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BARDAHL Industry

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P rofessionals since 1 9 3 9
Innovation since 1939
Bardahl has developed a complete line of products in
response to the specific requirements of the industry.
This line of products includes a wide range, cost-saving
oil additives, lubricants and greases for normal, heavy
and/ or extreme conditions. F or many decades, machi-
nes lubricated with Bardahl' s Polar Attraction F ormula
use less energy, have a longer life, and use significantly
less maintenance. E xtensive tests around the world and
intensive use in practice have clearly demonstrated
Bardahl' s positive impact. Due to the special mixing and
balanced composition of chemicals and oils, Bardahl is
able to find solutions for most heavy lubrication
problems, both for heavy industrial and small precision
instruments. The name Bardahl is synonymous with
modern technology, advanced scientific research and
high quality production and quality.

In 19 39 the Norwegian Ole Bardahl made a unique
discovery, which extended the boundaries of the lubricity 4-BALL E.P. TEST
of an oil substantially. H e came to the conclusion that the The S hell 4-ball pressure tester can measure exactly the
molecular construction of motor oils could be modified behavior of lubricants under extremely high pressure.
with an additive, which would make it cling to moving During the test, steel balls are loaded under various loads
parts of an engine. The so formed lubricating film and speeds. They are checked for friction and wear. The
prevents wear of the metal surfaces. F riction and wear test goes on until the lubricating film is broken and the
are caused by irregularities of metal surfaces. bullets melt together. Because of the unique Bardahl
formula the possible loads are very high. The photo
Bardahl lubricants are still being developed on the basis shows the result of this test.
of polar active ingredients. The created lubrication film is
able to endure higher temperatures and pressures with
the result that an engine can operate more efficiently with
less wear and maintenance.
This is the famous ' Polar Attraction F ormula' :
• It protects against dry (cold) starts.
• S hapes a permanent protective film on all metal TIMKEN TEST MACHINE
surfaces. This mobile tester shows the difference of wear on
• E very oil is improved by adding ‘ vitamins’ / additives to mechanical parts. E xperience shows that Bardahl has
the oil. increased the limit at which a lubricant still lubricates

L oc ation B ard ah l N ed erlan d


Bardahl is present on f ive continents and products are sold in almost 1 0 0 countries. T his success is due
to the unique discovery b y O le Bardahl, b ut also through continuous research in lab oratories and racing.

Multi Use Industrial Oil Additive Oil Stop Leak Diesel Anti Bacterie (DAB)
An oil additive (5-20% ) for various industrial oils A universal oil additive for sealing leaky An effective biocide specially developed to
for lubrication of machinery and machine parts, gaskets and seals in the engine, gearbox, remove bacteria from diesel. Bacteria and
such as: ball, roller and slide bearings, fast- differential, shock absorber, etc. W orks easily fungi can clog diesel filters and damage the
moving axles, gearboxes, chain drives, etc. and quickly. Does not change the properties high pressure injection system (Common
of the oil. R ail). R egistration Ctgb number 15122N.
Ref 70000 5, 25, 60 liter
Ref 2700 100ml, 1, 5 liter Ref 2600 500ml, 10 liter
Industrial Gear Oil Additive
A high pressure oil additive (5-20% ) for Diesel Conditioner (BDC)
industrial gearboxes and retarders, but also K eeps the diesel system clean, increases the
for gearboxes and rear axles of trucks and cetane rate of the fuel, keeps moisture away
other heavy vehicles. and prevents bacteria in the diesel. BDC
lubricates the diesel: important in terms of the
Ref 70100 5, 25, 60 liter reduction of sulfur, which caused lubrication.
In addition, performance increases and finally,
Hydraulic Oil Additive the engine efficiency increases up to 3% .
An oil additive (5-10% ) specially developed for H ighly recommended for diesel which is
hydraulic systems where mineral oils are stored for longer periods and large fuel tanks
used. Protects against friction, rust and like those of trucks, ships and emergency
corrosion. Prevents foaming and oxidation. units.
Ref 70300 5, 25, 60 liter Ref 1200 100ml, 1, 5, 25, 60, 210 liter

General Industrial Oil Compressor Oil Special Mechanism Oil
A complete machine oil for lubrication of Two types of compressor oils, both composed A very thin oil for fine mechanical applications
various machine parts, such as bearings, of selected base oils and additives. E xtends used for lubrication of precision equipment
axles, transmissions etc. Contains Bardahl' s compressor life and contributes to higher (including atomization) and many other
" polar attraction" formula. efficiency. S uitable for high end compression applications. Bardahl components provide
temperatures. excellent protection against friction and wear.
Ref 75000 5, 25, 60, 210 liter
Ref 75700 S 46 5, 25, 60, 210 liter Ref 75200 5, 25, 60 liter
Industrial Gear Oil Ref 75800 H 68 5, 25, 60, 210 liter
A complete mineral oil for heavy duty industri- Ref 75900 H 100 5, 25, 60, 210 liter
Pneumatic Oil/ Air Tool Lube ISO22
al gear and worm gear drives. Due to These pneumatic oils protect against rust
Bardahl' s special " Polar Attraction F ormula” , formation and can absorb moisture. Bardahl
this oil is excellent resistant against heavy pneumatic oils have been developed for lubrica-
gliding and shock loads. tion of air tools such as hammer bits, drill bits,
compressed air compressors, etc.
Ref 75100 5, 25, 60, 210 liter
Ref. 75600 5, 25, 60 liter
Hydraulic Oil A nalytical- data hydraulic oils
A high quality oil for all modern hydraulic
systems composed of H VI base oils and H1 0 H1 5 H2 2 H3 2 H4 6 H6 8 H1 0 0 H3 2 / 4 6
Bardahl additives. This oil has excellent
anti-wear properties and has a high viscosity Viscosity mm at100° C 2.7 3.8 4.9 6.1 7.9 10.4 15.2 7.1
index. Available in various IS O viscosities: Viscosity mm at 40° C 10 15 22 32 46 68 103 40
H 10,15, 22, 32, 46, 68, 100
Viscocity index 9 8 130 168 148 151 150 155 155
Ref 75000/ 75300/ 75400 5, 25, 60, 210 liter
S traight Ash; wt. % 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

Jack Oil S ulphated Ash; wt.% 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
A mineral oil reinforced with the ' Polar Attracti- TAN; mg K OH / g (AS TM D664) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1.0
on F ormula' . S pecially developed for hydraulic
manual and electric crutches, transporter TBN; mg K OH / g (AS TM D289 6) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
loading bridge and garage jacks. Bardahl J ack Pourpoint; ° C -33 -60 -48 -39 -36 -33 -24 -36
Oil ensures minimum wear and maximum
lifespan. Protects against corrosion and rust S pecific gravity at 15/ 15° C 0.843 0.875 0.875 0.865 0.870 0.870 0.870 0.870
formation. F irepoint; COC; ° C 154 156 184 188 220 234 228 220

Ref. 71151 1 liter


Synthetic Metalworking Concentrate Synthetic Cutting Oil Anti Spatter & Welding Spray
A synthetic refrigerant lubricant for the proces- A non-emulsifiable synthetic cutting oil. Use of A water-based welding spray that prevents
sing of all kinds of metals. To be used as an this oil allows for a longer service life of chisels adherence of spatter adhering to the work
additive or as a complete refrigerant, mixed and allows high processing speeds. R educes piece and tools. The product does not burn
with water. It inhibits the formation of bacteria friction, wear and corrosion. and does not form gum when it is heated. In
and fungi and is biodegradable. addition, it temporarily protects against
Ref 73800 400ml aerosol, 1, 5, 25 liter corrosion.
Ref 73700 1, 5, 25, 60 liter
Ref 9406 300ml aerosol
Handcleaner Handcleaner Lotion Barrier Cream
An environmentally friendly handcleaner that A liquid hand soap with good, mild cleaning A non-greasy, silicone-free hand protection
cleans deep into the pores of the skin and properties. Very gentle to the skin. that makes cleaning easier. Contains no
cuticles. W ill remove stubborn stains such as preservatives. F or the 1 liter pack is a dispen-
Ref 60600 500ml, 10 liter
tar, ink, oil, dye, adhesive and oil based ser available.
paints. Tested by the health Clinic of the
University of Dusseldorf, Germany. Dispen- Hand Wipes Ref 60500 100ml, 1 liter
sers available. This handcleaner is dermatolo- This transparent handwipes clean your hands
gically tested, registered at the CPNP thoroughly if you do not have water nearby, for
(Cosmetic Products Notification Portal) and example if you are working elsewhere on
pH -neutral F or 1, 2, 3 and 10 liter packings location. F ast, easy, convenient and hygienic.
dispensers are available. Ref 60752 150 p iec es
Ref 60300 250, 500gr, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 30 liter


Delta Clean Plus BIO Heavy Duty Cleaner BIO
A super concentrated, multipurpose and A balanced cleaner for heavy use. This univer- of adhesive and graffiti on walls, walls and
biodegradable cleaner. This organic cleaner is sal cleaner can replace a wide range of floors. Biodegradable.
free from phosphates, non-flammable, easy to products. The product is powerful enough to Ref 61900 1, 5 liter
use, and in addition, economical. Biodegrada- remove dirt in heavy work, such as spillage of
ble. oils and fats. To be used with a hand sprayer Concrete Remover BIO
or mechanically via a high pressure cleaner. A concrete remover based on inorganic acids
Ref 78500 1, 5 liter Biodegradable. with excellent concrete solubility. The product
Floor Cleaner BIO Ref 61400 5, 30 liter is anti-corrosive and not aggressive for
A biodegradable, non-flammable, powerful aluminum surfaces, stainless steel and
cleaner that is composed of high quality BIO Remover BIO galvanized metal. S uitable for solving cement,
alkaline solvents and surfactants. Biodegra- A cleaner specially developed for the removal lime, rust, grease and contamination.
dable. of medium and heavy dirt on various surfaces. Ref 77500 25 liter
It is extremely suitable for the removal
Ref 61700 1, 5 liter

Plastic Repair Easy Gasket MS Polymer Sealer PS55
A two-component repair product for This liquid gasket is easy to work with and A one components- sealant with strong glue
use in all (car) workshops where replaces all kinds of gaskets. Non-conductive properties. This MS -polymer sealer is perma-
plastic and metal must be repaired. and highly resistant to high temperatures nent elastic, odourless and fast curing.
W ith Plastic R epair it is easy: (-50° C to 260° C). Offers excellent resistance Contains no isocyanates and solvents.
repairing, filling, sealing and bonding to extreme weather, brake fluids, mineral oils Permanent elastic from -40° C till + 100° C. Very
to many surfaces. Also available: and greases. E xcellent adhesion to rubber, good paint compatibility with most industrial
plastic repair spray gun, nozzles, primer, metal, wood, glass, ceramics, and many types paint systems and lacquers, both alkyd resin
plastic film. of plastic, and has a short drying time. Color and dispersion based. Very good UV-resistan-
black. Also available is a grey coloured liquid ce and very good aging properties. Application
Ref 79701 50ml ( h ard ) gasket; S peedy Gasket. temperature range + 5° C till + 35° C
Ref 79702 200ml ( h ard )
Ref 77100 100, 200ml ( b lac k) Ref 77202 290ml ( b lac k)
Ref 79711 50ml ( flex ib el)
Ref 69001 100ml ( grey ) Ref 77212 290ml ( grey )
Ref 79721 50ml ( tran sp aran t)
Ref 77222 290ml ( w h ite)
Ref 79751 50ml ( metaal)
Ref 77232 290ml ( b row n )
Ref 77303 290ml ( tran sp aran t)

Super Spray Cryo Redox
Penetrates and loosens rusted parts and F oamy L ube S pray has a creeping feature
A very powerful penetrating oil that causes a
protects against corrosion problems. Displa- that, in combination with the special Bardahl
cryochemical shock. This thermal shock
ces moisture and assists cold starting in damp ' Polar Attraction F ormula´ and the special
causes all oxidized contact points to be
conditions. synthetic oil, provides a non-breakable
broken. In this way, the most rusty parts are
lubrication film.
loosened. In addition, this special creeping oil
Ref 68204 400ml aerosol
also leaves a lubricating film that makes the Ref 72504 400ml aerosol , 5, 25, 200 liter
Ref 73000 1, 5, 25, 60 liter demount easier.
Ref 1129 400ml aerosol

Foamy Lube Spray

A multifunctional high-quality high-pressure
lubricant for the most extreme applications
and operating conditions. R esists moisture,
salt, acids, dust, sand, etc. and is very suitable
for industrial chains.

Check the Q R codes P lastic M S P olymer S uper Foamy

and see demos of Repair S ealer P S 5 5 spray Lube
our products. S pray
OGW Compound / OGW Transparant OG W OG W
Super TF Lube
S pecially designed for lubrication of (open) F ormulated for long-term lubrication under
gears, cables and chains exposed to air and Compound Transparant
extreme pressures and weather conditions.
under water. Provides extra protection against Penetrates to inaccessible places and
Colour Black Transparant
wear, rust and corrosion, even under the most displaces water, moisture, salt, acid, dirt, dust,
severe operating conditions. Bardahl has two sand, etc. L ubricates, penetrates, protects
types OGW , see table for properties. S mell Y es Nearly
and stops squeaks.
Important application OGW: Dry Y es
No, remains Ref 73500 400ml aerosol, 5 liter
Open gearboxes and cables that get into greasy and sticky
contact with (sea) water, especially for Y es,
TF Dry (InS 1797275 H2)
slow-moving parts. Protects primairly Y es, primairly A highly concentrated dry lubricant based on
PTF E . This product is applied where a dry and
Important application OGW L ubricates No Y es clean film is desired. The film, which remains
Transparant: Y es, strong on the surface after drying, is very thin,
Open gearboxes and cables. W here a clean / Adhesion Y es adhesion and perfect extremely adherent, non-oily and very
beautiful cable is important and where grease co-and adhesion resistant to high pressures, water and moistu-
should not be visible. SHP Grease re. It is an excellent lubricant for all kinds of
A high-quality water repellent grease that metals, plastics, glass, rubber, wood, etc.
Ref 72204 400ml aerosol O G W C omp ou n d
provides long lasting protection, lubrication Ref 72904 400ml aerosol
Ref 72215 500ml aerosol O G W Tran sp aran t and wear reduction. F or lubrication of
bearings, chains, door locks, hinges etc.
S uitable for cold conditions, hot conditions
and protects against corrosion.
Ref 74805 500ml aerosol


100% Silicone Lubricant (InS 1797010 H1) Industrial Lithium Grease 2/3 / 00
A crystal clear silicone lubricant that lubricates A waterproof lithium base E P-Grease, with
mechanical parts of plastic, rubber, metals, extra high pressure properties and very good BIO Grease 00
neoprene, laminated materials, wood, etc. and adhesion. " 00" for central lubrication systems A lithium based grease,
reduces friction. It creates a long-lasting film, and high speeds. " 2/ 3" for chassis lubrication formulated with high quality
stays clear and leaves no residue. This and wheel bearings of cars, trucks, agricultu- biodegradable synthetic base. S uitable for
product is non-toxic and is InS certified. This ral and earthmoving machines and other lubrication of heavy equipment / agricultural
means that this lubricant can be used safely in industrial applications. F or use between -20° C machinery in areas with a potential risk of
the food industry: occasional contact with food and + 150° C. contamination via groundwater, natural areas
is allowed. Deployable from -40° C to + 280° C, and recreational areas.
water repellent. 100% S ilicone Oil is also Ref 74000 400gr, 5, 18, 50kg. = 2/ 3
avaible from IS O 5 to 350. Ref 74100 5, 18kg. = 00 Ref 73300 18, 50, 185 kg

Ref 76304 400ml aerosol TF Grease – White (HP) Universal Shipping Grease
A highly quality white lithium grease with E .P. A universal grease for all kinds of applications
Ref 76300 5, 25, 60 liter
properties. Contains a very finely graded in shipping, such as propeller shafts, sliding
Silicone Spray Compound PTF E and a mixture of mineral and synthetic and ball bearings. Protects against rust and
oil. Protects against moisture and rust. W ater corrosion in fresh and salt water. Also used as
Protects switches and other electrical parts
resistant up to 9 0° C. R educes friction and a truck dish grease. F or use between -20° C
from moisture. W orks with opposite viscosity
wear. Provides long lasting lubrication on all and + 140° C.
(hot fat, cold liquid). L ubricates and acts as
anti stick and solvent. Can withstand peak moving parts. S prays as an oil, but sets like Ref 74300 400gr, 1, 18, 50kg
temperatures from -70° C to + 235° C. grease.
Ref 74500 400ml, 400gr, 500gr, 5, 18kg
Food Machinery Grease + PTFE
Ref 73605 500ml aerosol (InS 1796975 H1)
Ref 74520 ( H P ) 400gr
Silicone Grease (InS 1797760 H1) A grease with PTF E , specially developed for
lubricating machine parts where contact with
A versatile food grade silicone based grease
for high temperature applications. E xtremely
SPECIALS food may occur. This grease complies with
NS F / F DA requirements. (No. 178.3570). F or
resistant to all kinds of chemicals, ozone, BIO Synthetic Grease use in the food industry between -20° C and +
oxygen, water, oil, etc. This grease is absolu- A biodegradable ' E xtreme Pressure' multi 150° C.
tely non-toxic and can be used in the food purpose grease. Composed of a L ithium-Cal-
industry. Does not harm rubber or plastic. Ref 74600 400gr, 5, 18, 50kg
cium 12 H ydroxy-S tear soap, synthetic esters
Ref 73900 100gr, 500gr, 5, 50kg and solid lubricants. Provides excellent Premium Complex Grease
adhesion and protects bearings from moistu-
A complex grease with an extreme long life for
UNIVERSAL GREASES re, water, harmful contamination and corrosi-
on. E ven at high sliding speeds, this grease use at high temperatures, speeds and loads.
F or lubrication of all types of bearings of
Industrial EP2 Grease remains its specific structure.
trucks, earthmoving and road construction
A lithium soap with thickened mineral grease Ref 59300 400gr, 5kg machinery and many other equipment.
consisting of extreme pressure additives for
all types of bearings and mechanisms which Ref 74900 400gr, 5, 18, 50kg
operate under heavy loads and/ or high
Ref 74400 400gr

Compound Transparant
Special Purpose No Melt Grease Ceramic Paste MoS2 Grease
A special grease for very high operating F or quick and easy assembly of wire connecti- A molycot grease is made with a highly
temperatures, speeds and pressures. It is ons, seals and packages, even after long resistant water-resistant soap, a mineral base
completely water resistant and protects periods of time exposed to high temperatures oil and MOS 2 solid lubricants. F or very high
against rust and corrosion. F or use on chains, up to 1200° C. Prevents cavitation and eating. loads and low speeds. Provides excellent
conveyors and all types of bearings. F or use protection from wear even under extreme
between -20° C and + 250° C, incidental + Ref 76500 400ml, 100, 500gr, 5, 18, 50 kg
loads and humid conditions. Multifunctional
340° C. grease for lubricating sliding bearings, hinges,
OGW Grease
Ref 74200 400gr, 5, 18, 50kg turns, rollers, etc.
This lithium-calcium grease provides a stable
Ref 31490 400gr, 25, 50, 180 kg
PASTA and adhesive lubricant, even under heavy
loads. This grease is designed to lubricate
THR 300
Meissel Pasta heavily loaded and slow moving mechanisms.
This calcium sulfonate complex grease is
A paste which can be used for buses that are Very suitable for conditions like wet and
corrosive environments. suitable for very high temperatures, heavy
subject to wear by air and hydraulic hammers. loads and high pressure, resistance to
This grease can also be used under water. Ref 73200 18, 50, 185 kg. frequent water washing. F or heavy applicati-
Ref 74700 400gr ons and / or wet / corrosive environments.
POLY S2 Grease
Ref 31800 400gr, 50, 185 kg
Vaseline A poly-synthetic grease, formulated with a
An acid-free transparent paste suitable for fully synthetic gel provided with synthetic and
many purposes. Prevents corrosion on paraffin base oils. This grease gives a very
battery cells and other electrical contacts. long life span and is resistant to high tempera-
tures and heavy loads. S uitable for all types of
Ref 77805 500gr industrial bearings that operate at medium
speeds to high loads. (up to 12,000 rpm.).
Anti Seize E xcellent resistance to water and aggressive
A lead-free compound specially developed for chemical products.
lubricating threaded joints which are exposed
to high temperatures (up to 1100° C). Provides Ref 31700 400gr, 50, 185 kg
trouble-free assembly and disassembly. Is
very resistant to corrosion and aggressive
influences. Contains no halogen, phosphorus,
or sulfur compounds.
Ref 72300 400ml, 100, 500gr, 5, 18, 50 kg

Bodysol Multi Parts & Brake Cleaner Engine Flush & Cleaner
S olvent that leaves no dull spots. It ensures A safe remover of grease, oil and other An effective cleaner for engine parts, machine
that on the cleaned surface no residue is left contaminations. Cleans without the need to parts and hydraulic systems. R emoves gums,
behind and therefore not need to be wiped disassemble. S uitable for use on electrical varnish and sludge.
again. parts, brake assemblies,clutch discs etc.
L eaves no residue. Available as aerosol and Ref 78000 5, 25 liter
Ref 77700 1, 5 liter
in bulk.
Ref 78100 600ml aerosol, 5, 25, 60 liter

Threadlock T142 Leak Detector
S emi permanet threadlock. L ocks all threads This product is used to detect and control
of screws, nuts and bolts up to M36. leaks of pipes, valves, compressed air hoses,
Ref 97001 T142 50ml pressure vessels, compressed air cylinders,
combustible gases, vehicle tires, etc.
Threadlock T171 Ref 72405 500 ml aerosol
Permanent threadlock. L ocks, nuts, bolts and
heavy duty fasteners. Spray Glue
Ref 97011 T171 50ml An excellent adhesive for textiles, felt, foam,
rubber, plastic and artificial leather. F or
Threadlock T442 Gasket Stripper
permanent and non permanent adhesion.
S emi permanet threadlock. L ocks wire ends of Ref 76205 500ml aerosol
metal pipes and fitting in pneumatic and A fast-acting remover of old gaskets and
hydraulic systems, to R ¾ " . carbon deposits of all types of engines. In
addition it is very suitable for quickly and Freeze Spray
Ref 97031 T442 50ml effectively removing paint, wood varnish, F reezes small parts in seconds, up to -45° C.
metal, tiles and many other materials. Very suitable for finding faults in electrical
Retainer R138 systems.
F or permanent assembly of bearings, pulleys, Ref 77004 400ml aerosol
gears, etc. Gap filling of 0,05-0,2 mm. Ref 79504 400ml aerosol
Zinc Primer
Ref 97021 R138 50ml Provides long-term protection from rust and Belt Dressing
corrosion. Provides extremely high resistance
S tops slipping and squealing drive belts. It
to extreme weather, salt and water. It is a
makes belts run smoothly, prevents the
high-grade cold galvanizing agent. The
formation of hairline cracks and improves
protective layer provides resistance to heat to
power transfer.
500° C, dries quickly and can be painted. It is
not a paint but a cover that consists essential- Ref 79404 400ml aerosol
ly of zinc.
Ref 72104 400 ml aerosol
For more inf ormation www.b en/ industry. T here you f ind detailed product sheets and saf ety data sheets of all products.



-40 -30 -20 0 50 100 150 200 250

00 0 1 2 3

H eavy-duty and slow moving parts.

73200 OGW Grease L i-Ca brown + + + + S uitable for wet and corrosive conditions.

Bearings, open gears, conveyors.

74000 Industrial L ithium Grease 2/ 3 L i green + +

74100 Industrial L ithium Grease 000 / 00 / 0 L i amber + + Chains, gearboxes, automatic lubrication systems.

Bearings, cables, cable rolls, slides,

L i heavily loaded mechanical parts.
74500 TF Grease W hite PTF E white + +

Very heavy loads, slow movements.
3149 0 MoS 2 Grease L i black + + + +
Bearings exposed to extreme loads, shocks,
31700 Poly S 2 Grease Poly-Urea brown + + + + vibration and temperatures.

-40 -30 -20 0 50 100 150 200 250

59 304 BIO S ynthetic Grease L i-Ca white + + + Open gears, bearings, biodegradable.

Pen-bus connection, automatic lubrication system,

73300 BIO Grease 00 L i green + + + + biodegradable

74300 Universal S hipping Grease L i-Ca white + + + + S crew axes, truck trays, chassis lubrication.

W here lubricants can get in contact with foods.

74600 F ood Machinery Grease PTE NS F -H 1 AL - comp white + + + + NS F H 1 certificate.

749 00 Premium Complex Grease L i- comp blue + + + + Bearings

74200 S pecial Purpose No Melt Grease Bentonite brown + + + + H igh temperature conditions.

31800 TH R 300 Grease Ca brown + + + + H ighly universal application.

-80 -40 -20 0 250 500 750 1000 1250

Protection of electrical installations.

739 00 S ilicone Grease InS -H 1 S i transparant + + InS H 1 certificate.

grey Air-pressure hydraulic hammers and air hammers.

74700 Meissel Paste Bentonite + + + +

copper Disassembly/ anti seizing.
72300 Anti S eize Paste Bentonite + +

grey Assembly and disassembly paste.

76500 Ceramic Paste Bentonite + + + +

+ + very good + good + - limited

Bardahl has a range of biodegradable products which help to lubricate or clean in places where direct environment contact can not be

It is certainly not the case that biodegradable products may end up without problems in the environment, they are only less harmful and
damaging to the environment. A better term would be better for the environment than regular lubricants and cleaners.

Biodegradation is a natural process in which organic substances (i.e., substances which contain carbon), are degraded by the natural
activity of living micro-organisms, such as bacteria and fungi. Use of biodegradable products contribute to reducing the environmental
impact of our products..

The probability of oil spills on floors such as garages and workshops is real. Bardahl has two products to clean quickly and effectively oil
spills. Bardahl produces granules; these have a high absorption capacity and are recyclable. In addition, Bardahl has oil absorbent cloths
that can absorb up to 1.4 liters per cloth.

For the workshop Bardahl supplies various equipments such as: oil pump, grease pump, polysealer sprayer, spray gun, Hand Cleaner
dispenser etc.

You may also be interested in our other products.

The following brochures are available:
• Lubricant brochure • Additive brochure • Car Care brochure • Agricultural brochure
• Automotive Classic brochure • Food brochure • Nautic brochure

De informatie in de brochure vermeld is gebaseerd
op onze huidige kennis. Mogelijk worden onze
producten gebruikt voor ons onbekende toepassin-
gen. De gebruiker dient de producten te gebruiken
zoals deze zijn voorgeschreven. OCD Nederland BV
kan niet verantwoordelijk gehouden worden voor het
correct gebruik van haar producten.
Maxwellstraat 41, 3316 GP Dordrecht
The Netherlands
tel: 0031-78 651 23 22 -

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