Tidwell Company Quality Cost Report For The Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Tidwell Company Quality Cost Report For The Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Tidwell Company Quality Cost Report For The Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Tidwell Company
Quality Cost - Sales Ratio
For the Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Quality Costs Percentage of Sales
Sales revenue: P37,240,000
Prevention Costs:
Quality training ₱ 120,000 ₱ 120,000 0.32%
Appraisal Costs:
Product acceptance ₱ 960,000 ₱ 960,000 2.58%
Internal Failure Costs:
Scrap ₱ 1,800,000
Rework ₱ 1,080,000 ₱ 2,880,000 7.73%
External Failure Costs:
Warranties ₱ 360,000
Lost Sales ₱ 600,000
Consumer complaints ₱ 486,000
Allowances ₱ 180,000 ₱ 1,626,000 4.37%
Total Quality Costs ₱ 5,586,000 15.00%
17% Prevention Costs
Appraisal Costs
Internal Failure Costs
External Failure Costs
Tidwell Company
Quality Cost - Profit Ratio
For the Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Quality Cost ₱ 5,586,000
Net Income ₱ 4,000,000
Total Quality Cost - Profit Ratio 139.65%
Tidwell Company
Quality Cost Report
For the Year Ended 20X1
Control Costs Failure Costs
Prevention Appraisal Internal
Repair Costs
Inspector’s Salary ₱ 960,000
Quality Defects/Scrapping ₱ 1,800,000
Cost of Rework ₱ 1,080,000
Customer Cancellation/Lost Sales
Customer Complains Handling
Sales Return and Allowances
Employee Training ₱ 120,000
₱ 120,000 ₱ 960,000 ₱ 2,880,000
₱ 1,080,000 ₱ 4,506,000
Percentage 19.33% 80.67%
Failure Costs
₱ 360,000
₱ 600,000
₱ 486,000
₱ 180,000
₱ 1,626,000