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Norma D4378-03 Monitoreo Aceites

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An American National Standard

Designation: D 4378 – 03

Standard Practice for

In-Service Monitoring of Mineral Turbine Oils for Steam and
Gas Turbines1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4378; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


The in-service monitoring of turbine oils has long been recognized by the power-generation industry
as being necessary to ensure long trouble-free operation of turbines.
The two main types of stationary turbines used for power generation are steam and gas turbines; the
turbines can be used as individual turbines, or can be coupled to combine cycle turbines. The
lubrication requirements are quite similar but there are important differences in that gas turbine oils
are subjected to significantly higher localized “hot spot” temperatures and water contamination is less
likely. Steam turbine oils are normally expected to last for many years. In some turbines up to 20 years
of service life has been obtained. Gas turbine oils by comparison have a shorter service life. Many of
the monitoring tests used for steam turbine oils are applicable to gas turbine oils.
This practice is designed to assist the user to validate the condition of the lubricant through its life
cycle by carrying out a meaningful program of sampling and testing of oils in use. This practice is
performed in order to collect data and monitor trends which suggest any signs of lubricant
deteriorating. This can be used as a guide for the direction of system maintenance to ensure a safe,
reliable, and cost-effective operation of the monitored plant equipment.

1. Scope Petroleum Products by the Copper Strip Tarnish Test2

1.1 This practice covers the requirements for the effective D 445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent
monitoring of mineral turbine oils in service in steam and gas and Opaque Liquids (and the Calculation of Dynamic
turbines, as individual or combined cycle turbines, used for Viscosity)2
power generation. This practice includes sampling and testing D 664 Test Method for Acid Number of Petroleum Products
schedules to validate the condition of the lubricant through its by Potentiometric Titration2
life cycle and by ensuring required improvements to bring the D 665 Test Method for Rust-Preventing Characteristics of
present condition of the lubricant within the acceptable targets. Inhibited Mineral Oil in the Presence of Water2
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the D 892 Test Method for Foaming Characteristics of Lubri-
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the cating Oils2
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- D 943 Test Method for Oxidation Characteristics of Inhib-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- ited Mineral Oils2
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. D 974 Test Method for Acid and Base Number by Color-
Indicator Titration2
2. Referenced Documents D 1401 Test Method for Water Separability of Petroleum
2.1 ASTM Standards: Oils and Synthetic Fluids2
D 92 Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland D 1500 Test Method for ASTM Color of Petroleum Prod-
Open Cup2 ucts (ASTM Color Scale)2
D 130 Test Method for Detection of Copper Corrosion from D 2272 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Steam Tur-
bine Oils by Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test2
D 2422 Classification of Industrial Fluid Lubricants by
Viscosity System2
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum D 4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.C0 on
Turbine Oils.
Petroleum Products3
Current edition approved May 10, 2003. Published July 2003. Originally
approved in 1984. Last previous edition approved in 1997 as D 4378–97.
2 3
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.02.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 4378 – 03
D 4241 Practice for Design of Gas Turbine Generator Lu- feed oil directly from the main oil pump. The rest of the system
bricating Oil Systems3 consists of a reservoir, oil cooler, strainer, piping and additional
D 4248 Practice for Design of Steam Turbine Generator Oil purification or filtration equipment, or a combination thereof.
Systems3 Miscellaneous control and indicating equipment completes the
D 6810 Test Method for the Measurement of Hindered system. If there is an opportunity to participate in system
Phenolic Antioxidant Concentration in HL Turbine Oils by design, it is recommended that appropriate practices be con-
Linear Sweep Voltammetry4 sulted (see Practice D 4241 and Practice D 4248), as well OEM
F 311 Practice for Processing Aerospace Liquid Samples for guidelines and oil monitoring specifications.
Particulate Contamination Analysis Using Membrane Fil- 5.1.2 Condition of System on Start-up:
ters5 The individual components of a lubrication system
F 312 Methods for Microscopical Sizing and Counting are usually delivered on-site before the system is installed. The
Particles from Aerospace Fluids on Membrane Filters5 length of on-site storage and means taken to preserve the
2.2 ISO Standard: integrity of the intended oil wetted surfaces will determine the
ISO 4406:1999 Hydraulic fluid power—Fluids—Method total amount of contamination introduced during this period,
for coding the level of contamination by solid particles6 the magnitude of the task of cleaning and flushing prior to use,
and the detrimental effects of the contaminants. Guidance on
3. Significance and Use contamination control, flushing, and purification may be sought
3.1 This practice is intended to assist the user, in particular from the equipment supplier or other industry experts.
the power-plant operator, to maintain effective lubrication of Turbine oil system contamination prior to startup
all parts of the turbine and guard against the onset of problems usually consists of preservatives, paint, rust particles, and the
associated with oil degradation and contamination. various solids encountered during construction, which can
range from dust and dirt to rags, bottles, and cans. Their effect
4. Properties of Turbine Oils on turbine oil systems is obvious.
4.1 Most turbine oils consist of a highly refined paraffinic 5.1.3 Original Oil Quality:
mineral oil compounded with oxidation and rust inhibitors. Use of a high-quality oil is the best assurance of
Depending upon the performance level desired, small amounts potentially long service life. Oils meeting recognized standards
of other additives such as metal deactivators, pour depressants, are generally available, and one that at least meets the
extreme pressure additives, and foam suppressants can also be requirements of the turbine manufacturer shall be used. Careful
present. oil storage, including labeling and rotation of lubricant con-
4.2 New turbine oils should exhibit good resistance to tainers, is vital to ensure proper use and prevent degradation of
oxidation, inhibit sludge formation, and provide adequate the physical, chemical, and cleanliness requirements of the
antirust, water separability, and nonfoaming properties. How- lubricant throughout storage and dispensing.
ever, these oils cannot be expected to remain unchanged during It is advisable to obtain typical test data from the oil
their use in the lubrication systems of turbines, as lubricating supplier. Upon receipt of the first oil charge, a sample of oil
oils experience thermal and oxidative stresses which degrade should be taken to confirm the typical test data and to use as a
the chemical composition of the oil’s basestock and gradually baseline. This baseline should act as a starting point for the
deplete the oil’s additive package. Some deterioration can be physical and chemical properties of the lubricant, and for
tolerated without prejudice to the safety or efficiency of the future comparisons with used oil information. This is most
system. Reinhibition may improve some properties of the oil. important! Recommended tests for new oil are given in the
Good monitoring procedures are necessary to determine when schedules of this practice (see Table 1 and Table 2).
the oil properties have changed sufficiently to justify schedul- When new turbine oil is to be mixed with a charge
ing corrective actions which can be performed with little or no of a different composition prior checks should be made to
detriment to production schedules. ensure no loss of expected properties due to incompatibility
(see lubricant suppliers’ specifications). These should include
5. Operational Factors Affecting Service Life
functional tests and checks for formation of insolubles.
5.1 The factors that affect the service life of turbine lubri- 5.1.4 System Operating Conditions:
cating oils are as follows: (1) type and design of system, (2) The most important factors affecting the anticipated
condition of system on startup, (3) original oil quality, (4) service life of a given lubricating oil in a given turbine system
system operating conditions, (5) contamination, (6) oil makeup are the operating conditions within the system. Air (oxygen),
rate, and (7) handling and storage. elevated operating temperatures, metals, and water (moisture)
5.1.1 Type and Design of System—Most modern turbine are always present to some extent in these oil systems. These
lubricating systems are similar in design, especially for the elements promote oil degradation and must consequently be
larger units. For lubrication, the usual practice is to pressure- recorded. Most turbine oil systems are provided with oil
coolers to control temperature. In many cases, bulk oil tem-
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.04.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
peratures are maintained so low, below 60°C (140°F), that
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., moisture condensation can occur. Even with low bulk oil
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036. temperatures, however, there can be localized hot spots such as

D 4378 – 03
TABLE 1 Steam Turbines—Sampling and Testing Schedules [Mineral Oils]
Schedule 1 New Oil
(a) From transport or drums
(b) From storage tank
Acid No.
Appearance clear and bright
Water content no free water
Rust test PassC
Should meet Classification D 2422.
Should be consistent with user purchase specifications, new oil reference, or manufacturer’s requirement, or combination thereof.
Should pass D 665A for land-based turbines. Should pass D 665B for marine turbines.
Definition of suitable cleanliness levels depends on turbine builder and user requirements. Filtration or centrifugation, or both, of oil into turbine and during service is
strongly recommended.
Schedule 2 Installation of a New Oil ChargeA
After 24-h circulation. Retain approximately 4 L (1 gal).
Acid No.
Appearance clear and bright
Water content no free water
Follow recommended flushing procedures prior to installing a new oil charge whether it is an initial fill or an oil replacement.
Should be consistent with user purchase specifications and new oil reference.
Definition of suitable cleanliness levels depends on turbine builder and user requirements. Filtration or centrifugation, or both, of oil into turbine and during service is
strongly recommended.
Important as a baseline to determine turbine system severity.
Schedule 3A (First 12 Months Operation—New Turbine)
TestA Viscosity Acid No. Appearance Water Content Color Rust Test Cleanliness
Every 1–3
FrequencyB Every 1–3 months Monthly DailyC MonthlyC Weekly Every 6 months Every 2–3 months

Schedule 3B Normal Operation

Note 1—This schedule should be used as a guide. Increased frequency is required for a severe turbine or for oils approaching the end of their service life. Most tur-
bines should be covered by this schedule.
TestA Viscosity Acid No. Appearance Water Content Color Rust Test Cleanliness
B C Every 1–3 Every 1–3
Frequency Every 3–6 months Every 1–3 months Daily Weekly 1 Year Every 6–12 months
monthsC months
If contamination is suspected, additional tests such as Flash Point, Foam, and Water Separability, may be useful to determine degree and effect of contaminants
present. An outside laboratory or oil supplier can also assist in a more in-depth analysis.
Frequency is based on continuous operation or total accumulated service time.
If product is hazy or contains water in suspension, check water content.

in bearings, at gas seals, and in throttle control mechanisms nated by the introduction of different type oils, which are of the
that can cause oil degradation and eventually cause system oil wrong type or are incompatible with the system oil. The oil
to show signs of deterioration. supplier or the turbine manufacturer, or both, should be Under the higher temperature conditions which are consulted before additions are made.
present in gas and steam turbines, oxidation of the oil can be External contamination can enter the system through
accelerated by thermal-oxidative cracking leading to the pro- bearing seals and vents. Internal contaminants are always being
duction of viscous resins and deposits particularly at the point generated. These include water, dirt, fly ash, wear particles, and
of initiation. oil degradation products. From whatever source, contamination
5.1.5 Contamination: must be dealt with by monitoring oil condition and the use of Contamination of turbine oils occurs both from purification devices such as filters and centrifuges on a regular
outside the system and from within due to oil degradation and basis. These can be removed by purification devices such as
moisture condensation or leaks. Development of a clean filters, centrifuges, coalescers, and vacuum dehydrators.
turbine oil system on start-up or following maintenance is 5.1.6 Oil Makeup Rate—The amount and frequency of
essential. Once attained, the danger of external contamination makeup oil added to the system plays a very significant part in
is less but should be guarded against. The oil can be contami- determining the life of a system oil charge. Makeup varies from

D 4378 – 03
TABLE 2 Gas Turbines—Sampling and Testing Schedules [Mineral Oils]
Schedule 4 New Oil
From transport or drums
From storage tank
Acid No.
Appearance clear and bright
Should meet Classification D 2422.
Should be consistent with user purchase specifications, new oil reference, or manufacturer’s requirement, or combination thereof.
Definition of suitable cleanliness levels depends on turbine builder and user requirements. Filtration or centrifugation, or both, of oil into turbine and during service is
strongly recommended.
Schedule 5 Installation of a New Oil ChargeA
After 24-h (h) circulation. Retain approximately 4 L (1 gal).
Acid No.
Appearance clear and bright
Follow recommended flushing procedures prior to installing a new oil charge whether it is an initial fill or an oil replacement.
Should be consistent with user purchase specifications, new oil reference, or manufacturer’s requirements, or combination thereof.
Should agree with turbine builder and user requirements. Filtration of oil into turbine and during service is strongly recommended.
Important as a baseline to determine turbine system severity.
Schedule 6A In-Service (First 6 Months Operation—New Turbine)
Test Viscosity Acid No. Appearance Color Cleanliness
Frequency 500 h 500 h 100 h 200 h 500 h 500–1000 h

Schedule 6B In-Service Normal Operations

Note 1—This schedule should be used as a guide. Frequency should be varied depending on the turbine severity and oil condition
Test Viscosity Acid No. Appearance Color Cleanliness RPVOT/
FrequencyA 500 h 500–1000 h 100 h 200 h 1000 h 1500–2000 h
Frequency is based on hours of actual service.

below 5 % per year to as much as 30 % in extreme cases. In be used in setting the severity levels. The more severe a turbine
turbines where makeup is relatively high compared to the oil system, the shorter the service life for a given oil. A useful
degradation rate, the degree of degradation is compensated for approach to determine the severity of a turbine is given in
and long oil life can be expected. In turbines where the makeup Appendix X1.
is very low (below 5 %), a truer picture of oil degradation is
obtained. However, such a system should be carefully watched 6. Sampling
since the oil life is dependent almost exclusively on its original 6.1 General—When taking oil samples from storage tanks
quality. In the United States, the average makeup is typically or equipment in service, it is important that the extracted
around 7 to 10 % per year. sample will be representative and be taken from a specified
5.1.7 Handling and Oil Storage—Handling and dispensing location(s) to monitor the properties of the lubricant. Correct
methods must ensure that the quality and the cleanliness of the sampling techniques are vital to achieve this. The following are
lubricant meet the specifications required by the equipment. some suggested guidelines for proper sampling technique and
Oils must be properly labeled to ensure proper selection and sampling handling techniques (see Practice D 4057).
use. Proper stock rotation and storage methods must be 6.2 Representative Sampling—A sampling location that
considered to prevent the possible degradation of the physical supports repeatable and representative sampling to monitor the
and chemical properties of the lubricant during storage and health of the equipment and the properties of the lubricant. To
dispensing. be representative, a sample must be obtained either from an
5.2 The combination of all of the preceding operational agitated tank or a free-flowing line.
factors for a given turbine determines its severity level. Each 6.2.1 The primary sampling port is the location where
unit is different and the equilibrium operating conditions for routine oil samples are taken for monitoring oil contamination,
each system must be determined in order to fix its severity wear debris and the chemical and physical properties of the oil
level; OEM operating and maintenance specifications can also and is as follows:

D 4378 – 03 Dipping from the Tank—Oil samples should be vide sample bottles which meet all these requirements. These should be
taken by dipping from the tank. Lubricant should be thor- used whenever possible. If frequent samples are taken, an adequate supply
oughly circulated before the sample is taken. of containers should be kept. Oil Return Line Sampling Port—For circulating 6.4 Sample Markings—A sample should be properly
systems, the preferred location for oil samples should be taken marked. Markings should include at least the following infor-
on a single return line prior to entering the sump or reservoir. mation:
6.2.2 The secondary sampling methods are to be used for 6.4.1 Customer name (if appropriate),
measuring contamination and wear debris contributed by 6.4.2 Site or plant name,
individual components, and can be located anywhere on the 6.4.3 Location (unit number, tank number, compartment
system to isolate upstream components. This is where contami- number, and so forth),
nation and wear debris contributed by individual components 6.4.4 Turbine serial number (or other ID),
will be found: 6.4.5 Turbine service hours, Sampling from a Line—The line should contain 6.4.6 Oil service hours,
lubricating oil which is free flowing and not deadheaded. For 6.4.7 Date sample taken,
instance, the lines in a bearing header, an active filter, and 6.4.8 Type of oil sampled (lubricant ID),
active heat exchanger are free flowing; the lines to a gage
6.4.9 Sampling point/port ID,
cabinet are deadheaded. In equipment with dual filters or heat
6.4.10 Type of purification system (filters/centrifuge, and so
exchangers, the inactive filters or heat exchangers do not have
forth), and
flowing fluid and are not suitable sampling points. When using
6.4.11 Makeup (volume) since last sample was taken.
a sampling line, it is necessary that the line has been thor-
6.5 Sampling of New Oil Deliveries:
oughly flushed before taking a sample. Adequate amount of
flushing will depend on sampling line dimensions, length, and 6.5.1 A sample of the new lubricant is required to provide a
diameter. base line for the physical and chemical properties of the
lubricant. Also samples taken should be representative of the
NOTE 1—Test values obtained will differ depending on the sample oil being examined but obtained from the point(s) most
locations. Use caution when comparing sample results from different indicative of gross contamination by debris and water, that is,
sample points.
just above the bottom of the drum or tanker compartment Tapping from a Reservoir—As previously described, bottom.
the lubricating oil must be thoroughly agitated in the reservoir 6.5.2 When consignments of oil are in drums, sample them
and the tap line flushed before a sample can be taken. in accordance with Practice D 4057.
6.2.3 An oil sample is probably not representative if: (1) the 6.5.3 For bulk consignments, sample each tanker compart-
system oil is hot while the sample is cold, (2) the oil in the ment. If these are clear of debris and water, then the samples
system is one color or clarity in a sight glass while the sample can be combined for subsequent laboratory analysis of the
is a different color or clarity, and (3) the viscosity of the consignment.
reservoir oil is different from that of the sample when both are 6.5.4 In cases where the product is suspected of being
at the same temperature. nonuniform, sample a larger number of drums. Where contami-
6.2.4 It should be noted that on occasion a sample may be nation is suspected there is no alternative to sampling every
requested which will not be representative. At that time, drum.
sampling instructions, as specified by the requestor, must be 6.5.5 From tanker deliveries, in addition to sampling indi-
followed. For example, a sample might be taken off the top or vidual tanker compartments, further sample(s) should be taken
the bottom of a tank to check for contamination. In all cases the preferably from the outlet of the flexible pipework or at least
sample point should be marked on the sample bottle. from the tanker bottom valve manifold. This further sampling
6.3 Oil Sample Bottles—Samples should be taken in a is necessary because the tanker contents can become contami-
suitable sample bottle. To be suitable the bottle should be: nated by residual material left in the bottom valve manifold.
6.3.1 Clean—If in doubt about its cleanliness, use another This can occur particularly when different products are being
bottle; if this is not possible, flush it out with the oil to be carried in separate compartments or previous deliveries of a
sampled. different product have been made to other locations without
6.3.2 Resistant to the Material Being Sampled—To verify subsequent adequate cleaning and flushing.
the bottle’s resistance, if time permits, allow the sample to 6.5.6 Bottom samples must be collected by either a tube or
stand in the bottle and observe its effects. Aluminum foil makes thief sampler (for example, Bacon bomb). These samplers
a good, resistant cap liner. permit collection of settlings on the bottom of the container
6.3.3 Appropriate for Whatever Handling is Required— without introducing false contamination by scraping the con-
Bottles with leaking tops and glass bottles improperly pro- tainer lining or wall.
tected are not suitable for shipment. Appropriate regulations 6.5.7 Take the sample(s) from the outlet of the flexible
for handling and shipment of samples must be observed. pipework or the tanker bottom valve manifold while maintain-
6.3.4 Appropriate for the Analyses Required—An extensive ing a good flow after flushing the line.
chemical analysis, if that is why a sample is required, cannot be 6.6 Preservation of Sample—If tests are not run immedi-
done on the contents of a bottle which is too small. ately, store the sample(s) away from strong light or excessive
NOTE 2—Some lubricant suppliers and commercial laboratories pro- heat.

D 4378 – 03
7. Examination of New Oil on Delivery compounds are easily oxidized and also tend to polymerize to
7.1 Experience has shown the need for standardizing pro- form resins and sludge.
cedures to be undertaken for the sampling, examination, and 8.1.3 Water Accumulation in the System—Accumulated wa-
acceptance of incoming supplies of turbine oil. It is essential ter promotes oil degradation as well as additive depletion,
that personnel responsible for sampling and testing shall have corrosion, reduced lubricating film thickness and microbial
the necessary experience and skills, and that scrupulous atten- growth. It is advised to operate without the presence of free or
tion to detail be applied at all times to avoid erroneous results. emulsified water.
7.2 It is equally essential that all incoming supplies of oil be 8.1.4 Loss of Additives—This can result in more rapid
adequately monitored to guard against incorrect or contami- oxidation and premature rusting.
nated material being delivered. Cleanliness of the delivery 8.1.5 Influx of Contaminants—Contaminants arising within
container should be noted; if the container is dirty on the the system (corrosion and wear products) or from without (fly
outside, there may be particulate contamination on the inside. ash, dirt, and fluids) cause lubrication and wear problems.
Particulate contamination can also be a problem when the 8.2 Properties of Oils Which Must Be Retained—In deter-
lubricant comes in contact with dirty or poorly maintained mining the condition of the system oil for continued service,
equipment. the most important properties of the used oil are: (1) viscosity,
7.3 Sampling of incoming supplies should be in accordance (2) oxidation stability reserve, (3) freedom from sludge, (4)
with proper sampling procedures (see Section 6). freedom from abrasive contaminants, (5) anticorrosion protec-
7.4 All samples should be immediately examined for ap- tion, (6) demulsibility, (7) air release, and (8) freedom from
pearance. water contamination.
7.5 A testing schedule for new oil is included in this practice 8.2.1 Viscosity—Viscosity is the most important character-
(see Table 1 and Table 2). With drums, tests should be istic of a turbine oil, as the oil film thickness under hydrody-
completed on the bulk sample before the oil is used in service. namic lubrication conditions is critically dependent on the oil’s
Individual samples should be retained until the bulk sample is viscosity characteristics. Most commercial turbine oils are sold
passed as satisfactory. under ISO (International Standards Organization) viscosity
classification system. Oils fall into ISO-VG-32, VG-46, VG-
7.6 With tanker deliveries the additional tests to be com-
68, and VG-100 viscosity grades corresponding to 32, 46, 68,
pleted before the tanker is discharged can only be judged from
and 100 cSt at 40°C and to approximately 165, 240, 350, and
the risk involved by the acceptance of nonspecification prod-
515 SUS at 100°F (Classification D 2422). The main purpose
uct, that is, can the charge be readily recovered and corrected
for checking the viscosity of used turbine oil is to determine if
before passing into service if the subsequent tests indicate this
the correct oil is being used and to detect contamination. Used
to be necessary.
turbine oils rarely show significant viscosity changes due to
7.7 Handling and dispensing methods contribute to the degradation. Occasionally, viscosity increases due to an emul-
required health and cleanliness specifications of the lubricant. sion with water contamination. The method normally used for
All sources and opportunities of contamination must be viscosity determinations is Test Method D 445.
8.2.2 Oxidation Inhibitor—The monitoring of antioxidant
concentration is important for controlling the oxidation of
8. Deterioration of Turbine Oils in Service industrial lubricants and their remaining useful life. Some
8.1 How Turbine Oils Degrade—Irrespective of initial qual- practices for measuring the concentration of phenolic (or
ity, during their use in lubrication systems of turbines, lubri- amine) antioxidants include infrared spectrometry (including
cating oils will experience thermal and oxidative stresses, loss Fourier Transform Infrared) and voltammetry. When setting up
of foam control, poor oil demulsibility and loss of wear one of these techniques, it is advisable to consult with the
protection, which degrade the chemical composition of the oil. lubricant supplier who has a working knowledge of the
In order to avoid these degradation problems, lubricating oils antioxidants used in the turbine oil formulation.
are developed with a strong ability to control oxidation FTIR—The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) prac-
process, degradation by wear, and other degradation mecha- tice is a refined infrared spectroscopy method, which can be
nism, by using a combination of good quality base oil together used to monitor change in the availability of the original
with a mixture of additives. For turbine oils it is very common antioxidants blended into the oil. It can also be used to monitor
for high quality products to have long periods of successful the change in oxidation products as the oil degrades. Peak
field operation, so that for many years the oil may perform like locations for the additives will vary from oil to oil and the peak
new. Lubricant deterioration occurs by one or more of the location must be established to obtain benefit from this
following processes: technique. Each antioxidant is a specific chemical substance
8.1.1 Oxidative Degradation—This occurs as the result of and will absorb infrared light at a particular wavelengths and
chemical changes brought about by oxygen in the atmosphere absorptivities; some antioxidants may not be detectable by
and proceeds by a chain reaction. infrared spectroscopy. (Test Method D 2668 may be used for
8.1.2 Thermal/Oxidative Degradation—This can occur at antioxidants if the wavelengths and absorptivities are known.)
hot spots in turbines. During thermal degradation at elevated Voltammetry—Voltammetry is an electrochemical
temperatures, hydrocarbons are subject to thermal degradation test technique, which can be used for measuring many antioxi-
to form unstable and insoluble compounds. These unstable dant additives. The technique applies a voltage ramp through a

D 4378 – 03
3 electrode sensing system and measures the current flow that and repair. The need for proper cleaning and flushing of new or
occurs when the applied voltage equals the oxidation potential repaired turbine systems is emphasized. Beyond these types of
of the antioxidant. The potential of the produced voltammetric contaminants, there are few opportunities for solids to enter the
peak aids in the identification of the antioxidant and the height lube oil system, although in very dusty areas where units may
of the produced peak is proportional to the concentration of the be out-of-doors, some solids can enter through improperly
antioxidant. Antioxidants such as phenols (in accordance with installed or operating vents.
Test Method D 6810), amines, and ZDDP can be measured. During operation, the equipment begins to accumu-
8.2.3 Oxidation Stability Reserve: late significant amounts of particulates. Some may enter the One of the important properties of new turbine oil is system through the makeup oil when it is added. Fly ash may
its oxidation stability. Traditionally, this has been measured by be drawn in with the air at bearing shaft seals. Other contami-
Test Method D 943 with Test Method D 2272 being used as an nants may be abrasive degradation and corrosion products
ancillary (rapid) method for following changes of oil condition developed in the system. Whatever the source, the presence of
in service. Oxidation stability will gradually decrease in abrasive solids in the oil cannot be tolerated since they will
service, deterioration being promoted by the catalytic effects of promote scoring and damage to bearings and journals as well
metals in the system (iron and copper) as well as by the as causing malfunction and sticking of control mechanisms.
depletion of the antioxidant. The latter occurs as a result of the These must be removed by the use of filters or centrifuge, or
normal function of the additive (chemically it acts as a both. When the amount of makeup is low and the various filters
chain-stopper in controlling oxidation), or by volatilization. As and purifiers are operating satisfactorily, abrasive solids are
the oxidation stability reserve decreases, acidic compounds are
generally removed before any damage is done. In a properly
produced which in turn undergo further reactions to form more
maintained system the particulate level presents no problem.
complex compounds. The end products of these processes are
Cleanliness of the system oil can be determined by gravimetric
insoluble sludge and lacquering. Although only a minute
means (Practice F 311 or Methods F 312) or by particle
fraction of the oil is converted in this way, sufficient sludge and
counting, the latter normally by means of electronic particle
lacquering can form to settle in critical areas of the system,
leading to filter blockage, interference with proper lubrication counters. Cleanliness levels can be represented by classifica-
and cooling of bearings and moving parts. tion systems such as ISO 4406:1999. ISO 4406:1999 uses a
numeric code to reference the number of particles larger than 4 The test method to detect severe oxidative degrada-
µm, 6 µm, and 14 µm/mL of oil. ISO 4406:1999 assigns integer
tion is the acid number (Test Methods D 664 and D 974). Most
values to denote a range of particles whose upper limit doubles
rust inhibitors used in turbine oils are acidic and contribute to
with each successive number. Desired cleanliness levels are
the acid number of the new oil. An increase in acid number
above the value for new oil indicates the presence of acidic sometimes designated by the equipment manufacturer or user.
oxidation products or, less likely, contamination with acidic If a cleanliness level is not specified by the manufacturer,
substances. An accurate determination of the acid number is cleanliness in the range from ISO − 16/14/11 to − 18/16/13
very important. However, this test does not measure oxidation (ISO 4406:1999) is usually considered satisfactory.
stability reserve, which is better determined by Test Method 8.2.6 Rust Protection:
D 2272. This latter test is included in the recommended testing Antirust protection provided by the lubricant is of
schedules (see Table 1 and Table 2). significant importance for turbine systems. Protection is re-
8.2.4 Freedom from Sludge: quired in areas of fluid flow, for surfaces covered by static Due to the nature of the highly refined lubricant base drops of water and for areas which are only occasionally
stocks used in the manufacture of turbine oils, they are very splashed by the lubricant. New oil usually contains an antirust
poor solvents for sludge. This is the main reason why the inhibitor additive and must meet test requirements such as Test
oxidation stability reserve of the oil must be carefully moni- Method D 665. In service, this additive can become depleted
tored. Only a relatively small degree of oxidation can be by (1) performing its proper function, (2) by removal with
permitted, otherwise there is considerable risk of sludge water, (3) by adsorption on wear particles and other solid
deposition in bearing housings, seals, gears, and pistons. debris, or (4) by chemical reaction with contaminants. In Measurement of the amounts of sludge in turbine exceptional circumstances where alkaline or polluted water
oils (for example, by porous membrane filtration) is possible. enters the system, additive removal will be much more rapid.
Sludge already laid down within the system would not be Test Method D 665 Procedure A (distilled water rust test) is
included in such a determination. Other tests, however, can adequate for determining a satisfactory level of antirust inhibi-
signal deteriorating quality in the oil even before any signifi- tor for land-based turbines. For marine usage, Test Method
cant formation of sludge occurs. D 665 Procedure B (seawater rust test) is recommended. Filtration and centrifugation assist in removing Although rusting is the most important corrosive
sludge from the oil as it is formed but cannot protect the system tendency to guard against, the possibility exists of other types
if the oil is allowed to deteriorate too far before an oil change. of corrosion brought about by active sulfur or strong acids.
8.2.5 Particle Counting: Generally, these factors are of little significance for turbines The most deleterious solid contaminants found in since new oils must meet very strict requirements in this regard
turbine oil systems are those left behind when the system is and used oils are normally discarded before any corrosive
constructed and installed or when it is opened for maintenance breakdown products are formed. Contamination is the most

D 4378 – 03
likely factor if the used oil does not continue to meet new oil observed and may not be of a concern (see Table 3). System
standards for copper strip corrosion (see Test Method D 130). foaming problems have three possible origins.
8.2.7 Water Separability: Mechanical—The system design can have a major Water can get into turbine systems due to oil cooler impact on the foaming tendency of a lubricant.
leaks, normal breathing, and gland seal steam. Water adversely Antifoam Additive Depletion—Antifoam agents may
affects turbine oils by acting with metals to catalyze oxidation. be removed mechanically (due to fine filtration, centrifuging,
It also depletes water-sensitive oil additives such as some types mechanical shearing, or adsorption) because they are dispersed
of turbine oil rust inhibitors, and can cause rusting and and not dissolved in the oil. Caution must be practiced not to
corrosion. In gas turbines, minor amounts of water are driven overdose with additional defoamant as this may have a
off during normal operations. In steam turbines, normally if the detrimental impact on air release properties of the oil.
oil is in good condition, water will settle to the bottom of the Contamination—An attempt should be made to
storage tank, where it should be drained off as a routine identify and remove the contaminants. In cases where this
operating procedure. Purification systems will also assist in cannot be done adequately, this may be corrected with an
removing the water. Unfortunately if the steam turbine oil has addition of defoamant.
developed poor water separability properties (as measured by
Test Method D 1401) significant amounts of water will stay in Air Release Properties—Agitation of lubricating oil
the system and create problems. In addition to chemical effects with air in equipment such as bearings, couplings, gears,
on the oil and additives, the lubricating properties of the oil can pumps, and oil return lines may produce a dispersion of finely
be adversely affected; adequate lubrication cannot be main- divided air bubbles in the oil. If the residence time in the
tained by an oil which contains a significant quantity of water. reservoir is too short to allow the air bubbles to rise to the oil
Therefore, lubricant flow to bearings should not contain surface, a mixture of air and oil will circulate through the
significant amounts of free or dispersed water. There are lubricating oil system. This may result in an inability to
considerable differences of opinion as to what level of water is maintain oil pressure (particularly with centrifugal pumps),
harmful, but 0.1 % is generally considered significant. incomplete oil films in bearings and gears, and poor hydraulic
system performance or failure. The time required for air If an oil is clear and bright, the amount of dissolved
entrained in the oil (in Test Method D 3427) to reduce in
water present is of little significance. Most turbine oils will
volume to 0.2 % is recorded as the air bubble separation time.
remain clear with up to 100 ppm of water at room temperature.
8.3 Other Properties of Used Oils—There are various other 8.3.4 Elemental Analysis—Emission spectroscopy can be
properties of used turbine oil which can be measured but are used to analyze for elements found in used lubricating oil. This
considered of less significance. These are discussed as follows: analysis is generally limited to dissolved materials or particles
smaller than about 8 µm. The elements found derive from wear
8.3.1 Color—New turbine oils are normally light in color.
debris, additives, and contamination.
Some turbine oils darken on exposure to sunlight or U/V light.
This is not abnormal. Darkening will occur in service but the Some wear on metal parts can be considered to be
change is usually slow over years of service. Frequent checks normal (although not desirable). Large amounts of metal
for color are therefore useful as a quick on-the-spot test. A contaminants usually indicate a serious machine problem.
significant color change would be indicative that unusual and Since different machine parts are made from different metals,
rapid darkening can be a direct result from contamination or the presence of particular metals indicate which components
excessive degradation. A more detailed examination would be are wearing. When a machine has been sampled several times
necessary to find the cause. Test Method D 1500 is the standard (or when multiple machines of the same type have been tested),
method for defining the color of lubricants. Color darkening an evaluation is made to determine whether the metal concen-
alone is not itself a cause for alarm (unless supported by trations are outside of the normal range. Samples from a piece
additional tests). of equipment that have metal concentrations increasing at an
8.3.2 Flash Point—Turbine oils, like most lubricants, must unusually high rate or outside of the normal range indicate that
have flash points well above the minimum applicable safety the equipment may have a problem. When no historical data is
requirements. However, flash point is of little significance for available, there is a chance that not enough significance will be
determining the degree of degradation of used oils, since given to a particular wear metal and its concentration.
normal degradation has little effect on the flash point. It is Certain elements which are found as lubricant oil
useful for detecting contamination with low-boiling solvents. additives can also be analyzed to ensure that the appropriate
The method in common use is Test Method D 92 (Cleveland additives are present and that there are no other inorganic
Open Cup). additives which indicate that cross-contamination has oc-
8.3.3 Foaming Characteristics—Foaming characteristics curred. An analysis should be performed on unused oil in order
are measured by Test Method D 892 which indicates both the to establish a baseline for future comparisons.
tendency of the oil to foam and the stability of the foam after Contaminants (such as dirt and water) in the oil can
it is generated. This test may be useful in troubleshooting oil be carried throughout the machine and cause severe wear or
foaming problems in equipment. Some increase in foaming corrosion. The presence of dirt can be detected by the presence
tendency over time will occur due to changes in the oil’s of silicon (or aluminum). Inorganic constituents of fresh and
surface tension resulting from normal oil degradation, trace treated water may be detected using elemental analysis. Ex-
contamination and this increase in foaming tendency is often amples of these may be: calcium from untreated water, sodium

D 4378 – 03
TABLE 3 Interpretation of Test Data and Recommended Action
Steam (S)
Oil Life
Test Warning Limit or Gas (G) Interpretation Action Steps
(Running Hours)
Acid No. 0.1–0.2 mg KOH/g S up to 20 000 h This represents above normal Investigate cause. Increase
deterioration. Possible causes are: frequency of testing—compare
(1) system very severe, (2) with RPVOT data. Consult with oil
Increase over new oil G up to 3000 h
antioxidant depleted, (3) wrong oil supplier for possible reinhibition.
used, (4) oil contaminated.
Acid No. 0.3–0.4 mg KOH/g S, G at any time during life Oil at or approaching end of Look for signs of increased
of oil charge service life, (3) or (4) above may sediment on filters and centrifuge.
apply. Check RPVOT, Voltammetry, and
FTIR. If antioxidant is less than
25 % of original, review status with
Increase over new oil
oil supplier and consider oil
change. Increase test frequency if
left in system.
RPVOT/Voltammetry/ less than half value on S up to 20 000 h Above normal degradation. Investigate cause. Increase
FTIR original oil frequency of testing.
RPVOT/Voltammetry/ less than half value on G up to 3000 h Above normal degradation. Investigate cause. Increase
FTIR original oil frequency of testing.
RPVOT/Voltammetry/ less than 25 % of original S, G at any time Together with high acid number Resample and retest. If same,
FTIR indicates oil at or approaching end consider oil change.
of service life.
Water content exceeds 0.1 % S at any time Oil contaminated. Potential water Investigate and remedy cause.
leak. Clean system by appropriate
method.A If still unsatisfactory
consider oil change or consult oil
Cleanliness exceeds accepted limitsB S, G at any time Source of particulates may be: (1) Locate and eliminate source of
makeup oil, (2) dust or ash particulates. Clean system oil by
entering system, (3) wear condition filtration or centrifuging, or both.
in system.
Rust test light fail S up to 20 000 h (1) The system is wet or dirty, or Investigate cause and make
D 665, Procedure AC both.(2) The system is not necessary maintenance and
maintained properly (for example, operating changes. Check rust
water drainage neglected, test. Consult oil supplier regarding
centrifuge not operating.) reinhibition if test result
Rust test light fail S, G after 20 000 h during Normal additive depletion in wet Consult oil supplier regarding
D 665, Procedure AC life of oil charge system. reinhibition.
Appearance hazy S, G at any time Oil contains water or solids, or Investigate cause and remedy.
both. Filter or centrifuge oil, or both.
Color unusual and rapid S, G at any time This is indicative of: (1) Determine cause and rectify.
darkening contamination or (2) excessive
Viscosity 5 % from original oil S, G at any time (1) Oil is contaminated, (2) oil is Determine cause. If viscosity is low
viscosity severely degraded, or (3) higher or determine flash point. Change oil,
lower viscosity oil added. if necessary.
Flash point drop 30°F or more S, G at any time Probably contamination. Determine cause. Check other
compared to new oil quality parameters. Consider oil
Foam test D892, exceeds following limits: S, G at any time Possibly contamination or antifoam Rectify cause. Check with oil
Sequence I tendency—450 depletion. In new turbines residual supplier regarding reinhibition.
stability—10 rust preventives absorbed by oil Note—Plant problems often
may cause problem. mechanical in origin.
Appropriate methods may include centrifugation, coalescence, or vacuum dehydration.
Definition of suitable cleanliness levels depends on turbine and user requirements.
Satisfactory for land-based turbines.

and magnesium from sea water, and potassium, sodium or and Table 2 (for gas turbines) are typical and should only be
boron from cooling water. used as a guide. Refer to the OEM (original equipment
manufacturer) instructions or other regulatory guidelines for
9. Monitoring Program lubricant testing requirements. In addition to the tests in Tables
9.1 A sound monitoring program is based on four factors: 1 and 2, any deposits found in the oil or removed from the
(1) obtaining representative samples and testing at appropriate system should be examined and identified (if possible).
intervals; (2) logging, trending, and interpretation of test data; 9.3 Logging, Trending, and Interpretation of Test Data—It
(3) action steps; and (4) insurance of maintenance follow-up. is important to keep accurate records of test results and
9.2 Sampling and Testing of Oil Samples—Schedules for make-up. Graphical representations are highly recommended
routine monitoring should be tailored to the individual facility for key parameters such as acid number, oxidation inhibitor,
depending on the criticality and severity of usage of the wear particle concentration, wear metals, and RPVOT. In this
turbines. The schedules included in Table 1 (for steam turbines) way, unusual trends become apparent and better estimates

D 4378 – 03
made of remaining service life. Interpretation of test data identification. If significant amounts of sludge, arising from oil
should take into account such factors as oil addition (make-up oxidation, are found in the system, action should be taken to
or replacement oil), possible intermixing of oils, newly in- clean out the system and replace the oil charge. If the deposit
stalled parts, and recent system inspections. Guidelines for consists essentially of contaminant material such as fly ash or
warning levels are provided for various lubricant types in Table other debris, appropriate action is necessary to remedy the
3. Oil supplier guidelines or original equipment manufacturer cause.
(OEM) guidelines, or both, supersede Table 3. These warning
levels should also be considered with trending information. 11. Test Schedules
9.4 Action Steps—The main purpose of a monitoring pro- 11.1 Steam and Gas Turbines—Mineral Oils:
gram is to ensure long trouble-free operation of the equipment.
11.1.1 The following test schedules are based mainly on
This can only be achieved by prompt and proper action steps
tests that can be run by most power station laboratories. An
when necessary. Such action steps must be based on a correct
important exception is probably the RPVOT to determine
interpretation of test results (see Table 3), usually gathered over
remaining service life where the assistance of an outside
a period of time. Corrective action should generally never be
laboratory or the oil supplier may be necessary.
taken on the basis of one test result since it may be incorrect
11.1.2 New oil should be sampled and tested for agreement
due to poor sampling or faulty testing. Resampling and
with quality requirements as it is received. Upon the installa-
retesting is recommended before proceeding. Actions recom-
tion of a new oil charge, either as an initial fill or as
mended by the oil supplier or the original equipment manu-
replacement charge, an approximately 4-L (1-gal) sample
facturer, or both, supersede those in Table 3.
should be taken after 24-h circulation. This is a most important
9.5 Maintenance Follow–Up—When maintenance is per-
sample since it is used as the baseline for comparison with later
formed on equipment included in the oil monitoring program,
test data. The sample should be retained for at least 12 months.
the records of work performed and problems found should be
Significant differences in quality between the new oil (as
documented and made available to those responsible for
received) and the 24-h sample should be investigated. A check
interpreting the oil test data. In this way, the test data
sample is sometimes necessary. Contaminants in the system
interpreter can (1) ensure that recommended maintenance was
and residues from degraded oil can adversely affect the
performed, (2) make better recommendations, and (3) learn
potential service life of the new oil charge. The purpose of the
better how test data correlate with equipment problems.
initial schedules, 12 months for steam turbines and 4–6 months
10. Sludge and Deposits for gas turbines, is to determine the severity of service. For
this, fairly frequent sampling and testing is required. The
10.1 The accumulation of sludge or deposits in any part of
amount of degradation occurring during this initial period
a turbine system is cause for concern. During outages, inspec-
serves as a guide to establish future sampling frequency.
tion should be made of all accessible parts of the system, in
particular the reservoir, turning gear, and so forth. Varnishing is 11.1.3 The normal test schedules are for systems which
usually an indication that the oil has been in service too long. normally expect a long service life. The history of the present
Samples of the deposits should be taken for analysis. During charge or the results of the first 6 to 12 months testing of a
operation, any unusual amount of solids removed during replacement charge is usually sufficient to determine if the
centrifugation or filtration should be noted. An initial exami- normal schedule will apply. Eventually, as test results indicate
nation of any deposit can be made very simply. For this, a small that the oil is becoming degraded and may be approaching the
amount of the deposit is washed free of oil with a petroleum end of its service life, the sampling frequency should be
solvent from a squeeze bottle. After drying, a small magnet can increased.
be used to separate iron-derived matter. Examination with a
simple 10-power pocket magnifying glass will often help to 12. Keywords
decide the nature and source of the debris. If necessary, the 12.1 gas turbines; in-service monitoring; mineral; mineral
deposit can be sent to a well-equipped laboratory for full turbine oil; monitoring program; steam turbines; turbine oil

D 4378 – 03

(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 In a previous section of this practice, mention was X = used oil oxidation resistance in the Test Method
made of the severity of a turbine and lube oil system together D 2722 rotary pressure vessel test expressed as % of
with the factors that determine the severity. In a paper on fresh oil.
turbine oil degradation7 the turbine severity has been defined as
the “percent of fresh oil oxidation resistance lost per year due X1.2 To be able to use this equation to obtain the severity
to oil reactions in the turbine oil system.” An equation was factor for a particular system, it is apparent that both the oil
developed for turbine severity, B, as follows: makeup rate and results of the rotary bomb test must be known
B 5 M ~1 2 X/100!/~1 2 e2Mt/100! (X1.1) over a significant period of turbine operation. The latter
requires periodic testing at 3 to 6-month intervals for 1 to 2
where: years, while the former is obtained through accurate record-
B = turbine severity,
M = fresh oil makeup expressed as the percent of total keeping. In some large, multiple-unit installations having
charge per year, common piping and oil storage facilities, special efforts are
t = years of oil use, and needed to keep track of oil makeup rates for each unit.

X1.3 For greater detail on the significance of turbine oil

Den Herder, M. J., and Vienna, P. C., “Control of Turbine Oil Degradation system severity and its use in controlling oil degradation, it is
During Use,” Lubrication Engineering, Vol 37(2), 1981, pp. 67–71. recommended that the original paper be consulted.

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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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