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NCM 105 Quizzes: Dietary Computations

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When starting new foods, give 1 tablespoon on the first day.

NCM 105 Quizzes Answer: False

DIETARY COMPUTATIONS Aseptic method is when the bottle and formula is sterilized
Each gram of protein yields 9 calories. Answer: False
Answer: False
To prevent vomiting, infants should be burped every after
Basal metabolic rate is the energy needed by the body at feeding.
rest. Answer: True
Answer: True
In lactose intolerance, the infant's body is unable to
During sleep, BMR decreases. metabolize the protein in the milk
Answer: True Answer: False

SDA is obtained by getting 6% of the sum of the BMR and PA. How many calories does a 7 month old infant need?
Answer: True Answer: 98 kcal / kg of body weight per day

Female clients have greater BMR than male clients. What vitamin, if deficient, causes convulsions in infants?
Answer: False Answer: Pyridoxine

Mechanical work makes use of energy through the transport What should be done to an infant with diarrhea?
of nutrients. Answer: increase oral fluid intake
Answer: False
This is a type of feeding used to complete a single
Body Mass Index is computed by dividing the squared height breastfeeding.
to the weight. Answer: Complemented
Answer: True
What vitamin is not found in sufficient amounts in
BMR increases during pregnancy and lactation. breastmilk?
Answer: True Answer: Ascorbic acid

BMR is increased during periods of rapid growth and Arrange the following foods in the correct order that they are
development. introduced to an infant:
Answer: True Cereals
Increased adipose tissue increases BMR. Fruits
Answer: False Eggs


A mother should breastfeed every 2 hours during the first NUTRITION DURING CHILDHOOD
week. Eating habits developed during childhood is easy to change.
Answer: True Answer: False

Breastfeeding is contraindicated to infants with metabolic Nutrition during the early years influence mental ability and
disorders. size of an individual.
Answer: True Answer: True

Disappearance of the extrusion reflex indicates that the child During childhood, caloric requirement diminishes but
is ready to take in solid foods. nutrient requirement does not.
Answer: True Answer: True

A child is full when he falls asleep. Protein requirements are lower during periods of rapid
Answer: True growth and development.
Answer: False
There is insufficient amounts of Iron in the breastmilk.
Answer: True Food substitutes must be identified in preparing meals for
children with aversion.
Answer: True
Start new foods one at a time.
Answer: True
Obese children have an increased risk of becoming obese Electrolyte drinks should be given to an athlete during an
adults. event.
Answer: True Answer: False

Sleep deprivation causes obesity. Adolescents do not like to be told what to do.
Answer: True Answer: True

Diet is not recommended for obese children. Identify if this is found in Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia.
Answer: True
Knows that what they do is not normal - Bulimia
How many glasses of water must a preschool child take in: Dental caries - Bulimia
Answer: 5 Hair loss - Anorexia
Electrolyte imbalance - Bulimia
A type of milk where fat has been removed. Distorted body image - Anorexia
Answer: Skim Milk
Calcium requirement: 13-15 ___ 16-19
What vitamin is needed to keep a child’s gums healthy? Answer: greater than
Answer: Ascorbic Acid
Vitamin C requirement: Boys ___ Girls
Fats and oils are needed in the diet of a child due to the Answer: greater than
following reasons, EXCEPT:
Answer: To prevent the child from easy bruising Iron requirement: Boys ___ Girls
Answer: less than
How many calories does an 8 year old child need?
Answer: 80-90 kcal/kg of body weight Caloric requirement: Boys ___ Girls
Answer: greater than
How many minutes does it take for the brain to get the
message that the stomach is full? Digestion and absorption is faster during older adulthood.
Answer: 20 Answer: False

Osteoporosis is more common in men.

Select the best management for the specified problem Answer: False

Aversion Caloric requirement during adulthood decreases.

Answer: Mix vegetables with familiar foods Answer: True

Dawdling during meal time Adults must exercise 30 minutes daily.

Answer: Avoid fussing over the child Answer: False

Eating too little Obesity in adults occur due to energy imbalance.

Answer: Serve less than what the child will eat Answer: True

Eating too much Choose the appropriate management

Answer: Refrain from serving rich foods
Difficulty in chewing
Gagging Answer: Flake fish
Answer: Encourage self-feeding
Unwanted weight
Answer: Exercise regularly
Lack of appetite
Girls go through adolescence earlier than boys. Answer: Eat in a pleasant surrounding
Answer: True
Poor digestion
Athletes must increase their intake of vitamin B. Answer: Eat 4 light meals a day
Answer: True
Difficulty in sleeping
Alcohol is high in calories but low in nutrients. Answer: Avoid tea late in the day
Answer: True

Cocaine increases appetite for sweets.

Answer: False

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