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Northern Negros State College of Science & Technology: Course Module 2 (2hours) Course Facilitator

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Republic of the Philippines


Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental




Analie S. Fernando

Analie Sumaria-Fernando
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Phone No./s 09502934678

This lesson will discuss the impact of patriotism and nationalism to the issue of peace and order.

1. Analyze critically the impact of nationalism and patriotism to the issue of peace and order in the world
through writing a thought paper.


Activity 1. Photostory (Participation - 15 points)

Analyze the photo and answer the questions that follows. Explain in three(3) sentences

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1. What can you see in the pictures?


2. Do the pictures show nationalism or patriotism? Justify your answer.


3. What can you say about the relationship of nationalism and patriostism.

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Activity 2. Article -reading (Quiz - 15 points)

Read the news article and answer the following questions after.

Christchurch mosque shootings

Two consecutive mass shootings occurred at mosques in a terrorist attack in Christchurch,

New Zealand, during Friday Prayer on 15 March 2019.The attack, carried out by a single gunman
who entered both mosques, began at the Al Noor Mosque in the suburb of Riccarton at 1:40 pm and
continued at Linwood Islamic Centre at 1:52 pm. He killed 51 people and injured 40.

Brenton Harrison Tarrant, a 28-year-old man from Grafton, New South Wales, Australia,
was arrested shortly afterward. He was described in media reports as a white supremacist and part
of the alt-right. He had live-streamed the first shooting on Facebook, and prior to the attack, had
published an online manifesto; both the video and manifesto were subsequently banned in New
Zealand. After police investigation, he was charged with 51 murders, 40 attempted murders, and
engaging in a terrorist act. He initially pleaded not guilty to all charges, with the trial expected to
start on 2 June 2020.On 26 March 2020, he changed his plea to guilty on all charges. He was
sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole on 27 August 2020. It was the first
time a life imprisonment without parole sentence was handed down in New Zealand.

The attack was linked to an increase in white supremacy and alt-right extremism globally
observed since about 2015. Politicians and world leaders condemned it, and Prime Minister Jacinda
Ardern described it as "one of New Zealand's darkest days”. The government established a royal
commission of inquiry into its security agencies in the wake of the shootings, which were the deadliest
in modern New Zealand history and the worst ever committed by an Australian national.

1. What is the article about?

2. Can this incident can be link to nationalism or patriotism? Justify your answer.

Teaching Points

Lesson 3: Impact of Nationalism and Patriotism to the Issue of Peace and Order


Few countries survive and prosper without some degree of patriotic feelings among their people.
A love of country and shared pride bring the people together, helping them endure challenges. Without
shared patriotic beliefs, colonial Americans may not have chosen to travel the road to independence from
England. More recently, patriotism brought the American people together to overcome the Great
Depression and achieve victory in World War II.
The potential downside of patriotism is that if it becomes a mandatory political doctrine, it can be
used to turn groups of people against each other and can even lead the country to reject its fundamental
A few examples from United States history include: As early as 1798, extreme patriotism, spurred
by fears a war with France, led Congress to enact the Alien and Sedition Acts allowing the jailing of

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certain U.S. immigrants without due process of law and restricting the First Amendment freedoms
of speech and the press.
In 1919, early fears of Communism triggered the Palmer raids resulting in the arrest and
immediate deportation without trial of more than 10,000 German- and Russian-American immigrants.

After the December 7, 1941, Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor, the Franklin
Roosevelt administration ordered some 127,000 American citizens of Japanese ancestry imprisoned
in internment camps for the duration of World War II.

During the Red Scare of the early 1950s, the McCarthy era saw thousands of Americans accused
without evidence by the government of being communists or communist sympathizers. After a series of
so-called “investigations” conducted by Senator Joseph McCarthy, hundreds of those accused were
ostracized and prosecuted for their political beliefs.


In contrast to what the majority of people seem to believe, nationalism is a relatively new
ideology. Although people have always been attached to their native soil and traditions it was not until the
end of the 18th century that nationalism began to be a generally recognized sentiment shaping public and
private life and one of the great determining factors of modern history. The American and French
revolutions can be regarded as nationalism’s first powerful manifestation. In the early 19th century, it
spread to central Europe and then to eastern Europe. It was at the beginning of the 20th century that
nationalism flowed in Asia and Africa. Thought the past centuries we have many times seen the
catastrophic effects of nationalist ideologies, a great example being World War II.

Nationalism is an ideology based on the belief of superiority of a nation over the others, and
therefore it holds that a nation should govern itself, free from unwanted outside interference. It is strongly
connected to the concept of self-determination, and aims to the development of a national identity based
on specific characteristics such as culture, language, race, religion, political goals or a belief in a common
ancestry. This ideology goes strongly against the declaration of human rights, as it promotes
discrimination, and the superiority of a certain group against all others. Nationalism is an ideology that
usually gains popularity in periods of crisis and uncertainty. That is due to the poor education offered, as
well as due to the general tension amongst people. In today’s world, we once again are called to face the
rising of nationalist parties all around the world. In Europe, the past few years, we have seen extreme
ideologies rising to an unprecedented degree. Marine Le Pen and the National Front party, gained a lot
popularity, and were very close to winning Frances’ last elections. In Greece, Golden Dawn is also very
popular, and in Hungary the nationalist “Movement for a Better Hungary” held its position as the country’s
third-largest party in the 2014 parliamentary elections. Furthermore, Germany’s AfD has gained
representation in ten of the 16 German state parliaments since September 2016. USA and Australia also
face the phenomenon of rising nationalism very boldly, and in general, we see a rising nationalist spirit

But what does that mean for the international community? As we know, a huge issue has always
been international peace and stability. By that, we mean the minimization and prevention of conflicts and
tensions between states. In today’s world, these are maintained with various mechanisms. UN peace
keeping operations act in four basic ways:

 Conflict prevention, which includes diplomatic measures that aim to keep inter-state or intra-state
tensions from escalating to violent conflicts;
 Peace-making, that addresses conflicts in progress, and through diplomatic actions there are
attempts to bring the hostile parties to a negotiated agreement;
 Peace Enforcement, referring to the application of coercive measures such as military force, in order
to stop on-going conflicts or tensions, that require authorization of the Security Council;
 Peace Building, which aims to the minimization of lapsing or re lapsing into conflict, by strengthening
national capacities of conflict management and by laying the foundation for sustainable peace and

Overall, it is quite obvious that maintaining peace and stability between nations require diplomacy
and cooperation. Nationalist spirits, because of their nature, disrupt such attempts. Nationalist ideas of
self-reliance are prioritized over the global community and interdependence of states and therefore the
balance and stability between them is disrupted. This can have catastrophic effects on the cooperation
between nations and thus the maintaining of peace. Another side effect is the rise of xenophobia and
racisms, which would also create great tensions between nations. Therefore, it is clear that efforts need to
be made in order to prevent nationalism from rising globally, and thus maintaining peace and stability.

Major Parties Involved


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Today, in USA, there is a rising nationalist spirit. This can be extremely dangerous for the global
community and may create great issues and conflicts.

In multiple EU countries we are seeing the rising of nationalist parties, as well as the rise of
racism, xenophobia etc. This is extremely dangerous, especially now, that the European Union is going
through a great crisis.

Developing countries
In multiple developing countries, both African and in Asian, we can observe strong nationalist
movements. This, in combination with the general nationalist spirit globally as well as along with their
underdevelopment and the poor living standards of their people, only tenses the global situation.

1789-1804 The French Revolution
1815 Congress of Vienna
1821-1829 Greek war against the Ottoman Empire
1848 Liberal revolution of France
1871 Balkan Area
1905 Slavic Nationalism
1914-1918 World War One
1939-1945 World War Two
1964 Creation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)


Nationalism, like any extreme ideology, can and needs to be addressed primarily through
education. That would mean creating educational systems that promote the importance of differentiation,
of acceptance and the idea of internationalism. Furthermore, raising awareness for its implications and
effects is extremely important, especially when we’re referring to uneducated, or poorly educated
societies, like those of many countries globally.


Activity 3. Definition (Quiz - 15 points)

Give a brief description of the following words, three (3) sentences maximum.

1. Communism _______________________________________________________________________

2. Racism _______________________________________________________________________

3. Xenophobia

Activity 4. Enumeration (Quiz - 20 points)

Enumerate the pros and cons of nationalism and patriotism using the graphic organizer below.
List down five (5) each.

The Pros and Cons of Nationalism and Patriotism

Pros (Advantages) Cons (Disadvantages)

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Activity 2: Thought Paper (Exam - 50 points)

Write a thought paper with the theme “The impact of patriotism and nationalism to the issue of
peace and order in the Philippines.” You may discuss in your paper the following issues, Insurgency in the
Country, Brain Drain, Globalization and Liberalization in the Economy or other examples that you can
think of. Put a title to your thought paper. Include a reference/source in your paper.
Write your thoughts in five (5) paragraphs while observing the intro-body-conclusion format. As
much as possible, use Times New Roman size 12, double spaced in a short-sized paper. For grading,
please be guided with the rubric below.

0-12 13-25 26-38 39-50

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