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Petrel E&P Software Platform 2014: Release Notes

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Petrel E&P Software Platform 2014


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Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 2 30 June 2015

Petrel 2014 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Welcome to Petrel 2014.6 ......................................................................................................................................... 5
What’s New in Brief....................................................................................................................................................... 6
General ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Geophysics: General ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Geology: General & Wells........................................................................................................................................ 7
Geology: Modeling..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Studio: Studio Client Petrel ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Known Issues .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
User Experience ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Geophysics: General ................................................................................................................................................. 9

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Geophysics: Seismic Well Tie .............................................................................................................................. 10
Geophysics: Quantitative Interpretation ............................................................................................................. 10
Geology: General...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Geology: Well Section Window ........................................................................................................................... 12
Geology: Structural Geology ................................................................................................................................. 13
Geology: Modeling................................................................................................................................................... 14
Geology: Structural & Fault Analysis .................................................................................................................. 14
Geology: Fractures ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Reservoir Engineering ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Exploration Geology ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Drilling: Well Design ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Drilling: Real Time ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Drilling: Well Positioning....................................................................................................................................... 20
Production: General ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Production: Well Deliverability ............................................................................................................................ 23
Production: Production Interpretation ................................................................................................................ 23
Shale ........................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Studio: Studio Server .............................................................................................................................................. 24
Technology: Licensing ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Project Compatibility, Distribution and Licensing ................................................................................................ 25
Project Compatibility .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Licensing.................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 3 30 June 2015

System Requirements .................................................................................................................................................. 26
Petrel System Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 26
Studio Database System Requirements .............................................................................................................. 27
For Oracle Databases .............................................................................................................................................. 27
For Microsoft SQL Server Databases ..................................................................................................................... 27

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Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 4 30 June 2015

Petrel 2014
With the Petrel* E&P Software 2014.6 update release, Schlumberger continues its commitment to improve and
innovate the way you work. The Petrel E&P software platform delivers collaborative workflows with best-in-class
technology and leading innovation. Its unique framework makes workflows repeatable, offering the most
comprehensive uncertainty assessment from seismic to simulation.

These Release Notes contain short descriptors for the most significant enhancements, fixed issues, and known
limitations, as well as system requirements and recommendations. The full set of Petrel 2014 documentation, and
documentation for any prior Petrel release, can be downloaded from the Software Integrated Solutions (SIS)
Support Portal.

Welcome to Petrel 2014.6

User Experience redefines the user interface for Petrel

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Petrel 2014 delivered a step change in User Experience, keeping focus on relevant workflows, and providing quick
access to the data in a productive and ergonomic working environment. Based on the widely accepted user
interface methodologies from Microsoft®, Petrel 2014 uses the Ribbon concepts to support a logical flow of
activities for each individual user. Workflows are driven from in-context activities, where the user selects
interactive tasks, interacting with and operating on the data directly. Petrel now gives total freedom to access tools
across the whole workflow by removing the concept of an active process. Workflow productivity improvements
have been measured and preliminary results show:
• Reduction of long mouse travel between 50-80%
• Reduction of mouse clicks by 30-40%
• Increase of the time spent on the data/interpretation tasks by 30-40%

The Petrel platform architecture tracks and audits beta testing, ensuring that the broad range of capabilities is
consistently and comprehensively tested. For 2014, this has involved more than 70 oil and gas companies across
the spectrum of major, independent, and national oil companies, as well as internal resources. In total, we have
recorded more than 30 person-years of testing on the 2014 beta releases.

Technology Updates and Improvements

Petrel 2014.6 delivers technology updates in Geophysics, Geology, and Studio, including improvements in usability,
performance, and stability.

Further information about the above mentioned updates and improvements can be found in the following sections
and, where appropriate, in more detail in the companion document, Petrel E&P Software Platform 2014 What’s
New Guide. Complete documentation for this release, and all prior Petrel releases, is available from the Software
Integrated Solutions (SIS) Support Portal.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 5 30 June 2015

What’s New in Brief
The following content contains short descriptions of new features and behavioral changes in this release,
organized by domain. The companion document, Petrel E&P Software Platform 2014 What’s New, contains more
detailed explanations, descriptions of functionality, and workflows for these enhancements, where needed.

Feature Short Description
Resolving potential project unit Projects created earlier than 2014 may have inconsistent horizontal
inconsistencies XY and Distance template units. From 2014.6 on, the inconsistency
will be detected, reported, and rectified. In such cases, a warning is
raised, a detailed written to the message log and an entry is added to
the project history. The project may still contain corrupted data,
which may have to be reloaded or recomputed.

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Geophysics: General
Feature Short Description
Toolbox (Import Seismic 2D) • The Toolbox was not applying the override for coordinate type
(meter/feet, arc seconds), leading to incorrect coordinates or a
SEG-Y file not loading. This has been fixed.
• The issue, where a line with large shot point numbers is loaded
using Existing Petrel Line as the navigation source gets a
different geometry ID than the original one, has been fixed.
Reference Project Tool The crash when transferring 2D lines from UTM22-WGS84 to UTM22-
NAD27 with RPT has been fixed.
ZGY Compression A min/max scanning issue resulting in incorrect normalization of
bricks values before compression is invoked has been fixed. It was
happening only if values within a brick were monotonously
Volume attributes Previously, when assigning a 2D survey folder or sub-folder as input,
the bulk seismic of the first selected 2D line was repeatedly realized
as output. This issue has been fixed.
Horizon interpretation • Constraining fault: Fixed the issue where using “Seeded 2D
autotracking” mode, the horizon at times tracked through
constraining fault interpretation.
• Color table: When the color table is automatically adjusted for
the horizon which has been interpreted on 3D and 2D surveys, it
adjusts the min-max based on all interpretation.
Fault/Multi-Z interpretation The domain converted fault and multi-Z interpretation, when
converted to a separate fault/multi-Z interpretation object, gets the
correct domain (time or depth).

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 6 30 June 2015

Feature Short Description
Performance • Displaying a single large fault interpretation can be up to 7x
• Displaying large horizon interpretation from a large survey can be
up to 7x faster
• Horizon storage - size of internal ZHZ file has been minimized.
• Starting from Petrel 2014.2, seismic cubes that were not properly
rendered in high resolution in 3D window are now well rendered.
• The time to copy large interpretation grids (120 000 by 120 000)
is now reduced.

Geology: General & Wells

Feature Short Description
Visualization in 2D and 3D • A regression introduced after the upgrade of NVIDIA Graphics
window Driver, version 350.12, resulted in a well tops, well points, check
shots, and micro seismic events rendering problem in a 2D/3D

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window for 2013.x projects opened and saved in 2014. The
visualization problem has been fixed by installing driver versions
347.88 to 348.17.
• User-defined well symbols were distorted when viewed in a
2D/3D window. They are now displayed correctly.
Surfaces RPT A regression introduced in the 2014.4 and 2014.5 versions during
the RPT of a regular surface from projects in a different CRS (for
example, utm34 to a project with utm35) when the ‘don’t copy
option’ was selected, resulted in surface misplacement after
coordinate conversion. The issue has been fixed by regenerating
coordinate transformation during the surface transfer.

Switch Map to Interpretation A visualization performance delay was introduced by having

window saved searches toggled in 2014.1 while activating an
Interpretation window with the Map window active, has now
been fixed. The time it takes to switch from a Map window to an
Interpretation window has improved by over 95%.
Duplicate zones The duplicate zones found in the zones spreadsheet because of
zones not being continuously updated between the picked and
modified well top has been fixed. You can now use the ‘refresh
zones’ operation in the right-click menu of the well tops
stratigraphy folder to remove the duplicate zones in the zones

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 7 30 June 2015

Geology: Modeling
Feature Short Description
Use of Vertical mean trend curve Since 2014.1, in Trend modeling, when creating a new Trend model
in Trend modeling using a Vertical mean trend, there was a bug that inverted the values
with regards to the model layers (the values for the top layer were
interpreted as being at the bottom and vice versa). This has been
fixed in Petrel 2014.6.
Memory consumption of GRFS Up to Petrel 2014.5, running the method Gaussian random function
method with co-kriging simulation (GRFS) with co-kriging was over-consuming memory. This
has been fixed in Petrel 2014.6.
Use of 1D filter with the workflow In Petrel 2014.6, the workflow command “Property statistics to output
command “Property statistics to sheet” will honor 1D filters when toggling on the Use filter option.
output sheet”
Property operations on a property In Petrel 2014.5, there was a bug preventing the use of any of the
folder operations under the Operations tab of a property folder Settings
dialog. This has been fixed in Petrel 2014.6.

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Studio: Studio Client Petrel
Feature Short Description
Database tool In the case where a large number of wells have been upgraded to the
new well model with multiple surveys and/or plans in your Studio
repository, you may see a performance degradation when opening the
Studio transfer tool. This issue has been fixed.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 8 30 June 2015

Known Issues
The following content summarizes known issues and limitations for this release, organized by domain. For
completeness, known issues and limitations outstanding from previous 2014 releases are also listed here.

User Experience
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Inspector shortcut key The Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar shortcut key for showing/hiding the
Inspector does not work when sharing your screen with other users
using Microsoft Lync™.
Using Petrel with Windows non- Running Microsoft Windows with non-Aero themes when using
Aero themes Petrel 2014 may have cosmetic implications for the rendering of the
outer Petrel application border. It is recommended running Windows
with the Aero theme when using Petrel 2014.

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Running Petrel on 4K Display By running Petrel on 4K display devices, you may experience visual
Devices artifacts regarding labels, icons, and font sizes. We are working
towards increasing Petrel's compatibility with 4K through future
releases of Petrel.

Geophysics: General
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Geobody Box probes In certain situations, the box probe performs at lower resolution than
expected. This issue has been observed for cubes in seismic surveys
having rotation angles relative to North, in degrees other than 0,
90,180, and 270. A fix in OpenInventor is being worked on for an
upcoming release.
• Use horizon probes if possible, as they are not affected by this
• When extracting geobodies from box probes, toggle on “extract in
full resolution” option to ensure maximum extraction quality,
independent of probe display resolution.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 9 30 June 2015

Geophysics: Seismic Well Tie
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Various Features • For every study, a temporary folder and objects will be created and
stored under the Input tree; they will be located under the Well >
Study Folder > Visual. This folder should not be deleted.
• When wavelets created in the Wavelet Toolbox are copied (using
Copy/Paste), the parameter settings for this new wavelet cannot be
• Deleting any required input data belonging to the Study from the
Input tree will close and delete the current study. All the objects
saved from the study will still be preserved in the Input tree.
• If a seismic, log or wavelet used in an SWT study is deleted, the
SWT settings will be auto-populated with the next available object
with the same template.
• Deleting the Well Section Window study will delete the
information inside this study and temporary objects created for

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visualization. All the objects saved from the study will still be
preserved in the Input tree.
• The Log conditioning style settings menu is only available in the
Classic mode. The user does not have access to this menu in the
Ribbon mode.

Geophysics: Quantitative Interpretation

Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
AVO Modeling Prestack datasets, which belong to an AVO modeling study, need to be
reconnected when the Petrel project is moved to a new location.
• Identify the prestack datasets inside the borehole at the AVO
modeling study folder
• Right-click on the prestack data set and from the menu select
“Reconnect missing file …” option
• Identify the related prestack data by opening the folder
Project.ptd > Ocean
• Make sure to select the correct prestack dataset
AVO Modeling Changes in prestack datasets, which belong to an AVO modeling study,
are saved independently of the Petrel save mode. It means that any
change to the AVO study parameters or inputs will always be kept in
the final result, when the study is in Auto-update mode or when Apply
or OK is selected.
Workaround: It is recommended to save the Petrel project every time an
input or parameter is modified in an AVO modeling study, in order to
keep the consistency between inputs and output.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 10 30 June 2015

Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
AVO Modeling Copy/Paste of prestack datasets, which belong to an AVO modeling
study, disable the editing feature in the AVO modeling study.
Workaround: If a copy of the prestack dataset is needed, export the
prestack dataset and re-import it in the Petrel project.
Z-level In order to display a Z-level in a Well section window, a track is
automatically inserted and it needs to be visualized.
Workaround: Use the horizontal scroll bar in the Well section window
to visualize the created track by the Z-level.
Depth range In order to display a Depth range in a Well section window, a track is
automatically inserted and needs to be visualized.
Workaround: Use the horizontal scroll bar in the Well section window
to visualize the created track by the Depth range.
Crossplot When a 3D Crossplot is used to display a collection containing
poststack seismic data, some points of the collection will appear
outside the axis, when the amplitude range at the statistics of the
seismic volumes is not correct.

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Workaround: If post-stack seismic data is being used in a 3D crossplot,
make sure that the amplitude range is correct, in order to define the
proper limits in the axis. Change the scan values by going into the
seismic volume Settings, select the Operations tab, and then the
Amplitude sub-tab; the Scan and Rescan buttons can be used to
determine the amplitude range from the data.
Crossplot Axis labels rendering artifacts can appear when a 3D crossplot when it
is displaying data with logarithmic scale on any of the axis. The most
common case is when the difference in magnitude between the axes is
very large.

Geology: General
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Surface contouring The Enhanced surface contouring method, which is now the default,
may render slowly if there are many thousands of contour lines, and
in some cases may lead to a crash. This is more likely to happen
when displaying property maps.
Workaround: Change the contour method from Enhanced to Classic
before displaying the surface.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 11 30 June 2015

Geology: Well Section Window
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Simulation Logs When you upgrade a project from Petrel 2009 or 2010 to Petrel 2014,
the simulation logs are upgraded as regular logs in the Well section
1st Workaround:
• Open the project in Petrel 2010. On the Input pane, clear the
check boxes of the simulation logs, and update the template.
Then, select the check boxes of the simulation logs in the Input
pane, update the template, and save the project.
• Open the project in Petrel 2009. On the Windows pane, expand
a Well section window, and delete the simulation logs. On the
Input pane, select the check boxes of the simulation logs to re-
add them to the Well section window, and then save the project.
2 Workaround:

Delete the invalid logs, and then recreate the logs in the current

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version of Petrel.
Polysection X-section When the well head is selected in the Settings for x-section
creation via polysection dialog box, the polysection uses the well
head to define the wells that are included in the cross section. The
cross section fence alignment will use the default setting with
alignment at the bottom of the well and not the well head.
Workaround: You can change the fence alignment in the Settings for
X-section dialog box by clicking the Definition tab, and then
clicking the Alignment tab.
Time series mini toolbar Before the mini toolbar icons will function for time series logs in Well
section window, a time step within the time series log must be
activated via the 3D window and time player.
Well section templates The preset style settings are not maintained when creating a new
project in Petrel 2014 and using the predefined system templates,
this results in the log curve line and point display colors being black
and solid. The well section system templates use the preset style
settings if the project has been upgraded.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 12 30 June 2015

Geology: Structural Geology
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Volume Based Modeling (VBM) Baselap-baselap relationship is not working as expected. It is not
Method possible to explicitly define truncation rules between unconformities:
the youngest unconformity is always assumed to be truncating older
a. The stair-step faulting process is disabled when using faults
coming from a VBM model.
b. Eroded horizon surfaces coming from VBM models are not always
handled properly in pillar gridding. They may be extrapolated
beyond erosion line.
Structural Gridding In previous versions of Petrel, there was a problem with saving stair-
step fault definitions, which could lead to corruption of the fault
definition. This may be apparent in the following ways:
• Faults have a large number of small holes when visualized.
• It is impossible to modulate or block flow through the faults using

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a transmissibility multipliers of 0 in a flow simulation.
The problem only occurs when a grid created by the Structural
Gridding process is saved, updated (using the process in Edit
existing mode), and then resaved. This problem can be corrected by
re-running the structural gridding step.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 13 30 June 2015

Geology: Modeling
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Use of Depospace in Facies and When using Depospace in Facies and Petrophysical modeling, the
Petrophysical modeling non-bijectivity of the mapping between the Geospace and the
Depospace leads to the following artifacts:
a. 1D filter and depospace simbox: When using a 1D filter (located
in the Input pane) and the depospace simbox view in a 2D or 3D
window, you may observe that some cells are filtered out when
they should not be and vice versa. Therefore, if filtering is
needed, it is recommended to use the filters located in the Filter
tab of the Properties settings (in the Models pane). Similarly,
when using a filter for conditioning a modeling simulation, some
cells are disregarded when they should not be and vice versa.
b. Use of trends: Modeling a facies or a property using a
conditioning to some non-depositional property could lead to

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some inconsistencies. This can happen when using a vertical
function as a trend or a seismic attribute as a secondary variable
in co-kriging. This is also due to the non-bijectivity of the
mapping (e.g., several cells from one grid mapping in one cell of
the other grid).

Geology: Structural & Fault Analysis

Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
2D fault plane mapping on VBM The option to run 2D fault plane maps on VBM faults is not available.
faults The operation is still available on FGD and MPI generated faults.

Geology: Fractures
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Stress based driver (NFP) Fold-related fractures: NFP computes stresses induced by faulting.
Therefore, when no faults are present in the sub surface or if it is
known that the observed small-scale natural fractures are not
mechanically related to the fault network, you cannot use NFP.
Fracture related folding, for instance, cannot be used in NFP

Fold-related fractures

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 14 30 June 2015

Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Sigma factor upscaling The ‘sigma’ model is based on an orthogonal fracture systems (see
figure a) that are uniformly spaced (sugar cube model).
The sigma upscaling outputs are 4 properties that are used by
Eclipse® Simulator:
– Sigma length i (Li)
– Sigma length j (Lj)
– Sigma length k (Lk)
– Sigma factor aka shape factor (σ)

Basically, Li, Lj and Lk are the dimensions along each cell axis of the
blocks of material, making up the matrix volume (i.e. the blocks
between fractures). They can also be seen as the distance between

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two consecutive fractures in one cell direction, σ is the factor to
account for the matrix-fracture interface area per unit volume. This is
the main output.
σ values should be the same for two fracture networks that differ
only by their mean orientation.
1 1 1
σ = 4(Li2 + +
Lj2 Lk2
) is valid only when the fractures are aligned
with the axis.

Reservoir Engineering
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
RESQML models exported from RESQML models created by any version of Petrel from 2012.2 to
Petrel versions 2012.2 to 2013.3 2013.3 that include an HDF5 component will not be imported
and which include a HDF5 correctly by Petrel.
component cannot be re- This issue is caused by a fault in the binary format written to the
imported. HDF5 models by the offending versions. The same fault may affect
import into other software that supports the RESQML standard.
Note: Models that do not include an HDF5 file are unaffected.
The solution depends on the version of Petrel used to create the
RESQML model:
• Models created with any version from 2012.2 to 2012.8 should
be recreated using Petrel 2012.1.
• Models created with any version from 2013.1 to 2013.3 should
be recreated using Petrel 2013.4 or later.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 15 30 June 2015

Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Re-selecting a simulation case When deselecting a simulation case, any well section templates
does not update templates shown associated with the case are no longer visible in the Well section
in the Well Section Window. window. Selecting the simulation case again does not make the well
section templates visible in the window.
To re-visualize the templates in the Well section window, either on
the window toolbar, click Template settings and add the
required templates, or re-select the missing results from the Results
Simulation Results Chart styling When viewing a chart previously created using the Results Charting
controls appear to be unavailable and Analysis with the Geoscience core or Data and results viewer
when using the Geoscience Core license; the Chart themes, Series styles and Customize splitting
or Data and results viewer options appear to be unavailable on the Style group of the Window
license Charting tab.
You can create or modify the Chart themes or Series styles using the
entries in the Results charts and analyses group in the Results
pane. To split a chart: open it in a Charting window, right-click and

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select either Splitting or Customize splitting.
Note: To create new charts using Results Charting and Analysis, you
continue to require a Reservoir Engineering or Combined Core license
as in previous releases.
Structural Gridding In previous versions of Petrel, there was a problem with saving stair-
step fault definitions, which could lead to corruption of the fault
(also see Structural Geology)
definition. This may be apparent in the following ways:
1. Faults have a large number of small holes when visualized.
2. It is impossible to modulate or block flow through the faults
using a transmissibility multipliers of 0 in a flow simulation.
The problem only occurs when a grid created by the Structural
Gridding process is saved, updated (using the process in Edit
existing mode), and then resaved. This problem can be corrected by
re-running the structural gridding step.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 16 30 June 2015

Exploration Geology
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
General After copying/pasting a Play Chance Mapping, Prospect Assessment,
Prospect Summing, Petroleum Systems 1D, or Petroleum Systems 3D
object in the Input pane, the “Edit existing” area in the process
dialogs is not updated immediately, i.e., does not show the copied
object (only while the process is open).
Petroleum Systems Quick Look When opening old projects of Petroleum Systems Quick Look from
General 2009 and 2010, accumulations cannot be viewed with the
intersection plane. Re-run the Charge process with a 2013 or any
later version.
Templates and units for There is a potential legacy issue with conflicting units of
"Temperature/Heat capacity" data "Temperature/Heat capacity" data imported to PetroMod in versions
prior to Petrel 2012.2.
Workaround: Re-import any overlays that were imported prior to

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Lithologies in Reference project Currently, you cannot place lithologies into an empty Petrel project
tool (RPT) via the reference project tool (RPT). This is related to the fact that
lithologies are created on demand, which means that by default, the
lithologies are not part of the Templates pane but need to be loaded
first by opening and closing the Facies table process or by connecting
your Petrel project to a PetroMod project.
Workaround: Before using the Reference project tool on an empty or
new project open and close the Facies table process within that
empty or new project to create the Lithologies folder on the
Templates pane.
Petroleum systems 1D Horizons missing in burial history of copied 1D simulation case: When
you copy-and-paste a 1D simulation case and open a burial history of
the copied case in the geotime window, some horizons might be
missing in the view.
Workaround: Run the simulation of the copied simulation case again.
Petrel model export If a Petrel 3D model contains a "fractional zone division," you will
encounter problems when you perform a PS3D simulation. The
PetroMod 3D model will not show the initial zone division or display
empty layers.
Workaround: If a model shows a "zone division" in Petrel 2014.1 (and
2013.4), change the division into full zones. These zones are
converted to PetroMod layers for simulation and do not cause any
problems during the simulation run.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 17 30 June 2015

Drilling: Well Design
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Well plan display in an If an Intersection window is associated with a curved surface, the
intersection window display result of certain plans might be incorrect.

Converting a simple proposed A simple proposed well is created with Well path design by
well to an advanced plan manually digitizing the design points. When converting a simple
proposed well to an advanced plan, the design points will be
converted into Station points in the advanced plan.
• If you click Go to surface or add any curve section to the top in
Well path designer, for the Station points, only MD, INCL and
AZIM values will remain unchanged during calculation, but X, Y,
Z and TVD will be recalculated.
• If the last point of the simple well (TD) is above MSL, the
conversion will fail due to TVD and MD being referenced to MSL
instead of to Kelly Bushing (KB).
Workaround: Edit settings for the proposed well by changing from

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simple well to standalone well with appropriate KB value.

Associating a side track to a well When assigning a branch to a main well during the sidetrack creation
workflow, the trajectory of the main well (parent) and the branch
(sidetrack) must be within 1m. Otherwise the assignment will fail.

Well path creation with non S-3D The system automatically converts any non S-section (profile) into an
profile S-3D profile when you click on that section in a 3D window and in
well path design Pick/Dragger mode. The conversion will display in
the Well path designer spreadsheet as empty rows. Those rows will
be filled up when modified with the dragger.
Workaround: Click the Undo button and return to the Well path

Plan grid convergence values In the 2012.1 release, if a project was set up with mixed units, the
grid convergence for the plan might be calculated incorrectly. This
issue was fixed in the 2012.2 release. However, if a project is saved
with the 2012.1 version and is opened with any newer version, an
incorrect grid convergence will occur.
Workaround: To correct this, you must trigger a plan recalculation by
editing the plan (with Well path designer, dragger or Inspector) in a
3D window.

Relief well path template In the Relief well path template, if a sidetrack wellbore is selected as
the target well, the relief well location cannot be calculated based on
the actual well head location of the target well. Therefore, the
calculated relief well path might not meet your design criteria.
Workaround: Manually combine the survey data of the parent well
and the sidetrack well into a new well and use the new well as the
target well to design the relief well.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 18 30 June 2015

Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Transferring plans or targets When transferring well plans or targets between Studio and Petrel
between Studio and Petrel projects, if the Studio repository CRS is incompatible with the Petrel
projects project CRS, after a data round trip (Petrel project-> Studio repository
-> Petrel project), the plans or targets could mismatch with the
original data.
Workaround: Choose or set the Studio repository in a compatible CRS
with the Petrel project.
Report template For 2012.1, Well Design is a plug-in which requires separate
installation. Since Petrel 2012.2, Well Design has been integrated to
Petrel. If a project is created or saved with a newer version than
2012.1, and it is opened with 2012.1 without the Well Design plug-in
installed, when this project is saved as another project, the report
template for the Well Design cannot be saved correctly. When this
new project is opened or saved again with a newer version of Petrel,
a warning message will show the upgrading failure of the Petrel
drilling report module. In the Templates pane, there will be two

Schlumberger Private – Customer Use

Report template folders. One of the folders appears with the error
Workaround: In the Templates pane, delete the Report template
folder with the error icon.

Drilling: Real Time

Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Transferring data over different For some particular data sets, when one incoming log in the server
index ranges contains multiple passes of data over different index ranges, if the
deeper data range is downloaded before the shallower or earlier data
range, the shallower or earlier data might be skipped during data
transfer. For more details, see the online help.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 19 30 June 2015

Drilling: Well Positioning
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Trajectory uncertainty • If the TVD of the well does not start from 0, you cannot directly
calculate out the EOU for it in Petrel. For example, you cannot
calculate out the EOU for a sidetrack wellbore.
Workaround: Manually combine the survey data of the parent
well and the sidetrack well into one well and create the survey
data which starts from 0.
• If the start point of the plan trajectory is NOT at the same XYZ
location as the well head, you cannot calculate out the EOU for it
in Petrel.
Workaround: Create a new well using the start point of the
trajectory as the well head location, and then copy the plan to
the new well.
• When an EOU cannot be calculated out, an empty EOU object is

Schlumberger Private – Customer Use

still created. However, it does not contain any EOU data.

Showing EOU and VOU • Displaying a lot of EOU or VOU might cause performance issues.
Workaround: To avoid performance issues, you can hide the EOU
or VOU display by toggling off the Show EOU or Show VOU
button, or you can display only the VOU, without EOU.
• When EOU and VOU are displayed at the same time, the shape
of the EOU might not be correctly visualized.
Workaround: To correctly visualize them together, you need to
toggle on the Orthogonal camera mode on the 3D window

Showing No-go zone • The 3D No-go space is visualized by connecting all the No-go
zone cross sections from wellhead to TD. As a limitation of this
algorithm, the No-go zone beyond the offset well TD cross
section cannot be visualized although there is some extended
trajectory uncertainty.
• The No-go zone only gives you a view of collision hit. On the No-
go zone boundary, there might be small calculation bias
compared to the Anti-collision result. The actual collision risk
level must be confirmed using the Anti-collision scan.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 20 30 June 2015

Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
No-go zone data compatibility When you open a project containing No-go zone objects with Petrel
with 2014.1 2014.1, a loading failure warning message will appear in the
Message log pane. The No-go zone object appears as an empty
item with warning icon. In this case, you cannot open the Survey
program or recalculate the EOU for this well plan.
You can delete this well plan, although some error messages will
appear in the Message log pane when deleting.
After you save this project in 2014.1, you still can open this project
correctly with 2014.3 or a later version including the No-go zone
Workaround: Create a new well plan and copy the trajectory and
survey program to the new plan.
No-go zone data compatibility When you open a project containing No-go zone objects with Petrel
with 2014.2 2014.2, a loading failure warning message will appear in the
Message log pane. The No-go zone object cannot be loaded, but no
other functionalities are impacted. After you save this project in
2014.2, you still can open this project correctly with 2014.3 or a later

Schlumberger Private – Customer Use

version including the No-go zone objects.
Geomagnetic model for Survey If you select a geomagnetic model other than IGRF-11, because other
program geomagnetic models are not supported in Petrel 2014.1 and 2014.2,
there will be a data compatibility issue with Petrel 2014.1 and
20.14.2. For example, in a 2014.3 or a later version project, HDGM
2014 is selected as the geomagnetic model. If you run this survey
program with Petrel 2014.1 or 2014.2, the EOU will be calculated
using the IGRF-11 model. However, after you saved this project in the
2014.1 or 2014.2 and open it again with 2014.3 or a later version, the
survey program will show that HDGM 2014 is used for this survey
program. In this case, you can run the survey program again to
recalculate the EOU result with HDGM 2014 model.
Making driller’s target You cannot make the driller’s target if the associated geological
target was created from a polygon.
A/C report data compatibility with When you open a Petrel 2014.3 or a later version project with Petrel
2014.1 and 2014.2 2014.1 or 2014.2, the Anti-collision report template will be shown
with the warning icon in the Templates pane. If this project contains
any Anti-collision reports, the reports will also be shown with the
warning icon. After you save this project in 2014.1 or 2014.2, you still
can open it correctly with 2014.3 or a later version including the Anti-
collision report objects.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 21 30 June 2015

Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Geological target data When you open a Petrel 2014.3 or a later version project with Petrel
compatibility with 2014.1 and 2014.1 or 2014.2, the irregular geological targets cannot be loaded
2014.2 correctly. The loaded irregular geological targets will be shown as
line segments and a center point instead of a closed target area in
2014.1 or 2014.2.
WORKAROUND: To make the loaded irregular target closed, open its
settings, verify the irregular points on the Properties tab and click
OK or Apply. The irregular target will become a closed polygon area.
However after you change this target, the Arc radius, Thickness
above or Thickness below properties of the geological targets will
be lost. After you save this project in 2014.1 or 2014.2 and open it
with 2014.3 or a later version, the Arc radius, Thickness above or
Thickness below properties of the geological target will become 0.
Driller’s Target The Driller’s targets cannot be transferred between projects using the
Reference project tool. When you open a Petrel 2014.3 or a later
version project containing the Driller’s targets with Petrel 2014.1 or
2014.2, although you can see the Driller’s targets in the input tree of

Schlumberger Private – Customer Use

the Reference project tool, you cannot transfer it and an error
message will appear when transferring it.

Production: General
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Well Section Window Production charts may be positioned incorrectly in a Well Section
Workaround: In a Well Section Window, you must display a
production chart in the MD domain for the chart to be positioned
OFM Data Connector – Import When you use the OFM Data Connector to import well trajectories
and completions from OFM, the gas lift valve in OFM is imported to
Petrel as an Inline FCV.
OFM Data Connector – Forecast OFM Data Connector cannot import the gas, oil, and water phase
Import units for forecast data in the OFM project. The following conversions
are used:
• For an OFM forecast case saved using English units: Gas =
SCF/D, Oil = STB/D, and Water = STB/D
• For an OFM forecast case saved using metric units: Gas = Sm3/d,
Oil = Sm3/d, and Water = Sm3/d

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 22 30 June 2015

Production: Well Deliverability
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Import from PIPESIM PIPESIM models for which Rod Pump diagnostics have been run are
not imported in Petrel. An error message will appear.
Licensing Petrel Well Deliverability Module objects created with a Petrel WDM
license are lost if the Petrel project is re-opened with the license
disabled. There is no workaround for this issue.

Production: Production Interpretation

Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
RTA interpretation process • In the RTA interpretation results table, if you click the Use
button only once, the cell color of kh*(kfbf)^2 from the bilinear
flow regime identification is still yellow, indicating the update is
not applied. This is the same for the cell of kh*Xf^2 from the
formation linear flow regime identification.

Schlumberger Private – Customer Use

Workaround: Click the Use button twice to see the cell color
changed to the 'applied' status.
• In the RTA interpretation results table, the interpretation from
the ‘Poe Qd Linear’ diagnostic chart is incorrect for a fractured
• If the Xf (fracture half-length) from the RNI linear interpreted
value is different than the one from the RNI SRV interpretation,
the RNI linear interpreted value will be overwritten with the RNI
SRV interpreted value when clicking the Apply button.
Workaround: Click the Use button for RNI linear interpretation in
the RTA interpretation results table before clicking Apply.
Non-linear regression (NLR) If the Windows regional settings has a decimal symbol set to a
process comma, NLR will not run.
Workaround: Set the regional settings to be a dot as a decimal

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 23 30 June 2015

Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Shale Suite The Shale Suite for 2014.6 is not:
• Supported in 2014.1.
• Backwards compatible for custom domain objects created with
the Shale Suite in 2014.6. These objects will display with yellow
warning triangle icons in 2014.1, and will not be used in the
Shale Suite.
Pad Placement - Well Restriction Laterals or Side track wells generated in Petrel as Side track only,
Data Type Standalone wells generated from the first MD, or planned well
paths set as active and created with StartPoint not at surface location
should not be used for the Well restriction data type as a surface
constraint for the Applicable location. The ground level surface
will be generated with these wells as surface constraints, which is
not correct since the wellhead is actually located on the main

Schlumberger Private – Customer Use

Studio: Studio Server
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Data Transfer Due to the interdependency of some seismic data items, there is a
case where transferring back seismic data items (listed under
mandatory OCRS) to Petrel is being blocked after performing CRS
consolidation in Studio.
This occurs due to a CRS mismatch between the seismic data being
transferred and the seismic 3D survey in Petrel.
It is recommended that you perform the same CRS consolidation on
the Petrel side to update the OCRS of the original data in Petrel and
try to transfer the data again.

Technology: Licensing
Affected Feature Issue or Limitation
Plug-ins When using plug-ins licensed on the PluginClass, the
UseFastPackageDialog parameter in the PetrelConfiguration file
should be set to False. Otherwise, these plug-ins may not be visible
in the license selection UI.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 24 30 June 2015

Project Compatibility, Distribution
and Licensing
The Petrel 2014 release is available by download using the appropriate links on the Software Integrated Solutions
(SIS) Support Portal. A user account is required on the portal. If you do not already have a user account, you can
register to access the portal at

Project Compatibility
The Petrel platform preserves the value of your historical data. Projects saved in all earlier Petrel versions will load
directly into Petrel 2014 without any need for data migration. However, note that projects saved with Petrel 2014
will not be backwards compatible (e.g., cannot be opened) with earlier versions.


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A Petrel dongle and a valid license are required to run this release.

License files issued after 2012 are valid for use with new releases of Petrel, so long as the license expiry and
maintenance expiry dates have not passed, as explained below. However, licenses issued prior to Petrel 2012 need
to be updated.

Petrel licenses now incorporate two important dates, the maintenance expiry date and the license expiry date. You
can verify the validity of your license, as follows:

FEATURE Petrel_01220255_MAAAdLyku/aUAslbsis<> <d-mmm-yyyy>.<#>

• <> is the maintenance expiry year and month
• <d-mmm-yyyy> is the license expiry day, month, year
• <#> is the number of licenses

The license is valid to run Petrel up to the license expiry date; it allows you to run any Petrel version that is
released before the maintenance expiry date. All license inquiries should be made to your SIS account manager,
but note that you will normally be contacted by Schlumberger before your maintenance expires.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 25 30 June 2015

System Requirements
Petrel System Requirements
The following section contains the current brief system recommendations for Petrel and Studio*. For further
information, please refer to the Petrel 2014 Installation Guide.

Note: It is recommended running Microsoft Windows with the Aero theme when using Petrel 2014.

Minimum Recommended
Microsoft® Windows® 7 (64-bit, SP1) Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, or
Ultimate Edition (64-bit, SP1)
Quad-core processor (best with fast clock speed and Dual quad-core or hex-core processor (best with fast
large cache) clock speed and large cache)
16 GB RAM memory 64 GB RAM memory

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Fast rotational speed hard disk (10,000–15,000 rpm) Fast rotational speed hard disk (10,000–15,000 rpm) or
or solid state drive solid state drive (300 GB)
NVIDIA®Quadro® K2000 or NVIDIA Quadro NVIDIA Quadro K5000 graphics card
K2000M graphics card
1280 x 1024 (ideally, 1600 x 1200) @ 100 or 125% The quality of the viewing experience increases with
scaling the size and number of monitors*
Other Required Software
Microsoft .NET® Framework 4.5 and 4.0
Flexera™ FlexNet Publisher®

* Petrel will run on 4K (display devices or content having horizontal resolution on the order of 4,000 pixels).
However, it is recommended to use the DPI setting of 100% or 125%. By running Petrel on 4K display devices, you
may experience visual artifacts regarding labels, icons, and font sizes. We are working towards increasing Petrel's
compatibility with 4K through future releases of Petrel.

Note: The Petrel 2014 interface is optimized for horizontal resolutions from 1280 and higher and for vertical
resolutions from 1024 and higher.

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 26 30 June 2015

Studio Database System Requirements
For Oracle Databases
Minimum Recommended
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 6.2 (64-bit) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 (64-bit)
AMD64 or Intel® EM64T dual quad-core processor AMD64 or Intel EM64T dual six-core processor
16 GB memory 32 GB or greater memory
Other Required Software
Oracle® Database Enterprise Edition
Oracle Locator or ArcSDE™ 10.0 SP3 (64-bit)

For Microsoft SQL Server Databases

Minimum Recommended
Windows Server® 2012 R2 Standard (64-bit) or Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (64-bit) or
Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit) Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit)

Schlumberger Private – Customer Use

x64 quad-core processor x64 dual quad-core processor
8 GB memory 48 GB or greater memory
Other Required Software
SQL Server® 2012 Standard Edition SP1 with Cumulative update package 7

Petrel Platform Release Notes 2014.6 27 30 June 2015

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