamnagar, Dahej, and Hazira as well as Jio Infocomm
electronics stores in India through a network of 1,917 Reliance and US Shale gas projects.
Digital and Digital Express Mini stores.
RIL retained its domestic credit ratings of “CRISIL AAA” from CRISIL
On September 5, we commenced services of Reliance Jio. Jio is and “Ind AAA” from India Rating and an investment grade rating
dedicated to realizing our Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision of a for its international debt from Moody’s as “Baa2” and “BBB+” from
Digital India for 1.2 billion Indians and propel India into global S&P.
leadership in the digital economy. As part of this initiative, we have
The Unaudited Financial Results, Unaudited Segment Information
created a compelling eco-system comprising a superior network,
for the quarter/half-year ended September 30, 2016 and the
digital devices, applications and content platforms, service
Unaudited Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of September 30,
experience, and affordable tariffs. Jio has revolutionized the
2016 of the Company are attached.
Indian telecom landscape by making voice calls for Jio customers
absolutely free, for the lifetime, across India, to any network. I take this opportunity to wish you and your family members a
very Happy Deepawali and a Prosperous New Year.
Jio has created a world record by crossing 16 million subscribers
in its first month of operations (September 2016). This growth is
faster than any other telecom operator or start-up in the world. With Best Wishes,

Jio has also redesigned the sign-up experience and made it Sincerely,
100% digital on the Aadhaar based eKYC process. We have
kept customers at the forefront of the Jio experience and have
introduced paper-less activation across 4,100 cities and towns,
which means customers can now complete the SIM activation Mukesh D. Ambani
process in only a matter of minutes. Recently, Jio also received Chairman and Managing Director

(` in crore, except per share data)
Sr. Year
Quarter ended Half-year ended
No. ended
30 30 30 30 30 31
Sep’16 June’16 Sep’15 Sep’16 Sep’15 Mar’16
1 Income from operations 81,651 71,451 74,490 153,102 156,999 293,442
2 Expenses
(a) Cost of materials consumed 43,134 37,469 41,191 80,603 91,496 158,199
(b) Purchases of stock-in- trade 10,893 8,143 6,833 19,036 14,064 28,055
(c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, work- (121) (2,554) 1,375 (2,675) (290) 2,584
in-progress and stock-in-trade
(d) Excise duty and service tax recovered 5,490 6,461 4,158 11,951 10,052 19,316
(e) Employee benefits expense 2,017 2,111 1,713 4,128 3,628 7,420
(f )
Depreciation, amortization and depletion 2,774 2,725 2,842 5,499 5,593 11,589
(g) Other expenses 9,062 8,598 9,919 17,660 18,789 36,157
Total Expenses 73,249 62,953 68,031 136,202 143,332 263,320
3 Profit from operations before other income, 8,402 8,498 6,459 16,900 13,667 30,122
finance costs and exceptional items
4 Other Income 2,393 2,378 1,460 4,771 3,044 7,437
5 Profit from ordinary activities before finance costs 10,795 10,876 7,919 21,671 16,711 37,559
and exceptional items
6 Finance costs 893 1,206 993 2,099 1,908 3,695
7 Profit from ordinary activities after finance costs 9,902 9,670 6,926 19,572 14,803 33,864
but before exceptional items
8 Exceptional items - - 4,310 - 4,310 4,382
9 Profit from ordinary activities before tax 9,902 9,670 11,236 19,572 19,113 38,246
10 Tax expense 2,708 2,581 2,001 5,289 3,962 8,844
11 Net Profit for the period 7,194 7,089 9,235 14,283 15,151 29,402
12 Share of profit / (loss) of associates and joint ventures (18) (12) 96 (30) 195 249
13 Minority interest (profit) / loss 30 36 14 66 23 (107)
14 Net Profit after taxes, minority interest and share 7,206 7,113 9,345 14,319 15,369 29,544
in profit / (loss) of associates and joint ventures
15 Other Comprehensive Income (including relating 627 351 969 978 1,170 648
to associates and joint ventures (after tax)) (OCI)
16 Total Comprehensive Income (after tax) 7,833 7,464 10,314 15,297 16,539 30,192
17 Paid up Equity Share Capital, Equity Shares of ` 10/- 2,951 2,950 2,946 2,951 2,946 2,948
18 Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserves 235,878
19 Earnings per share (Face value of ` 10) (Not Annualised)
(a) Basic 24.4 24.1 31.7 48.5 52.2 100.3
(b) Diluted 24.4 24.1 31.7 48.5 52.1 100.1
20 Capital Redemption Reserve / Debenture Redemption 1,217 1,217 1,212 1,217 1,212 1,217
21 Net Worth 253,892 246,363 228,715 253,892 228,715 238,730
22 (a) Debt Service Coverage Ratio 0.88 2.79 5.68 1.34 2.41 1.97
(b) Interest Service Coverage Ratio 12.07 9.01 12.41 10.31 11.12 11.42
(c) Debt – Equity Ratio 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.74 0.75 0.75


1. Result for the quarter / half year ended September 30, 2016, are in compliance with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS)
notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Consequently, result for the quarter ended September 30, 2015, half-year ended
September 30, 2015 and previous year ended March 31, 2016, have been restated to comply with Ind AS to make them comparable.

2. The Government of India (GOI), by its letters dated May 2, 2012, November 14, 2013, July 10, 2014 and June 3, 2016, has communicated
that it proposes to disallow certain costs which the Production Sharing Contract (PSC), relating to Block KG-DWN-98/3 entitles the
Company to recover. Based on legal advice received, the Company continues to maintain that a Contractor is entitled to recover
all of its costs under the terms of the PSC and there are no provisions that entitle the Government to disallow the recovery of any
Contract Cost as defined in the PSC. The Company has already referred the issue to arbitration and already communicated the same
to GOI for resolution of disputes. Pending decision of the arbitration, the demand from the GOI of $ 148 million (for ` 987 crore)
being the Company`s share (total demand $ 247 million) towards additional Profit Petroleum has been considered as contingent

3. The listed non-convertible debentures of the Company aggregating ` 1,270 crore as on September 30, 2016, are secured by way of
first mortgage/charge on the Company’s certain properties and the asset cover thereof exceeds hundred percent of the principal
amount of the said debentures.

The listed non-convertible debentures of the subsidiary Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited aggregating ` 12,500 crore as on September
30, 2016, are secured by way of pari passu charge on certain movable properties of Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited and the asset
cover thereof exceeds hundred percent of the principal amount of the said debentures.

4. Details of secured non-convertible debentures are as follows:

Sr. Previous Due Date Next Due Date

No. Particulars (April 1, 2016 till September 30, 2016) (October 1, 2016 till March 31, 2017)
Principal Interest Principal Interest
Reliance Industries Limited
1 PPD 177 - - November 24, 2016 November 24, 2016
2 PPD 179 Tranche 3 - - - December 8, 2016
3 PPD 180 Tranche 1 - May 7, 2016 - -
Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited
1 PPD1 - September 15, 2016 - -
2 PPD2 - - - October 4, 2016
3 PPD3 - June 16, 2016 - -
4 PPD4 - - - November 18, 2016
5 PPD5 (Option 1) - - - January 23, 2017
6 PPD5 (Option 2) - - - January 23, 2017
7 PPD6 - August 1, 2016 - -
8 PPD7 (Option 1) - August 3, 2016 - -
9 PPD8 - May 2, 2016 - October 31, 2016
August 1, 2016 January 30, 2017

Interest and Principal have been paid on the due dates.

5. Formulae for computation of ratios are as follows –

Debt Service Coverage Ratio = Earnings before interest and tax / (Interest Expense + Principal Repayments made during
the period for long term loans)
Interest Service Coverage Ratio = Earnings before interest and tax / Interest Expense
Debt / Equity Ratio = Total Debt / Equity

6. Transition to Ind AS:
The Company has adopted Ind AS with effect from April 1, 2016, with comparatives being restated. Accordingly the impact of
transition has been provided in the Opening Reserves as at April 1, 2015, and all the periods presented have been restated.

AT MARCH 31, 2016
(` in crore)
Sr. Nature of adjustments Note Reserve
Profit Reconciliation
No. ref. Reconciliation
Quarter Half-year
Year ended As at
ended ended
30 30 31 31
Sep’15 Sep’15 Mar’16 Mar’16
Net Profit before OCI / Reserves as per Previous 6,720 12,942 27,630 240,703
Indian GAAP
1 Change in accounting policy for Oil & Gas Activity - I (1,100) (1,035) (1,270) (39,570)
From Full Cost Method (FCM) to Successful Efforts
Method (SEM)
2 Fair valuation as deemed cost for Property, Plant II 4,058 4,058 3,959 45,272
and Equipment
3 Fair Valuation for Financial Assets III (162) (425) (230) 4,188
4 Deferred Tax IV (112) (52) (311) (13,665)
5 Others V (59) (119) (234) (215)
Total 2,625 2,427 1,914 (3,990)
Net profit before OCI / Reserves as per Ind AS 9,345 15,369 29,544 236,713


I. Change in accounting policy for Oil & Gas Activity – From Full Cost Method (FCM) to Successful Efforts Method (SEM):
The impact on account of change in accounting policy from FCM to SEM is recognised in the Opening Reserves on the date
of transition and consequential impact of depletion and write-offs is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account.
Major differences impacting such change of accounting policy are in the areas of:
l Expenditure on surrendered blocks, unproved wells, abandoned wells, seismic and expired leases and licenses which
has been expensed under SEM.
l Depletion on producing property in SEM is calculated using Proved Developed Reserve, as against Proved Reserve in

II. Fair valuation as deemed cost for Property, Plant and Equipment: The Company and its subsidiaries have considered fair
value for property, viz land admeasuring over 33,000 acres, situated in India, with impact of ` 51,101 crore and gas producing
wells in USA Shale region with impact of ` (-) 5,829 crore in accordance with stipulations of Ind AS 101 with the resultant
impact being accounted for in the reserves. The consequential impact on depletion and reversal of impairment is reflected in
the Profit and Loss account.

III. Fair valuation for Financial Assets: The Company has valued Financial Assets (other than investment in subsidiaries,
associate and joint ventures which are accounted at cost), at fair value. Impact of fair value changes as on the date of transition,
is recognised in opening reserves and changes thereafter are recognised in Profit and Loss Account or Other Comprehensive
Income, as the case may be.

IV. Deferred Tax: The impact of transition adjustments together with Ind AS mandate of using balance sheet approach (against
profit and loss approach in the previous GAAP) for computation of deferred taxes has resulted in charge to the Reserves, on
the date of transition, with consequential impact to the Profit and Loss account for the subsequent periods.

V. Others: Other adjustments primarily comprise of -

a. Attributing time value of money to Assets Retirement Obligation: Under Ind AS, such obligation is recognised and
measured at present value. Under previous Indian GAAP it was recorded at cost. The impact for the periods subsequent
to the date of transition is reflected in the Profit and Loss account.

b. Loan processing fees / transaction cost: Under Ind AS such expenditure are considered for calculating effective interest
rate. The impact for the periods subsequent to the date of transition is reflected in the Profit and Loss account.

Further transition adjustments may be required to the financial statements as at March 31, 2016, including those arising from
new or revised standards or interpretations issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs or changes in use of one or more optional
exemptions from full retrospective application of certain Ind AS standards.

7. The Company retained its domestic credit ratings of “CRISIL AAA” from CRISIL and “Ind AAA” from India Rating and an investment
grade rating for its international debt from Moody’s as Baa2 and BBB+ from S&P.

Subsidiary Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited retained its credit ratings of “AAA (SO)/ Stable” by CRISIL and “CARE AAA (SO)” by CARE
for series PPD 1 and series PPD 2 and “CRISIL AAA/Stable” by CRISIL and “ICRA AAA/ Stable” by ICRA limited for all other series.

8. The Audit Committee has reviewed the above results and the Board of Directors has approved the above results and its release at
their respective meetings held on October 20, 2016. The Statutory Auditors of the Company have carried out a Limited Review of
the aforesaid results.


(` in crore)
Sr. No. Particulars As at September 30, 2016 As at March 31, 2016
1 Non- Current Assets
(a) Property, plant and equipment 159,246 158,440
(b) Capital work-in-progress 205,571 174,289
(c) Goodwill 4,919 4,254
(d) Other Intangible assets 22,862 22,982
(e) Intangible Assets under Development 77,202 67,135
(f ) Financial Assets
(i) Investments 38,703 41,055
(ii)Loans 2,253 2,058
(g) Other Non-current assets 8,975 15,073
Total Non-Current Assets 519,731 485,286
2 Current Assets
(a) Inventories 51,624 46,486
(b) Financial Assets
(i) Investments 43,655 42,503
(ii) Trade Receivables 6,197 4,488
(iii) Cash & Bank Balance 5,359 11,028
(iv) Loans 693 861
(v) Others Financial Assets 6,941 6,186
(c) Other Current Assets 17,587 15,902
Total Current Assets 132,056 127,454
TOTAL ASSETS 651,787 612,740

(` in crore)
Sr. No. Particulars As at September 30, 2016 As at March 31, 2016
1 Equity
(a) Equity Share capital 2,951 2,948
(b) Other Equity 251,871 236,713
Equity attributable to shareholders 254,822 239,661
2 Non - Controlling Interest 3,004 3,008
Total Equity 257,826 242,669
3 Liabilities
Non - Current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings 154,548 141,536
(ii) Other Financial Liabilities 3,086 2,236
(b) Deferred Payment Liabilities 14,077 13,310
(c) Deferred Tax Liabilities (net) 26,618 26,608
(d) Long Term Provisions 1,282 1,231
Total Non-Current Liabilities 199,611 184,921
Current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings 26,634 23,752
(ii) Trade Payables 67,512 60,550
(iii) Other Financial Liabilities 83,339 89,189
(b) Other Current Liabilities 15,037 9,865
(c) Short Term Provisions 1,828 1,794
Total Current Liabilities 194,350 185,150

(` in crore)
Sr. Year
Quarter ended Half-year ended
No. ended
30 30 30 30 30 31
Sep ’ 16 June’ 16 Sep’ 15 Sep’ 16 Sep’ 15 Mar’ 16
1 Segment Revenue
- Petrochemicals 22,422 20,718 21,239 43,140 42,097 82,410
- Refining 60,527 56,568 60,768 117,095 129,497 234,945
- Oil and Gas 1,327 1,340 2,064 2,667 4,118 7,514
- Organized Retail 8,079 6,666 4,956 14,745 9,528 21,075
- Others 3,147 2,419 2,377 5,566 4,530 9,340
Gross Turnover 95,502 87,711 91,404 183,213 189,770 355,284
(Turnover and Inter Segment Transfers)
Less: Inter Segment Transfers 13,851 16,260 16,914 30,111 32,771 61,842
Turnover 81,651 71,451 74,490 153,102 156,999 293,442
2 Segment Results
- Petrochemicals 3,417 2,806 2,522 6,223 4,851 10,186
- Refining 5,975 6,593 5,445 12,568 10,680 23,534
- Oil and Gas (491) (312) 3,326 (803) 3,525 3,391
- Organized Retail 162 148 114 310 227 504
- Others 131 127 191 258 442 1,104
Total Segment Profit before Interest and Tax 9,194 9,362 11,598 18,556 19,725 38,719

(` in crore)
Sr. Year
Quarter ended Half-year ended
No. ended
30 30 30 30 30 31
Sep ’ 16 June’ 16 Sep’ 15 Sep’ 16 Sep’ 15 Mar’ 16
(i) Interest Expense (893) (1,206) (993) (2,099) (1,908) (3,695)
(ii) Interest Income 951 927 829 1,878 1,668 3,245
(iii) Other Un-allocable Income (Net of Expenditure) 632 575 (102) 1,207 (177) 226
Profit before Tax 9,884 9,658 11,332 19,542 19,308 38,495
(i) Provision for Current Tax (2,347) (2,306) (1,779) (4,653) (3,591) (8,042)
(ii) Provision for Deferred Tax (361) (275) (222) (636) (371) (802)
Profit after Tax (including share of profit/(loss) of
7,176 7,077 9,331 14,253 15,346 29,651
associates & JV)
3 Segment Assets
- Petrochemicals 99,625 93,363 63,728 99,625 63,728 89,740
- Refining 172,195 175,273 185,683 172,195 185,683 164,824
- Oil and Gas 41,496 44,759 43,920 41,496 43,920 43,644
- Organized Retail 10,968 10,742 8,359 10,968 8,359 10,023
- Others 178,595 167,962 123,310 178,595 123,310 153,605
- Unallocated 148,908 152,685 147,650 148,908 147,650 150,904
Total Segment Assets 651,787 644,784 572,650 651,787 572,650 612,740
4 Segment Liabilities
- Petrochemicals 17,418 15,883 12,288 17,418 12,288 14,189
- Refining 63,078 70,095 62,221 63,078 62,221 61,229
- Oil and Gas 42,648 44,491 45,507 42,648 45,507 43,322
- Organized Retail 5,777 5,312 3,612 5,777 3,612 4,332
- Others 112,552 106,793 78,508 112,552 78,508 92,578
- Unallocated 410,314 402,210 370,514 410,314 370,514 397,090
Total Segment Liabilities 651,787 644,784 572,650 651,787 572,650 612,740

Notes to Segment Information (Consolidated) for the Quarter ended September 30, 2016

1. As per Indian Accounting Standard 108 ‘Operating Segment’ (Ind AS 108), the Company has reported ‘Segment Information’, as
described below:

a) The petrochemicals segment includes production and marketing operations of petrochemical products namely, High density
Polyethylene, Low density Polyethylene, Linear Low density Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polyvinyl Chloride, Polyester Yarn,
Polyester Fibres, Purified Terephthalic Acid, Paraxylene, Ethylene Glycol, Olefins, Aromatics, Linear Alkyl Benzene, Butadiene,
Acrylonitrile, Poly Butadiene Rubber, Styrene Butadiene Rubber, Caustic Soda and Polyethylene Terephthalate.

b) The refining segment includes production and marketing operations of the petroleum products.

c) The oil and gas segment includes exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas.

d) The organized retail segment includes organized retail business in India.

e) Other business segments including broadband access & media which are not separately reportable have been grouped
under the others segment.

f ) Other investments / assets and income from the same are considered under unallocable.

(` in crore, except per share data)
Sr. Year
Quarter ended Half-year Ended
No. ended
30 30 30 30 30 31
Sep’ 16 June’ 16 Sep’ 15 Sep’ 16 Sep’ 15 Mar’ 16
 1 Income from operations 64,344 59,493 64,515 123,837 135,927 251,241
2 Expenses
(a) Cost of materials consumed 39,506 35,801 39,976 75,307 88,952 152,769
(b) Purchases of stock-in- trade 1,944 802 1,134 2,746 2,434 4,241
(c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, (292) (1,734) 1,957 (2,026) 54 4,171
work-in-progress and stock-in-trade
(d) Excise duty and service tax recovered 4,767 5,997 3,698 10,764 9,293 18,083
(e) Employee benefits expense 1,016 1,251 940 2,267 2,157 4,262
(f ) Depreciation, amortization and depletion 2,029 1,950 2,085 3,979 4,095 8,590
(g) Other expenses 6,848 6,559 7,225 13,407 14,278 28,368
Total Expenses 55,818 50,626 57,015 106,444 121,263 220,484
3 Profit from operations before other income and 8,526 8,867 7,500 17,393 14,664 30,757
finance costs
4 Other Income 2,280 2,033 1,683 4,313 3,399 7,821
5 Profit from ordinary activities before finance costs 10,806 10,900 9,183 21,706 18,063 38,578
6 Finance costs 633 924 723 1,557 1,340 2,562
7 Profit from ordinary activities before tax 10,173 9,976 8,460 20,149 16,723 36,016
8 Tax expense 2,469 2,428 1,926 4,897 3,820 8,590
9 Net Profit for the Period 7,704 7,548 6,534 15,252 12,903 27,426
10 Other comprehensive income (after tax) 654 258 968 912 1,265 696
11 Total comprehensive income (after tax) (OCI) 8,358 7,806 7,502 16,164 14,168 28,122
12 Paid up Equity Share Capital, Equity Shares of ` 10/- 3,243 3,242 3,238 3,243 3,238 3,240
13 Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserves 250,155
14 Earnings per share (Face value of ` 10) (Not Annualised)
(a) Basic 23.8 23.3 20.2 47.0 39.9 84.7
(b) Diluted 23.7 23.2 20.1 47.0 39.8 84.5
15 Capital Redemption Reserve / Debenture Redemption 1,165 1,165 1,165 1,165 1,165 1,165
16 Net Worth 269,689 261,297 242,985 269,689 242,985 253,348
17 (a) Debt Service Coverage Ratio 1.11 3.09 7.06 1.63 4.45 5.39
(b) Interest Service Coverage Ratio 17.07 11.80 12.71 13.94 13.48 15.06
(c) Debt – Equity Ratio 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.38 0.40 0.42

1. Result for the quarter / half-year ended September 30, 2016, are in compliance with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) notified
by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Consequently, result for the quarter ended September 30, 2015, half-year ended September
30, 2015 and previous year ended March 31, 2016, have been restated to comply with Ind AS to make them comparable.

2. The Government of India (GOI), by its letters dated May 2, 2012, November 14, 2013, July 10, 2014 and June 3, 2016, has communicated
that it proposes to disallow certain costs which the Production Sharing Contract (PSC), relating to Block KG-DWN-98/3 entitles the
Company to recover. Based on legal advice received, the Company continues to maintain that a Contractor is entitled to recover
all of its costs under the terms of the PSC and there are no provisions that entitle the Government to disallow the recovery of any
Contract Cost as defined in the PSC. The Company has already referred the issue to arbitration and already communicated the same
to GOI for resolution of disputes. Pending decision of the arbitration, the demand from the GOI of $ 148 million (for ` 987 crore)
being the Company`s share (total demand $ 247 million) towards additional Profit Petroleum has been considered as contingent

3. The listed non-convertible debentures aggregating ` 1,270 crore as on September 30, 2016 are secured by way of first mortgage/
charge on the Company’s certain properties and the asset cover thereof exceeds hundred percent of the principal amount of the
said debentures.

4. Details of secured non-convertible debentures are as follows;

Sr. Particulars Previous Due Date Next Due Date

No. (April 1, 2016 till September 30, 2016) (October 1, 2016 till March 31, 2017)
Principal Interest Principal Interest
Reliance Industries Limited
1. PPD 177 - - November 24, 2016 November 24, 2016
2. PPD 179 Tranche 3 - - - December 8, 2016
3. PPD 180 Tranche 1 - May 7, 2016 - -

Interest and Principal have been paid on the due dates.

5. Formulae for computation of ratios are as follows –

Debt Service Coverage Ratio = Earnings before interest and tax / (Interest Expense + Principal Repayments made
during the period for long term loans)

Interest Service Coverage Ratio = Earnings before interest and tax / Interest Expense

Debt / Equity Ratio = Total Debt / Equity

6. Transition to Ind AS:

The Company has adopted Ind AS with effect from April 1, 2016, with comparatives being restated. Accordingly the impact of
transition has been provided in the Opening Reserves as at April 1, 2015, and all the periods presented have been restated.

AS AT MARCH 31, 2016
(` in crore)
Sr. Reserve
Profit Reconciliation
No. Note Reconciliation
ref. Quarter Half-year Year
Nature of adjustments As at
ended ended ended
30 30 31 31
Sep’ 15 Sep’ 15 Mar’ 16 Mar’ 16
Net Profit before OCI / Reserves as per Previous
6,561 12,879 27,417 236,944
Indian GAAP
Change in accounting policy for Oil & Gas Activity
1 - From Full Cost Method (FCM) to Successful Efforts I 77 229 279 (20,114)
Method (SEM)
Fair valuation as deemed cost for Property, Plant
2 II - - - 41,292
and Equipment

(` in crore)
Sr. Reserve
Profit Reconciliation
No. Note Reconciliation
ref. Quarter Half-year Year
Nature of adjustments As at
ended ended ended
30 30 31 31
Sep’ 15 Sep’ 15 Mar’ 16 Mar’ 16
3 Fair Valuation for financial assets III 47 (72) 167 4,110
4 Deferred Tax IV (103) (52) (306) (11,947)
5 Others V (48) (81) (131)  (130)
Total  (27) 24 9  13,211
Net profit before OCI / Reserves as per Ind AS 6,534 12,903 27,426 250,155

I. Change in accounting policy for Oil & Gas Activity – From Full Cost Method (FCM) to Successful Efforts Method (SEM):
The impact on account of change in accounting policy from FCM to SEM is recognised in the Opening Reserves on the date
of transition and consequential impact of depletion and write -offs is recognized in the Profit and Loss Account.

Major differences impacting such change of accounting policy are in the areas of:
l Expenditure on surrendered blocks, unproved wells and abandoned wells, which has been expensed under SEM.
l Depletion on producing property in SEM is calculated using Proved Developed Reserve, as against Proved Reserve in FCM.

II. Fair valuation as deemed cost for Property, Plant and Equipment: The Company have considered fair value for property,
viz land admeasuring over 30,000 acres, situated in India, with impact of ` 41,292 crore in accordance with stipulations of Ind
AS 101 with the resultant impact being accounted for in the reserves.

III. Fair valuation for Financial Assets: The Company has valued financial assets (other than Investment in subsidiaries, associate
and joint ventures which are accounted at cost), at fair value. Impact of fair value changes as on the date of transition, is
recognised in opening reserves and changes thereafter are recognised in Profit and Loss Account or Other Comprehensive
Income, as the case may be.

IV. Deferred Tax: The impact of transition adjustments together with Ind AS mandate of using balance sheet approach (against
profit and loss approach in the previous GAAP) for computation of deferred taxes has resulted in charge to the Reserves, on
the date of transition, with consequential impact to the Profit and Loss account for the subsequent periods.

V. Others: Other adjustments primarily comprise of -

a. Attributing time value of money to Assets Retirement Obligation: Under Ind AS, such obligation is recognised and
measured at present value. Under previous Indian GAAP it was recorded at cost. The impact for the periods subsequent
to the date of transition is reflected in the Profit and Loss account.
b. Loan processing fees / transaction cost: Under Ind AS such expenditure are considered for calculating effective interest
rate. The impact for the periods subsequent to the date of transition is reflected in the Profit and Loss account.

Further transition adjustments may be required to the financial statements as at March 31, 2016, including those arising
from new or revised standards or interpretations issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs or changes in use of one or more
optional exemptions from full retrospective application of certain Ind AS standards.

7. The Company retained its domestic credit ratings of “CRISIL AAA” from CRISIL and “Ind AAA” from India Rating and an investment
grade rating for its international debt from Moody’s as Baa2 and BBB+ from S&P.
8. The Audit Committee has reviewed the above results and the Board of Directors has approved the above results and its release at
their respective meetings held on October 20, 2016. The Statutory Auditors of the Company have carried out a Limited Review of
the aforesaid results.

(` in crore)
Particulars As at September 30, 2016 As at March 31, 2016
1 Non- Current Assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 131,916 132,662
(b) Capital Work-in-Progress 109,800 96,994
(c) Intangible Assets 14,725 14,881
(d) Intangible Assets under Development 14,796 14,014
(e) Financial Assets
(i) Investments 116,891 115,134
(ii) Loans 10,368 11,812
(f ) Other Non-current Assets 2,638 4,394
Total Non-Current Assets 401,134 389,891
2 Current Assets
(a) Inventories 32,777 28,034
(b) Financial Assets
(i) Investments 43,284 42,116
(ii) Trade Receivables 4,234 3,495
(iii) Cash & Bank Balance 4,412 6,892
(iv) Loans 6,808 4,973
(v) Others Financial Asset 2,625 2,654
(c) Other Current Assets 5,156 4,038
Total Current assets 99,296 92,202
TOTAL ASSETS 500,430 482,093
1 Equity
(a) Equity Share capital 3,243 3,240
(b) Other Equity 266,494 250,155
Total Equity 269,737 253,395
2 Liabilities
Non - Current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings 80,004 77,504
(b) Deferred Tax Liabilities (net) 25,620 25,106
(c) Long Term Provisions 1,119 1,066
Total Non Current Liabilities 106,743 103,676
Current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings 16,419 14,490
(ii) Trade Payables 58,999 54,521
(iii) Other Financial Liabilities 34,454 46,493
(b) Other Current Liabilities 12,822 8,348
(c) Short Term Provisions 1,256 1,170
Total Current Liabilities 123,950 125,022

(` in crore)
Sr. Year
Quarter ended Half-year ended
No. ended
30 30 30 30 30 31
Sep’ 16 June’ 16 Sep’ 15 Sep’ 16 Sep’ 15 Mar’ 16

1 Segment Revenue
- Petrochemicals 21,293 19,409 19,851 40,702 39,403 76,982
- Refining 51,838 48,946 51,265 100,784 112,623 202,504
- Oil and Gas 701 783 1,166 1,484 2,366 4,259
- Others 305 234 278 539 474 1,086
Gross Turnover 74,137 69,372 72,560 143,509 154,866 284,831
(Turnover and Inter Segment Transfers)
Less: Inter Segment Transfers 9,793 9,879 8,045 19,672 18,939 33,590
Turnover 64,344 59,493 64,515 123,837 135,927 251,241
2 Segment Results
- Petrochemicals 3,464 2,901 2,511 6,365 4,960 10,264
- Refining 5,901 6,581 5,399 12,482 10,522 23,201
- Oil and Gas 24 48 137 72 371 373
- Others 90 99 56 189 119 295
Total Segment Profit before Interest and Tax 9,479 9,629 8,103 19,108 15,972 34,133
(i) Interest Expense (633) (924) (723) (1,557) (1,340) (2,562)
(ii) Interest Income 1,072 1,128 1,093 2,200 2,148 4,169
(iii) Other Un-allocable Income (Net of 255 143 (13) 398 (57) 276
Profit before Tax 10,173 9,976 8,460 20,149 16,723 36,016
(i) Provision for Current Tax (2,217) (2,192) (1,750) (4,409) (3,472) (7,802)
(ii) Provision for Deferred Tax (252) (236) (176) (488) (348) (788)
Profit after Tax 7,704 7,548 6,534 15,252 12,903 27,426
3 Segment Assets
- Petrochemicals 94,861 88,572 60,686 94,861 60,686 86,280
- Refining 171,116 174,266 181,643 171,116 181,643 163,123
- Oil and Gas 24,990 25,234 23,308 24,990 23,308 24,467
- Others 62,778 59,047 46,877 62,778 46,877 58,977
- Unallocated 146,685 150,954 140,477 146,685 140,477 149,246
Total Segment Assets 500,430 498,073 452,991 500,430 452,991 482,093
4 Segment Liabilities
- Petrochemicals 15,379 13,902 10,044 15,379 10,044 12,205
- Refining 60,821 67,790 59,555 60,821 59,555 59,900
- Oil and Gas 4,599 4,653 3,641 4,599 3,641 4,457
- Others 638 558 913 638 913 687
- Unallocated 418,993 411,170 378,838 418,993 378,838 404,844
Total Segment Liabilities 500,430 498,073 452,991 500,430 452,991 482,093

Notes to Segment Information (Standalone) for the Quarter ended September 30, 2016

1. As per Indian Accounting Standard 108 ‘Operating Segment’ (Ind AS 108), the Company has reported ‘Segment Information’, as
described below:

a) The petrochemicals segment includes production and marketing operations of petrochemical products namely, High density
Polyethylene, Low density Polyethylene, Linear Low density Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polyvinyl Chloride, Polyester Yarn,
Polyester Fibres, Purified Terephthalic Acid, Paraxylene, Ethylene Glycol, Olefins, Aromatics, Linear Alkyl Benzene, Butadiene,
Acrylonitrile, Poly Butadiene Rubber, Styrene Butadiene Rubber, Caustic Soda and Polyethylene Terephthalate.

b) The refining segment includes production and marketing operations of the petroleum products.

c) The oil and gas segment includes exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas.

d) The smaller business segments not separately reportable have been grouped under the others segment.

e) Other investments / assets and income from the same are considered under unallocable.

For Reliance Industries Limited

Mukesh D. Ambani
Chairman & Managing Director

October 20, 2016


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