Modifications OF Turing Machines
Modifications OF Turing Machines
Modifications OF Turing Machines
The capability of turing machines is extended using the following methods.
Two way infinite tape
Multitape turing machine
Non deterministic turing machine
Multidimensional turing machine
Multihead turing machine
Off-line turing machine
Two way infinite tape:
A turing machine, M = (Q,∑, Г,δ,q0, B, F) is said to be a two-way infinite tape TM if
the input tape is infinite to the left and right.It can be viewed as a finite sequence of
input symbols with infinite sequence of blank symbols to the left and right of the
input.As with the standard TM, there is a fixed left end, the two - way infinite tape TM
has no left end. Hence it can move as far as possible towards left as well as right.This is
no “fall off” of TM towards left I.e there is no possiblity of jumping off theleft end of
the tape
Multi-tape Turing machine :
A multitape TM is finite control with more than one tape for reading/writing symbols,
storing states etc.Each tape has ‘n’ number of individual cells.The first tape is mostly
used to store the
input symbols of the string, ω.
The second and third tapes are normally used to store the states and state-
changes.Movement of
one tape head does not affect or depend on the movement of another tape.
Non determinism is a powerful feature of Turing machine with finite control and single
one way infinite tape.These NTM machines are easy to design and are equivalent to
deterministic TM.For a given state and a tape symbol the machine has the finite
number of choices for the next move.Each choice consist of a new state , tape symbol
and the direction of head motions.A NTM accepts a string, ω if there exists a least one
sequence of moves from the initial state to final state.
A NTM is defined as ,
M = (Q,∑, Г,δ,q0, B, F)
Q is the Set of states including initial, having rejecting states.
∑ is the Finite set of input alphabets
Г is the Finite set of tape symbols
δ is the Transition function defined by
δ = Q * Г ----> P(Q * Г*{L, R, N}) where P is the power set
q0 is the initial state
B is the blank symbol and F is the set of final states,(F ≤ Q)
The transition function δ takes on the states tape symbols and head movement.
That is
TM = δ(q,s) = (qi,Si,Mi) for i = 1
NTM = δ(q,s) = (qi,Si,Mi) for i = 1,2…
The below transition takes on two paths for the same input, a The transition of „a‟ at q0
is defined as, δ (q0, a) = {(q0, a, R), (q1, x, R)}
Multidimensional turing machine:
Multidimensional turing machine has the usual finite control,but tape consist of k
dimensional array of the cells infinite and all 2k directions( for some fixed k).
Depending on the state and the symbol scanned the machine
Change states
Write a new symbol
Moves its head in one of the directions ( either positively or negatively ) along one of
the k axes.
Initially the input is along one axis and the head is at the left end of the input .
Two dimensional tape :
The above diagram shows the two dimensional tape having
boundaries on the left and bottom.each cell is given address by
(x,y) where
x- row number of the cell
y- coloumn number of the cell
Simulation of 2D by one:
Consider the tape configuration of the 2D shown in the diagram.
One dimensional simulation: