Early-Chick Nutrit
Early-Chick Nutrit
Early-Chick Nutrit
Technical Bulletin ı 1
Chicks are precocial and on hatching will forage antigens through the passage of feed. The earlier
for feed and then begin to grow, whereas holding the food passes through the tract the sooner the
chick without feed for 24 hrs, which results in loss proliferating stem cells will meet an
of live weight. Access to nutrients initiates’ growth, environmental antigen, which helps to create a
some 24 hrs post ingestion. Early access to feed wider antibody repertoire. At the time of hatching
results in more rapid intestinal development bursal ducts also open. Transport of
immediately after hatch. In practice eggs within a environmental antigens into bursal lumen and
single tray will hatch over a 24-36 hrs window further into the lymphoid follicles begins with
during this time the chicks which has pipped early unique and sucking movements.
are without feed. Hatchery treatments and
Intestine is the primary nutrient supply organ, the
transport to the farm involve a further holding
sooner it develops its functional capacity, the
period and the consequence is that chicks may be
faster the young chick can utilize dietary nutrients
severely dehydrated and stressed on arrival
and grow to its genetic potential and resist
which leads to increased transit mortality and
infectious and metabolic diseases. Early access
early chick mortality, lack of vitality, compromised
to feed and water is desirable in order to
immuno-competence and therefore increased
encourage better growth and performance. A
disease vulnerability, poor feed and water intake
good start can help to ensure higher body weight,
and consequently poor economic performance.
and there is a positive relationship between first
During the period of withholding feed i.e. 48 hrs,
week weight and final body weight.
chicks decrease in weight at an approximate rate
of 4 g per 24 hrs due to moisture loss to body as
well as yolk utilization. Effects of holding on villus
surface area are region dependent, but generally Importance of yolk in chick’s life
both villus height and width are decreased. Both During incubation the chick is totally dependent
number of cells per crypt and the number of crypts on a fat and protein diet, fat as a major source of
per villus are initially decreased by lack of access energy. A hatchling depends on yolk for energy
to feed. and protein till it is housed and fed, which may
Early feeding has a great effect in triggering the take 24 to 36 hrs. Although the protein fraction is
right momentum of growth in chicks. It not only partly albumen, a large fraction of the egg protein
utilizes the residual yolk faster but also increases in the hatchling comprises of antibodies. Under
body weight gain and enhances the normal circumstances, maternal antibody is not
gastrointestinal tract development in chicks. digested during the incubation process, leaving
these immunoglobulins intact and fully functional
at the time of hatch, indicating that the protein in
the yolk sac is to be used for the passive immunity
Importance of first day feed in of the chicks and not as a source of amino acids.
Similarly, the residual yolk lipid should be used for
chicks life
growth and not as an energy source for
The post-hatch period is critical for the digestive maintenance as some fatty acids in the yolk lipid
tract because the system is switching itself from may influence the pace of development of certain
‘off’ to ‘on’. The first day after hatch is critical for organ systems (Dibner et al, 1998). It was found
the development of body systems in the chicken that the maintenance energy required for 24 hrs
and certain types of manipulation must occur post hatch for a broiler chick has been estimated
during the first days after hatch in order to achieve at approx 25 Kcal while the yolk total energy
long-term effects. The GIT which is sterile at the potential calculated is only 20 Kcal (Hurwitz et al,
time of birth undergoes exposure to different 1980). Yolk utilization via circulation also remains
2 ı Technical Bulletin
functional during the first 24 hrs post hatch after immediately after hatching than those fasted for
which transfers begins to decrease. In chicks with 48 hrs. This is because the anti-peristaltic
access to feed the rate of yolk utilization is faster, movement that transfers the yolk from yolk stalk
due to increased intestinal mechanical to the duodenum appears to be stimulated by the
(antiperistalatic) activity. presence of feed in the gut.
Proportionate weight of intestine is 0.02% on 1st day and 0.08% on 8th day
Protein digestion is 78% at 4 day whist upto 90% at 21st day
Technical Bulletin ı 3
from the internal environment of the egg to the hatchlings do not survive during post hatch
nutrients from the feed. After hatch, chicks have a period. Many of those who survive in this critical
anatomically complete but physiologically post-hatch period exhibit stunted growth, poor
incompetent gut resulting in inefficient feed feed conversion, reduced disease resistance and
utilization, reduced enzymatic (amylase & poor meat yield in the long term. New research
trypsin) activity & shorter villi length. Time from shows excellent results of early nourishment
hatching to onset of receiving nutrition is critical (neonatal supplement) as soon as possible after
given the high mortality; approx. 2 to 5% of hatch. The supplemented energy helps to operate
4 ı Technical Bulletin
the digestive system and stimulates development organs may be the bottle neck in the utilization of
of all other body systems. the nutrients. The rate of passage of the ingesta
influences the utilization of the nutrients in the
Post-hatch changes are more pronounced in the
intestines. Slower rate of passage improves
intestine of the chicks compared to other parts.
nutrient absorption by increased time of contact
The proportional weight of the intestine compared
with absorptive cells and increases the
to the whole body mass steeply increases from
digestibility of fiber by allowing more time for
0.02% on day 1 to 0.08% on day 8 (Sklan, 2001).
microbial fermentation (Washburn, 1991).
The pace of development of the intestines is in
tune with the concept of supply organs
developing in advance of demand organs
(Brake, 2001). At the time of hatching the villi of 2. Early nutrition and pancreatic secretions
the small intestine are undeveloped and the Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins reaching the
crypts in the intervillus spaces are not detectable. intestine must be hydrolyzed before uptake.
The crypts begin to form in the first few hours and During late embryonic development and at hatch,
become defined within 72 hrs.This process pancreatic enzyme activities are found in the
continues and the villi are well defined by 336 hrs small intestine (Marchaim and Kulka, 1967). In
(within 14 days) after hatch. The total villi surface fed birds intestinal pancreatic enzymatic activities
area in the jejunum increases from about 50 sq were correlated both with body weight and
cm at hatch to about 550 sq cm on the 10th day intestinal weight (Sklan and Noy, 2000; Sklan,
(Sklan, 2001). 2001). These findings suggest that feed intake
The development of the intestine though is rapid triggers secretion of pancreatic enzymes, which
during the first 72 hrs and continues up to the 10th are then secreted at relatively constant amounts
day indicating the importance of neonatal per feed intake as the chick grows.
supplementation in chicks. Enzyme secretion is Supplementation of lipase during early life is very
insufficient in quantities, but the development of critical for digestion of fat as secretion of lipase
the gut even though faster compared to other during this period is insufficient.
Technical Bulletin ı 5
3. Early nutrition and immune system is key to providing early antigen exposure to the
development chick. Once antigens are present, the immune
system begins to develop. If the bird has
The immune system of the bird is partly
decreased intake during early stages or the diet is
developed at hatch and its further development
lacking in certain nutrients prior to exposure of
depends on several factors. Gut associated
severe pathogen challenges, the immune system
lymphoid tissue (GALT), a component of the gut
may not be adequate to handle the challenge
immune system, evolves to provide protection
properly and may either over react to the
against pathogens found in feed and the
challenge or not result in a sufficient response.
environment. Many changes occur in the GALT,
including changes in T and B lymphocyte count,
innate immune cells, enlargement of the bursa,
4. Early nutrition and muscle development
appearance of caecal tonsils and Payer’s
Patches. Many research reports have suggested Early nutrition is very important for the meat and
chick in the first week post-hatch lack adequate muscle production or increased body weight.
immune responsiveness and are therefore are Muscle cells are multi-nucleated, hence each
highly susceptible to infections. Consequently, individual nucleus controls an area of cytoplasm
nutritional strategy should be aimed not only at within each cell. So muscle mass can increase in
the development of the immune system, but also one of the two ways: either increase in number of
at adequate immune response. Hence the critical nuclei or increased amount of cytoplasm.
factors are intake of feed and nutrients. However, there is a limited time period early in life
Insufficient nutrient intake can result in impaired when the ability exists to donate nuclei into an
immune system development hence nutrients are existing cell. Therefore, there is limited time to
most essential to the development of immune impact muscle potential by increasing the number
system. However, the nutrients found in the of nuclei within the cell. This occurs by activated
remnants of the yolk in the post-hatch chick are satellite cells that can donate nuclei to the muscle.
not sufficient for proper immune development. Once this period of donation ends, the main
method for increasing muscle mass that remains
Nutrition is a critical determinant of immune
only through increased cytoplasm.
responses which can affect the magnitude as well
as the nature of the immune response. There are Early nutrition correlates very closely to satellite
three ways in which early nutrition can affect cell activity. The longer the limitation of feed exists
immune development. in the young bird, the fewer the number of nuclei
are donated to the muscle due to decreased
1) Nutrients provide substrates for cell
satellite cell activity. This creates a decreased
proliferation and differentiation.
potential for muscle development in the mature
2) Nutrients can be immunomodulators bird. Nutrients can enhance this brief period for
themselves or can affect their endogenous creating improved muscle potential by activating
synthesis. satellite cells.
3) Oral intake provides many of the antigens that
drive both the development of isotypes and the
generation of immunoglobulin diversity in the Fate of chicks at the hatchery
At the hatchery fertile eggs are transferred from
In order for the immune system to develop the setter to hatcher on completion of 18 days. In
properly, there must be exposure to antigens. the hatchers chicks start hatching soon after the
Antigens can come from various sources but are transfer. In ideal conditions 25% of the eggs
usually ingested shortly after hatch. Feed intake should have hatched 24 hrs before the hatch is
6 ı Technical Bulletin
pulled, and 75% of the eggs should have hatched either through diseases or activation of the
13 hours before the hatch is pulled. This implies immune system. Minimizing stress through
that at the time of pulling the hatch there are nutritional manipulation at this stage is clearly
chicks that are 1-1.5 days old or may be even important.
These are results in ideal conditions. In reality the
hatch window is far wider due to multi-stage Conclusion
incubation and inefficient husbandry, hatchery
n Early feeding helps in overall development of
practices as well as the use of dated hatching
the chick organs and helps in further
improvement in terms of mortality, stimulation
At hatchery several processes must be of immune system and also building stronger
completed i.e. grading, vaccination, sexing, and immune system with less mortality post-hatch.
packing before finally transporting the chicks to
the farms. The consequence is that chicks may be n There may be an opportunity to improve chick
severely dehydrated and stressed on arrival. This development through the use of neonatal
leads to increased transit mortality and early chick supplements that balance the immune system
mortality, lack of vitality, compromised immuno- and can enhance the development of the
competence and therefore increased intestine.
vulnerability, poor feed and water intake and n It is important to select a specialized
consequently poor economic performance. supplement that can improve the development
of the immune system so that the bird can
respond more efficiently to an immune
Alleviating stress challenge early in life.
In modern poultry production systems birds are n A neonatal supplement that can aid in the
inevitably exposed to considerable stress. The proper development of the intestinal tract is
gastrointestinal tract of the newly hatched chick is also beneficial due to the rapid growth of the
immature and sterile and only begins to develop intestine early in life. If the intestinal tract
its function and its micro flora when it begins to develops more efficiently the bird will be better
ingest feed. Feed inevitably contains micro- able to absorb nutrients which can impact feed
organisms and other components which may be efficiency and muscle development in the long
toxic, and this puts additional stress on the bird run.
References are available with author and can be made available on request.
Dr Pooja Tarar
M.V.Sc. (Animal Biotechnology)
B.V.Sc. & A.H. (Anand Agricultural University)
Technical Bulletin ı 7
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