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The Power of Positive Affirmations

Your thoughts become your words and words are powerful. Words have the
power to heal or wound. They set up a vibration of healing or illness in your body.

An affirmation reflects the way you want your life to be, not how it is today. Some
people have trouble using affirmations because they sound untrue. Sometimes
when people use affirmations they feel they are lying. Affirmations are not a
method of communication; they are a tool of creation. If you want to tell your
neighbor about the facts in your life, do not use an affirmation. But, if you want to
create a new reality, use affirmations.

Affirmations reflect the spiritual law of perfection everywhere now. Affirmations

are based on Spiritual Truth.

Remember, even your idle words have power. Telling your neighbor the facts of
your current problem adds energy to those problems. If your neighbor can not
help you, use the power of your words to create what you want and not what you
do not want.

I once heard a story about a farmer who dreamed of having a large herd of cattle.
He only had enough money to purchase one cow. This man knew the power of
words. He named his one cow "Herd". The neighbors thought he was crazy to be
talking about his herd when they could see only one cow in the field;
nevertheless, this farmer talked about his herd every chance he got. As the story
goes, his words soon returned to him fulfilled, and he had a large herd of cattle.

Your words have more power in your life than the opinions of your neighbors.
Use your words wisely. Develop affirmations that represent the life you would like
to live. Use those affirmations on a consistent basis. Watch your life transform to
reflect the power of your words.

An affirmation is a positive statement expressed in the present tense. It should

not contain references to what you do not want only what you do want. For
instance, suppose you have cancer and want to be well. Your affirmation might
be, “ I am healthy and energetic. All of my cells are healthy and functioning
perfectly.” Notice the statement is in the present tense. It does not say I will be
healthy. It says I am healthy. Also notice the statement does not mention cancer.
It only refers to the positive condition you are trying to create.

Here are some ways you can use the ready to print affirmation cards included in
this e-book:

1. Put the affirmation cards in places where you will see them on a regular
basis. You might put one on your bathroom mirror. Some people place them
on the visor in their automobile. Keep some in your briefcase, pocketbook, or
wallet. You can read these when you have extra time, like waiting in line or at
the doctor’s office. Write them 20 times each day.

2. Say your affirmations out loud. Think your affirmations. Use these affirmations
until they become your natural words or thoughts. Repeat them until they are
a part of you and you see their reality manifest into your life. Use your
affirmations to replace negative thoughts and words you are using in your life.
When you find yourself saying or thinking something you do not want to
happen, say, “I cancel those words or thoughts.” Immediately begin to repeat
your affirmation in place of the old way of thinking and speaking.

3. Record your affirmations on tape and play them when you are driving in your
car. Hearing your affirmations in your own voice is of great benefit to you. Use
your affirmations in meditation. While you are in a relaxed state, slowly repeat
the affirmation, allowing yourself to fully experience its energy. Combine
affirmations with visualization techniques.

4. Meditate on your affirmations by quietly repeating the affirmations in your

mind, allowing yourself to feel as if these statements where already true in
your life.

Sometimes it takes a firm determination to eliminate negative words from your

life. One friend of mine talks to herself in an authoritative voice when she catches
herself thinking or speaking what she does not want. She says to herself, “Now,
that is not what you want to happen, so stop talking all that negativity. My words
are powerful, so I speak only the Truth of what I want and what I want is ....”

It is sometimes helpful to recruit your family or your friends in your efforts to

replace old words with affirmations of what you want. Ask someone to remind
you of your plan when they hear you speak negative words. They might ask you
if what you just said is what you want to have happen. Be sure to make this fun.
Criticism is never helpful.

Thoughts and words are based on habit. Do not be discouraged if you find
yourself back in old patterns. Cancel what you have been saying and begin to
speak and think only what you want. It will become second nature to you if you
do not quit.

Affirmation Cards

I have included 32 of my favorite affirmations for your use.

Print out the following affirmation cards. Cut them and use them on a regular
basis. I hope you will enjoy them.
Use the affirmations included in the FREE Daily Positive Thought Service to
create a life of harmony, peace, prosperity, and health.

Have a great day and remember to think positive thoughts.

Marty Varnadoe Dow

FREE Daily Positive Thought Service
I AM a good friend to myself I AM a Divine being of light naturally
and others. expressing my life's purpose.

Today I fully experience the blessings I AM confident and optimistic that

that are all around me. everything will unfold perfectly
in my life.

Love is healing every aspect of my life. I embrace my fears with love and
I AM whole and healthy. release them into the light.

I have great respect for all the others I easily and joyfully listen to my inner
who share my world. wisdom, always following its guidance.
I expect good things to happen in my I accept my goodness in each and every
life because the universe is supporting moment of my day.
my success.

I expect miracles for every person I am speaking my truth today in love,

in my life. knowing that it is valuable. I expect
others to respect and value my opinions.

I claim my power. It is mine to use and I AM ready and willing to change for
I will use it well. the better.

I AM filled with gratitude and I expect Through the power of faith and trust I
to meet my blessings today. stay in the flow of God's goodness
and mercy.
Today I choose to think positive, loving, My thoughts are powerful and therefore I
and successful thoughts. choose them carefully.

I trust that my future is unfolding in Today I AM contributing to world peace

perfect order. I expect my life to be because my heart is open, radiating
filled with joy and success. Divine love to everyone I meet.

I accept myself with love and I know

that the doorway to greatness is I choose joy and grace in my life.
opened before me. I walk through
it with joy.

I AM thankful for all the blessings Today and every day I AM standing in
in my life and all the blessings that the power of love and everything in my
are yet to come. life is flexible and flowing.
I AM a positive thinker. This day and
everyday my mind is filled with positive I recognize my inner truth and I speak
thoughts creating a beautiful and it easily and joyfully.
positive life for me.

I accept myself, knowing that I am a

work in progress. I recognize my I AM experiencing the prosperity, health,
potential as I love and honor and joy that God wants me to have.
my shortcomings.

I have special qualities that only I bring Today, I choose to think only those
to this world. thoughts that uplift and empower me.

I AM growing and changing easily at I speak and think only positive

my perfect pace. thoughts about the people in my life.

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