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Jeep History


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News For other uses, see Jeep (disambiguation).

Jeep is an automobile marque (and registered trademark) of Chrysler.

Our History

Jeep History Many people treat the word "jeep" as a generic term and use it uncapitalized for any vehicle of this
shape and function: see genericized trademark.

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Roads that are only suitable for off-road vehicles are often called jeep trails. The most famous is
the Rubicon Trail located near Lake Tahoe in Nevada and in California. The so-called "Jeep Trail
Craig's List Capital of the World" however is Ouray Colorado (that is the Ouray town motto). Ouray serves as a Type Division of Chrysler
Hub to Mountain Passes such as Engineer Pass, Cinnamon Pass, Imogene Pass, and the Founded 1941
infamous Black Bear Pass. Headquarters Toledo, Ohio, USA
Videos Industry Automobile
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Contents Parent Chrysler Holding LLC
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1 History
1.1 The origin of the term "jeep"
GPS 1.2 The origins of the vehicle: the first jeeps
Contact Us 2 The Jeep marque
3 Jeep History
3.1 Historical models
3.2 Current models
3.3 Concept vehicles
3.4 Special vehicles
4 See also
5 External links
5.1 Official sites
5.2 Other links
6 References
7 Footnotes

History [edit]

The origin of the term "jeep" [edit]

There are many stories about where the word "jeep" came from, how it was coined, These, although they make for interesting and memorable
stories, are difficult to verify.

Probably the most popular notion has it that the vehicle bore the designation "GP" (for "General Purpose"), which was phonetically slurred into the
word jeep. R. Lee Ermey, on his television series Mail Call, disputes this, saying that the vehicle was designed for specific duties, was never referred
to as "General Purpose," and that the name may have been derived from Ford's nomenclature referring to the vehicle as GP (G for government-use,
and P to designate its 80-inch-wheelbase). "General purpose" does appear in connection with the vehicle in the WW2 TM 9-803 manual, which
describes the vehicle as "... a general purpose, personnel, or cargo carrier especially adaptable for reconnaissance or command, and designated as
¼-ton 4x4 Truck", and the vehicle is designated a "GP" in TM 9-2800, Standard Military Motor Vehicles, September 1, 1943, but whether the
average jeep-driving GI would have been familiar with either of these manuals is open to debate.

This version of the story may be complicated by the name of another series of vehicles with the GP designation. The Electro-Motive Division of
General Motors, a maker of railroad locomotives, introduced its "General Purpose" line in 1949, using the GP tag. These locomotives are commonly
referred to as Geeps, pronounced the same way as "Jeep".

Many, including Ermey, claim that the likelier origin refers to the character Eugene the Jeep in the Thimble Theater (Popeye) comic strip. Eugene the
Jeep was dog-like and could walk through walls and ceilings, climb trees, fly, and just about go anywhere it wanted; it is thought that soldiers at the
time were so impressed with the new vehicle's versatility that they informally named it after the character. The character "Eugene the Jeep" was
created in 1936.

The term "jeep" was first commonly used during World War I (1914-1918) by soldiers as a slang word for new recruits and for new unproven
vehicles. This is according to a history of the vehicle for an issue of the U.S. Army magazine, Quartermaster Review, which was written by Maj. E. P.
Hogan. He went on to say that the slang word "jeep" had these definitions as late as the start of World War II.

"Jeep" had been used as the name of a small tractor made by Modine.

The term "jeep" would eventually be used as slang to refer to an airplane, a tractor used for hauling heavy equipment, and an autogyro. When the
first models of the jeep came to Camp Holabird for tests, the vehicle did not have a name yet. Therefore the soldiers on the test project called it a
jeep. Civilian engineers and test drivers who were at the camp during this time were not aware of the military slang term. They most likely were
familiar with the character Eugene the Jeep and thought that Eugene was the origin of the name. The vehicle had many other nicknames at this time
such as Peep and Pygmy and Blitz-Buggy, although because of the Eugene association, Jeep stuck in people's minds better than any other term.

Words of the Fighting Forces by Clinton A. Sanders, a dictionary of military slang, published in 1942, in the library at The Pentagon gives this

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Jeep History

Jeep: A four-wheel drive car of one-half to one-and-one-half ton capacity for reconnaissance or other army duty. A term applied to the
bantam-cars, and occasionally to other motor vehicles (U.S.A.) in the Air Corps, the Link Trainer; in the armored forces, the ½ ton command
car. Also referred to as "any small plane, helicopter, or gadget."

Early in 1941, Willys-Overland demonstrated the vehicle's ability by having it drive up the U.S. Capitol steps, driven by Willy's test driver Irving "Red"
Haussman, who had recently heard soldiers at Fort Holabird calling it a "jeep". When asked by syndicated columnist Katherine Hillyer for the
Washington Daily News (or by a bystander, according to another account) what it was called, Irving answered, "It's a jeep."

Katherine Hillyer's article was published on February 20, 1941 around the nation and included a picture of the vehicle with the caption:

LAWMAKERS TAKE A RIDE- With Senator Meade, of New York, at the wheel, and Representative Thomas, of New Jersey, sitting beside him,
one of the Army's new scout cars, known as "jeeps" or "quads," climbs up the Capitol steps in a demonstration yesterday. Soldiers in the rear
seat for gunners were unperturbed.

This exposure caused all other jeep references to fade, leaving the 4x4 truck with the name.

Willys-Overland Inc. was later awarded the sole privilege of owning the name "Jeep" as registered trademark, by extension, merely because it
originally had offered the most powerful engine.

(Compare "mayhem" and "commando" for words which changed their main meanings because of newspaper misunderstandings.)

The origins of the vehicle: the first jeeps [edit]

The first jeep prototype (the Bantam BRC) was built for the Department of the Army by American Bantam in Butler,
Pennsylvania, followed by two other competing prototypes produced by Ford and Willys-Overland. The American
Bantam Car Company actually built and designed the vehicle that first met the Army's criteria, but its engine did not
meet the Army's torque requirements. Plus, the Army felt that the company was too small to supply the number
needed and it allowed Willys and Ford to make second attempts on their designs after seeing Bantam's vehicle in
action. Some people believe that Ford and Willys also had access to Bantam's technical paperwork.

Quantities (1500) of each of the three models were then extensively field tested. During the bidding process for
16,000 "jeeps", Willys-Overland offered the lowest bid and won the initial contract. Willys thus designed what would
become the standardized jeep, designating it a model MB military vehicle and building it at their plant in Toledo, Bantam BRC 40

Like American Bantam, Willys-Overland was a small company and, likewise, the military was concerned about their
ability to produce large quantities of jeeps. The military was also concerned that Willys-Overland had only one
manufacturing facility: something that would make the supply of jeeps more susceptible to sabotage or production

Based on these two concerns, the U.S. government required that jeeps also be built by the Ford Motor Company,
who designated the vehicle as model GPW (G = governmental vehicle, P showed the wheelbase, and W = the
Willys design). Willys and Ford, under the direction of Charles E. Sorensen (Vice-President of Ford during World
War II), produced more than 600,000 jeeps. Besides just being a "truck" the jeep was used for as many purposes
as you can think of.

The jeep was widely copied around the world, including in France by Hotchkiss et Cie (after 1954, Hotchkiss WWII Willys jeep
manufactured Jeeps under licence from Willys), and by Nekaf in the Netherlands. There were several versions
created, including a railway jeep and an amphibious jeep. As part of the war effort, Jeeps were also supplied to the
Soviet Red Army during World War II.

In the United States military, the jeep has been supplanted by a number of vehicles (e.g. Ford's M151 MUTT) of
which the latest is the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV or "Humvee").

The Jeep marque

A division of Chrysler Holdings, the most recent successor company to Willys, now holds trademark status on the
word "Jeep" and the distinctive 7-slot front grille design. The original 9-slot grille associated with all WW2 jeeps was WWII jeep built by Ford,
designed by Ford for their GPW, and because it weighed less than the original "Slat Grille" of Willys, (an using the Willys-Overland
arrangement of flat bars) was incorporated into the "Standardized jeep" design. design

The marque has gone through many owners, starting in 1941 with Willys, which produced the first Civilian
Jeep (CJ). Willys was sold to Kaiser in 1953, which became Kaiser-Jeep in 1963. American Motors (AMC)
purchased Kaiser’s money-losing Jeep operations in 1970. The utility vehicles complemented AMC’s passenger car
business by sharing components, achieving volume efficiencies, as well as capitalizing on Jeep’s international and
government markets. The French automaker Renault began investing in AMC 1979. However, by 1987, the
automobile markets had changed and even Renault itself was experiencing financial troubles. At the same time,
Chrysler Corporation wanted to capture the Jeep brand, as well as other assets of AMC. Chrysler bought out AMC
in 1987, shortly after the Jeep CJ was replaced with the AMC-designed Jeep Wrangler or YJ. Chrysler merged with
Daimler-Benz in 1998 to form DaimlerChrysler. DaimlerChrysler eventually sold most of their interest in Chrysler to
a private equity company in 2007. Chrysler and the Jeep division now operate under the name Chrysler Holding Dashboard of WWII jeep

Toledo, Ohio has been the headquarters of the Jeep marque since its inception, and the city has always been proud of this heritage. Although no
longer produced in the same factory as the World War II originals, two streets in the vicinity of the old plant are named Willys Parkway and Jeep

American Motors set up the first automobile-manufacturing joint venture in the People's Republic of China on January 15, 1984 . The result was
Beijing Jeep Corporation, Ltd., in partnership with Beijing Automobile Industry Corporation, to produce the Jeep Cherokee (XJ) in Beijing.
Manufacture continued after Chrysler's buyout of AMC. This joint venture is now part of DaimlerChrysler and DaimlerChrysler China Invest
Corporation. The current model is the Jeep 2500, an updated XJ Cherokee [1].

Jeep vehicles have "model designations" in addition to their common names. Nearly every civilian Jeep until the mid-2000's has a 'xJ' designation,
though not all are as well-known as the classic CJ. Chrysler has now changed to an "xK" designation.

Jeep History [edit]

A subsidiary of DaimlerChrysler Jeep road vehicle timeline, 1945-present v•d•e

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Jeep History

1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

567890123456789012345678901234567890123456 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9
CJ-2A CJ-3A CJ-3B CJ-7/8
Wrangler YJ Wrangler TJ Wrangler JK
Traditional CJ-5/6
CJ-10 LJ
Dispatcher DJ-3A DJ-5/6
FJ-3/3A Compass MK
Patriot MK
VJ C101 C104 Cherokee/Wagoneer XJ Liberty KJ Liberty KK
Wagoneer/Cherokee SJ G Wagoneer G Cherokee ZJ G Cherokee WJ G Cherokee WK
Willys Jeep Wagon Commander XK
Willys Jeep Truck Comanche MJ
Gladiator Honcho/J10-20 Series
Truck Forward Control

Historical models [edit]

Historical Jeep models:

1940 Bantam Pilot- Prototype

1940 Bantam BRC-60- Prototype
1940 Willys Quad- Prototype
1940 Ford Pygmy- Prototype
1940 Budd Ford- Prototype
1941 Ford GP
1941 Willys MA
1941 Bantam BRC-40
1942 Willys MB (slat grille)
1942-1945 Willys MB (stamped grille)
1942-1945 Ford GPW
1942-1943 Ford GPA
1944 Willys MLW-1- Prototype (Never Finished)
1944 Willys MLW-2- Prototype
1944 Agrijeep CJ-1
1944-1945 CJ-2
1945-1949 CJ-2A
1946-1965 Willys Jeep Wagon
1947-1965 Willys Jeep Truck
1948-1950 VJ — Willys Jeepster
1949-1953 CJ-3A
1950 CJ-V35
1950-1955 M-38 (MC)
1950 X-98- Prototype
1950 CJ-4- Prototype
1950 CJ-4M- Prototype
1950 CJ-4MA- Prototypes
1952-1971 M38A1 (MD)
1952-1957 M38A1C
1953-1963 M170
1953-1968 CJ-3B
1953 BC Bobcat- Prototype
1954-1983 CJ-5
1961-1963 Tuxedo Park Mark III
1969 Camper
1969 462
1970 Renegade I
1971 Renegade II
1972-1983 Renegade Models
1973 Super Jeep
1977-1983 Golden Eagle
1977 Golden Eagle California Edition - limited production that were only available through California AMC Dealerships
1979 Silver Anniversary CJ-5 Limited Edition - estimated that perhaps only 1,000 were ever built
1955 USAF DJ
1955 M38A1D
1955-1975 CJ-6
1955-1964 DJ-3A
Surrey Gala Package
1955-1968 CJ-3B Long- Spain
1956-1965 Jeep Forward Control
FC-160- Spain

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Jeep History

1959-1978 M151 MUTT
M718 Ambulance
M718A1 Ambulance
1960-1968 Jeep M606
1960-1977 Jeep Rural- Brazil
1961-1975 Fleetvan
1963-1983 SJ Wagoneer
1963-1986 J-Series
Jeep Gladiator
Jeep Honcho
1964-1967 CJ-5A/CJ-6A Tuxedo Park
1965-1975 DJ-5
1965-1973 DJ-6
1966-1969 SJ Super Wagoneer
1966-1971 C101- Jeepster Commando
1972-1973 C104— Jeep Commando
1974-1983 SJ Cherokee
S 1974 Cherokee S in action.
Limited 1974 Cherokee S in action.
1967-1975 DJ-5A
1970-1972 DJ-5B
1973-1974 DJ-5C
1975-1976 DJ-5D
1976 DJ- 5E Electruck
1976-1986 CJ-7
1982 — Jamboree Limited Edition (2500 examples)
1977-1978 DJ-5F
1979 DJ-5G
1979 — CJ-5 Silver Anniversary Limited Edition - estimated that perhaps only 1000 were built)
1981-1985 CJ-8 Scrambler
1981-1985 CJ-10
1982 DJ- 5L
1984-1991 SJ Jeep Grand Wagoneer
1991 Final Edition
1984-2001 XJ Cherokee
1984-2001 — Base "SE"
1984-1988 — Chief
1984-1990 — Pioneer
1985-1992 — Laredo
1987-1992/1998-2001 — Limited
1988-2001 — Sport
1991-1992 — Briarwood
1993-1997 — Country
1996-2001 — Classic
1984-1990 XJ Wagoneer
1984-1985 — Broughwood
1984-1990 — Limited
1986-1992 MJ Comanche

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Jeep History

1986 — Custom
1986 — X
1986 — XLS
1987-1992 — Base "SE"
1987-1990 — Chief
1987-1992 — Laredo
1987-1990 — Pioneer
1987-1992 — SporTruck
1987-1992 — Eliminator
1987-1995 Wrangler YJ
1991-1993 Renegade
1988-1995 Wrangler Long- Venezuela
1993-1998 ZJ Grand Cherokee
1993–1995 – Base "SE"
1993–1998 – Laredo
1993–1998 – Limited
1995–1997 – Orvis "Limited Edition"
1997–1998 – TSi
1998 - 5.9 Limited
1993 ZJ Jeep Grand Wagoneer
1997-2006 Wrangler TJ
2002 TJ Long
2003 TJ Rubicon
2004 TJ Unlimited
2004 — Columbia Edition
1999-2004 WJ Grand Cherokee
2002–2003 — Sport 1997 Jeep Wrangler TJ
2002–2004 — Special edition
2002–2004 — Overland
2004 — Columbia Edition

Current models [edit]

The Jeep brand currently produces six models:

Jeep Wrangler
JK — The current version of the Wrangler, released as a 2007 model.
JKL — The long wheelbase, 4-door version of the 2007 Wrangler.
Jeep Grand Cherokee — Large family-oriented SUV.
WK — The newest Grand Cherokee, 2005-present ("WK" is the designator for the new Grand Cherokee, it is one of the few non-J-designated
2005–present – Laredo
2005–present – Limited
2006–present – Overland
2006–present – SRT-8
Jeep Liberty — KJ — A small SUV (replaced the Cherokee and kept the name outside North America).
Jeep Commander — XK — Newest model in the Jeep line, it is a seven passenger SUV.
Jeep Compass — A small crossover SUV based on the Dodge Caliber.
Jeep Patriot — A small SUV based on the Dodge Caliber, slated to begin production for 2007 model year.

Concept vehicles [edit]

1958 DJ-3A Pickup

1970 XJ001
1970 XJ002
1971 Jeep Cowboy
1977 Jeep II
1986 Cherokee Targa
1987 Comanche Thunderchief
1989 Jeep Rubicon Wrangler
1990 Jeep JJ
1990 Jeep Freedom
1991 Jeep Wagoneer 2000
1992 Jeep Concept 1
1993 Jeep Ecco
1997 Jeep Cherokee Casablanca
1997 Jeep Wrangler Ultimate Rescue
1997 Fender Jeep Wrangler
1997 Jeep Dakar
1997 Jeep Icon

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Jeep History

1999 Jeep Journey

1999 Jeep Jeepster Concept
2000 Jeep Cherokee Total Exposure
2000 Jeep Varsity
2000 Jeep Commander Concept
2000 Jeep Willys
2001 Jeep Willys 2
2002 Jeep Wrangler Tabasco
2002 Jeep Wrangler Patriot
2002 Jeep Wrangler Mountain Biker
2004 Jeep Treo
2004 Jeep Rescue
2004 Jeep Liberator CRD
2005 Jeep Hurricane
2005 Jeep Gladiator Concept
2005 Jeep Aggressor (the Rezo)
2007 Jeep Trailhawk

Special vehicles [edit]

1958 Oscar-Mayer Wienermobile

See also
Jeep four wheel drive systems
AMC/Jeep Transmissions
American Motors
SUV and Compact SUV

External links
Official sites [edit]

Jeep Brand Official Web Site

Jeep Australia Official Web Site
Jeep Canada Official Web Site
Chrysler LLC Official Web Site
DaimlerChrysler Official Web Site
Jeep Brand Official UK Web Site

Other links [edit]

Ford GPW & Willys MB

International Full Size Jeep Association
AMC Jeep CJ-7
Concept Jeeps

References [edit]

Jeep, written by Jim Allen, published in 2001 by MBI Publishing Company

Standard catalog of JEEP, written by Patrick Foster, published in 2003 by Krause Publications

Footnotes [edit]

1. ^ Mann, Jim. (1997). Beijing Jeep: A Case Study of Western Business in China. Westview Press. ISBN 0-8133-3327-X.

v•d•e [show]
Chrysler LLC
DaimlerChrysler AG [show]

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