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HP4 End of Unit Test

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Duration: 75 minutes

Section 1: Language knowledge (30 marks)

I. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE suitable word.

We decided to reduce the targets for the productivity bonus to make (1) …………….. easier to earn a
bonus. We though it would make people work (2) …………….. and we expected that better productivity
would follow. In fact, the decision was (3) …………….. disaster. It made things (4) ……………..,
because workers still failed to meet production targets and their morale fell even lower. In the end we had
to ask Patrick Massey, the old production manager, to come back (5) …………….. the company. He was
a strong leader and very popular. He didn’t want his old job (6) …………….. we offered him a position
on the board of (7) ……………… .The workers were happy to see him back and morale improved
immediately. Patrick also helped to recruit a new production manager (8) …………….. could do the job
effectively. At last productivity has started to improve again and we have learned that good (9) ………..
and good people management are absolutely essential to high (10) …………….. .
1. A. them b. it c. these d. those
2. A. hard b. worse c. harder d. hardest
3. A. a b. the c. some d. any
4. A. bad b. badly c. worst d. worse
5. A. at b. in c. for d. to
6. A. so b. however c. so that d. and
7. A. directors b. people c. staff d. managing
8. A. what b. who c. whom d. whose
9. A. leader b. leadership c. leading d. led
10. A. product b. production c. productivity d. produce

II. Choose the best answer

11. He asked me .....................
a. how have you changed in the last c. how I had changed in the last five
five years? years.
b. how I have changed in the last d. how had I changed in the last five
five years? years.
12. I’d like to know .................
a. what would your colleagues say c. what your colleagues would say
about you? about you?
b. what would your colleagues say d. what your colleagues would say
about you. about you.
13. My boss asked me .................
a. if you have prepared the figures c. if I had prepared the figures for
for me. him
b. If I have prepared the figures for d. if you have prepared the figures
him for him
14. Claudia wanted to know .................
a. how long would it take to integrate the two companies.
b. how long it would take to integrate the two companies.
c. how long it will take to integrate the two companies.
d. how long will it take to integrate the two companies.
15. He asked her ………………………………………………………………………………. .

End-of-unit test 9/Module4 1

a. why is this year’s budget so small d. why this year’s budget was so
b. why this year’s budget is so small small
c. why was this year’s budget so
16. They never ………. us what happened. In fact, they never …………… anything to anyone.
a. tell/said c. told/said
b. said/told d. tell/say
17. Do not do everything yourself. ..................... tasks to other people.

a. submit b. give c. divide d. delegate

18. You must keep staff ________ especially when things get difficult.
a. generated b. motivated c. frustrated d. electrified
19. With regard ………..the structure of an organization, a number of factors may alter the ideal
decision-making process.
a. at b. to c. in d. for
20. Weigh up the ................. of each alternative before deciding.
a. checks and balances c. pros and cons
b. assets d. profits
21. The manager ………he was in hurry. He ……me to ask his deputy.
a. told/said c. said/told
b. told/told c. said/told to
22. Try to ensure that each employee’s ................. is not too great.
a. workload c. work-to-rule
b. working practice d. working party
23. It can be difficult for some people to ……………on responsibility.
a. bring b. take c. decide d. agree
24. When staff worry over certain issues, a good manager should………….to their concerns promptly.
a. report c. deal
b. respond d. communicate
25. Trust is rated very highly, managers should believe in their employees’ abilities and be prepared
to…………………. responsibilities to them whenever possible.
a. communicate b. respond c. delegate d. perform
26. Those who can’t manage their time efficiently always have high stress ..................
a. grades b. standards c. performances d. levels
27. When your employees are satisfied, they work more effectively, so respond ..................... their
needs without delay.
a. to b. for c. of d. from
28. The Sales Manager reported…………last month’s sales figures.
a. to b. on c. for d. over
29. …………. there may be many ways to solve a problem, only some of these are practical.
a. Because b. As c. However d. Although
30. Can we agree ……………the date of our next meeting.
a. on b. with c. to d. in
31. A good manager should …………….in regular professional development opportunities for their
a. believe b. take c. invest d. deal
32. The project manager is off sick, ..................... there is little chance of achieving much this week.
a. as b. so c. since d. because
33. Through bad management they turned a crisis ................. a disaster.
a. over b. into c. off d. for

End-of-unit test 9/Module4 2

34. The work is interesting ..................... there are good possibilities for promotion in the company.
a. but b. so c. therefore d. and
35. My boss is too direct – he shouldn’t tell people directly ..................... he think of them.
a. why b. which c. what d. who
36. After ................. many unforeseen obstacles they just managed to meet their deadline.
a. overcoming b. overcome c. overcome d. overcame
37. Sound research-based judgment helps businesses to be ................. accurate to make key strategic
a. Sufficient b. sufficience c. sufficiently d. suffix
38. It makes sense to break the tasks up into ................. steps.
a. manager b. managing c. managerial d. managed
39. They decided to move production to the Far East to improve their ..................
a. competitiveness b. competition c. competitive d. competitors
40. I’m afraid access to this information is ..................
a. restricting b. restricted c. restriction d. restrictively

Section 2: Language use (70 marks)

I. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow

Starting every day with a song

By Virginia Matthews

For staff and managers at Asda, each working day gets off to a raucous start. 'Give me an A!' they cry,
'Give me an S! Give me a D! Give me an A! What does that spell? Asda!'
Customers of the supermarket chain may be alarmed to see and hear the company chant, but Asda insists
chanting, singing or hand-clapping is one of the best motivational tools around.
Asda's spokeswoman says she believes the daily chant unites the workforce. Asda's chant was adapted for
the UK from the version sung at Wal-Mart, its parent company. The song now accompanies all sales
conferences, company events and even management meetings.
'The directors are just as happy to chant as the cashiers are and they have told us that it helps them get
through the business of the day more efficiently and quickly. Chanting isn't compulsory though,' she adds,
'and if people don't want to join in, they won't be penalized. As for the customers, they love to see us
enjoying our work with a good shout and sometimes they even want to join in.'

From the Financial Times

Choose the best answer
1. Who is Asda’s chant for?
a. staff only c. both staff and managers
b. managers only d. customers, staff and managers

End-of-unit test 9/Module4 3

2. Why does Asda insist chanting?
a. to makes them work better
b. to make fun of themselves
c. because their customers love to see them chanting
d. because it’s the company’s policy
3. Which of the following is NOT true about Asda’s chant?
a. The chant is used in a number of different situations.
b. The chant is a type of song.
c. The chant is exactly the same as the one used at Wal-Mart.
d. The chant motivates employees.
What does each of the following underlined words / phrases refer to?
4. ‘ …. and sometimes they even want to join in.’ (the last paragraph)
5. Chanting isn't compulsory though,' she adds, … (the last paragraph)
Which words in the passage mean the following?
6. very loud ………….
7. a company that owns another ………….
8. very worried …………….
Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word from the passage. Put it in its correct form or tense.
9. When Asda employees ……………., any customers in the store may also participate.
10. Asda believes the chant ……………. employees and makes them work better.

II. Writing

Le Nga, 29-year-old secretary, is working for an American boss. Her salary is excellent. The work is
interesting and there are good possibilities for promotion in the company. However, recently she is
seriously considering resigning because of the following reasons:
- her boss is too direct. He tells people directly what he thinks of them.
- he often loses temper when he has to work under pressure. At that time, he shouts at her in front of
other people.
- he never praises her for what she has done.

As a journalist of the Tuoi Tre newspaper, write a letter ( not more than 100 words) to Le Nga.
Your letter should give advice to the secretary on what to do: should she stay or should she leave the

IV. Listen to the talks, and then answer each question about them by marking the correct choice — (A),
(B), (C), or (D). The recording will be played twice.

1. When is this talk being given?

a. During a party. c. After a celebration.
b. Before a sales presentation. d. At a meeting.
2. What had the speaker probably told the audience last month?
a. That the sales figures had increased. c. That they should try to increase sales.
b. That a celebration was being planned. d. That they must prepare an agenda.
3. Whose sales figures increased most in the previous month?
a. Jane's. b. Rob's. c. Nina's. d. Tom's.
4. What is the woman's purpose in giving the talk?
a. To request some information about satellites. c. To thank her colleagues for doing a good job.
b. To introduce her firm's products. d. To suggest a merger between the two firms.
5. What will the woman do next?
a. Give a multimedia presentation.
b. Examine a new product.
c. Take a short break
d. Answer some questions.
V. You will hear a telephone conversation between a man and a woman talking about the
restaurant booking. Fill in the missing information. The recording will be played twice.

1. purpose of the call: …………………

2. The man will call the restaurant: to make …………………
3. The number of people: …………………
4. The woman suggests: ………………… with Shirley
5. The woman will join the man: in the …………………


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