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भारतीय �रज़वर् ब�क

__________________________RESERVE BANK OF INDIA__________________________
IDMD.CDD No.21/13.01.299/2018-19 July 2, 2018

The Chairman / Managing Director

Head Office (Government Accounts Department)
State Bank of India
All Nationalized banks
(Excluding Punjab and Sind Bank & Andhra Bank)
Axis Bank Ltd./ICICI Bank Ltd./HDFC Bank Ltd./
Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd. (SHCIL)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Master Directions on Relief/Savings Bonds

The rules and regulations applicable to Relief/Savings Bonds have been updated
with instructions issued up to June 30, 2018 in the Master Directions on
Relief/Savings Bonds. The directions facilitate availability of all the current operative
instructions on the above subject at one place and will be updated suitably and
simultaneously whenever there is a change in the rules/regulations or there is a
change in the policy. These directions have been placed on RBI website

Yours faithfully,

(A. Mangalagiri)
Chief General Manager
Encl. 1

आंतरिक ऋण प्रबंध विभाग, केंद्रीय कार्यालय, 23वीं मंजिल, केंद्रीय कार्यालय भवन, शहीद भगत सिंह मार्ग, फोर्ट , मुंबई – 400 001, भारत
फोन : (022) 2266 1602-04, फैक्स : (022) 2264 4158, ई-मेल :
Internal Debt Management Department, Central Office, 23rd Floor, Central Office Building, Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort, Mumbai-400 001, India
Telephone : 022 2266 1602-04, Fax : 022 2264 4158, Email :
िहन्दी आसान है, इसका �योग बढ़ाइए।

चेतावनी : �रज़वर् ब�क �ारा ईमेल, डाक, एसएमएस या फोन काल के ज�रये �कसी क� भी �ि�गत जानकारी जैसे ब�क खाते का ब्यौरा, पासवडर् आ�द नह� मांगी जाती है।
यह धन रखने या देने का �स्ताव भी नह� करता है। ऐसे �स्ताव� का �कसी भी तरीके से जवाब मत दीिजये।
Caution: RBI never sends emails, SMSs or makes calls asking for personal information like bank account details, passwords, etc. It never keeps or
offers funds to anyone. Please do not respond in any manner to such offers.


Sr. No Contents Page

A Appointment / delisting of brokers 1

B Payment & rates of brokerage for Savings Bonds 1

C Nomination facility for Relief/Savings Bonds 2

Appendix 4


1. Procedure for enrollment / registration of brokers

Receiving Offices may follow a simple procedure for enrolment/registration of
brokers. The broker seeking enrolment/registration may submit the request for
registration on their business letterhead together with business data to the Receiving
Offices. The Receiving Office should allot a code number to the broker which should
be quoted by the broker on all applications tendered at the Receiving offices for
claiming brokerage.

2. Appointment of sub-agents by Receiving Offices

It has come to our notice that some Receiving Offices have engaged the services of
other banks as brokers/agents for receiving applications and the latter are using the
name of RBI in their publicity material and billboards stating that RBI has appointed
them as brokers for Relief/Savings Bond business. We advise that in cases where
Receiving Offices engage the services of other banks/institutions as a broker or
agent, the Receiving Office which have appointed them are solely responsible for
their activities as an agents/brokers. RBI's name should not be used by such

3. Delisting of brokers
The names of the dormant brokers, who have been dormant for say 2 years, may be
delisted after giving a due notice if, no fresh business is forthcoming from these


1. Rates of brokerage
a. Brokerage at the rate of ` 0.50 (Fifty paise only) per ` 100/- will be paid to
brokers registered/enrolled with the Receiving Offices on applications tendered for

investment in the bonds in the form of Bond Ledger Account (BLA) at Receiving
Offices on behalf of their clients and bearing their stamp.

b. No brokerage is payable in case the broker is one of the investors/applicants.

2. No TDS on payment of brokerage

No tax is required to be deducted at source by the Receiving Office while making
payment of brokerage in respect of the Relief/Savings Bonds business canvassed by
brokers in terms of Section 194 (H) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

3. Brokerage claims
a. Receiving Offices are to settle the brokerage claims expeditiously, and in any
case, not later than 30 days from the date of subscription.
b. Receiving Offices are advised to first settle the brokerage claims and
thereafter seek reimbursement from RBI.
c. As a measure towards improvement in customer service, Receiving Offices
may arrange to pay the brokerage to the agents, on a monthly basis by credit to their
accounts through ECS after obtaining requisite mandate from them.
d. Reimbursement of brokerage claims in respect of Relief/Savings Bonds has
been centralized at CAS Nagpur from July 01, 2002, and it has been decided that
90% of the brokerage due to Receiving Offices, on the basis of funds
remitted/reported to CAS as at the close of business of the month, will be paid on the
3rd working day of the succeeding month. The balance 10% is to be settled on
submission of Appendix IV statement.


1. A sole holder or all the joint holders (investors) of a Relief/Savings Bond held in the
form of a BLA may nominate one or more persons who in the event of death of the
sole holder/all the joint holders, as the case may be, would be entitled to the
Relief/Savings Bond and to the payment thereon, provided that the person or each of
the persons nominated is himself/herself competent to hold a similar bond.
2. The nomination should be made before maturity of the bond.

3. When nomination has been made in favour of two or more nominees, in the event of
the death of either or any of them, the surviving nominee or nominees, as the case
may be, shall be entitled to the Relief/Savings Bond and payment thereon.
4. A nomination made by the holder(s) of a Relief/Savings Bond may be varied or
cancelled by making a fresh nomination in the prescribed manner and intimating the
same in writing to the branch of the Receiving Office where the BLA is maintained
and shall be effective from the date of such registration. Nomination will also stand
cancelled if the holder(s) transfers the bonds to another party (wherever
applicable).The transferee will have to register a new nominee.
5. If the nominee is a minor, the holder(s) of the Relief/Savings Bond may appoint any
person, not being a minor, to receive the proceeds of a Relief/Savings Bond on
behalf of the nominee in the event of his/her/their death during the minority of the
6. The investor(s) can make separate nomination for each investment in a Bond Ledger
Account (BLA) (subject to 2 above).
7. Receiving Offices to issue ‘Acknowledgement of Nomination.'
8. In case of 8 % Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 the sole holder or all the joint holders
can also nominate a Non-resident Indian (NRI) as his/her/their nominee(s) and
remittance of interest payment and/or maturity value, as the case may be, will be
governed by the regulations framed under FEMA 1999 as applicable to NRIs. The
nomination facilities to NRIs is not available in case of 7.75% Savings (Taxable)
Bonds, 2018 Scheme (currently the only scheme open for subscription).

Exceptions – No nomination is permissible in the following cases

(a) When the BLA is held by an adult on behalf of a minor;

(b) When the holder has no beneficial interest in the BLA but holds it in an official or
fiduciary capacity


The various circulars/instructions issued by RBI based on which the above Master Direction
is prepared are listed below:

i) Memorandum of Procedure' for Relief Bonds.

ii) CO.DT.13.01.201/4087/2000-01 dated February 16, 2001
iii) CO.DT.13.01.201/4854/2000-01 dated March 19, 2001
iv) CO.DT.13.01.298/H-3410/2003-04 dated December 20, 2003
v) CO.DT.13.01.299/H-3426/2003-04 dated December 20, 2003
vi) DGBA.CDD. No.H-2173/13.01.299/2008-09 dated September 2, 2008
vii) CO.DT./13.01.201 / 692 / 2000-01 dated August 9, 2000)
viii) CO.DT./13.01.251/5341/2001-02 dated January 4, 2000
ix) CO.DT./13.01.201/4890/1999-00 dated March 6, 2000
x) CO.DT./13.01.201/432/2000-01 dated July 25, 2000
xi) GOI Notification No.F.4 (1-W&M/99 dated July 21, 2000
xii) CO.DT./13.01.298/H-2411/2003-04 dated October 29, 2003
xiii) CO.DT./201/5900/2000-01 dated May 28, 2001
xiv) CO.DT./13.01.298/H-3660/2003-04 dated January 3, 2004
xv) CO.DT./13.01.201/4668/2000-01 dated March 8, 2001
xvi) CO.DT.13.01.298/H-4677/2002-03 dated May 23, 2003
xvii) CO.DT.13.01.272/11032/2001-02 dated June 25, 2002
xviii) CO.DT.13.01.272/H-2906 / 2002-03 dated February 26, 2003
xix) IDMD.CDD.No.1671/13.01.299/2017-18 dated January 03, 2018
xx) IDMD.CDD.No.1728/13.01.299/2017-18 dated January 08, 2018.

(In case detailed clarifications are required on specific issues, the circulars indicated above
may please be referred to)

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