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Key To Syntax Exercises

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Had been working, spring-cleaning (participle), had, was moving, flung down, said,
bother, blow, bolted, waiting (gerund), put on, scrabbled, scratched, scaped, working
(participle), muttering (participle), go, go, came out, found, rolling (participle)
1.2. Rusty, great, helpless, remotest, best-guarded, stoutest, immured (participle), dank,
noisome, grim, medieval, outer, well-metalled, high, happy, full, bitter

1. More people: complement; to the party: adjunct
2. She: complement; a long whippy willow twig: complement; to his house: adjunct
3. He, her, a huge vote of confidence: complements
4. People, him, Johny: complements; often: adjunct
5. He, his hand, on the child’s shoulder: complements; gently: adjunct
6. Carrie, a little less bold: complements
7. He, all that information, to the FBI: complements
8. He: complement; to the corner shop: adjunct
9. They: complement; in the sea: adjunct
10. You, these notes, useful: complements

1. I: noun phrase (NP) (I: head)
have accepted his invitation: verb phrase (VP) (have accepted: head – here treat have
accepted as a single verb; his invitation: modifier)
his invitation: NP (invitation: head; his: modifier)
2. The income received from fines: NP (income: head; the, received from fines: modifiers)
received from fines: participle phrase (received: head; from fines: modifier)
from fines: prepositional phrase (PP) (from: head; fines: modifier)
is beyond their expectations: VP (is: head; beyond their expectations: modifier)
beyond their expectations: PP (beyond: head; their expectations: modifier)
their expectation: NP (expectation: head; their: modifier)
3. A gorilla….heads: NP (gorilla: head; a, swinging….heads: modifiers)
swinging…heads: participle phrase (swinging about: head; in the trees, above our heads:
in the trees: PP (in: head; the trees: modifier)
the trees: NP (trees: head; the: modifier)
over our heads: PP (over: head; our heads: modifier)
our heads: NP (heads: head; our: modifier)
interrupted this already lengthy story: VP (interrupted: head; this…story: modifier)
this…story: NP (story: head; this, already lengthy: modifiers)
already lengthy: adjective phrase (AP) (lengthy: head; already: modifier)
4. One day: NP (day: head; one: modifier)
will be enough for this job: VP (will be: head; enough for this job: modifier)
enough for this job: AP (enough: head; for this job: modifier)
for this job: PP (for: head; this job: modifier)
this job: NP (job: head; this: modifier)
5. A lengthy discussion…advice: NP (discussion: head: a, lengthy, about…advice: modifiers)
lengthy: AP (lengthy: head)
about….advice: PP (about: head; the unrealiability (of parental advice); irrelevance of
parental advice: modifiers)
the unreliability (of parental advice): NP (unrealiability: head; the, (of parental advice):
the irrelevance of parental advice: NP (irrelevance: head; the, of parental advice: modifiers)
of parental advice: PP (of: head; parental advice: modifier)
parental advice: NP (advice: head; parental: modifier)
parental: AP (parental: head)
follow: VP (followed: head)
6. The trainees: NP (trainees: head; the: modifier)
got much….months: VP (got: head; much quicker, over…months: modifiers)
much quicker: AP (quicker: head; much: modifier)
over…months: PP (over: head; those three months: modifier)
those three months: NP (months: head; those, three: modifiers)
7. All our planes: NP (planes: head; all, our: modifiers)
landed within twenty minutes: VP (landed: head; within…minutes: modifier)
within…minutes: PP (within: head; twenty minutes: modifier)
twenty minutes: NP (minutes: head; twenty: modifier)
8. Millie: NP (Millie: head)
silently bottled up her feelings: VP (bottled up: head; silently, her feelings: modifiers)
silently: adverb phrase (silently: head)
her feelings: NP (feelings: head; her: modifier)
9. The speaker: NP (speaker: head; The: modifier)
made this…argument: VP (made: head; this, the main point of his argument: modifiers)
the main point….argument: NP (point: head; the, main, of his argument: modifiers)
main: AP (main: head)
of his argument: PP (of: head; his argument: modifier)
his argument: NP (argument: head; his: modifier)
10. The boss: NP (boss: head; the: modifier)
wished all his staff a Merry Christmas: VP (wished: head; all his staff, a Merry Christmas:
all his staff: NP (staff: head; all, his: modifiers)
a Merry Christmas: NP (Christmas: head; a, Merry: modifiers)
Merry: AP (Merry: head)
11. My son: NP (son: head; my: modifier)
never believed in ghosts: VP (believed: head; never, in ghosts: modifiers)
in ghosts: PP (in: head; ghosts: modifier)
ghosts: NP (ghosts: head)

3.2. Examples:
1. Are you at school?
2. Ms Smiths gave her students a good book.
3. He is a professional football player.
4. Are the shoes bought for your daughter?
5. This book I bought for my son.

1. one girl fainted; the audience clapped: main clauses: When…screen: adverbial clause of
2. The movie’s visual effect…were fantastic: main clause; the graphic…work: main clause:
which….dollars: relative clause
3. I wish that you had seen the film: main clause; we could discuss it: main clause; that you
had seen the film: complement clause
4. Knitting…can be profitable: main clause; handsome sweaters…items: main clause; which
is..pastime: relative clause
5. Take the meat out; I’ll be there soon: main clauses; when you get home: adverbial clause
of time
6. Because England….country: adverbial clause of reason; many people….better; these
Americans are not correct: main clauses
7. If you wait for me: adverbial clause of condition; I’ll finish my work; we can go to the
beach: main clause
8. Before you…textbooks: adverbial clause of time; go to class; the instructor….list: main
9. Our surprise….failed: main clause; before…room: adverbial clause of time; everyone
was…: main clause
10. My father….off: main clause; when I left a room: adverbial clause of time; he claimed
that…money: main clause; that….money: complement clause

1. To leave without a word: infinitive non-finite clause
2. To be quiet: infinitive
3. Talking about politics: gerund
4. examined by a famous doctor: participle
5. Having told them the truth: free participle
6. With Jim’s telling lies to Mary so often: gerund
7. reading books: gerund
8. printed in blue ink: participle
9. Thinking about his work: free participle
10. following Mrs Smiths’ class: gerund

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