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812 DAYS

ThrOUGh The hearT OF OUr GreaT CenTraL SUn
812 Days to Solar Consciousness
Through the Heart of Our Great Central Sun
“Our duty is to wake people up to the fact that our evolution is stellar/solar – the planet body is
a function of solar evolution.” —Valum Votan

Kin 28, Yellow Lunar Star, August 14 marks the completion of the 144 days of Star Remembrance that began
on Kin 144 (March, 23, 2014).

Supreme shifts have occurred and much memory restored during these 144 days, fractal of a baktun
cycle of 144,000 days. It is impossible to articulate all that is occurring.

As the gates of light are opening, we are being saturated with many signs and symbols. How we interpret
these signs is in accordance to the clarity of our mind and its orientation according to the stage of our soul
development. Developing discriminating awareness has never been so crucial for what is about to unfold.

Something entirely NEW is happening within us, within our planet, within the solar system, within the
galaxy, within the universe and within the multiverse and Beyond. A NEW FREQUENCY is being emitted
from the galactic center, unearthing all historical records and bringing them forth into the Light to meet the
cosmic future. The artificial grid is collapsing at an accelerated rate, core beliefs are being shattered, mass
disillusionment is occurring and during this 812-day cycle we will see unprecedented events unfolding. Our
duty is to remain aligned with the Spirit and true to our Core Essence. It is not enough to mouth the words,
we are being called to give our ALL to become the living embodiments of our Divine heritage. This is a Holy

“Then the Earth will shine with the LIGHT of its Lord. The record will be proclaimed, and the
prophets and witnesses will be brought forth. Everyone will then be judged equitably, without the
least injustice.” Quran 39:69, 3969 = BMU 441.

We are being invited into the larger Galactic Community, but first we must shed every layer of acquired
illusion. Only then can the long repressed unrequited cosmic LOVE come bursting forth through each of our
hearts, lighting up all universes.

The Key and the Dream

On the 136th day of this 144 day cycle, after 602 days of travel, I was given the Key for “housing the mystery”
(Kin 20, 7 Sun). This was on the 69th anniversary of Hiroshima and 1 year after releasing Valum Votan’s
ashes at the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico where he had had his first vision in 1953.

Four days later, in the morning of Kin 24, I had a dream with Votan who transmitted images of the
unfolding of world events. We had a lucid discussion about the 812-day program of Sirian rebirth that we
had been engaged in at the time of his passing. Much information was transmitted (most of which was non-
812 Days to Solar Consciousness - Through the Heart of Our Great Central Sun

conceptual), though he indicated about learning to “ascend” and “descend” simultaneously and now more
than ever the importance of anchoring the new frequency to stabilize the dissonant energies on our planet.

Upon waking from the dream I reviewed the 144 days of Star Remembrance. Then I noted that it
concludes on Kin 28, and of course the next day is Kin 29.

28 x 29 = 812.

Then I counted 812 days and saw that it concludes on Kin 60, Yellow Galactic Sun, of 11 Storm year
(Self-Existing 18/November 4, 2016).

29 + 60 = 89. Kin 89 is the signature of VV’s passing

60 – 29 = 31, Kin 31, Blue Overtone Monkey, was signature of his final birthday (January 24, 2011).

Also note that the 89th day of the 13 Moon year is Self-Existing 5 (Oct. 22, 2010). This is the day that
Valum Votan received the Galactic Spiral Density Wave (Kin 197). The key to these cycles was telepathic
element 113, sign of Quetzalcoatl, Lord of the Dawn and this year’s Day Out of Time: July 25, 2015.

One synchronicity after another began to reveal itself indicating the significance of this 812-day cycle.
It has kept me awake for nearly two nights and it felt important to complete as much as possible by Cosmic
Worldbridger, Kin 26, one of the 13 clear signs on the tomb lid of Pacal Votan and 8-12 on the Gregorian

Realizing that the many numbers and information might be baffling for those new to this, however if
you print this out and follow along with your 13 Moon Almanac or calendar/synchronometer, with patience,
all will become clear.

812-day CyCLe BeGInS red eLeCTrIC mOOn/KIn 29/aUGUST 15, 2014

I activate in order to purify

Bonding flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of space

28 x 29 = 812

116 x 7 = 812

812 reversed is 218, signature of the opening of the tomb of Pacal Votan.

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812 Days to Solar Consciousness - Through the Heart of Our Great Central Sun

Kin 218 is Day Out of Time July 25, 2016.

In vigesimal 812 is written 2.0.12.

8 + 1 + 2 = 11

The 144 days that began on Kin 144 concludes on Kin 28 (Aug. 14, 2014).

28 backward is 82. The 82nd day of the 812-day cycle (that begins on Kin 29) is Kin 110, White
Rhythmic Dog (Nov. 4, 2014), key to the divine feminine matrix (as Kin 107 is key to divine masculine in
Holomind Perceiver codes).

This 812-day cycle concludes two years from this date, Self-Existing Moon 18 (Nov. 4, 2016). The final
day of this cycle is Kin 60, Yellow Galactic Sun, birth signature of Pacal Votan from whose tomb all of this
knowledge was derived. Pacal means “solar shield.” This day lands on the 102nd day of the Spectral Storm
Year. Kin 102 is the liberation of Spirit and signature of Paramahansa Yogananda.

Self-Existing Moon 4 (Oct. 21) is a Key date to pay attention to, and more specifically Oct. 21, 4772 (see
Chapter 13 Book of the Cube).

On page 133, on the section entitled “Jose Arguelles,” of the recently published (2009) book 2012
Mayan Prophecy, by David Douglas is the following passage:

“It is interesting that recent decodings of the hieroglyphs at Palenque, which are understood to have
been made during the reign of Pacal the Great, refer to dates beyond the end of the Long Count
calendar. On the Tablet of the Inscriptions at Palenque a date of 5 Lamat 1 Mol can be
inferred – otherwise known as 21 October 4772 AD, almost 3000 years in the future. Perhaps we
can deduce from this that Pacal himself believed that the end of the fifth age did not represent the
end of time or of the Earth, and that his name would be still mentioned in the sixth age.”

Valum Votan writes: “This is not just a random date, but as noted precisely 7 baktuns and eight
days after 21/12/2012, and exactly 20 baktuns and 8 days after the beginning of the Cycle of history,
3113 BC.

“If October 21 (Self-Existing Moon 4), 4772 is, then October 13, Electric Moon 24,
would be the precise completion of the 20 baktun cycle begun on 13 August 3113 AD (Julian 3114).”

Here we pause to reflect. The codings are numerous.

Self-Existing Moon 4 or 4.4 (Gregorian Oct. 21) is the 88th day of the 13 Moon year/solar ring.

Kin 88 was the final day of Valum Votan’s earthly life.

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812 Days to Solar Consciousness - Through the Heart of Our Great Central Sun

This year, Electric Moon 24 (Oct. 13) lands on Kin 88. This day marks the 60th day of the 812 days of
Sirian rebirth. This signifies a double infinity upgrade to the 11th octave.

Regarding the Oct. 13, 4772 date Valum Votan writes: This is actually a revolutionary and stunning fact to
consider. Also in the long count the date is 5 Lamat, Kin 148 Yellow Overtone Star – that is the sign of
the Arcturus Command, the sign of the Star Traveler. That also means the 20 baktun Long Count end date would
be 10 Ahau – Yellow Planetary Sun, Kin 140, key number of the Telektonon Prophecy.

On the Dreamspell, the return date would be White Resonant Worldbridger 7 Cimi (one of the two
lords of Xibalba in the Popul Vuh) and the end date of the 7-(and entire 20) baktun count, would be White Crystal
Mirror, Kin 38. Note: The Crystal Mirror holds the round table of the Hand Wavespell, just as the end of the 13
baktun count it was Crystal Hand, that held the round table of the Warrior Wavespell.

Because of this information the future can now be recalled, and further meaning be given to the two sequences
of cycles – 13 baktuns and 7 baktuns, the two key creation numbers of the Law of Time – 20 baktuns in all,
signifying a cycle of totality, the establishment of the Dynasty of Earth.

BLUe SPeCTraL STOrm year (2016-2017)

Let’s look again at this date 4.4 (Oct. 21) in this 812-day cycle. It is the:

68th day of the 812-day cycle in the Solar Moon Year (2014). (Kin 96)
433rd day of the 812-day cycle in the Planetary Wizard Year (2015). (Kin 201)
798th day of the 812-day cycle in the Spectral Storm Year (2016). (Kin 46)

Pay special attention to the Spectral Storm Year.

Since the year-bearers run in 52-year cycles, the previous Spectral Storm year occurred in 1964, and
before that 1912 (when the Titanic sunk). The next Spectral Storm year will be in 2068 and on every 52
years until 4772!

This Blue Spectral Storm Year is New Sirius Cycle 1.29 and begins the 53 52-year cycles or Sirian
Wheels (2756 years total). This first Sirian Wheel is from 2016 – 2068. This establishes the First Galactic
Dynasty of Timeship Earth. This time will see great advancement of telepathic technologies and mind

The Galactic knowledge and mission is rapidly accelerating on a parallel track to the unfoldment of world
events and machine technology. These codes of time, and especially Synchronotron, rapidly accelerate the
brain capacities, so that our mind begins to function like a matrix, mathematically ordered and experiencing
multiple significances simultaneously.

Those who are inspired might keep a log for each 28-day cycle and share their synchronicities in relation
to the unfoldment of world events that are sure to be mind-bending.

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812 Days to Solar Consciousness - Through the Heart of Our Great Central Sun


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

- 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022

7-Year Cycle of the

13-Year Cycle to Establish Noosphere of Timeship Earth. Planetary Telepathic Network in full operation.
2016 New Solar Human: 2022
- 2017 - 2023

2015 Vision 2023

- 2016 - 2024


2014 2013 2024

- 2015 - 2014 - 2025


- 2026

8 MOON - 2040

- 2027


2027 2038 2037

- 2028 - 2039 - 2038


2028 2036
- 2029 - 2037


2029 2035
- 2030 - 2036


2030 2031 2032 2033 2034

- 2031 - 2032 - 2033 - 2034 - 2035

By 2032-2033 (Blue Magnetic Storm Year)

Psi Bank of Noosphere fully operative.
Human race functioning as single organism.

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812 Days to Solar Consciousness - Through the Heart of Our Great Central Sun

There are many, many treasures within this 812-day cycle of Solar Consciousness for YOU to discover.
There are many secret doors to unlock and star gates to open.

“The more you get free of your conditionings, the sacred Lights will show you the way.”
—Mevlana, The Knowledge Book


ThrOUGh The hearT OF OUr GreaT CenTraL SUn
28 mOOnS + 1
1. First 28-day Cycle. Days 1 – 28. Kin 29, 3 Moon, Magnetic 21 (Aug. 15, 2014) – Kin 56, 4 Warrior, Lunar
20 (Sept. 11, 2014). 9 Moon Year, 28 days complete.

2. Second 28-day Cycle. Days 29 – 56. Kin 57, 5 Earth, Lunar 21 (Sept. 12, 2014) – Kin 84, 6 Seed, Electric
20 (Oct. 9, 2014). 9 Moon Year, 56 days complete.

3. Third 28-day Cycle. Days 57 – 84. Kin 85, 7 Serpent, Electric 21 (Oct. 10, 2014) – Kin 112, 8 Human,
Self-Existing 20 (Nov. 6, 2014). 9 Moon Year, 84 days complete.

4. Fourth 28-day Cycle. Days 85 – 112. Kin 113, 9 Skywalker, Self-Existing 21 (Nov. 7, 2014) – Kin 140: 10
Sun, Overtone 20 (Dec. 4, 2014). 9 Moon Year, 112 days complete.

5. Fifth 28-day Cycle. Days 113 – 140. Kin 141, 11 Dragon, Overtone 21 (Dec. 5, 2014) – Kin 168, 12 Star,
Rhythmic 20 (Jan. 1, 2015). 9 Moon Year, 140 days complete. Telektonon cycle.

6. Sixth 28-day Cycle. Days 141 – 168. Kin 169, 13 Moon, Rhythmic 21 (Jan. 2, 2015) – Kin 196, 1 Warrior,
Resonant 20 (Jan. 29, 2015). 9 Moon Year, 168 days complete.

7. Seventh 28-day Cycle. Days 169 – 196. Kin 197, 2 Earth, Resonant 21 (Jan. 30, 2015) – Kin 224, 3 Seed,
Galactic 20 (Feb. 26, 2015). 9 Moon Year, 196 days complete.

8. Eighth 28-day Cycle. Days 197 – 224. Kin 225, 4 Serpent, Galactic 21 (Feb. 27, 2015) – Kin 252, 5 Human,
Solar 20 (Mar. 26, 2015). 9 Moon Year, 224 days complete.

9. Ninth 28-day Cycle. Days 225 – 252. Kin 253, 6 Skywalker, Solar 21 (Mar. 27, 2015) – Kin 20, 7 Sun,
Planetary 20 (Apr. 23, 2015). 9 Moon Year, 252 days complete.

10. Tenth 28-day Cycle. Days 253 – 280. Kin 21, 8 Dragon, Planetary 21 (Apr. 24, 2015) – Kin 48, 9 Star,
Spectral 20 (May 21, 2015). 9 Moon Year, 280 days complete.

11. Eleventh 28-day Cycle. Days 281 – 308. Kin 49, 10 Moon, Spectral 21 (May 22, 2015) – Kin 76, 11
Warrior, Crystal 20 (Jun. 18, 2015). 9 Moon Year, 308 days complete.

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812 Days to Solar Consciousness - Through the Heart of Our Great Central Sun

12. Twelfth 28-day Cycle. Days 309 – 336. Kin 77, 12 Earth, Crystal 21 (Jun. 19, 2015) – Kin 104, 13 Seed,
Cosmic 20 (Jul. 16, 2015). 9 Moon Year, 336 days complete.

13. Thirteenth 28-day Cycle. Days 337 – 364. Kin 105, 1 Serpent, Cosmic 21 (Jul. 17, 2015) – Kin 132, 2
Human, Magnetic 19 (Aug. 13, 2015). 9 Moon & 10 Wizard Years, 364 days complete.

14. Fourteenth 28-day Cycle. Days 365 – 392. Kin 133, 3 Skywalker, Magnetic 20 (Aug. 14, 2015) – Kin 160,
4 Sun, Lunar 19 (Sept. 10, 2015). 10 Wizard Year, 392 days complete.

15. Fifteenth 28-day Cycle. Days 393 – 420. Kin 161, 5 Dragon, Lunar 20 (Sept. 11, 2015) – Kin 188, 6 Star,
Electric 19 (Oct. 8, 2015). 10 Wizard Year, 420 days complete.

16. Sixteenth 28-day Cycle. Days 421 – 448. Kin 189, 7 Moon, Electric 20 (Oct. 9, 2015) – Kin 216, 8
Warrior, Self-Existing 19 (Nov. 5, 2015). 10 Wizard Year, 448 days complete.

17. Seventeenth 28-day Cycle. Days 449 – 476. Kin 217, 9 Earth, Self-Existing 20 (Nov. 6, 2015) – Kin 244,
10 Seed, Overtone 19 (Dec. 3, 2015). 10 Wizard Year, 476 days complete.

18. Eighteenth 28-day Cycle. Days 477 – 504. Kin 245, 11 Serpent, Overtone 20 (Dec. 4, 2015) – Kin 12, 12
Human, Rhythmic 19 (Dec. 31, 2015). 10 Wizard Year, 504 days complete.

19. Nineteenth 28-day Cycle. Days 505 – 532. Kin 13, 13 Skywalker, Rhythmic 20 (Jan. 1, 2016) – Kin 40, 1
Sun, Resonant 19 (Jan. 28, 2016). 10 Wizard Year, 532 days complete.

20. Twentieth 28-day Cycle. Days 533 – 560. Kin 41, 2 Dragon, Resonant 20 (Jan. 29, 2016) – Kin 68, 3 Star,
Galactic 19 (Feb. 25, 2016). 10 Wizard Year, 560 days complete.

21. Twenty-first 28-day Cycle. Days 561 – 588. Kin 69, 4 Moon, Galactic 20 (Feb. 26, 2016) – Kin 96, 5
Warrior, Solar 19 (Mar. 25, 2016). 10 Wizard Year, 588 days complete.

22. Twenty-second 28-day Cycle. Days 589 – 616. Kin 97, 6 Earth, Solar 20 (Mar. 26, 2014) – Kin 124, 7
Seed, Planetary 19 (Apr. 22, 2016). 10 Wizard Year, 616 days complete.

23. Twenty-third 28-day Cycle. Days 617 – 644. Kin 125, 8 Serpent, Planetary 20 (Apr. 23, 2016) – Kin 152,
9 Human, Spectral 19 (May 20, 2016). 10 Wizard Year, 644 days complete.

24. Twenty-fourth 28-day Cycle. Days 645 – 672. Kin 153, 10 Skywalker, Spectral 20 (May 21, 2016) – Kin
180, 11 Sun, Crystal 19 (Jun. 17, 2016). 10 Wizard Year, 672 days complete.

25. Twenty-fifth 28-day Cycle. Days 673 – 700. Kin 181, 12 Dragon, Crystal 20 (Jun. 18, 2016) – Kin 208, 13
Star, Cosmic 19 (Jul. 15, 2016). 10 Wizard Year, 700 days complete.

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812 Days to Solar Consciousness - Through the Heart of Our Great Central Sun

26. Twenty-sixth 28-day Cycle. Days 701 – 728. Kin 209, 1 Moon, Cosmic 20 (Jul. 16, 2016) – Kin 236, 2
Warrior, Magnetic 18 (Aug. 12, 2016). 10 Wizard & 11 Storm Years, 728 days complete.

27. Twenty-seventh 28-day Cycle. Days 729 – 756. Kin 237, 3 Earth, Magnetic 19 (Aug. 13, 2016) – Kin 4, 4
Seed, Lunar 18 (Sept. 9, 2016). 11 Storm Year, 756 days complete.

28. Twenty-eighth 28-day Cycle. Days 757 – 784. Kin 5, 5 Serpent, Lunar 19 (Sept. 10, 2016) – Kin 32, 6
Human, Electric 18 (Oct. 7, 2016). 11 Storm Year, 784 days complete.

29. Twenty-ninth 28-day Cycle. Days 785 – 812. Kin 33, Electric 19, 7 Skywalker (Oct. 8, 2016) – Kin 60, 8
Sun, Self-Existing 18 (Nov. 4, 2016). 11 Storm Year, 812 days complete. Solar Consciousness attained.

Valum Votan writes (one of his final writings):

“Who but time’s special witness could lay the clue, decode it and then who but he could tell you:

“Seven baktuns will there be following the end

Of the 13 baktun cycle of history
One baktun for each of the seven generations to unfold their long-rehearsed and ancient future history.
Within this seven baktun span less four years there will be exactly

“53 cycles of 52 years, the Sirian round of time, running from 2016, 11 Storm, to 4772, also an
11 Storm year, 2756 years in all for the Seven Dynasties of Timeship Earth to unfold their future

“Then shall I return, time’s special witness, by Arcturus Star Command, on the eighth day after the
7th baktun – the completion of the 20 baktuns of the cycle of the transformation of the Earth, on
the 90th day following the completion of the 53rd solar galactic cycle, the cycle of Sirian rebirth in
time …And then it will be understood what is meant by seven generations to come, seven baktuns
in all, 53 cycles of the Sirian Wheel of Time.

“It is my job – my duty – for all humanity to see and to define what lies beyond that threshold for the
next 2760 years – until my next return at that time as a star traveler from the distant future – that
is, until the year AD 4772 – exactly seven baktuns and eight days after 2012.

“Look: From 3113 BC to 353 BC, the end of the seventh Baktun of the Mind Teachings is exactly
2760 years, the same measure as 2012 to 4772, 2760 years, exactly seven baktuns after the closing
of the cycle – that is when I shall return.

“4772 = 7885 years after 3113 BC that is exactly 2,880,000 kin, the equivalent of 20 baktuns. In
vigesimal notation 20 baktuns, 144,000 x 20 kin, is written”

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812 Days to Solar Consciousness - Through the Heart of Our Great Central Sun

Background Information: The initial 812-day program of Radiance began on Kin 69, 4 Moon, Magnetic
16, 2 Wizard Year (Aug. 10, 2007). It completed on Kin 101, 10 Dragon, Self-Existing 14, 4 Seed Year (Oct.
31, 2009). This first 812-day program was oriented toward cultivating psychophysical radiance of the subtle
body as a principle quality of the noosphere.

The next 812-day program of Sirian Rebirth began on Kin 102, 11 Wind, Self-Existing 15, 4 Seed Year
(November 1, 2009 – Mevlana Day). For this cycle we were focused on the integration of the 441 Holomind
Perceiver into conscious functioning for noogenesis through activation of the red and blue vulom force field
circuits (method of synchronotron). The program would have taken us through to Resonant Moon 12, Kin
133, Red Electric Skywalker (which is the GUIDE for the Red Electric Moon, Kin 29 – the day that begins
the current 812-day cycle to Solar Consciousness).

Stephanie South/Red Queen/Red Electric Serpent

NS1.27.1.18 Kin 26, White Cosmic Worldbridger

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