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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT 173.220

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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 173.


§ 173.219 Life-saving appliances. (2) Signal devices (Class 1) must be in

packagings that prevent them from
(a) A life-saving appliance, self-in-
being inadvertently activated;
flating or non-self-inflating, containing
small quantities of hazardous mate- (3) Strike-anywhere matches must be
rials that are required as part of the cushioned to prevent movement or fric-
life-saving appliance must conform to tion in a metal or composition recep-
the requirements of this section. Pack- tacle with a screw-type closure in a
agings must conform to the general manner that prevents them from being
packaging requirements of subpart B of inadvertently activated;
this part but need not conform to the (4) Limited quantities of other haz-
requirements of part 178 of this sub- ardous materials must be packaged in
chapter. The appliances must be accordance with the requirements of
packed, so that they cannot be acciden- this subchapter; and
tally activated and, except for life (5) For other than transportation by
vests, the hazardous materials must be aircraft, life saving appliances con-
in inner packagings packed so as to taining no hazardous materials other
prevent shifting within the outer pack- than carbon dioxide cylinders with a
aging. The hazardous materials must capacity not exceeding 100 cm3 are not
be an integral part of the appliance and subject to the provisions of this sub-
in quantities that do not exceed those chapter provided they are overpacked
appropriate for the actual appliance in rigid outer packagings with a max-
when in use. imum gross mass of 40 kg.
(b) Life saving appliances may con-
[69 FR 76158, Dec. 20, 2004, as amended at 72
tain: FR 44950, Aug. 9, 2007; 73 FR 57006, Oct. 1,
(1) Division 2.2 compressed gases, in- 2008]
cluding oxygen. However, oxygen gen-
erators are not permitted; § 173.220 Internal combustion engines,
(2) Signal devices (Class 1), which self-propelled vehicles, mechanical
may include smoke and illumination equipment containing internal com-
signal flares; bustion engines, and battery pow-
ered vehicles or equipment.
(3) Electric storage batteries and
lithium batteries (Life saving appli- (a) Applicability. An internal combus-
ances containing lithium batteries tion engine, self-propelled vehicle,
must be transported in accordance mechanized equipment containing an
with § 173.185, and Special Provisions internal combustion engine, or a bat-
188, 189, A101, A103 and A104 as applica- tery powered vehicle or equipment is
ble.); subject to the requirements of this sub-
(4) First aid or repair kits con- chapter when transported as cargo on a
forming to the applicable material and transport vehicle, vessel, or aircraft
quantity limitations of § 173.161 of this if—
subchapter; (1) The engine or fuel tank contains a
(5) Strike-anywhere matches; liquid or gaseous fuel. An engine may
(6) For self-inflating life saving appli- be considered as not containing fuel
ances only, cartridges power device of when the fuel tank, engine compo-
Division 1.4S, for purposes of the self- nents, and fuel lines have been com-
inflating mechanism provided that the pletely drained, sufficiently cleaned of
quantity of explosives per appliance residue, and purged of vapors to re-
does not exceed 3.2 g; or move any potential hazard and the en-
(7) Limited quantities of other haz- gine when held in any orientation will
ardous materials. not release any liquid fuel;
(c) Hazardous materials in life saving (2) It is equipped with a wet battery
appliances must be packaged as fol- (including a non-spillable battery), a
lows: sodium battery or lithium battery; or
(1) Division 2.2 compressed gases (3) Except as provided in paragraph
dcolon on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with CFR

must be packaged in cylinders in ac- (e)(1) of this section, it contains other

cordance with the requirements of this hazardous materials subject to the re-
subchapter; quirements of this subchapter.


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