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Reserch Methodology

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Assignment 1:


Ethical responsibility is the ability to recognize, interpret and act upon

multiple principles and values according to the standards within a given
field and/or context .Ethical responsibilities include the behaviour of the firm that
is expected by the society but not codified in law. The factors of ethical
responsibility include that the business must be environmentally friendly. The
business should always be aware of its activities and how do they affect the
environment. It is the moral and ethical responsibility of every human and
every business. Or Ethical responsibility means maintaining —even improving—
your bottom line, while setting a high bar for making a positive contribution to
society. In part, enlightened company leaders can challenge senior managers and
other employees to set goals for activities ranging from community philanthropy to
environmental excellence.

Companies are also motivated by external expectations: customers, shareholders,

investors and the public at large may insist that companies go above and beyond
looking only at quarterly profits. A key part of ethical responsible business is
finding ways to minimize any negative social impacts along the entire supply chain
of your operations. This may mean sourcing materials to avoid goods associated
with egregious harm, such as diamonds mined by brutal warlords, clothing made in
unsafe sweatshops or soccer balls stitched by 10-year old children.

Ethical responsibility also entails protecting the environment, both locally and globally. Set
goals for reducing your greenhouse gas footprint, avoid using toxic chemicals whenever
possible, and learn where your materials come from and how they are produced. Your own
operations and those of your supply chain should adhere to high standards in the
workplace, and in the surrounding community. Workers should be safe from occupational
hazards, and should be afforded dignity and opportunities for advancement, and also
should be paid a living wage.

Marketing campaign

Marketing campaigns promote products through different types of media, such

as television, radio, print, and online platforms. Campaigns are not solely
reliant on advertising and can include demonstrations, video conferencing, and
other interactive techniques. Businesses operating in highly competitive
markets and franchisees may initiate frequent marketing campaigns and
devote significant resources to generating brand awareness and sales.
Marketing campaign for new product.
 Clarify what is driven globally and what is managed locally.

 Understand local market needs and develop a collaborate approach.

 Develop and socialize a global marketing plan especially seek feedback.

 Make sure you track and adjust is real time.

 Consolidate and share insight.

Following ethical issues should be considered while launchings new product

in market.

 Consumer privacy.
 Legal regulations.
 Moral and Ethical values of the society.
 Marketing and Advertising to children.
 Product pricing and distribution issues.

A marketer must comply with all the ethical concern of the society and avoid
using a strategy that violates the ethical and moral values of the society.

1. All the facts and details about the product must be clearly revealed to the
2. Consumers personal information must be kept private and safe.
3. Special care must be taken when advertising to children.
4. The company must be accountable and responsible for any loss ,
,damage due to product failure.

5. Pricing of product must not be unfair.

6. A business must develop ethical business practices and be socially

responsible while making business decisions.
7. A business must have a systematic feedback and complaint system.

As a manager of research and development department it's my duty to plan a marketing
campaign that will benefit my company as well as maintain the ethical consideration about
the product. My choice of a product is honey. Honey is likely to witness worthwhile
opportunities across the globe on the backdrop of the growing number of nutritive food
applications and healthy food processing industries. Moreover, the rising usage of natural
sweeteners in the organic confectionary and bakery products is expected to leave an
optimistic impression on the honey market. The versatile and diverse flavor profile of honey
is allowing it to make headway in confectionery where it is being used in flavor ed candies
and chocolates. With the sedentary and hectic lifestyle of consumers
across the world becoming ubiquitous, the concerns of consumers
regarding their health is increasing. Hectic lifestyles have taken time away
from exercise, thus compelling consumers to opt for low sugar food items.
The belief that every organic and natural food is good and safe for health is
prominently influencing the thought process of consumers across the world.
Increasing awareness about different types of honey and health benefits of
honey are causing an increase in demand for honey among health-
conscious consumer base across the globe. Nutritious and medicinal
characteristics of honey help in alleviating stress, and help in recovery from
various health-issues like sleep disturbances, sore throat, cough cold, and
diarrhea etc. Increasing awareness about these facts among the majority of
consumers in the world is expected to boost the demand for honey in the
global market.
During research, scientists have found that honey can decrease the
upward flow of undigested food and stomach acids with the help of
stomach lining and esophagus. The scientists have proven that honey can
reduce the risk of gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD).
Now, if we know our customer base well or have a group of customers in
mind, we can easily focus our ads to reach customer on social media. But we
have to be sure to update our social media feeds on a regular schedule.
Customers lose interest quickly if they do not see much content or if that
content is on an irregular schedule. The added benefit of social media is the
ability to create a community of customers around our brand. We can easily
interact directly with our customers and those who are interested in our brand.

This enables us to provide products and service that our customers really want.
Further, we can connect with "nutritionists" who can also promote our
products. But we have to be sure to tell the details of our product with our
social media presence that will connect with people.
As a manager of research and development department and keeping in view
the ethical behaviour , my job will be to ensure that the quality products reach
to the customers and the marketing communications for the product which is
to be launched share the common standard of truth. My company should not
be misinforming customers about the product that is to be sold or which we
are campaigning. My information about the product that is to be launched
should not be misleading. I must ensure that the company must comply with
regulations and the standards established by governmental and professional
organizations. Ethical Marketing is a philosophy that focus focuses on honesty,
fairness and responsibility. Though wrong and right are subjective, my job is to
put a general set of guidelines in place to ensure that the company’s intent is
broadcasted and achieved.

1. Learn about your customer.

Whether you call it “market research,” or “customer development” it's key to

learn about what drives your customer. Identifying their goals, motivations,
and pain points could lead you to developing and marketing a valuable

You don't need to perform years of intense research to learn about your
customer. In fact, we suggest just talking to 12 to 15 current or prospective

When speaking to them, pay extra attention when they start sentences with
“I wish a product did this function…” or “Why can't products do this?” When
they give these statements, respond with questions that go deeper, like
“Can you get more specific about that?" If they don't bring up any pain
points, ask them a few specific questions that will encourage them to give
deeper answers.

2. Write a positioning statement.

Write out a statement that can clearly and concisely answer these three

 Who is the product for?

 What does the product do?

 Why is it different from other products out there?

3. Pitch your positioning to stakeholders.

Once you've established your position statement, present it to stakeholders

in your company so they are all on the same page.

If your employees have a hard time buying into the product, your customers
might as well. If your team loves it, that might be a great sign that the
product launch will go well.

4. Plan your go-to-market strategy.

This is the strategy that you will use to launch and promote your product.
While some businesses prefer to build a funnel strategy, others prefer the
flywheel approach.

Regardless of which method you choose, this process contains many

moving parts. To create an organized strategy for launching your product, it
can be helpful to use a template, As you create the strategy, also start
considering which type of content you'll use to attract a prospective
customer's attention during the awareness, consideration, and purchase
decision stage. You'll need to produce this content in the next step.
5. Set a goal for the launch.

Before you get started on the implementing your strategy, make sure you
write down your goals for the launch.

Alex Girard, a Product Marketing Manager at HubSpot, says, "Create

specific goals for the launch's success. Keeping these goals in mind will

help you focus your efforts on launch tactics that will help you achieve
those goals."

For example, the goals of your product launch could be to effectively

establish a new product name, build awareness, or create sales

6. Create promotional content.

After planning out your go-to-market strategy and writing your SMART
goals, start producing content that will support and align with those
promotional efforts. This can include blog posts related to your product or
industry, demos and tutorials, and landing pages.
7. Prepare your team.

Be sure that your company and key stakeholders are ready for you to
launch and begin marketing the product. Communicate with the company
through internal presentations, Slack, or email to keep your company in-
the-know of your launch plan.

8. Launch the product

Once you've completed all the above steps, you can launch the product.

9. See how well you did achieving your goals.

After you launch your product, track how the go-to-market strategy is
performing. Be prepared to pivot or adjust aspects of your plan if they aren't
going smoothly.

Additionally, don't forget about the goals you set before the launch. See
how well you did achieving those goals. If the launch didn't meet
expectations, you can rethink your go-to-market strategy and adjust from

Assignment 2nd:

Research problem

The consumers are the kings in modern marketing. The goods are produced only for the
consumer to consume. To analyze, the consumer behaviour is the basic foundation on which
the future of marketing organization depends.

This study is made to know what are the factors that influence the consumer while
purchasing various brands of shampoo and know whether there is awareness among the
general public regarding the various brands of shampoo.

Objectives of the Study

1. To find out the various factors that influences the consumer on various brands of
2. To study the extent to which consumer preference varies with regard to demographic

Importance of the Study

The shampoo market today is very congested and so many companies are trying to
capture the market with sophisticated technologies. Each product is differentiated by
quality, price, size, etc. Hence it becomes essential to know what factors attract the
consumers much towards a particular brand, so that the market could be accessed to
know the reasons and situations motivating consumer for preferring a particular brand.
So the researcher has decided to conduct study in this area..

Area of the Study

Srinagar has been selected as the area of the study. Srinagar, city, summer capital
of Jammu and Kashmir union territory (Jammu is the winter capital),
northern India, situated in the Kashmir region of the Indian subcontinent. The city
lies along the banks of the Jhelum River at an elevation of 5,200 feet (1,600 metres)
in the Vale of Kashmir.

Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It is the various
steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying the research problem.
The main aim of the study is to know the factors influencing the consumer
preference towards the shampoo products. This study was carried out by adapting
exploratory cum analytical design. The objective of the study is mainly concerned with
consumer preference towards shampoo products. So, the necessary data for analysis
are collected from primary data as well as secondary data. Survey method is followed
in the study. The study is concerned with consumer preference towards various

brands of shampoo in srinagar district. The information for this study is collected by
means of “Questionnaire method” from 75 consumers selected at random in srinagar
district. The information collected is analysed and presented in the form of tables,
charts, etc. where ever needed. Statistical averages and percentages have been used
for the purpose of analysis. Where ever necessary pictorial representation has been
done to exhibit the data presented in tables.

Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour

Consumers do not make purchase decisions in a vacuum. Their buying behaviour is
influenced by cultural, social, personal and psychological determinants factors. Most of
these factors are ‘uncontrollable’ and beyond the hands of the marketer. However,
they have to be considered while trying to understand the complex buyer behaviour.

Truth about Shampoos Issue


The care of the hair has always been considered one of the greatest beauty
problems. Hair is harder to keep clean than the face or any other part of the body
and dressing hair in the prevailing fashion takes more time and dexterity than most
women have. Like cosmetics, hair preparations may be divided in to three groups.

 The shampoos and tonies that keep hair and scalp clean and healthy.
 Lotions that make dressing the hair easier.
• Hair cosmetics that improve or change the appearance of hair.
Demographic Classification
Demographic classification is based on demographic factors like age, gender, education,
Major Subject and residence were described in Table.

Table 1: Classification of Respondents Based on their Gender.

SEX No of respondent’s Percentage

Male 20 27
Female 55 73
Total 75 100

Source: Primary data

The above table shows the respondents on the basis of sex. The table inferred that 27% of
the respondents are male and 73% of the respondents are Female. Thus, it concluded that
majority of the respondents are female.

Table 2:classification of respondent’s based on their age

Age group No of respondent’s Percentage

Below 20 23 31
21-30 32 42
31-40 8 11
Above 40 12 16
Total 75 100
Source: Primary data

The table revealed that 42% of the respondents belong to the age group of 21-30years. 31% of
the respondents belong to the age group of below 20.16% of the respondents belong to the age
group of above 40.Hence it may be understood that majority of the respondents belong to the
middle age category, quite mature and well experienced.

Table 3: Classification of Respondents Based on their Marital Status

Marital status No of respondents Percentage

Married 29 39
Unmarried 46 61
Total 75 100
Source: Primary data.

The above table implies that 61% of the respondents were unmarried, remaining 39% of the
respondents were married. Thus, the majority of the respondents were unmarried members.

Table 4:classification of respondents based on their educational qualification

Educational qualification No.of respondent Percentage

School level 35 47
Graduates 14 19
PG 21 28
Professional 5 6
Total 75 100
Source: Primary data
The above table reveals that the distribution of respondents on the basis of educational
qualification. The table shows that 47% of the respondents are school level. 28% of the
respondents are post graduates. 19% of the respondents are Graduates. 6% of the
respondents are Professional.

Table 5:classification of respondents based on their occupation

Occupational status No. Of respondents Percentage

Govt employee 5 7
Business man 10 13
Private employee 20 27
Others 40 53
Total 75 100
Source: Primary data
The table revealed that 53% of the respondents are others.27% of the respondents are
private employee.13% of the respondents are doing own business and 7% of the
respondents are Government employee. Hence it may be understood that majority of the
respondents are doing other works.

Table6: classification of respondents based on their income level

Income level Percentage

Below 5000 40
Rs 5000-10000 27
10000-15000 20
Above 15000 13
Total 100

Source: Primary data It is clear from the table 27% of the respondents were earning Rs.5000-
Rs.10, 000. 20% of the respondents were earning Rs. 10,000-Rs.15, 000. 13% of the

respondents were having earned income above Rs.15, 000. 40% of the respondents fall in
the category Below Rs. 5000.Hence, majority of the respondents comes under the category
of Below Rs. 5000.

Table 7: Classification of Respondents Based on their Size of Family

Size of family No.of respondent’s Percentage

Below 3 7 9
3-6 53 71
3-6 9 12
8 above 6 8
Total 75 100

Source: Primary data

The table observed that 71% of the respondents have family with 3-6 members.12% of the
respondents has family with 6-8 members.8% of the respondents has family with 8 and
above. 9% of the respondents have family with below 3.Hence, majority 71% of the
respondents have family with 3-6 members.

Table8: classification of respondents based on their preference of shampoo users

Shampoo No.of respondents Percentage

Clinic plus 22 39
Sun slick 9 12
Head n shoulder 15 20
Chick 29 29
Total 75 100

Source: Primary data

The above table shows that the shampoo used by the respondents.39% of the respondents
is using Clinic plus shampoo. 29% of the respondents use Chick shampoo. 20% of the
respondents use Head & shoulder shampoo. 12% of the respondents use Sun silk shampoo.
Thus it is clear from the above table that the large no. of respondents (39%) are Clinic plus

Table 9: Classification of Respondents Based on their Period of Usage of Shampoo.

Period No. Of respondents Percentage


Below 2yr 22 29
2-3 yr 14 19
3-5yr 16 21
5 above 23 31
Total 75 100

Source: Primary data

the table observed that 29% of the respondents are using shampoo for a period of below 2
years. 19% of the respondents are using shampoo for a period of 2-3 years.21% of the
respondents are using shampoo for a period of 3-5 years.31% of the respondents are using
shampoo for a period of 5 years & above. Hence it is clear that majority 29% of the
respondents are using shampoo for a period of above 5 years.

Table 10: classification of respondent based on their reasons for their preferring particular

Reason No.of respondent’s Percenatge

Cost 5 7
Quality 57 76
Availability 9 12
Size 4 5
Total 75 100

Source: Primary data

The above table observed that 76% of the respondents preferring particular brand of
shampoo for quality, 12% of the respondents preferring particular brand of shampoo for
availability, 7% of the respondents preferring particular brand of shampoo for cost, 5% of
the respondents preferring particular brand of shampoo for size. Thus it is clear from the
above table that majority of the respondent 76% preferring particular brand of shampoo for
Table11:classification of respondent’s based on their mode of purchasing a shampoo

Mode of purchasing No.of respondent’s Percentage

Family members 20 27
Self 44 59
Friends n relatives 11 14
Neighbours -- __
Total 75 100

Source: Primary data

The table clearly shows that 27% of the respondents purchase decision is made by the family
members, and 59% the respondents take purchase decision on their own and 14% the
respondents purchase the shampoo to take decision for their friends and relatives.
Therefore majority of the respondents (59%) purchase the shampoo from take decision on
their own .

Table12: classifications of respondents based on their purpose for using the shampoo.

Purpose for using shampoo No of respondent’s Percentage


To remove dirt 19 25
Hair softening 32 43
Hair conditioning 18 24
To remove hair fall 6 8
Total 75 100
Source: Primary data

From this above table it was observed that out of 75% of the respondents, 25% of the
respondents are using shampoo for remove dirt. 43% of the respondents are using shampoo
for hair softening.24% of the respondents are using shampoo for hair conditioning.8% of the
respondents are using shampoo for remove hair oil. Thus it is clear from the above table that
the majority of the respondents (43%) are using shampoo for hair softening.

Tableno:13 classification of respondents based on their opinion for product cost.

Opinion for product cost No. Of respondent’s Percentage

Cheap 23 31
Reasonable 25 33
Affordable 8 11
Fair 19 25
Total 75 100

Source: Primary data

The table shows the opinion for product cost among 75 respondents. out of 75 respondents
31% of respondents expressed that the opinion for product cost is cheap.33% of
respondents expressed that the opinion for product cost is reasonable.11% of respondents
expressed that the opinion for product cost is affordable. 25% of respondents expressed that
the opinion for product cost is fair. Thus it is clear from the above table that a majority
of the respondents (33%) expressed that their opinion for product cost is reasonable.

Table14: classification of respondents based on their media influences you to purchase a


Influences of media No. Of respondent’s Percentage

Television 50 67
News paper 6 8
Hoarding 3 4
Word of mouth 16 21
Total 75 100
Source: Primary data
The above table indicates that 62% of the respondents were influenced by friends,
25% of the respondents through advertisement, 9% of the respondents through family
members, 4% of the respondent’s knowledge about their brand through window

 Findings •

 The majority of the respondents are female i.e. 73%

 Majority of the respondents fall in the age group of 21-30 i.e. 42%

 Majority of the respondents are unmarried i.e. 61%

 47% of the respondents are under the educational qualification in school level.
 53% of the respondents are doing other works.
 40% of the respondents are earned monthly income of below Rs. 5,000.
 71% of the respondents are family size is 3-6 members.
 Majority of the respondents are using Clinic plus shampoo i.e. 39%
 Most of the respondents 31% are using this shampoo for period of more than
5 years.
 76% of the respondents prefer particular shampoo for quality.
 59% of the respondents are purchase their shampoo on their own.
 Majority of the respondents 43% of the respondents using the shampoo for
the purpose of hair softening.
 33% of the respondents based on their opinion for product cost is reasonable.
 Most of the respondents 67% are influenced by television.
 Majority of the respondents are attracted towards continuous advertisement
(i.e. 61%).

 Suggestions.
 Fragrance may be changed pleasantly to attract more customers.
 • More schemes are expected by the customers like discount, offers, free
gifts, etc.
The producer may adopt sales promotion techniques in order to increase the sales
volume. •
Manufacturers should take place necessary steps to improve the quality of the
products according to the need of consumers. •
Government should take all initiative steps to avoid duplicate products. •
Shampoo manufacturers should be directed by the government to maintain the
reasonable price levels that are reached to all kinds of people. •
In order to avoid duplication, importance should be given to symbols and brand

This study was conducted to find out consumer preference towards various major
brands of shampoo such as clinic plus, sunsilk, head and shoulders and chick
shampoo in Trichy city and it was carried out among 75 customers. The different
factors that influence the customers were found to be “brand name, availability, price,
quality, types of package”. Customer considered the brand clinic plus shampoo are the
best as compared with other brands. Quality is an important part of the buying

decision. Price is also a main factor of the purchase. It is very capable that female
respondents are more concentrated on quality.

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