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Partial and Multiple Correlation

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MAT 2001-Statistics for Engineers

Partial and Multiple Correlation:

Let us consider the example of yield of rice in a firm. It may be affected by the type
of soil, temperature, amount of rainfall, usage of fertilizers etc.,. It will be useful to determine
how yield of rice is influenced by one factor or how yield of rice is affected by several other
factors. This is done with the help of partial and multiple correlation analysis.

The basic distinction between multiple and partial correlation Analysis is that in the
former, the degree of relationship between the variable Y and all the other variables
X 1 , X 2 ,..., X n taken together is measured, whereas, in the latter, the degree of relationship
between Y and one of the variables X 1 , X 2 ,..., X n is measured by removing the effect of all
the other variables.

Partial correlation:

Partial correlation coefficient provides a measure of the relationship between the

dependent variable and other variable, with the effect of the rest of the variables eliminated.

If there are three variables X 1 , X 2 and X 3 , there will be three coefficients of

partial correlation, each studying the relationship between two variables when the third is
held constant. If we denote by r12.3, that is, the coefficient of partial correlation
X1 and X 2 keeping X 3 constant, it is calculated as
r12  r13 r23 r13  r12 r23 r23  r12 r13
r12.3  , r13.2  , r23.1 
1  r132 1  r23
1  r122 1  r23
1  r122 1  r132

In a trivariate distribution, it is found that r12  0.7 , r13  0.61 and r23  0.4 . Find the partial
correlation coefficients.


r12  r13 r23 0.7  (0.61  0.4)

r12.3  =  0.628
1  r132 1  r23
1  (0.61) 2
1  (0.4) 2

r13  r12 r23 0.61  (0.7  0.4)

r13.2  =  0.504
1  r122 1  r23
1  (0.7) 2
1  (0.4) 2

r23  r12 r13 0.4  (0.7  0.61)

r23.1  =  0.048
1  r122 1  r132 1  (0.7) 2
1  (0.61) 2

Dr.Mokesh Rayalu,M.Sc,Ph.D.
MAT 2001-Statistics for Engineers

Multiple corelation:

In multiple correlation, we are trying to make estimates of the value of one of the variable
based on the values of all the others. The variable whose value we are trying to estimate is
called the dependent variable and the other variables on which our estimates are based are
known as independent variables.

The coefficient of multiple correlation with three variables X 1 , X 2 and X 3 are

R1.23, R2.13 and R3.21 . R1.23, is the coefficient of multiple correlation related to X1 as a
dependent variable and X 2 , X 3 as two independent variables and it can be expressed interms
of r12, r23 and r13 as
r122  r132  2r12 r23 r13 r122  r23
 2r12 r23 r13
R1.23  , R2.13  ,
1  r23
1  r132
r132  r23
 2r12 r23 r13
R3.12 
1  r122

The following zero-order correlation coefficients are given: r12  0.98, r13  0.44 and r23 =
0.54. Calculate multiple correlation coefficient treating first variable as dependent and second
and third variables as independent.

r122  r132  2r12 r23 r13
R1.23 
1  r23

(0.98) 2  (0.44) 2  2(0.98)(0.54)(0.44)

=  0.986
1  (0.54) 2

Dr.Mokesh Rayalu,M.Sc,Ph.D.

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