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BAB 2 Anxiety in Speaking English

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This chapter discusses some issue associated with this research,

some issues related to this research are anxiety, types of anxiety, foreign

language anxiety, factor contributing in foreign language anxiety and the

impact of foreign language anxiety.

A. Speaking

In learning another language, speaking is an important aspect to be

mastered. It is one of the four skills in the language activities which is

important to convey in the communication. According to Cameron in the

thesis by Arini entitled Improving the Students’ Speaking Ability Through

the Use of Role Playing Technique for Grade VIII Students of SMPN 1

Banguntapan in Academic Year of 2013/2014, speaking is the active use of

language to express meaning, so that other people can make sense of them.1

People use this skill to express everything on their mind, but it is necessary

to practice the correct way of speaking in order to make a better

communication with others. According to Kushartanti in the scientific

article by Harahap, speaking is a set of voice uttered by one and understood

by someone else.2 Speaking is such a bridge for human communication,

Arini Isnaen Meilyaningsih, thesis, “Improving the Students’ Speaking Ability
Through the Use of Role Playing Technique for Grade VIII Students of SMPN 1
Banguntapan in Academic Year of 2013/2014” (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,2015),
Siti Surinah Harahap,, “An Analysis on Students’ Speaking Skill at Second
Grade SMP 8 Rambah Hilir”, (Riau), 24 February 2015, p.2.

therefore, we have to mastery this skills to make the communication runs


Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that

speaking is a productive skill that is used for expressing the idea, message,

suggestion and it necessary to be mastered by everyone.

B. Components Of Speaking

Harris states in the journal by Umi Khalidah, entitled A Study on the

Speaking Ability of Second Year Students of SMA N 2 Siak Hulu that

speaking ability has five components which are generally recognized in

analyzing speaking.3

a. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the first thing that have to be mastered in order to

speaking. One cannot communicative effectively or express their ideas

both oral and written form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary.4

The more vocabularies we know, our ability to speak will increase as

well, because we have many words to speak to others. In the other case,

If a speaker has less vocabulary, it will affect speaking performance

because they tend to take a lot of time to search and think about the

sentences they want to tell. Thus, the listener will feel less interested to

listen their words.

Umi Khalidah,, “A Study on the Speaking Ability of Second Year Students
of SMA N 2 Siak Hulu”, Journal, Riau University, p. 2.
Ayu Rosyada, thesis, “The Implementation of Drama Technique in Teaching
English Speaking Class at The Second Grade of SMA Negeri 3 Metro,(University of
Lampung 2014), p. 12.

Hornby states in the thesis by Anggriawan that vocabulary is a

number of words which make up language5. this statement states that if

we want to speak one language or learn it the first thing that we must

master is vocabulary in order to help us to build our speaking skills

especially in English. it is certainly can be said that vocabulary is a

foundation for a building. If you want a strong and sturdy house then

you must provide the best foundation as well. These statement is in line

with English, if we want to improve our English ability, then we must

increase our vocabulary too.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that vocabulary

is the first and the most important component to be mastered in English.

In spite of vocabulary can affect the level of speaking ability.

b. Grammar

The use of appropriate grammar rule while speaking is important.

Therefore, by learning about grammar can help us to construct a correct

sentence in conversation. When we want to learn a new language like

English language, we need to study its grammar. The important of

grammar cannot be ignored or neglected because we cannot speak the

langugae without knowing the rules of its language.

Debata stated that Grammar is the study of words and the ways

words work together; an invisible force that guides us as we put words

Sudhirham Bagus Anggriawan, Thesis, “A Descriptive Study on The Eleventh Grade
Students’ Speaking Achievement at SMAN Rambipuji”, (Jember: Universiy of Jember,2015),
p. 21.

together into sentences.6 In speaking, we need grammar to arrange the

words so the listener can understand the words or the phrases that we want

to tell. Furthermore, Radford stated that through grammar we will know

the way to be fluent in a language.7 Many people agree that one of the best

way to learn language and speak like a native is with mastery the grammar

because grammar is one of the keys to speak fluently.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that grammar is

one of the component of speaking that need to be mastered in order to

improve speaking ability. Therefore, the function of grammar is to to

construct a sentences in conversation. By using the right rule, it can

make the listener easier to understand the conversation

c. Fluency

Everyone are expected to be fluent when speaking in English

because fluency in speaking is the aim of many language learners. 8 By

practicing speaking regularly, our ability to speak will become fluent,

that means we are able to speak in English spontaneously. Furthermore,

fluency can make people confident to speak in English.

The fluency is speaking does not mean that the people should speak

very fast. Speak fluently means that people know how to speak

effectively with the reasonable pace It can be said that the speaker

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Debata ,”The Importance of Grammar in English Language
Teaching:A Reassessment”, from language in India, ISSN 1930-2940 Vol. 13:5 May 2013 p. 2
Sudhirham Bagus Anggriawan,thesis, “A Descriptive Study...”.p. 20
Ayu Rosyada, “The Implementation…”, p. 14.

should speak not too fast and also not too slow. If the speaker speaks too

fast, the listeners will not get the point about the topic spoken. Brumfit

stated in journal by Hunter suggested that fluency should be regarded as

natural language use, whether or not it results in native speaker like

language comprehension or production9.

The statement above means when we speak a language we do not

need to feel in rushed or hesitant to say a word even though we are not

a native speaker because fluency is a nature of language. So it can be

concluded that fluency is the accuracy of the speaker in speaking

without being rushed or too slow in expressing his opinion.

d. Pronunciation

Gilakjani argued that English pronunciation is one of the most

difficult skills to acquire and learners should spend lots of time to

improve their pronunciation.10 Mastery the pronunciation is a basic

requirement for students to learn a language. Thus, Pronunciation is the

way for students to produce clearer language when they speak.

Pronunciation of the words is important thing to know because it is

related to the sound and stress of the words. A speaker need to pay

attention to the intonation they use while speaking. Intonation is

important in order to convey the correct intention from the speaker to

James Hunter, “Small Talk’: developing fluency,accuracy, and complexity in speaking”,
from ELT Journal Advance Access published March 15, 2011, p. 3
Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani,” English Pronunciation Instruction: A Literature Review”,
from Intenational Journal of Research in English Education, November 18, 2016, p. 2.

the listeners. Besides, intonation can make the conversation to be

interesting for the listeners.

According to James, the aim of learning pronunciation for some

learners is the native-like accent.11 This can probably be a primary

objective for teachers who intend to improve their learners’

pronunciation. Further, pronunciation is a vital component of speaking

that need to be mastered by the students in order to improve their


Therefore, it can be concluded that pronunciation of the words is

important things to know in learning language because it is related to

the sound and stress of the words. By using the correct pronunciation

the listeners will more easily to understand the message from the


e. Comprehension

Comprehension refers to our understanding about what we say to

others while speaking. If we are given a topic to speak, it is important

to understand what should we say that is related to the given topic. If

we can explain the topic well and correctly, it means we comprehend

well. According to Ylvisaker in the thesis by Anggriawan, he stated

that comprehending spoken language involves much morethan

James, R. B., Teaching Pronunciation Gets a Bad R.A.P: A Framework for
Teaching Pronunciation, (Hankuk: University of Foreign Studies, 2010), p 35

knowing the meaning of words and understanding what is intended

when those words are put together in a certain way.12

The statement above means that understanding the meaning of a

word is not enough to speak, a speaker also needs to comprehend the

context of a word and understand the use of the word so that the listener

will understand it easily. Thus, refers to the understanding of language

including comprehending what the speaker says. For oral

communication, it requires someone to respond the speech if someone

cannot understand and comprehend someone speech, he or she can not

respond what other speaker says automatically.

C. Problems in Speaking

Speak English is not easy, because the speaker should master several

important elements, such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency,

and comprehension. The speaker will not be able to speak well if those

elements are not fulfilled. Besides that, It is quite difficult to use English

language to communicate with others cause English is not our mother


There are some problems that is faced by language students in

speaking English. Thornburry states in the journal by Sayuri entitled English

Speaking Problems of EFL Learners of Mulawarman University, the main

problems of learners-speaker face are two areas; knowledge factors and

Sudhirham Bagus Anggriawan, thesis, “A Descriptive Study...”.p. 23

skills factors because the speaker lack of confidence.13 Knowledge factors

is about the students still do not know how to produce a language that related

to communication strategies. Skill factors are influenced by the knowledge.

If the knowledge is sufficient, then the students lack of skill as well.

Fauzan states in the journal by Sayuri, the students are reluctance,

hesitation, fear of making mistakes, or lack of vocabulary.14 The main

component of language that students should fulfill is vocabulary. If they do

not know any words or lack of vocabulary, then they cannot speaking well

and fluently. This vocabulary factor often makes them shy and afraid of

making mistakes when they try to speak. They worry if their friends will

laugh at them.

In other hand, Hadijah states the other problems that the students

facing on English speaking are not only having limited knowledge on the

components of speaking skills including pronunciation, grammar,

vocabulary, fluency and comprehension but also the students own personal

reasons, such as shy to perform speaking, lack of self confidence, lack of

speaking practice, time management, speaking material, and exposure


Based on explanation above, the researcher concludes that the

biggest problem in speaking is mastering the component of speaking and

reducing the lack of confidence. If students cannot master the components

Sayuri, “English Speaking Problems of EFL Learners of Mulawarman
University”, in Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics no.1 edition, Vol.1, 2016, p. 49.
Sayuri, “English Speaking Problems of EFL ….., p. 49
Sayuri, “English Speaking Problems of EFL …., p. 49

in speaking and reduce their lack of confidence, they will feel anxious when

speaking English.

D. Anxiety

Anxiety is commonly used as a term to describe feelings of

uneasiness, worry or fear and it is a largely investigated issue especially in

psychology. There is almost unanimous consent that anxiety affects

language performance. People usually felt anxious at some point in their

lives, it is common that whenever they experience anxiety, especially in

anxiety-provoking environments, their performance often deteriorates. The

process of second language learning is largely considered as anxiety-

provoking, hence many people find foreign language learning particularly

stressful, therefore the previous researchers and educators have largely

associated anxiety with language learning.

Anxiety is a disturbing combination of emotions including fear,

worry, nervousness, and difficulty and it usually followed by the physical

reaction such as high blood pressure, increased heart rate and the other body

signal.16 In general, anxiety can be identified as a feeling of being oppressed,

nervousness, tension and threats and it appears to the human body as the

response of a particular situation. There are several definitions related to

anxiety which are found by the researcher. According to Spielberger anxiety

often refers to the psychological condition of a person that includes the

Chen K.V et al, “Meditative Therapies for Reducing Anxiety: a Systematic
Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials”, 2013, p. 419

feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry that provoke

nervous system.17 Passer and Smith state that anxiety is a state of tension

and apprehension as a natural response to a perceived threat.18 Furthermore,

Morris, David, & Hutchings stated that anxiety consists of two components
which are worry and emotion. Worry or cognitive anxiety refers to

negative expectations and cognitive concerns about oneself and emotion or

somatic anxiety concerns one’s perception of the physiological-affective

elements of the anxiety experience, which are indications of automatic

unpleasant feeling states, such as nervousness, upset stomach, pounding

heart, sweating, and tension.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that anxiety is a

feeling of fear that is felt by someone due to nervous in himself and it also

can be said as a sense of worry about something that will happen in the


E. Types of Anxiety

Foreign language anxiety is one of the most difficult obstacles that

are prevalent found frequently among the majority of foreign language

students in their attempt to speak. Albert and Herber divided the kind of

anxiety into two types, such as: Facilitating Anxiety and Debilitating

Spielberger CD, 2015, Anxiety and Behaviour, (New York: Academic Press,
2015), p. 189
Passer, M. W., Smith R.E, Psychology: The Science of Mind and
Behaviour.(McGraw-Hill Higher Education,2009), P. 145
Morris, L. W., Davis, M. A., & Hutchings, C. H. (1981). Cognitive and
emotional components of anxiety: literature review and a revised worry-emotionality
scale, From Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 73, 541-555.

Anxiety. Facilitating anxiety is the kind of anxiety that will improve the

performance. It means, the anxiety will not hinder the student's

achievement, even it might be a motivation to improve their skill.

Debilitating anxiety refers to the anxiety that weakened the students

performance. Either those types of anxiety might be the motivation for the

students to improve their skill or it might be decrease their motivation to

learn English.

Besides of that, according to Ormrod, there are two types of anxiety

that familiar in society such as state anxiety and trait anxiety20:

1. State anxiety is a temporary feeling of anxiety elicited by a

threatening situation. It arises when confronted with a

specific situation and knows as normal anxiety. State anxiety

usually stops when the threatening situation is going away.

2. Trait anxiety: Trait anxiety is a pattern of responding with

anxiety even not in a threatening situation. People with trait

anxiety tend to worry more than most people because it

already becomes their character. Thus, trait anxiety is the

tendency of a person to be nervous irrespective of the

situation of she/ he exposed to.

Furthermore, drawing on work in general psychology defines, there

are 3 types of anxiety, as follow:

Jeannie Ellies Ormrod, Educational Psychology………. P. 279

1. Trait anxiety is a more permanent predisposition to be

anxious. It is best viewed as an aspect of personality. 21 A

student who has trait anxious is likely to feel anxious in a

every situation. Once the anxiety becomes a trait one, it will

hinder language learning.

2. State anxiety referred to a situational anxiety. As the name

implies, Spielberger states that this type of anxiety arises in

a particular situation and hence is not permanent. Spielberger

adding that state anxiety as apprehension that is experience

at the particular moment in time as a response to a definite

situation.22 State anxiety is nervousness or tension at the

particular moment in response to some outside stimulus. It

occurs because the learners are exposed to a particular

situation or event that is stressful to them.

3. Specific-Situation Anxiety. Spielberger says that situation

specific anxiety is defined as an individual tendency to be

anxious in a particular time and situation.23 Situation specific

anxiety can be seen as a subcategory of trait anxiety

experienced at a given context. Thus, language anxiety can

be included in situation specific anxiety. It comes by a

Septy Indrianty, “Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English …………. p. 30
Spielberger CD, 2015, Anxiety……, p. 191
Spielberger CD, 2015, Anxiety……, p. 191

specific type of situation or event such as public speaking,

examinations, and class participation

F. Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA)

Foreign language might be challenging for the students who live in

the EFL environment. Since the English language is not their first or second

language they feel hard to express their feeling or their idea into English

which make them uncomfortable to speak English. The situation that the

students are not the native speaker and can not express their idea is known

as “foreign language anxiety” and it happens because of the psyological and

emotions that they have. In foreign language classrooms, speaking is

deemed essential to master as it is one of the productive skills of language.

However, EFL learners often express their feeling of anxiety while speaking

in the target language. Some researchers found the same evidence through

their research findings. Horwitz found that communication apprehension to

be closely interwoven with foreign language anxiety.24 Moreover, Price

observed that the learners in her foreign language class revealed that

speaking in front of the peers in the target language was the most anxiety-


Horwitz recognized three components of foreign language anxiety:

communication apprehension, fear of negative social evaluation, test

Horwitz, “Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety”, ………, p.127
Price, Mary lou. (1991). “The Subjective Experience of Foreign language
Anxiety: Interview with Highly Anxious Students”, in Elaine K Horwitz and Dolly J. Young
(ed), Language anxiety from theory and Research from Classroom Implicaton, (New Jersey:
Prentice-Hall Inc.) p. 104.

anxiety.26 Communication apprehension is usually manifested through “a

type of shyness characterized by fear of or anxiety about communicating

with people”, unwillingness to speak in groups or in public and struggle

listening to or learning what is being said by the speaker. The belief that one

will not be able to understand or make oneself understood while using the

target language often leads to the arousal of communication apprehension

among students. Many students who are otherwise talkative in other

situations, claim to “freeze” or have a “mental block” when they are

required to speak in a language learning environment. Tests are usually used

as a tool for measuring one’s knowledge of a language. Thus, the students

aim for the highest scores, and that is when test anxiety which stems from

fear of failure comes into play. Fear of negative evaluation is defined as

apprehension about others’ evaluation, avoidance of evaluative situations

and the expectation that others would evaluate oneself negatively.

Mac Intyre and Gardner defined foreign language anxiety as "the

feeling of tension and apprehension specifically associated with second

language contexts, including speaking, listening, and learning" 27and argued

that there is a correlation between foreign language anxiety with

performance in second language but not in the native language.

Furthermore, Horwitz proposed that foreign language anxiety as distinct

Horwitz, “Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety”, ....... P. 127-128
MacIntyre, & Gardner, “How Does Anxiety Affect Second Language
Learning? A Reply to Sparks and Ganschow”, in The Modern Language Journal, Vol.
79, No. 1,2010, P. 90

complex of self-perception, belief, feeling, and behaviors related to

classroom language learning arising from the uniqueness of the language

learning process.

Based of the statement above, conclude that foreign language

anxiety is a feeling of anxious, worry and apprehension experienced when

learning or using other language.

G. Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety (FLSA)

In general, people can be categorized as a good speaker is when they

can carry out two-way communication with others both in monologues and

dialogue. Otherwise, it cannot be said success if the other person cannot

understand what is the speaker trying to say. It can be occured due to the

anxious experienced by the speaker especially for those who are not native

speaker. Furthermore, Foss and Reitzel as cited in Diananti entitled Junior

High School Students Anxiety in English Class that FLSA could be

happened because the language learners or speaker not only have to learn

the foreign language but they need to perform the language28.

Horwitz et al. found that in counselling sessions at the Learning

Skills Centre of the University of Texas, the students said that they had most

problems in speaking, speaking difficulties in class probably being the most

frequently cited concern of the anxious foreign language students. The

students said that they did not feel too apprehensive during drills or about

Dinanti Yemima Lufi Sirait, Thesis “Junior High School Students Anxiety in
English Class”, (Salatiga: Christian University of Satya Wacana,2015), p 13.

speaking if they had time to plan their spoken interventions, but would

freeze if they had to speak spontaneously. 29 He noted that students who are

apprehensive about making mistake in front of others could feel anxious

during the class.

Based on the statement above, foreign language speaking anxiety

(FLSA) can be defined as an individual’s feeling of fear and anxiety in

communication orally

H. Factor Contributing in Foreign Language Anxiety

Anxiety can happen for various reasons. Sometimes anxiety can

happen because of the learning activites and teacher performance in the

class and speaking anxiety is the most provoking factor that caused the

anxiety. Inappropriate ways of teaching can also contribute to students

anxiety. According to Worde, inability to understand what is being said by

the teacher can lead students to a communication apprehension.30 Koch and

Terrel in oxford found that oral skits and oral presentation in front of the

class as the most anxiety producing activities. They also noted that being

called on to respond orally can produce anxiety. 31 Besides of that,

sometimes anxiety comes from the students themselves. Some students feel

that language is difficult because the feel language is difficult. For example,

the students believe that they should speak English perfectly so they feel

Horwitz, “Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety”, ………, p.130
Renee von Worde, Students‟ Perspectives on Foreign Language Anxiety,
Inquiry, Vol. 8 No. 1, 2003, p. 5.
Anggiyana Mustachim, thesis “ Student Anxiety in Learning English”, (UIn
Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2014), p. 26

threatness while learning English and it can produce an anxiety. Price states

that many students feel anxious because of their self-perception that their

English is worse than others.32 Mostly it comes from their learning

experience. A stressfull learning experience will make students believe that

language is difficult. And this condition is quiet enough to produce the


According to Marwan, lack of preparation will absolutely make the

students feel anxious, they fear if they cannot perform well and this

condition can give the big contributor of anxiety in learning foreign

language.33 Furthermore, Horwitz adding that certain beliefs about language

learning also contribute to the students tension and frustration in the

classroom. The students point of view who think English is a difficult

subject will certainly lead them to feel anxious and uncomfortable while

learning English in class. Here the illustration of possible factor contributing

to foreign language anxiety.

Price, Mary lou. “The Subjective Experience of Foreign language Anxiety:
Interview with Highly Anxious Students”, in Elaine K Horwitz and Dolly J. Young (ed),
Language anxiety from theory and Research from Classroom Implicaton, (New Jersey:
Prentice-Hall Inc,1991.) p. 106.
Adi marwan, “Investigating students foreign language anxiety”, in Malaysia
Journal in ELT Research Vol. 3, 2007. P. 68
Horwitz, “Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety”, ....... P. 132

Figure 2.1
The Possible Factors Contributes in Students’ Speaking Anxiety

Difficulty in
From Understanding
Lecturer Lecturer’s

The Difficulty of

Lack of Confidence

in FLSA Fear of Making

From Fear of Fail in The

Students Class

Lack of

Sources: Horwitz35 and Price36.

The figure above shows the possible factors might contribute in

speaking anxiety in learning English of the Fifth Semester students at IAIN

Samarinda. There are five factors might comes from the lecturers and the

students that will be found by the researcher.

Horwitz, “Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety,……………, P.129-130.
Marry Lou Price, “The Subjective Experience of Foreign Language Anxiety,…….., p.105

I. Previous Study

Nowadays, there are many researchers who have investigated about

FLA (Foreign language Anxiety) in different perspectives and most of them

have focused on, it is as follows:

Abrar entitled EFL Student Teachers’ Speaking Anxiety: The Case

In One English Teacher Education Program.37 The researcher concluded

that EFL student teachers are highly anxious when speaking English and

there is no the difference between male and female student teachers on

FLSA. The purpose of this study is to examined student teachers Foreign

Language Speaking Anxiety (FLSA) associated with gender and

proficiency differences. Indrianty entitled Students’ Anxiety In Speaking

English (A Case Study In One Hotel And Tourism College In Bandung). The

researcher concluded that the factor contributing to students anxiety in

speaking are lack of vocabularies and lack of preparation. The purpose of

this study is to investigate the students anxiety in speaking English and

investigate the type of anxiety faced of the students.38

Mustachim entitled Student Anxiety in Learning English (A Case

Study at the 8th Grade of SMPN 9 South Tanggerang). The researcher

concluded that factors that cause students feel anxious in English are

because they are laughed at by their friends, do not understand the teacher's

explanation lack of preparation. The purpose of this study is to figure out

Mukhlash Abrar, thesis “EFL Student Teachers’ Speaking Anxiety: The Case In
One English Teacher Education Program” in IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English
Education), vol. 3, 2016, p 60
Septy Indrianty, “Students’ Anxiety …., . p. 28

the factor contributing in anxiety of learning English.39 Marwan entitled

Investigating Students foreign Language Anxiety. The researcher concluded

that the majority of students, experienced some kinds of foreign language

anxiety and many of them also applied particular strategies to overcome

their foreign language anxiety. The purpose of this study is the types of

anxiety experienced by foreign language learners and the strategies they use

to cope with their anxiety. 40

Darmawati entitled Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English At Second

Grade Students Of SMA Pesantren Mahyajatul Qurra’ Takalar. The

researcher concluded that Students anxiety in learning English is caused of

their belief that English is difficult subject. The purpose of this study is find

about the cause of students’ anxiety in speaking English. 41 Lizuka entitled

Learner Coping Strategies for Foreign Language Anxiety. The researcher

concluded that students experienced anxiety in some context as follow:

participating in class without enough preparation, speaking in front of the

class, difficulty in following teachers and classmate, fear of making mistake

in presentation, and students feeling about his own English proficiency. The

purpose of this study is to investigate learners’ coping strategies for anxiety

experienced in foreign language (FL) learning contexts42

Anggiyana Mustachim, thesis, “Student Anxiety in Learning English…, p. 34
Adi Marwan, “ Investigating Students foreign…” p. 67
Darmawati, thesis “Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English At Second Grade
Students Of SMA Pesantren Mahyajatul Qurra’ Takalar”, (UIN Alauddin Makassar,2014),
p. 34
Keiko lizuka, “Learner Coping Strategies”, p. 106.

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