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SPE 63105 Frac-Packing High-Permeability Sands in The Mahogany Field, Offshore Trinidad

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SPE 63105

Frac-Packing High-Permeability Sands in the Mahogany Field, Offshore Trinidad

Britt, L.K., NSI Technologies, Inc., Smith, M.B., NSI Technologies, Inc., Cunningham, L.E., NSI Technologies, Inc.,
Waters, F., BP-Amoco, Dannish, G.A., BP-Amoco, Lachance, D., BP-Amoco, Mackow, H.M., BP-Amoco

Copyright 2000, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

Present the results of an extensive laboratory study of rock
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and mechanics, fines migration, and embedment testing, and show
Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, 1–4 October 2000.
the value of such testing in making completion decisions.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
Develop and present guidelines for determining the
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to optimal completion practices in high permeability
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at unconsolidated formations.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
Show a direct comparison between a conventional cased-
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is hole gravel pack completion and a frac-pack completion.
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous Present details of a successful frac-pack completion in a
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
formation with severe fines production problems.

Historically, gravel packing was the principal means of
Historically, hydraulic fracturing has been principally formation control in unconsolidated formations. Efficient
applied to low permeability formations as a means of gravel pack formation control must take into account a number
stimulating a well’s production performance. In recent years, of formation and reservoir characteristics, gravel size, and
hydraulic fracturing for formation control as well as enhanced well performance objectives. Numerous authors1-3 have
productivity in high permeability unconsolidated formations suggested gravel sizing criteria ranging from 4 to 10 times the
(i.e., frac-packing) has gained broader acceptance. This paper 10 percent coarse point on a cumulative sieve analysis for
reviews frac-pack results in the Mahogany Field, a large gas- formation control. The use of these criteria resulted in
condensate field producing from unconsolidated high numerous gravel pack failures especially in U.S. gulf coast
permeability sands. Even though frac-packing was very sands. As a result of the failures, additional investigations
successful in these applications, numerous other completion were conducted and new criteria were developed, with the
techniques such as high rate water packs and conventional most widely accepted criteria for gravel sizing proposed by
gravel packing are available and still being utilized throughout Saucier4. This criteria recommends a gravel size six times the
the world. For a field development engineer, few guidelines mean particle size in unconsolidated reservoirs. This sizing
are available which aid in optimizing completion decisions. criteria has been utilized for many years to control formations,
Field examples from Mahogany Field in offshore Trinidad however, some production impairment due to fines migration
are used to demonstrate a successful completion design and pack plugging has been noted.
selection procedure. The benefits and risks of gravel packs, In recent years, studies have shown the importance of
high rate water packs, and frac-packing in the completion of sorting5 on formation control and that larger gravels6-8 can
high deliverability wells in these unconsolidated formations effectively control some formations without production
will be reviewed. Results of rock mechanics, fines migration, impairment. These studies, however, were limited to specific
and embedment testing will be presented and coupled with a formations and did not consider the effects of stress on fines
production optimization study to develop completion generation, migration, and gravel pack plugging. They also did
guidelines applied in Mahogany Field. Finally, this paper will not consider the implications of frac-packing on gravel size
show a direct comparison of a gravel pack completion (80 criteria and formation control.
mmcfpd) and a frac-pack completion (160 mmcfpd) in offset The application of frac-pack completion technology to
wells from the same productive horizon. Current production wells in unconsolidated formations in the Gulf of Mexico and
performance and long term recovery predictions will be around the world has dramatically improved reserve recovery
reviewed. and well life. In frac-pack applications it has been shown that
This paper will make the following technical contributions: the use of the Saucier criteria for proppant and gravel sizing is
extremely conservative and that its use can greatly impair well
productivity. A 1998 investigation9 utilized laboratory

experiments on core from several locations to create new Martins etal.14 modified the Amoco TSO design procedure
sorting criteria for both proppant and gravel. The new sizing in the Ravenspurn South Gas Field by establishing a long low
criteria stressed the importance of roundness and sphericity on concentration proppant stage which dehydrates at the fracture
retained permeability and mitigation of fines migration in frac- tip while keeping the remaining slurry mobile. These
pack completions. As a result of this work and for quality stimulations doubled long term well productivity. Martins also
assurance many man made proppants and gravels are now showed that TSO fracturing techniques increased fracture
being used in the gulf coast environment. conductivity by more than an order of magnitude.
Hydraulic fracturing in high permeability reservoirs can Roodhart etal.15 presented a well selection criteria for Frac-
and should differ greatly from conventional fracturing, in that, Pack stimulations. These criteria included extent of damage,
the design objective is to generate fracture conductivity and depletion, reservoir permeability, and formation height.
not length. In conventional fracturing, studies to determine the Meese etal.16 presented a candidate selection guide for
optimum fracture length are conducted to maximize the Gulf Coast applications of Frac-Packs which included
profitability of the fracture stimulation. In high permeability damaged wells in reservoirs which responded poorly to matrix
applications the creation of fracture conductivity maximizes stimulation techniques, poorly consolidated reservoirs with
profitability. fines migration problems, low resistivity shaley sands where
Several techniques for increasing fracture conductivity limited through perforation communication is occurring.
include increasing proppant size (low stress applications), Mullen etal.17 compared Frac-Pack completions to
increasing proppant concentration (all applications), utilizing previous gravel packs in the Vermilion Field (laminated pay
clean fluids (all applications), and utilization of Tip Screenout with fines migration problems). Results of this evaluation
Design techniques (all applications). Each of these techniques showed an 88% normalized productivity index (PI) for oil
has had positive results on increasing fracture conductivity wells and a 159% improvement in gas well performance
and the success of high permeability fracturing. However, the (measured by normalizing productivity index with
application of Tip Screenout (TSO) fracturing, developed and permeability thickness product). Vandersypen18 saw similar
advanced by Amoco in the North Sea, has revolutionized the improvements in the West Hackberry Field.
completion and stimulation of wells in high permeability Baree19 evaluated the tip screenout phenomenon with a
reservoirs throughout the world. fracture model and showed behavior consistent with that
Pennzoil, for example, has utilized TSO techniques on predicted by Nolte and Smith (unit slope on net treating
hundreds of wells in the last seven years. In fact, Pennzoil pressure plot) for contained fracture height. He further showed
utilizes Frac-Pack technology (couples TSO fracturing with his model that the initiation of a tip screenout raised net
techniques with gravel packing) as its major formation control pressure in the fracture which could result in additional
technique.10 In these applications Pennzoil has found that their fracture height growth.
gravel pack skins have been reduced from +21 to nearly 0. Donovan etal.20 evaluated the effect of fracture fluids
A joint research project by the Completion Engineering flowing through crossover tools and determined that the
Association (CEA) run by TerraTek has found that much of crossover port is the most significant component of the Frac-
the initial skin in marginally consolidated core is the result of Pack tool system. This work further showed that the erosion of
perforation damage.11 Localized problems created by high the crossover port was lessened for high viscosity fracturing
drawdown at these near wellbore choke points caused matrix slurries. No detrimental effect on proppant fines generation
failures that led to cycles of unstable cavity formation was noted, however, the pump rates tested were low (i.e., 1.6
followed by collapse. Improving the drawdown by spreading it to 4 BPM).
out into the wellbore has definite flow pattern advantages. Monus etal.21 reported a 2-3 fold productivity increase by
Shell has reported 4.4 fold improvements in their high Frac-Packing in the Eugene Island Block of offshore
permeability skin removal fracture treatments as opposed to Louisiana. This work further advocated the use of bottom hole
gravel packs, while Chevron reports a doubling of production. pressure and minifrac tests.
Both, however, have identified poor fracture cleanup of Frac- Fragachan etal.22 showed pressure data from a Frac-Packed
Pack stimulations. well which had been perforated with 0o phasing. Their work
Marathon has Frac-Packed over 40 wells and has averaged indicated detrimental effects on net pressure caused by this
doubling of production. Both Marathon and Pennzoil report perforation policy and recommended phased perforating
difficulty achieving a tip screenout and ensure that bottom (<120o).
hole pressure gauges, above and below the crossover tool, are Fletcher etal.23 presented a study of Frac-Packing as a
utilized. means of controlling formation failure. In their work, they
Smith etal.12, 13 determined that tip screenout fracturing is a studied 70 wells that had been completed with various
viable stimulation technique for soft formations where fracture completion techniques. Internal gravel packs resulted in skins
conductivity is needed. Smith also indicated that minifrac from 15 to 40 and proposed techniques by which a fracture
treatments were necessary on every well because knowledge stimulation (no gravel pack) could be performed that would
of fluid leakoff is critical to the development of a tip result in formation control. In this case formation free
screenout. production occurred for over a year at which time the fracture

proppant pack gave way and proppant flowback began. They exploratory drilling in 1994 and 1996 discovered additional
recommended the use of resin coated sand (again without gas and condensate reserves. Mahogany field’s gas reserves
gravel pack) to control the fracture in the future as Bale etal.24 were dedicated to the Atlantic Liquified Natural Gas (LNG)
had recommended previously. plant at Point Fortin. In early 1996 delineation wells were
Hainey etal.25 showed that larger mesh proppant (16/20 drilled which encountered additional gas reserves in the
and 16/30 mesh) can control formation sand. They also middle of the field including an oil leg. Figure 1 shows a map
showed that conducting prefracture testing (minifrac test) is highlighting the location of the Mahogany Field and the
critical and that the interpretability of the test can be improved Atlantic LNG plant.
by using more viscous fracturing fluid. This paper describes the completion work done prior to
Hannah etal.26 showed that Frac-Packs could dramatically field development and shows a direct comparison of a gravel
improve completion efficiency compared to gravel packs pack and frac-pack completions in the 20 Sand. As will be
alone. Further, this work highlighted the importance of shown, the frac-pack completion resulted in a dramatically
collecting minifrac data and developing an understanding of improved well performance as compared to the gravel pack.
the fluid loss behavior.
Hannah conducted laboratory studies for sizing Frac-Pack Geology/Reservoir Characterisation
proppants and found discrete formation proppant pack
interfaces and complete sand control (i.e., invasion less than 3 Mahogany Field is a faulted anticlinal structure with
grain diameters) for 20/40 sands or smaller and some invasion Pleistocene age stacked sand and shale sequences. There are
for 16/30 proppants. 15 reservoirs in this field, with over 2 TCF in gas reserves.
Hannah also conducted breaker and carrier fluid The Mahogany sands are primarily shoreface sand
optimization studies. The goal of the study was to maintain deposited during a major northeasterly progradation of the
rheological capabilities of 200cp for 45minutes of breaker Orinoco Delta in Pleistocene time. They consist of stacked
exposure and then provide a minimum broken viscosity as coarsening upward sands interpreted to be mid-upper
measured at 48hours. Tests at temperatures from 110-130oF shoreface deposits interbedded with shales and silts reflecting
were conducted. The carrier fluid and breaker system utilized lower energy deposition in lagoonal to pro-delta
following this study consisted of 77 lb/1000gal HEC loading environments.
and a 0.1 lb/1000gal enzyme loading in the pad and 0.5 ppg A 3-Dimensional seismic survey, acquired in 1993
stage and 0.2 lb/1000gal enzyme loading in the slurry stages. specifically for field development, was used for structural
Hannah described the first five Amber Jack wells with mapping. The 20 and 21 Sand reservoirs, the largest gas
conventional gravel packs and had a resultant skin damage bearing reservoirs in the field, exhibit an anomalous, high
ranging from 8 to 28. The next five wells were Frac-Packed amplitude signature. However individual stratigraphic units
utilizing 61 lb/1000gal HEC, 1 lb/1000gal ammonium within the reservoirs are not resolvable.
persulfate breaker, and 40/70 frac sand. The resultant skins The Mahogany reservoirs consist of world class reservoir
ranged from 3 to 11. rocks. In the 20 Sand core porosities and permeabilities
The optimization studies of proppants, fluids, and breakers average 30% and 500 mD respectively. The high core
resulted in continued improvement in Frac-Pack design. Skin permeabilities are confirmed by well test data.
damage resulting from these optimized treatments is nil. Thus,
Amber Jack is a testimonial to the benefits of employing Laboratory Core Evaluation
TSO/Frac-Pack technology to high permeability reservoirs.
The dramatic improvements in Amber Jack well performance Completion Fluid Compatability
is directly attributable to the adoption of Frac-Packing as the Tests were conducted to determine the compatability of the
primary method of completion. Again, the average skin completion fluids with the formation and determine if the
damage associated with AmberJack gravel packs was 21, the formation was sensitive to KCl concentration and/or pH. This
average skin for 14 Frac-Packs was 5.3, and the last 4 laboratory evaluation was designed for two purposes. First, the
optimized treatments showed an average skin of only 0.4. salt concentration was investigated to aid in the selection of
Hannah also reported a time dependent skin effect. Pressure completion brine and secondly the pH was evaluated to
transient data collected and interpreted show skins improving determine if the formation would be sensitive to a higher pH
from 8 to 2 over a 7 month period in one well and 3.5 to 1.8 crosslinked borate fluid system or whether a more neutral pH
over a 10 month period in another. system was required.
Finally, Papinczak etal.27 showed how Tip Screenout The tests were conducted by taking a 1” x 2” core plug and
Fracturing was used to more than double production from the placing it into a Hassler type sleeve core holder. The core was
Mereenie Field in Australia. placed under confining pressure (approximating field
The Mahogany field is located 61 miles offshore from the conditions) at reservoir temperature. A permeability through
southeastern point of Trinidad in 300 ft of water. The field the core was established at a low rate with a non-damaging
was discovered in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s however it brine. Figure 2 shows the results of this fluid sensitivity
was never developed due to lack of a gas market. Additional testing.

This figure plots retained permeability versus injection for sediments indicated at least 34% of the formation was made
a 2% and 5% KCl concentration and 2% KCl with a pH of 8.5 up of sub 44 micron fractured quartz fines. The effects of
and 10, respectively. As shown, The base retained these fines on formation control and well productivity can be
permeability with the 5% KCl was 555 md. When 2% KCl dramatic. In another field in Trinidad, for example, the post
was injected the retained permeability dropped only six gravel pack skin averages nearly +18. More importantly,
percent to 521 md. Next, the 2% KCl neutral pH (i.e. pH=8.5) periodic acid displacements are required to mobilize the fines
was injected and the retained permeability dropped to 512 md away from the wellbore and limit the resulting production
a loss of less than eight percent from the original 5% KCl. impairment.
Next, two injection and measurement cycles were performed
with a 2% KCl fluid with a high pH (i.e. pH =10). As shown, Rock Mechanics Testing
the retained permeability from these injections was 500 md
representing a loss of retained permeability of less than ten A series of stress-strain tests were conducted under
percent over the base 5% KCl injection. Finally, a 5% KCl confining conditions to determine the Young’s Modulus.
injection was performed and the retained permeability Numerous triaxial compression tests were performed on core
returned to 531 md. Thus, through all of these injections with from the Mahogany Field. Although no core was available
multiple fluids a loss of only four percent of the retained from the specific formation (Case History 20 sand), samples
permeability was noted. These tests clearly showed that the from “like sands” from similar geologic age and confinement
formation was insensitive to both KCl concentration and pH. were analysed. Table I summarizes the results of the triaxial
As a result of these tests, a standard 2% KCl was chosen as compression tests of Mahogany sands. Results of these tests
the base completion fluid and both the high and neutral pH
crosslinked borate fluid systems were brought into the country
Formation E, MMpsi
for subsequent use in the frac-pack completion program.
A 0.239
Sand Size Distribution
C 0.522
Tests were conducted to determine the formation sand size D N/A
distribution, mobility of the fines, and to evaluate the E 1.125
effectiveness of various sand control techniques. These core F 0.683
tests and operating experience were used to develop G 0.504
completion guidelines. These guidelines attempt to establish
the completion technique necessary in the presence of
formation fines.
A series of representative sand size distributions was
developed for the available core using sieve analysis. Results
of this analysis indicated the prescence of large amounts of
fines, defined as sub 44 micron (325 mesh). Figure 3 displays
a plot of volume percent versus particle diameter. As shown, a
large amount of the formation is sub 44 micron in size.
Additional mineralogical investigation showed that most of
the sub 325 mesh fines are actually fractured quartz grains. Table I: Results of Stress-Strain Testing
These grains due to the lack of cementation and/or compaction
were permitted to rotate laterally resulting in grain breakage. showed that the Young’s Modulus varied between 0.239
These broken quartz grains have the potential to migrate into Mmpsi and 1.125 Mmpsi for the Mahogany sands. Note that a
the larger pore throats, thereby, restricting hydrocarbon flow. 5:1 ratio exists between modulus values for the various
Prior work9 established a formation size distribution formations with no significant petrophysical differences in
analysis and characteristic sorting values (i.e. D10/D95, terms of porosity or other log derivable parameters. This made
D40/D90, and Sub 44 µ). This work further showed that in the the lab modulus data very important to the final treatment
presence of greater than 10% sub 325 mesh fines (44 µ) that designs.
the wellbore should be enhanced through frac-packing to
minimize the detrimental impact of the fines on productivity Fines Migration and Embedment Testing
and/or formation control. Figure 4 shows results of the sieve
analysis in terms of the sorting value. As shown, the core The test equipment consisted of a Hassler type sleeve
samples had a large amount of sub 44 micron formation fines. capable of holding up to a 3” x 12” core sample under
In fact, on average nearly 17% of the samples tested were confining pressures up to 10,000 psi and 300oF. Pressures are
smaller than 44 micron in size. A similar evaluation of applied both radially and axially. Detailed test procedures
samples from another field in Trinidad with similar age were documented previously9. Figure 5 displays the head of
the test cell. This figure shows the piston head for applying

confining pressure and inlet electronic and flow ports. In the packing. Evaluation of other fields in Trinidad being gravel
fines migration and embedment tests, the piston is actuated to packed indicate an average post gravel pack skin of +18. Thus,
apply confining pressure and emulate flow and shut-in if a post frac-pack skin of 0 could be achieved a nearly three
conditions. While confined at pressure and temperature, flow fold increase in productivity could be anticipated.
is established through the inlet ports and the permeability of Selection of completion techniques is often not
the core measured. Outlet flow ports exist both in the core straightforward. Studies by Shell15 have recommended a series
direction and perpendicular to the core as shown in Figure 6. of guidelines for chosing a sand control and/or completion
This allows the retained permeability of the core and proppant technique. These guidelines include consideration of the type
in the case of a frac-pack to be measured. and extent of damage, mechanical rock properties, reservoir
Tests were conducted to determine the effect of fracture permeability, pay thickness, depletion, and drive mechanism
width on fines migration and embedment as represented by (gas or water). Though the latter three considerations often
retained conductivity. This series of tests was used to identify limit the application of frac-pack technology (i.e. a thin
and recommend completion methods such as gravel pack, high depleted water drive reservoir does not make the best
rate water pack, and frac-pack. Results of these tests are candidate) the presence of drilling damage likewise drives the
presented as retained permeability as a function of time and operator away from gravel packing towards wellbore
drawdown. Figure 7 shows a plot of retained permeability (i.e. enhancing completion technologies such as high rate water
through pack and core) as a function of time. packing and frac-packing. Since nearly all wells are damaged
As shown, the retained permeability of the sample core (post gravel pack studies indicate significant skins), all wells
was reduced to 10% of the original permeability while the should be considered for wellbore enhancing technologies.
proppant pack permeability was reduced to approximately This completion selection criteria is even more significant if
35% of its original permeability. Thus, not only did the mobile formation fines exist.
fines plug the cores pore throats, the fines also invaded the In the presence of fines, as the laboratory data supports,
proppant pack. frac-pack technology should be utilized to expand the
The effect of the fines migration and embedment on wellbore and attempt to control the fines at the formation-
fracture width is shown in figure 8. This figure highlights the fracture interface so that the fines do not plug the gravel pack.
reduction in fracture width that occurred due to embedment. In this scenerio, fines passing screens should be considered to
As shown, the pack only lost seven percent of its width due to ensure that any fines that make it through the fracture to the
this process. It is fairly obvious that a small loss such as this wellbore do not plug the pack but rather are passed to the
had little to do with the dramatic loss in pack permeability. surface where they can be dealt with. Because all of the gas
The loss in retained permeability of the proppant pack producing formations in the Mahogany Field have a large
occurred as a result of the fines migrating and and plugging amount of mobile fines, frac-pack completion technology was
the pack as a function of time and drawdown. selected as the optimum sand control technique. In addition,
Once the fines migration and embedment testing was by employing frac-pack technology, the demanding
completed, the test cell was broken down and both thin deliverability contract (i.e. 760 mmcfpd) could be achieved
sections and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) pictures with a fewer number of wells dramatically improving the
were taken of the core/proppant interface. Figure 9A shows projects full cycle economics. Of the 10 well completions
the SEM photograph of the core and proppant interface performed in the Mahogany Field, two were conventional
showing the fines invading the proppant pack. Figure 9B gravel packs due to the presence of a gas water contact within
shows a blowup of the proppant pack highlighting the mobile the completion interval. One of these gravel packs was
fines that have plugged the proppant pack permeability. conducted in the 20 sand and had an offset well that was frac-
packed. Subsequent paragraphs detail and document a
Completion Guidelines comparison of these two wells’ completions and performance.

Completion guidelines were developed based on this Case History: Frac-Pack vs. Gravel Pack
laboratory work and field experience. These guidelines
indicate that in the presence of significant sub 44 micron fines Completion
an enlarged wellbore area should be created through frac- The 20 sand in Mahogany B2 is in excess of 200’ in
packing to minimize the ability of the fines to plug up the near length. Figure 11 shows the logs from the Mahogany B2. As
wellbore gravel pack area. Through frac-packing, the shown, the upper portion of the 20 sand in this well (9880-
gravel/formation sand interface can be moved away from the 9980’ TVD) has a net to gross pay ratio of nearly 1 and a
wellbore. calculated permeability in excess of 800 md (calculated
In addition to improved formation control, frac-packing permeability based on petrophysical study and well tests). In
can dramatically improve well productivity at a given contrast, the lower portion of the 20 sand in this well from
drawdown. Figure 10 shows a plot of pseudo steady state folds 9980-10095’ TVD had a net to gross pay ratio of
of increase as a function of pre-frac-pack skin. As shown, a approximately 0.5 and calculated permeabilities ranging from
dramatic productivity increase can be realized via frac- 50 to 750 md. As a result of the lengthy productive interval

and the laminated nature of the lower portion of the sand it Because of the concerns regarding the shale stresses and
was decided to conduct two separate frac-packs in the the potential detrimental impact of height growth into the
Mahogany B2 20 sand. shales on sand control and well deliverability a series of stress
The perforation intervals were selected to provide tests were conducted in a thick shale and/or siltstone in a
maximum effectiveness and reliability of the frac-pack nearby reservoir. Figure 12 shows a plot of bottomhole
completion. Perforation of the entire sand interval risks pressure and pump rate versus time for this testing. As shown,
initiating at the top of the sand and losing the treatment in the a series of small KCl injections at pump rates of 0.25 bpm
shale. Poor control of fracture initiation also risks limited (cement pump) were conducted. Bottomhole pressure
fracture coverage of the sand interval and as a result increased during each 1-2 bbl injection to 6100 psi. At
productivity. Selection of the length and location of the shutdown, bottomhole pressure was monitored and the
perforated intervals was made through the integration of minimum principal stress determined. Figure 13 shows a plot
fracture simulation and nodal analysis. Through this of bottomhole pressure versus the square root of time for one
integration process the optimum perforation length and of the injections. As shown, a fracture closure pressure of
location were identified to maximize the fracture coverage 6003 psi (0.7 psi/ft) was determined. Also note, that the
while minimizing the effects of convergent flow and risks of pressure decline was significant indicating that the siltstones
losing the treatment into the shales. Recall, that if the tested had some permeability.
treatment grows dramatically into the shale, the ability to This shale stress of 0.7 psi/ft was similar to (actually 0.01
develop a tip screenout and build net pressure and fracture psi/ft less than) the in-situ stress of the productive sands and
width is put in jeopardy. The final perforation interval for the indicated that the concerns about fractures growing into the
Mahogany B2 was selected at 10030-10066’ and 9900-9940 bounding siltstones is justified. Though the concerns may be
TVD as shown on the figure. mitigated due to the permeability of the siltstones, it was
deemed unlikely that the leakoff in the siltstones would be
Material Selection large enough to dehydrate the slurry and minimize fracture
height growth.
The material selection process, both fluid and proppant,
was designed to meet two primary guidelines. First, the Calibration Tests
materials selected must be consistent with the sand control
guidelines developed through the petrophysical and laboratory Frac-Pack design procedures required a series of
study of each formation. Secondly, the selected materials must calibration tests be performed prior to the treatment. These
help maximize well deliverability. tests are conducted to evaluate closure stress, fluid efficiency,
Fluid selection for the two frac-packs was based on an and fracture geometry for final design formulation. A
evaluation of the well logs and fracture simulation. Because of minifrac with the volume of fluid estimated for the pad of the
the variation in pay quality and estimated permeability frac was pumped to calibrate the fracture model. The minifrac
between the upper and lower portions of the 20 sand a was followed with a step rate test to determine extension
different fracturing fluid was utilized for each interval. With pressure and rate. To minimize the amount of polymer
the lower zone being more laminated with only short intervals pumped into the formation, 2% KCl was used for the step rate
of clean sand, a 30ppt low guar (30ppt DeltaFrac 200) was test. Figure 14 shows a plot of the surface, bottomhole
chosen as the fracturing fluid. On the other hand, with the pressure and pump rate versus time for the pre frac-pack
upper portion of the pay section being cleaner and fluid loss calibration testing conducted on the lower zone of Mahogany
control being a greater concern, a 40ppt Borate Gel (40 ppt B2.
Hybor) was utilized. Analysis of the calibration testing started with determining
The depths of the producting formations (8,400’-12,600’) extension pressure and extension rate to aid in the pick of
and the stress on the proppant (5,000 to 10,000 psi) indicated closure pressure from the minifrac. The fracture extension
that a 20/40 mesh Carbolite proppant was preferred for the pressure is an upper bound on the fracture closure pressure.
frac-pack completions. In addition, the laboratory core studies Figure 15 shows a plot of bottomhole pressure versus pump
showed that utilization of spherical proppant, such as rate from the step rate test. As shown, the step rate test
Carbolite, was beneficial for the control of mobile formation analysis yielded an extension pressure of 6,765 psi and
fines9. As a result of the depth, stress, fines, and because of the extension rate of 3.8 bpm.
logistical difficulties of getting proppant into the country The post minifrac pressure decline was evaluated on a
20/40 mesh Carbolite proppant was selected and used in all Horner Plot to estimate the beginning of pseudo radial flow.
frac-packs in the Mahogany Field. Extrapolation of the latter decline data provides a good
estimation of reservoir pressure, 4738 psi. This analysis
Frac-Pack Design and Implementation showed that pseudo radial flow started at a pressure of
approximately 6,000 psi. Since fracture closure occurs
Shale Stress Tests between fracture extension pressure and the onset of pseudo

radial flow, fracture closure was expected between 6765 and Note that the shale stress test in an offset well below the
6,000 psi, respectively. main pay zone indicated that the stress in the shale was equal
Next, the minifrac pressure decline was evaluated using a or slightly less than the stress in the pay zone. This lower
plot of bottomhole pressure versus square root of time and stress and lack of leakoff would allow fracture height growth
bottomhole pressure versus G function. The square root plot as the net pressure built.
shown as figure 16 and G-funtion plot shown as figure 17 both The fracture dimensions resulting from the net treating
confirmed closure pressure was 6,545 psi (i.e. fracture pressure history match indicated a fracture length of 61 ft with
gradient of of 0.65 psi/ft) with an efficiency of 28% and a final height of 134 ft and a proppant coverage of 6 lb per sq ft or an
net treating pressure of 150 psi. average fracture conductivity of 12,600 md-ft
A review of the net treating pressure data shows that the The upper portion of the pay zone utilized the same
bottomhole pressure declined throughout the minifrac except methodology only utilizing a 40 ppt crosslinked Borate gel.
for a brief period between one and two minutes of pumping. The modeled fracture length was 45 ft with height of 101 ft
and a proppant coverage of 7 lb per sq ft or an average fracture
Fracture Redesign conductivity of 15,200 md-ft. These dimensions were
achieved by placing 51,000 pounds of 20/40 Carbo-Lite in
Following the collection of the calibration data a pressure 13,600 gallons of 40 ppt High PH Borate crosslinked frac
history match of the lower frac-pack was conducted. This fluid.
history matching procedure utilized both the rock mechanics Gravel Pack/HRWP of Mahogany A-4
testing and calibration data to develop the pressure history
match. Figure 18 shows a Cartesian plot of net treating As mentioned previously, a gravel pack completion was
pressure versus pump time comparing the actual mini-frac planned and executed in the Mahogany A-4 because of the
data to the model simulation. As shown, a good match of both presence of a gas water contact within the completion interval.
the pumping and shut-in periods was achieved. This match Figure 22 shows a set of logs from this well that highlight the
utilized the laboratory stress-strain tests which indicated a gas water contact. Also shown is the perforated interval. Note,
modulus of 0.4 x 10^6 psi in the sands and slightly higher in that the upper 80’ of the gas bearing zone was perforated
the finer grained silty sands. In addition, leakoff for the clean while the lower 80’ was not.
sands was 0.02 ft/ sq rt minute and 0.01 ft/sq rt minute for the Successful formation control utilizes good gravel packing
silty sands. practices. These practices include gravel sized to stop the
A final design was generated with this calibrated model. formation sand, densely packed over the entire perforated
The design called for a 430 psi net pressure gain which interval and held in place with a screen. In addition, formation
equated to fracture half-length of 52 feet and proppant and gravel damage must be minimized during the completion
coverage of 6 lb per sq feet. Figure 19 shows a plot of the of and gravel packing process. The gravel pack in the Mahogany
the actual treatment that was pumped based on this mini-frac A-4 utilized good gravel pack practices.
redesign. Figure 20 shows a plot of the cumulative proppant The completion fluid used in the Mahogany A-4 gravel
volume versus the cumulative fluid volume pumped pack/ High Rate Water Pack completion was a standard CaCl
comparing the design to the actual treatment. As shown, the brine. The formation control consisted of a 40/60 mesh Ottawa
treatment was pumped close to the final design as nearly gravel and a 4” Baker Excluder screen (110 micron). The
75,000 pounds of 20/40 Carbolite was pumped through the system was designed to allow the mobile fines to be passed
perforations in 15,000 gallons of 30 ppt of neutral PH Borate through the system to be dealt with at the surface.
Crosslinked frac fluid. Prior to gravel packing both the wellbore (9 5/8” casing)
and workstring were cleaned and pickled. Completion brine
Frac-Pack Post Appraisal was circulated to bottom with returns taken at 19 NTU and 18
TSS. Next, the well was perforated with big hole charges
Analysis of the frac-pack on the lower portion of the 20 (64C, UP RDX). These charges should have created a 1.07”
sand in Mahogany B2, seen in Figure 21, showed that a tip hole and a penetration of 9.3”. They were phased 135o and
event occurred as and when expected and net pressure was 45o. The well was perforated with a 600 psi underbalance.
gained. The net pressure gain was not as great as anticipated, After perforating, 7 to 10 barrels per hour of completion brine
however, because of an apparent height growth into the were lost to the formation.
surrounding shales. Analysis of this figure shows that the tip The gravel pack assembly was picked up and the drill pipe
event was initiated at approximately 8 minutes and net was pickled with 7.5% acid and returns taken at 3.8%. The
pressure built slowly and eratically as evidenced by the jagged gravel pack fluid was filtered to 20 NTU and 28 TSS.
net pressure curve. This character was seen in all wells where Circulation rates were established through the screen and then
the fracture grew into the bounding shale. These effects were an injection test into the formation was performed.
minimized by moving the perforated interval so that there was The gravel pack was placed by pumping an acid lead with
unperforated formation below the shale. a 194 barrels of 2 ppa slurry tail. The gravel pack was pumped
at 8 barrels per minute while returns were taken at 1 barrel per

minute. Forty four sacks of gravel were placed in the 5. Tip Screenouts were achieved in each of the Frac-
perforations (i.e. 27 lbs/ft of perforations). The blank was packed wells with lower rates of pressure builds
covered with the remainder of the gravel reversed out. The being seen when fracture growth into the
pack was stressed and a positive test was achieved. surrounding shales occurred.
Next, the gravel pack assembly was pulled out of the hole. 6. The detrimental effects of height growth into the
The flapper held and the production assembly was run into the shale was softened by moving the perforated
hole. The total fluid loss to the formation was 1387 barrels of interval so that the fracture initiation would not
brine. occur at the sand shale interface.
7. The performance of the frac-pack completions
Comparison of Results: were dramatically improved over the gravel pack
completion as nearly a 3.4-3.8 fold increase in
Both the Mahogany A4 and B2 are capable of producing at productivity index normalized for net pay and
extremely high rates. The A4, for example, has been produced perforations, respectively, was achieved.
at rates as high as 80 mmcfpd while the Mahogany B2 has
been produced at rates as high as 165 mmcfpd. To truly Acknowledgement
compare the producing capabilities of these wells and their
completion and formation control methods an evaluation of The authors would like to thank the management of BP-
their bottom hole pressure must be included as well. Note, Amoco for supporting publication of this work. In addition,
however, that one of the potential benefits of a frac-pack is the authors would like to thank G.W. Schoeffler or NSI
that it allows the operator to produce at larger drawdowns Technologies, Inc. for his valued laboratory contributions as
without fear of failing the formation23. well as D.L. Tiffin, G.E. King, and J.R. Jones of BP-Amoco
Analysis of early production and bottom hole pressure data for the many technical sand control and well testing
indicates that the productivity index (q/∆p) of the frac-pack discussions, respectively.
completion, MB2 was nearly 1.8 times greater than the high
rate water pack completion. More importantly, when Nomenclature
normalized for net pay thickness the productivity index was
nearly 3.4 times better in the frac-pack well than in the high ct = Total Compressibiilty,1/psi
rate water pack completion. Finally, when normalized by the φ= Porosity (fraction)
number of perforations the productivity index of MB2 was h= Pay Thickness, ft
nearly 3.8 times greater than MA4. Thus, the performance of k = Permeability, mD
the frac-pack was much better than the high rate water pack. kfw = Fracture Conductivity, mDft
The economic significance of the frac-pack completions in µ = Gas Viscosity, cP
the Mahogany Field were not just the result of the increased P = Pressure as a function of time, psi
productivity. It was what the increased productivity meant Pc = Closure Pressure (psi)
regarding field development as fewer wells were required to Pext = Extension Pressure (psi)
meet deliverability requirements. Pi= Initial Reservoir Pressure, psi
Also note that beyond improved productivity, one reason Sp = Spurt Loss, gal/100 ft2
the frac-packs were conducted was to improve the formation tc=Closure Time (including pump-time), minutes
control in the presence of mobile formation fines. Though tdxf= Dimensionless Time
effects of fines plugging the gravel pack have yet to be seen it tp = Pump Time, minutes
is anticipated that the frac-pack completion in Mahogany B2 Vi = Volume Injected, Bbl
will have a longer more productive well life than the xf = Fracture Half Length, ft
Mahogany A4 gravel packed well.
Conclusions 1. Coberly, C. J. and Wagner, E. M.: ”Some Considerations
in the Selection and Installation of Gravel Packs for Oil
1. The Mahogany Field Cores showed no fluid Wells,” Pet. Tech. (August 1938) ppg 1-20.
sensitivity to KCl concentration. 2. Hill, K. E.: ”Factors Affecting the Use of Gravel in Oil
2. The Mahogany Field Cores showed no fluid Wells,” Oil Weekly (May 1941) ppg 13-20.
sensitivity to pH. 3. Schwartz, D. H.: ”Successful Sand Control Design for
3. The Mahogany Field Cores had large amounts of High Rate Oil and Water Wells,” J. Pet. Tech. (Sept.
sub 44 micron mobile fines that detrimentally 1968) ppg 1193-1198.
impacted retained core permeability. 4. Saucier, R. J.: “Considerations in Gravel Pack Design,”
4. Shale stresses in Trinidad have measured stress JPT (February 1974), ppg 205-212.
equal to or less than the stresses measured in the 5. Oyeneyin, M. B., Peden, J. M., Hosseini, A., Ren, G., and
productive formations. Bigno, Y. : “Optimum Gravel Sizing for Effective Sand

Control,” SPE 24801, presented at the 67th Annual SPE Symposium on Formage Damage Control, Lafayette, LA,
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington, D. C., Feb. 7-10.
Oct. 4-7, 1992. 18. Personal communications between R.S. Vandersypen and
6. Leone, J. A., Mana, M. L., and Parmley, J. B. : “Gravel L.K. Britt.
Sizing Criteria for Sand Control and Productivity 19. Baree, R. D.: “A New Look at Fracture-Tip Screenout
Optimization,” paper SPE 20029, presented at the 60th Behavior,” JPT (February 1991) 138-43, Trans., AIME,
Annual California Regional Meeting of SPE, Ventura, 291.
CA, April 4-6, 1990. 20. Donovan, J. F., Johnson, M. H., and Salerni, J. V.: “Study
7. Chan, A. F. and Parmley, J. P.: “Gravel Sizing Criteria for of Effects Upon Gravel-Pack Systems During Frac-Pack
Sand Control and Productivity Optimization: Part II -– Operations,” paper SPE 22857, presented at the 66th
Evaluation of the Long-Term Stability,” paper SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the
23767, presented at the 1992 SPE International Formation Society of Petroleum Engineers held in Dallas, Texas,
Damage Control Symposium held in Lafayette, LA, October 6-9, 1991.
February 26-27, 1992. 21. Monus, F. L., Broussard, F. W., Ayoub, J. A., and
8. Jennings, A. R. Jr.: “Laboratory Studies of Fines Norman, W. D.: “Fracturing Unconsolidated Sand
Movement in Gravel Packs,” paper SPE 36420, presented Formation Offshore Gulf of Mexico,” SPE Annual
at the 1996 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington D.C.,
Exhibition held in Denver, CO, Oct. 6-9, 1996. October 4-7, 1992.
9. Tiffin, D. L., King, G. E., Larese, R. E., and Britt, L. K. : 22. Fragachan, F. E., Mack, M. G., Nolte, K. G., and Teggin,
“New Criteria for Gravel and Screen Selection for Sand D. E.: “Fracture Characterization from Measured and
Control,” paper SPE 39437, presented at the 1998 SPE Simulated Bottomhole Pressure,” paper SPE 25848,
International Formation Damage Control Symposium presented at the SPE Rocky Mountain Regional/Low
held in Lafayette, LA, February 18-19, 1998. Permeability Reservoirs Symposium held in Denver,
10. Mullen, M.E., Stewart, B.R., and Norman, Colorado, U.S.A., April 12-14, 1993.
W.D.:”Evaluation of Bottom Hole Pressures in 40 Soft 23. Fletcher, P. A., Montgomery, C. T., Ramos, G. G., Miller,
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paper SPE 28532, presented at the 1994 SPE Annual for Controlling Formation Failure,” paper SPE 27899,
Technical Conference and Exhibition held in New presented at the Western Regional Meeting held in Long
Orleans, LA, September 25-28, 1994. Beach, California, U.S.A., March 23-25, 1994.
11. CEA-11, Phase 3 Project Results, “Causes of Sand 24. Bale, A., Owren, K., and Smith, M. B.: “Propped
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12. Smith, M. B.: “Stimulation Design for Short, Precise Management,” SPE paper 24992, presented at
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13. Smith, M. B., Miller, W. K. II, and Haga, J.: “Tip 25. Hainey, B. W. and Troncoso, J. C.: “Frac-Pack: An
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Formations,” SPEPE (May 1987) 95-103, Trans., AIME, paper SPE 23777, presented at the Formation Damage
283. Control Symposium, Lafayette, Louisiana, February 26-
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“Productivity Comparison of Sand Control Techniques
Used for Completions in Vermilion 331 Field,” SPE
paper 27361 presented at the 1994 SPE International

GO 580

Retained Permeability, md
560 5 % KCl
10 km 5 % KCl

Port of Spain

2 % KCl 55%
2 % KCl
2 % KCl, PH = 8.5
2 % KCl, PH = 8.5
Point Fortin
gas Galeota Point Mahogany Field
Abysinnia 500 2 % KCl, PH = 10
2 % KCl, PH = 10
gas ui d

0 200 400 600

Injection, ml

Figure 1: Mahogany Field Location Map Figure 2: Fluid Sensitivity Testing


Volume, %

4 Sub 44 µ Fines

1 10 100 1000

Particle Diameter, µ

Figure 3: Formation Size Distribution

80 D10/D95 Ratio
70 D40/D90 Ratio
60 Sub 44 Micron
1 3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 4: Sorting Values Highlighting Large Amount of Fines



Core Core

Sand Core and Proppant

in Core Holder at Pressure

Figure 6: Schematic of Core Holder

Figure 5: Test Cell Piston Head

1 .0

D ra w d o w n
0 .8
R etain ed k, d w

0 .6
C or e P e rm e a b ility
F ra c Pe rm e ab ility
0 .4

0 .2

0 .0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
T im e, h o urs

Figure 7: Fines Migration Effect on Permeability


0.99 Drawdown
Retained Width, inches






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time, hours

Figure 8: Proppant Embedment Effect on Fracture Width


Figure 9B: SEM of Migrating Fines in the Proppant Pack

P ost F rac S kin = -2

Fo lds of Increas e, F OI

P ost F rac S kin = 0


P ost F rac S kin = 2

P ost F rac S kin = 5

-2 0 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
P re F rac ture S kin

Figure 10: Folds of Increase as a Function of Pre and Post Frac Skin

0 1 50 0 44 0.2 2 00 1. 65 g / cc 2.65 0.5 D EC 0 1 10 0 00

0 D EC 1 0P E R F
Y 0.2 2 00 0.6 PU 0 0.5 D EC 0 100 C A L PE RM

Figure 9A: SEM Photograph of the Core-Proppant Interface

Figure 11: Mahogany B2 Well Logs


d P / d[s q rt(d t)]

P s ra d

75 00 0. 8 Is i p
B ottomhole Pressure 60 0 0
P e xt

0. 7
P -S u rf +H yd (ps i ) - b h p (p s i)

60 00

55 0 0
Ble s s e d

R at e (b p m)
P c 6 0 0 2 .8 7 5

b h p (p s i)
45 00 0. 5
T c 0 .5 7 7
E F F c 0.0 3 13 0 0
Injection Rate 50 0 0 Is ip 6 0 7 9 .0 8 2
dP s 7 6 .2 0 7
30 00 0. 3

15 00 0. 2 45 0 0

43 29 43 44 43 58 43 72 43 86 44 01 44 15
T im e ( m in ) 0 .3 0 .6 0 .9 1 .2 1 .5 1 .8 2 .1 2 .4 2 .7 3 .0
s q rt(d t)

Figure 12: Shale Stress Test Pumping/Decline History Figure 13: Shale Stress Test Square Root of Time Analysis

Injection Bottomhole
Rate Pressure


Figure 14: Pre Frac-Pack Calibration Testing Figure 15: Step Rate Test Analysis

Figure 16: Square Root of Time Analysis of Mini-Frac Decline Figure 17: G-Function Analysis of Mini-Frac Decline

Figure 18: Mini-Frac History Match of Net Pressure Figure 19: Frac-Pack Stimulation









0 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000
CUM. GEL VOL. (gals)

Figure 20: Comparison of Actual Frac-Pack to Design Figure 21: History Match of Frac-Pack Net Pressure

0 API 15 0 0 4 0.2 O HM M 200 1 .6 5 G M /C C 2 .6 5 0 .5 D EC 0 1 10 0 0 0

0 D EC 1 0P E R F 0.2 O HM M 200 60 PU 0 0 .5 D EC 0 10 0 C AL P E R M

G W C -9

Figure 22: Mahogany A4 ST1 Well Logs

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