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ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Steel Design

a =name for width dimension db = nominal bolt diameter
A =name for area D = shorthand for dead load
Ab =area of a bolt DL = shorthand for dead load
Ae =effective net area found from the e = eccentricity
product of the net area An by the E = shorthand for earthquake load
shear lag factor U = modulus of elasticity
Ag = gross area, equal to the total area fc = axial compressive stress
ignoring any holes fb = bending stress
Agv = gross area subjected to shear for fp = bearing stress
block shear rupture fv = shear stress
An = net area, equal to the gross area fv-max= maximum shear stress
subtracting any holes, as is Anet fy = yield stress
Ant = net area subjected to tension for F = shorthand for fluid load
block shear rupture Fallow(able) = allowable stress
Anv = net area subjected to shear for block Fa = allowable axial (compressive) stress
shear rupture Fb = allowable bending stress
Aw = area of the web of a wide flange Fcr = flexural buckling stress
section Fe = elastic critical buckling stress
AISC = American Institute of Steel FEXX = yield strength of weld material
Construction Fn = nominal strength in LRFD
ASD = allowable stress design = nominal tension or shear strength of
b = name for a (base) width a bolt
= total width of material at a Fp = allowable bearing stress
horizontal section Ft = allowable tensile stress
= name for height dimension Fu = ultimate stress prior to failure
bf = width of the flange of a steel beam Fv = allowable shear stress
cross section Fy = yield strength
B1 = factor for determining Mu for Fyw = yield strength of web material
combined bending and compression F.S. = factor of safety
c = largest distance from the neutral g = gage spacing of staggered bolt
axis to the top or bottom edge of a holes
beam G = relative stiffness of columns to
c1 = coefficient for shear stress for a beams in a rigid connection, as is Ψ
rectangular bar in torsion h = name for a height
Cb = lateral torsional buckling hc = height of the web of a wide flange
modification factor for moment in steel section
ASD & LRFD steel beam design H = shorthand for lateral pressure load
Cc = column slenderness classification I = moment of inertia with respect to
constant for steel column design neutral axis bending
Cm = modification factor accounting for Itrial = moment of inertia of trial section
combined stress in steel design Ireq’d = moment of inertia required at
Cv = web shear coefficient limiting deflection
d = calculus symbol for differentiation Iy = moment of inertia about the y axis
= depth of a wide flange section J = polar moment of inertia
= nominal bolt diameter

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

k = distance from outer face of W N = bearing length on a wide flange

flange to the web toe of fillet steel section
= shape factor for plastic design of = bearing type connection with
steel beams threads included in shear plane
K = effective length factor for columns, p = bolt hole spacing (pitch)
as is k P = name for load or axial force vector
l = name for length Pa = allowable axial force
b = length of beam in rigid joint = required axial force (ASD)
c = length of column in rigid joint Pallowable = allowable axial force
Pc = available axial strength
L = name for length or span length Pe1 = Euler buckling strength
= shorthand for live load Pn = nominal column load capacity in
Lb = unbraced length of a steel beam LRFD steel design
Lc = clear distance between the edge of a Pr = required axial force
hole and edge of next hole or edge Pu = factored column load calculated
of the connected steel plate in the from load factors in LRFD steel
direction of the load design
Le = effective length that can buckle for Q = first moment area about a neutral
column design, as is  e axis
Lr = shorthand for live roof load = generic axial load quantity for
= maximum unbraced length of a LRFD design
steel beam in LRFD design for r = radius of gyration
inelastic lateral-torsional buckling ry = radius of gyration with respect to a
Lp = maximum unbraced length of a y-axis
steel beam in LRFD design for full R = generic load quantity (force, shear,
plastic flexural strength moment, etc.) for LRFD design
L’ = length of an angle in a connector = shorthand for rain or ice load
with staggered holes = radius of curvature of a deformed
LL = shorthand for live load beam
LRFD = load and resistance factor design Ra = required strength (ASD)
M = internal bending moment Rn = nominal value (capacity) to be
Ma = required bending moment (ASD) multiplied by φ in LRFD and
Mn = nominal flexure strength with the divided by the safety factor Ω in
full section at the yield stress for ASD
LRFD beam design Ru = factored design value for LRFD
Mmax = maximum internal bending moment design
Mmax-adj = maximum bending moment s = longitudinal center-to-center
adjusted to include self weight spacing of any two consecutive
Mp = internal bending moment when all holes
fibers in a cross section reach the S = shorthand for snow load
yield stress = section modulus
Mu = maximum moment from factored = allowable strength per length of a
loads for LRFD beam design weld for a given size
My = internal bending moment when the Sreq’d = section modulus required at
extreme fibers in a cross section allowable stress
reach the yield stress Sreq’d-adj = section modulus required at
n = number of bolts allowable stress when moment is
n.a. = shorthand for neutral axis adjusted to include self weight
SC = slip critical bolted connection
ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

t = thickness of the connected material y = vertical distance

tf = thickness of flange of wide flange Z = plastic section modulus of a steel
tw = thickness of web of wide flange beam
T = torque (axial moment) Zreq’d = plastic section modulus required
= shorthand for thermal load Zx = plastic section modulus of a steel
= throat size of a weld beam with respect to the x axis
U = shear lag factor for steel tension α = method factor for B1 equation
member design ∆ actual = actual beam deflection
Ubs = reduction coefficient for block ∆ allowable = allowable beam deflection
shear rupture ∆ limit = allowable beam deflection limit
V = internal shear force ∆ max = maximum beam deflection
Va = required shear (ASD) εy = yield strain (no units)
Vmax = maximum internal shear force
φ = resistance factor
Vmax-adj = maximum internal shear force
adjusted to include self weight = diameter symbol
Vn = nominal shear strength capacity for φb = resistance factor for bending for
LRFD beam design LRFD
Vu = maximum shear from factored loads φc = resistance factor for compression
for LRFD beam design for LRFD
w = name for distributed load φt = resistance factor for tension for
wadjusted = adjusted distributed load for
equivalent live load deflection limit LRFD
wequivalent = the equivalent distributed load φv = resistance factor for shear for
derived from the maximum bending LRFD
moment γ = load factor in LRFD design
wself wt = name for distributed load from self π = pi (3.1415 radians or 180°)
weight of member θ = slope of the beam deflection curve
W = shorthand for wind load ρ = radial distance
x = horizontal distance
X = bearing type connection with
Ω = safety factor for ASD
threads excluded from the shear ∫ = symbol for integration
plane Σ = summation symbol

Steel Design

Structural design standards for steel are established

by the Manual of Steel Construction published by the
American Institute of Steel Construction, and uses
Allowable Stress Design and Load and Factor
Resistance Design. With the 13th edition, both
methods are combined in one volume which provides
common requirements for analyses and design and
requires the application of the same set of

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn


American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) is the organization responsible for material and
other standards related to manufacturing. Materials meeting their standards are guaranteed to
have the published strength and material properties for a designation.

A36 – carbon steel used for plates, angles Fy = 36 ksi, Fu = 58 ksi, E = 29,000 ksi
A572 – high strength low-alloy use for some beams Fy = 60 ksi, Fu = 75 ksi, E = 29,000 ksi
A992 – for building framing used for most beams Fy = 50 ksi, Fu = 65 ksi, E = 29,000 ksi
(A572 Grade 50 has the same properties as A992)

Ra ≤

where Ra = required strength (dead or live; force, moment or stress)
Rn = nominal strength specified for ASD
Ω = safety factor

Factors of Safety are applied to the limit stresses for allowable stress values:

bending (braced, Lb < Lp) Ω = 1.67

bending (unbraced, Lp < Lb and Lb > Lr) Ω = 1.67 (nominal moment reduces)
shear (beams) Ω = 1.5 or 1.67
shear (bolts) Ω = 2.00 (tabular nominal strength)
shear (welds) Ω = 2.00

- Lb is the unbraced length between bracing points, laterally

- Lp is the limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of yielding
- Lr is the limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of inelastic lateral-torsional

LRFD where  Ru = Σγ i Ri
Ru ≤ φRn
where φ = resistance factor
γ = load factor for the type of load
R = load (dead or live; force, moment or stress)
Ru = factored load (moment or stress)
Rn = nominal load (ultimate capacity; force, moment or stress)

Nominal strength is defined as the

capacity of a structure or component to resist the effects of loads, as determined by

computations using specified material strengths (such as yield strength, Fy, or ultimate
strength, Fu) and dimensions and formulas derived from accepted principles of structural
mechanics or by field tests or laboratory tests of scaled models, allowing for modeling
effects and differences between laboratory and field conditions

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Factored Load Combinations

The design strength, φRn , of each structural element or structural assembly must equal or exceed
the design strength based on the ASCE-7 (2010) combinations of factored nominal loads:

1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)
1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S or R) + (L or 0.5W)
1.2D + 1.0W + L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)
1.2D + 1.0E + L + 0.2S
0.9D + 1.0W
0.9D + 1.0E

Criteria for Design of Beams

Allowable normal stress or normal stress from LRFD should not be F b or φ F n ≥ f b =
exceeded: ( M a ≤ M n / Ω or M u ≤ φ b M n )
Knowing M and Fy, the minimum plastic section modulus fitting the limit is:
Ma  M
Z req 'd ≥  S req' d ≥ 
Fy Ω  Fb 
Determining Maximum Bending Moment

Drawing V and M diagrams will show us the maximum values for design. Remember:
V = Σ(− w)dx dV dM
= −w =V
M = Σ(V )dx dx dx

Determining Maximum Bending Stress

For a prismatic member (constant cross section), the maximum normal stress will occur at the
maximum moment.

For a non-prismatic member, the stress varies with the cross section AND the moment.

1 M ( x)
If the bending moment changes, M(x) across a beam of constant material and cross =
section then the curvature will change: R EI

EI ∫
The slope of the n.a. of a beam, θ, will be tangent to the radius of θ = slope = M ( x)dx
curvature, R:
1 1
The equation for deflection, y, along a beam is: y=
EI ∫ θdx =
EI ∫∫ M ( x)dx

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Elastic curve equations can be found in handbooks, textbooks, design manuals, etc...Computer
programs can be used as well. Elastic curve equations can be superimposed ONLY if the stresses
are in the elastic range.

The deflected shape is roughly the same shape flipped as the bending moment diagram but is
constrained by supports and geometry.

Allowable Deflection Limits

All building codes and design codes limit deflection for beam types and damage that could
happen based on service condition and severity.
y max ( x) = ∆ actual ≤ ∆ allowable = L

Use LL only DL+LL*

Roof beams:
Industrial (no ceiling) L/180 L/120
plaster ceiling L/240 L/180
no plaster L/360 L/240
Floor beams:
Ordinary Usage L/360 L/240
Roof or floor (damageable elements) L/480
* IBC 2012 states that DL for steel elements shall be taken as zero

Lateral Buckling

With compression stresses in the top of a beam, a sudden “popping” or buckling can happen
even at low stresses. In order to prevent it, we need to brace it along the top, or laterally brace it,
or provide a bigger Iy.

Local Buckling in Steel Wide-flange Beams– Web Crippling or Flange Buckling

Concentrated forces on a steel beam can cause the web to buckle (called web crippling). Web
stiffeners under the beam loads and bearing plates at the supports reduce that tendency. Web
stiffeners also prevent the web from shearing in plate girders.

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

The maximum support load and interior load can be

determined from:
Pn (max −end) = ( 2.5k + N )Fyw t w

Pn (interior) = ( 5k + N )Fyw t w
where tw = thickness of the web
Fyw = yield strength of the web
N = bearing length
k = dimension to fillet found in beam section tables
φ = 1.00 (LRFD) Ω = 1.50 (ASD)

Beam Loads & Load Tracing

In order to determine the loads on a beam (or girder, joist, column, frame, foundation...) we can
start at the top of a structure and determine the tributary area that a load acts over and the beam
needs to support. Loads come from material weights, people, and the environment. This area is
assumed to be from half the distance to the next beam over to halfway to the next beam.

The reactions must be supported by the next lower structural element ad infinitum, to the ground.

LRFD - Bending or Flexure

For determining the flexural design strength, φb Mn , for resistance to pure bending (no axial
load) in most flexural members where the following conditions exist, a single calculation will

Σγ i R i = M u ≤ φ b M n = 0 . 9 F y Z

where Mu = maximum moment from factored loads

φb = resistance factor for bending = 0.9
Mn = nominal moment (ultimate capacity)
Fy = yield strength of the steel
Z = plastic section modulus

Plastic Section Modulus
fy = 50ksi
Plastic behavior is characterized by a yield point and an
increase in strain with no increase in stress. E
εy = 0.001724

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Internal Moments and Plastic Hinges

Plastic hinges can develop when all of the material in a cross

section sees the yield stress. Because all the material at that section
can strain without any additional load, the member segments on
either side of the hinge can rotate, possibly causing instability.

For a rectangular section:

b(2c )
I bh 2 2bc 2
Elastic to fy: M y = fy = fy = fy = fy
c 6 6 3

Fully Plastic: M ult or M p = bc 2 f y = 3 M y


For a non-rectangular section and internal equilibrium at σy, the

n.a. will not necessarily be at the centroid. The n.a. occurs where
the Atension = Acompression. The reactions occur at the centroids of the
tension and compression areas.

Instability from Plastic Hinges

Atension = Acompression

Shape Factor:

The ratio of the plastic moment to the elastic moment at yield:

k= p k = 3/2 for a rectangle
k ≈ 1.1 for an I beam

Plastic Section Modulus

Z= and k=Z
fy S

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Design for Shear

Va ≤ Vn / Ω or Vu ≤ φvVn
The nominal shear strength is dependent on the cross section shape. Case 1: With a thick or stiff
web, the shear stress is resisted by the web of a wide flange shape (with the exception of a
handful of W’s). Case 2: When the web is not stiff for doubly symmetric shapes, singly
symmetric shapes (like channels) (excluding round high strength steel shapes), inelastic web
buckling occurs. When the web is very slender, elastic web buckling occurs, reducing the
capacity even more:
Case 1) For h tw ≤ 2.24 Vn = 0.6Fyw Aw φv = 1.00 (LRFD) Ω = 1.50 (ASD)

where h equals the clear distance between flanges less the fillet or corner
radius for rolled shapes
Vn = nominal shear strength
Fyw = yield strength of the steel in the web
Aw = twd = area of the web

Case 2) For h tw > 2.24 Vn = 0.6Fyw AwCv φv = 0.9 (LRFD) Ω = 1.67 (ASD)

where Cv is a reduction factor (1.0 or less by equation)

Design for Flexure

M a ≤ M n / Ω or Mu ≤ φbMn φb = 0.90 (LRFD) Ω = 1.67 (ASD)

The nominal flexural strength Mn is the lowest value obtained according to the limit states of
1. yielding, limited at length Lp = 1.76ry , where ry is the radius of gyration in y

2. lateral-torsional buckling limited at length Lr

3. flange local buckling
4. web local buckling

Beam design charts show available moment, Mn/Ω and φb Mn , for unbraced length, Lb, of the
compression flange in one-foot increments from 1 to 50 ft. for values of the bending coefficient
Cb = 1. For values of 1<Cb≤2.3, the required flexural strength Mu can be reduced by dividing it
by Cb. (Cb = 1 when the bending moment at any point within an unbraced length is larger than
that at both ends of the length. Cb of 1 is conservative and permitted to be used in any case.
When the free end is unbraced in a cantilever or overhang, Cb = 1. The full formula is provided

NOTE: the self weight is not included in determination of Mn/Ω and φb Mn

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Compact Sections
For a laterally braced compact section (one for which the plastic moment can be reached before
local buckling) only the limit state of yielding is applicable. For unbraced compact beams and
non-compact tees and double angles, only the limit states of yielding and lateral-torsional
buckling are applicable.
bf E h E
Compact sections meet the following criteria: ≤ 0.38 and c ≤ 3.76
2t f Fy tw Fy
bf = flange width in inches
tf = flange thickness in inches
E = modulus of elasticity in ksi
Fy = minimum yield stress in ksi
hc = height of the web in inches
tw = web thickness in inches

With lateral-torsional buckling the nominal flexural strength is

  Lb − L p 
M n = C b  M p − ( M p − 0 .7 F y S x )  ≤Mp
  L − L 
 r p 

where Mp = Mn = FyZx
and Cb is a modification factor for non-uniform moment diagrams where, when both ends of
the beam segment are braced:
12.5M max
Cb =
2.5M max + 3M A + 4 M B + 3M C
Mmax = absolute value of the maximum moment in the unbraced beam segment
MA = absolute value of the moment at the quarter point of the unbraced beam segment
MB = absolute value of the moment at the center point of the unbraced beam segment
MC = absolute value of the moment at the three quarter point of the unbraced beam
segment length.

Available Flexural Strength Plots

Plots of the available moment for the unbraced length for wide flange sections are useful to find
sections to satisfy the design criteria of M a ≤ M n / Ω or M u ≤ φb M n . The maximum moment
that can be applied on a beam (taking self weight into account), Ma or Mu, can be plotted against
the unbraced length, Lb. The limiting length, Lp (fully plastic), is indicated by a solid dot (•),
while the limiting length, Lr (for lateral torsional buckling), is indicated by an open dot ().
Solid lines indicate the most economical, while dashed lines indicate there is a lighter section
that could be used. Cb, which is a lateral torsional buckling modification factor for non-zero
moments at the ends, is 1 for simply supported beams (0 moments at the ends). (see figure)

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Design Procedure
The intent is to find the most light weight member (which is economical) satisfying the section
modulus size.

1. Determine the unbraced length to choose the limit state (yielding, lateral torsional buckling
or more extreme) and the factor of safety and limiting moments. Determine the material.
2. Draw V & M, finding Vmax and Mmax.for unfactored loads (ASD, Va & Ma) or from factored
loads (LRFD, Vu & Mu)
3. Calculate Zreq’d when yielding is the limit state. This step is equivalent to determining if
M max M max M max Mu
fb = ≤ Fb , Z req' d ≥ = and Z req 'd ≥ to meet the design criteria that
S Fb Fy φ b Fy

Ma ≤ Mn / Ω or Mu ≤ φbMn
If the limit state is something other than yielding,
determine the nominal moment, Mn, or use plots of
available moment to unbraced length, Lb.

4. For steel: use the section charts to find a trial Z and

remember that the beam self weight (the second number
in the section designation) will increase Zreq’d. The
design charts show the lightest section within a grouping
of similar Z’s.
**** Determine the “updated” Vmax and Mmax including the
beam self weight, and verify that the updated Zreq’d has been met.******

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

5. Consider lateral stability.

6. Evaluate horizontal shear using Vmax. This step is equivalent to determining if f v ≤ Fv is

satisfied to meet the design criteria that Va ≤ Vn / Ω or Vu ≤ φvVn
3V V V
For I beams: f v − max = ≈ = Vn = 0.6 Fyw Aw or V n = 0.6 F yw Aw C v
2 A Aweb t w d
Others: f v − max =

7. Provide adequate bearing area at supports. This step is equivalent to determining if fp = ≤ Fp
is satisfied to meet the design criteria that Pa ≤ Pn / Ω or Pu ≤ φPn
Tρ T
8. Evaluate shear due to torsion fv = or ≤ Fv (circular section or rectangular)
J c1 ab2
9. Evaluate the deflection to determine if ∆maxLL ≤ ∆LL−allowed and/or ∆maxTotal ≤ ∆Totalallowed

**** note: when ∆calculated > ∆limit, Ireq’d can be found with: ∆too big
I req' d ≥ I trial
and Zreq’d will be satisfied for similar self weight ***** ∆lim it


Redesign (with a new section) at any point that a stress or serviceability criteria is
NOT satisfied and re-evaluate each condition until it is satisfactory.

Load Tables for Uniformly Loaded Joists & Beams

Tables exist for the common loading situation of uniformly distributed load. The tables provide
the safe distributed loads based on bending and deflection limits. For specific clear spans, they
provide maximum total loads and live loads for a specific deflection limits. wequivalent L2
If the load is not uniform, an equivalent uniform load can be calculated M max =
from the maximum moment equation: 8
If the deflection limit needed is not that of the table,
the design live load must be adjusted. For example:  L / 360  table limit
wadjusted = wll − have  
 L / 400  wanted

Criteria for Design of Columns

If we know the loads, we can select a section that is

adequate for strength & buckling.
If we know the length, we can find the limiting load
satisfying strength & buckling.

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Allowable Stress Design

American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Manual of ASD, 9th ed:

Long and slender: [ Le/r ≥ Cc, preferably < 200]

F 12π 2 E
Fallowable = cr =
( )
F .S . 23 Kl 2
The yield limit is idealized into a parabolic curve that blends into the Euler’s Formula at Cc.

With Fy = 36 ksi, Cc = 126.1 2π 2 E

Cc =
With Fy = 50 ksi, Cc = 107.0 Fy

Short and stubby: [Le/r < Cc]

Fa = 1 −
( )
 Kl 2 
r  Fy
 2Cc2  F.S.
 
( ) ( )
5 3 r

F .S . = + −
3 8C c 8C c3

Design for Compression

American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Manual 14th ed:

Pa ≤ Pn / Ω or Pu ≤ φc Pn where Pu = Σγ i Pi
γ is a load factor
P is a load type
φ is a resistance factor
Pn is the nominal load capacity (strength)

φ = 0.90 (LRFD) Ω = 1.67 (ASD)

For compression Pn = Fcr Ag

where : Ag is the cross section area and Fcr is the flexural buckling stress

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

The flexural buckling stress, Fcr, is determined as follows:

when ≤ 4.71 or ( Fe ≥ 0.44Fy ):
r Fy
 Fy

Fcr =  0 .658 Fe  F y
 
when > 4.71 or ( Fe < 0.44Fy ):
r Fy
Fcr = 0.877Fe
π 2E
where Fe is the elastic critical buckling stress: Fe =
(KL r ) 2

Design Aids

Tables exist for the value of the flexural buckling stress based on slenderness ratio. In addition,
tables are provided in the AISC Manual for Available Strength in Axial Compression based on
the effective length with respect to least radius of gyration, ry. If the critical effective length is
about the largest radius of gyration, rx, it can be turned into an effective length about the y axis
by dividing by the fraction rx/ry.
Sample AISC Table for Available Strength in Axial Compression

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Procedure for Analysis

1. Calculate KL/r for each axis (if necessary). The largest will govern the buckling load.
2. Find Fa or Fcr as a function of KL/r from the appropriate equation (above) or table.
3. Compute Pallowable = Fa⋅A or Pn = Fcr⋅Ag
or alternatively compute fc = P/A or Pu/A
4. Is the design satisfactory?
Is P ≤ Pallowable (or Pa ≤ Pn/Ω) or Pu ≤ φcPn? ⇒ yes, it is; no, it is no good
or Is fc ≤ Fa (or ≤ Fcr/Ω) or φcFcr? ⇒ yes, it is; no, it is no good

Procedure for Design

1. Guess a size by picking a section.
2. Calculate KL/r for each axis (if necessary). The largest will govern the buckling load.
3. Find Fa or Fcr as a function of KL/r from appropriate equation (above) or table.
4. Compute Pallowable = Fa⋅A or Pn = Fcr⋅Ag
or alternatively compute fc = P/A or Pu/A
5. Is the design satisfactory?
Is P ≤ Pallowable (Pa ≤ Pn/Ω) or Pu ≤ φcPn? yes, it is; no, pick a bigger section and go
back to step 2.
Is fc ≤ Fa (≤ Fcr/Ω) or φcFcr? ⇒ yes, it is; no, pick a bigger section and go back to
step 2.
6. Check design efficiency by calculating percentage of stress used:
 
P  Pa  P
⋅100%  ⋅100%  or u ⋅100%
Pallowable P
 n  φc Pn
 Ω 
If value is between 90-100%, it is efficient.
If values is less than 90%, pick a smaller section and go back to step 2.

Columns with Bending (Beam-Columns)

In order to design an adequate section for allowable stress, we have to start somewhere:
1. Make assumptions about the limiting stress from:
- buckling
- axial stress
- combined stress

2. See if we can find values for r or A or Z.

3. Pick a trial section based on if we think r or A is going to govern the section size.

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

4. Analyze the stresses and compare to allowable using the allowable stress method or
interaction formula for eccentric columns.

5. Did the section pass the stress test?

- If not, do you increase r or A or Z?
- If so, is the difference really big so that you could decrease r or A or Z to make it
more efficient (economical)?

6. Change the section choice and go back to step 4. Repeat until the section meets the
stress criteria.

Design for Combined Compression and Flexure:

The interaction of compression and bending are included in the form for two conditions based on
the size of the required axial force to the available axial strength. This is notated as Pr (either P
from ASD or Pu from LRFD) for the axial force being supported, and Pc (either Pn/Ω for ASD
or φcPn for LRFD). The increased bending moment due to the P-∆ effect must be determined
and used as the moment to resist.

 
Pr P 8  Mx My  Pu 8  M ux M uy 
+  +  +  ≤ 1.0
M ny 
For ≥ 0.2 : + ≤ 1.0
Pc Pn 9  M nx φc Pn 9  φb M nx φb M ny 
Ω  Ω Ω
 
Pr P  Mx My  Pu  M ux M uy 
For < 0. 2 : + +  ≤ 1.0 + +  ≤ 1 .0
Pc 2Pn  M nx M ny  2φ c Pn  φ b M nx φb M ny 

Ω  Ω Ω
for compression φc = 0.90 (LRFD) Ω = 1.67 (ASD)
for bending φb = 0.90 (LRFD) Ω = 1.67 (ASD)
For a braced condition, the moment magnification factor B1 is determined by B1 = ≥ 1.0
1 − α( Pu Pe1 )
where Cm is a modification factor accounting for end conditions
When not subject to transverse loading between supports in plane of bending:
= 0.6 – 0.4 (M1/M2) where M1 and M2 are the end moments and M1<M2. M1/M2 is
positive when the member is bent in reverse curvature (moments the same
direction), negative when bent in single curvature.
When there is transverse loading between the two ends of a member:
= 0.85, members with restrained (fixed) ends
= 1.00, members with unrestrained ends π 2 EA
Pe1 =
α = 1.00 (LRFD), 1.60 (ASD) (Kl r )

Pe1 = Euler buckling strength

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Criteria for Design of Connections

Connections must be able to transfer any axial force, shear, or moment from member to member
or from beam to column.

Connections for steel are typically high strength bolts and electric arc welds. Recommended
practice for ease of construction is to specified shop welding and field bolting.

Bolted and Welded Connections

The limit state for connections depends on the loads:

1. tension yielding
2. shear yielding
3. bearing yielding
4. bending yielding due to eccentric loads
5. rupture

Welds must resist shear stress. The design

strengths depend on the weld materials.

Bolted Connection Design

Bolt designations signify material and type of connection where

SC: slip critical
N: bearing-type connection with bolt threads included in shear plane
X: bearing-type connection with bolt threads excluded from shear plane

A307: similar in strength to A36 steel (also known as ordinary, common or unfinished
A325: high strength bolts (Group A)
A490: high strength bolts (higher than A325) (Group B)

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Bearing-type connection: no frictional resistance in the contact surfaces is assumed and

slip between members occurs as the load is applied. (Load transfer through bolt
Slip-critical connections: bolts are torqued to a high tensile stress in the shank, resulting
in a clamping force on the connected parts. (Shear resisted by clamping force).
Requires inspections and is useful for structures seeing dynamic or fatigue loading.
Class A indicates the faying (contact) surfaces are clean mill scale or adequate paint
system, while Class B indicates blast cleaning or paint for µ = 0.50.
Bolts rarely fail in bearing. The material with the hole will more likely yield first.
For the determination of the net area of a bolt hole the width is taken as 1/16” greater than the
nominal dimension of the hole. Standard diameters for bolt holes are 1/16” larger than the bolt
diameter. (This means the net width will be 1/8” larger than the bolt.)

Design for Bolts in Bearing, Shear and Tension

Available shear values are given by bolt type, diameter, and loading (Single or Double shear) in
AISC manual tables. Available shear value for slip-critical connections are given for limit states
of serviceability or strength by bolt type, hole type (standard, short-slotted, long-slotted or
oversized), diameter, and loading. Available tension values are given by bolt type and diameter
in AISC manual tables.
Available bearing force values are given by bolt diameter, ultimate tensile strength, Fu, of the
connected part, and thickness of the connected part in AISC manual tables.

For shear OR tension (same equation) in bolts: Ra ≤ Rn / Ω or Ru ≤ φ Rn

where Ru = Σγ i Ri
 single shear (or tension) Rn = FnAb
 double shear Rn = Fn2Ab
where φ = the resistance factor
Fn = the nominal tension or shear strength of the bolt
Ab = the cross section area of the bolt
φ = 0.75 (LRFD) Ω = 2.00 (ASD)

For bearing of plate material at bolt holes: Ra ≤ Rn / Ω or Ru ≤ φ Rn

where Ru = Σγ i Ri
• deformation at bolt hole is a concern
Rn = 1.2 Lc tFu ≤ 2.4dtFu
• deformation at bolt hole is not a concern
Rn = 1.5 Lc tFu ≤ 3.0dtFu
• long slotted holes with the slot perpendicular to the load
Rn = 1.0Lc tFu ≤ 2.0dtFu

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

where Rn = the nominal bearing strength

Fu = specified minimum tensile strength
Lc = clear distance between the edges of the hole and the next hole or edge in
the direction of the load
d = nominal bolt diameter
t = thickness of connected material
φ = 0.75 (LRFD) Ω = 2.00 (ASD)

The minimum edge desistance from the center of the outer most bolt to the edge of a member is
generally 1¾ times the bolt diameter for the sheared edge and 1¼ times the bolt diameter for the
rolled or gas cut edges.
The maximum edge distance should not exceed 12 times the thickness of thinner member or 6 in.
Standard bolt hole spacing is 3 in. with the minimum spacing of 2 2 3 times the diameter of the
bolt, db. Common edge distance from the center of last hole to the edge is 1¼ in..

Tension Member Design

In steel tension members, there

may be bolt holes that reduce the
size of the cross section.
g refers to the row spacing or gage
p refers to the bolt spacing or pitch
s refers to the longitudinal spacing of two consecutive holes

Effective Net Area:

The smallest effective are must be determined by subtracting the bolt hole areas. With staggered
holes, the shortest length must be evaluated.
A series of bolts can also transfer a portion of the tensile force, and some of the effective net
areas see reduced stress.
The effective net area, Ae, is determined from the net area, An, multiplied by a shear lag factor, U,
which depends on the element type and connection configuration. If a portion of a connected
member is not fully connected (like the leg of an angle), the unconnected part is not subject to the
full stress and the shear lag factor can range from 0.6 to 1.0: Ae = AnU

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

The staggered hole path area is determined by:

An = Ag − Aof all holes + tΣ
where t is the plate thickness, s is each stagger spacing, and g is the gage spacing.

For tension elements: Ra ≤ Rn / Ω or Ru ≤ φ Rn

where Ru = Σγ i Ri

1. yielding Rn = Fy Ag
φ = 0.90 (LRFD) Ω = 1.67 (ASD)

2. rupture Rn = Fu Ae
φ = 0.75 (LRFD) Ω = 2.00 (ASD)

where Ag = the gross area of the member

(excluding holes)
Ae = the effective net area (with holes, etc.)
Fy = the yield strength of the steel
Fu = the tensile strength of the steel (ultimate)

Welded Connections

Weld designations include the strength in the name, i.e.

E70XX has Fy = 70 ksi. Welds are weakest in shear and
are assumed to always fail in the shear mode.

The throat size, T, of a fillet weld is determined

trigonometry by: T = 0.707 ×weld size*
* When the submerged arc weld process is used, welds over 3/8” will have a
throat thickness of 0.11 in. larger than the formula.

Weld sizes are limited by the size of the parts being put
together and are given in AISC manual table J2.4 along
with the allowable strength per length of fillet weld,
referred to as S.

The maximum size of a fillet weld:

a) can’t be greater than the material thickness if it is ¼”
or less
b) is permitted to be 1/16” less than the thickness of the
material if it is over ¼”

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

The minimum length of a fillet weld is 4 times the nominal size. If it is not, then the weld size
used for design is ¼ the length.

Intermittent fillet welds cannot

be less than four times the weld
size, not to be less than 1 ½”.

For fillet welds: Ra ≤ Rn / Ω or Ru ≤ φ Rn

where Ru = Σγ i Ri Available Strength of Fillet Welds
per inch of weld (φS)
Weld Size E60XX E70XX
for the weld metal: Rn = 0.6 FEXX Tl = Sl (in.) (k/in.) (k/in.)
16 3.58 4.18
φ = 0.75 (LRFD) Ω = 2.00 (ASD)
¼ 4.77 5.57
where: 16 5.97 6.96
T is throat thickness 3
8 7.16 8.35
l is length of the weld 7
16 8.35 9.74
½ 9.55 11.14
For a connected part, the other limit states for the 5
11.93 13.92
base metal, such as tension yield, tension rupture,
¾ 14.32 16.70
shear yield, or shear rupture must be considered.
(not considering increase in throat with
submerged arc weld process)

Framed Beam Connections

Coping is the term for cutting away part of the flange to connect a
beam to another beam using welded or bolted angles.

AISC provides tables that give bolt and angle available strength knowing number of bolts, bolt
type, bolt diameter, angle leg thickness, hole type and coping, and the wide flange beam being
connected. For the connections the limit-state of bolt shear, bolts bearing on the angles, shear
yielding of the angles, shear rupture of the angles, and block shear rupture of the angles, and bolt
bearing on the beam web are considered.

Group A bolts include A325, while Group B

includes A490.

There are also tables for bolted/welded

double-angle connections and all-welded
double-angle connections.

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Sample AISC Table for Bolt and Angle Available Strength in

All-Bolted Double-Angle Connections

Limiting Strength or Stability States

In addition to resisting shear and tension in bolts and shear in welds, the connected materials
may be subjected to shear, bearing, tension, flexure and even prying action. Coping can
significantly reduce design strengths and may require web reinforcement. All the following
must be considered:
• shear yielding
• shear rupture
• block shear rupture -
failure of a block at a beam as a
result of shear and tension
• tension yielding
• tension rupture
• local web buckling
• lateral torsional buckling

Block Shear Strength (or Rupture): Ra ≤ Rn / Ω or Ru ≤ φ Rn

where Ru = Σγ i Ri
Rn = 0.6 Fu Anv + U bs Fu Ant ≤ 0.6 Fy Agv + U bs Fu Ant
φ = 0.75 (LRFD) Ω = 2.00 (ASD)

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Anv is the net area subjected to shear
Ant is the net area subjected to tension
Agv is the gross area subjected to shear
Ubs = 1.0 when the tensile stress is uniform (most cases)
= 0.5 when the tensile stress is non-uniform

Gusset Plates
Gusset plates are used for truss member connections where the geometry prevents the members
from coming together at the joint “point”. Members being joined are typically double angles.

Shaped, thin sheet-steel panels that span several joists or evenly spaced support behave as
continuous beams. Design tables consider a “1 unit” wide strip across the supports and
determine maximum bending moment and deflections in order to provide allowable loads
depending on the depth of the material.
The other structural use of decking is to construct what is called a diaphragm, which is a
horizontal unit tying the decking to the joists that resists forces parallel to the surface of the
When decking supports a concrete topping or floor, the steel-concrete construction is called

Frame Columns
Because joints can rotate in frames, the effective length of the column in a frame is harder to
determine. The stiffness (EI/L) of each member in a joint determines how rigid or flexible it is.
To find k, the relative stiffness, G or Ψ, must be found for both ends, plotted on the alignment
charts, and connected by a line for braced and unbraced fames.

Σ EI l
G =Ψ =
Σ l
E = modulus of elasticity for a member
I = moment of inertia of for a member
lc = length of the column from center to center
lb = length of the beam from center to center

• For pinned connections we typically use a value of 10 for Ψ.

• For fixed connections we typically use a value of 1 for Ψ.

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Braced – non-sway frame Unbraced – sway frame

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

*Hypothetically determine the size of section

Example 1 (pg 330) required when the deflection criteria is NOT met

(unified ASD)
Fy = 50 ksi

1,000+50=1,050 lb/ft = 1.05 k/ft

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 2

Use ASD of the Unified Design method.

1. The unbraced length is 0 because it says it is fully braced.

2. Find the maximum shear and moment from unfactored loads: wa = 0.450 k/ft + 0.750 k/ft = 1.20 k/ft
Va = 1.20 k/ft(35 ft)/2 = 21 k
Ma = 1.20 k/ft(35 ft)2/8 = 184 k-ft
If Ma ≤ Mn/Ω, the maxmimum moment for design is MaΩ: Mmax = 184 k-ft
3. Find Zreq’d:
Zreq’d ≥ Mmax/Fb = Mmax(Ω)/Fy = 184 k-ft(1.67)(12 in/ft)/50 ksi = 73.75 in3 (Fy is the limit stress when fully braced)
4. Choose a trial section, and also limit the depth to 18 in as instructed:
W18 x 40 has a plastic section modulus of 78.4 in3 and is the most light weight (as indicated by the bold text) in Table 9.1
Include the self weight in the maximum values: w*a-adjusted = 1.20 k/ft + 0.04 k/ft
V*a-adjusted = 1.24 k/ft(35 ft)/2 = 21.7 k
M*a-adjusted = 1.24 k/ft(35 ft)3/8 = 189.9 k
Zreq’d ≥ 189.9 k-ft(1.67)(12 in/ft)/50 ksi = 76.11 in3 And the Z we have (78.4) is larger than the Z we need (76.11), so OK.
6. Evaluate shear (is Va ≤ Vn/Ω): Aw = dtw so look up section properties for W18 x 40: d = 17.90 in and tw = 0.315 in
Vn/Ω = 0.6FywAw/Ω = 0.6(50 ksi)(17.90 in)(0.315 in)/1.5 = 112.8 k which is much larger than 21.7 k, so OK.
9. Evaluate the deflection with respect to the limit stated of L/360 for the live load. (If we knew the total load limit we would
check that as well). The moment of inertia for the W18 x 40 is needed. Ix = 612 in4
∆ live load limit = 35 ft(12 in/ft)/360 = 1.17 in
∆ = 5wL4/384EI = 5(0.75 k/ft)(35 ft)4(12 in/ft)3/384(29 x 103 ksi)(612 in4) = 1.42 in! This is TOO BIG (not less than the limit.
Find the moment of inertia needed:
Ireq’d ≥ ∆too big (Itrial)/∆limit = 1.42 in(612 in4)/(1.17 in) = 742.8 in4
From the Listing of W Shapes in Descending order of Zx for Beam Design, a W21 x 44 is larger (by Ix = 843 in4), and the most light
weight, but it is too deep!. In the next group up, the W16 x 57 works (Ix = 758 in4, but we aren’t certain there is a more economical
section. Then W18x50, W12x72, and W18x55, so we stop because the W18x50 has the smallest weight with the depth restriction.
(In order: Ix = 800, 597, and 890 in4)
Choose a W18 x 50

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 3
For the same beam and loading of Example 1, select the most economical
beam using Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) with the 18” depth
restriction. Assume the distributed load is dead load, and the point load is
live load. Fy = 50 ksi and E = 30x103 ksi

(1.6)20k = 32k
(1.2)1k/ft = 1.2k/ft
1. To find Vu-max and Mu-max, factor the loads, construct a new load diagram,
shear diagram and bending moment diagram.
32.8k 32.8k

+32.8k 2. To satisfy Mu ≤ φbMn, we find and


-16 k solve for Z needed:

341.6 k-ft Choose a trial section from the Listing of W Shapes in Descending Order
of Z by selecting the bold section at the top of the grouping satisfying
our Z and depth requirement – W18 x 50 is the lightest with Z = 101 in3.
(W22 x 44 is the lightest without the depth requirement.) Include the
additional self weight (dead load) and find the maximum shear and
bending moment:

, so Z (have) of 101 in3 is greater than the Z (needed).

3. Check the shear capacity to satisfy Vu ≤ φvVn: Aweb = dtw and d=17.99 in., tw = 0.355 in. for the W18x50
So 33.64k ≤ 191.6 k OK
4. Calculate the deflection from the unfactored loads, including the self-weight now because it is known,
and satisfy the deflection criteria of ∆LL≤∆LL-limit and ∆total≤∆total-limit. (This is identical to what is done in
Example 1.) Ix =800 in3 for the W18x50
∆total-limit = L/240 = 1.4 in., say ∆LL = L/360 = 0.93 in

So 1.26 in. ≤ 1.4 in., and 0.658 in. ≤ 0.93 in. OK ∴FINAL SELECTION IS W18x50

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 4
A steel beam with a 20 ft span is designed to be simply supported at the ends on columns and to carry a floor system
made with open-web steel joists at 4 ft on center. The joists span 28 feet and frame into the beam from one side
only and have a self weight of 8.5 lb/ft. Use A992 (grade 50) steel and select the most economical wide-flange
section for the beam with LRFD design. Floor loads are 50 psf LL and 14.5 psf DL.

334 334
ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 5
Select a A992 W shape flexural member (Fy = 50 ksi, Fu = 65 ksi) for a beam with distributed loads of 825 lb/ft
(dead) and 1300 lb/ft (live) and a live point load at midspan of 3 k using the Available Moment tables. The beam is
simply supported, 20 feet long, and braced at the ends and midpoint only (Lb = 10 ft.) The beam is a roof beam for
an institution without plaster ceilings. (LRFD)
1.6(3k) =4.8k
SOLUTION: 10’ 10’

To use the Available Moment tables, the maximum moment required is plotted against
the unbraced length. The first solid line with capacity or unbraced length above what is
needed is the most economical.
w = 1.2(825 lb/ft)+1.6(1300 lb/ft) =3.07k/ft
DESIGN LOADS (load factors applied on figure):

Plotting 662 k-ft vs. 10 ft lands just on the capacity of the W21x83, but it is dashed (and not the most economical) AND we need to
consider the contribution of self weight to the total moment. Choose a trial section of W24 x 76. Include the new dead load:

Replot 680.2 k-ft vs. 10ft, which lands above the capacity of the W21x83. We can’t look up because the chart ends, but we can
look for that capacity with a longer unbraced length. This leads us to a W24 x 84 as the most economical. (With the additional self
weight of 84 - 76 lb/ft = 8 lb/ft, the increase in the factored moment is only 1.92 k-ft; therefore, it is still OK.)

Evaluate the shear capacity:

so yes, 68 k ≤ 338.4k OK

Evaluate the deflection with respect to the limits of L/240 for live (unfactored) load and L/180 for total (unfactored) load:
L/240 = 1 in. and L/180 = 1.33 in.

10’ 10’

w = 825 lb/ft + 1300 lb/ft + 84 lb/ft =2.209k/ft


+ So, ∆LL≤∆LL-limit and ∆total≤∆total-limit:

0.06 in. ≤ 1 in. and 0.42 in. ≤ 1.33 in.

(This section is so big to accommodate the large

bending moment at the cantilever support that it
deflects very little.)


ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 6
Select the most economical joist for the 40 ft
grid structure with floors and a flat roof. The
roof loads are 10 lb/ft2 dead load and 20 lb/ft2
live load. The floor loads are 30 lb/ft2 dead
load 100 lb/ft2 live load. (Live load deflection
limit for the roof is L/240, while the floor is
L/360). Use the (LRFD) K and LH series
charts provided.

(Top values are maximum total factored load in lb/ft, while the lower (lighter) values
are maximum (unfactored) live load for a deflection of L/360)

Shaded areas indicate the bridging requirements.

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 6 (continued)

(Top values are maximum total factored load in lb/ft, while the lower (lighter) values
are maximum (unfactored) live load for a deflection of L/360)

Shaded areas indicate the bridging requirements.

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 7 (LRFD)

Total dead load

Total live load 13.9 psf X 4 ft o.c. = 55.6 plf
Total factored live snow load + dead load = 1.2(55.6) + 1.6 (57.2) = 158.2 plf

223 plf TFL and 77 plf LL

6.4 plf

6.5 plf 7.3 plf

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 8
A floor with multiple bays is to be supported by open-web steel joists spaced at 3 ft. on center and spanning 30 ft.
having a dead load of 70 lb/ft2 and a live load of 100 lb/ft2. The joists are supported on joist girders spanning 30 ft.
with 3 ft.-long panel points (shown). Determine the member forces at the location shown in a horizontal chord and
the maximum force in a web member for an interior girder. Use factored loads. Assume a self weight for the open-
web joists of 12 lb/ft, and the self weight for the joist girder of 35 lb/ft.

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 9
A floor is to be supported by trusses spaced at 5 ft. on center and spanning 60 ft. having a dead load of 53 lb/ft2 and
a live load of 100 lb/ft2. With 3 ft.-long panel points, the depth is assumed to be 3 ft with a span-to-depth ratio of
20. With 6 ft.-long panel points, the depth is assumed to be 6 ft with a span-to-depth ratio of 10. Determine the
maximum force in a horizontal chord and the maximum force in a web member. Use factored loads. Assume a self
weight of 40 lb/ft.

tributary widths

area loads
Pdead Plive
wdead wlive
(=wdead ⋅ A) (=wlive ⋅ A)
(K) (K)

+ 0.14 = 3.49

+ 0.29 = 7.00

self weight 0.04 k/ft (distributed) 3 1.2Pdead = 1.2wdead ⋅ tributary width = 0.14 K
6 1.2Pdead = 1.2wdead ⋅ tributary width = 0.29 K
NOTE – end panels only have half the tributary width of interior panels

A FBD 3: Maximum web force will be in the end

diagonal (just like maximum shear in a beam)
B ΣFy = 10P1 – 0.5P1 – FAB⋅sin45° = 0
FAB = 9.5P1/sin45° = 9.5(3.49 k)/0.707 = 46.9 k
FBD 1 for 3 ft deep truss
FBD 2: Maximum chord force (top or bottom) will be at midspan

G ΣMG = -9.5P1(27ft) + P1(24ft) + P1(21ft) + P1(18ft) + P1(15ft)

+ P1(12ft) + P1(9ft) + P1(6ft) + P1(3ft) + T1(3ft) = 0
T1 = P1(148.5ft)/3ft = (3.49 k)(49.5) = 172.8 k

ΣFy = 10P1 – 9.5P1 – D1⋅sin45° = 0

FBD 2 of cut just to the left of midspan FBD 3 of cut just to right D1 = 0.5(3.49 k)/0.707 = 2.5 k (minimum near midspan)
of left support
ΣFx =-C1 + T1 + D1⋅cos45° = 0 C1 = 174.5 k

FBD 6: Maximum web force will be in the end

A diagonal

ΣFy = 5P2 – 0.5P2 – FAB⋅sin45° = 0

FAB = 4.5P2/sin45° = 4.5(7 k)/0.707 = 44.5 k

FBD 4 for 6 ft deep truss

FBD 5: Maximum chord (top or bottom) force will be at midspan
G ΣMG = -4.5P2(24ft) + P2(18ft) + P2(12ft) + P2(6ft) + T2(6ft) = 0
T2 = P2(72ft)/6ft = (7 k)(12) = 84 k
ΣFy = 5P2 – 4.5P1 – Ds⋅sin45° = 0
D2 = 0.5(7 k)/0.707 = 4.9 k (minimum near midspan)
FBD 5 of cut just to the left of midspan FBD 6 of cut just to right ΣFx =-C2 + T2 + D2⋅cos45° = 0 C2 = 87.5 k
of left support

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 10 (pg 367) + LRFD

using ASD and LRFD.

Example 11 (pg 371) + chart method

Use LRFD assuming that the load is a dead load

(factor of 1.4)
ALSO: Select the W12 column using the Available Strength charts.

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 12

Use both ASD and LRFD. Fy = 50 ksi.

(Not using Available Strength charts)


1. Pa = 140 k + 420 k = 560 k
2. The effective length in the weak (y-y) axis is 15 ft, while the effective length in the strong (x-x) axis is 30 ft. (K = 1, KL = 1×30 ft).
To find kL/rx and kL/ry we can assume or choose values from the wide flange charts. ry’s range from 1 to 3 in., while rx’s range from
3 to 14 inches. Let’s try ry = 2 in and rx = 9 in. (something in the W21 range, say.)
kL/ry ≅ 15 ft(12 in/ft)/2 in. = 90 ⇐ GOVERNS (is larger)
kL/rx ≅ 30 ft(12 in/ft)/9 in. = 40
3. Find a section with sufficient area (which then will give us “real” values for rx and ry):
If Pa ≤ Pn/Ω, and Pn = Fcr A, we can find A ≥ PaΩ/Fcr with Ω = 1.67
The tables provided have φFcr, so we can get Fcr by dividing by φ = 0.9
φFcr for 90 is 24.9 ksi, Fcr = 24.9 ksi/0.9 = 27.67 ksi so A ≥ 560 k(1.67)/27.67 ksi = 33.8 in2
4. Choose a trial section, and find the effective lengths and associated available strength, Fcr :
Looking from the smallest sections, the W14’s are the first with a big enough area:
Try a W14 x 120 (A = 35.3 in2) with ry = 3.74 in and rx = 6.24 in.: kL/ry = 48.1 and kL/rx = 57.7 (GOVERNS)
φFcr for 58 is 35.2 ksi, Fcr = 39.1 ksi so A ≥ 560 k(1.67)/39.1 ksi = 23.9 in2
Choose a W14 x 90 (Choosing a W14 x 82 would make kL/rx = 59.5, and Areq’d = 24.3 in2, which is more than 24.1 in2!)

1. Pu = 1.2(140 k) + 1.6(420 k) = 840 k
2. The effective length in the weak (y-y) axis is 15 ft, while the effective length in the strong (x-x) axis is 30 ft. (K = 1, KL = 1×30 ft).
To find kL/rx and kL/ry we can assume or choose values from the wide flange charts. ry’s range from 1 to 3 in., while rx’s range from
3 to 14 inches. Let’s try ry = 2 in and rx = 9 in. (something in the W21 range, say.)
kL/ry ≅ 15 ft(12 in/ft)/2 in. = 90 ⇐ GOVERNS (is larger)
kL/rx ≅ 30 ft(12 in/ft)/9 in. = 40
3. Find a section with sufficient area (which then will give us “real” values for rx and ry):
If Pu ≤ φPn, and φPn = φFcr A, we can find A ≥ Pu/φFcr with φ = 0.9
φFcr for 90 is 24.9 ksi, so A ≥ 840 k/24.9 ksi = 33.7 in2
4. Choose a trial section, and find the effective lengths and associated available strength, φFcr :
Looking from the smallest sections, the W14’s are the first with a big enough area:
Try a W14 x 120 (A = 35.3 in2) with ry = 3.74 in and rx = 6.24 in.: kL/ry = 48.1 and kL/rx = 57.7 (GOVERNS)
φFcr for 58 is 35.2 ksi, so A ≥ 840 k/35.2 ksi = 23.9 in2
Choose a W14 x 90 (Choosing a W14 x 82 would make kL/rx = 59.5, and Areq’d = 24.3 in2, which is more than 24.1 in2!)

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 13

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 14
Investigate the accepatbility of a W16 x 67 used as a beam-column under the unfactored
loading shown in the figure. It is A992 steel (Fy = 50 ksi). Assume 25% of the load is dead
load with 75% live load.

DESIGN LOADS (shown on figure):
Axial load = 1.2(0.25)(350k)+1.6(0.75)(350k)=525k
Moment at joint = 1.2(0.25)(60 k-ft) + 1.6(0.75)(60 k-ft) = 90 k-ft
Determine column capacity and fraction to choose the appropriate interaction equation:

and (governs) 525 k 525 k

90 k-ft
90 k-ft

so use

There is no bending about the y axis, so that term will not have any values.
Determine the bending moment capacity in the x direction:
The unbraced length to use the full plastic moment (Lp) is listed as 8.69 ft, and we are
over that so of we don’t want to determine it from formula, we can find the beam in the
Available Moment vs. Unbraced Length tables. The value of φMn at Lb =15 ft is 422 k-ft. 525 k 525 k

Determine the magnification factor when M1 = 0, M2 = 90 k-ft:

USE 1.0 Mu = (1)90 k-ft

This is NOT OK. (and outside error tolerance).
The section should be larger.
Finally, determine the interaction value:

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 15

, assuming A36 steel with E60XX electrodes.

Example 16

φS = 6.96 k/in
8 in + 6 in + 8 in = 22 in.
6.96 k/in = 153.1 k

72.9 k
φPn = φFyAg φ = 0.9
72.9 k 3.31 k/in.
0.9 x 36 k/in2 x 3/8” x 6”= 72.9 k
From Available Strength table, use 3/16” weld
φPn = 72.9 k
(φS = 4.18 k/in.)

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 17


required? Also determine the bearing

capacity of the wide flange sections.
tf = 0.575 in.
Factored end beam reaction = 90 k.

Fu = 65 ksi

Example 18
Verify the tensile strength of an L4 x 4 x ½, ASTM
36, with one line of (4) ½ in.-diameter bolts and
standard holes. The member carries a dead load of
20 kips and a live load of 60 kips in tension.
Assume that connection limit states do not govern,
and U = 0.869.

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 19

The steel used in the connection and beams is A992 with Fy = 50 ksi,
and Fu = 65 ksi. Using A490-N bolt material, determine the
maximum capacity of the connection based on shear in the bolts,
bearing in all materials and pick the number of bolts and angle length
(not staggered). Use A36 steel for the angles.

W21x93: d = 21.62 in, tw = 0.58 in, tf = 0.93 in

W10x54: tf = 0.615 in


The maximum length the angles can be depends on how it fits between the top and bottom flange with some clearance allowed
for the fillet to the flange, and getting an air wrench in to tighten the bolts. This example uses 1” of clearance:
Available length = beam depth – both flange thicknesses – 1” clearance at top & 1” at bottom
= 21.62 in – 2(0.93 in) – 2(1 in) = 17.76 in.
With the spaced at 3 in. and 1 ¼ in. end lengths (each end), the maximum number of bolts can be determined:
Available length ≥ 1.25 in. + 1.25 in. + 3 in. x (number of bolts – 1)
number of bolts ≤ (17.76 in – 2.5 in. - (-3 in.))/3 in. = 6.1, so 6 bolts.
It is helpful to have the All-bolted Double-Angle
Connection Tables 10-1. They are available for ¾”, 7/8”,
and 1” bolt diameters and list angle thicknesses of ¼”,
5/16”, 3/8”, and ½”. Increasing the angle thickness is
likely to increase the angle strength, although the limit
states include shear yielding of the angles, shear rupture
of the angles, and block shear rupture of the angles.

For these diameters, the available shear (double) from

Table 7-1 for 6 bolts is (6)45.1 k/bolt = 270.6 kips,
(6)61.3 k/bolt = 367.8 kips, and (6)80.1 k/bolt =
480.6 kips.

Tables 10-1 (not all provided here) list a bolt and angle
available strength of 271 kips for the ¾” bolts, 296 kips
for the 7/8” bolts, and 281 kips for the 1” bolts. It
appears that increasing the bolt diameter to 1” will not
gain additional load. Use 7/8” bolts.
φRn = 367.8 kips for double shear of 7/8” bolts φRn = 296 kips for limit state in angles
We also need to evaluate bearing of bolts on the beam web, and column flange where there are bolt holes. Table 7-4 provides
available bearing strength for the material type, bolt diameter, hole type, and spacing per inch of material thicknesses.

a) Bearing for beam web: There are 6 bolt holes through the beam web. This is typically the critical bearing limit value
because there are two angle legs that resist bolt bearing and twice as many bolt holes to the column. The material is
A992 (Fu = 65 ksi), 0.58” thick, with 7/8” bolt diameters at 3 in. spacing.
φRn = 6 bolts⋅(102 k/bolt/inch)⋅(0.58 in) = 355.0 kips

b) Bearing for column flange: There are 12 bolt holes through the column. The material is A992 (Fu = 65 ksi), 0.615” thick, with
1” bolt diameters.
φRn = 12 bolts⋅(102 k/bolt/inch)⋅(0.615 in) = 752.8 kips

Although, the bearing in the beam web is the smallest at 355 kips, with the shear on the bolts even smaller at 324.6 kips,
the maximum capacity for the simple-shear connector is 296 kips limited by the critical capacity of the angles.

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Example 20


ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Listing of W Shapes in Descending order of Zx for Beam Design

Zx – US Ix – US Ix – SI Zx – SI Zx – US Ix – US Ix – SI Zx – SI
(in.3) (in.4) Section (106mm.4) (103mm.3) (in.3) (in.4) Section (106mm.4) (103mm.3)
514 7450 W33X141 3100 8420 289 3100 W24X104 1290 4740
511 5680 W24X176 2360 8370 287 1900 W14X159 791 4700
509 7800 W36X135 3250 8340 283 3610 W30X90 1500 4640
500 6680 W30X148 2780 8190 280 3000 W24X103 1250 4590
490 4330 W18X211 1800 8030 279 2670 W21X111 1110 4570
487 3400 W14X257 1420 7980 278 3270 W27X94 1360 4560
481 3110 W12X279 1290 7880 275 1650 W12X170 687 4510
476 4730 W21X182 1970 7800 262 2190 W18X119 912 4290
468 5170 W24X162 2150 7670 260 1710 W14X145 712 4260
467 6710 W33X130 2790 7650 254 2700 W24X94 1120 4160
464 5660 W27X146 2360 7600 253 2420 W21X101 1010 4150
442 3870 W18X192 1610 7240 244 2850 W27X84 1190 4000
437 5770 W30X132 2400 7160 243 1430 W12X152 595 3980
436 3010 W14X233 1250 7140 234 1530 W14X132 637 3830
432 4280 W21X166 1780 7080 230 1910 W18X106 795 3770
428 2720 W12X252 1130 7010 224 2370 W24X84 986 3670
418 4580 W24X146 1910 6850 221 2070 W21X93 862 3620
415 5900 W33X118 2460 6800 214 1240 W12X136 516 3510
408 5360 W30X124 2230 6690 212 1380 W14X120 574 3470
398 3450 W18X175 1440 6520 211 1750 W18X97 728 3460
395 4760 W27X129 1980 6470 200 2100 W24X76 874 3280
390 2660 W14X211 1110 6390 198 1490 W16X100 620 3240
386 2420 W12X230 1010 6330 196 1830 W21X83 762 3210
378 4930 W30X116 2050 6190 192 1240 W14X109 516 3150
373 3630 W21X147 1510 6110 186 1530 W18X86 637 3050
370 4020 W24X131 1670 6060 186 1070 W12X120 445 3050
356 3060 W18X158 1270 5830 177 1830 W24X68 762 2900
355 2400 W14X193 999 5820 175 1300 W16X89 541 2870
348 2140 W12X210 891 5700 173 1110 W14X99 462 2830
346 4470 W30X108 1860 5670 172 1600 W21X73 666 2820
343 4080 W27X114 1700 5620 164 933 W12X106 388 2690
333 3220 W21X132 1340 5460 163 1330 W18X76 554 2670
327 3540 W24X117 1470 5360 160 1480 W21X68 616 2620
322 2750 W18X143 1140 5280 157 999 W14X90 416 2570
320 2140 W14X176 891 5240 153 1550 W24X62 645 2510
312 3990 W30X99 1660 5110 150 1110 W16X77 462 2460
311 1890 W12X190 787 5100 147 833 W12X96 347 2410
307 2960 W21X122 1230 5030 147 716 W10X112 298 2410
305 3620 W27X102 1510 5000 146 1170 W18X71 487 2390
290 2460 W18X130 1020 4750 (continued)

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Listing of W Shapes in Descending order of Zx for Beam Design (Continued)

144 1330 W21X62 554 2360 66.5 510 W18X35 212 1090
139 881 W14X82 367 2280 64.2 348 W12X45 145 1050
134 1350 W24X55 562 2200 64.0 448 W16X36 186 1050
133 1070 W18X65 445 2180 61.5 385 W14X38 160 1010
132 740 W12X87 308 2160 60.4 272 W10X49 113 990
130 954 W16X67 397 2130 59.8 228 W8X58 94.9 980
130 623 W10X100 259 2130 57.0 307 W12X40 128 934
129 1170 W21X57 487 2110 54.9 248 W10X45 103 900
126 1140 W21X55 475 2060 54.6 340 W14X34 142 895
126 795 W14X74 331 2060 54.0 375 W16X31 156 885
123 984 W18X60 410 2020 51.2 285 W12X35 119 839
119 662 W12X79 276 1950 49.0 184 W8X48 76.6 803
115 722 W14X68 301 1880 47.3 291 W14X30 121 775
113 534 W10X88 222 1850 46.8 209 W10X39 87.0 767
112 890 W18X55 370 1840 44.2 301 W16X26 125 724
110 984 W21X50 410 1800 43.1 238 W12X30 99.1 706
108 597 W12X72 248 1770 40.2 245 W14X26 102 659
107 959 W21X48 399 1750 39.8 146 W8X40 60.8 652
105 758 W16X57 316 1720 38.8 171 W10X33 71.2 636
102 640 W14X61 266 1670 37.2 204 W12X26 84.9 610
101 800 W18X50 333 1660 36.6 170 W10X30 70.8 600
97.6 455 W10X77 189 1600 34.7 127 W8X35 52.9 569
96.8 533 W12X65 222 1590 33.2 199 W14X22 82.8 544
95.4 843 W21X44 351 1560 31.3 144 W10X26 59.9 513
92.0 659 W16X50 274 1510 30.4 110 W8X31 45.8 498
90.7 712 W18X46 296 1490 29.3 156 W12X22 64.9 480
87.1 541 W14X53 225 1430 27.2 98.0 W8X28 40.8 446
86.4 475 W12X58 198 1420 26.0 118 W10X22 49.1 426
85.3 394 W10X68 164 1400 24.7 130 W12X19 54.1 405
82.3 586 W16X45 244 1350 23.1 82.7 W8X24 34.4 379
78.4 612 W18X40 255 1280 21.6 96.3 W10X19 40.1 354
78.4 484 W14X48 201 1280 20.4 75.3 W8X21 31.3 334
77.9 425 W12X53 177 1280 20.1 103 W12x16 42.9 329
74.6 341 W10X60 142 1220 18.7 81.9 W10X17 34.1 306
73.0 518 W16X40 216 1200 17.4 88.6 W12X14 36.9 285
71.9 391 W12X50 163 1180 17.0 61.9 W8X18 25.8 279
70.1 272 W8X67 113 1150 16.0 68.9 W10X15 28.7 262
69.6 428 W14X43 178 1140 13.6 48.0 W8X15 20.0 223
66.6 303 W10X54 126 1090 12.6 53.8 W10X12 22.4 206
11.4 39.6 W8X13 16.5 187

8.87 30.8 W8X10 12.8 145

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Available Critical Stress, φcFcr, for Compression Members, ksi (Fy = 36 ksi and φc = 0.90)

KL/r φc Fcr KL/r φc Fcr KL/r φc Fcr KL/r φc Fcr KL/r φc Fcr
1 32.4 41 29.7 81 22.9 121 15.0 161 8.72
2 32.4 42 29.5 82 22.7 122 14.8 162 8.61
3 32.4 43 29.4 83 22.5 123 14.6 163 8.50
4 32.4 44 29.3 84 22.3 124 14.4 164 8.40
5 32.4 45 29.1 85 22.1 125 14.2 165 8.30
6 32.3 46 29.0 86 22.0 126 14.0 166 8.20
7 32.3 47 28.8 87 21.8 127 13.9 167 8.10
8 32.3 48 28.7 88 21.6 128 13.7 168 8.00
9 32.3 49 28.6 89 21.4 129 13.5 169 7.91
10 32.2 50 28.4 90 21.2 130 13.3 170 7.82
11 32.2 51 28.3 91 21.0 131 13.1 171 7.73
12 32.2 52 28.1 92 20.8 132 12.9 172 7.64
13 32.1 53 27.9 93 20.5 133 12.8 173 7.55
14 32.1 54 27.8 94 20.3 134 12.6 174 7.46
15 32.0 55 27.6 95 20.1 135 12.4 175 7.38
16 32.0 56 27.5 96 19.9 136 12.2 176 7.29
17 31.9 57 27.3 97 19.7 137 12.0 177 7.21
18 31.9 58 27.1 98 19.5 138 11.9 178 7.13
19 31.8 59 27.0 99 19.3 139 11.7 179 7.05
20 31.7 60 26.8 100 19.1 140 11.5 180 6.97
21 31.7 61 26.6 101 18.9 141 11.4 181 6.90
22 31.6 62 26.5 102 18.7 142 11.2 182 6.82
23 31.5 63 26.3 103 18.5 143 11.0 183 6.75
24 31.4 64 26.1 104 18.3 144 10.9 184 6.67
25 31.4 65 25.9 105 18.1 145 10.7 185 6.60
26 31.3 66 25.8 106 17.9 146 10.6 186 6.53
27 31.2 67 25.6 107 17.7 147 10.5 187 6.46
28 31.1 68 25.4 108 17.5 148 10.3 188 6.39
29 31.0 69 25.2 109 17.3 149 10.2 189 6.32
30 30.9 70 25.0 110 17.1 150 10.0 190 6.26
31 30.8 71 24.8 111 16.9 151 9.91 191 6.19
32 30.7 72 24.7 112 16.7 152 9.78 192 6.13
33 30.6 73 24.5 113 16.5 153 9.65 193 6.06
34 30.5 74 24.3 114 16.3 154 9.53 194 6.00
35 30.4 75 24.1 115 16.2 155 9.40 195 5.94
36 30.3 76 23.9 116 16.0 156 9.28 196 5.88
37 30.1 77 23.7 117 15.8 157 9.17 197 5.82
38 30.0 78 23.5 118 15.6 158 9.05 198 5.76
39 29.9 79 23.3 119 15.4 159 8.94 199 5.70
40 29.8 80 23.1 120 15.2 160 8.82 200 5.65

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Available Critical Stress, φcFcr, for Compression Members, ksi (Fy = 50 ksi and φc = 0.90)

KL/r φc Fcr KL/r φc Fcr KL/r φc Fcr KL/r φc Fcr KL/r φc Fcr
1 45.0 41 39.8 81 27.9 121 15.4 161 8.72
2 45.0 42 39.6 82 27.5 122 15.2 162 8.61
3 45.0 43 39.3 83 27.2 123 14.9 163 8.50
4 44.9 44 39.1 84 26.9 124 14.7 164 8.40
5 44.9 45 38.8 85 26.5 125 14.5 165 8.30
6 44.9 46 38.5 86 26.2 126 14.2 166 8.20
7 44.8 47 38.3 87 25.9 127 14.0 167 8.10
8 44.8 48 38.0 88 25.5 128 13.8 168 8.00
9 44.7 49 37.8 89 25.2 129 13.6 169 7.91
10 44.7 50 37.5 90 24.9 130 13.4 170 7.82
11 44.6 51 37.2 91 24.6 131 13.2 171 7.73
12 44.5 52 36.9 92 24.2 132 13.0 172 7.64
13 44.4 53 36.6 93 23.9 133 12.8 173 7.55
14 44.4 54 36.4 94 23.6 134 12.6 174 7.46
15 44.3 55 36.1 95 23.3 135 12.4 175 7.38
16 44.2 56 35.8 96 22.9 136 12.2 176 7.29
17 44.1 57 35.5 97 22.6 137 12.0 177 7.21
18 43.9 58 35.2 98 22.3 138 11.9 178 7.13
19 43.8 59 34.9 99 22.0 139 11.7 179 7.05
20 43.7 60 34.6 100 21.7 140 11.5 180 6.97
21 43.6 61 34.3 101 21.3 141 11.4 181 6.90
22 43.4 62 34.0 102 21.0 142 11.2 182 6.82
23 43.3 63 33.7 103 20.7 143 11.0 183 6.75
24 43.1 64 33.4 104 20.4 144 10.9 184 6.67
25 43.0 65 33.0 105 20.1 145 10.7 185 6.60
26 42.8 66 32.7 106 19.8 146 10.6 186 6.53
27 42.7 67 32.4 107 19.5 147 10.5 187 6.46
28 42.5 68 32.1 108 19.2 148 10.3 188 6.39
29 42.3 69 31.8 109 18.9 149 10.2 189 6.32
30 42.1 70 31.4 110 18.6 150 10.0 190 6.26
31 41.9 71 31.1 111 18.3 151 9.91 191 6.19
32 41.8 72 30.8 112 18.0 152 9.78 192 6.13
33 41.6 73 30.5 113 17.7 153 9.65 193 6.06
34 41.4 74 30.2 114 17.4 154 9.53 194 6.00
35 41.1 75 29.8 115 17.1 155 9.40 195 5.94
36 40.9 76 29.5 116 16.8 156 9.28 196 5.88
37 40.7 77 29.2 117 16.5 157 9.17 197 5.82
38 40.5 78 28.8 118 16.2 158 9.05 198 5.76
39 40.3 79 28.5 119 16.0 159 8.94 199 5.70
40 40.0 80 28.2 120 15.7 160 8.82 200 5.65

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Bolt Strength Tables

ARCH 331

A325, A325M A490, A490M

F1858 F2280
A354 Grade BC A354 Grade BD

Note Set 18
ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

ARCH 331 Note Set 18 Su2015abn

Beam Design Flow Chart

Collect data: L, ω, γ, ∆limits; find beam charts

for load cases and ∆actual equations

(Unified) Allowable Stress or LRFD
LRFD Design?

Collect data: Fy, Fu, and Collect data: load factors, Fy,
safety factors Ω Fu, and equations for shear
capacity with φV
Find Vmax & Mmax from
constructing diagrams or
using beam chart formulas Find Vu & Mu from
constructing diagrams or
using beam chart formulas
with the factored loads
Find Zreq’d and pick a section
from a table with Zx greater or
equal to Zreq’d
Pick a steel section from a chart having
φbMn ≥ Mu for the known unbraced length
Determine ωself wt (last number in OR
name) or calculate ωself wt. using A find Zreq’d and pick a section from a table
found. Find Mmax-adj & Vmax-adj. with Zx greater or equal to Zreq’d

Determine ωself wt (last number in

No name) or calculate ωself wt. using A
Calculate Zreq’d-adj using Mmax-adj.
Is Zx(picked) ≥ Zreq’d-adj? found. Factor with γD.
Find Mu-max-adj & Vu-max-adj.

Is Mu ≤ φbMn
Is Vmax-adj ≤ (0.6FywAw)/Ω.?
pick a new section with a
larger web area
Is Vu ≤ φv(0.6FywAw)
Yes No
pick a section
Yes with a larger
Calculate ∆max (no load factors!)
using superpositioning and beam web area
chart equations with the Ix for the

∆too big
I req' d ≥ I trial
is ∆max ≤ ∆limits? ∆lim it
This may be both the limit for live load No
deflection and total load deflection.) pick a section with a larger Ix

Yes (DONE)


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