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Design Document v2

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Affordable Power Supply


Team 47
Client/Advisor: Dr. Gary Tuttle
Adam Simodynes, Benjamin Almquist, Michael Neilson,
Mary Le, Chance Webster, and Krishan Sritharan

Revised: 10/04/2020 Rev 1

Executive Summary
Development Standards & Practices Used
We will be using both passive and active components for this project, along with
linear and switch-mode voltage regulators. The software practices we will use the
programming language C to program the microcontroller for our project.

Summary of Requirements
● Input Voltage
○ 24𝑉𝑅𝑀𝑆 AC wall supply
● 4 voltage outputs
○ 2 to 25 VDC
■ 1.5 A max current
■ Standard binding posts output connector
○ -2 to -25VDC
■ 1.5 A max current
■ Standard binding post output connector
○ 0 to 10VDC
■ 1 A max current
■ Standard binding post output connector
○ Fixed 5 VDC
■ 2 A max current
■ Standard USB type A output connector
● Box dimensions of 7 inches long, 4 inches wide, 2 inches deep
● Output display to display the voltage levels

Applicable Courses from Iowa State University Curriculum

EE201, EE230, EE333, EE330
New Skills/Knowledge acquired that was not taught in courses
Selecting a case for the PCB, using a CNC machine, laying out a PCB, designing
hardware to support a microcontroller.
Table of Contents

1 Introduction 4
1.1 5
1.2 5
1.3 5
1.4 5
1.5 6
1.6 6
1.7 7
2 7

2.1 Task Decomposition 5

2.2 Risks And Risk Management/Mitigation 6
2.3 Project Proposed Milestones, Metrics, and Evaluation Criteria 6
2.4 Project Timeline/Schedule 6
2.5 Project Tracking Procedures 6
2.6 Personnel Effort Requirements 7
2.7 Other Resource Requirements 7
2.8 Financial Requirements 7
3 Design 7
3.1 Previous Work And Literature 7
3.2 12
3.3 12
3.4 Technology Considerations 8
3.5 Design Analysis 8
3.6 13

3.7 14
4 Testing 9
4.1 14
4.2 15

4.3 15
4.4 15

5 Implementation 10
6 Closing Material 10
6.1 Conclusion 10
6.2 References 10
6.3 Appendices 10

List of figures/tables/symbols/definitions (This should be the similar to the

project plan)
1 Introduction


Our team would like to say thank you to Professor Tuttle for advising and financial support in our
project. We appreciate all the advice he has given and look forward to working with him more.


With Covid-19 limiting lab availability to students, it is difficult for electrical engineering
students to work with any hardware because they do not have power supplies to test their circuits.
It would be beneficial for students studying electrical engineering to have access to a power
supply at home during this pandemic.

The solution for this problem is to design an affordable power supply with a small form factor
that any electrical engineering student can easily build and operate from home. This will allow
students to perform any hardware labs for their electrical engineering courses without requiring
access to an on-campus lab.


The operational environment of the power supply will be a students dorm or apartment. These
locations may not be as clean and orderly as lab spaces, so the device should be rugged enough to
survive being moved frequently. It may also be exposed to other hazards not found in labs such as
food and liquids.


The power supply will have four voltage outputs: 1.5 to 25 VDC (1.5A max current), -1,5 to
25VDC (1.5A max current), 0 to 10VDC (1A max current), and 5VDC fixed output (2A max
current). The three variable outputs will be accessible through binding posts. The fixed output
will be a standard USB type A. The input for the power supply will be a 24-𝑉𝑅𝑀𝑆 AC wall supply,
with at least 100W input power.
The power supply will have a microcontroller to display output voltage levels, which will be
controlled using a rotary encoder. The unit will fit in a case approximately 7 inches long, 4
inches wide, and 2 inches deep. The final cost of the unit should be below 100 dollars.


The intended users of the product are electrical and computer engineering students. The uses for
the product are to test hardware for electrical and computer engineering courses, more
specifically for the hardware laboratories within the courses.



● The students have some background knowledge on power supplies and how to properly
operate them.
● The product will not be used outdoors.
● The end product will be assembled by the ETG, to avoid any malfunctions of the product.


● The end product will be no larger than 8”x5”x3”

○ Client requirement.
● The product cost will not exceed a hundred dollars.
○ Client requirements

The deliverables for our product are a working prototype of the product, an instruction manual for
building the power supply and how to use it. The prototype will meet all the requirements
specified previously. It will come with a PCB, complete set of parts, and a box.

The instruction manual will consist of the list of parts needed to build the power supply and
where to purchase them. It will also include a list of instructions for building the power supply
and how to operate it.
2 Project Plan


The main tasks that need to be completed for the project are designing the circuitry for the power
supply, designing the case for the PCB, setting up and coding the microcontroller, and writing the
instruction manual.

The main parts of the circuitry that will need to be designed are the linear regulator circuitry,
switch mode regulator circuitry, and microcontroller I/O circuitry.

For designing the case, we will need to design a heat dissipation module to keep our components
temperature low, along with the user interface design and placement. Another task to complete
on the case is the placement of the PCB and other components to fit into the case.

As for coding the microcontroller, we will need to include initialization, operational code, and
fault detection

The instruction manual tasks will consist of creating a list of parts needed to build and operate the
power supply. We will also need to create a procedure on how to put together the device, along
with how to properly and safely operate it.


For circuit design, the main risks are heat dissipation problems for the linear regulators and
voltage accuracy and ripple problems for the switching regulators. The probability of these
causing operational errors is low, probably around 0.2.

For designing the case, the risks are that the PCB will not fit inside the case with components, or
that heat will not properly be dissipated out of the box. The probability of these causing
functional errors is also low, around 0.1 if we design our PCB carefully.

For the microcontroller, the risks are that there will be bugs in the code that will not be found in
standard testing. The probability of these errors is much higher, most likely around 0.7. In order
to tackle this risk, we will need to complete thorough testing of our microcontroller code,
including testing multiple inputs and outputs and edge cases.
For the instruction manual, the biggest risks are that our instructions will be hard to understand or
misinterpreted, leading to a user error that damages the system. This risk is moderately high, at an
estimated probability of 0.5. The best way we can combat this is by making our users manual as
clear as possible, and by testing it on actual students in order to observe what common mistakes
may be made and how to circumvent them.


The key milestones for our project will be completing each circuit design element and testing
them to ensure accuracy, designing and buying a PCB for our project, coding and testing the
microcontroller and display, completing the build of the prototype, and completing the instruction
manual. For the circuit design completion, we expect the output voltages to be within a tenth of a
volt of the expected output. As for the PCB, we expect it to be fully operational and expect it to
fit inside the box.

For the microcontroller and its code we expect the display and rotary encoder to be functional and
accurately displays the voltage. The prototype must meet all the requirements and be completely
built. This includes the PCB, the user interface and accurate testing results. The instruction
manual evaluation will be done by our advisor to verify the information is accurate and easy for
the user to interpret.


The software used to communicate between group members has been google hangouts. To track
our progress on each task, an excel spreadsheet was created in google drive to assign tasks to
group members and track their progress. For our files, we have chosen to store them in google
drive as well so all members have access to all files.


Include a detailed estimate in the form of a table accompanied by a textual reference and
explanation. This estimate shall be done on a task-by-task basis and should be the projected effort
in total number of person-hours required to perform the task.

List of tasks Estimated hours to complete

Linear regulator schematic capture 2

Switching regulator schematic capture 5

Microcontroller schematic capture 3

PCB layout 10

Case selected and mechanical design completed 8

Microcontroller programmed 20

Build prototype 10

Test and debug prototype 15

Instruction manual written 10


Our project will require a power supply, a fabricated prototype PCB, all electrical components, a
case, output connectors, soldering equipment, and electrical test equipment.


The main financial requirement consists of purchasing the parts needed for the prototype, along
with any parts needed for testing. This includes basic components (resistors, capacitors, and
operational amplifiers), the case, microcontroller and other components needed for the project.
Another cost will be purchasing a fabricated PCB for our prototype.
3 Design


With our project being a low cost power supply, there are many different versions of our product
already available. Therefore, there are other similar products in the market. Most of the other
DC power supplies on the market have three outputs, 0 to 6 VDC, 0 to 25 VDC, and -25 to 0
VDC. The user interface of these power supplies are buttons to change the selected output and a
dial to increase or decrease the voltage of that output. It also has an LCD display to view the
output of the power supply. What differentiates our product from other competitors is the cost.
Our product is designed to be affordable to students who would not be able to afford a regular
power supply. Our power supply will also have a few changes to the selected outputs, such as a
fixed 5 VDC output.


The details of the design thinking that has driven our design are the operational requirements of
the product, and cost effectiveness. Our design is also driven by the need for ease of use and
accessibility for students. These needs have determined several design choices from the “ideate”
phase, including which parts to use and overall size and complexity. The cost was a large factor
in determining which parts to order. To maintain the possibility of low overall cost, our team
favored individual parts with low costs.


So far we have decided on a rough plan for the entire power supply. Part of this was deciding
what types of IO we were going to use. The IO are going to use rotary encoders, a simple 2x16
LCD display, a few buttons, and 4 voltage outputs. The way in which we have decided to
implement 2 of the 4 voltage outputs is via Buck converters which are controlled by a
microcontroller. The adjustable, low voltage supply is done via a circuit with built-in current
limiting that can be controlled via a variable voltage. The last of the 4 voltage outputs is done
with a linear voltage regulator that has a current limit feature built in at 2A. For the higher voltage
supplies (+25 and -25) the buck converters are meant to be efficient and cheaper to implement.
For the low voltage supply, the variable voltage-variable current limit circuit that has been
designed gives a cleaner output voltage than just using a buck converter alone. It also allows the
user to have a current limit feature that can be adjusted if necessary. The fixed output is meant to
provide a 5V output, and using a regulator is an easy and cost effective solution to this. All of the
design aspects have been chosen to minimize cost while maintaining as much quality as possible.


With our design being an affordable power supply, the main consideration to make is the cost of
components cheaper than most components, which could affect the overall designs operations and
longevity of the product. Another technical consideration to be made could be the size of the unit
and the heat output of the unit. Since the case will most likely not be designed to dissipate heat, it
will be something to consider when designing and testing our design.


The only portion of the design that has been tested is the variable voltage-variable current limit
portion. While this part of the circuit was tested successfully, it could still be better. What could
be improved upon is making the steady state tracking of the circuit when fed a step response as an
input would be able to track the output as expected. For example in this circuit we wanted the
output to be exactly 2 times the input but the output would settle at 1.99 times the input. We can
iterate on the design to make the output exactly 2 times the output. The way that we can modify
the design to fit this would be to add an integrator in the feed forward path of the power supply.


We have been using a waterfall development process so far in our project. For each part of our
design, we have focused on requirements capture first, then moved to actual schematic capture
and parts selection. Eventually, we will be able to design and test our PCB.

Our design is powered by an AC electrical outlet that goes to a 24 VRMS DC converter. This
input then powers a microcontroller and several regulators that determine output voltage levels.
The microcontroller interfaces with a rotary encoder, an LCD, and the switching regulators. The
rotary encoder allows the user to adjust to their desired voltage level. The LCD prints the current
output for the user. The currently active adjustable output can be determined through a push
button. The variable outputs are accessed by the user through a binding post and the fixed output
through a USB type A.

4 Testing


We will be testing each switch-mode regulator circuit individually and measuring output
parameters like voltage accuracy, ripple, and feedback loop response. We will also be testing an
improved version of the low voltage supply with voltage accuracy, response time, and current
limit accuracy.

Our interface is designed to be an LCD display to display the output voltages, a button to select
the output the user chooses to change, and a rotary encoder to select the voltage level at the
specified output. The tests that will need to be completed are verifying that the LCD display
outputs the correct voltage, the button changes the selected output voltage on the LCD display,
and the rotary encoder correctly changes the output voltage level. All in all, the three components
of the user interface will be tested individually first, to verify they are operational, before testing
the functionality of the components together.


We can show the client the power supply works by testing the output voltage with multimeters
and a few test circuits. We can also show the client that we meet the cost requirement by
showing the bill of materials for each of the parts required for the power supply.


So far we have not performed any testing beyond the variable voltage-variable current limit block
meant of the output of the low voltage supply. When it was tested, the output was not exactly
what was expected. For instance, the 5V output would actually output about 4.95V. This problem
can be fixed with an iteration on the design that was discussed previously.

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