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Aspects of Industrialization:: Vocabulary-Mastering of Language

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English Module Mme BEKKARI N.


A- Processes and Practices :

Expression Explanation Opposite expression Explanation

Heavy industry e.g. steel works, Light Industry e.g. manufactoring car parts,
shipbuilding TV sets

Manufacturing industry Making things ; e.g. Service Industry Serving people ; e.g.
consumer goods tourism, banking
High-technology Involving computers ; e.g. Low-Technology Involving little or no
(informal : high-tech) software industry (informal : low-tech) computer technology

Privatisation e.g. selling off state rail- Nationalisation or state When industry is owned by
ways to private companies ownership the government

Many big industries are run as public-private partnership. Partly state-owned, partly owned by private industries or

The car industry receives huge subsidies from the government. money/grants which enable it to stay in profit.

Foreign companies are often given sweeteners by the govenment to persuade them to open factories in poor or
underdeveloped areas. money/grants or tax benefits to encourage them to open a factory or business.

The government tries to encourage inward investment investment from foreign companies.

B- Industriel Practices :

Example Explanation

Most of the factory workers are on piecework which puts They are paid for the amount they produce
them under great stress.

Child labour is a serious problem in some developing The employment of children to do adult jobs

In many countries, the right to trade union representation The right to have a union that negociates wages and
has only come after long struggles conditions

Many cheap electrical goods are produced in sweatshops Factories where people work very long hours for low wages
in poorer countries

The company bacame a lame duck and collapsed after five Weak business that loses money
English Module Mme BEKKARI N.

The big multinational(1) often close factories as a cost- 1:Big companies with operations in many different
cutting exercise (2) and relocate(3) and switch countries ;
production(4) to countries where labour and costs are
2 :effort to reduce their costs ;
3 :move the company’s offices to a different place ;

4 :move the centre of manufacturing to a different place,

often where labour is cheaper 

Industries cannot grow successfully if the ris too much red Bureaucracy ; i.e. government rules and regulations

Retraining and reskilling are necessary when an economy Training people for new jobs and teaching thm new skills
is modernised for things they have not done before

- Activity One : Use the expressions from the table A to rewrite these sentences with more appropriate vocabulary
instead of the underlined words :

1- The economy cannot depend only on things like restaurants and hotels. We need to encourage industries that
make things we can sell.

2- In this area there are a lot of industries that use computers and things, while in the north, they depend more on
industries that don’t use such up-to-date technology.

3- The idea that everything should be owned by the gouvernment is not very popular any longer, and selling
industries off is the typical pattern a all over the world now.

4- Industry with big factories prodcing things like steel and so on has declined, and now we’re more dependent on
industry that makes things like bicycles and furniture.

- Activity two : Give words or expressions which mean :

1- A payment or tax benefit to a company to persuade it to open a factory somewhere

2- A combination of state ownership and private ownership

3- Payments or grants from the government which enable loss-making industries to continue

4- Investment in a country by foreign companies

English Module Mme BEKKARI N.
5- A weak industry that is losing money and cannot be rescued

6- Bureaucracy and rules and regulations that restrict industry

7- An economy that depends on factories producing larges quantities of cheap goods based on long hours and low

8- To change the location where goods are produced (two expressions)

- Activity three : Here are some more expressions relating to problems in industry. Make sure ypi know what they
mean, then use them to fill the gaps in the sentences below. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Black market copyright infringement industrial piracy

industrial espionnage money laundering

1- …………………………….. is a serious problem in many parts of the world, with factories producing illegal copies of top
brand names.

2- It was a serious case of ……………………………… . The designs for the new aircraft were photographed illegally and sold
to a rival company.

3- ………………………………is a problem for people who make a living writing books. Illegal editions mean that the author
receives no payment.

4- …………………………… huge international problem, as police and banks try to trace money from the illegal drugs
trade and terrorism.

5- There is a big …………………………… the importation of untaxed luxury cars in some countries.

- Activity four :

write a short composition of about 100-150 words describing the pattern of industrial practices in your country. Describe
the labour situation, trade union rights, the right to strike, minimum wage, the role of multinationals, and so on, unsing as
much vocabulary you have seen.
English Module Mme BEKKARI N.


1- Service industries, manufacturing industries

2- High-technology/high-tech industries, low-technology/low-tech industries

3- State ownership (or nationalisation), privatisation

4- Heavy industry, light industry.


1- Sweetener

2- A pubic-priate partnership

3- Subsidies

4- Inward industries

5- A lame duck (industry)

6- Red tape

7- A sweatshop economy

8- To switch production, to relocate


1- Industrial piracy (illegal production of goods using another company’s brand name)

2- Industrial espionage (stealing or destroying a rival company’s plans or secretss)

3- Copyright infringement (publishing or copying a book or work of art without the author’s permission)

4- Money laundering (passing money illegally earned through the normal banking system without being caught)

5- Black market (secret, illegal trade).

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