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Application Centric Lifecycle Framework in Cloud: Kai Tang, Jian Ming Zhang, Chen Hua Feng

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2011 Eighth IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering

Application Centric Lifecycle Framework in Cloud

Kai Tang, Jian Ming Zhang, Chen Hua Feng

IBM Research China
Beijing, China
{tangkai, zhangjm, fengch}

Abstract—Cloud computing is expected to provide powerful cloud. Although there are many mature cloud services from
and easy-to-use model for application design, development, multiple cloud providers, most of clouds limit applications
operation and maintenance. There are mainly two models of with specific programming model and related technologies,
cloud: IaaS and PaaS model. In IaaS model, application therefore application enterprise class cloud application
developer and operator have the biggest flexibility for they can providers have to adopt different of technical challenges.
control owned virtual machines and most resources totally, but In this paper, we take a step towards understanding and
this model needs high technical skills in application resolving some issues in cloud application lifecycle
development and operation phase. PaaS model claims easy to management. Cloud application providers, who design,
development, deployment and maintenance, but all these
develop and operate applications in cloud, have different
advantage are based on the specific programming model and
application architecture. Migration to PaaS cloud for existing
perspective to cloud providers. We try to model the cloud
applications usually brings big effort and cost increasing. In application lifecycle from this angle and then establish a
this paper, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the framework for abstraction purpose. First we identify some
two models from enterprise class application developer angle. issues from the perspective of application provider: how to
Then present an application lifecycle model in which migrate to cloud in design and development time; how to
developers could design, develop and deploy their application deploy a complex application to cloud in configuration and
or legacy systems without programming limitation and deployment time; how to operate and maintenance the
migration effort. The application lifecycle model takes application to align with SLA; how to update the application
application as the centric concept and supported by a set of seamlessly. Second we discuss the definition of application
cloud platform tools. We discuss the application lifecycle lifecycle management and related work. Next we present a
framework defined in this model, and then we discussed the framework based on previous issues and related
possible supporting cloud architecture. implementation in industry. Finally, we proposed some
possible future research directions in this topic.
Keywords-Cloud, Application Lifecycle, IaaS, PaaS
I. INTRODUCTION Generally, IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) and PaaS
(Platform-as-a-Service) are the two main types of cloud. IaaS
Cloud carries expectation that provide IT delivery means clouds that offer virtual hardware infrastructures such
services powerful, low cost, easy-to-manage new models. It as virtual machines, networks and storages [5][6][7]. On the
is anticipated that in 2015 about 75% IT infrastructure will contrary, Paas refers to another abstraction level. PaaS
be delivered as a service from public, private or hybrid cloud clouds provide an integrated environment of web containers
provider [1]. There are a lot of reasons for the population of and database containers to simplify application deployment
cloud, especially in enterprise service level. Enterprises and management by a set of online services and, usually,
depend on businesses that need flexible IT infrastructure can local integrated development environment (IDE) for
get benefits from some aspects such as: quick IT service supporting application design, developing and operation [8].
acquire; less deployment risk, lower cost, easy to scale We will compare the two type of cloud in some application
out/down; no special IT technical needed. Service provider, lifecycle state.
who could be the enterprise IT department or external
strategy outsourcing service provider, can offer greater A. Design, Development and Migration
process maturity and more effective services as well as For applications targets on IaaS cloud, there are almost
reduce invents in infrastructure and labor costs. In industry no limits in programming model and architecture decision.
there are many success stories in delivering both short-term Therefore existing applications running on datacenter can
and long-term traditional IT services by cloud manner migrate to IaaS cloud with small cost. PaaS cloud
[2][3][4]. PaaS clouds are targets on building applications in a
We focus on applications that implements business faster manner. Many PaaS product have deployed such as
process or high value services to support enterprise class Google App Engine (GAE) and Microsoft Azure [10][11].
customers. This kind of enterprise applications may serve To facilitate rapid application development, PaaS clouds
customers which have thousands or more employees or end usually provide IDE in which automated code generator tool,
users, including mobile devices. This paper we focus on programming templates, local libraries, simulation running
cloud application provider who will be a main user group of environment or sandbox, and other related tools are included.

978-0-7695-4518-9/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE 329

DOI 10.1109/ICEBE.2011.32

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With these toolkits, user can develop application quickly if PaaS clouds tend to scale application in instances, both
the requirement is compliant with PaaS programming model. in container and database instance level. Therefore, users can
However, for those applications built in other programming focus on their application and components rather than on
model or have complex dependency with other services, it resource problems such as setting up the environment and
will be difficult to migrate to PaaS cloud. For example, an request new resources. Unfortunately, in some cases, not
existing J2EE application will be impossible to migrate to only container and database need to scale. For example,
Azure without significant modification. Another example is Azure offers inter-component communication services, but
that common session in J2EE application is not supported in this work is equivalent elementary [12]. Once an application
GAE (alternative is to save in Google datastore named deployed to a PaaS cloud, it is bound to the specific
_ah_session). Those applications using distributed session platform, which is totally different from each other because
need to change to new mechanism. of totally different application behavior model. The
application scale policy can not used by other platforms. For
B. Deployment and Configuration application provider, to get control of application runtime
IaaS clouds provide greater flexibility to users than instances is desire in some cases. For instance, when
traditional datacenter. For example, Amazon EC2 provides concurrency increases, only some core components need to
elastic virtual machines to users [9]. Application providers scale-out to deal with users transactions, but other
can deploy their applications onto cloud without significant components, such as email, scheduled automatic task, and
modification. The deployment steps in IaaS cloud are similar reporting are unnecessary to scale.
to the traditional non-cloud practices, usually including
hardware (VM in cloud) and software select; operation D. Updating
system (OS) installation; middle-ware and related service As deployment and operation time in IaaS cloud,
installation; application provisioning; configuration; and application providers have fully control of VMs so that
initial data loading. In traditional practices, there are many incremental updating is possible, no matter manually or
manual actions in these steps. As an advantage of cloud, automatically. In this manner, traditional practices of
automation is provided by IaaS provider to facilitate these seamless updating can be leveraged.
steps. However, deployment and configuration are often On the other hand, for PaaS cloud, updating is always
completed manually. The root cause of deployment failure supported by platform. For example, GAE allows application
may come from OS, middleware, online services or provider upload several versions. Once the latest version is
application components so that certain system administration ready, application provider can set it as the default version
and operation technologies are required. which uses the static URI of the application. However, as a
For applications developed in PaaS programming model, comparison, in SQL Azure, updating needs a more
deployment and configuration are often completed in IDE complicated process [13].
which provide simple manner based on a pre-defined
application deployment and behavior model and expose E. Summary
limited parameters to user. Once user submits the application Based on the discussion above, we can conclude that
to PaaS, deployment and initial data loading will be application has different lifecycle in IaaS and PaaS clouds. In
completed automatically. The simplification accelerates short, IaaS provide almost fully control of VMs but low
application deployment significantly. degree of automation. Hence application providers need
certain knowledge and technical in application deployment
C. Operation time and operation time. On the contrary, PaaS clouds provide
Most of IaaS clouds provide VM management environments that limited in programming model but
capabilities to users but lack of mechanisms for dealing with effective in maintenance for users. Application providers can
application as a centric object. It makes IaaS can neither develop and deploy application rapidly. However it is almost
consider the relationships between VMs which deployed impossible to migrate existing complex enterprise class
different application components, nor support the application to PaaS cloud.
relationship between different tiers of software. Application Neither IaaS nor PaaS treat application as an centric
provider must deal with infrastructure terms and resource object in their core model. IaaS play with resources such as
problems by themselves. For instance, most of simple J2EE VMs and network, while PaaS services are built on their
application has 3-tiers architecture in which the IP of capability encapsulation. In the next section, we will discuss
database server must to be known by web application server the application lifecycle and introduce some related work.
thus the database server must deployed first and then
configure web container [12]. Although load balance service III. APPLICATION LIFECYCLE AND RELATED WORK
has been provided by some IaaS provider, such as EC2, Luis Application lifecycle in cloud composed 5 steps: design,
M. et al points out [12] that this mechanism is not sufficient development, migration, deployment, operation,
to support huge concurrent access because network is always maintenance and withdrawing. This model assumes that the
ignored and more important, load balancer (LB) tire need to application provider design and develop the application
be scaled for one LB will cause latency when it need to before targets cloud platform is decided. Thus the model
forward requests to huge number of VMs. covers existing application migration. For applications
designed and developed for specific cloud target, e.g.


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application for GAE, the step of migration can be omitted. software and other resource from infrastructure provider
Figure 1 is the lifecycle diagram which starts from design in information.
the left and ends to withdrawing in the right. For each step in The principle model of our approach is the Cloud
the model, there are sub-steps which will be discussed in Application Lifecycle Model (CALM). CALM captures
next section. application specific model information. The following
subsections describe each steps of CALM in detail. We will
identify some key features of an “application-centric” cloud.
A. Application Design
This is the start of a cloud application. Once customer
requirement is confirmed, application provider can start to
design the functionality and fulfill non-function requirements
in architecture. If the application targets on specific cloud
Figure 1. Application Lifecycle in Cloud
platform, especially on a PaaS cloud, e.g. GAE, limitation
There are some related works in cloud application from cloud should be considered in the beginning. And this
lifecycle management. Terence Harmer et al presented an kind of limitation will affect following steps profoundly.
application centric model based on a common API for IaaS In an ideal cloud, the architecture of cloud itself should
clouds [14]. The proposal built an abstract level of existing not affect application design. From application provider
IaaS APIs and treated the application as the centric concept. perspective, programming model, application architecture,
All capabilities were focus on application behavior. But this component topology and other application features should
work only aimed at IaaS clouds and covered operation and not become a barrier or limitation to migrate cloud.
maintenance time. B. Development / Migration
Luis M et al discussed the scalability of application both
As the design stage, application providers should
in IaaS and PaaS [12]. This document summarizes some
develop their components using favorite tools and
exiting works both in industry and academic area. How to
technologies. For existing application, migration to cloud is
auto-scaling an application in cloud and key issues are
the main task in this step. There are tremendous literatures in
discussed in detail.
cloud migration. In this paper, we only focus on convenience
Kunwadee Sripanidkulchai et al explored the readiness
for application providers.
of cloud in perspective of individual users and enterprise
To ease development work, there are some technical
users. 3 key issues were identified in cloud readiness: how to
should be supported. Session is a typical feature in
deploy large-scale distributed services, how to deliver high
transaction based applications and it should be supported by
availability services, and how to perform problem resolution
cloud. Another important technology in cloud is multitenant,
on the cloud. These issues are also important in cloud
which ensures the security and performance by isolation in
application lifecycle. The authors pointed out some key
multiple tiers. For application provider, multitenant is
challenges in these areas and presented some potential
usually not considered in design and development stage, so it
directions [15].
is better to make the migration to multitenant-supporting
Inigo Goiri et al described a proof-of-concept
cloud transparently. For facilitates developments, an IDE
framework for facilitating resource management in service
that integrates toolkits for helping developer implement these
providers, which allows reducing costs and at the same time
features easily is required.
fulfilling the quality of service agreed with the customers
[16]. This paper outlines their commodity and application- C. Deployment
centric approach to resource management, and describes an In IaaS cloud, application providers deploy their
integration framework for cloud application management– applications to web container which can be installed by VM
illustrating its use in a field deployed application and a owners manually or has been installed with basic OS in VM
particular dynamic component within that application. creation. Some third party tools help user to deploy
Resource management is the key concept of this work, it is applications into specific middleware automatically. For
helpful for application operation and maintenance, but not instance, Cloudcat [17] is a deployment service for EC2 and
cover the full cloud application lifecycle. GoGrid users. For PaaS cloud users, deployment is a very
IV. DETAIL IN APPLICATION LIFECYCLE simple process – in GAE, for instance, user can complete
deployment in IDE by only several clicks. However, as
This section presents a application centric lifecycle discussed before, PaaS is not fit for application has complex
management framework for cloud application. Application component deployment topology. In our framework,
lifecycle management governs the creation and management deployment could be divided into several sub-steps as shown
of cloud enterprise class application. The framework exploits in Figure 2.
a model-driven approach which captures information in
models that can be used to automatically generate code and
configuration. With information about cloud application
captured in a series of model states, the model try to describe


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Although there are some research works in helping user
select deployment services automatically [12], manually
selection is used in our approach for accuracy considerations.
Once a service has been selected by the application
provider, a corresponding deployment process will be started
for the application. The following subsections describe the
model information that is captured in each state of the sub
process and give examples of tools that are used to support
the transition between states.
2) Original resource estimation.
In this state, resource requirements are extracted from
Figure 2. deployment process functional and non-functional requirements in application
instance. A resource estimation tool now is invoked to
1) Select deployment in service catalog calculate the Resource Profile. Resource profile describes the
Cloud deployment service catalog is a list of services type and quantity of resources based on the application
that can be provided using our approach. Each entry in the provider knowledge. For example, a business intelligence
catalog describes a service that will trigger some automation application which offers sales data mining and intelligent
process for application deployment. The target of our recommendation is designed for supporting about 10000 end
approach is to support enterprise class applications, including users and most of user will occupy disk space under 10M.
newly developed and existing applications. So the catalog The resource profile converts these estimation to resource
collects abundant services from basic IaaS services to requirements to the platform.
advanced PaaS services. These services comprise of, for 3) Customer Usage Pattern Matched
example, VM with basic OS selection and web container Customer Usage refers to the resource requests for
cluster; simplest single application instance and virtual application instance, e.g., creation, querying and migration.
private network. Table 1 lists some potential deployment This step is to predict customer behavior and map to certain
services in our approach. pattern. The purpose of prediction is to calculate the trend of
Table 1. Potential Deployment Services the application instance resource change, which is related to
Service Name Description customer behavior pattern. Application instance change trend
Basic VM with OS Basic virtual machines with OS. No other software predicts the storage node, size, and throughput curves.
installed. Support windows and Linux.
VM with OS + Middleware VM with basic OS. Some middleware are provided 4) Resource Planned
for installation. The application instance is prepared to bind to virtual
LAMP Linux + Apache + MySQL + Php
Single instance Only one VM with one web container instance, all resource pool in this step. The result is a plan or a template
components will be deployed to the instance. for application instances and resource binding. To optimize
More powerful VM Live migrate a VM to more powerful instance
without shutdown. the resource allocation, during the resource planning, there
DB Backup Backup database by setting up more database are some factors should be considered:
Auto scale with limitation Allow user specify the maximum VM numbers in Application provisioning conditions will be specified in
web container level auto-scaling. this step depends on current resource usage in cloud.
Complex application template Allow user to create deployment templates and
corresponding instances. A template is comprise of
Provisioning conditions, such as provisioning location, data
a group of VMs, which specified OS, installed security level, and data query response time are critical to
software and topology diagram. application instance auto-scaling.
Web container cluster Create some VMs for the application. Each VM is
a node in the cluster. Application customer behavior pattern is treated as
There are mainly 3 types in the service catalog. First is optional but important conditions in this step. For example,
basic IaaS service. Like Amazon Machine Image (AMI) suppose the data mining tool predicts that a new customer
service, there are plenty of images with different content and may migrate from trial to production in 1 week by reference
user can create VM instances from them and deploy of similar customers, then, resources with production will be
application manually. Second is basic deployment service. booked for that customer in advance.
Based on an embedded application behavior model and Prediction of resource trend of a certain physical server
simple express, this kind of service provides user simple should also be considered to avoid frequent VM live
parameters to configure the application deployment. With migration which potentially causes severe network latency.
database backup service, for instance, application provider The monitor is also responsible for the prediction of servers.
can set the number of backup database instance and backup The server resource trend prediction will compare to the
policies. The last type is advanced PaaS services. To service instance trend to find the best storage nodes for
automate complex application deployment, based on basic provision.
PaaS service, our approach also provides some advanced 5) Server Bound
services which combines or enhance some basic services. Resource plan of an application instance need to be
Web container clustering is a typical example: with this bound to a certain VM and physical server in the virtual
service, user can specify how much nodes in the cluster and resource pool. The real-time monitor refines the allocation
the topology relationship among theses nodes and http server. plan with the binding to real resources, such as host, storage


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node and network throughput. Here an optimize-dispatch and maintenance model. Component refers to independent
tool is invoked to binding refined plans to certain servers, deploy unit in our model which means that each component
and then Service instance is ready to enter next state. of application can associate to a deployment model. For
6) Provisioned example, beside the core business components, a CRM
This is the final state of the application instance in the application would have some other components that can
provisioning process. End users then can be authorized and deploy independently, e.g. email, scheduled tasks, and data
access the data by related service. synchronization.
A deployment model is an instance of a deployment
D. Maintenance template which also called pattern and contains information
Application maintenance means a group of actions to of how to deploy the application. There are 4 main sub-
ensure some key metrics of application as guaranteed. From objects of deployment model: VM, static IP, software stack
application provider angle, application is the centric object and topology. VM is a group of basic OS images that will be
rather than the cloud environment. So to maintain application used to create VM. Each VM instance will have an IP
running well is the centric task in this step. Again, the address after initialization and one or more IP can keep in
service catalogue is used in to collect all these services and static if necessary. Software stack is used to describe all
then deliver them to application providers. These services are dependent software of the application, including web
defined to provide service level agreement (SLA) to container, database management system (DBMS), other
application provider from application lifecycle perspective. middleware and libraries. VM relationship and dependency
Here is some examples for application maintenance services: are recorded in topology, which will guide the VM manager
auto-scaling, update patch management, health checking, to create instances in correct order, and provisioning engine
configuration management. to install software in appropriate way.
The deployment process discussed in previous section is Maintenance model used to describe the cloud platform
executed automatically (using PaaS level deployment how to maintain the application running instance. We use the
services) or semi-automatically (using IaaS level services). extended application scaling model defined in Open Virtual
Once deployed, the application topology effects what Format (OVF) [10]. Key performance indicator (KPI), VM
maintenance service can be used. For example, it doesn’t instance, IP address and scaling rules are 4 main parts of the
make sense to select “response time guarantee” for an model. For application provider perspective, KPI is used to
application has only one instance without auto-scaling policy define and measure application performance. These KPAs
configured. Thus for application provider, what and how to can be used to define maintenance rules. For example, to
choose maintenance services is not simple as deployment define a rule that tell the cloud platform do not create more
process. Our approach uses a service recommendation tool VM instances if the maximum is reached, whenever the rate
which analysis constrains and dependencies from of request is. VM instance and IP address here is the
deployment topology and configurations and then select collector of active instances and IP addresses used by the
workable services to application providers. application. Purpose of these two collector is feed to
Dynamic scaling is the major advantages brought by application monitor to generate the real-time application
cloud and the most important function for application performance reports. To support Scaling rules are used to
providers. Our approach pays much more attention on auto automate the resource resize process of cloud platform. Each
scaling than other maintenance aspects. Although there are a rule contains one or more condition to be monitored. When
lot of scaling solutions and proposals in cloud domain, no the conditions are met, the rule is triggered and then one or
ideal scaling fit for both PaaS and IaaS cloud [12]. We uses a more actions are executed [18].
rule based scaling policy in our framework and application
model which will be discussed in the next section.
E. Withdraw
Application need to withdraw from cloud when needed.
This step allows application provider release resources
selectively, so that important data could be stored in cloud
and other resources such as network bandwidth or CPU
could be released quickly to reduce costs.
We treat application as the centric concept in our
approach and build our framework based on it. The Figure 3. Application model
following subsections describe the application model and the
framework in detail. B. Application Centric Lifecycle Framework
A. Application Model To support the application centric lifecycle, we present a
Application model is shown in Figure 3. In this diagram, framework of cloud architecture. This framework can be
we only put important parts: component, deployment model, used as platform independent model (PIM) in model driven


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method. This is an abstract architecture of cloud platform on better scaling solution in the future research work as well
and need to bind to certain cloud implementation. Cloud as better abstraction on different cloud platforms.
management platform, cloud server and IDE for application
provider comprise the framework. Figure 4 is the REFERENCES
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