Marketing Research Proposal
Marketing Research Proposal
Marketing Research Proposal
Prepared by:
This research will be related to the consumer buying preference towards laptop
for student at Politeknik Port Dickson. It describes about how students' knowledge
about laptop among students in Politeknik Port Dickson. It also aims the study of how
laptop has factors that can influence students to buy a laptop. This research will be a
quantitative research design and involves more than 300 students Politeknik Port
Dickson. The number of respondents are refers to Krejcie and Morgan table (1970).
Chapter1 :Content of study
1.1Reseacrh Background
In order to study the needs and choices of students polytechnic Port Dickson for
laptop . Because the polytechnic has many departments, each student's choice is
different. In addition, each student has different purchase conditions and ideas. So we
conducted this research in order to better understand the requirements of students in
each department for laptop.
1.2Problem Statement
Laptops are important to students because they can help them complete tasks.
However, some tasks require good laptop computers to help them complete their tasks
perfectly. For example, students in the mechanical department need to use autocat to
complete assignment In addition, laptops are expensive, so this study can help
students better understand the configuration and performance of laptops so that they
can buy a laptop that suits them.Here I will list the configuration that students will
mind before buying a laptop.
Processor (CPU)
The processor, usually Intel or AMD, is the main brain of your computer and has the
biggest effect on how your laptop will run. Most are at least dual-core - two
processors on one chip sharing the workload. Some Intel's processors use 'Hyper-
threading', boosting the dual core processor to act like a quad-core one. Processor
clock speed (in GHz) has some impact on performance - the higher the figure, the
faster the computer.
If you’re looking for a high-performance laptop, or something that'll last you for a
good few years, go for a faster processor.
Memory (Ram)
Ram (random access memory) is your laptop's short-term memory, storing
information while you're using the laptop (the hard drive is used for long-term file
The amount of Ram your laptop has determines how many tasks it can accomplish
simultaneously. Aim for as much Ram as you can afford – ideally at least 4GB to
make it easier to rip music while you're surfing the net, updating your security
software, and sending and receiving emails. With some laptops you can add more
Ram later, but it’s more complicated than adding Ram to a desktop PC.
Graphics card
Laptops come with either integrated or dedicated graphics. Laptops with integrated
graphics use a chunk of the laptop’s memory (Ram). This is fine if
you’re just planning to do basic, everyday tasks, but if you want to play games or use
video editing software, for example, it’s best to go for a laptop with a separate
graphics card, freeing up your Ram. Expect to pay more for a laptop with a dedicated
graphics card.
Laptop storage
Hard disk drive (HDD)
The hard disk provides memory for long-term data storage – measured in gigabytes
(GB). It stores the operating system and applications (programs) as well as files
including music, photos and documents. We recommend a minimum of 500GB hard
disk space - storing video, high-resolution photos, music and software uses up a lot of
space. If in doubt, go for more hard drive space if you can afford it.
Optical drive
Some laptops come with a CD/DVD drive. All but the cheapest models include DVD
burners as well as CD burners, so you can save to CD or DVD.
A DVD burner is useful for making your own videos and backing up large amounts of
data - DVDs hold much more data than CDs.
Higher-end laptops include a Blu-ray drive so you can watch high-definition (HD)
films on the move. Slot-load drives are preferable to tray-mounted drives, as they’re
less prone to breakage on the move. Many ultra-book, or ultra slim, laptops don’t
have a disk drive, so they’re slimmer and lighter. With these laptops you may want to
consider getting an external drive or cloud storage for backing up.
A laptop’s keyboard is smaller than a desktop computer’s - keys are closer together,
and may also be smaller.
Many 13-inch models don’t have room for a separate number pad. It’s a good idea to
try out a laptop’s keyboard before you buy if you can, to ensure you get one you're
comfortable with.
The researcher made an attempt to collect information from the prior researches and
relevant studies conducted in the area of consumer behavior and buying preference so
that the important variables for the study could be identified and analyzed. The review
of literature has been presented in a summarized and precise manner.
Type of laptop
In this chapter, the overview of the research methodology that will be practiced in the
study is explained after reviewing the past studies and reviews from different journals
regarding the topics in chapter 2. The research methodology is aimed to resolve the
purpose of the study and answer the research objective that set in chapter 1. Research
design will be discussed, process of forming questionnaires, method to carry out
survey, obtain data, pilot test will be indicated in this chapter.
The sampling method used in this study is the sampling method probability sampling
for each member of the population the same opportunity to sample. The technique
used is the technique stratified sampling. According to the statistics of the Politeknik
Student Affairs Department Port Dickson, in the Jun 2020 session, had 4573 students
studying and is active on the Politeknik Port Dickson . Based on krejcie and morgan
table (1970), the sample size to be taken is 355 students.
3.2Research Design
In this research, we use descriptive research to collect quantitative data.The data we
will collect to identify the factor of influence Polytechnic Port Dickson students when
buying laptop.A set of questionnaires was provided to collect information and data.
The key instrument that being applied in this study is a survey questionnaire
that consists of questions related to the study. To be specific, self-administered
questionnaire is being chosen as the research instrument.
3.3Data Analysis
After the collection of data from survey, Google Form was used to analyse the data
collected. Researchers used Google Form to analyse the data. The analysis was
performed to identify the attitudes of consumers towards viral marketing in Malaysia.
Researchers will use the mean (average) analysis to get the results of the study.
By Phillip Tracy July 09, 2020-Laptop buying guide: 8 essential tips to know before
you buy..
Javed Anwer,New Delhi ,May ,2, 2016-6 things to consider before you buy a
laptop .-
By The Tech Chap 2019 Nov 25-10 Tips for Buying a Laptop! (2020)-
Ishan Sharma Jun 22,2020-Laptop Buying Guide 2020 for Students& How to
Choose the BEST Laptop For College-
A Study Of Consumer Buying Preference Towards Laptop With
Special Reference To Polytechnic Port Dickson Students.
Dear respondent,
This survey is carried out to find information about a study of
consumer buying preference towards laptop with special
reference among Polytechnic Port Dickson students.This
research to investigate and know about the level of satisfaction
towards different types of branded laptops among Polytechic
Port Dickson students.Please answer all question to the best of
your knowledge.There are no wrong responses to any of these
statements.All responses are collected for academic research
purpose only and will be kept strictly confidential.Hopefully,the
cooperation provided by you will help us to obtain accurate
Your participation is fully appreciated.Thank you for your
precious time.
Do tick the following answer box for each question.
1. Gender
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
2. Semester
[ ] semester 1
[ ] semester 2
[ ] semester 3
[ ] semester 4
[ ] semester 5
3. Department
[ ] Commerc Department
[ ] mechanical Department
[ ] Electrical Department
[ ] Civil Department
Stages of W W W W W W W W W W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W15
research 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
Selection of
y plan
Selection of
Analysis &
n of data