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A Roadmap For Population Health Management: Sponsored by

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a roadmap for population

health management

sponsored by
Contributing Executives
Stephen Cavalieri, MD
Chief Medical Officer
InHEALTH, a division of Central Virginia Health Network

Amy Frankowski, MD, FACP

Chief Medical Officer
Mercy Health Select

Jeffrey Galles, DO
Chief Medical Officer
Utica Park Clinic

Creagh Milford, DO, MPH

President, Population Health Services
Mercy Health

Antonio Rios, MD
President and Chief Administrative Officer
Northeast Georgia Health System


table of Contents
4 Executive Summary

6 Patient-Centered Medical Homes

8 Care Management

9 Different Levels of Care

10 IT Infrastructure

11 Boosting Quality

12 Data Warehouses

13 Advanced Capabilities

14 Physician Culture

14 Coordination across Specialties

16 Hospitals and Other Providers

16 Behavioral Health and Social Services

18 Working with Payers

19 Risk Contracting

19 Conclusion

20 Roadmap for Population Health Management

22 Recommendations

23 References


opulation health management (PHM) has become an important focus for the

P majority of healthcare organizations as they prepare for value-based

reimbursement and risk contracting. According to a new HIMSS survey,
about two-thirds of hospitals and health systems have a PHM initiative of
some kind underway.1 That doesn’t count the many physician-led accountable care
organizations (ACOs) not anchored by a hospital or health system that have also
begun to develop PHM capabilities.

Many organizations, anticipating a turn in the market toward value-based care, are
directing their primary care practices to form patient-centered medical homes. Some
of the more forward-thinking healthcare organizations are getting their specialists
involved as well, and clinically integrated networks are on the rise, bringing multiple
providers across the care continuum under a single umbrella for contracting purposes.
However, a majority of healthcare organizations are still at the early stage of preparing
for PHM, experts say.

Moreover, most healthcare organizations don’t yet understand that PHM involves not
only medical services but also behavioral health. And because health care determines
only 10%–25% of the variations in individual health,2 healthcare organizations must also
hire social workers and forge connections with community services.

Considering where most organizations are in their PHM journey, it’s not surprising that
less than a quarter of healthcare organizations engaged in PHM are using IT solutions
specifically designed for that purpose.3 So far, the majority of healthcare systems are
utilizing whatever PHM applications are available in their EHRs—however inadequate
those may be today.

This is all bound to change, however, as payers increase the pressure on providers
to take financial risk, either in the form of downside risk for shared savings or a flat
monthly or annual fee per patient. When that happens, healthcare organizations will
have to sort through the wide variety of PHM solutions on the market and select the
ones that can really benefit them. And that is only a small part of the transformation
they must go through.

The biggest challenge for healthcare organizations will be to change their culture in every
corner of their operations, from the C-suite to their front line clinicians. They will also have
to change their governance, operational, and financial model; learn how to coordinate
care across the continuum; use data analytics to improve population health; measure their
financial and clinical performance; make evidence-based medicine the standard of care;
and use automation to drive high performing care teams.

As healthcare organizations move from fee-for-service to value-based reimbursement,

they will have to apply strategies designed to avoid a near-death financial experience.
What this will require is the ability to take advantage of government programs that reward
providers for improved care coordination, higher quality, and more efficiency, while


We believe that if you use this roadmap
wisely, in the light of your experience and
the unique features of your own market, it
can be a valuable guide to the decisions
you will have to make as your organization
navigates the tricky transition to value-
based care.

simultaneously decreasing costs across their operations. They must also create smart
care teams that leverage data and analytics to deliver high-quality care as efficiently as
possible, and they must use automation tools to scale up population health management
quickly across their enterprise.

The Institute for Health Technology Transformation (iHT2) has created this guide to
help healthcare organizations at various stages along the journey to PHM. The guide
encompasses a broad range of factors—including information technology, care
processes, and clinician culture—that healthcare organizations should consider as they
build their PHM capabilities. The roadmap at the end of the guide, derived from studies
and from interviews with healthcare executives on the front line of transformation, can
help healthcare organizations develop strategies that are likely to lead to success in PHM.

While we acknowledge that every healthcare organization’s situation is different, several

common themes ran through our conversations with healthcare leaders. These include:

• the importance of patient-centered medical homes and team-based care;

• the need to manage the care of high-risk patients closely while also providing
between-visit care to other patients, especially those who are “rising risk”;

• the key roles of analytic and automation tools in the PHM infrastructure;

• the need to address physician culture and to get primary care physicians and
specialists to work closely together;

• the importance of getting other providers onboard, ranging from hospitals and
post-acute care facilities to behavioral specialists and social workers;

• the proper timing for going all-in on PHM and how both Medicare and private
payers can help.

The roadmap builds on these themes and other information we obtained from our
research. We believe that if you use this roadmap wisely, in the light of your experience and
the unique features of your own market, it can be a valuable guide to the decisions you
will have to make as your organization navigates the tricky transition to value-based care.

We believe that if you use this roadmap wisely, in the light of your experience and the
unique features of your own market, it can be a valuable guide to the decisions you will
have to make as your organization navigates the tricky transition to value-based care.


he patient-centered medical home (PCMH), a holistic approach to primary care

t that is designed to improve care coordination, is widely viewed as a key building

block of PHM. The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) criteria
for PCMH recognition include components such as patient-centered access,
team-based care, and performance measurement. Medical homes are also required to
show their PHM capabilities in areas such as care management and support, care
coordination and care transitions, health assessments, and the use of data in PHM.4

A PCMH must ensure that patients receive recommended preventive and chronic
care, track patients’ health conditions systematically, reach out to noncompliant
patients and those who don’t regularly see their doctors, provide patient education
and self-management coaching, and address poor health behaviors.5 All of these
activities are hallmarks of PHM.

Some experts note that small practices that build PCMHs lack the resources to
manage population health effectively on their own.6 Those medical homes must join
a larger organization, such as an ACO or a healthcare system, to become part of the
PHM enterprise. Nevertheless, most of the participants in our research project agree
that the formation of PCMHs is essential to success in PHM.

“There’s no other mechanism to motivate and change behavior for the provider group
than to be part of a team-based care system,” declares Creagh Milford, DO, president
of population health management for Mercy Health, a 23-hospital system based in
Cincinnati. “The PCMH includes a variety of structural measures that require providers
to be a team not only among themselves, but also among other provider groups and
specialists. It’s the foundation for all our PHM initiatives.”

Mercy Health has approximately 125 NCQA-recognized medical homes in its more
than 200 primary care practices. It started ramping up these PCMHs around the same
time that it began building its Mercy Health Select ACO, Milford points out.

Utica Park Clinics, a division of the Hillcrest HealthCare System in Tulsa, Okla., has
focused on building medical homes among the 70% of its 230 doctors who work in
primary care. Utica Park has created its PCMHs with the help of the Comprehensive
Primary Care Initiative (CPCI) of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS), says Jeffrey Galles, DO, the group’s chief medical officer.

Northeast Georgia Physicians Group (NGPG), a subsidiary of Northeast Georgia

Health System (NGHS), based in Gainesville, Ga., has also focused on medical homes
rather than on an ACO. All but one of NGPG’s 26 primary care practices—which
include 85 of its 270 providers—are NCQA-recognized PCMHs, notes Antonio Rios,
MD, president and chief administrative officer of NGPG.

Rios regards primary care, the locus of the PCMH, as the “cornerstone” of population


A core function of the PCMH is to ensure
smooth transitions of care for patients
across all care settings; and to do that, the
PCMH must enlist the cooperation of

health management. “It’s what everything builds upon,” he notes. “Primary care is
where you build the infrastructure. The primary care physician is the quarterback and
is aware of where the patient is moving across the continuum of care.”

This is also the viewpoint of Robert Fortini, RN, MSN, chief clinical officer of Bon
Secours Virginia Medical Group (BSVMG), based in Richmond, Va. Over time, BSVMG
has switched its ratio of primary care providers to specialists so that the generalists
now form a majority of the group. “We did that by design, strategically,” Fortini said in
an earlier iHT2 report.7 “We knew what value-based payments were going to look like,
and we saw the growing gap in the primary care delivery system and the increasing
needs of the population.” Most of BSVMG’s primary care sites are now NCQA-
recognized medical homes.

Stephen Cavalieri, MD, chief medical officer of inHEALTH, a division of Central Virginia
Health Network that manages an ACO for BSVMG, takes a more nuanced view
of how physician groups should be structured for success in PHM and as part of
ACOs. “I feel strongly about the ability of primary care to play a role in cost reduction,
readmission reduction, quality improvement, and in managing patients who visit the
ER too frequently,” he says. “But specialists, in their day-to-day decision making,
leverage a greater role on potential costs as they manage patients.”

Regardless of the primary care-to-specialty ratio within a group, the coordination

between generalists and specialists is integral to PHM. A core function of the PCMH
is to ensure smooth transitions of care for patients across all care settings; and to do
that, the PCMH must enlist the cooperation of specialists.

From a financial perspective, PCMHs have a lot of value as healthcare organizations

begin to make the transition to population health management. Many private payers
offer incentives to practices that become NCQA-recognized PCMHs.8 CMS has
supplied incentives to participants in the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative
(CPCI),9 and those funds have helped pay for Utica Park’s IT infrastructure. After that
program ends in December 2016, the group plans to participate in CMS’s Chronic
Care Management (CCM) program, which rewards practices that provide non-visit
care to patients—a characteristic of PCMHs.10 Another program from the Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI)11 financed NGPG’s purchase of PHM
software that enabled the healthcare organization’s medical homes to gain NCQA
recognition, Rios says.

In summary, PCMHs are a mechanism to change provider behavior and form care
teams; their capabilities are fundamental to population health management; and they
attract financial support that can help pay for PHM infrastructure. All in all, the PCMH
is a good place to start the PHM journey.


ealthcare organizations define population health management differently,

H depending on whether they focus mainly on high-risk patients or on their

whole population. Because the sickest 10% of patients generate about 70%
of health spending, every organization involved in PHM must devote a
substantial amount of resources to helping those patients get better, so they’ll stay out
of the hospital and the emergency department (ED). But healthcare organizations
should also pay attention to the rest of the population, especially those “rising-risk”
patients who will be the high-risk patients in the near future. An ideal PHM strategy
encompasses both high-risk care management and interventions that can help low-
and moderate-risk patients improve and maintain their health.

The first step in executing this strategy is to use analytic tools to stratify the population
by health risk. Predictive modeling can also show which patients are most likely to
become high risk within the next year. On average, only 30% of patients who are high
risk today were in that category a year ago,12 highlighting the importance of “going
below the waterline” to identify patients who could become high risk or have an acute
event if no interventions are taken.

The primary task of nurse care managers (often called care coordinators) is to manage
high-risk patients so that they don’t become sicker and require more expensive care.
Second, care managers and other care team members use various analytic and
automation tools, such as registries, outreach applications, and online educational
materials to help patients with less serious conditions take better care of themselves. And
third, the care team ensures that healthy patients—the vast majority of the population—
receive appropriate preventive care and are encouraged to maintain their health.

None of this can be done cost effectively with manual methods. Just figuring out
which patients need help urgently and what their issues are can take up the majority
of care managers’ time if they have to plow through EHRs or paper charts to find
that information. Similarly, care coordinators don’t have enough hours in a day to call
every patient who has a care gap and bring each one in for necessary care. Therefore,
analytic and automation solutions are essential to care management.

Care managers represent an added expense that healthcare organizations and

practices didn’t have before they engaged in PHM. Care coordination fees from health
plans don’t begin to cover this expense. So, until healthcare organizations start getting
risk contracts that could potentially pay for the added overhead, they must find other
ways to pay for care managers. Some groups have nurse care managers conduct
annual wellness exams for Medicare patients or use them in Medicare’s transition-of-
care program to generate extra revenue.

But Cavalieri cautions that these tasks must be integrated into care management.
“The most important thing a care coordinator should do is manage patients,” he
says. “To the extent that an annual wellness visit or a transition-of-care visit has a role
in that, it makes sense. But some practices find transition-of-care visits to be labor


“Currently, a certain percentage of
patients are enrolled in the program at the
physician’s discretion. Once we show the
financial sustainability of this model, our
goal is to provide care coordination for all
patients.”—Amy Frankowski, MD

intensive and not worth their while. Wellness visits offer an opportunity to manage the
patient, attend to preventive care, and even attend to end-of-life planning, which is
sorely needed. That’s an excellent role for the nurses, because they can fulfill many
of the impactful quality metrics that are part of value-based care, and the practice
receives an income.”

Some healthcare organizations and PCMHs have also discovered that, by sending
automated alerts to patients about their care gaps, they can increase their visit
volume enough to pay for a portion of their infrastructure for PHM, including care
managers. This strategy makes a lot of sense in the early stages of the transition
to value-based care, when most reimbursement is still fee for service. By the time
an organization is ready to take financial risk, filling care gaps should be part of its
fundamental approach.


ercy Health Select’s primary care physicians—both employed and affiliated—

M appreciate the ACO’s care management program, because it takes much of

the burden off of them for managing patients with complex chronic diseases,
notes Amy Frankowski, MD, senior medical director of Population Health for
Mercy Health and chief medical officer of its ACO, Mercy Health Select. But there is
also a downside: The care managers have been assigned to help only high-risk
patients who are covered by commercial risk contracts or the Medicare Shared
Savings Program (MSSP).

For the ACO’s 1,500 physicians, this policy represents a bit of a challenge, Frankowski
acknowledges. “Currently, a certain percentage of patients are enrolled in the program
at the physician’s discretion. Once we show the financial sustainability of this model,
our goal is to provide care coordination for all patients.”

Even in the absence of risk contracts, managing the sickest patients closely can
generate a return on investment (ROI). For example, NGPG has begun footing the
bill for its PHM infrastructure now that its government grant has expired, Rios says.
The health system is recouping part of that investment from some aspects of PHM,
including a project that focused on its ED’s top 100 “frequent flyers.” “These people
had over 2,300 visits to the ED in a year,” he recalls. “Some were going in several
times a week. So we had our teams work aggressively with these folks to reduce the
visits to 600 plus in a year.” How did the healthcare organization save money? By
avoiding bad debt, because many of the frequent flyers lacked insurance and couldn’t
pay their bills, Rios replies.


s mentioned in the previous section, it is impossible to manage population

A health without the help of information technology. The question is what

kind of IT infrastructure an organization requires to build an effective
PHM program.

To begin with, a healthcare organization needs EHRs that have the basic functionality
required to show meaningful use. That includes the ability to exchange information
among disparate EHRs. While interoperability is still far from a reality, the EHR or
EHRs used in a healthcare organization or ACO must, at a minimum, be able
to exchange clinical summaries, either by direct messaging or through a Health
Information Exchange (HIE). Even if a healthcare organization has a single EHR system
that encompasses both its hospitals and its ambulatory-care clinics, it will have to
exchange data with other providers who use different systems.

It is important to remember that the current meaningful use program will be phased
out, perhaps as early as 2016.13 The successor to meaningful use will be part of
the requirements for the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), which is
authorized by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA). One
of two tracks for Medicare physician payment, starting in 2019, MIPS includes four
components: quality, resource use, clinical practice improvement activities (such
as building a medical home), and meaningful use of certified EHR technology.14 So
meaningful use will become less important, and the chief goals of PHM—higher
quality at lower cost—will take precedence. The other payment track, which requires
participation in alternative payment models such as ACOs, PCMHs, and payment
bundling, will encourage physicians to manage population health.

Although EHR vendors have lately begun to add some PHM features to their
products, observers and our research participants agree that EHRs still lack much
of the requisite functionality. For example, their health maintenance alerts and patient
registries are limited; they make it difficult and time-consuming to generate timely
reports on subpopulations, patients with care gaps, and other topics vital to PHM; and
the patient outreach functions in most EHRs are rudimentary.

Cavalieri says that the EHRs used by inHEALTH clients include patient registries.
“But most of the registries currently available in EHRs aren’t delivering the kind of
information you need,” he notes.

The static registries in EHRs, he says, may or may not include the required information,
or it may be out of date. Moreover, he says, “You have to run these reports, and you
have to plan outreach. It takes a significant staff investment to do all of those things.”

InHEALTH offers its clients PHM tools from an outside vendor. These applications
assemble their EHR, lab, and administrative data into a registry in near real time,
identify care gaps, automate protocol-driven outreach calls, and analyze the data so
that care coordinators can easily see which patients need their help right away.


“From 2014 to 2015, we saw a fourfold
increase in Medicare wellness visits. As
a result of that, colon cancer screening
rates have increased substantially.—Jeffrey

The PHM solution enables care teams to start looking at their populations and
intervening right away, he says. “If you’re a diabetic and you haven’t had an HbA1c
or had a lipid test in the last 12 months, you are at risk for hospitalization,” he notes.
“This registry allows you to identify those patients on the fly, which has significantly
more value than a static registry.”

Cavalieri cautions, however, that any IT solution must be paired with workflow
changes and other strategies to be effective. For example, when contacting
patients who have care gaps, organizations “have to make sure they have the
physician bandwidth to bring those patients in and the clinical bandwidth to close
the gaps. That kind of software requires planning and an understanding of your
scheduling opportunities.”

effrey Galles, DO, of Utica Park Clinics notes that the group also uses registry

J software from an outside vendor. Besides incorporating clinical and

administrative data, the registry ingests data from a local HIE that is linked to
Hillcrest Healthcare System, the group’s parent organization, and other
healthcare systems. That feed provides timely alerts on hospital admissions and
discharges of patients across the region.

The group uses the PHM software to identify care gaps and bring the patients in to see
their providers. Among the conditions of the patients who receive these notifications
by text, email, or phone are diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. In addition,
patients are alerted when they are due for Medicare wellness visits, immunizations,
mammography, or colonoscopy.

Altogether, Utica Park runs outreach programs for 25–30 different indications. “They’ve
been really successful in driving volume into the practices, which is always a good
thing, and driving appropriate volume, based on clinical care needs,” Galles says.

“From 2014 to 2015, we saw a fourfold increase in Medicare wellness visits,” he

continues. “As a result of that, colon cancer screening rates have increased
substantially. We’ve had to contract with an outside, non-employed GI group to fill the
additional capacity, because our own GI group wasn’t able to accommodate it. We’ve
had to expand hours in our mammography units, because we’ve driven additional
volume with breast cancer screening.”

As a result of all this activity, he says, Utica Park’s quality scores with payers have
improved. Meanwhile, by combining the registry with care management software,


the group has been able to identify high-risk patients, create work lists for the care
managers, track their patients’ status, and document what has been done for them.

This PHM infrastructure, along with the establishment of medical homes, enabled
Utica Park to generate $2.1 million in shared savings in the CPC initiative,
says Galles. “We had to subtract our care coordination fees from that, but our
interventions clearly demonstrated savings for CMS. We’ve also seen a substantial
amount of revenue from our upside contracts with Medicare Advantage plans. In
addition, we’ve seen some improvement in our PQRS [Physician Quality Reporting
System] program, which is another driver for where we’re headed in value-based
payments in 2019.”

arger enterprises tend to use data warehouses to aggregate data from

L multiple sources, including clinical and claims data. In some organizations,

these data warehouses include registries; other healthcare organizations use
standalone registries. Various kinds of clinical and business intelligence tools
may be applied to the information in data warehouses to help healthcare organizations
manage population health and financial risk.

ACOs and many healthcare organizations must find ways to aggregate data from
multiple EHRs. InHEALTH leverages its related HIE for that purpose today where
possible, but is working toward an integrated clinical-claims solution, Cavalieri says.
Mercy Health, in contrast, uses a data warehouse supplied by its EHR vendor and
tools from two other companies that aggregate claims and clinical data. The data
warehouse can only recognize medical record numbers generated in Mercy’s EHR,
so one of the outside vendors’ solutions is used to combine that EHR’s data with
information from the EHRs of other providers who care for Mercy’s patients.

“It is a challenge to achieve a common patient identifier when using three different
systems,” notes Milford. “Providers will continue to move toward relational databases
that permit ability to perform self service and to drill into both clinical and financial data
to understand how PHM interventions impact the quality and cost of care.”

As a result, Mercy Health relies on the vendor that connects EHRs to feed the
aggregated data into a registry for closing care gaps and health maintenance. “All
these functions are at the point of care, with built-in decision support.”

The Mercy EHR has outreach functions, including automatically generated emails
and letters to patients with care gaps. But again, this solution works only with
patients who have records in the EHR database. The healthcare organization
continues to identify new ways to perform patient outreach on behalf of providers
not employed by Mercy, Milford says. Mercy is in discussions with another vendor
to supply that functionality.


PHM requires applications for registries,
care gap identification, risk stratification,
predictive modeling, utilization management,
benchmarking, clinical dashboards, patient
outreach, and automated work queues.

Meanwhile, a new alternative to the data warehouse has emerged. Called a “data lake,”
this is a new approach to data aggregation that uses massively parallel computing
and a software framework to aggregate, normalize, and pull data when it is needed.
This framework can combine all data types, structured and unstructured, and enables
reports to be assembled without customization or the rewriting of business rules.
According to its proponents, the data lake approach can produce ad hoc reports
and populate registries in less than 24 hours, much faster than conventional data

This kind of turnaround time is required to give physicians and care teams the
“line of sight” view they need to act on the data when their interventions can do
the most good for patients. In addition, providers need information at the point
of care on which patients are covered by risk or shared-savings contracts. While
doctors don’t want to treat patients differently based on their insurance status,
they must follow the quality reporting requirements of these contracts to succeed
under them.

HM requires applications for registries, care gap identification, risk

P stratification, predictive modeling, utilization management, benchmarking,

clinical dashboards, patient outreach, and automated work queues.

Beyond that, organizations should consider advanced forms of IT—some of

which might be classified as “cognitive”—to increase their ability to optimize
population health.

Cognitive computing means systems that understand, reason, and learn. Through
cognitive computing, providers are now able to “see” unstructured health data that
was previously not visible. One example of using this type of technology in health care
is the application of natural language processing (NLP) to unstructured data in EHRs.
The latest NLP solutions can convert relevant portions of free text into structured data
that can then be processed.

PHM requires applications for registries, care gap identification, risk stratification,
predictive modeling, utilization management, benchmarking, clinical dashboards,
patient outreach, and automated work queues.


hysicians are naturally attuned to fee-for-service, because that’s what they’re

P used to and because it seems natural to get paid more for doing more. Their
workflow is designed to deal with the problems of each patient they see, not
to monitor and reach out to every person on their patient panel. Moreover, as
an early paper on medical homes pointed out, doctors who are used to being office
leaders find it disconcerting to become members of care teams.15 Rios recalls that
NGPG physicians initially found it difficult to adapt to the healthcare system’s new
PHM direction. “Change doesn’t flow naturally, especially for physicians. We had to
make sure that the ‘why’ was answered and that we had support from the top
leadership. We all agreed that this was the right path to pursue, so it wasn’t optional.
It was a learning process, and I give credit to my doctors who went above and beyond
to learn and participate in the teams. We had exceptional physician leadership.”

Similarly, it took the Utica Park physicians a year or two to grasp the point of team-
based care, Galles observes. But now that they’ve accepted it, he says, “it’s becoming
part of the culture, and the practices that haven’t been part of the CPC initiative are
asking us to provide additional resources for them to move in the same direction.”

Besides the use of physician champions and support from top leadership, any
strategy to enlist primary care physicians in a PHM initiative should include financial
incentives. For independent PCPs, the care management fees that many health plans
pay PCMHs is a powerful motivator. If they belong to an ACO that participates in
MSSP, bonuses from that program could also convince doctors that they’re on the
right path. Employed physicians need to see a compensation package that places as
much or more emphasis on quality and efficiency as on production.


lose cooperation between primary care doctors and specialists is essential

C to improve care coordination and outcomes. The first step toward this
cooperation is to persuade specialists to support the PHM cause.

At NGPG, the specialists initially regarded PHM as a primary care project, Rios notes.
But when the group’s leaders shared the positive clinical results of the PCMHs with the
specialists, their attitude began to change. NGPG physician executives also explained
how the specialists could benefit from increased referrals and from receiving the right
information when patients visited them. Eventually, the specialists realized that PHM
was the right way to go, he says.

Milford of Mercy Health also recognizes the importance of closer cooperation between
PCPs and specialists. “As a primary care physician, I need to know when my patient
sees a cardiologist and what meds have been prescribed or removed from the
medication list, and a summary of how that cardiologist thinks my patient is doing,” he
says. “In population health, you need to create incentives so that the specialist feels
that he or she should be accountable for the care of that shared patient.”


Technology offers hospitals
a simple method to help their
physicians succeed at PHM
while reducing readmissions.

One way to get that cooperation, he says, is to incentivize specialists financially,

either through gain-sharing or shared savings. But it’s easier to incentivize primary
care doctors because they often earn less than specialists do, he observes. Care
management fees are “pretty meaningful to a primary care physician,” he says. “But
if you’re a neurosurgeon, they are less meaningful because these new payments
represent such a small percentage of specialist income.”

Moreover, he adds, it’s much easier to motivate employed doctors, whether they’re
PCPs or specialists, than independent or affiliated physicians who receive only a
portion of their income through a particular health system.

Milford’s colleague Frankowski views referrals as the key to getting specialists’

attention. “But part of their benefit of being in the network is sharing patient data
so that the right type of referral can be made to help ensure the best outcomes for
the patient.”

Technology can knit together providers across care settings, but the lack of
interoperability between EHRs remains a barrier. “At the highest level, you need
electronic connectivity—a common EHR or other sources of connected electronic IT
systems,” Milford says. “The ability to share data and information is essential.”

He cites a Mercy pulmonologist who saw a patient for smoking cessation and COPD.
Because the specialist and the patient’s primary care doctor used the same EHR,
the pulmonologist recognized that the patient was overdue for a mammogram. He
ordered the mammogram electronically and called the PCP to let him know that he
had ordered it.

“Five years ago, that pulmonologist would not have had an incentive to address
prevention and close care gaps,” Milford points out. “Today, we’re creating explicit
joint responsibility within our network for our population health patients. There are a
number of ways specialists can play a critical role in PHM, from closing care gaps to
performing e-consults to connect specialists to PCPs. Early evidence shows e-consults
hold promise to reduce unnecessary referrals and open specialists’ schedules to see
more appropriate referrals.”


ost hospitals that are not part of big healthcare systems will be reluctant to

M transform themselves along PHM lines until they are offered global risk
contracts. Nevertheless, many of them are preparing their employed practices
for PHM, and some participate in ACOs that are involved in PHM. Moreover,
hospitals have another reason to improve their coordination with ambulatory care and
post-acute care (PAC) providers: Medicare penalties for excessive readmissions.

Technology offers hospitals a simple method to help their physicians succeed at PHM
while reducing readmissions. The hospitals can send their doctors alerts from their
admission/discharge/transfer (ADT) systems to let them know when their patients
are admitted to and discharged from the hospital or the emergency department and
where they went after discharge.

This kind of information is “incredibly important” in PHM, says Cavalieri. InHEALTH

receives these alerts from area hospitals through its allied HIE, MedVirginia, he notes,
and uses them to drive its transitions-of-care program. “We get acute-care encounter
alerts, we identify patients who are high risk, and we see those patients within 72
hours of discharge so we can manage them appropriately. Those are the hottest
opportunities in managed care, if you can manage those patients and prevent a
readmission and find patients who could use care management.”

PAC providers are now on the radar of hospitals, as well, because of the role they
play, not only in readmissions, but also in CMS’s bundled payment programs. For
example, Mercy Health is expanding its clinically integrated network, which includes
its ACO members, to encompass PAC facilities such as nursing homes and home
care agencies, as well as ambulatory surgery centers, Frankowski says.

Mercy also wants to give the PAC providers access to its EHR and is considering
the use of other tools to evaluate the quality and efficiency of care in those
facilities, she notes. The healthcare organization’s goals are to transfer patients
more quickly, reduce lengths of stay in the hospital, and decrease admissions from
the PAC facilities.


ur conversations with healthcare executives revealed a surprising trend: Their

O organizations are beginning to incorporate behavioral health into primary care

and to look at how they can affect the social determinants of health to improve
outcomes. While the NCQA PCMH 2014 standards encourage this integration
and co-location of services in the primary care practice, it is just now gaining traction.

Nearly 20% of Americans have behavioral health conditions, which cost about $7 billion
a year.16 Moreover, individuals with behavioral health and substance abuse conditions
cost 2.5 to 3.5 times more to care for than do patients without such issues.17 Patients
who have behavioral issues along with chronic diseases cost 46% more to treat than


those who have only chronic medical conditions.18 So behavioral health has become
a focus of PHM.

Because primary care doctors have little or no training in counseling, they tend to
refer patients with behavioral health conditions to mental health professionals, but the
patients often don’t follow up. This pattern is changing, however, among organizations
that manage population health. Increasingly, their preferred method for dealing with
this issue is to integrate behavioral health professionals into primary care practices.

“You can’t function in most ACO environments without behavioral health support or
something embedded from a behavioral perspective,” says Cavalieri.

Mercy Health is placing a major focus on behavioral health. It has already embedded
20 behavioral health specialists in its primary care sites and plans to add more. These
providers deal with moderate- and high-risk patients who also have a diagnosis of
depression or substance or alcohol abuse.

“It’s increasingly apparent that these individuals with a behavioral health diagnosis plus
a chronic condition are extremely expensive,” Milford explains. “Health systems have
often under-diagnosed these disorders. New payment models will enable providers to
better coordinate care and offer services for these patients.”

Social determinants of health are also receiving new attention from PHM advocates. It
has long been known that health care affects only a small percentage of the variances
in individual health over time. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that
that percentage is between 10% and 25%. Other factors, including genetic makeup,
health behavior, social and economic factors, and physical environmental factors,
account for the rest.20 Much of this is beyond the ability of providers to influence, but
there are ways to have an impact on social determinants.

For example, inHEALTH manages a physician-led ACO called MD Value Care that
has a high-risk, comorbid patient population, notes Cavalieri. The fragmentation of
care in the market is increasing, and patients often don’t receive the help they need
to maintain their health, he says. “They can’t afford their meds, have transportation
issues, have family support issues. The frail elderly can easily fall through the cracks.
Our care coordination provides a social support network for these patients.” That
includes the use of social workers and community resources, he adds.

Mercy Health’s ACO has taken a similar approach by forming a network of “support
specialists” who work closely with its care coordinators. These care team members,
most of whom are social workers, help high-risk patients with everything from “meals
on wheels” to making sure they have transportation to appointments and can get
their medicines.

NGPG recently hired a social worker to collaborate with its care managers, rotating
among the primary care offices. She focuses on the highest priority patients, notes Rios.


oth CMS and private health plans can help healthcare organizations in their

B PHM quest. In markets where payers and providers have made less progress
toward value-based reimbursement and financial risk, healthcare organizations
are more likely to be aided by CMS demonstrations and programs than by
private insurers. By contrast, in markets where risk contracting has begun to take
hold, health plans are more fully engaged with healthcare organizations in building
PHM and preparing for financial risk. So healthcare organizations need to evaluate
their markets to decide how and when to partner with payers.

In Tulsa, for example, Medicare funding was essential in the early stages of building Utica
Park Clinics’ infrastructure for PHM. Some health plans now pay care management
fees to the group for its PCMHs. However, those fees have not been sufficient to cover
the increasing cost of the infrastructure as Utica Park has added behavioral health
specialists, diabetic educators, project managers, and software.

If the Tulsa market were ready to move to value-based reimbursement, Galles says,
it would be easier to finance the transition to PHM. “Our market, like a lot of other
markets, is struggling with the idea of readiness for risk. That’s not just a challenge for
providers, but for health plans as well. They don’t understand what the capacity for
change is in healthcare systems, and the providers don’t understand the complexity
of structuring risk in a market that doesn’t have big drivers for risk.”

Meanwhile, Utica Park has enlisted the support of two insurers by focusing on
high-risk patients in their Medicare Advantage plans. The payers have contributed
additional care managers to the clinics and analyze the group’s data to identify high-
risk patients, Galles says.

Another important function of health plans is to provide claims data on their members.
CMS also supplies limited claims data on Medicare beneficiaries to ACOs in its
MSSP.20 While not as timely or as accurate as clinical data, claims data shows what
has been done for patients wherever they received care. In addition, the majority of
analytic tools are still designed for claims data, notes Cavalieri.

These analytic tools can be used to identify high-risk patients, which is critical for
healthcare organizations and ACOs just embarking on PHM, he observes. “The
modeling is usually claims-based, although it can be based on other data. There’s
tremendous value in claims data in population health. Having an analytical tool
that includes claims and eventually, EHR information, would be nirvana for most
health systems.”

Claims data can also help providers understand readmissions, because patients
aren’t always readmitted to the same facility, he points out. And when healthcare
organizations or ACOs begin taking risk, claims information is indispensable for
tracking out-of-network healthcare utilization, he adds.


Risk Contracting
ercy Health Select currently holds risk contracts with several commercial and

M Medicare Advantage plans; it has also switched to track 3 of the MSSP, which
involves downside risk, Milford notes. In total, approximately 20% of Mercy
Health’s primary care panels consist of patients covered by risk contracts, he
says. Moreover, the healthcare organization is participating in two CMS programs (one of
them mandatory) that require it to take bundled payments for certain procedures.

Mercy Health recently joined with Summa Health and Metro Health, two other Ohio-
based health systems, to form a “network of networks” called Advanced Health Select.21
This statewide network, Milford says, will allow the participants to bid together on more
commercial risk contracts than any of them could do individually. The big national
insurers, he notes, don’t want to do risk deals for just a few thousand patients, but are
willing to make these arrangements when more of their members are pooled together.

None of this would have been possible, he adds, before Mercy Health developed its
PHM capabilities. The same is true for Mercy Health Select’s success in the MSSP,
where it has saved millions of dollars for Medicare.

“Part of that success came from our ability to segment our population using clinical
and claims data and then focus on interventions for the appropriate segment of the
population,” Frankowski says.

HM represents a fundamental transformation of how healthcare is delivered and

P paid for. Before a healthcare organization embarks on a PHM initiative, it must be

ready to change its business model from pay for volume to pay for value.

Most U.S. markets have not yet adopted value-based reimbursement to any
large extent. Therefore, each healthcare organization must gauge the speed at which
it should transition to PHM. If it moves too fast, it likely won’t get a return on investment
for a long time. If it moves too slowly, it won’t be ready when the market turns.

The ability to execute on PHM depends on people, process, and technology. First,
a healthcare organization’s physicians must accept the idea that PHM can improve
the quality of care and prepare them for the value-based future. Second, the care
managers and the care processes needed to implement PHM must be put into place.
And third, new health IT solutions that complement EHR capabilities must be adopted
to support the new care processes in a cost-effective way.

Team-based care, growing out of the patient-centered medical home, is essential

to PHM. Behavioral health professionals and social workers should be part of those
care teams to address the non-medical problems that people have in coping with
illnesses or staying healthy.

Finally, everyone in the healthcare organization must embrace the vision that improving
population health is the only way to bend the cost curve and succeed in the new world
of value-based reimbursement. When healthcare providers and staff members fully
understand that, half of the population health management battle will have been won.


a roadmap for
population health
DOMAIN: Form PCMHs TECHNOLOGY: EHRs; PHM solutions, including
GOALS: Change provider behavior; Form care teams; registries, analytics to identify care gaps, outreach
Improve access; Coordinate care; Fill care gaps; automation tools.
Continuous care, including non-visit care. RECOMMENDED STRATEGY: Form physician-led
CHALLENGES: Physician resistance; Workflow changes; champion teams; Continuously analyze population
Infrastructure costs. and care data to improve efficiencies and optimize
INCENTIVES: CMS and CMMI programs; Care
coordination fees from private payers; Pay-for-
performance bonuses; Fee-for-service income from
filling care gaps.

DOMAIN: Manage care TECHNOLOGY: EHRs; Data warehouses and

data lakes; Registries; PHM solutions used
GOALS: Hire care coordinators; Risk-stratify population;
in PCMHs, plus risk stratification and tools to
Manage high-risk patients; Ensure other patients get
help care managers prioritize cases and locate
necessary care; Coordinate with specialists; Improve
relevant information.
transitions of care.
CHALLENGES: Identifying high-risk patients; Finding
clinicians to hire and construct care coordination
relevant data; Patient outreach; Paying for care
teams; Analyze and categorize sub-populations
coordinators; Tools for documenting non-visit care.
from EHRs and data warehouses to identify high-risk
INCENTIVES: Medicare wellness visits; CMS transitions patients; Leverage technology for remote monitoring;
of care program; CMS chronic care management Initialize telehealth programs.
program; Health plan fees for care coordination; Risk
contracts (at later stage).

DOMAIN: Engage patients outcomes; Continuous interaction with health system

GOALS: Manage care of high-risk patients; Use automated management tools to incorporate lifestyle changes and
alerts to patients about care gaps; Provide online improve wellness.
educational materials; Do health risk assessments; Embed TECHNOLOGY: EHRs; Outreach tools; Online
behavioral specialists in primary care sites; Use social educational materials; Text reminders; Telehealth
workers to help patients address barriers to care. consults (future); Remote patient monitoring (future).
CHALLENGES: Insufficient number of care managers; RECOMMENDED STRATEGIES: Form strategies
EHR outreach tools that can’t be used with disparate and select vendors to promote interoperability;
EHRs; Poorly designed educational tools; Lack of Collaborate with clinicians to improve
behavioral care and integration with social services and educational resources; Position EHR systems
community resources. to incorporate, track, and manage behavioral
INCENTIVES: Management of high-risk and rising risk health data.
patients; Integrated behavioral care to improve overall
a roadmap for population health management
DOMAIN: Engage primary care physicians through ACO membership, extra FFS income
GOALS: Enlist PCPs as care team leaders; Get PCPs to from filling care gaps.
work more closely with specialists; Persuade doctors TECHNOLOGY: EHR; Registry; Analytics to
to support PHM; Teach doctors how to use IT tools to understand population; Automation tools for
improve population health. care management and bringing in patients with
CHALLENGES: PCPs are used to fee-for-service and care gaps, patient portals, open APIs (in future);
production-based incentives; Difficulty of getting PCPs Telehealth technology; Remote monitoring.
used to monitoring patients between visits; Transition from RECOMMENDED STRATEGIES: Apply basic
being center of all activities to member of care team. initial technologies that promote patient monitoring;
INCENTIVES: Leadership support; Physician champions; Empower physician groups by selecting practice
Financial incentives, including PCMH care management champions; Leverage technology to allow seamless
fees, pay-for-performance, portion of shared savings communication across facility and specialty lines.

DOMAIN: Engage specialists TECHNOLOGY: EHR used by both PCPs and specialists
GOALS: Get specialists to share responsibility for within enterprise; Health Information Exchanges; Direct
patient care; Give specialists PCP notes, other key data; messaging; Referral tracking tools that alert PCP when
Send more appropriate referrals to specialists; Have patient doesn’t see specialist or when report hasn’t
specialists send back reports promptly. come back.

CHALLENGES: Specialists view PHM as PCP project; RECOMMENDED STRATEGIES: Illustrate the
Specialists don’t receive care coordination fees; Other business case for engagement with PCPs; Create
incentives may not be sufficient. processes for effective data exchange; Utilize
direct messaging, HIEs, and EHR-driven referral
INCENTIVES: Continued referrals; Gain sharing or tools infrastructures that enable seamless
shared savings; Participation in risk contracts or bundled reporting.

DOMAIN: Engage hospitals INCENTIVES: Readmission reduction; Global

GOALS: Provide timely information to ambulatory care risk contracts.
providers on hospital admissions and discharges, ED TECHNOLOGY: Health information exchanges;
visits; Implement medication reconciliation; Coordinate ADT alerts through EHRs or HIEs; Post-discharge
care to improve handoffs; Reduce readmissions. automated calls to identify patients in trouble.
CHALLENGES: Most hospitals not involved in PHM, RECOMMENDED STRATEGIES: Establish regular
which turns business model upside down; Inpatient meetings with leadership teams across health system;
EHRs may not be interoperable with ambulatory EHRs; Use and engage care coordination teams for handoffs of
Inadequate or missing processes to coordinate post- care; Utilize HIEs and EHR data to share data; Establish
discharge care. systems for continuous follow up with patients.

DOMAIN: Engage payers has mastered PHM on its own; Work with one or two
GOALS: Get payers to provide care managers; Use payer Medicare Advantage plans to reduce costs; Form
broader network with other ACOs; Partner practices,
analytics to identify high-risk patients; Obtain claims
hospitals, and other providers to take global risk.
data for variety of purposes; Ultimately, negotiate and
establish risk contracts. TECHNOLOGY: Data aggregation tools to combine
clinical and claims data; Out-of-network tracking tools to
CHALLENGES: Health plans in less advanced markets help healthcare organization succeed in risk contracts.
not interested in working with providers; National
plans more attuned to needs of big providers; Plans RECOMMENDED STRATEGIES: Analyze data
from EHR and data warehouses to illustrate PHM
have limited resources to provide care managers and
effectiveness; Demonstrate interoperability
analytics; Plans don’t want to do risk contracts for small
capabilities; Display a firm grasp on claims
numbers of members.
and payment data overtime; Negotiate payer
INCENTIVES: Show payers that healthcare organization relationships using these strengths.
• Form patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs) in the health care
organization’s primary care practices.

• Use the PCMHs to change physician behavior and establish care teams.

• Capitalize on the financial incentives available to PCMHs.

• Show providers how PCMHs and population health management (PHM)

can benefit them and their patients.

• Persuade specialists it is in their interest to cooperate with primary care

physicians in following the tenets of PHM.

• Use technology wherever possible to forge closer ties between

specialists and PCPs.

• Have hospitals in the healthcare system and in other systems send ADT
alerts to physicians about admissions, discharges, and ED visits.

• Integrate post-acute care (PAC) providers into the PHM program.

• Embed behavioral health specialists and social workers into PCMHs.

• Get payers on board so that they will provide care managers, analytics,
claims data, and eventually, risk contracts.

• Support care managers with analytic and automation tools to increase

their cost effectiveness.

• Manage the sickest patients closely but also pay attention to “rising-risk”
patients and the rest of the population.

• Build a sophisticated IT infrastructure that uses the latest PHM solutions

to augment EHR capabilities in a cost-effective way.


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8. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), “Comprehensive Primary Care
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16. Ian Duncan, Healthcare Risk Adjustment and Predictive Modeling (Winstead,
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21. Mercy Health, “Mercy Health and Summa Health create largest clinically
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