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Panama Canal Brochure

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The Third Set of Locks would not have

been possible without the great human
resources that have taken part in the pro-
ject, from its beginning and conceptual de-
sign to its final construction.

More than 10,000 workers of 40 different

nationalities, with high qualifications at eve-
ry level, have made this extraordinary pro-
ject a reality.

The Third Set of Locks is an amazing pro-

ject that has required a great deal of work
and effort, creating significant challenges
and unforeseeable difficulties, for which the
professionals involved have provided fast,
effective responses.

A titanic project of tremendous technical

complexity, because of its scope and be-
cause it required the use of great amounts
of innovation to design and execute the
best solution.

The Third Set of Locks is a key mega-

project designed to allow the Panama Ca-
nal to double its current capacity and meet
the increasing international traffic and trade

Without a doubt, The Third Set of Locks is

a colossal project that will forever go down
in the history of engineering and human-
The Third Set of Locks Project


HISTORY EXPANSION The operation of the Third Set of Locks is

August 15, 1914. On that day, the similar to that of the existing locks: there
The Panama Canal Expansion Project is are gigantic lock gates which allow the
Panama Canal opened with the transit
one of the largest and most ambitious vessels to enter and exit towards the
of the steamboat “Ancon”. The Ameri-
infrastructure works in modern engineer- chambers, which are filled with water and
cans’ support was essential to push
ing. The key project is the construction of act as elevators, raising and lowering the
forward a opportunity that France had
the so-called Third Set of Locks. This is a vessels to the different levels existing
attempted to lead in 1879 which ended
new transit way which runs parallel to the between the ocean and Gatun Lake until
in bankruptcy, making clear that the
current locks. It consists in two enormous their transit is completed. But there are
solution for Panama could not be a
and complex construction works, one important differences between the cur-
sea level canal, but rather a Canal with
located in the Atlantic and the other rent and the new looks.
on the Pacific, each stretching almost
two kilometers in length.  The new locks have a higher capaci-
ty, therefore allowing the transit of
larger vessels.
This project, that is being strategically
 They are also faster: they require
and meticulously designed, will allow the
less time to be filled and emptied
Panama Canal to reach more than twice
and use 7% less water than the cur-
its current capacity, in order to be able to
rent locks.
attend the ever increasing demand of
international trade.  They have nine basins on the side
for recycling water, which makes it
possible to save up to 60% of this
The Third Set of Locks reduce ships’ precious resource.
transit time and allow bigger vessels,
known as Post-Panamax, to transit the
water way. Panama needed to undertake
the expansion of the Panama Canal in
order to preserve its hegemony in inter-
national trade. And the new locks are,
without a doubt, the most efficient and
Under the American leadership, within effective solution.
ten years and with more than 75,000
people working around the clock, one
of the engineering wonders of the
World was complete.

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