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Modeling mind-wandering: a tool to better understand distraction

van Vugt, Marieke; Taatgen, Niels; Sackur, Jerome; Bastian, Mikael

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Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling.

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van Vugt, M., Taatgen, N., Sackur, J., & Bastian, M. (2015). Modeling mind-wandering: a tool to better
understand distraction. In N. Taatgen, M. van Vugt, J. Borst, & K. Mehlhorn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th
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Modeling mind-wandering: a tool to better understand distraction
Marieke K. van Vugt ( & Niels A. Taatgen (
Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Engineering, University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 9, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands

Jérôme Sackur ( & Mikaël Bastian (

Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France.

Abstract Mind-wandering may–depending on circumstances–be ei-

ther adaptive or non-adaptive. While mind-wandering dur-
When we get distracted, we may engage in mind-wandering, or
task-unrelated thinking, which impairs performance on cogni- ing a task that requires continuous cognitive control may
tive tasks. Yet, we do not have cognitive models that make this be problematic, mind-wandering during a task that does not
process explicit. On the basis of both recent experiments that require continuous attention may in fact contribute to im-
have started to investigate mind-wandering and introspective
knowledge from for example meditators, we built a process proved problem-solving and creativity, since it frequently in-
model of distraction in the form of mind-wandering. We then volves prospective memory (Baird et al., 2012). At present,
tested the model by predicting performance on tasks used in there are several theories of mind-wandering that have em-
mind-wandering studies. We showed that we could both pre-
dict task performance as well as the participants’ responses to phasized different aspects of this process. The executive fail-
questions about what they were thinking about. This improved ure theory states that mind-wandering occurs out of a fail-
understanding of mind-wandering could be used in the future ure to focus attention on relevant information (McVay &
to revise our models of when, how, and why distraction occurs.
For example, our model could be used to examine how the ef- Kane, 2009), while the perceptual decoupling theory states
fect of distraction on task performance depends on the type of that mind-wandering is primarily a process of decoupling
mind-wandering (e.g., rumination versus day-dreaming). from the external environment, such that it can be devoted to
Keywords: ACT-R; mind-wandering; meditation; distraction internal processes (Smallwood, Beach, Schooler, & Handy,
2008; Smallwood et al., 2011). Evidence for perceptual de-
Introduction coupling comes from studies that have found that the ampli-
Reports suggest that we spend more than half of our wak- tude of evoked potentials is reduced during states of task-
ing time mind-wandering (Killingsworth & Gilbert, 2010). unrelated thought (Smallwood et al., 2008). In addition,
While it is known that mind-wandering also affects task per- the pupil responds less to presented stimuli during states
formance, there are very few studies that examine mind- of mind-wandering (Smallwood et al., 2011). Instead of
wandering experimentally, and models of this cognitive pro- processing perceptual stimuli, the brain appears to be en-
cess are even more scarce. In fact, most studies consider these gaged in episodic processing during the periods of distrac-
distraction processes as some form of mental noise. However, tion (Andrews-Hanna, Smallwood, & Spreng, 2014). Exec-
it is likely that mind-wandering is not a unitary process but is utive failure theory is based on studies that relate cognitive
a collection of different processes. For example, rumination control abilities to the ability to resist mind-wandering (Kane
about ones’ fears may be very different from daydreaming & McVay, 2012). Alternatively, it has been suggested that
about an upcoming beach trip. It will be much more dif- mind-wandering results from failures in meta-cognition, the
ficult to disengage from the rumination than from the day- ability to observe ones’ thoughts (Fox & Christoff, 2014).
dreaming, and rumination will activate a much smaller set of None of the above-mentioned theories has been formalized
memories more strongly. Differentiating between the effects in computational models. Closest related to studying mind-
of these types of mind-wandering requires an explicit model. wandering come models of distraction and fatigue. For ex-
Mind-wandering refers to processes of task-unrelated ample, Gunzelmann, Gross, Gluck, and Dinges (2009) inves-
thinking (see Smallwood & Schooler, 2014, for a review). tigated the effects of fatigue on performance on a monotonous
This is a process that is not triggered by external distrac- psychomotor vigilance task. According to his model, fatigue
tors, but rather triggered by the mind itself. Recent studies impacted a parameter used to compute the utility of particular
have started to investigate mind-wandering experimentally by task strategies (this parameter has been associated with mo-
means of various tasks in which people are known to zone tivation). This parameter change made random key presses
out such as slow sustained attention tasks (e.g., Cheyne, Car- more likely as the participant became more tired. In addi-
riere, & Smilek, 2009) or reading a boring text (e.g., McVay tion, they modelled lapses in behavior by having productions
& Kane, 2012). To assess mind-wandering, experimenters that had a sufficiently low activation that they would only be
may insert thought probes into their task, which ask the par- performed as a result of random fluctuations in their activa-
ticipants about whether they were on-task or off-task (e.g., tion parameter. Note how their model does not model dis-
Cheyne et al., 2009). It has been found that there are more traction through mind-wandering as an explicit process, but
errors and response time variability increases during self- instead assumes that the cognitive system is not functioning
reported mind-wandering (Bastian & Sackur, 2013). during distraction. Similarly, Gonzalez, Best, Healy, Kole,

and Bourne Jr. (2011) modelled the effects of fatigue on a
data entry task as a reduction in motivation in combination
with a reduction in attentional control. This attentional con-
trol parameter affects the activation of different pieces of in-
formation, and the larger this parameter is, the better these
pieces of information can be distinguished.
A previous ACT-R model of a sustained attention task that
is often used in mind-wandering studies (Peebles & Both-
ell, 2010) focused primarily on explaining response times
decrease just preceding an attentional lapse (as reflected in
an error). They produced this phenomenon by a competition
Figure 2: Model simulation of performance in the SART
between two response strategies: one strategy is responding
task described by Mrazek and colleagues (2012). The model
whenever a stimulus is detected, which is very fast, while an
(blue) captures both the number of SART errors and variabil-
alternative strategy first checks the stimulus before respond-
ity in response time observed empirically (red).
ing. When the fast strategy fails then ACT-R will switch to
the most costly slow strategy. Note that this model does not
implement an explicit cognitive mechanism for what happens goal is activated because it has been retrieved from episodic
during distraction. Here we intend to build on that previous memory. This goal then decays over time, and at some point
model by implementing a competition between a “distracted” the “distraction” goal becomes stronger (Figure 1). When the
and an “attentive” model, where the distracted model makes “distracted” goal is retrieved by this checking production, the
the mind-wandering process explicit. mind-wandering model commences.
Mind-wandering consists of a continuous retrieval of
Model declarative memories. The retrieval process keeps continuing
Our model of distraction (Figure 1) consists primarily of a until at some point a memory that says “remember to attend”
competition between a sub-model for paying attention to the is retrieved. At that point, the model returns to paying atten-
task and a sub-model for mind-wandering. The model was tion and the whole cycle can start again. There is spreading
implemented in the Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational activation between memories, which ensures that–as in real
(ACT-R) cognitive architecture (Anderson, 2007). Tasks are life–memories that are of the same valence (positive, nega-
implemented in this cognitive architecture by specifying a set tive, or neutral) tend to be recalled in sequence (van Vugt,
of if-then statements (production rules) that describe how dif- Hitchcock, Shahar, & Britton, 2012).
ferent cognitive resources interact. Two ACT-R mechanisms Our main goal in this paper is to find out whether the hy-
are of crucial importance for our model. First, ACT-R has a pothesized mind-wandering model can in fact describe em-
memory store, where the activation of each memory chunk pirical mind-wandering data. Studies have experimentally
determines its use and its retrieval time. The activation in studied mind-wandering by giving participants a very boring
turn is determined by how often a chunk is retrieved, its ac- task, in which participants are likely to drift off. Here, we
tivation at baseline, and how much activation spreads from will model data from two experiments: Mrazek, Smallwood,
other, related memory chunks. The second mechanism that and Schooler (2012) (Experiment 1) and Bastian and Sackur
determines what happens in the model at a particular moment (2013) (Experiment 2). Both experiments are variants of the
is the utility associated with each production rule. When pro- sustained attention to response task (SART), in which partic-
duction rules help to generate rewards, their utility goes up, ipants are requested to press a button as quickly as possible
leading them to be used more frequently. However, given that every time a target is presented, but to withhold a button press
in mind-wandering there are no external reward processes to a more rarely presented non-target (Cheyne et al., 2009;
that guide the process, we will not make use of this second Smallwood et al., 2004).
mechanism in our model. When the distraction model is inserted in a model of
In this application, the model starts out by focusing its at- the SART task, we assume performance is determined by
tention on the stimulus on the screen. When there is a stim- the following mechanisms, building on Peebles and Bothell
ulus, it will process the stimulus and perform the appropriate (2010)’s model. When task stimuli are presented while the
action. When there is no stimulus, it will continually run a model is in paying attention mode, the model will look at
production which checks what the most active goal (“paying the stimuli and retrieve the relevant stimulus-response map-
attention” or “distraction”) is in declarative memory (“check ping from episodic memory. Conversely, when the model is
whether attending” in Figure 1). The activations of the goals distracted, it will not retrieve the stimulus-response mapping
in declarative memory are governed by rules from episodic from episodic memory but instead respond with the habitual
memory decay (Altmann & Gray, 2008). This means that response. However, responding may take a little while, be-
items that are retrieved in activation, but over time the acti- cause the model will only be able to respond when it is not
vation decays. At the start of the task, the “paying attention” busy retrieving a memory in its mind-wandering train. This

Figure 1: Model time line. Each box cor-
responds to a production (some less im-
portant productions have been left out).
The model starts on the left top with
retrieving its current goal, correspond-
ing to goal checking. Initially, the “at-
tending” goal has the highest activation
(see dashed blue box), but over time the
attending goal declines in activation to
become similar to the distracted goal.
(from declarative)
"goal: attending" retrieve memory When this “distracted” goal is retrieved,
(from declarative)
the model switches to retrieving memo-
any memory
"goal: distracted" "remember to attend" ries from declarative memory, represent-
stimulus appearance ing mind-wandering. Mind-wandering
identify-stimulus (cyan) continues until “remember to at-
give standard response tend” (purple) is retrieved. At that time,
retrieve S-R*-mapping the model goes back to monitoring goals.
When a stimulus is presented (pink line),

respond or withhold
then the model identifies it and retrieves
key the stimulus-response mapping in case it
return to task is attending. When it is distracted, it fin-
*S-R = stimulus-response
distraction ishes retrieving the current distraction and
then presses the default response.

potential delay before responding is responsible for creating

the increase in response time variability that is typically ob-
served in mind-wandering studies (Bastian & Sackur, 2013;
Mrazek et al., 2012). In Experiment 2, thought probes may
also be presented. Whenever a thought probe occurs, the
model will press the “on-task” button whenever it is in paying
attention mode, while it will press the “off-task” button when
it is busy retrieving memories from episodic memory during
distraction. The models can be retrieved from http://www˜mkvanvugt/ A
flow chart of the model is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 3: Behavior produced by a model in which the thought
Model testing pump is ended with a production “end-thought-pump” rather
than a specific memory retrieval.
Experiment 1
We first used our model to simulate the average data pub-
lished by Mrazek et al. (2012). In this experiment, the targets
consisted of the letter “O”, and non-targets consisted of the reduces in the middle of the task, and increases at the end.
letter “Q.” Stimuli were presented for 2 s with an interstimu- While there is evidence for an increase in the frequency of
lus interval of 2500 ms. There were in total 240 stimuli; 216 distraction towards the end of the task (Bastian & Sackur,
targets and 24 non-targets. 2013), it is not clear whether the distraction at the beginning
Figure 2 shows that the simulated performance of the of the task is plausible. Future studies that have better mea-
model reproduces both the observed number of SART errors sures of the frequency of distraction (e.g., Katidioti et al., sub-
and the coefficient of variation of the response time. Errors mitted) should clarify this issue.
are produced whenever the model is mind-wandering. The An important question is how crucial the proposed mech-
coefficient of variation results from variability in memory re- anism is for terminating mind-wandering. A simpler mecha-
trieval time. nism for achieving this goal may be a direct competition be-
Having established the model can produce behavior sim- tween the “distraction” and “paying attention” goals. In other
ilar to human participants, it becomes possible to examine words, at any moment during mind-wandering, a production
how the model produces this behavior. Figure 6 shows that could fire that reflects the end of the mind-wandering pro-
according to our model, the frequency of distractions shows cess. Figure 3 shows that this alternative mechanism makes
a U-shape: initially, there are quite a few distractions, which too few mistakes because the episodes of mind-wandering are


distractions per min.

SART accuracy


0.50 ●
0.2 ●


0.00 0.0
data simulation data simulation


Figure 4: Model simulation of performance in the SART task
0−2 2−4 4−6 6−8 8−10
described by Bastian & Sackur (2013). The model (blue) cap- time into task (min)
tures both accuracy and variability in response time observed
empirically (red) reasonably well.
Figure 6: Predicted frequency of distractions in Experiment

SART task. However, the results are fairly weak since we
0.010 only fit two average numbers: the number of errors and re-
sponse time variability. More data are needed to adequately
constrain our cognitive model. We therefore use the com-
plete dataset collected by Bastian and Sackur (2013) to fur-
ther test the model, which allows us to examine more behav-
ioral measures. An additional advantage of that dataset is that
the task was interspersed with thought probes that asked the
0.000 participant to report on the content of their thoughts. The re-
0 250 500 750 1000 sponses to thought probes are another constraining factor for
RT (ms) our model. Moreover, it highlights an important advantage of
modeling mind-wandering explicitly, as we did here. When a
Figure 5: Response time distribution of SART performance model has no explicit process description of mind-wandering,
of Experiment 2, overlaying actual data (blue) with model it cannot predict responses to thought probes.
predictions (red).
Experiment 2
In Experiment 2, participants performed a very similar task
terminated much too quickly. A caveat in this assertion is that as in Experiment 1, although the timing was a little bit dif-
there may potentially be ways to change ACT-R parameters ferent. Importantly, we did not change the model parameters
to increase the duration of mind-wandering episodes. at all to predict performance in this task. In this experiment,
The duration of mind-wandering is determined by the the non-target consisted of the digit 3, and the target con-
episodic memory retrievals that make up the mind-wandering sisted of all other digits. The digits were presented for 500
process. When the pool of to-be-retrieved memories is ms with an interstimulus interval of 1500 ms. There were
larger, then distractions will tend to persist longer, because in total 888 stimuli; 811 targets and 77 non-targets. In addi-
the chance that the distraction-ending memory is retrieved tion, 24 thought probes that were randomly interspersed in the
is smaller. A larger number of retrievable memories corre- task. These thought probes asked a series of four questions
sponds to something akin to the number of retrieval cues. In about task performance. First, participants were asked “How
some contexts, people may be able to think of many different focused were you on the task? 0: on-task, 1: task-related
things, while in other context they can only retrieve a limited thought, 2: distraction, 3: mind wandering.” Secondly, “Did
number of items. A further determinant of distraction dura- you know that you were in the just-reported mental state or
tion is the association structure of the distracting memories. did you only notice it when asked? 0=aware, 1=unaware.”
When memories spread activation to the memory that ends The third question concerned the phenomenology/type of the
the distraction, this will decrease distraction duration; when thoughts, while the fourth question assessed the temporal ori-
they spread activation to other memories, this increases dis- entation of the thoughts (past, present, future, or no particular
traction duration. These factors could potentially be manipu- time). In this paper, we will only model the question about
lated to account for individual differences in distractability. whether the participant is on-task.
Together, these results show that it is possible to use Figure 4 shows that task performance could be modelled
our model of mind-wandering to simulate performance on a accurately with the model for Experiment 1, although in this

case, the model is performing slightly too well for the partici-

RT to thought probes (ms)


pants. Potentially, model fits could be improved by adjusting 3000

fraction on−task
parameters. 0.75

In addition to average responses, it is also important to 2000

consider the entire response time distribution (e.g., Ratcliff,
2002). Figure 5 shows that the modeled and observed re- 0.25 1000

sponse time distributions for task performance overlay con-

siderably, although the response time variability predicted by 0.00 0

the model is too small. data simulation data simulation

Finally, our explicit model of mind-wandering allows us

(a) (b)
to model the responses to questions about the contents of
thoughts. At random moments in the task, the participant is Figure 7: Observed (red) and modeled (blue) responses to
asked whether they were on-task or off-task. Figure 7 shows thought probe (“Are you on-task?”) in Experiment 2. (a) frac-
that the model over-estimates the proportion of being on-task tion of on-task responses, (b) median time taken to respond
relative to human participants, which is consistent with the to thought probes.
model’s overperformance evident in Figure 4. Another no-
table feature visible in Figure 7 is that participants require
about 3–4 seconds to formulate their response to the ques- ories that reflect the distribution of memories that is observed
tion “Were you on-task.” This response time is much longer in actual participants. Such data can be obtained from studies
than those observed for cognitive tasks, and our model is not that report the content of thoughts in thought probes (Bastian
able to predict it. Two potential mechanisms that could be & Sackur, 2013).
involved in generating this time are (1) the conversion of a While our model makes a promising start with modeling
pre-verbal into a verbal response (Teasdale & Chaskalson, task performance, there is still some work to be done. Our
2011) or (2) mental time travel to several moments before model predicts better performance in Experiment 2 than is
the thought probe appeared to retrieve the memories that oc- produced by the participants (Figure 4). In addition, the fre-
curred at that time (Howard & Kahana, 2002; Tulving, 2002). quency of mind-wandering episodes (Figure 6) shows a U-
Future modeling efforts should investigate these ideas. shape, rather than the previously reported increase Bastian
and Sackur (2013).
Discussion The most dramatic discrepancy is in the response times to
We proposed a model that describes mind-wandering mech- thought probes, which are much faster in our model than in
anistically. We showed how it could account for task per- real participants. A future iteration of our model may need
formance in two experiments featuring the Sustained At- to include a mechanism by which the participant converts the
tention to Performance task (without changing model pa- content of thoughts into a verbal report.
rameters between the two). While previous models only At the same time, we have relatively few datapoints and
treat distraction abstractly as noise in the cognitive sys- cannot make strong inferences about our model. One pos-
tem (VandeKerckhove & Tuerlinckx, 2007) or an absence of sible future direction may be predicting the frequency of dis-
cognitive activity (Gunzelmann et al., 2009), we made an ex- tractions. We have recently started to measure those by means
plicit model of the mind-wandering process. This allowed of eye movements to an ambient video monitor (Katidioti et
us to not only model task performance, but also responses to al., submitted). Our model could potentially describe how
thought probes. Our model provides a potential implemen- the frequency of distraction changes over time, and depends
tation of the executive failure theory, where in our case ex- on different factors such as task difficulty. This is particu-
ecutive failure is implemented as a failure to keep checking larly important because it is often thought that introspective
what the current goal is. It is also related to perceptual decou- judgments are unreliable (Larson, Perlstein, Stigge-Kaufman,
pling in that perceived stimuli are not further analyzed, but it Kelly, & Dotson, 2006).
places the constraints at a higher level than initial stimulus In short, we have developed a mechanistic model of mind-
processing. wandering. This model can in the future be used to disen-
In the future, our explicit model of mind-wandering could tangle different types of mind-wandering. In addition, future
allow us to examine the effect of different types of mind- experiments should elucidate the neural correlates of distrac-
wandering on cognitive processing. For example, depres- tion and mind-wandering, such that those measures can be
sive rumination impairs task performance, and our model can used to track distraction online (Bengson, Mangun, & Maza-
make predictions about exactly how it does so. By describing heri, 2012).
the thought process from moment to moment, we will be able
to investigate how not only cognitive control factors affect Acknowledgments
task performance, but also the content of thought. For this to MvV developed the basic model during a stay as Mind & Life
be done, it will be important to populate the model with mem- visiting scholar at Amherst College.

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