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cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-tJHJj" tabindex="0">Página 1 de 2</h2><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-
cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 38.2353%; top: 4.54545%; width: 23.5294%;
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 45.2614%; top:
6.43939%; width: 9.31373%; height: 1.26263%;">TEO PABON
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 37.4183%; top:
9.59596%; width: 25.1634%; height: 1.51515%;">FORMATO DE AUTOEVALUACIÓN
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.6013%; top:
14.899%; width: 68.9542%; height: 1.51515%;">Nombre estudiante:
_________________________________________ curso: ____________
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18.3081%; width: 86.1111%; height: 1.51515%;">a) De todos los temas vistos en este
año escolar escoge 4, pueden ser los que mas te hayan gustado, los que mas
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.6013%; top:
19.9495%; width: 83.1699%; height: 1.64141%;">entiendas o los que mas recuerdes, en
lo posible intenta que sea 1 tema por periodo, escríbelos en la siguiente
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.6013%; top:
21.7172%; width: 3.92157%; height: 1.26263%;">tabla
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 28.9216%; top:
25.2525%; width: 6.04575%; height: 1.26263%;">Tema A
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 28.9216%; top:
27.0202%; width: 6.04575%; height: 1.26263%;">Tema B
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28.6616%; width: 6.04575%; height: 1.38889%;">Tema C
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 28.9216%; top:
30.4293%; width: 6.04575%; height: 1.38889%;">Tema D
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 8.66013%; top:
33.8384%; width: 40.1961%; height: 1.64141%;">b) Ten en cuenta las siguientes
categorías: 1. Lo haría
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 40.5229%; top:
35.6061%; width: 36.7647%; height: 1.51515%;">2. Podría hacerlo, pero me da miedo
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 40.5229%; top:
37.2475%; width: 28.268%; height: 1.64141%;">3. Tengo que pedir ayuda para hacerlo
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 40.3595%; top:
39.0152%; width: 15.3595%; height: 1.51515%;">4. No podría hacerlo
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 5.71895%; top:
42.298%; width: 63.8889%; height: 1.64141%;">De acuerdo a las categorías anteriores
marca con una x el recuadro donde corresponda
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 28.1046%; top:
46.8434%; width: 35.1307%; height: 1.38889%;">Conocimiento Tema
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 73.5294%; top:
45.9596%; width: 8.16993%; height: 1.51515%;">Categorías
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 70.7516%; top:
47.8535%; width: 13.3987%; height: 1.26263%;">1 2 3 4
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 15.1961%; top:
51.5152%; width: 37.0915%; height: 1.51515%;">¿Le enseñarías este tema a otras
personas, ya sea
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 22.2222%; top:
53.1566%; width: 22.7124%; height: 1.51515%;">niños, adolescentes o adultos?
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.2941%; top:
49.7475%; width: 1.47059%; height: 1.26263%;">A
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
51.5152%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">B
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
53.2828%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">C
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
55.0505%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">D
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 18.6275%; top:
58.5859%; width: 30.3922%; height: 1.64141%;">¿Harías un experimento o actividad
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 26.1438%; top:
60.3535%; width: 14.7059%; height: 1.26263%;">demostrar el tema?
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.2941%; top:
56.9444%; width: 1.47059%; height: 1.26263%;">A
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
58.7121%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">B
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
60.4798%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">C
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
62.2475%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">D
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 16.3399%; top:
65.7828%; width: 34.8039%; height: 1.64141%;">¿Te ofrecerías a resolver talleres
para ayudar a
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 28.9216%; top:
67.5505%; width: 9.15033%; height: 1.51515%;">tus amigos?
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.2941%; top:
64.1414%; width: 1.47059%; height: 1.26263%;">A
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
65.9091%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">B
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
67.5505%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.38889%;">C
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
69.3182%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">D
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 17.4837%; top:
72.9798%; width: 32.5163%; height: 1.51515%;">¿Le sugerirías al profesor nuevas
formas de
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 26.9608%; top:
74.6212%; width: 13.0719%; height: 1.38889%;">enseñar el tema?
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.2941%; top:
71.2121%; width: 1.47059%; height: 1.26263%;">A
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
72.9798%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">B
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
74.7475%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">C
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
76.5152%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">D
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 15.5229%; top:
80.1768%; width: 36.4379%; height: 1.51515%;">¿Corregirías amablemente a alguien
cuando diga
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 21.732%; top:
81.8182%; width: 23.5294%; height: 1.64141%;">algo equivocado sobre el tema?
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.2941%; top:
78.4091%; width: 1.47059%; height: 1.26263%;">A
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
80.1768%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">B
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
81.9444%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">C
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
83.7121%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">D
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 15.6863%; top:
87.2475%; width: 36.1111%; height: 1.64141%;">¿Inventarías actividades divertidas
como juegos,
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 15.5229%; top:
89.0152%; width: 36.1111%; height: 1.51515%;">películas o competencias para
aprender el tema?
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.2941%; top:
85.6061%; width: 1.47059%; height: 1.26263%;">A
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
87.3737%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">B
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
89.1414%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">C
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 60.4575%; top:
90.9091%; width: 1.30719%; height: 1.26263%;">D
</p></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-wxLEad-sn54Q" style="display:
none;"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-IDNFyf ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-
fmcmS-gvZm2b"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-IDNFyf ndfHFb-c4YZDc-
vWsuo-fmcmS-G0jgYd"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-IDNFyf ndfHFb-
c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-G0jgYd"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-IDNFyf
class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-RJLb9c" alt="Página 1 de 2" aria-
hidden="true"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf" style="padding-bottom:
129.412%;"><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-PLDbbf"></div><div
class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-bN97Pc-haAclf"><h2 class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-
cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-tJHJj" tabindex="0">Página 2 de 2</h2><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-
cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 8.66013%; top: 6.43939%; width: 50.1634%;
height: 1.51515%;">c) Si tenemos en cuenta las respuestas dadas en el cuadro
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.6013%; top:
8.08081%; width: 34.1503%; height: 1.64141%;">¿Cuántas veces marcaste la categoría
1? ____
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.4379%; top:
9.84848%; width: 34.3137%; height: 1.51515%;">¿Cuántas veces marcaste la categoría
2? ____
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.4379%; top:
11.4899%; width: 34.3137%; height: 1.64141%;">¿Cuántas veces marcaste la categoría
3? ____
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.4379%; top:
13.1313%; width: 34.3137%; height: 1.64141%;">¿Cuántas veces marcaste la categoría
4? ____
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 8.66013%; top:
16.5404%; width: 81.8627%; height: 1.64141%;">d) Contesta la pregunta o las
preguntas correspondientes de acuerdo a las categorías marcadas por cada tema
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 8.66013%; top:
18.3081%; width: 74.3464%; height: 1.64141%;">• Si marcaste la categoría 1: ¿Qué
debes hacer el año que viene para continuar con tu desempeño?
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 8.66013%; top:
21.8434%; width: 86.1111%; height: 1.51515%;">• Si marcaste la categoría 2: ¿Qué
debe mejorar en ti para que puedas estar dentro de la categoría 1 y que vas a
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.6013%; top:
23.4848%; width: 27.1242%; height: 1.64141%;">hacer el siguiente año para mejorar?
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 8.66013%; top:
27.0202%; width: 86.1111%; height: 1.51515%;">• Si marcaste la categoría 3: ¿Cuáles
crees que son tus fallas que no te permiten entender bien los temas y como
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.6013%; top:
28.6616%; width: 24.6732%; height: 1.64141%;">solucionar esto el año que viene?
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 8.66013%; top:
33.3333%; width: 86.1111%; height: 1.51515%;">• Si marcaste la categoría 4: ¿Crees
que la forma en que te enseñaron no es la adecuada? ¿cuál es tu responsabilidad
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.6013%; top:
34.9747%; width: 70.915%; height: 1.64141%;">con este bajo resultado? ¿Qué debes
cambiar el próximo año para poder estar en la categoría 1?
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 8.66013%; top:
39.5202%; width: 48.366%; height: 1.64141%;">e) Con respecto a las clases de
ciencias llena los siguientes datos
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 13.3987%; top:
45.5808%; width: 38.0719%; height: 1.51515%;">Escribe 2 aspectos positivos que
hayas sentido en la
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 21.5686%; top:
47.2222%; width: 21.8954%; height: 1.51515%;">clase de ciencias y el profesor
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 53.9216%; top:
43.0556%; width: 1.14379%; height: 1.26263%;">1
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 53.9216%; top:
46.4646%; width: 1.14379%; height: 1.26263%;">2
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 14.0523%; top:
53.2828%; width: 36.7647%; height: 1.51515%;">Escribe 2 Aspectos negativos que
hayas visto de la
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 21.5686%; top:
54.9242%; width: 21.8954%; height: 1.51515%;">clase de ciencias y el profesor
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 53.9216%; top:
51.6414%; width: 1.14379%; height: 1.26263%;">1
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 53.9216%; top:
54.9242%; width: 1.14379%; height: 1.26263%;">2
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 12.9085%; top:
60.101%; width: 39.7059%; height: 1.51515%;">Escribe 2 formas en que se pueden
mejorar las clases
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 28.268%; top:
61.7424%; width: 8.49673%; height: 1.38889%;">de ciencias
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 53.9216%; top:
58.4596%; width: 1.14379%; height: 1.26263%;">1
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 53.9216%; top:
61.8687%; width: 1.14379%; height: 1.26263%;">2
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.6013%; top:
70.3283%; width: 82.6797%; height: 1.51515%;">Gracias por tu tiempo, recuerda que
tus respuestas pueden ayudar a mejorar tu rendimiento en los años venideros
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.6013%; top:
71.9697%; width: 83.1699%; height: 1.64141%;">y la forma en que yo como profesor
puedo seguir mejorando año tras año, siempre es importante conocer lo que
</p><p class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-DARUcf-Df1ZY-eEGnhe" style="left: 11.6013%; top:
73.7374%; width: 31.6993%; height: 1.51515%;">piensas de ti mismo y lo que piensas
de mí.
</p></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-wxLEad-sn54Q" style="display:
none;"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-IDNFyf ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-
fmcmS-gvZm2b"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-IDNFyf ndfHFb-c4YZDc-
vWsuo-fmcmS-G0jgYd"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-IDNFyf ndfHFb-
c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-G0jgYd"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-IDNFyf
ndfHFb-c4YZDc-cYSp0e-oYxtQd-gvZm2b"></div></div></div><span class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-
cYSp0e-AznF2e-DTMEae" tabindex="0"></span></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-n5VRYe-
ma6Yeb" style="display: none;"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-n5VRYe-AeOLfc"
style="display: none;"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-n5VRYe-cGMI2b"
style="display: none;"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-n5VRYe-hOcTPc"
style="display: none;"></div><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-xxlfEe" aria-
hidden="true"><div class="ndfHFb-c4YZDc-vWsuo-fmcmS-xxlfEe-haAclf"><div
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#gb#gb a.gb_D { color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; }

.gb_3a { border-color: transparent transparent rgb(255, 255, 255); border-style:

dashed dashed solid; border-width: 0px 8.5px 8.5px; display: none; position:
absolute; left: 11.5px; top: 43px; z-index: 1; height: 0px; width: 0px; animation:
0.2s ease 0s 1 normal none running gb__a; }

.gb_4a { border-color: transparent transparent rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-style:

dashed dashed solid; border-width: 0px 8.5px 8.5px; display: none; position:
absolute; left: 11.5px; z-index: 1; height: 0px; width: 0px; animation: 0.2s ease
0s 1 normal none running gb__a; top: 42px; }

.gb_F { background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
color: rgb(0, 0, 0); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 2px 10px; display: none;
outline: none; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; right: 8px; top: 62px;
animation: 0.2s ease 0s 1 normal none running gb__a; border-radius: 2px; user-
select: text; }

.gb_gd.gb_oa .gb_3a, .gb_gd.gb_oa .gb_4a, .gb_gd.gb_oa .gb_F, .gb_oa.gb_F

{ display: block; }

.gb_gd.gb_oa.gb_Wf .gb_3a, .gb_gd.gb_oa.gb_Wf .gb_4a { display: none; }

.gb_Xf { position: absolute; right: 8px; top: 62px; z-index: -1; }

.gb_Oa .gb_3a, .gb_Oa .gb_4a, .gb_Oa .gb_F { margin-top: -10px; }

.gb_gd:first-child, #gbsfw:first-child + .gb_gd { padding-left: 4px; }

.gb_ta.gb_4e .gb_gd:first-child { padding-left: 0px; }

.gb_5e { position: relative; }

.gb_Rc .gb_5e, .gb_be .gb_5e { float: right; }

.gb_D { padding: 8px; cursor: pointer; }

.gb_ta .gb_8c:not(.gb_0):focus img { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); outline:

none; border-radius: 50%; }

.gb_6e button:focus svg, .gb_6e button:hover svg, .gb_6e button:active svg,

.gb_D:focus, .gb_D:hover, .gb_D:active, .gb_D[aria-expanded="true"] { outline:
none; border-radius: 50%; }

.gb_zc .gb_6e.gb_7e button:focus svg, .gb_zc .gb_6e.gb_7e button:focus:hover

svg, .gb_6e button:focus svg, .gb_6e button:focus:hover svg, .gb_D:focus,
.gb_D:focus:hover { background-color: rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.1); }

.gb_zc .gb_6e.gb_7e button:active svg, .gb_6e button:active svg, .gb_D:active

{ background-color: rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.12); }

.gb_zc .gb_6e.gb_7e button:hover svg, .gb_6e button:hover svg, .gb_D:hover

{ background-color: rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.08); }

.gb_ja .gb_D.gb_Ra:hover { background-color: transparent; }

.gb_D[aria-expanded="true"], .gb_D:hover[aria-expanded="true"] { background-color:

rgba(95, 99, 104, 0.24); }

.gb_D[aria-expanded="true"] .gb_8e, .gb_D[aria-expanded="true"] .gb_9e { fill:

rgb(95, 99, 104); opacity: 1; }

.gb_zc .gb_6e button:hover svg, .gb_zc .gb_D:hover { background-color: rgba(232,

234, 237, 0.08); }

.gb_zc .gb_6e button:focus svg, .gb_zc .gb_6e button:focus:hover svg, .gb_zc

.gb_D:focus, .gb_zc .gb_D:focus:hover { background-color: rgba(232, 234, 237, 0.1);

.gb_zc .gb_6e button:active svg, .gb_zc .gb_D:active { background-color: rgba(232,

234, 237, 0.12); }

.gb_zc .gb_D[aria-expanded="true"], .gb_zc .gb_D:hover[aria-expanded="true"]

{ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12); }

.gb_zc .gb_D[aria-expanded="true"] .gb_8e, .gb_zc .gb_D[aria-expanded="true"]

.gb_9e { fill: rgb(255, 255, 255); opacity: 1; }

.gb_gd { padding: 4px; }

.gb_ta.gb_4e .gb_gd { padding: 4px 2px; }

.gb_ta.gb_4e .gb_Sa.gb_gd { padding-left: 6px; }

.gb_F { z-index: 991; line-height: normal; }

.gb_F.gb_af { left: 8px; right: auto; }

@media (max-width: 350px) {

.gb_F.gb_af { left: 0px; }

.gb_bf .gb_F { top: 56px; }

.gb_C .gb_D, .gb_E .gb_C .gb_D { background-position: -64px -29px; }

.gb_j .gb_C .gb_D { background-position: -29px -29px; opacity: 1; }

.gb_C .gb_D, .gb_C .gb_D:hover, .gb_C .gb_D:focus { opacity: 1; }

.gb_Sd { display: none; }

.gb_0c { font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-

serif; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height:
48px; margin-bottom: 2px; opacity: 1; overflow: hidden; padding-left: 16px;
position: relative; text-overflow: ellipsis; vertical-align: middle; top: 2px;
white-space: nowrap; flex: 1 1 auto; }
.gb_0c.gb_1c { color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_0c { margin-bottom: 0px; }

.gb_2c.gb_3c .gb_0c { padding-left: 4px; }

.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_4c { position: relative; top: -2px; }

.gb_ta { color: black; min-width: 320px; position: relative; transition: box-shadow

250ms ease 0s; }

.gb_ta.gb_Jc { min-width: 240px; }

.gb_ta.gb_Td .gb_Ud { display: none; }

.gb_ta.gb_Td .gb_Vd { height: 56px; }

header.gb_ta { display: block; }

.gb_ta svg { fill: currentcolor; }

.gb_Wd { position: fixed; top: 0px; width: 100%; }

.gb_Xd { box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 4px 5px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px
1px 10px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 2px 4px -1px; }

.gb_Zd { height: 64px; }

.gb_ta:not(.gb_Mc) .gb_6c.gb_7c:not(.gb_0d):not(.gb_1d), .gb_ta:not(.gb_Mc)

.gb_Od:not(.gb_0d):not(.gb_1d), .gb_ta.gb_2d .gb_6c.gb_7c.gb_0d, .gb_ta.gb_2d
.gb_Od.gb_0d, .gb_ta.gb_2d .gb_6c.gb_7c.gb_1d, .gb_ta.gb_2d .gb_Od.gb_1d { display:
none !important; }

.gb_Vd { box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; width: 100%; display: flex;

justify-content: space-between; min-width: min-content; }

.gb_ta:not(.gb_ua) .gb_Vd { padding: 8px; }

.gb_ta.gb_3d .gb_Vd { flex: 1 0 auto; }

.gb_ta .gb_Vd.gb_4d.gb_5d { min-width: 0px; }

.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_Vd { padding: 4px 4px 4px 8px; min-width: 0px; }

.gb_Ud { height: 48px; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; -webkit-box-

align: center; align-items: center; display: flex; user-select: none; }

.gb_7d > .gb_Ud { display: table-cell; width: 100%; }

.gb_2c { padding-right: 30px; box-sizing: border-box; flex: 1 0 auto; }

.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_2c { padding-right: 14px; }

.gb_8d { flex: 1 1 100%; }

.gb_8d > :only-child { display: inline-block; }

.gb_9d.gb_Sc { padding-left: 4px; }

.gb_9d.gb_ae, .gb_ta.gb_3d .gb_9d, .gb_ta.gb_ua:not(.gb_be) .gb_9d { padding-left:
0px; }

.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_9d.gb_ae { padding-right: 0px; }

.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_9d.gb_ae .gb_ja { margin-left: 10px; }

.gb_Sc { display: inline; }

.gb_ta.gb_Mc .gb_9d.gb_ce, .gb_ta.gb_be .gb_9d.gb_ce { padding-left: 2px; }

.gb_0c { display: inline-block; }

.gb_9d { box-sizing: border-box; height: 48px; line-height: normal; padding: 0px

4px 0px 30px; flex: 0 0 auto; justify-content: flex-end; }

.gb_be { height: 48px; }

.gb_ta.gb_be { min-width: auto; }

.gb_be .gb_9d { float: right; padding-left: 32px; }

.gb_be .gb_9d.gb_de { padding-left: 0px; }

.gb_ee { font-size: 14px; max-width: 200px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px 12px;
text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; user-select: text; }

.gb_fe { transition: background-color 0.4s ease 0s; }

.gb_ge { color: black; }

.gb_zc { color: white; }

.gb_ta a, .gb_Fc a { color: inherit; }

.gb_t { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); }

.gb_ta svg, .gb_Fc svg, .gb_2c .gb_he, .gb_Rc .gb_he { color: rgb(95, 99, 104);
opacity: 1; }

.gb_zc svg, .gb_Fc.gb_Kc svg, .gb_zc .gb_2c .gb_he, .gb_zc .gb_2c .gb_yc, .gb_zc
.gb_2c .gb_4c, .gb_Fc.gb_Kc .gb_he { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87); }

.gb_zc .gb_2c .gb_va:not(.gb_ie) { opacity: 0.87; }

.gb_1c { color: inherit; opacity: 1; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; -webkit-

font-smoothing: antialiased; }

.gb_zc .gb_1c, .gb_ge .gb_1c { opacity: 1; }

.gb_je { position: relative; }

.gb_ke { font-family: arial, sans-serif; line-height: normal; padding-right:

15px; }

a.gb_g, span.gb_g { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); text-decoration: none; }

.gb_zc a.gb_g, .gb_zc span.gb_g { color: white; }

a.gb_g:hover, a.gb_g:focus { opacity: 0.85; text-decoration: underline; }

.gb_h { display: inline-block; padding-left: 15px; }

.gb_h .gb_g { display: inline-block; line-height: 24px; outline: none; vertical-

align: middle; }

.gb_le { font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-

serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height:
16px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 8px; min-width: 96px; padding: 9px 23px;
text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; border-radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-
box; }

.gb_ta.gb_be .gb_le { margin-left: 8px; }

#gb a.gb_4.gb_4.gb_le, #gb a.gb_3.gb_3.gb_le { cursor: pointer; }

.gb_4.gb_le:hover { background: rgb(43, 125, 233); box-shadow: rgba(66, 133, 244,

0.3) 0px 1px 2px 0px, rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.15) 0px 1px 3px 1px; }

.gb_4.gb_le:focus, .gb_4.gb_le:hover:focus { background: rgb(80, 148, 237); box-

shadow: rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.3) 0px 1px 2px 0px, rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.15) 0px 1px
3px 1px; }

.gb_4.gb_le:active { background: rgb(99, 160, 239); box-shadow: rgba(66, 133, 244,

0.3) 0px 1px 2px 0px, rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.15) 0px 1px 3px 1px; }

.gb_le:not(.gb_3) { background: rgb(26, 115, 232); border: 1px solid transparent; }

.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_le { padding: 9px 15px; min-width: 80px; }

.gb_me { text-align: left; }

#gb a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_le, #gb a.gb_le.gb_3 { background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-

color: rgb(218, 220, 224); box-shadow: none; color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

#gb a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_le:hover, #gb a.gb_le.gb_3:hover { background: rgb(248, 251,

255); border-color: rgb(204, 224, 252); }

#gb a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_le:focus, #gb a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_le:focus:hover, #gb

a.gb_le.gb_3:focus, #gb a.gb_le.gb_3:focus:hover { background: rgb(244, 248, 255);
border-color: rgb(201, 221, 252); }

#gb a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_le:active, #gb a.gb_le.gb_3:active { background: rgb(236, 243,

254); }

#gb a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_le:active { box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 1px 2px 0px,

rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 0px 2px 6px 2px; }

#gb a.gb_le.gb_3:not(.gb_ka):active { box-shadow: rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3) 0px 1px 2px
0px, rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15) 0px 2px 6px 2px; }

.gb_ja { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.88); border: 1px solid rgb(218,
220, 224); box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; max-
height: 48px; overflow: hidden; outline: none; padding: 0px; vertical-align:
middle; width: 134px; border-radius: 8px; }

.gb_ja.gb_ka { background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid rgb(95, 99, 104); }

.gb_la { width: 115px; }

.gb_ma { display: inherit; }

.gb_ma.gb_ka { background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 4px; display: inline-

block; left: 8px; margin-right: 5px; position: relative; padding: 3px; top: -1px; }

.gb_ma.gb_na.gb_ka { left: 6px; margin-right: 2px; }

.gb_ja:hover { border: 1px solid rgb(210, 227, 252); background-color: rgba(248,

250, 255, 0.88); }

.gb_ja.gb_ka:hover { border: 1px solid rgb(95, 99, 104); background-color:

rgba(232, 234, 237, 0.08); }

.gb_ja:focus { border: 1px solid rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(255,

255, 255); box-shadow: rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3) 0px 1px 2px 0px, rgba(60, 64, 67,
0.15) 0px 1px 3px 1px; }

.gb_ja.gb_ka:focus { border: 1px solid rgb(232, 234, 237); background-color:

rgb(56, 56, 59); }

.gb_ja.gb_ka:active, .gb_ja.gb_oa.gb_ka:focus { border: 1px solid rgb(95, 99, 104);

background-color: rgb(51, 52, 56); }

.gb_pa { display: inline-block; padding-left: 7px; padding-bottom: 2px; text-align:

center; vertical-align: middle; line-height: 32px; width: 78px; }

.gb_pa.gb_ka { line-height: 26px; width: 72px; }

.gb_pa.gb_qa.gb_ka { line-height: 30px; width: 57px; }

.gb_pa.gb_qa { line-height: 40px; width: 59px; }

.gb_pa.gb_ka { padding-left: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; }

.gb_pa.gb_ra { background-color: rgb(241, 243, 244); border-radius: 4px; margin-

left: 8px; padding-left: 0px; }

.gb_pa.gb_ra .gb_sa { vertical-align: middle; }

.gb_ta:not(.gb_ua) .gb_ja { margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 4px; }

.gb_ja .gb_sa.gb_va { min-width: 0px; }

.gb_wa { max-height: 32px; width: 78px; }

.gb_qa > .gb_wa { max-height: 40px; width: 96px; }

.gb_wa.gb_ka { max-height: 26px; width: 72px; }

.gb_qa > .gb_wa.gb_ka { max-height: 30px; width: 88px; }

.gb_Ia { background-size: 32px 32px; border: 0px; border-radius: 50%; display:

block; margin: 0px; position: relative; height: 32px; width: 32px; z-index: 0; }

.gb_Ja { background-color: rgb(232, 240, 254); border: 1px solid rgba(32, 33, 36,
0.08); position: relative; }
.gb_Ja.gb_Ia { height: 30px; width: 30px; }

.gb_Ja.gb_Ia:hover, .gb_Ja.gb_Ia:active { box-shadow: none; }

.gb_Ka { background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: none; border-radius: 50%; bottom:
2px; box-shadow: rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3) 0px 1px 2px 0px, rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15) 0px
1px 3px 1px; height: 14px; margin: 2px; position: absolute; right: 0px; width:
14px; }

.gb_La { color: rgb(31, 113, 231); font: 400 22px / 32px "Google Sans", Roboto,
RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; text-transform:
uppercase; }

@media (min-resolution: 1.25dppx), not all, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25),

not all {
.gb_Ia::before { display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.5); transform-origin:
left 0px; }
.gb_Ma::before { display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.5); transform-origin:
left 0px; }
.gb_l .gb_Ma::before { transform: scale(0.416667); }

.gb_Ia:hover, .gb_Ia:focus { box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 0px 1px 0px; }

.gb_Ia:active { box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 0px 2px 0px inset; }

.gb_Ia:active::after { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border-radius: 50%; content:

""; display: block; height: 100%; }

.gb_Na { cursor: pointer; line-height: 40px; min-width: 30px; opacity: 0.75;

overflow: hidden; vertical-align: middle; text-overflow: ellipsis; }

.gb_D.gb_Na { width: auto; }

.gb_Na:hover, .gb_Na:focus { opacity: 0.85; }

.gb_Oa .gb_Na, .gb_Oa .gb_Pa { line-height: 26px; }

#gb#gb.gb_Oa a.gb_Na, .gb_Oa .gb_Pa { font-size: 11px; height: auto; }

.gb_Qa { border-top: 4px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); border-left: 4px dashed transparent;
border-right: 4px dashed transparent; display: inline-block; margin-left: 6px;
opacity: 0.75; vertical-align: middle; }

.gb_Ra:hover .gb_Qa { opacity: 0.85; }

.gb_ja > .gb_Sa { padding: 3px 3px 3px 4px; }

.gb_Ta.gb_Ha { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.gb_j .gb_Na, .gb_j .gb_Qa { opacity: 1; }

#gb#gb.gb_j.gb_j a.gb_Na, #gb#gb .gb_j.gb_j a.gb_Na { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.gb_j.gb_j .gb_Qa { border-top-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); opacity: 1; }

.gb_E .gb_Ia:hover, .gb_j .gb_Ia:hover, .gb_E .gb_Ia:focus, .gb_j .gb_Ia:focus

{ box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 0px 1px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 1px 2px; }
.gb_Ua .gb_Sa, .gb_Va .gb_Sa { position: absolute; right: 1px; }

.gb_Sa.gb_i, .gb_Wa.gb_i, .gb_Ra.gb_i { flex: 0 1 auto; }

.gb_Xa.gb_Za .gb_Na { width: 30px !important; }

.gb_0a { height: 40px; position: absolute; right: -5px; top: -5px; width: 40px; }

.gb_1a .gb_0a, .gb_2a .gb_0a { right: 0px; top: 0px; }

.gb_Sa .gb_D { padding: 4px; }

.gb_oe { display: none; }

.gb_5c { display: none; }

.gb_5c.gb_oa { display: block; }

.gb_6c { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08) 0px

1px 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); position: relative; z-index: 986; }

.gb_7c { height: 40px; padding: 16px 24px; white-space: nowrap; }

.gb_6c .gb_8c { border: 0px; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; line-height: 36px;
min-width: 32px; padding: 0px 16px; vertical-align: middle; }

.gb_6c .gb_8c::before { content: ""; height: 6px; left: 0px; position: absolute;
top: -6px; width: 100%; }

.gb_6c .gb_8c::after { bottom: -6px; content: ""; height: 6px; left: 0px; position:
absolute; width: 100%; }

.gb_6c .gb_8c + .gb_8c { margin-left: 8px; }

.gb_9c { height: 48px; padding: 4px; margin: -8px 0px 0px -8px; }

.gb_ad { font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; overflow:

hidden; vertical-align: top; }

.gb_7c .gb_ad { display: inline-block; padding-left: 8px; width: 640px; }

.gb_bd { background-color: inherit; }

.gb_7c .gb_bd { display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 18px; right:

24px; }

.gb_bd .gb_cd { height: 1.5em; margin: -0.25em 10px -0.25em 0px; vertical-align:
text-top; width: 1.5em; }

.gb_dd { line-height: 20px; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 700; color: rgba(0, 0, 0,

0.87); }

.gb_7c .gb_dd, .gb_7c .gb_ed { width: 640px; }

.gb_ed .gb_fd, .gb_ed { line-height: 20px; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 400;

color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); }

.gb_gd.gb_hd { padding: 0px; }

.gb_hd .gb_F { background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px solid transparent;
border-radius: 8px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 16px; right: 16px; top: 72px;
box-shadow: rgba(65, 69, 73, 0.3) 0px 1px 2px 0px, rgba(65, 69, 73, 0.15) 0px 3px
6px 2px; }

.gb_hd .gb_F.gb_id { right: 60px; top: 48px; }

.gb_hd .gb_F.gb_jd { top: 62px; }

a.gb_kd { font-size: 22px; height: 24px; opacity: 1; padding: 8px; position:

absolute; right: 8px; top: 8px; width: 24px; color: rgb(95, 99, 104) !important;
text-decoration: none !important; }

a.gb_kd:focus, a.gb_kd:active, a.gb_kd:focus:hover { background-color: rgb(232,

234, 237); border-radius: 50%; outline: none; }

a.gb_kd:hover { background-color: rgb(241, 243, 244); border-radius: 50%; outline:

none; }

svg.gb_ld { fill: rgb(95, 99, 104); opacity: 1; }

.gb_md { padding: 0px; white-space: normal; display: table; }

.gb_nd { line-height: normal; font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial,

sans-serif; }

.gb_hd .gb_4:active { outline: none; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16) 0px 4px 5px; }

.gb_0.gb_od.gb_pd { border-radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer;

height: 36px; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial,
sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height:
16px; min-width: 70px; outline: none; text-transform: none; -webkit-font-smoothing:
antialiased; }

.gb_0.gb_qd.gb_pd { border-radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer;

height: 36px; color: rgb(95, 99, 104); font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto,
RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500;
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rgb(241, 243, 244); color: rgb(60, 64, 67); opacity: 0.38; cursor: default; border:
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.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HiaYvf-R5U1Nd-Of6OMd-S9gUrf-LgbsSe, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .pD2Zae-

Irdsic-LgbsSe-haAclf .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-JEtDLd-ERydpb-
haAclf .tk3N6e-LgbsSe, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-JEtDLd-ERydpb-haAclf .VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-
xl07Ob-LgbsSe, .h5F6zd-vWsuo .usbjsf-OiiCO-PvRhvb-htvI8d.VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-LgbsSe,
.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-PrY1nf-a3aHF-c6xFrd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e { border-radius:
4px; box-shadow: none; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto,
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height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px;
background: white; color: rgb(26, 115, 232); cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid
rgb(218, 220, 224) !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HiaYvf-R5U1Nd-Of6OMd-S9gUrf-LgbsSe.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-ZmdkE,
.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .pD2Zae-Irdsic-LgbsSe-haAclf .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
ZmdkE, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-JEtDLd-ERydpb-haAclf .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-ZmdkE, .HB1eCd-
UMrnmb .HB1eCd-JEtDLd-ERydpb-haAclf .VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-xl07Ob-LgbsSe-ZmdkE, .h5F6zd-
vWsuo .usbjsf-OiiCO-PvRhvb-htvI8d.VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-LgbsSe-ZmdkE, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb
.HB1eCd-PrY1nf-a3aHF-c6xFrd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-ZmdkE { border-
radius: 4px; box-shadow: none; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans",
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14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px
11px; background: rgb(248, 251, 255); border: 1px solid rgb(204, 224, 252) !
important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HiaYvf-R5U1Nd-Of6OMd-S9gUrf-LgbsSe.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe,
.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .pD2Zae-Irdsic-LgbsSe-haAclf .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
XpnDCe, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-JEtDLd-ERydpb-haAclf .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe, .HB1eCd-
UMrnmb .HB1eCd-JEtDLd-ERydpb-haAclf .VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-xl07Ob-LgbsSe-XpnDCe, .h5F6zd-
vWsuo .usbjsf-OiiCO-PvRhvb-htvI8d.VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-LgbsSe-XpnDCe, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb
.HB1eCd-PrY1nf-a3aHF-c6xFrd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe { border-
radius: 4px; box-shadow: none; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans",
Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size:
14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px
11px; background: rgb(233, 241, 254); border: 1px solid rgb(193, 216, 251) !
important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HiaYvf-R5U1Nd-Of6OMd-S9gUrf-LgbsSe.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
ZmdkE.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .pD2Zae-Irdsic-LgbsSe-haAclf .tk3N6e-
LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-ZmdkE.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-
JEtDLd-ERydpb-haAclf .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-ZmdkE.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb
.HB1eCd-JEtDLd-ERydpb-haAclf .VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-xl07Ob-LgbsSe-ZmdkE.VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-
xl07Ob-LgbsSe-XpnDCe, .h5F6zd-vWsuo .usbjsf-OiiCO-PvRhvb-htvI8d.VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-
LgbsSe-ZmdkE.VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-LgbsSe-XpnDCe, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-PrY1nf-a3aHF-
c6xFrd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-ZmdkE.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe { border-
radius: 4px; box-shadow: none; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans",
Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size:
14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px
11px; background: rgb(225, 236, 254); border: 1px solid rgb(187, 212, 251) !
important; }

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.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .pD2Zae-Irdsic-LgbsSe-haAclf .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
QDgCrf, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-JEtDLd-ERydpb-haAclf .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-QDgCrf, .HB1eCd-
UMrnmb .HB1eCd-JEtDLd-ERydpb-haAclf .VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-xl07Ob-LgbsSe-QDgCrf, .h5F6zd-
vWsuo .usbjsf-OiiCO-PvRhvb-htvI8d.VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-LgbsSe-QDgCrf, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb
.HB1eCd-PrY1nf-a3aHF-c6xFrd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-QDgCrf { border-
radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto,
RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px;
height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px;
background: rgb(225, 236, 254); box-shadow: rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15) 0px 2px 6px 2px;
border: 1px solid transparent !important; }
.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HiaYvf-R5U1Nd-Of6OMd-S9gUrf-LgbsSe.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-OWB6Me,
.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .pD2Zae-Irdsic-LgbsSe-haAclf .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
OWB6Me, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-JEtDLd-ERydpb-haAclf .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-OWB6Me, .HB1eCd-
UMrnmb .HB1eCd-JEtDLd-ERydpb-haAclf .VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-xl07Ob-LgbsSe-OWB6Me, .h5F6zd-
vWsuo .usbjsf-OiiCO-PvRhvb-htvI8d.VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-LgbsSe-OWB6Me, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb
.HB1eCd-PrY1nf-a3aHF-c6xFrd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-OWB6Me { border-
radius: 4px; box-shadow: none; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans",
Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size:
14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px
11px; background: white; color: rgb(60, 64, 67); opacity: 0.38; cursor: default;
border: 1px solid rgb(241, 243, 244) !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc button, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-

n2to0e { border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: none; box-sizing: border-box; font-family:
"Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500;
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9px 24px 11px; background: white; color: rgb(26, 115, 232); border: 1px solid
rgb(218, 220, 224) !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc button:hover, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-

LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-ZmdkE { border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: none; box-
sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica,
Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing:
0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px; background: rgb(248, 251, 255);
border: 1px solid rgb(204, 224, 252) !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc button:focus, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-

LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe { border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: none; box-
sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica,
Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing:
0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px; background: rgb(233, 241, 254);
border: 1px solid rgb(193, 216, 251) !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc button:hover:focus, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc

.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-ZmdkE.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe { border-radius:
4px; box-shadow: none; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto,
RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px;
height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px;
background: rgb(225, 236, 254); border: 1px solid rgb(187, 212, 251) !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc button:active, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc

button:focus:active, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-
LgbsSe-auswjd, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
AHmuwe.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-auswjd { border-radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; font-
family: "Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-
weight: 500; font-size: 14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height:
16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px; background: rgb(225, 236, 254); box-shadow: rgba(60,
64, 67, 0.15) 0px 2px 6px 2px; border: 1px solid transparent !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc button[disabled], .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc

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box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica,
Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing:
0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px; background: white; color:
rgb(60, 64, 67); opacity: 0.38; border: 1px solid rgb(241, 243, 244) !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .VIpgJd-ldDVFe-JIbuQc, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc

.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HzV7m-VCkuzd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc
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"Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500;
font-size: 14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding:
9px 24px 11px; background: rgb(26, 115, 232); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border:
1px solid transparent !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .VIpgJd-ldDVFe-JIbuQc:hover, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-

Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-ZmdkE, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HzV7m-
VCkuzd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-ZmdkE { border-radius: 4px; box-sizing:
border-box; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial,
sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing:
0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
background: rgb(43, 125, 233); box-shadow: rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.15) 0px 1px 3px
1px; border: 1px solid transparent !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .VIpgJd-ldDVFe-JIbuQc:focus, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-

Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HzV7m-
VCkuzd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe { border-radius: 4px; box-sizing:
border-box; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial,
sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing:
0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
background: rgb(80, 148, 237); box-shadow: rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.15) 0px 1px 3px
1px; border: 1px solid transparent !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .VIpgJd-ldDVFe-JIbuQc:hover:focus, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb

.XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-ZmdkE.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe,
.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HzV7m-VCkuzd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
ZmdkE.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-XpnDCe { border-radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; font-
family: "Google Sans", Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-
weight: 500; font-size: 14px; height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height:
16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background: rgb(99, 160,
239); box-shadow: rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.15) 0px 1px 3px 1px; border: 1px solid
transparent !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .VIpgJd-ldDVFe-JIbuQc:active, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-

Sx9Kwc .VIpgJd-ldDVFe-JIbuQc:focus:active, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-
LgbsSe-JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-auswjd, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-AHmuwe.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-auswjd, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HzV7m-
VCkuzd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-auswjd, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HzV7m-
VCkuzd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-AHmuwe.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-auswjd { border-
radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto,
RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px;
height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background: rgb(99, 160, 239); box-shadow: rgba(66, 133,
244, 0.15) 0px 2px 6px 2px; border: 1px solid transparent !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .VIpgJd-ldDVFe-JIbuQc[disabled], .HB1eCd-UMrnmb

.XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-OWB6Me, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-
HzV7m-VCkuzd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-OWB6Me { border-radius: 4px; box-
shadow: none; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto,
RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px;
height: 36px; letter-spacing: 0.25px; line-height: 16px; padding: 9px 24px 11px;
background: rgb(241, 243, 244); color: rgb(60, 64, 67); opacity: 0.38; border: 1px
solid transparent !important; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-LgbsSe, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc

button, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .VIpgJd-ldDVFe-JIbuQc, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-
Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
JIbuQc, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HzV7m-VCkuzd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-n2to0e, .HB1eCd-
UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HzV7m-VCkuzd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-JIbuQc { cursor: pointer; }
.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-LgbsSe.VIpgJd-Kb3HCc-LgbsSe-OWB6Me,
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.VIpgJd-ldDVFe-JIbuQc[disabled], .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-OWB6Me, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-OWB6Me, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HzV7m-VCkuzd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
n2to0e.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-OWB6Me, .HB1eCd-UMrnmb .HB1eCd-HzV7m-VCkuzd .tk3N6e-LgbsSe-
JIbuQc.tk3N6e-LgbsSe-OWB6Me { cursor: default; }

.HB1eCd-UMrnmb .XKSfm-Sx9Kwc .tk3N6e-y4JFTd { border: 1px solid rgb(218, 220, 224);

border-radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(60, 64, 67); padding: 1px
8px; font-size: 14px; height: 36px; margin: 8px 0px; }

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HzV7m-VCkuzd .tk3N6e-y4JFTd { border: 1px solid rgb(218, 220, 224); border-radius:
4px; box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(60, 64, 67); padding: 1px 8px; font-size:
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transparent; border-radius: 50%; cursor: pointer; line-height: 18px; text-align:
center; }

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rgb(232, 234, 237); outline: none; }

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infinite normal none running inksplash-scale-background; }
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LgbsSe-gk6SMd.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-v3pZbf.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-XpnDCe .DWWcKd-OomVLb-
LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb { background-color: rgb(232, 240, 254); }

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OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-Ia7Qfc-CZjX4e .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-
zfbKYe.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-v3pZbf .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-
Ia7Qfc-CZjX4e .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-gk6SMd.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-v3pZbf .DWWcKd-OomVLb-
LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-Ia7Qfc-CZjX4e .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-
gk6SMd.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-v3pZbf.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-XpnDCe .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-
Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb { background-color: rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.24); }

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OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-Ia7Qfc-CZjX4e .ONKrsd-jrnDlb-
v3pZbf.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-XpnDCe .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb
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LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-gk6SMd.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-nllRtd
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jrnDlb-nllRtd.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-XpnDCe .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-
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zfbKYe.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-nllRtd .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-
Ia7Qfc-CZjX4e .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-gk6SMd.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-nllRtd .DWWcKd-OomVLb-
LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-Ia7Qfc-CZjX4e .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-
gk6SMd.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-nllRtd.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-XpnDCe .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-
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OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-Ia7Qfc-CZjX4e .ONKrsd-jrnDlb-
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LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-gk6SMd.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-gS7Ybc
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jrnDlb-gS7Ybc.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-XpnDCe .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-
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zfbKYe.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-gS7Ybc .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-
Ia7Qfc-CZjX4e .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-gk6SMd.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-gS7Ybc .DWWcKd-OomVLb-
LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-Ia7Qfc-CZjX4e .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-
gk6SMd.ONKrsd-jrnDlb-gS7Ybc.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-XpnDCe .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-
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OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-Ia7Qfc-CZjX4e .ONKrsd-jrnDlb-
gS7Ybc.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-XpnDCe .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb
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OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-Ia7Qfc-to915 .ONKrsd-jrnDlb-
LgbsSe.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-zfbKYe .DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb,
.Kk7lMc-Ia7Qfc-to915 .ONKrsd-jrnDlb-LgbsSe.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-gk6SMd .DWWcKd-
OomVLb-LgbsSe-Bz112c-AHe6Kc-SmKAyb, .Kk7lMc-Ia7Qfc-to915 .ONKrsd-jrnDlb-
LgbsSe.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-gk6SMd.DWWcKd-OomVLb-LgbsSe-XpnDCe .DWWcKd-OomVLb-
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infinite normal both running circular-progress-fill-unfill-rotate, 5332ms cubic-
bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running circular-progress-red-fade-
in-out; }

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infinite normal both running circular-progress-fill-unfill-rotate, 5332ms cubic-
bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running circular-progress-yellow-
fade-in-out; }

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infinite normal both running circular-progress-fill-unfill-rotate, 5332ms cubic-
bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running circular-progress-green-
fade-in-out; }

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1) 0s infinite normal both running circular-progress-left-spin; }

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87.5% { transform: rotate(945deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(1080deg); }

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62.5% { transform: rotate(675deg); }
75% { transform: rotate(810deg); }
87.5% { transform: rotate(945deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(1080deg); }

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100% { opacity: 0.99; }

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51% { opacity: 0; }

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75% { opacity: 0.99; }
76% { opacity: 0; }

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76% { opacity: 0; }

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100% { opacity: 0; }

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100% { transform: rotate(130deg); }

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100% { transform: rotate(-130deg); }

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100% { transform: rotate(-130deg); }
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running container-rotate; }

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1) 0s infinite normal both running fill-unfill-rotate, 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0,
0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running blue-fade-in-out; }

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1) 0s infinite normal both running fill-unfill-rotate, 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0,
0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running red-fade-in-out; }

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1) 0s infinite normal both running fill-unfill-rotate, 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0,
0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running yellow-fade-in-out; }

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1) 0s infinite normal both running fill-unfill-rotate, 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0,
0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running green-fade-in-out; }

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bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running left-spin; }

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n0tgWb .VIpgJd-INgbqf-xl07Ob-LgbsSe-n0tgWb-Q4BLdf { width: 11px; min-width: 11px;
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cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms, transform 150ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms; }

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cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1) 0ms; }

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1) 0.15s; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; position: fixed; right: 0px; top: 0px; opacity:
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0, 0.2, 1) 0s; opacity: 1; }

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transform: translateX(-145.167%); }
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0.956352); transform: translateX(-61.4952%); }
100% { transform: translateX(55.4444%); }

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59.15% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.302435, 0.381352, 0.55,
0.956352); transform: translateX(-61.4952%); }
100% { transform: translateX(55.4444%); }

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transform: translateX(145.167%); }
59.15% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.302435, 0.381352, 0.55,
0.956352); transform: translateX(61.4952%); }
100% { transform: translateX(-55.4444%); }

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transform: translateX(145.167%); }
59.15% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.302435, 0.381352, 0.55,
0.956352); transform: translateX(61.4952%); }
100% { transform: translateX(-55.4444%); }

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transform: scaleX(0.08); }
69.15% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.06, 0.11, 0.6, 1); transform:
scaleX(0.661479); }
100% { transform: scaleX(0.08); }

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0% { transform: scaleX(0.08); }
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transform: scaleX(0.08); }
69.15% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.06, 0.11, 0.6, 1); transform:
scaleX(0.661479); }
100% { transform: scaleX(0.08); }

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0% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.15, 0, 0.515058, 0.409685);
transform: translateX(-54.8889%); }
25% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.31033, 0.284058, 0.8, 0.733712);
transform: translateX(-17.237%); }
48.35% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.627035, 0.6, 0.902026);
transform: translateX(29.4973%); }
100% { transform: translateX(105.389%); }

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0% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.15, 0, 0.515058, 0.409685);
transform: translateX(-54.8889%); }
25% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.31033, 0.284058, 0.8, 0.733712);
transform: translateX(-17.237%); }
48.35% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.627035, 0.6, 0.902026);
transform: translateX(29.4973%); }
100% { transform: translateX(105.389%); }

@keyframes auxiliary-indeterminate-translate-reverse {
0% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.15, 0, 0.515058, 0.409685);
transform: translateX(54.8889%); }
25% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.31033, 0.284058, 0.8, 0.733712);
transform: translateX(17.237%); }
48.35% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.627035, 0.6, 0.902026);
transform: translateX(-29.4973%); }
100% { transform: translateX(-105.389%); }

@-webkit-keyframes auxiliary-indeterminate-translate-reverse {
0% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.15, 0, 0.515058, 0.409685);
transform: translateX(54.8889%); }
25% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.31033, 0.284058, 0.8, 0.733712);
transform: translateX(17.237%); }
48.35% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.627035, 0.6, 0.902026);
transform: translateX(-29.4973%); }
100% { transform: translateX(-105.389%); }

@keyframes auxiliary-indeterminate-scale {
0% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.205028, 0.057051, 0.57661,
0.453971); transform: scaleX(0.08); }
19.15% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.152313, 0.196432, 0.648374,
1.00432); transform: scaleX(0.457104); }
44.15% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.257759, 0.003163, 0.211762,
1.38179); transform: scaleX(0.72796); }
100% { transform: scaleX(0.08); }

@-webkit-keyframes auxiliary-indeterminate-scale {
0% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.205028, 0.057051, 0.57661,
0.453971); transform: scaleX(0.08); }
19.15% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.152313, 0.196432, 0.648374,
1.00432); transform: scaleX(0.457104); }
44.15% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.257759, 0.003163, 0.211762,
1.38179); transform: scaleX(0.72796); }
100% { transform: scaleX(0.08); }

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100% { transform: translateX(-10px); }

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100% { transform: translateX(-10px); }
@keyframes buffering-reverse {
100% { transform: translateX(10px); }

@-webkit-keyframes buffering-reverse {
100% { transform: translateX(10px); }

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0% { transform: translateX(-100%); }
100% { transform: translateX(100%); }

@keyframes indeterminate-translate-reverse-ie {
0% { transform: translateX(100%); }
100% { transform: translateX(-100%); }

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translateZ(0px); transition: opacity 250ms linear 0s; width: 100%; }

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.w2zcLc { transform-origin: left top; transition: transform 250ms ease 0s; }

.MyvhI { transform-origin: left top; transition: transform 250ms ease 0s;

animation: 0s ease 0s 1 normal none running none; }

.l3q5xe { animation: 0s ease 0s 1 normal none running none; }

.w2zcLc { background-color: rgb(230, 230, 230); height: 100%; transform-origin:

left top; transition: transform 250ms ease 0s; width: 100%; }

.TKVRUb { transform: scaleX(0); }

.sUoeld { visibility: hidden; }

.l3q5xe { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); display: inline-block; }

.xcNBHc { background-size: 10px 4px; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image:

visibility: hidden; }

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primary-indeterminate-translate; }

.sZwd7c.B6Vhqe .TKVRUb > .l3q5xe { animation: 2s linear 0s infinite normal none

running primary-indeterminate-scale; }
.sZwd7c.B6Vhqe .sUoeld { animation: 2s linear 0s infinite normal none running
auxiliary-indeterminate-translate; visibility: visible; }

.sZwd7c.B6Vhqe .sUoeld > .l3q5xe { animation: 2s linear 0s infinite normal none

running auxiliary-indeterminate-scale; }

.sZwd7c.B6Vhqe.ieri7c .l3q5xe { transform: scaleX(0.45); }

.sZwd7c.B6Vhqe.ieri7c .sUoeld { animation: 0s ease 0s 1 normal none running none;

visibility: hidden; }

.sZwd7c.B6Vhqe.ieri7c .TKVRUb { animation: 2s ease-out 0s infinite normal none

running indeterminate-translate-ie; }

.sZwd7c.B6Vhqe.ieri7c .TKVRUb > .l3q5xe, .sZwd7c.B6Vhqe.ieri7c .sUoeld > .l3q5xe

{ animation: 0s ease 0s 1 normal none running none; }

.sZwd7c.juhVM .w2zcLc, .sZwd7c.juhVM .MyvhI { right: 0px; transform-origin: right

center; }

.sZwd7c.juhVM .TKVRUb { animation-name: primary-indeterminate-translate-reverse; }

.sZwd7c.juhVM .sUoeld { animation-name: auxiliary-indeterminate-translate-

reverse; }

.sZwd7c.juhVM.ieri7c .TKVRUb { animation-name: indeterminate-translate-reverse-

ie; }

.sZwd7c.qdulke { opacity: 0; }

.sZwd7c.jK7moc .sUoeld, .sZwd7c.jK7moc .TKVRUb, .sZwd7c.jK7moc .sUoeld >

.l3q5xe, .sZwd7c.jK7moc .TKVRUb > .l3q5xe { animation-play-state: paused; }

.sZwd7c.D6TUi .xcNBHc { animation: 250ms linear 0s infinite normal none running

buffering; visibility: visible; }

.sZwd7c.D6TUi.juhVM .xcNBHc { animation: 250ms linear 0s infinite normal none

running buffering-reverse; }

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inline-block; outline: none; padding-bottom: 8px; width: 200px; }

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width: 0%; position: relative; }

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0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; position: absolute; width: 100%; }

.i9lrp::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0px; bottom: -2px; left:
0px; right: 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); pointer-events: none; }

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height: 2px; left: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; position: absolute; width: 100%;

.rFrNMe.dm7YTc .OabDMe { background-color: rgb(161, 194, 250); }

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height: 2px; }

.rFrNMe.k0tWj.dm7YTc .i9lrp, .rFrNMe.k0tWj.dm7YTc .OabDMe { background-color:

rgb(224, 96, 85); }

.whsOnd[disabled] { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38); }

.rFrNMe.dm7YTc .whsOnd[disabled] { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); }

.whsOnd[disabled] ~ .i9lrp { background: none; border-bottom: 1px dotted rgba(0, 0,

0, 0.38); }

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running quantumWizPaperInputRemoveUnderline; }

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none running quantumWizPaperInputAddUnderline; transform: scaleX(1); }

.rFrNMe.sdJrJc > .aCsJod { padding-top: 24px; }

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0, 0.2, 1) 0s, bottom, transform; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38); font: 400 16px
Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; pointer-events: none; position:
absolute; bottom: 3px; left: 0px; width: 100%; }

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translateY(-39px); }

.whsOnd:not([disabled]):focus ~ .AxOyFc { color: rgb(66, 133, 244); }

.rFrNMe.dm7YTc .whsOnd:not([disabled]):focus ~ .AxOyFc { color: rgb(161, 194, 250);


.rFrNMe.k0tWj .whsOnd:not([disabled]):focus ~ .AxOyFc { color: rgb(213, 0, 0); }

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Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; max-width: 100%; overflow: hidden; pointer-events:
none; position: absolute; text-overflow: ellipsis; top: 2px; left: 0px; white-
space: nowrap; }
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RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; height: 16px; margin-left: auto;
padding-left: 16px; padding-top: 8px; pointer-events: none; opacity: 0.3; white-
space: nowrap; }

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rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); }

.rFrNMe.Tyc9J { padding-bottom: 4px; }

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auto; font: 400 12px Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; min-height:
16px; padding-top: 8px; }

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.dEOOab { color: rgb(213, 0, 0); }

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.AxOyFc { color: rgb(224, 96, 85); }

.ovnfwe { opacity: 0.3; }

.rFrNMe.dm7YTc .ovnfwe { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); opacity: 1; }

.rFrNMe.k0tWj .ovnfwe, .rFrNMe:not(.k0tWj) .ovnfwe:not(:empty) + .dEOOab { display:

none; }

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100% { transform: scaleX(1); opacity: 0; }

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100% { transform: scaleX(1); opacity: 0; }

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100% { transform: scaleX(1); }

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100% { transform: scaleX(1); }

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.L6J0Pc { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex: 1 1 0%; }

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overflow-x: hidden; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); display: none; }

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Arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); }

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.IjMZm { display: inline-block; height: auto; }

.VOEIyf .ZAGvjd { border-color: transparent; border-style: solid; border-width: 0px

1px; outline: none; }

.oKubKe, .VOEIyf .ZAGvjd { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px 16px; }

.VOEIyf .jBmls { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 8px 0px; border: 1px solid
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 0px 0px
2px 2px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 8px 10px 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px
3px 14px 2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 5px 5px -3px; }

.oKubKe { line-height: 40px; }

.oKubKe[aria-selected="true"] { background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); }

.oKubKe.RDPZE { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38); }

.SmXtye { margin: 7px 0px; border-top: 1px solid rgb(218, 218, 218); }

.D4D33b { overflow-x: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; }

.RM9ulf { visibility: hidden; position: fixed; z-index: 5000; color: rgb(255, 255,
255); pointer-events: none; }

.RM9ulf.catR2e { max-width: 90%; max-height: 90%; }

.R8qYlc { border-radius: 2px; background-color: rgba(97, 97, 97, 0.9); position:

absolute; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0; transform: scale(0,
0.5); transform-origin: inherit; }
.AZnilc { display: block; position: relative; font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500;
padding: 5px 8px 6px; opacity: 0; }

.RM9ulf.qs41qe .R8qYlc { opacity: 1; transform: scale(1, 1); }

.RM9ulf.catR2e .AZnilc { overflow-wrap: break-word; }

.RM9ulf.qs41qe .AZnilc { opacity: 1; }

.RM9ulf.AXm5jc .AZnilc { font-size: 14px; padding: 8px 16px; }

.RM9ulf.u5lFJe { transition-property: transform; transition-duration: 200ms;

transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.24, 1, 0.32, 1); }

.RM9ulf.u5lFJe .R8qYlc { transition-property: opacity, transform; transition-

duration: 50ms, 200ms; transition-timing-function: linear, cubic-bezier(0.24, 1,
0.32, 1); }

.RM9ulf.u5lFJe .AZnilc { transition: opacity 150ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.6, 1) 50ms;


.RM9ulf.xCxor { transition: opacity 70ms linear 0ms; }

.cTPETe { display: flex; }

.u1Djpb { display: flex; height: 22px; border-radius: 11px; margin: 0px 6px 0px
0px; padding-left: 12px; white-space: nowrap; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87);
background-color: rgb(224, 224, 224); font-size: 14px; }

.fb31zf { margin: auto; }

.GorKAf { display: inline-block; position: relative; margin: 3px; width: 16px;

height: 16px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38); border-radius: 50%; }

.GorKAf::before { content: ""; position: absolute; width: 10px; height: 2px; top:
7px; background-color: rgb(224, 224, 224); }

.GorKAf::after { content: ""; position: absolute; width: 10px; height: 2px; top:
7px; background-color: rgb(224, 224, 224); }

.GorKAf::before { transform: rotate(45deg); left: 3px; }

.GorKAf::after { transform: rotate(-45deg); right: 3px; }

.u1Djpb:hover { color: white; background-color: rgb(97, 97, 97); }

.u1Djpb:hover .GorKAf::before, .u1Djpb:hover .GorKAf::after { background-color:

rgb(97, 97, 97); }

.u1Djpb:hover .GorKAf { background-color: white; }

@keyframes quantumWizBoxInkSpread {
0% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0.2); }
100% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); }

@-webkit-keyframes quantumWizBoxInkSpread {
0% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0.2); }
100% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); }

@keyframes quantumWizIconFocusPulse {
0% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1.5); opacity: 0; }
100% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2); opacity: 1; }

@-webkit-keyframes quantumWizIconFocusPulse {
0% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1.5); opacity: 0; }
100% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2); opacity: 1; }

@keyframes quantumWizRadialInkSpread {
0% { transform: scale(1.5); opacity: 0; }
100% { transform: scale(2.5); opacity: 1; }

@-webkit-keyframes quantumWizRadialInkSpread {
0% { transform: scale(1.5); opacity: 0; }
100% { transform: scale(2.5); opacity: 1; }

@keyframes quantumWizRadialInkFocusPulse {
0% { transform: scale(2); opacity: 0; }
100% { transform: scale(2.5); opacity: 1; }

@-webkit-keyframes quantumWizRadialInkFocusPulse {
0% { transform: scale(2); opacity: 0; }
100% { transform: scale(2.5); opacity: 1; }

.O0WRkf { user-select: none; transition: background 0.2s ease 0.1s; border: 0px;
border-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; font-size: 14px; font-
weight: 500; min-width: 4em; outline: none; overflow: hidden; position: relative;
text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; -webkit-tap-highlight-color:
transparent; z-index: 0; }

.A9jyad { font-size: 13px; line-height: 16px; }

.zZhnYe { transition: box-shadow 0.28s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s; background:

rgb(223, 223, 223); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 2px 2px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0,
0.12) 0px 3px 1px -2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 1px 5px 0px; }

.zZhnYe.qs41qe { transition: background 0.8s ease 0s; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0,

0.14) 0px 8px 10px 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 3px 14px 2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
0px 5px 5px -3px; }

.e3Duub, .e3Duub a, .e3Duub a:hover, .e3Duub a:link, .e3Duub a:visited

{ background: rgb(66, 133, 244); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.HQ8yf, .HQ8yf a { color: rgb(66, 133, 244); }

.UxubU, .UxubU a { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZFr60d { position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px;
background-color: transparent; }
.O0WRkf.u3bW4e .ZFr60d { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); }

.UxubU.u3bW4e .ZFr60d { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); }

.e3Duub.u3bW4e .ZFr60d { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); }

.HQ8yf.u3bW4e .ZFr60d { background-color: rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.15); }

.Vwe4Vb { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0); transition: opacity 0.2s ease

0s, visibility 0s ease 0.2s, -webkit-transform 0s ease 0.2s; background-size:
cover; left: 0px; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; top: 0px;
visibility: hidden; }

.O0WRkf.qs41qe .Vwe4Vb { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); opacity: 1;

visibility: visible; }

.O0WRkf.qs41qe.M9Bg4d .Vwe4Vb { transition: transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2,

1) 0s, opacity 0.2s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s; }

.O0WRkf.j7nIZb .Vwe4Vb { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); visibility:

visible; }

.oG5Srb .Vwe4Vb, .zZhnYe .Vwe4Vb { background-image: radial-gradient(circle

farthest-side, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 80%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
100%); }

.HQ8yf .Vwe4Vb { background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side, rgba(66,

133, 244, 0.25), rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.25) 80%, rgba(66, 133, 244, 0) 100%); }

.e3Duub .Vwe4Vb { background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side, rgb(51,

103, 214), rgb(51, 103, 214) 80%, rgba(51, 103, 214, 0) 100%); }

.UxubU .Vwe4Vb { background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side, rgba(255,

255, 255, 0.3), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) 80%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%); }

.O0WRkf.RDPZE { box-shadow: none; color: rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.5); cursor: default;
fill: rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.5); }

.zZhnYe.RDPZE { background: rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.1); }

.UxubU.RDPZE { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); }

.UxubU.zZhnYe.RDPZE { background: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.1); }

.CwaK9 { position: relative; }

.RveJvd { display: inline-block; margin: 0.5em; }

.XHsn7e { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border: none; border-radius: 50%; box-

sizing: content-box; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 6px 10px 0px, rgba(0, 0,
0, 0.12) 0px 1px 18px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 3px 5px -1px; cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block; fill: rgb(255, 255, 255); height: 56px; outline: none;
overflow: hidden; position: relative; text-align: center; width: 56px; z-index:
4000; }

.HaXdpb { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); bottom: 0px; display: none; left:
0px; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px; }

.XHsn7e:hover { box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 8px 10px 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0,

0.12) 0px 3px 14px 2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 5px 5px -3px; }

.XHsn7e:hover .HaXdpb { display: block; }

.XHsn7e.qs41qe { box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 12px 17px 2px, rgba(0, 0, 0,

0.12) 0px 5px 22px 4px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 7px 8px -4px; }

.XHsn7e.qs41qe .HaXdpb { display: block; }

.XHsn7e.RDPZE { background: rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.1); box-shadow: none; color:

rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.5); cursor: default; fill: rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.5); }

.XHsn7e.RDPZE:hover { opacity: 1; }

.XHsn7e.RDPZE .HaXdpb { display: none; }

.XHsn7e:focus { box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 8px 10px 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0,

0.12) 0px 3px 14px 2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 5px 5px -3px; }

.XHsn7e:focus .HaXdpb { display: block; }

.Ip8zfc { display: inline-block; height: 24px; position: absolute; top: 16px; left:
16px; width: 24px; transform: rotate(0deg); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; }

.Ip8zfc.eLNT1d { opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; transform: rotate(225deg);

transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; }

.Ip8zfc.ReqAjb { transform: rotate(135deg); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; }

.dURtfb { height: 40px; width: 40px; }

.dURtfb .Ip8zfc { top: 8px; left: 8px; }

.HRp7vf { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0); transition: opacity 0.2s ease

0s, visibility 0s ease 0.2s, -webkit-transform 0s ease 0.2s; background-image:
radial-gradient(circle farthest-side, rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.25), rgba(204, 204,
204, 0.25) 80%, rgba(204, 204, 204, 0) 100%); background-size: cover; left: 0px;
opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; top: 0px; visibility: hidden;

.XHsn7e.qs41qe > .HRp7vf { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); opacity: 1;

visibility: visible; }

.XHsn7e.qs41qe.M9Bg4d > .HRp7vf { transition: transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0,

0.2, 1) 0s, opacity 0.2s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s; }

.XHsn7e.j7nIZb > .HRp7vf { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); visibility:

visible; }

.gDbkOe { display: inline-block; }

.g5O6Me { background-color: rgb(0, 150, 136); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding:
14px 24px; }

.g5O6Me .yhlz6e { height: auto; }

.ghqSuf { font-size: 200%; font-weight: bold; }

.OwJSvb { display: table; width: 100%; }

.yhlz6e { display: table-row; height: 40px; }

.WhQfHb { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; min-width: 40px; }

.FmNPqf { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.LeaINd { text-align: center; }

.natoR { text-align: right; }

.FuZZcf { fill: none; margin-top: 6px; stroke: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); stroke-width:

2; }

.B6W3v { vertical-align: middle; }

.pwXtMb { width: 2em; height: 2em; border-radius: 50%; text-align: center;

vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; }

.mpfSgf { display: flex; flex-direction: column; max-height: 250px; overflow:

hidden auto; }

.Ux2JBf { cursor: pointer; display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-shrink: 0;

height: 40px; justify-content: center; text-align: center; width: 100%; }

.Ux2JBf[aria-disabled="true"] { opacity: 0.34; }

.Ux2JBf.TrJ0Tc { font-size: 150%; color: rgb(0, 150, 136); }

.Ux2JBf.TrJ0Tc.krHqHb { color: rgb(178, 223, 219); }

.pb6Tnc { cursor: pointer; }

.pwXtMb.eFxgkf { background-color: rgb(0, 150, 136); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.pwXtMb.GDobHd { cursor: default; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38); }

.CYhapf { font-size: 12px; font-weight: 400; padding: 8px 16px 16px; outline: none;

.qhENpb { color: rgb(158, 158, 158); }

.g5O6Me.krHqHb { background-color: rgb(97, 97, 97); }

.FmNPqf.krHqHb { background-color: rgb(66, 66, 66); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.FuZZcf.krHqHb { fill: rgb(66, 66, 66); stroke: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.pwXtMb.krHqHb.eFxgkf { color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.FKF6mc, .FKF6mc:focus { display: block; outline: none; text-decoration: none; }

.FKF6mc:visited { fill: inherit; stroke: inherit; }

.U26fgb.u3bW4e { outline: transparent solid 1px; }

.mUbCce { user-select: none; transition: background 0.3s ease 0s; border: 0px;
border-radius: 50%; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; flex-shrink: 0; height:
48px; outline: none; overflow: hidden; position: relative; text-align: center;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; width: 48px; z-index: 0; }

.mUbCce > .TpQm9d { height: 48px; width: 48px; }

.mUbCce.u3bW4e, .mUbCce.qs41qe, .mUbCce.j7nIZb { transform: translateZ(0px);

-webkit-mask-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, white 100%, black
100%); }

.YYBxpf { border-radius: 0px; overflow: visible; }

.YYBxpf.u3bW4e, .YYBxpf.qs41qe, .YYBxpf.j7nIZb { -webkit-mask-image: none; }

.fKz7Od { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); }

.p9Nwte { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); }

.fKz7Od.u3bW4e { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); }

.p9Nwte.u3bW4e { background-color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.25); }

.YYBxpf.u3bW4e { background-color: transparent; }

.VTBa7b { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0); transition: opacity 0.2s ease

0s, visibility 0s ease 0.2s, -webkit-transform 0s ease 0.2s; background-size:
cover; left: 0px; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; top: 0px;
visibility: hidden; }

.YYBxpf.u3bW4e .VTBa7b { animation: 0.7s ease 0s infinite alternate none running

quantumWizIconFocusPulse; height: 100%; left: 50%; top: 50%; width: 100%;
visibility: visible; }

.mUbCce.qs41qe .VTBa7b { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); opacity: 1;

visibility: visible; }

.mUbCce.qs41qe.M9Bg4d .VTBa7b { transition: transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2,

1) 0s, opacity 0.2s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s; }

.mUbCce.j7nIZb .VTBa7b { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); visibility:

visible; }

.fKz7Od .VTBa7b { background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side, rgba(0,

0, 0, 0.12), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 80%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%); }

.p9Nwte .VTBa7b { background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side, rgba(204,

204, 204, 0.25), rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.25) 80%, rgba(204, 204, 204, 0) 100%); }

.mUbCce.RDPZE { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); cursor:

default; }

.p9Nwte.RDPZE { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); }

.xjKiLb { position: relative; top: 50%; }

.xjKiLb > span { display: inline-block; position: relative; }

.C0oVfc { line-height: 20px; min-width: 88px; }

.C0oVfc .RveJvd { margin: 8px; }

.llhEMd { transition: opacity 0.15s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0.15s; background-
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); bottom: 0px; left: 0px; opacity: 0; position: fixed;
right: 0px; top: 0px; z-index: 5000; }

.llhEMd.iWO5td { transition: opacity 0.05s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s;

opacity: 1; }

.mjANdc { transition: transform 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s; -webkit-box-

align: center; align-items: center; display: flex; -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
flex-direction: column; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; padding: 0px 5%; position:
absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px; }

.x3wWge, .ONJhl { display: block; height: 3em; }

.eEPege > .x3wWge, .eEPege > .ONJhl { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1; }

.J9Nfi { flex-shrink: 1; max-height: 100%; }

.g3VIld { -webkit-box-align: stretch; align-items: stretch; display: flex; -webkit-

box-orient: vertical; flex-direction: column; transition: transform 0.225s cubic-
bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s; position: relative; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
border-radius: 2px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24) 0px 12px 15px 0px; max-width:
24em; outline: transparent solid 1px; overflow: hidden; }

.vcug3d .g3VIld { padding: 0px; }

.g3VIld.kdCdqc { transition: transform 0.15s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1) 0s; }

.Up8vH.CAwICe { transform: scale(0.8); }

.Up8vH.kdCdqc { transform: scale(0.9); }

.E4P6x.CAwICe, .E4P6x.kdCdqc { transform: translateY(50%); }

.vDc8Ic.CAwICe { transform: scale(0.8) translateY(100%); }

.XIJ9Ac > .x3wWge, .XIJ9Ac > .ONJhl, .HhoEBe > .x3wWge { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-
grow: 1; }

.HhoEBe > .ONJhl { -webkit-box-flex: 2; flex-grow: 2; }

.Nevtdc > .x3wWge { -webkit-box-flex: 0; flex-grow: 0; }

.Nevtdc > .ONJhl, .t8Vtv > .x3wWge { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1; }

.t8Vtv > .g3VIld { -webkit-box-flex: 2; flex-grow: 2; }

.t8Vtv > .ONJhl { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1; }

.vcug3d { -webkit-box-align: stretch; align-items: stretch; padding: 0px; }

.vcug3d > .g3VIld { -webkit-box-flex: 2; flex-grow: 2; border-radius: 0px; left:

0px; right: 0px; max-width: 100%; }

.vcug3d > .ONJhl, .vcug3d > .x3wWge { -webkit-box-flex: 0; flex-grow: 0; height:

0px; }

.tOrNgd { display: flex; flex-shrink: 0; font: 500 20px Roboto, RobotoDraft,

Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 24px 24px 20px; }
.vcug3d .tOrNgd { display: none; }

.TNczib { -webkit-box-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; flex-shrink:

0; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24) 0px 3px 4px 0px; background-color: rgb(69, 90,
100); color: white; display: none; font: 500 20px Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica,
Arial, sans-serif; }

.vcug3d .TNczib { display: flex; }

.PNenzf { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 1; overflow: hidden;

overflow-wrap: break-word; }

.TNczib .PNenzf { margin: 16px 0px; }

.VY7JQd { height: 0px; }

.TNczib .VY7JQd, .tOrNgd .bZWIgd { display: none; }

.R6Lfte .Wtw8H { flex-shrink: 0; display: block; margin: -12px -6px 0px 0px; }

.PbnGhe { -webkit-box-flex: 2; flex-grow: 2; flex-shrink: 2; display: block; font:

400 14px / 20px Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0px
24px; overflow-y: auto; }

.Whe8ub .PbnGhe { padding-top: 24px; }

.hFEqNb .PbnGhe { padding-bottom: 24px; }

.vcug3d .PbnGhe { padding: 16px; }

.XfpsVe { display: flex; flex-shrink: 0; -webkit-box-pack: end; justify-content:

flex-end; padding: 24px 24px 16px; }

.vcug3d .XfpsVe { display: none; }

.OllbWe { -webkit-box-pack: end; justify-content: flex-end; display: none; }

.vcug3d .OllbWe { display: flex; -webkit-box-align: start; align-items: flex-start;

margin: 0px 16px; }

.kHssdc.O0WRkf.C0oVfc, .XfpsVe .O0WRkf.C0oVfc { min-width: 64px; }

.kHssdc + .kHssdc { margin-left: 8px; }

.TNczib .kHssdc { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); margin-top: 10px; }

.TNczib .Wtw8H { margin: 4px 24px 4px 0px; }

.TNczib .kHssdc.u3bW4e, .TNczib .Wtw8H.u3bW4e { background-color: rgba(204, 204,

204, 0.25); }

.TNczib .kHssdc > .Vwe4Vb, .TNczib .Wtw8H > .VTBa7b { background-image: radial-
gradient(circle farthest-side, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)
80%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%); }

.TNczib .kHssdc.RDPZE, .TNczib .Wtw8H.RDPZE { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);

fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); }
.fb0g6 { position: relative; }

.JPdR6b { transform: translateZ(0px); transition: max-width 0.2s cubic-bezier(0, 0,

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background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 40px; left: 24px; opacity: 0.54; position:
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238); }

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.z80M1.N2RpBe::before { transform: rotate(45deg); transform-origin: left center;

content: " "; display: block; border-right: 2px solid rgb(34, 34, 34); border-
bottom: 2px solid rgb(34, 34, 34); height: 16px; left: 24px; opacity: 0.54;
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.z80M1.RDPZE::before { border-color: rgb(184, 184, 184); opacity: 1; }

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quantumWizBoxInkSpread; background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side,
rgb(189, 189, 189), rgb(189, 189, 189) 80%, rgba(189, 189, 189, 0) 100%);
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height: 48px; }

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0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 3px 5px -1px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); display: flex;
flex-direction: column; font-size: 14px; left: 0px; min-height: 48px; position:
fixed; right: 0px; transform: translate(0px, 100%); visibility: hidden; z-index:
99999; }

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display: flex; flex-direction: row; min-height: inherit; padding: 0px; }

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overflow: hidden; padding: 14px 24px; text-overflow: ellipsis; word-break: break-
word; }

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grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; float: right; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 500;
display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; outline: none; padding: 14px 24px; }

.KYZn9b { background-color: rgb(66, 133, 244); }

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@media screen and (min-width: 481px) {

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.VcC8Fc.misTTe { bottom: 0px; transform: translate(-50%, 0px); }
.M6tHv { padding: 0px; }
.aGJE1b { padding-right: 24px; }

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events: none; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 500ms ease 0s, transform 200ms ease
0s; }

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.QbSWVc:not(.RDPZE).sMVRZe { transform: rotate(90deg); }

.MKIwbc { pointer-events: none; }

.MKIwbc.hgDUwe { height: 0px; margin-left: 2px; width: calc(100% - 4px); border-

bottom: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); }

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.MKIwbc.hgDUwe.zjQx8 { border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(219, 68, 55); }

.MKIwbc.hgDUwe > .LqwEvb { position: relative; top: -33px; }

.MKIwbc.edvN0e { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; margin-top: 2px; margin-
left: 2px; width: calc(100% - 4px); height: calc(100% - 4px); border: 2px solid
rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); border-radius: 2px; }

.MKIwbc.edvN0e.h7Qs9c { border: 2px solid rgb(3, 169, 244); }

.MKIwbc.edvN0e.zjQx8 { border: 2px solid rgb(219, 68, 55); }

.MKIwbc.edvN0e > .LqwEvb { position: absolute; top: calc(50% - 4px); left: -5px; }

.MKIwbc.PoUo0 { position: relative; flex: 0 0 24px; }

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width: 9px; border-radius: 0px 2px; }

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.MKIwbc.PoUo0.zjQx8 > .IBonv { border-left: 2px solid rgb(219, 68, 55); }

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.LqwEvb { display: none; }

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white; }

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position: absolute; top: 3px; width: 8px; height: 2px; background-color: rgb(219,
68, 55); }

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.MKIwbc.zjQx8 > .LqwEvb::after { transform: rotate(-45deg); }

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1; }
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0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 0; }

.ZyPYLd .Af5Txe { pointer-events: auto; }

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opacity: 0; height: 0px; overflow: hidden; }

.ZzGJzf.PBWx0c { opacity: 1; height: auto; overflow: visible; }

.aQNlEf { width: 100%; }

.bciPod { width: 24px; }

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.Duxokd.fP2Ae .Af5Txe { pointer-events: none; }

.Be74ad { position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; pointer-events: none; }

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.OSbCNe { fill: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.AeCFae, .L7BfGe { fill: rgb(95, 99, 104); }

.xapwh, .QVEywb { fill: rgb(24, 128, 56); }

.k8ReU { fill: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.RAGhKc { fill: rgb(95, 99, 104); }

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100%; }

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rgb(95, 99, 104); }

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{ background-color: rgb(248, 249, 250); }

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.WRrz1 { color: rgb(217, 48, 37); fill: currentcolor; }

.vxVgOe { color: rgb(24, 128, 56); fill: currentcolor; }

.ujU03e { color: rgb(60, 64, 67); fill: currentcolor; }

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.urUTmb.uOObG { color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.urUTmb.Ezbpyc, .urUTmb.f9rjnb { color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.EmVfjc { display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 28px; height: 28px; }

.Cg7hO { position: absolute; width: 0px; height: 0px; overflow: hidden; }

.xu46lf { width: 100%; height: 100%; }

.EmVfjc.qs41qe .xu46lf { animation: 1568ms linear 0s infinite normal none running

spinner-container-rotate; }

.ir3uv { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0; }

.uWlRce { border-color: rgb(66, 133, 244); }

.GFoASc { border-color: rgb(219, 68, 55); }

.WpeOqd { border-color: rgb(244, 180, 0); }

.rHV3jf { border-color: rgb(15, 157, 88); }

.EmVfjc.qs41qe .ir3uv.uWlRce { animation: 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s

infinite normal both running spinner-fill-unfill-rotate, 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4,
0, 0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running spinner-blue-fade-in-out; }

.EmVfjc.qs41qe .ir3uv.GFoASc { animation: 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s

infinite normal both running spinner-fill-unfill-rotate, 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4,
0, 0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running spinner-red-fade-in-out; }

.EmVfjc.qs41qe .ir3uv.WpeOqd { animation: 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s

infinite normal both running spinner-fill-unfill-rotate, 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4,
0, 0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running spinner-yellow-fade-in-out; }

.EmVfjc.qs41qe .ir3uv.rHV3jf { animation: 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s

infinite normal both running spinner-fill-unfill-rotate, 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4,
0, 0.2, 1) 0s infinite normal both running spinner-green-fade-in-out; }

.HBnAAc { position: absolute; box-sizing: border-box; top: 0px; left: 45%; width:
10%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; border-color: inherit; }

.HBnAAc .X6jHbb { width: 1000%; left: -450%; }

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overflow: hidden; border-color: inherit; }

.xq3j6 .X6jHbb { width: 200%; }

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sizing: border-box; height: 100%; border-width: 3px; border-style: solid; border-
top-color: inherit; border-right-color: inherit; border-left-color: inherit;
border-bottom-color: transparent; border-radius: 50%; animation: 0s ease 0s 1
normal none running none; }

.xq3j6.ERcjC .X6jHbb { border-right-color: transparent; transform:

rotate(129deg); }

.xq3j6.dj3yTd .X6jHbb { left: -100%; border-left-color: transparent; transform:

rotate(-129deg); }

.EmVfjc.qs41qe .xq3j6.ERcjC .X6jHbb { animation: 1333ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2,

1) 0s infinite normal both running spinner-left-spin; }

.EmVfjc.qs41qe .xq3j6.dj3yTd .X6jHbb { animation: 1333ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2,

1) 0s infinite normal both running spinner-right-spin; }

.EmVfjc.sf4e6b .xu46lf { animation: 1568ms linear 0s infinite normal none running

spinner-container-rotate, 400ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s 1 normal none
running spinner-fade-out; }

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100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }

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100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }

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12.5% { transform: rotate(135deg); }
25% { transform: rotate(270deg); }
37.5% { transform: rotate(405deg); }
50% { transform: rotate(540deg); }
62.5% { transform: rotate(675deg); }
75% { transform: rotate(810deg); }
87.5% { transform: rotate(945deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(1080deg); }

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12.5% { transform: rotate(135deg); }
25% { transform: rotate(270deg); }
37.5% { transform: rotate(405deg); }
50% { transform: rotate(540deg); }
62.5% { transform: rotate(675deg); }
75% { transform: rotate(810deg); }
87.5% { transform: rotate(945deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(1080deg); }

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0% { opacity: 0.99; }
25% { opacity: 0.99; }
26% { opacity: 0; }
89% { opacity: 0; }
90% { opacity: 0.99; }
100% { opacity: 0.99; }

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26% { opacity: 0; }
89% { opacity: 0; }
90% { opacity: 0.99; }
100% { opacity: 0.99; }

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0% { opacity: 0; }
15% { opacity: 0; }
25% { opacity: 0.99; }
50% { opacity: 0.99; }
51% { opacity: 0; }

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15% { opacity: 0; }
25% { opacity: 0.99; }
50% { opacity: 0.99; }
51% { opacity: 0; }

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0% { opacity: 0; }
40% { opacity: 0; }
50% { opacity: 0.99; }
75% { opacity: 0.99; }
76% { opacity: 0; }
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0% { opacity: 0; }
40% { opacity: 0; }
50% { opacity: 0.99; }
75% { opacity: 0.99; }
76% { opacity: 0; }

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0% { opacity: 0; }
65% { opacity: 0; }
75% { opacity: 0.99; }
90% { opacity: 0.99; }
100% { opacity: 0; }

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0% { opacity: 0; }
65% { opacity: 0; }
75% { opacity: 0.99; }
90% { opacity: 0.99; }
100% { opacity: 0; }

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0% { transform: rotate(130deg); }
50% { transform: rotate(-5deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(130deg); }

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0% { transform: rotate(130deg); }
50% { transform: rotate(-5deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(130deg); }

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0% { transform: rotate(-130deg); }
50% { transform: rotate(5deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(-130deg); }

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0% { transform: rotate(-130deg); }
50% { transform: rotate(5deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(-130deg); }

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0% { opacity: 0.99; }
100% { opacity: 0; }

@-webkit-keyframes spinner-fade-out {
0% { opacity: 0.99; }
100% { opacity: 0; }

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0% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1); transform:
translate(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-translate-start,0)) scale(1); }
100% { transform: translate(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-translate-end,0)) scale(var(--
mdc-ripple-fg-scale,1)); }

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0% { animation-timing-function: linear; opacity: 0; }
100% { opacity: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-opacity,0); }

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0% { animation-timing-function: linear; opacity: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-
opacity,0); }
100% { opacity: 0; }

.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-XxIAqe { --mdc-ripple-fg-size:0; --mdc-ripple-left:0; --mdc-ripple-

top:0; --mdc-ripple-fg-scale:1; --mdc-ripple-fg-translate-end:0; --mdc-ripple-fg-
translate-start:0; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); will-change:
transform, opacity; position: relative; outline: none; overflow: hidden; }

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pointer-events: none; content: ""; }

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pointer-events: none; content: ""; }

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color 15ms linear 0s; z-index: 1; }

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ripple-fg-scale,1)); }

.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-XxIAqe.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d::after { top: 0px; left: 0px; transform:

scale(0); transform-origin: center center; }

.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-XxIAqe.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-ZNMTqd::after { top: var(--mdc-

ripple-top,0); left: var(--mdc-ripple-left,0); }

.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-XxIAqe.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-Tv8l5d-lJfZMc::after { animation:
225ms ease 0s 1 normal forwards running mdc-ripple-fg-radius-in, 75ms ease 0s 1
normal forwards running mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-in; }

.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-XxIAqe.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-Tv8l5d-OmS1vf::after { animation:
150ms ease 0s 1 normal none running mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-out; transform:
translate(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-translate-end,0)) scale(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-
scale,1)); }

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duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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linear 0s; }

.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-XxIAqe:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active::after { transition-
duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-XxIAqe.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

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height: 200%; }

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height: 200%; }

.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-XxIAqe.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d::after { width: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-

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duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.2; }

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duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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150ms linear 0s; }

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duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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.b9hyVd:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { transition-
duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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150ms linear 0s; }

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duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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150ms linear 0s; }

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duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.1; }

.Kjnxrf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity:0.1; }

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duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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150ms linear 0s; }

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duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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0.875rem; font-weight: 500; letter-spacing: 0.0107143em; text-transform: none; }

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duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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150ms linear 0s; }

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duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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top: 18px; }

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0s 1 normal none running quantumWizPaperInputAddUnderline; transform: scaleX(1); }

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events: none; position: absolute; top: 100%; width: 100%; }

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.edhGSc.wrxyb { padding-bottom: 4px; }

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auto; font: 400 12px Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; min-height:
16px; padding-top: 8px; }

.edhGSc.wrxyb .jE8NUc { display: flex; }

.YElZX { pointer-events: none; }

.v6odTb { color: rgb(213, 0, 0); }

.edhGSc.dm7YTc .v6odTb { color: rgb(255, 110, 110); }

.YElZX { opacity: 0.3; }

.edhGSc.k0tWj .YElZX, .edhGSc:not(.k0tWj) .YElZX:not(:empty) + .v6odTb { display:

none; }

@keyframes quantumWizPaperInputRemoveUnderline {
0% { transform: scaleX(1); opacity: 1; }
100% { transform: scaleX(1); opacity: 0; }

@-webkit-keyframes quantumWizPaperInputRemoveUnderline {
0% { transform: scaleX(1); opacity: 1; }
100% { transform: scaleX(1); opacity: 0; }

@keyframes quantumWizPaperInputAddUnderline {
0% { transform: scaleX(0); }
100% { transform: scaleX(1); }

@-webkit-keyframes quantumWizPaperInputAddUnderline {
0% { transform: scaleX(0); }
100% { transform: scaleX(1); }

.ZAJxef, .eYTr6c { height: 32px; position: relative; width: 32px; }

.LZ2FEb { animation: 270ms linear 0s 1 normal backwards running

animateApprovalPersonIconIn; border-radius: 50%; height: 32px; opacity: 1; width:
32px; }

@keyframes animateApprovalPersonIconIn {
0% { opacity: 0; }

.e7J6kd.LZ2FEb { opacity: 0; }

.oJg3bc, .IXkYsf { height: 20px; position: relative; width: 20px; }

.OGF2Yc { height: 20px; position: relative; width: 20px; border-radius: 50%; }

.PeToAd, .ZAJxef, .oJg3bc { display: inline-flex; }

.eYTr6c { border-radius: 16px; background-color: rgb(189, 193, 198); }

.IXkYsf { border-radius: 10px; }

.Kjmrtb { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); left: 24px; position: absolute;

top: 20px; }

.kMAcEb, .lxuawb { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 50%;

height: 18px; position: absolute; width: 18px; }

.kMAcEb { border-radius: 9px; }

.hL39Cc { border: 1px solid rgb(218, 220, 224); border-radius: 0px; box-sizing:
border-box; }

.hL39Cc:first-child, .hL39Cc:first-child .uFB8hb { border-radius: 8px 8px 0px

0px; }

.hL39Cc:not(:last-child), .hL39Cc:not(:last-child) .uFB8hb { border-bottom-width:

0px; }

.hL39Cc:last-child, .hL39Cc:last-child .uFB8hb { border-radius: 0px 0px 8px 8px; }

.hL39Cc:first-child:last-child, .hL39Cc:first-child:last-child .uFB8hb { border-

radius: 8px; }

.uFB8hb { bottom: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px; z-
index: 0; }

.SKrX5d[aria-expanded="false"]:hover .uFB8hb { background: rgb(248, 249, 250);

transition: background-color 180ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s; }

.fOJGac { position: relative; }

.uFB8hb::before { border-radius: inherit; bottom: 0px; content: ""; font-size: 4px;

left: -2px; opacity: 1; position: absolute; top: 0px; transition: opacity 180ms
cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s; width: 100%; }

.SKrX5d:hover .uFB8hb::before { background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(218, 220,

224), rgb(218, 220, 224) 1em, transparent 1em, transparent); opacity: 1; }

.SKrX5d .uFB8hb.Eaejoe::before { background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(66, 133,

244), rgb(66, 133, 244) 1em, transparent 1em, transparent); opacity: 1; }

.SKrX5d { outline: none; padding: 24px; position: relative; }

.SKrX5d[aria-expanded="false"] .pWyw9, .SKrX5d[aria-expanded="true"] .WupfLe

{ display: none; }
.SKrX5d[aria-expanded="false"] .WupfLe, .SKrX5d[aria-expanded="true"] .pWyw9
{ display: block; }

.r6Vf4b { align-items: flex-start; display: flex; justify-content: flex-start;

position: absolute; right: 0px; top: -5px; z-index: 0; }

.wmLAXd { align-items: flex-start; display: flex; }

.PKbpWe { margin-left: 12px; transition: transform 180ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)

0s; }

.SKrX5d[aria-expanded="false"] .PKbpWe { transform: rotate(0deg); }

.SKrX5d[aria-expanded="true"] .PKbpWe { transform: rotate(180deg); }

.Pw8Pkc.Pw8Pkc { align-items: center; display: flex; fill: rgb(128, 134, 139);

height: 28px; justify-content: center; padding: 0px; width: 28px; }

.JRtysb { user-select: none; transition: background 0.3s ease 0s; border: 0px;
border-radius: 50%; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); cursor: pointer; display: inline-block;
fill: rgb(68, 68, 68); flex-shrink: 0; height: 48px; outline: none; overflow:
hidden; position: relative; text-align: center; -webkit-tap-highlight-color:
transparent; width: 48px; z-index: 0; }

.JRtysb.u3bW4e, .JRtysb.qs41qe, .JRtysb.j7nIZb { transform: translateZ(0px);

-webkit-mask-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, white 100%, black
100%); }

.JRtysb.RDPZE { cursor: default; }

.ZDSs1 { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); }

.WzwrXb.u3bW4e { background-color: rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4); }

.ZDSs1.u3bW4e { background-color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.25); }

.NWlf3e { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0); transition: opacity 0.2s ease

0s; background-size: cover; left: 0px; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; position:
absolute; top: 0px; visibility: hidden; }

.JRtysb.iWO5td > .NWlf3e { transition: transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)

0s; transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); opacity: 1; visibility: visible; }

.JRtysb.j7nIZb > .NWlf3e { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); visibility:

visible; }

.WzwrXb.iWO5td > .NWlf3e { background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side,

rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4), rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4) 80%, rgba(153, 153, 153, 0)
100%); }

.ZDSs1.iWO5td > .NWlf3e { background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side,

rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.25), rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.25) 80%, rgba(204, 204, 204, 0)
100%); }

.WzwrXb.RDPZE { color: rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.5); fill: rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.5); }

.ZDSs1.RDPZE { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); }

.MhXXcc { line-height: 44px; position: relative; }

.Lw7GHd { margin: 8px; display: inline-block; }

.oBIJVb { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; }

.VMJCMb { letter-spacing: 0.0142857em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.25rem; }

.SKM7kf { color: rgb(95, 99, 104); padding: 0px; }

.Zsj9Fd { align-self: flex-end; color: rgb(60, 64, 67); padding-bottom: 16px;

letter-spacing: 0.0727273em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:
0.6875rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1rem; text-transform: uppercase; }

.z8yoob { padding: 24px 0px 24px 14px; }

.z8yoob .RoPbmc { margin-right: 10px; }

.GGt6cf.kd34Zd { padding-top: 16px; }

.tIgSeb { display: flex; justify-self: flex-start; }

.srcFDf { padding-bottom: 16px; }

.yLLlPc { padding-right: 16px; }

.emszSc { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); max-width: 150px; overflow: hidden; text-
overflow: ellipsis; letter-spacing: 0.0142857em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-
serif; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.25rem; }

.boO95 { color: rgb(95, 99, 104); letter-spacing: 0.025em; font-family: Roboto,

Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.75rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1rem; }

.AjmcOb { padding-left: 8px; }

.tJhwNb { color: rgb(95, 99, 104); margin-left: auto; }

.tJhwNb .yHy1rc { padding: 0px; }

.zn1bF { vertical-align: sub; }

.ecFjye { border-radius: 4px; }

.ecFjye .K0NPx { padding: 6px 0px; }

.lPQaNe { padding-top: 24px; }

.SSMtpf { letter-spacing: 0.0727273em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 0.6875rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1rem; text-transform:
uppercase; padding-bottom: 16px; }

.TUd9Hf { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); display: flex; flex: 1 1

auto; margin-bottom: 12px; padding-bottom: 16px; }

.TUd9Hf:last-child { border-bottom: none; }

.aKBAzc, .ZS05Sc, .sVNled { letter-spacing: 0.025em; font-family: Roboto, Arial,

sans-serif; font-size: 0.75rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1rem; color: rgb(32,
33, 36); }
.ah4wbe { flex: 1 1 auto; word-break: break-word; }

.Rz1NYe { display: flex; padding-bottom: 12px; }

.aCNyvf { padding-right: 12px; }

.j5TJQ { letter-spacing: 0.0178571em; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, Arial,

sans-serif; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.25rem; color:
rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.jtn0Vb { letter-spacing: 0.0142857em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.25rem; color: rgb(32, 33,
36); user-select: text; white-space: pre-line; }

.jtn0Vb .j2qQPc, .jtn0Vb .wKnvAf, .AYfYVc { letter-spacing: 0.0178571em; font-

family: "Google Sans", Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight:
500; line-height: 1.25rem; }

.jtn0Vb .j2qQPc { color: rgb(128, 134, 139); text-decoration: line-through; }

.AYfYVc { padding-top: 4px; user-select: text; }

.KlQhhf { letter-spacing: 0.00625em; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, Arial,

sans-serif; font-size: 1rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.5rem; }

.onZphd { padding-left: 14px; }

.PEtrCc { color: rgb(24, 128, 56); }

.XQOOy { color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.m99ddd, .xt4Y1d { letter-spacing: 0.0178571em; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto,

Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.25rem;
color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.Rz1NYe .m99ddd { font-weight: 400; }

.J3TqDb, .nhkJid { letter-spacing: 0.0142857em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-

serif; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.25rem; color: rgb(32,
33, 36); padding-bottom: 4px; }

.hiEOsf, .PHm6qf { display: flex; -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1; letter-

spacing: 0.0178571em; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-
size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.25rem; }

.hiEOsf { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.PHm6qf { color: rgb(128, 134, 139); text-decoration: line-through; }

.Dw6xSd { letter-spacing: 0.0178571em; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, Arial,

sans-serif; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.25rem; color:
rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.Z58F5b { color: rgb(24, 128, 56); }

.YuNKGb { color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.BQynZe { color: rgb(95, 99, 104); }

.P6msMd { display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex: 1 1 auto; padding: 16px 16px
0px; }

.BCOcpf { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); display: flex; flex: 0 0

auto; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; }

.ne9O6d { flex: 0 0 auto; padding-bottom: 15px; }

.xUT9zd { display: flex; flex: 0 0 auto; padding-bottom: 16px; padding-top: 8px; }

.t4rZZ { letter-spacing: 0.025em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-

size: 0.75rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1rem; color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.yaId5 { align-items: baseline; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }

.tWS7Jd { min-height: 44px; }

.xAev4e { flex: 1 1 auto; min-height: 200px; overflow-y: auto; }

.P5xfDb { display: inline-block; }

.rvUiJf { background-color: rgb(0, 150, 136); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding:
14px 24px; }

.rvUiJf .TKkCFe { height: auto; }

.tirx2c { font-size: 200%; font-weight: bold; }

.ts9dcf { display: table; width: 100%; }

.TKkCFe { display: table-row; height: 40px; }

.ilinad { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; min-width: 40px; }

.w0icjf { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.ximBl { text-align: center; }

.oSb5ef { text-align: right; }

.KME1Ue { fill: none; margin-top: 6px; stroke: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); stroke-width:

2; }

.Tr39Lc { vertical-align: middle; }

.AByL4d { width: 2em; height: 2em; border-radius: 50%; text-align: center;

vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; }

.kEP6Xc { display: flex; flex-direction: column; max-height: 250px; overflow:

hidden auto; }

.dMCtbe { cursor: pointer; display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-shrink: 0;

height: 40px; justify-content: center; text-align: center; width: 100%; }

.dMCtbe[aria-disabled="true"] { opacity: 0.34; }

.dMCtbe.TrJ0Tc { font-size: 150%; color: rgb(0, 150, 136); }

.dMCtbe.TrJ0Tc.krHqHb { color: rgb(178, 223, 219); }

.Imbtx { cursor: pointer; }

.AByL4d.eFxgkf { background-color: rgb(0, 150, 136); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.AByL4d.GDobHd { cursor: default; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38); }

.Q6izSb { font-size: 12px; font-weight: 400; padding: 8px 16px 16px; outline: none;

.ZwEKQe { color: rgb(158, 158, 158); }

.rvUiJf.krHqHb { background-color: rgb(97, 97, 97); }

.w0icjf.krHqHb { background-color: rgb(66, 66, 66); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.KME1Ue.krHqHb { fill: rgb(66, 66, 66); stroke: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.AByL4d.krHqHb.eFxgkf { color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.Cn8qEe { fill: currentcolor; }

.ndfHFb-vWsuo-CNusmb-haDnnc-WAutxc-JaPV2b .Cn8qEe { fill: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ndfHFb-vWsuo-CNusmb-haDnnc-WAutxc-HLvlvd .Cn8qEe { fill: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

@media not all {

.Cn8qEe.QJZfhe { fill: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

@media not all {

.Cn8qEe.QJZfhe { fill: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

@media not all {

.Cn8qEe.QJZfhe { fill: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.XQGDUc { color: rgb(25, 103, 210); display: flex; }

.ElDLFb { align-items: center; display: flex; width: 260px; }

.ElDLFb.syTahf { width: initial; }

.cqt6tc { background: rgb(32, 33, 36); bottom: 0px; display: none; left: 0px;
opacity: 0.5; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px; z-index: 1000; }

.XQGDUc[aria-expanded="true"] .cqt6tc { display: block; }

.XQGDUc .wr0Q1d.wr0Q1d { place-content: center flex-start; border: 1px solid

rgb(218, 220, 224); border-radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; color: inherit;
padding: 6px 2px 6px 14px; width: 260px; }

.XQGDUc .wr0Q1d.wr0Q1d:active, .XQGDUc .wr0Q1d.wr0Q1d:focus, .XQGDUc

.wr0Q1d.wr0Q1d:hover { background: rgb(232, 240, 254); border: 1px solid rgb(174,
203, 250); }

.XQGDUc .wr0Q1d.syTahf { padding: 6px 14px; width: initial; }

.wr0Q1d .VfPpkd-vQzf8d { letter-spacing: 0.0178571em; font-family: "Google Sans",
Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 500; line-height:
1.25rem; }

.NqtXkd { align-self: center; fill: rgb(95, 99, 104); height: 18px; margin-right:
6px; width: 18px; }

.jfV46c { fill: rgb(95, 99, 104); }

.ko5zJ { place-content: center; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(218, 220, 224);

display: flex; padding: 16px 98px; }

.FXWwzc { font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:

1.125rem; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0px; line-height: 1.5rem; color:
rgb(60, 64, 67); white-space: nowrap; }

.JQNYBe { align-items: center; border-top: 1px solid rgb(218, 220, 224); justify-
content: center; padding: 6px 0px; }

.sQFJD { display: flex; padding-left: 18px; }

.eQcqZd { align-self: center; fill: rgb(95, 99, 104); }

.vG8rmc { background: rgb(241, 243, 244); margin: 0px 18px 0px 14px; width: 100%; }

.Ot6Nnc { display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; padding: 6px 6px 6px 0px; }

.XFWqvb { align-self: center; position: relative; right: 45px; }

.ocVQcb .oJeWuf { color: rgb(95, 99, 104); }

.ocVQcb.RDPZE .oJeWuf { color: rgb(189, 193, 198); }

.oI6psb { letter-spacing: 0.025em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-

size: 0.75rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1rem; color: rgb(95, 99, 104);
margin-left: 8px; }

.hDzJ7b { width: 250px; }

.BlTTz { background: white; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 1px 1px 0px,
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 2px 1px -1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 1px 3px 0px; display:
block; position: absolute; width: 254px; z-index: 2000; }

@media not all {

.BlTTz { border: 1px solid white; border-radius: 8px; }

.BlTTz.zmK2he { position: fixed; }

.BlTTz:not(.eO2Zfd) { display: none; }

.BlTTz .w0icjf { width: 254px; }

.BlTTz .ximBl { letter-spacing: 0.0178571em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-

serif; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.25rem; color: rgb(128,
134, 139); cursor: pointer; }

.BlTTz .w0icjf > [role="listbox"] { outline: none; }

.BlTTz .TKkCFe { height: 32px; }

.BlTTz .AByL4d { height: 32px; min-width: 32px; width: 32px; outline: none; }

.BlTTz .AByL4d:not(:empty):hover, .BlTTz .AByL4d:not(:empty):focus { background:

rgb(218, 220, 224); }

.BlTTz .AByL4d.eFxgkf:not(:empty) { background: rgb(25, 103, 210); }

.BlTTz .M9N2gf { cursor: pointer; }

.BlTTz .dMCtbe.TrJ0Tc { color: rgb(25, 103, 210); }

.BlTTz .dMCtbe { width: 244px; }

.BlTTz .dMCtbe[aria-selected="true"] { font-size: 150%; }

.BlTTz .rvUiJf { display: none; }

.BlTTz .Q6izSb { padding: 8px; }

.BlTTz .ximBl::after { border-color: rgb(128, 134, 139) transparent; border-style:

solid; border-width: 5px 4px 0px; content: " "; display: inline-block; transform:
translate(8px, -3px); }

.OORbZc { align-items: center; border-top: 2px solid rgb(218, 220, 224); display:
flex; justify-content: center; padding: 6px; }

.OORbZc:not(.eO2Zfd) { display: none; }

.DHOZ8d { bottom: 0px; left: 0px; position: fixed; right: 0px; top: 0px; z-index:
-1; }

@media not all {

.BlTTz .AByL4d { border: 1px solid transparent; }
.BlTTz .AByL4d.eFxgkf { border: 1px solid currentcolor; }
.BlTTz .KME1Ue { stroke: currentcolor; }

.jgvuAb { user-select: none; transition: background 0.3s ease 0s; border: 0px;
border-radius: 3px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); cursor: pointer; display: inline-block;
font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500; outline: none; position: relative; text-align:
center; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; }

.ij0xy { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); fill: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.jgvuAb.u3bW4e { background-color: rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4); }

.ij0xy.u3bW4e { background-color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.25); }

.kRoyt { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0); background-size: cover; left:

0px; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; top: 0px; visibility:
hidden; }

.jgvuAb.qs41qe .ziS7vd { transition: transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s;

transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); opacity: 1; visibility: visible; }

.jgvuAb .kRoyt { background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side, rgba(153,

153, 153, 0.4), rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4) 80%, rgba(153, 153, 153, 0) 100%); }

.ij0xy .kRoyt { background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side, rgba(204,

204, 204, 0.25), rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.25) 80%, rgba(204, 204, 204, 0) 100%); }

.ij0xy.RDPZE { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); }

.jgvuAb.RDPZE { box-shadow: none; color: rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.5); cursor: default; }

.vRMGwf { position: relative; }

.e2CuFe { border-color: rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.4) transparent; border-style: solid;

border-width: 6px 6px 0px; height: 0px; width: 0px; position: absolute; right: 5px;
top: 15px; }

.CeEBt { position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px; width: 24px; overflow: hidden; }

.ncFHed { transition: opacity 0.1s linear 0s; background: rgb(255, 255, 255);
border: 0px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 8px 10px 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)
0px 3px 14px 2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 5px 5px -3px; opacity: 0; outline:
transparent solid 1px; overflow: hidden auto; position: fixed; z-index: 2000; }

.jgvuAb.iWO5td .ncFHed { opacity: 1; }

.MocG8c { border-color: transparent; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); height: 0px; list-
style: none; outline: none; overflow: hidden; padding-left: 16px; padding-right:
24px; position: relative; text-align: left; white-space: nowrap; }

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relative; opacity: 0.0001; padding: 0px; top: -99999px; pointer-events: none; }

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transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.2); opacity: 1; visibility: visible; }

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.YuHtjc .KKjvXb .vRMGwf { visibility: hidden; }

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serif; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 500; }

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c-wiz { contain: style; }

c-wiz > c-data { display: none; }

c-wiz.rETSD { contain: none; }

c-wiz.Ubi8Z { contain: layout style; }

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220, 224); }

.kmeRfb .cIlxr { padding-top: 8px; }

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content: space-between; }

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flex: 1 1 auto; flex-direction: column; margin: 16px; }

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size: 0.75rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1rem; color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

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width: 100%; z-index: 1000; }

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content: space-between; }

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0, 0.08); display: flex; flex: 0 0 auto; flex-direction: column; }

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rgb(60, 64, 67); display: flex; flex: 1 1 auto; }

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flex-direction: column; height: 93%; overflow-y: auto; }

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radius: 4px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin: 14px; padding:
3px 6px 3px 10px; }

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inline-block; }

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.XgnOCd .DKPJrf { display: none; }

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.nxCtYd { align-items: center; display: flex; }

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.lkrGl .Wic03c { padding: 0px; }

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254); }

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rgb(232, 240, 254); }

.Ow01Ed { display: none; }

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.yWIvy { display: none; }

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0px; }

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1px 3px; max-width: 180px; padding: 15px; position: absolute; z-index: 1201; }

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0px; pointer-events: auto; position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 100%; z-index: 0; }

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normal both running drive-elements-stacking-container-scrim-fade-out; }

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100% { opacity: 1; }

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99.999% { opacity: 0; visibility: visible; }
99.999%, 100% { opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; }

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Sx9Kwc-OWXEXe-s2gQvd .VfPpkd-T0kwCb { border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); }

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content: space-around; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100%; transform: scale(0.8);
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-7px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 24px 38px 3px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 9px 46px 8px;
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FnSee { display: flex; }

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0s; }

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transform 150ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms; }

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transform: none; }

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shadow: rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3) 0px 1px 3px 0px, rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15) 0px 4px 8px
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.RnhyXe.paynGb .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .RnhyXe.paynGb .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after

{ background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.RnhyXe.paynGb:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.04; }

.RnhyXe.paynGb.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.RnhyXe.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.RnhyXe.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:

opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

.RnhyXe.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.RnhyXe.paynGb.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

.RnhyXe.paynGb:focus:not(:disabled), .RnhyXe.paynGb:hover:not(:disabled),
.RnhyXe.paynGb:active:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.RnhyXe.paynGb:focus::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.RnhyXe.paynGb:hover::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.RnhyXe.paynGb:active::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.RnhyXe.paynGb::after { background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.RnhyXe.paynGb::before { background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.RnhyXe.kphldf { padding: 0px 15px; border-width: 1px; }

.RnhyXe.kphldf:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.RnhyXe.kphldf .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc { top: -1px; left: -1px; border: 1px solid

transparent; }

.RnhyXe.kphldf .VfPpkd-RLmnJb { left: -1px; width: calc(100% + 2px); }

.RnhyXe.kphldf:not(:disabled) { border-color: rgb(218, 220, 224); }

.RnhyXe.kphldf .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .RnhyXe.kphldf .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after

{ background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.RnhyXe.kphldf:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.04; }

.RnhyXe.kphldf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.RnhyXe.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.RnhyXe.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:

opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

.RnhyXe.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.RnhyXe.kphldf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

.RnhyXe.kphldf:focus:not(:disabled), .RnhyXe.kphldf:hover:not(:disabled),
.RnhyXe.kphldf:active:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(179, 20, 18); }

.RnhyXe.kphldf:focus::after { color: rgb(179, 20, 18); }

.RnhyXe.kphldf:hover::after { color: rgb(179, 20, 18); }

.RnhyXe.kphldf:active::after { color: rgb(179, 20, 18); }

.RnhyXe.kphldf::after { background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.RnhyXe.kphldf::before { background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id { padding: 0px 15px; border-width: 1px; }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(249, 171, 0); }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc { top: -1px; left: -1px; border: 1px solid

transparent; }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id .VfPpkd-RLmnJb { left: -1px; width: calc(100% + 2px); }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id:not(:disabled) { border-color: rgb(218, 220, 224); }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .RnhyXe.rNe0id .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after

{ background-color: rgb(249, 171, 0); }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.08; }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.RnhyXe.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.24; }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:

opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.24; }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity:0.24; }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id:focus:not(:disabled), .RnhyXe.rNe0id:hover:not(:disabled),
.RnhyXe.rNe0id:active:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(234, 134, 0); }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id:focus::after { color: rgb(234, 134, 0); }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id:hover::after { color: rgb(234, 134, 0); }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id:active::after { color: rgb(234, 134, 0); }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id::after { background-color: rgb(249, 171, 0); }

.RnhyXe.rNe0id::before { background-color: rgb(249, 171, 0); }

.RnhyXe.sj692e { padding: 0px 15px; border-width: 1px; }

.RnhyXe.sj692e:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.RnhyXe.sj692e .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc { top: -1px; left: -1px; border: 1px solid

transparent; }

.RnhyXe.sj692e .VfPpkd-RLmnJb { left: -1px; width: calc(100% + 2px); }

.RnhyXe.sj692e:not(:disabled) { border-color: rgb(218, 220, 224); }

.RnhyXe.sj692e .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .RnhyXe.sj692e .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after

{ background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.RnhyXe.sj692e:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.04; }

.RnhyXe.sj692e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.RnhyXe.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.RnhyXe.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:

opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

.RnhyXe.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.RnhyXe.sj692e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

.RnhyXe.sj692e:focus:not(:disabled), .RnhyXe.sj692e:hover:not(:disabled),
.RnhyXe.sj692e:active:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.RnhyXe.sj692e:focus::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.RnhyXe.sj692e:hover::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.RnhyXe.sj692e:active::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.RnhyXe.sj692e::after { background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.RnhyXe.sj692e::before { background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e { padding: 0px 15px; border-width: 1px; }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc { top: -1px; left: -1px; border: 1px solid

transparent; }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e .VfPpkd-RLmnJb { left: -1px; width: calc(100% + 2px); }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e:not(:disabled) { border-color: rgb(218, 220, 224); }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .RnhyXe.IY5c4e .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after

{ background-color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.04; }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.RnhyXe.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:

opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e:focus:not(:disabled), .RnhyXe.IY5c4e:hover:not(:disabled),
.RnhyXe.IY5c4e:active:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(19, 115, 51); }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e:focus::after { color: rgb(19, 115, 51); }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e:hover::after { color: rgb(19, 115, 51); }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e:active::after { color: rgb(19, 115, 51); }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e::after { background-color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

.RnhyXe.IY5c4e::before { background-color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef { padding: 0px 15px; border-width: 1px; }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc { top: -1px; left: -1px; border: 1px solid

transparent; }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef .VfPpkd-RLmnJb { left: -1px; width: calc(100% + 2px); }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef:not(:disabled) { border-color: rgb(218, 220, 224); }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .RnhyXe.qoCZef .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after

{ background-color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.04; }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.RnhyXe.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:

opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef:focus:not(:disabled), .RnhyXe.qoCZef:hover:not(:disabled),
.RnhyXe.qoCZef:active:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef:focus::after { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef:hover::after { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef:active::after { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef::after { background-color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.RnhyXe.qoCZef::before { background-color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.RQiBD.paynGb:not(:disabled) { background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); color: rgb(255,

255, 255); }

.RQiBD.kphldf:not(:disabled) { background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); color: rgb(255,

255, 255); }

.RQiBD.rNe0id:not(:disabled) { background-color: rgb(249, 171, 0); color: rgb(32,

33, 36); }

.RQiBD.sj692e:not(:disabled) { background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); color: rgb(255,

255, 255); }
.RQiBD.IY5c4e:not(:disabled) { background-color: rgb(30, 142, 62); color: rgb(255,
255, 255); }

.RQiBD.qoCZef:not(:disabled) { background-color: rgb(60, 64, 67); color: rgb(255,

255, 255); }

.VZc3j.paynGb:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.VZc3j.paynGb .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.paynGb .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after

{ background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.VZc3j.paynGb:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.04; }

.VZc3j.paynGb.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.VZc3j.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { transition-
duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.VZc3j.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:

opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

.VZc3j.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition-

duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.VZc3j.paynGb.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

.VZc3j.paynGb:focus:not(:disabled), .VZc3j.paynGb:hover:not(:disabled),
.VZc3j.paynGb:active:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.VZc3j.paynGb:focus::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.VZc3j.paynGb:hover::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.VZc3j.paynGb:active::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.VZc3j.paynGb::after { background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.VZc3j.paynGb::before { background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.VZc3j.kphldf:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.kphldf:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(217, 48,

37); }

.VZc3j.kphldf .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.kphldf .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,

.ZbSJib.kphldf .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.kphldf .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.VZc3j.kphldf:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.kphldf:hover .VfPpkd-

Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.04; }

.VZc3j.kphldf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.VZc3j.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.kphldf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.VZc3j.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:
opacity 150ms linear 0s; }
.VZc3j.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.VZc3j.kphldf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d, .ZbSJib.kphldf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-

ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

.VZc3j.kphldf:focus:not(:disabled), .VZc3j.kphldf:hover:not(:disabled),
.VZc3j.kphldf:active:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.kphldf:focus:not(:disabled),
.ZbSJib.kphldf:hover:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.kphldf:active:not(:disabled) { color:
rgb(179, 20, 18); }

.VZc3j.kphldf:focus::after { color: rgb(179, 20, 18); }

.VZc3j.kphldf:hover::after { color: rgb(179, 20, 18); }

.VZc3j.kphldf:active::after { color: rgb(179, 20, 18); }

.ZbSJib.kphldf:focus::after { color: rgb(179, 20, 18); }

.ZbSJib.kphldf:hover::after { color: rgb(179, 20, 18); }

.ZbSJib.kphldf:active::after { color: rgb(179, 20, 18); }

.VZc3j.kphldf::after { background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.VZc3j.kphldf::before { background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.ZbSJib.kphldf::after { background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.ZbSJib.kphldf::before { background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.VZc3j.rNe0id:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.rNe0id:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(234, 134,

0); }

.VZc3j.rNe0id .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.rNe0id .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,

.ZbSJib.rNe0id .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.rNe0id .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ background-color: rgb(249, 171, 0); }

.VZc3j.rNe0id:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.rNe0id:hover .VfPpkd-

Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.08; }

.VZc3j.rNe0id.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.VZc3j.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.rNe0id.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.24; }

.VZc3j.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:
opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

.VZc3j.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.24; }

.VZc3j.rNe0id.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d, .ZbSJib.rNe0id.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-

ripple-fg-opacity:0.24; }
.VZc3j.rNe0id:focus:not(:disabled), .VZc3j.rNe0id:hover:not(:disabled),
.VZc3j.rNe0id:active:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.rNe0id:focus:not(:disabled),
.ZbSJib.rNe0id:hover:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.rNe0id:active:not(:disabled) { color:
rgb(227, 116, 0); }

.VZc3j.rNe0id:focus::after { color: rgb(227, 116, 0); }

.VZc3j.rNe0id:hover::after { color: rgb(227, 116, 0); }

.VZc3j.rNe0id:active::after { color: rgb(227, 116, 0); }

.ZbSJib.rNe0id:focus::after { color: rgb(227, 116, 0); }

.ZbSJib.rNe0id:hover::after { color: rgb(227, 116, 0); }

.ZbSJib.rNe0id:active::after { color: rgb(227, 116, 0); }

.VZc3j.rNe0id::after { background-color: rgb(249, 171, 0); }

.VZc3j.rNe0id::before { background-color: rgb(249, 171, 0); }

.ZbSJib.rNe0id::after { background-color: rgb(249, 171, 0); }

.ZbSJib.rNe0id::before { background-color: rgb(249, 171, 0); }

.VZc3j.sj692e:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.sj692e:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(26, 115,

232); }

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Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.04; }

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.VZc3j.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.sj692e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
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.ZbSJib.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:
opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

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ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

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rgb(24, 90, 188); }

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.VZc3j.sj692e:hover::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

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.ZbSJib.sj692e:focus::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.ZbSJib.sj692e:hover::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.ZbSJib.sj692e:active::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

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62); }

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{ background-color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

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Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.04; }

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.VZc3j.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.IY5c4e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.VZc3j.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:
opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

.VZc3j.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

.VZc3j.IY5c4e:focus:not(:disabled), .VZc3j.IY5c4e:hover:not(:disabled),
.VZc3j.IY5c4e:active:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.IY5c4e:focus:not(:disabled),
.ZbSJib.IY5c4e:hover:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.IY5c4e:active:not(:disabled) { color:
rgb(19, 115, 51); }

.VZc3j.IY5c4e:focus::after { color: rgb(19, 115, 51); }

.VZc3j.IY5c4e:hover::after { color: rgb(19, 115, 51); }

.VZc3j.IY5c4e:active::after { color: rgb(19, 115, 51); }

.ZbSJib.IY5c4e:focus::after { color: rgb(19, 115, 51); }

.ZbSJib.IY5c4e:hover::after { color: rgb(19, 115, 51); }

.ZbSJib.IY5c4e:active::after { color: rgb(19, 115, 51); }

.VZc3j.IY5c4e::after { background-color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

.VZc3j.IY5c4e::before { background-color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

.ZbSJib.IY5c4e::after { background-color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

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67); }

.VZc3j.qoCZef .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.qoCZef .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,

.ZbSJib.qoCZef .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.qoCZef .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ background-color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.VZc3j.qoCZef:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.qoCZef:hover .VfPpkd-

Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.04; }

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.VZc3j.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.qoCZef.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.VZc3j.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:
opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

.VZc3j.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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.VZc3j.qoCZef:focus:not(:disabled), .VZc3j.qoCZef:hover:not(:disabled),
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rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.VZc3j.qoCZef:focus::after { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.VZc3j.qoCZef:hover::after { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

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.ZbSJib.qoCZef:focus::after { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.ZbSJib.qoCZef:hover::after { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.ZbSJib.qoCZef:active::after { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.VZc3j.qoCZef::after { background-color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.VZc3j.qoCZef::before { background-color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.ZbSJib.qoCZef::after { background-color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.ZbSJib.qoCZef::before { background-color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

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.VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef:not(:disabled), .VZc3j.bustDd.sj692e:not(:disabled),
.VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb:not(:disabled),
.ZbSJib.bustDd.IY5c4e:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef:not(:disabled),
.ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e:not(:disabled), .ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf:not(:disabled) { color:
rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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Jh9lGc::after, .VZc3j.bustDd.IY5c4e .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.IY5c4e
.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after, .VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after, .VZc3j.bustDd.sj692e .VfPpkd-
Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.sj692e .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after, .VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf
.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb .VfPpkd-
Jh9lGc::after, .ZbSJib.bustDd.IY5c4e .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.IY5c4e .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after, .ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef .VfPpkd-
Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e .VfPpkd-
Jh9lGc::after, .ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

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.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.VZc3j.bustDd.sj692e:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf:hover
.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.IY5c4e:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef:hover
.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf:hover .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.08; }

.VZc3j.bustDd.paynGb.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-
Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-
Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.IY5c4e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe
.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus
.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-
XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-
mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.sj692e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-
OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-
ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-
mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-
Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-
Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.IY5c4e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe
.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus
.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-
XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-
mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-
OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-
ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-
mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.24; }

.VZc3j.bustDd.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.VZc3j.bustDd.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.VZc3j.bustDd.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition: opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

.VZc3j.bustDd.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.VZc3j.bustDd.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.VZc3j.bustDd.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.24; }

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mWPk3d, .VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d, .VZc3j.bustDd.sj692e.VfPpkd-
ksKsZd-mWPk3d, .VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d, .ZbSJib.bustDd.IY5c4e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-
mWPk3d, .ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d, .ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e.VfPpkd-
ksKsZd-mWPk3d, .ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-
opacity:0.24; }

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.VZc3j.bustDd.IY5c4e:focus::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.VZc3j.bustDd.IY5c4e:hover::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.VZc3j.bustDd.IY5c4e:active::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef:focus::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef:hover::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.VZc3j.bustDd.qoCZef:active::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.VZc3j.bustDd.sj692e:focus::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.VZc3j.bustDd.sj692e:hover::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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.VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf:focus::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf:hover::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.VZc3j.bustDd.kphldf:active::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb:focus::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb:hover::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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.ZbSJib.bustDd.IY5c4e:focus::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.IY5c4e:hover::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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.ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef:focus::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef:hover::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef:active::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e:focus::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e:hover::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e:active::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf:focus::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf:hover::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.kphldf:active::after { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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.ZbSJib.bustDd.paynGb::before { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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.ZbSJib.bustDd.qoCZef::before { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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.ZbSJib.bustDd.sj692e::before { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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rgb(32, 33, 36); }

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Jh9lGc::after, .ZbSJib.bustDd.rNe0id .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.rNe0id .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { background-color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

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.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { opacity: 0.04; }

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Jh9lGc::before, .VZc3j.bustDd.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-
Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.rNe0id.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe
.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, .ZbSJib.bustDd.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus
.VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before { transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }
.VZc3j.bustDd.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after,
.ZbSJib.bustDd.rNe0id:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after
{ transition: opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

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{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

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.ZbSJib.bustDd.rNe0id:hover::after { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

.ZbSJib.bustDd.rNe0id:active::after { color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

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.VZc3j.bustDd.rNe0id::before { background-color: rgb(32, 33, 36); }

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{ background-color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

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{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

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{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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.K5Fxrd.paynGb:active:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

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.K5Fxrd.paynGb:hover::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.K5Fxrd.paynGb:active::after { color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.K5Fxrd.paynGb::after { background-color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

.K5Fxrd.paynGb::before { background-color: rgb(24, 90, 188); }

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{ background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

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{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

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{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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.K5Fxrd.kphldf:active:not(:disabled) { color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

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.K5Fxrd.kphldf:hover::after { color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.K5Fxrd.kphldf:active::after { color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.K5Fxrd.kphldf::after { background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

.K5Fxrd.kphldf::before { background-color: rgb(217, 48, 37); }

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{ background-color: rgb(249, 171, 0); }

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{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.24; }

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opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

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{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.24; }

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.K5Fxrd.rNe0id:hover::after { color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.K5Fxrd.rNe0id:active::after { color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

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{ background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

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.K5Fxrd.sj692e.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.K5Fxrd.sj692e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

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{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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.K5Fxrd.sj692e:hover::after { color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.K5Fxrd.sj692e:active::after { color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

.K5Fxrd.sj692e::after { background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); }

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{ background-color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

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{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }
.K5Fxrd.IY5c4e:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d) .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::after { transition:
opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

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{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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.K5Fxrd.IY5c4e:focus::after { color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

.K5Fxrd.IY5c4e:hover::after { color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

.K5Fxrd.IY5c4e:active::after { color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

.K5Fxrd.IY5c4e::after { background-color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

.K5Fxrd.IY5c4e::before { background-color: rgb(30, 142, 62); }

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{ background-color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

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.K5Fxrd.qoCZef.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before,
.K5Fxrd.qoCZef:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before
{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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opacity 150ms linear 0s; }

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{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

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.K5Fxrd.qoCZef:hover::after { color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

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.AOMUB[aria-orientation="horizontal"] { flex-direction: row; }

.J79yce::-webkit-scrollbar { background-color: transparent; border-radius: 0px;

height: 8px; width: 8px; }

.J79yce::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: transparent; }

.J79yce:hover::-webkit-scrollbar { background-color: transparent; }

.J79yce:hover::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: rgba(95, 99, 104, 0.2);

background-clip: padding-box; border-radius: 0px; padding: 100px 0px 0px; }

.J79yce:focus-within::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: rgba(95, 99, 104,

0.2); background-clip: padding-box; border-radius: 0px; padding: 100px 0px 0px; }

.J79yce::-webkit-scrollbar:hover { background-color: transparent; }

.J79yce::-webkit-scrollbar:active { background-color: transparent; }

.J79yce::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background-color: rgba(95, 99, 104, 0.32);

.J79yce::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:active { background-color: rgba(95, 99, 104,

0.32); }

.J79yce::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { background: transparent; }

.iOxfR::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 12px; }

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.iOxfR.kbeFSb::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; }

.vOSR6b { display: block; border-radius: 2px; margin: 10px 0px; background-color:

rgb(250, 250, 250); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 2px 2px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0,
0.12) 0px 3px 1px -2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 1px 5px 0px; position: relative;
text-align: start; }

.ENvujb { height: 100%; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; }

.cyVEib { position: absolute; bottom: 0px; display: flex; flex-direction: column;

left: 0px; overflow: auto; right: 0px; top: 0px; }

.oBgj3 { top: 64px; }

.us6mSb { height: 100%; top: 0px; opacity: 1; overflow-y: auto; position: absolute;
width: 100%; }

.OkB79d { text-align: center; opacity: 1; width: 100%; }

.OkB79d.E2jqKf { opacity: 0; }

.vTyZx { display: flex; justify-content: center; position: relative; top: 0px; }

.vTyZx.NNkwHc { top: 23px; }

.pbpJ4e { font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:

1.125rem; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0px; line-height: 1.5rem; color:
rgb(60, 64, 67); margin-bottom: 32px; }

.IMoMAf { border: 1px solid rgb(232, 234, 237); }

.us6mSb.ASPtEd { opacity: 0; }

.IMoMAf .snByac, .IiSXZ .snByac { align-items: center; display: flex; justify-

content: center; padding-right: 3px; }

.onIhZb { display: flex; height: 100%; width: 100%; }

.w312id { text-align: center; width: 100%; }

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1.125rem; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0px; line-height: 1.5rem; color:
rgb(60, 64, 67); }
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sans-serif; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.25rem; color:
rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.qlHSIb { letter-spacing: 0.025em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-

size: 0.75rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1rem; color: rgb(60, 64, 67); }

.QYXJPe { width: 100%; box-shadow: none; }

.glUUSc.lIhcGd { opacity: 0; }

.QYXJPe.fgiyKf { margin-top: 30px; }

.OFVUFd.bzZSjc { opacity: 0; }

.OFVUFd, .glUUSc { opacity: 1; }

.PrbuAc .wccof { margin: 0px; position: absolute; top: 96px; }

.wccof.ASPtEd { opacity: 0; transform: scale(0.3); }

.OFVUFd { padding: 16px; }

.jvdz8 { align-items: center; display: flex; justify-content: space-between;

margin-bottom: 4px; width: 100%; }

.BedFgc { font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:

1.125rem; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0px; line-height: 1.5rem; color:
rgb(32, 33, 36); flex: 1 1 auto; }

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.RKgJi { letter-spacing: 0.0142857em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-

size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.25rem; color: rgb(95, 99, 104); }

.d1k7tf { padding-bottom: 16px; }

.gYYFtf { display: flex; align-items: center; }

.Dxc0Ec { letter-spacing: 0.00625em; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, Arial,

sans-serif; font-size: 1rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.5rem; margin-right:
8px; }

.IKT0If, .Ct6oTd { padding-top: 4px; }

.AdfCt { left: -12px; position: relative; }

.AdfCt .SgVbm, .PfM3bd .IiSXZ { margin-top: 5px; }

.glUUSc { display: block; align-items: center; margin: 12px; }

.v0dFte { margin-right: -12px; }

.Ct6oTd { letter-spacing: 0.0142857em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.25rem; color: rgb(95, 99,
104); }

.emtT1c { bottom: 16px; left: 16px; position: absolute; }

.uNEb5b { min-height: 44px; }

.tfed9b { align-items: center; margin: -8px; }

.OFVUFd .tfed9b:hover, .OFVUFd .tfed9b:focus, .OFVUFd .tfed9b::before, .OFVUFd

.tfed9b::after { background-color: rgb(232, 234, 237); }

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1.125rem; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0px; line-height: 1.5rem; align-items:
center; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(232, 234, 237); color: rgb(60, 64, 67);
display: flex; height: 64px; justify-content: space-between; padding-left: 16px;
position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; overflow: hidden; }

.i2mSWb { letter-spacing: 0.025em; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-

size: 0.75rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1rem; background: rgb(241, 243, 244);
border-radius: 4px; margin-top: 8px; padding: 6px 20px 6px 16px; }

.VfPpkd-WsjYwc { border-radius: var(--mdc-shape-medium,4px); background-color:

var(--mdc-theme-surface,#fff); position: relative; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
0px 2px 1px -1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 1px 1px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 1px
3px 0px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; box-sizing: border-box; }

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0px; }

.VfPpkd-WsjYwc::after { position: absolute; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%;

height: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; border: 1px solid transparent; border-radius:
inherit; content: ""; pointer-events: none; }

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rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 0px 0px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 0px 0px 0px; border-
width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(224, 224, 224); }

.VfPpkd-WsjYwc-OWXEXe-INsAgc::after { border: none; }

.VfPpkd-aGsRMb { border-radius: inherit; height: 100%; }

.VfPpkd-gBNGNe { position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; background-repeat: no-

repeat; background-position: center center; background-size: cover; }

.VfPpkd-gBNGNe::before { display: block; content: ""; }

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radius: inherit; }

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right-radius: inherit; }

.VfPpkd-gBNGNe-OWXEXe-BaYisc::before { margin-top: 100%; }

.VfPpkd-gBNGNe-OWXEXe-W3lGp-Clt0zb::before { margin-top: 56.25%; }

.VfPpkd-gBNGNe-bN97Pc { position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px;

left: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc { display: flex; flex-direction: column; box-sizing: border-

box; position: relative; outline: none; color: inherit; text-decoration: none;
cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; }
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.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc:last-child { border-bottom-left-radius: inherit; border-

bottom-right-radius: inherit; }

.VfPpkd-gqIiZe { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; box-

sizing: border-box; min-height: 52px; padding: 8px; }

.VfPpkd-gqIiZe-OWXEXe-Vkfede-rJCtOc { padding: 0px; }

.VfPpkd-aPoio-c6xFrd { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;

box-sizing: border-box; }

.VfPpkd-aPoio-fuEl3d { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;

box-sizing: border-box; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow:
1; justify-content: flex-end; }

.VfPpkd-aPoio-c6xFrd + .VfPpkd-aPoio-fuEl3d { margin-left: 16px; margin-right: 0px;


[dir="rtl"] .VfPpkd-aPoio-c6xFrd + .VfPpkd-aPoio-fuEl3d, .VfPpkd-aPoio-c6xFrd +

.VfPpkd-aPoio-fuEl3d[dir="rtl"] { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 16px; }

.VfPpkd-aPoio { display: inline-flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;

box-sizing: border-box; justify-content: center; cursor: pointer; user-select:
none; }

.VfPpkd-aPoio:focus { outline: none; }

.VfPpkd-aPoio-OWXEXe-LgbsSe { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 8px; padding: 0px

8px; }

[dir="rtl"] .VfPpkd-aPoio-OWXEXe-LgbsSe, .VfPpkd-aPoio-OWXEXe-LgbsSe[dir="rtl"]

{ margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 0px; }

.VfPpkd-aPoio-OWXEXe-LgbsSe:last-child, [dir="rtl"] .VfPpkd-aPoio-OWXEXe-

LgbsSe:last-child, .VfPpkd-aPoio-OWXEXe-LgbsSe:last-child[dir="rtl"] { margin-left:
0px; margin-right: 0px; }

.VfPpkd-gqIiZe-OWXEXe-Vkfede-rJCtOc .VfPpkd-aPoio-OWXEXe-LgbsSe { justify-content:

space-between; width: 100%; height: auto; max-height: none; margin: 0px; padding:
8px 16px; text-align: left; }

[dir="rtl"] .VfPpkd-gqIiZe-OWXEXe-Vkfede-rJCtOc .VfPpkd-aPoio-OWXEXe-LgbsSe,

.VfPpkd-gqIiZe-OWXEXe-Vkfede-rJCtOc .VfPpkd-aPoio-OWXEXe-LgbsSe[dir="rtl"] { text-
align: right; }

.VfPpkd-aPoio-OWXEXe-Bz112c { margin: -6px 0px; padding: 12px; }

.VfPpkd-aPoio-OWXEXe-Bz112c:not(:disabled) { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc { --mdc-ripple-fg-size:0; --mdc-ripple-left:0; --mdc-ripple-

top:0; --mdc-ripple-fg-scale:1; --mdc-ripple-fg-translate-end:0; --mdc-ripple-fg-
translate-start:0; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); will-change:
transform, opacity; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc::before { position: absolute; border-radius: 50%; opacity: 0;

pointer-events: none; content: ""; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc::after { position: absolute; border-radius: 50%; opacity: 0;

pointer-events: none; content: ""; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc::before { transition: opacity 15ms linear 0s, background-

color 15ms linear 0s; z-index: 1; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d::before { transform: scale(var(--mdc-

ripple-fg-scale,1)); }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d::after { top: 0px; left: 0px; transform:

scale(0); transform-origin: center center; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-ZNMTqd::after { top: var(--mdc-

ripple-top,0); left: var(--mdc-ripple-left,0); }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-Tv8l5d-lJfZMc::after { animation:
225ms ease 0s 1 normal forwards running mdc-ripple-fg-radius-in, 75ms ease 0s 1
normal forwards running mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-in; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-Tv8l5d-OmS1vf::after { animation:
150ms ease 0s 1 normal none running mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-out; transform:
translate(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-translate-end,0)) scale(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-
scale,1)); }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc::before { top: calc(-50%); left: calc(-50%); width: 200%;

height: 200%; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc::after { top: calc(-50%); left: calc(-50%); width: 200%;

height: 200%; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d::after { width: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-

size,100%); height: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size,100%); }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc::before { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc::after { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc:hover::before { opacity: 0.04; }

{ transition-duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus::before { transition-
duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d)::after { transition: opacity 150ms

linear 0s; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):active::after { transition-
duration: 75ms; opacity: 0.12; }

.VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d { --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity:0.12; }

.KC1dQ { border-radius: 8px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 0px;

box-shadow: rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3) 0px 1px 2px 0px, rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15) 0px 1px
3px 1px; }
.KC1dQ .VfPpkd-BFbNVe-bF1uUb { opacity: 0; }

.Usd1Ac { border-radius: 8px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px

solid rgb(218, 220, 224); box-shadow: none; }

.Usd1Ac .VfPpkd-BFbNVe-bF1uUb { opacity: 0; }

.Si6A0c { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%;
outline: none; }

.oZ9DO { display: inline; }

.Pybrfb { fill: rgb(117, 117, 117); vertical-align: middle; }

.znqf0d { display: flex; line-height: 16px; padding-bottom: 8px; padding-top:

8px; }

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hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; }

.znqf0d .r3tIwf .Ul51L { color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-size: 13px; }

.znqf0d .r3tIwf .VMD8Qc { color: rgb(117, 117, 117); font-size: 12px; }

.znqf0d .RK4o7e { align-self: flex-end; -webkit-box-flex: 0; flex-grow: 0; flex-

shrink: 0; height: 24px; padding: 4px 16px 4px 0px; border-radius: 50%; }

.RNHWXc .Pybrfb { margin-right: 16px; }

.pwHlAd { fill: rgb(255, 255, 255); height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; }

.DWfpSc, .ce4c1d { display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 34px; max-width:

100%; }

.DWn72e { height: 0px; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; }

.ce4c1d { position: relative; }

.Tfm4Hc .VOEIyf { height: 24px; line-height: 24px; max-width: 100%; }

.Tfm4Hc .oKubKe[aria-selected="true"] { outline: transparent solid 1px; }

.Tfm4Hc .d1dlne .ZAGvjd { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1; padding: 0px; width:

0px; }

.Tfm4Hc .d1dlne .Ny5lGc { color: rgb(97, 97, 97); opacity: 1; font-size: 14px;
font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; width: 100%; }

.Tfm4Hc .tWfTvb { bottom: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; }

.Tfm4Hc { max-width: 100%; }

.CjM6Fe { background-color: rgb(82, 100, 174); border-left: none; height: 36px;

line-height: 34px; padding: 0px 4px; width: 36px; }

.CjM6Fe > .Pybrfb { vertical-align: middle; }

.SPwuPd { align-items: center; display: flex; height: 24px; margin-bottom: 3px;

margin-right: 3px; overflow: hidden; padding-left: 2px; white-space: nowrap;
position: relative; z-index: 1; }

.tRMgEc { border-radius: 50%; -webkit-user-drag: none; }

.HYyewd { color: rgb(97, 97, 97); font: 500 12px Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica,
Arial, sans-serif; margin-left: 8px; overflow-x: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; }

.WqfY4c { height: 32px; width: 32px; }

.SPwuPd.cTDLLd { background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px solid rgb(224, 224,
224); border-radius: 16px; }

.SPwuPd.o1yOod { background: rgb(245, 245, 245); border: 1px solid rgb(250, 218,
128); border-radius: 3px; }

.SPwuPd.ui9xvd > .HYyewd { border-bottom: 2px dotted rgb(211, 47, 47); }

.Tezzlf > .HYyewd { margin-right: 8px; }

.Cbzx4b { align-items: center; border-radius: 50%; display: flex; flex: 0 0 auto;

font: 400 13px Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; height: 20px;
justify-content: center; opacity: 0.6; text-transform: uppercase; width: 20px; }

.mElJdc { fill: rgb(229, 57, 53); padding-left: 1px; }

.w6DEz { align-items: center; display: flex; flex: 1 1 auto; flex-wrap: wrap;

justify-content: flex-start; max-height: 100%; min-height: 24px; overflow: hidden
auto; width: 100%; }

.IHB8eb { align-items: center; display: inline-flex; flex: 0 0 auto; flex-wrap:

wrap; justify-content: flex-start; max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; min-height:
24px; overflow-y: auto; width: 100%; }

.IHB8eb .u3WVdc { z-index: 2000; }

.ARQdkc, .ZeowYe { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1; padding-bottom: 0px; }

.ARQdkc { cursor: text; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; max-width:

100%; position: relative; }

.qH6atb, .eONaNc { display: block; flex: 0 0 auto; }

.ARQdkc.DHpaLb .ZeowYe { display: none; }

.zVw2Qe { box-sizing: border-box; display: none; flex: 1 1 auto; height: 34px;

line-height: 34px; width: 0px; }

.ARQdkc.DHpaLb .zVw2Qe { display: inline-flex; }

.R7dqcc { background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; border-style:

solid; border-width: 0px 1px; color: inherit; font: inherit; height: 100%; outline:
none; padding: 0px; width: 100%; }

.QsGMEc { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 0px 0px 2px 2px;
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 8px 10px
1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 3px 14px 2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 5px 5px -3px;
box-sizing: border-box; display: none; left: 0px; padding: 8px 0px; position:
absolute; right: 0px; top: 100%; z-index: 0; }
.zVw2Qe.KrQ13 .QsGMEc { display: block; z-index: 1; }

.r5czLc { line-height: 24px; overflow: hidden; padding-left: 16px; white-space:

normal; }

.GGoold { align-items: center; display: flex; }

.r5czLc.r5czLc { color: rgb(128, 134, 139); }

.itOdAb { fill: rgb(128, 134, 139); }

.VUI3Tc { overflow: auto; }

.nkvGQ { display: none; }

.nkvGQ.O9rvMd { display: block; position: absolute; top: 0px; background-color:

black; opacity: 0.4; height: 100%; width: 100%; z-index: 2000; }

.wrPvic { border-radius: 8px; height: auto; max-width: 640px; min-height: 516px;

overflow: visible; width: 640px; }

.wrPvic .qRUolc { padding-bottom: 15px; padding-top: 20px; }

.wrPvic .J9fJmf { align-items: center; padding-bottom: 20px; }

.wrPvic .oJeWuf { overflow-y: visible; }

.gEqxsc { width: 16px; }

.XKAX7, .dEW8tb { padding: 0px 16px; text-transform: none; letter-spacing:

0.0178571em; font-family: "Google Sans", Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:
0.875rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.25rem; }

.XKAX7 { color: rgb(26, 115, 232); margin-right: 16px; min-width: 50px; }

.XKAX7:hover { background-color: rgb(232, 240, 254); }

.dEW8tb { background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232); border-radius: 4px; box-shadow:

none; }

.dEW8tb[disabled] { background-color: rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.1); }

.dEW8tb:not([disabled]):hover { background-color: rgb(25, 103, 210); border-radius:

4px; box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px 0px; }

.XKAX7 .snByac, .dEW8tb .snByac { margin: 8px 16px; }

.Xs9kmd { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1; margin-left: 2px; }

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