A Quadrature Class-G Complex-Domain Doherty Digital Power Amplifier
A Quadrature Class-G Complex-Domain Doherty Digital Power Amplifier
A Quadrature Class-G Complex-Domain Doherty Digital Power Amplifier
978-1-7281-1701-0/19/$31.00 © 2019 IEEE 291 2019 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium
Authorized licensed use limited to: ETH BIBLIOTHEK ZURICH. Downloaded on October 12,2020 at 10:27:27 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
VDD2 Main
Vss Vss
PA Vout PA 0.75
VDD2 Peak
Vss 0 dB PBO Vss 2.5 dB PBO
Ideal DE Ideal DE
100% 100%
(dB) (dB)
12 6 2.5 0 12 6 2.5 0
VDD2 Main
Vss Vss
PA 0.5 PA 0.25
OUT Vout OUT Vout
VDD2 Peak
Vss 6 dB PBO Vss 12 dB PBO
Ideal DE Ideal DE
100% 100%
(dB) (dB)
12 6 2.5 0 12 6 2.5 0
Fig. 2. Operation region vs. I/Q codes for (a) CDD, (b) Class-G, and (c) the Fig. 3. Ideal DE curve for the Class-G CDD DPA for the output vector with
quadrature IQ-cell-shared Class-G CDD DPA. 45, 135, 225, or 315 angle.
II. DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED QUADRATURE IQ-CELL- SHARED power region where only the main PA operates. The Class-G
CLASS-G COMPLEX-DOMAIN DOHERTY DPA operation is also implemented for both main and peak PAs,
which adds two efficiency peaks in addition to the efficiency
A. Theory of Operation peak for Doherty operation. In Fig. 2 (b), the grey area
A quadrature IQ-cell-shared DPA [7] can generate an indicates the region of the Class-G operation with both VDD
output vector in the complex domain as in the conventional and VDD2 (=2VDD) supply voltages, and the white area
quadrature configuration without a phase modulator. The represents the area with only VDD supply voltage. The
maximum Pout and efficiency are significantly improved in combined operation with CDD and dual-supply Class-G in the
comparison to the conventional quadrature configuration (Fig. complex domain is illustrated in Fig. 2 (c). The detailed
1 (b)) because the output vector is not represented by the operation of the proposed DPA in different PBO regions is
orthogonal I and Q vectors generated by the dedicated sub- illustrated in Fig. 3. An ideal drain efficiency (DE) curve for
PAs as shown in Fig. 1(c). Proposed complex-domain Doherty the output vector with the 45, 135, 225, or 315 angle
(CDD) improves the efficiency with additional efficiency demonstrates multiple efficiency peaks at 0-dB, 2.5-dB, 6-dB,
peaks at the PBO region because the peak PA operates only and 12-dB PBO as shown in Fig. 3. The ideal DE shows an
when the main PA generates a maximum Pout. The CDD efficiency peak associated with the Doherty at 6-dB PBO and
provides a load modulation as in the conventional Doherty two additional efficiency peaks associated with the Class-G at
configuration for vector components with the same angle, 2.5-dB and 12-dB PBO. The efficiency curve also shows a
while it expresses the complete complex domain as in the smooth transition between different supply voltage domains
quadrature configuration for orthogonal vector components. and between main/peak PAs due to the continuous changes in
The proposed quadrature DPA based on IQ-cell-shared Class- supply voltages and impedance.
G switched-capacitor (SC) PA (SCPA) operates in the CDD
configuration as described in Fig. 1(c). Each main and peak B. Overall Architecture
quadrature Class-G IQ-cell-shared SCPA delivers the The proposed 12b quadrature DPA, as shown in Fig. 4,
maximum Pout at 45/135/225/315 with IQ-combined unit consists of 11b main and peak DPAs that are integrated with a
vectors [7] as shown in Fig. 1(c). The output vectors with VMD power-combining XFMR for impedance modulation in
different angles in the main and peak Class-G PAs are coupled the complex domain. It operates as a standalone transmitter
with XFMR in VMD configuration to achieve multiple and generates an RF signal from digital I/Q data without a
efficiency peaks in the complex domain. CORDIC or a phase modulator. As described in Fig. 4, a four-
Fig. 2 illustrates the operation region in the complex phase signal generator is used to generate the four IQ-
domain of the proposed DPA with CDD and dual-supply combined unit vectors in the quadrature transmitter. Each
Class-G architecture. In Fig. 2 (a), the area marked with a main and peak PA is a quadrature IQ-cell-shared Class-G
diagonal grid depicts the operation region where both main SCPA. The most significant bits of the I/Q data are assigned to
and peak PAs are turned on, and the white area shows the low- select the main and peak PAs, and the next 5 and 6 bits are
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Peak Power Amplifier
Q<5:0> 6 6 I<5:0>
I<11:6> 6
Q<11:10> 2 2 I<11:10>
Q<11:6> 6 4
4- Phase Fig. 6. EVM vs. average Pout for an 802.11ax 40-MHz (20-MHz) 1024-QAM
I<11:0> Q<11:0> fin < 1024-QAM OFDM fc = 2.2GHz > < 1024 QAM fc = 2.2GHz >
EVM = - 42.0dB Pout = 14.7dBm EVM = - 43.0dB Pout = 21dBm
Fig. 4. Block diagram of the quadrature IQ-cell-shared Class-G CDD DPA.
845 um
(a) (c)
< 1024-QAM OFDM >
< fc = 2.2GHz >
EVM = - 42.0dB
Fig. 5. Die photograph. 5dB/div
III. MEASUREMENT RESULTS a power combining transformer, and pads as shown in the chip
The prototype of the quadrature IQ-cell-shared Class-G micrograph (Fig. 5). The prototype chip is mounted, and wire
CDD DPA, fabricated in a 65-nm RF CMOS process, bonded on PCB.
occupies a chip area of 1.070.845 mm2 including main and Fig. 6 shows the measured EVM of the proposed
peak SCPAs, a four-phase signal generator, a LVDS receiver, quadrature DPA with an 802.11ax 40-MHz (20-MHz) 1024-
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Table 1. Performance comparison with the state-of-the-art
This work
2017 [3] 2016 [4] 2018 [7]
Polar Quadrature
Quadrature Quadrature
Architecture Class-G Class-G
Class-G Class-G
Process 45 nm 65 nm 65 nm 65 nm
Supply 2.4/1.2V 2.4/1.2V 2.5/1.2V 2.55/1.25V
9b 7b 11b 12b
(5+4) (6+1) (6+5) (1+5+6)
frequency 3.5GHz 2GHz 2.2GHz 2.2GHz
Peak power 25.3 dBm 20.5 dBm 30.1 dBm 27.8 dBm
Peak PAE 30.4% 20% 37.0% 32.1%
20-MHz 20-MHz
10-MHz LTE
Single- Single-
Modulation 32-Carrier 10-MHz
Carrier Carrier
1024 QAM 64 QAM
256 QAM 1024 QAM
Avg. power 14.8 dBm 14.5 dBm 22.5 dBm 21 dBm
Fig. 8. SE vs. Pout for continuous-wave (CW) signal.
PAPR 10.5 dB 6 dB** 7.6 dB 6.8 dB
QAM OFDM signal with a 13.1-dB (12.4-dB) PAPR at System
18.0%* 12.2% 18.3% 18.4%
2.2GHz. The measured EVM is -42.0 dB (-43.3 dB) after
digital predistortion (DPD) at 14.7-dBm (15.4-dBm) average EVM (DPD) -40.3 dB -28.8 dB -40.3 dB -43.0 dB
Pout. The EVM floor is -42.7 dB (-43.5 dB) at an average Pout * Power consumption of PA only excluding CORDIC and phase modulator
** Estimated from the peak/average power.
of 10.3 dBm (11.1 dBm), and the PA achieves EVM of <−40
dB for a more than 10-dB (12-dB) dynamic range after DPD. multiple efficiency peaks, and the linearization techniques for
Fig. 7(a) and (b) depict the measured constellation and unary and binary cells enhance the linearity of the quadrature
spectrum for a 40-MHz 802.11ax signal at 14.7-dBm average DPA.
Pout. The system efficiency (SE) measured with a 20-MHz
single-carrier 1024-QAM signal with 6.8-dB PAPR at 21-dBm ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Pout is 18.4%. The measured constellation is depicted in Fig.
The author would like to thank Integrand Software for
7(c) and demonstrates −43.0-dB EVM. providing an electromagnetics simulation tool (EMX).
Fig. 8 shows the measured SE vs. Pout at 2.2GHz with a
continuous-wave (CW) signal. The SE of the proposed IQ- REFERENCES
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A linear highly efficient transmitter based on a quadrature
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Authorized licensed use limited to: ETH BIBLIOTHEK ZURICH. Downloaded on October 12,2020 at 10:27:27 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.