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Verification and Quality Control of Routine Hematology Analyzers

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International Journal of Laboratory Hematology

The Official journal of the International Society for Laboratory Hematology


Verification and quality control of routine hematology analyzers


Department of Clinical S U M M A RY
Chemistry and Hematology,
University Medical Center Verification of hematology analyzers (automated blood cell coun-
Utrecht, Utrecht, The ters) is mandatory before new hematology analyzers may be used
in routine clinical care. The verification process consists of several
Correspondence: items which comprise among others: precision, accuracy, compara-
Albert Huisman, Department bility, carryover, background and linearity throughout the expected
of Clinical Chemistry and range of results. Yet, which standard should be met or which veri-
Hematology, University Medical
Center Utrecht, G.03.550, fication limit be used is at the discretion of the laboratory specialist.
Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX This paper offers practical guidance on verification and quality con-
Utrecht, The Netherlands. trol of automated hematology analyzers and provides an expert
Tel.: +31 887558104;
opinion on the performance standard that should be met by the
Fax: +31 88 7555418;
E-mail: contemporary generation of hematology analyzers. Therefore
(i) the state-of-the-art performance of hematology analyzers for
complete blood count parameters is summarized, (ii) considera-
tions, challenges, and pitfalls concerning the development of a veri-
fication plan are discussed, (iii) guidance is given regarding the
accepted for publication 23 Feb-
ruary 2016
establishment of reference intervals, and (iv) different methods on
quality control of hematology analyzers are reviewed.
Hematology Analyzer, Verifica-
tion, Complete Blood Count

(surgery, transfusion, drugs, etcetera) [4, 5]. The ana-

lytical results generated by HA are therefore the basis
Hematology analyzers (HA) or automated blood cell of numerous medical interventions, and it is of para-
counters are analytically and technically highly com- mount importance that these results are analytically
plex automated analyzers [1–3]. These analyzers are valid. Therefore, during the implementing process of a
used to measure the complete blood count (CBC, also new HA in a clinical laboratory, it is mandatory that a
known as full blood count). The CBC consists of sev- verification process is performed to assure that the
eral parameters that are measured simultaneously and analytical performance is up to standard. Which stan-
all concern the number, concentration (in case of dard should be met or which criteria should be used is
hemoglobin), and some additional (descriptive) param- at the discretion of the laboratory specialist. This article
eters of the different blood cells (Table 1). The CBC is provides guidance in choosing the verification limits
measured daily in virtually all medical laboratories for the most common blood count parameters of HA.
worldwide to screen for disease or abnormalities and Manufacturers validate diagnostic analyzers before
in the follow-up of all kinds of medical therapies they enter the market in concurrence with different

100 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2016, 38 (Suppl. 1), 100–109

Table 1. CBC parameters [9]

Parameter (recommended
reporting unit) Description Critical values

Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration Hb concentration in blood <70 g/L (<7.0 g/dL)

(g/dL, g/L or mmol/L)
Hematocrit (Ht) (% or L/L) Fraction of Whole blood that
consists of RBC, sometimes also referred
as Packed Cell Volume (PCV).
Red Blood Cell (RBC) count Number of RBC (or Erythrocytes)
(91012/L) per volume blood
Mean Cell Volume (MCV) (fL) Average volume of RBC
Mean Cell Hemoglobin (MCH) Average amount of
(pg or fmol) hemoglobin per RBC
Red Cell Distribution Width The variation of cellular volume
(RDW) (%CV or fL) of the RBC population
Reticulocyte count (9109/L) Number of reticulocytes per
volume blood
Nucleated Red Blood Cell Number of Nucleated red Blood Cells
(NRBC) (9109/L) (also called erytroblast or normoblast)
per volume blood
White Blood Cell (WBC) Number of WBC (or Leucocytes) <2.0 9 109/L
count (9109/L) per volume blood and >40 9 109/L
White Blood Cell differential White Blood Cell differential count: Neutrophil Granulocytes
count (9109/L) Usually 5 part differential: < 0.5 9 109/L
Neutrophil Granulocytes
Eosinophil Granulocytes
Basophil Granulocytes
Platelet count (9109/L) Number of platelets (or thrombocytes) <50 9 109/L
per volume blood
Mean Platelet Volume Average volume of a platelet
(MPV) (fL)

There are numerous other parameters also reported by some HA, examples of these parameters are mean cell hemoglo-
bin concentration (MCHC), microcytic RBC and macrocytic RBC, hyperchromic RBC, and hypochromic RBC, frag-
mented RBCs, immature reticulocytes, reticulocyte hemoglobin content, immature neutrophil granulocytes (IG’s),
reticulated (or immature) platelets [5, 10, 11]. The nomenclature and definition may vary depending on the type of
HA. The suggested medical decision limits (critical values) are based on experience of the authors and the current liter-
ature [4, 12, 13].
fL, femtoliter (91015 L); pg, picogram (91012 g); fmol, femtomole (91015 mole).

(inter)national requirements, leading for example to performance of the HA. Among other items, these
FDA approval (USA) or a CE mark (European Union). guidelines describe several verification items, which
This validation is often performed under ideal circum- comprise among other precision, accuracy, compara-
stances. In clinical laboratory practice, the daily ana- bility and linearity throughout the expected range of
lytic performance may differ. Several international results. In contrast, detailed specifications of the mini-
guidelines and regulations, such as ICSH guidelines mal analytic performance on different levels are gen-
[6] and CLSI guidelines [7] and the ISO 15189 stan- erally not stated, leaving the laboratory specialist to
dard [8], dictate that the laboratory verifies the answer these questions.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2016, 38 (Suppl. 1), 100–109

Besides complying with these guidelines, it is review or flow cytometry). The underlying algorithms
important to have information on the reliability of that generate these flags may be totally different,
laboratory results, especially around critical cutoff val- making a comparison between two types of HA chal-
ues for diagnosis and treatment decisions. If the ana- lenging. Usually manufacturers try to make sure that
lytical performance around these crucial values is all pathological samples are recognized, for example,
uncertain or deviates too much, the new method or the samples with malignant WBCs (blasts). To avoid
analyzer should not be implemented. This paper offers missing these pathological samples, the flagging algo-
practical guidance on verification and quality control rithm generates flags with a low positive predictive
of automated HA and provides an expert opinion on value (PPV) [and usually a high negative predictive
the performance standard that should be met. value (NPV)], that is, a lot of normal samples get a
suspicious flagging and need (microscopic) review,
thereby unnecessary increasing the workload of the
According to ISO 15189, the laboratory should only Lastly, establishing reference intervals by manufac-
implement HA that are validated for the intended turers can be arduously, especially in the pediatric
purpose [8]. Validation, for example, according to population. Obtaining samples from healthy children
CLSI guidelines [7], should in principle be performed and neonates, has shown to be difficult. Reference
by the manufacturer for the intended scope, and veri- intervals in the pediatric population are often based
fication by the clinical laboratory of the manufacturers on publications from decades ago, using technology
claim is sufficient. Caution with different body fluids that is no longer widely available, making it question-
(e.g., synovial, peritoneal, pleural, pericardial, cere- able whether these reference ranges can be applied in
brospinal fluid (CSF), or wound drainages) and differ- the present time; or there are new parameters or
ent tubes (plain, heparin, or citrate vs. EDTA) is parameters using a new analytical technique for
warranted, as not all HA have yet been validated for which there are no published reference ranges avail-
these purposes. A full validation may also be required able [14]. Therefore, manufacturers should make con-
for adjusted methods and measurements outside of siderable efforts to generate reference intervals in
the analytical measurement range. There are several these groups for their new HA.
challenges for the manufacturers during the validation
First, certain parameters must be compared to a
reference method. Most of the current reference The ISO 15189 states that the laboratory shall verify
methods are outdated such as hematocrit, red blood upon installation and before use that the equipment
cell count, white blood cell count, and white blood is capable of achieving the necessary performance and
cell differential [9]. In such cases, improved perfor- that it complies with requirements relevant to any
mance of the new method is compared or calibrated examinations concerned [8]. Both the ICSH and CSLI
to a relatively poor standard, which leads to a poorer have developed guidelines for the verification of HA
performance than analytical and technically feasible. [6, 7, 9]. According to these guidelines, verification
Unfortunately, in some countries, the registration studies should be performed on precision (repro-
authorities demand a comparison with these reference ducibility), accuracy (method comparison), analytical
methods and/or with a current generation analyzer. sensitivity (limit of detection), analytical specificity
This requirement could thus lead to poorer analytical including interfering substances, reference ranges,
performance than necessary and also hampers innova- patient correlation studies, linearity, limits of detec-
tion. tion, carryover, and the analytical measuring range.
Second, it is challenging to compare the ‘flagging’ However, the ICSH and CLSI guidelines do not specify
of a new instrument with an existing method. Sam- the limits of acceptability of these studies throughout
ples are for instance ‘flagged’ to identify pathological the different parameters [9]. Nor do these guidelines
samples that need rerun in a different mode, revision, suggest a minimal range in which the reliability of the
or additional diagnostic work-up (i.e., microscopic parameters must be established. The extensiveness of

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2016, 38 (Suppl. 1), 100–109

the verification study depends upon the availability of to the dead volume of the HA). It must also be guar-
independent evaluation data (preferably published in anteed that samples with a very broad range of differ-
the peer-reviewed literature), the extent of CBC ent types of underlying pathology will be included in
parameters reported by the laboratory, and the range the study, with results that encompass the entire ana-
of samples available for the evaluation of the equip- lytical range, such as samples with low platelet and/or
ment. As hematology parameters include cell differen- WBC count, samples with high cell counts, samples
tiations and cell indices, some (pre)analytical with abnormal cells (blasts) and samples with known
characteristics differ from more regular laboratory interference such as cryoglobulins, high bilirubin, and
tests expressed per concentration plasma. Therefore, high triglycerides.
some in-depth knowledge about hematology and
hematology parameters is required to interpret the
verification analyses.
Before starting a verification process, we should Precision is the closeness of agreement between
establish the medically allowable error. The combina- repeated measurements of a sample (Figure 1) [9, 15].
tion of different aspects of test performance forms the Within-run precision (also known as reproducibility
total analytical error. The total analytical error reflects or repeatability) usually consists of a single run of 20
the analytic reliability of a test result. If a laboratory measurements and is reported as a coefficient of varia-
wants to verify that it produces reliable results in a tion [CV (%)]. Between-batch precision [reported as
clinical perspective, there are several considerations. CV (%)] is based on single measurements that are
Firstly, it is advised to establish which levels are clini- repeated every day for a 20-day period and is affected
cal relevant. Table 1 includes some suggested medical by random error and drift. Usually, stabilized quality
decision limits. As some cutoff points distinguish rele- control samples are used to establish the between-
vant patient groups, the reliability around these cutoff batch precision. The manufacturers’ claims about both
points is important. For instance, if platelet transfu- within-run and between-batch precision must be veri-
sions are given below a platelet count of 10 9 109/L, fied. In addition, we should always attempt to reach
it is sensible to verify the test performance around this at least the current state-of-the-art CV (%) for repro-
concentration. Secondly, the total analytical error ducibility, so we can provide physicians with the most
around this cutoff point should be acceptable for clini- accurate information and thereby provide
cal decision making. This medically allowable error

may depend on the expectations of the clinicians, the Accuracy

biological variation, and the current state-of-the-art
Reference value

In the evaluation study, fresh human whole blood
samples, anticoagulated with K2EDTA (or K3EDTA),
should be used and processed within 4–8 h after blood
sampling if stored at room temperature [9, 15]. If
samples are refrigerated, hematological parameters are
stable for a longer time period [16–18]. Special atten- x Value
tion is warranted to guarantee that all tube types that
may enter the laboratory will be included in the veri-
fication study. If micro tubes (e.g., for pediatric Figure 1. Accuracy is the proximity of a measurement
patients and capillary sampling) are used, these should result to the true value and mainly dependent on
be evaluated, as the relatively low sample volume in systematic error (the term ‘bias’ should be avoided);
precision is the reproducibility of the measurements
these containers may influence sample handling by
and mainly dependent on random error.
the HA (e.g., insufficient mixing or problems related

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2016, 38 (Suppl. 1), 100–109

opportunities to improve medical decision making and (Figure 1) [9, 15]. The use of a ‘true value’ for the
quality of care. The current state-of-the-art CV (%) CBC is hard to apply in daily laboratory practice, as
for the most relevant CBC parameters can be found in reference methods only exists for a few selected
Table 2. We encourage manufacturers to develop and parameters and these reference methods tend to be
innovate HA in such a way that the current state of rather impractical [9]. For the leukocyte differential
the art is achievable for all new HA that enter the count, the microscopic evaluation of a slide is cur-
market. rently regarded as the reference method (400-cell
manual differential) [33]. However, this method suf-
fers from several disadvantages such as statistical
Accuracy and comparability
error, slide distribution error, and morphological inter-
Accuracy (also known as trueness) is used to describe pretation error. As a surrogate, usually in a verifica-
the closeness of a measurement to the true value tion process, the HA under evaluation is compared

Table 2. Limits of acceptable imprecision: current state of the art

State-of-the-art State-of-the-art ‘Ricos’ criteria

[CV (%)] reproducibility [CV (%)] between-batch [CV (%)]

Hb 0.9 1.0 1.43

Ht 1.2 1.4 1.35
RBC 1.1 1.1 1.60
MCV 0.6 0.8 0.70
MCH 1.1 1.5 0.70
RDW 2.0 2.0 1.80
Reticulocytes 10 10 5.5*
High level (>10 9 109/L) 1.5 1.5 –
Normal level (1–10 9 109/L) 2.5 2.5 5.73
Low level (<1.0 9 109/L) 6.0 6.0 –
Neutrophils (abs)
Normal level 0.5–8.0 9 109/L 2.5 2.5 8.55
Low level (<0.5 9 109/L) 10 10 –
Eosinophils (abs) 10 10 10.5
Basophils (abs) 20 20 14.0
Lymphocytes (abs) 3.5 3.5 5.10
Monocytes (abs) 8.5 8.5 8.9
Normal range 3.0 3.0 4.6
Low (~50 9 109/L) 4.5 4.5 –
Very low (10–20 9 109/L) 5.0 5.0 –
MPV 2.5 2.5 2.15

In a verification report, the results for imprecision (repeatability and between batch) should be reported including the
mean and CV (%). The state-of-the-art CV (%) for imprecision (reproducibility and between-batch) is based on the
current literature [17, 19–29] and the experience of the authors. The fourth column represents the ‘Ricos criteria’ that
illustrate biological variation [30, 31], and these performance criteria are based on biological variability. There is con-
troversy regarding the use of these criteria for method verification [32]; therefore, we suggest to use the current state-
of-the-art CV (%) (columns 2 and 3) as criteria for acceptability of the HA under verification.
*For reticulocytes, the ‘Ricos criteria’ depend on the method used, for a fluorescent method the % varies between 0.8
and 6.5. In clinical laboratories or settings where the HA are not used to guide platelet transfusion therapy or, for
example, therapy with antibiotics in case of neutropenia a higher %CV can be considered for platelet count and neu-
trophil count in the lower range with a maximum of 10% CV for both.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2016, 38 (Suppl. 1), 100–109

with the instrument in routine. In the comparability current HA using linear regression. Perfect concor-
study (patient correlation studies), as many samples as dance results in a correlation coefficient (r value) of 1.
possible (generally 400 samples or more for each Yet, if the new HA is much more accurate than the
parameter) should be compared using both HA. Fur- old HA, this will negatively affect the correlation coef-
thermore, it is of importance to include normal and ficient, and thus, the correlation coefficient should be
abnormal samples in approximate equal proportions. interpreted with caution. In addition, some parame-
The difference between the HA under evaluation and ters are known for their poor correlation, such as the
the current analyzer or reference method should be as basophil count.
low as possible (Table 3a). The parameter from the
HA under evaluation can be compared with the
Sensitivity and specificity

Table 3. (a) Analytical accuracy, (b) Flagging Clinical sensitivity and specificity of flagging by HA
efficiency should be determined by comparing whether flagged
or unflagged samples accurately distinguish samples
State of the art (%)
with or without morphological abnormalities, respec-
(a)* tively, based on microscopic review and the micro-
Hb 1.3 scopic 400-cell differential count reference [33]. Yet,
Ht 1.8 not all morphological abnormalities are of equal clini-
RBC 3.2
cal relevance. We suggest that the accuracy of flagging
MCV 2.0
WBC 4.4 is at least evaluated for blast cells, promyelocytes,
Neutrophils (abs) 3.2 myelocytes, promonocytes, abnormal/atypical (sus-
Eosinophils (abs) 13 pected malignant) lymphocytes, fragmentocytes, plate-
Basophils (abs) 32 let clumps, red blood cell aggregation, and (depending
Lymphocytes (abs) 5.0 on the patient population) malaria-infected red blood
Monocytes (abs) 15
Platelets 6.4
cells. The specificity (% unflagged samples among all
morphological normal samples) and sensitivity (%
(b)† flagged samples among all morphological abnormal
Specificity >70
Sensitivity >90
samples) should be calculated. The current state of the
NPV >95 art is listed in Table 3b, although not all laboratories
PPV >60 are yet able to meet this current standard. Whereas
Overal efficiency >75 sensitivity is important to identify all pathology and
thus to provide accurate results, specificity is mainly
State-of-the-art Blast Variant Platelet important to limit the amount of unnecessary micro-
flagging (%)‡ cells lymphocytes clumps
scopic differentiations, thus to increase efficiently. To
Sensitivity >95 >80 >80 evaluate the predictive values and the overall effi-
Specificity >95 >95 >98 ciency of flagging in clinical laboratory practice, we
*The state of the art for accuracy is based on the current should select random samples to represent the normal
literature [4, 23] and the experience of the authors. Abs, workflow, as these values are influenced by the inci-
absolute count. dence of morphological abnormalities. The NPV, PPV,

Based on the current state of the art for aggregate of and overall efficiency can be calculated from the
various pathological findings (e.g., blasts, variant lym-
number of true positives (TP – abnormal morphology
phocytes, left shift (immature granulocytes), platelet
clumps) [20, 24, 26, 28, 34, 35] and the experience of with flag), true negatives (TN – normal morphology
the authors. It must be kept in mind that the outcome of without flag), false positives (FP – normal morphology
these calculations is dependent on the percentage and with flag), and false negatives (FN – abnormal mor-
the nature of the pathological samples. phology without flag) [15]. It is not feasible to calcu-

Based on the current state of the art for various patho- late a reliable sensitivity and specificity for all types of
logical findings [20, 24, 26, 28, 34, 35] and the experi-
flagging in among the broad variety of samples we
ence of the authors.
suggest including the most useful flags.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2016, 38 (Suppl. 1), 100–109

Specificity ¼  100: Table 4. State of the art for carryover, background,
(TN + FP) and linearity
Sensitivity ¼  100:
(TP+FN) Carryover (%) Background Linearity (r)
NPV ¼  100: Hb <0.4 <0.07 g/dL >0.99
RBC <0.5 <0.01 9 1012/L >0.99
PPV ¼  100: WBC <0.2 <0.03 9 109/L >0.99
(TP+FP) Plt <0.5 <0.5 9 109/L >0.99
Overall efficiency ¼  100:
(TP + FP+TN+FN) The state of the art for carryover, background, and lin-
earity are based on the current literature [22, 23, 37]
and the experience of the authors.

Carryover, background, and linearity

Carryover is defined as the amount of analyte carried lowest analyte concentration that produces a signal
by the HA from one sample measurement into the that can be reliable distinguished form background
subsequent measurement [6, 7, 9]. This may erro- noise. It is based on the background and repro-
neously affect (usually increase) the reported concen- ducibility of a low concentration sample and usefully
tration in the subsequent sample. It is mainly of lies below the reported range. Based on the CLSI
importance for carryover from high to low concentra- guideline [7], the lower limit of quantitation is the
tions of Hb, RBC, WBC, and platelets. The percentage level on which the imprecision for WBCs is 15%CV
carryover is assessed by analyzing a sample with a and for platelets 25% CV. Ideally, the lower limit of
high concentration three times (H1, H2, H3) followed quantitation should be <0.1 9 109/L for WBCs and
by analyzing sample with a low concentration three <1.0 9 109/L for platelets. The limit of quantitation
times (L1, L2, L3). Percentage carryover is calculated should be used to define the lower limit of the
as follows: reported range (Table 4).
ðL1  L3Þ Linearity (analytical measuring range) is the ability
 100: of the HA to provide a result that is proportional to
ðH3  L3Þ
the analyte that is measured over a defined concen-
Bear in mind that even a carryover percentage as tration range [6, 7, 9]. There should be a linear rela-
small as 2% may influence the results profoundly. For tion over a large concentration range at various
instance, at a carryover of 2%, a sample with a true dilutions for the parameter that is determined. Obvi-
platelet count of 1000 9 109/L (H3) may falsely ously, this does only apply for parameters expressed
increase the platelet count of a subsequent sample of per plasma volume and not for cell indices. To evalu-
5 9 109/L (L3, true value) to 25 9 109/L (L1), an ate linearity, a sample with a high (or artificially ele-
false increase of 500% that can be prevented by dupli- vated) concentration of a certain parameter is diluted
cated measurements in such circumstances. If the car- with diluent or AB plasma and measured in duplicate.
ryover is only 0.5% in the same situation, the second In the optimal situation, linear regression will show a
sample will be measured at 10 9 109/L instead of the regression line with an intercept of zero and a slope
true value of 5 9 109/L. of 1. The correlation coefficient (r value) should be
Background (limit of blank) refers to any signal close to 1. As linearity is usually not a big issue for
(noise) that is measured but does not originate from HA, the biggest challenge in linearity evaluation may
the parameter of interest. Background may be caused be to carry out a perfect duplicate dilution series.
by an interfering substance, for example, signals from
blood free reagents or electronic noise caused by the
HA [36]. Optimally, the background counts should
be zero. A negligible background count is most Several characteristics such as age, sex and ethnic
important in body fluids with very low cell counts group may influence CBC parameters. Therefore, an
like CSF. The lower limit of detection refers to the accurate and careful verification process to verify the

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2016, 38 (Suppl. 1), 100–109

reference interval for each reportable parameter is unexpected discrepancies between reported results,
necessary. ICSH recommends to include at least 120 this may lead to misinterpretation and possibly unnec-
healthy persons (60 male/60 female) to establish essary clinical intervention [40, 41]. To assure harmo-
whether the reference interval is the same as the cur- nization of reported results between different
rent HA [6]. If appropriate also pediatric reference analyzers and methods, an interinstrument quality
intervals should be verified, although, in practice, control comparison is needed. Usually this can be
usually published reference intervals or those pro- achieved by measuring patient samples (thereby
vided by the manufacturer of the HA are used. Yet, if avoiding so-called matrix effect of stabilized quality
there is good concordance between the old and new control samples) on these multiple systems and com-
HA as is demonstrated by a comparison study, one paring the results. It is recommended that multiple
may argue whether reference values should be HA are compared at least on a weekly basis, using at
re-established for each new HA. least three samples or more [38, 39].
The participation in an External Quality Assess-
ment (EQA) Scheme (also known as proficiency test-
ing scheme) is mandatory [38, 39]. The EQA samples
For intra-instrument quality control (internal quality should be handled in the same way as routine patient
control), the measurement of quality control samples samples to acquire a fair comparison. EQA usually
on a daily basis (or more often) is obligatory [7]. Usu- uses manipulated samples which are composed to
ally, these quality control samples are obtained from resemble pathological samples (e.g., extremely high or
the manufacturer and they consist of two or three low cell counts). The samples are manipulated to
levels (low, medium, high). There are several pitfalls. lengthen the shelf life and reduce the sensitivity of
First, these samples are usually manipulated to the sample to transport related problems (temperature
lengthen the shelf life; therefore, they may behave fluctuations and vibration). Therefore, direct compar-
differently than ordinary patient material. Second, the ison with patient results is not possible. Laboratories
manufacturer target’s limits are often very broad, and must use the EQA results to compare their results
subtle changes in analyzer behavior may thus be with (inter)national consensus or reference results
missed. Therefore, it is recommended to adjust the and use these to improve their quality and to harmo-
target range after a run-in period of several measure- nize their HA with a consensus group. It must be kept
ments, for example, to the mean  2 standard devia- in mind that, in the absence of a reference method,
tions. A benefit in using these quality control samples the results should be compared with a group of HA
is that they may be used to judge the instrument pre- that use the same analytical technique, as consensus
cision over time (i.e., drift) using a Levey–Jennings values may be systematically biased by inaccuracy of
graph; however, it must be kept in mind that at the most dominant group method [42]. Moreover, EQA
end of the shelf life the quality of the control samples material should not be used for calibration purposes
may deteriorate [38, 39]. (because a EQA consensus value and a true value
An attractive alternative approach is the use of the (calibrator) are not necessarily similar). In some coun-
so-called moving average. This statistical method uses tries, regulatory agencies abuse the EQA results to
the fact that the analytical parameters of the CBC in a evaluate the quality of the participating laboratory.
large population are stable over time, changes in the This has a negative influence on the self-improvement
average value thus possibly represent an analytical of the laboratories, and this practice should be
problem. This method has proven to be very robust discouraged [38, 39].
and cheap, however it cannot fully replace the use of
quality control samples [38, 39].
If a laboratory has multiple HA and/or different
analytical techniques that are used for the same To ensure the best quality of results reported by HA, a
parameter, interinstrument quality control should be thorough verification progress is advised. This article
performed. All methods should lead to the same result provides practical guidance for verification of HA.
in each sample. If different methods lead to Limits of acceptability for HA measurement

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2016, 38 (Suppl. 1), 100–109

characteristics based on the current state of the art

have been summarized. We have described pitfalls
and challenges within the verification process of HA
and suggest that clinical laboratory verification instruc- JV and AH wrote, revised, and approved the manu-
tions take these considerations into account. In addi- script. JV and AH: The department of clinical chemistry
tion, different approaches for quality control have been and Hematology (UMC Utrecht, Netherlands) has
given to ensure optimal quality of parameters reported received funding for contract research from Abbott
by HA. Diagnostics (Santa Clara, CA, USA).

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